Happy Palindrome Day
Today is a Palindrome Day for those who use the standard ISO date format of “yyyymmdd”. Enjoy it because there will not be another one for more than 8 years.
Tool for IPUMS data users
I am happy to announce the release of my IPUMS data prep tool to help users of IPUMS data load their extracts into their own database systems.
Getting lm_sensors to work
lm_sensors is a wonderful little library that provides access to hardware monitoring data provided directly by motherboard chips and processors. This includes voltages, fan speeds, and temperatures, all very important for monitoring the health of your system. Motherboard manufacturers usually supply their own monitoring applications included on CD, but these are almost always Windows only. For linux users, the lm_sensors library is usually the only way to access this data.
Wireless Linux at boot without X
Since most servers require a constant, fast, reliable network connection, it’s no surprise that they are typically connected via wired Ethernet. And, since most wireless users are mobile, it stands to reason that the majority of wireless configuration tools are wrapped in a graphical interface activated by a windowing system. In a standard linux installation where a wireless adapter is present, the adapter can be activated at boot time but the connection to the wireless access point is not negotiated until the user establishes a desktop session.
Building a Home PC - Part 5 Post-install Configuration
After installing linux and logging in for the first time, run at least these basic commands to ensure that everything looks the way you expect: ps aux, top, free, df, du. Also look at anaconda-ks.cfg and install.log in root’s home directory for a complete log of the installation process to make sure there weren’t any errors or that you find something unexpected.
Building a Home PC - Part 4 Linux Installation
Fun with the favorite OS.
Building a Home PC - Part 3 Build Day
The fun of build day.
Building a Home PC - Part 2 Hardware
In Part 1, I explained my motivation for deciding to build a new PC for use at home. In this post, I will be a little more specific about what type of PC I am looking for, and the methods behind my hardware selection process.
Building a Home PC - Part 1 Motivation
The first step upon embarking on the well-worn path of the home PC enthusiast: justifying the expense. Where’s the ROI?
What is analytics?
I define analytics as the practice of using data to build models that explain, optimize, or predict some event in order to provide a business advantage.
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