Ten years ago1 I wrote a hacky Python script to read the metadata from IPUMS extracts in order to load the datasets into a relational database system. I’ve personally reached for this script at least once a year since I wrote it—every time new IPUMS datasets are released and often throughout the year when I need additional data for some supplemental analysis. It’s a little clunky, requires Python 2, needs a lot of extra space to uncompress the raw data files, but it still gets the job done. But today there is a better way, mainly thanks to the IPUMS project with the development of the ipumsr package. An RDBMS such as PostgreSQL is an ideal solution for storage of Census microdata and in this post I will share an updated method that simplifies moving the data into the database.
The IPUMS Project at the Minnesota Population Center is truly one of the shining gems in the world of quantitative social science.
I know a few purists who prefer to work directly with the microdata files provided by the Census Bureau. I used to be one of them. PUMS datasets released by the Census Bureau are arguably among the cleanest datasets you will ever be lucky enough to encounter in your career. However, to read them into a statistical package requires writing your own metadata based on the documentation. Arguably this is not a terrible burden, as it is typically a once-a-year rodeo. If you are concerned solely with analysis of each individual year in isolation, then the only ongoing concern you may have is verifying that your read-in scripts work correctly for any subsequent releases addressing errata. However, should you be interested in any cross-year analysis, you will soon discover that the Census Bureau’s variable naming conventions are not necessarily consistent from year to year. You will then embark on a frustrating exercise in harmonizing the variables across year. You will also discover that value labels will also change from year to year. The universe definitions may also vary. Missing value codes may not line up. The list goes on. The IPUMS project solves all of this for you by providing harmonized datasets that unify variable names and value labels across all years. Not only does this save an enormous amount of time, it also relieves you of the worry of introducing analysis-killing bugs when attempting to line up variables across the years.
Since the earliest days of IPUMS, the extract system would always provide you with command files for SPSS, SAS, and Stata. Not only were these the most common statistical packages used by researchers at the time, but they also share a similar enough metadata model that variable labels and value labels can be easily translated among them. For example, SPSS uses VALUE LABELS, SAS uses PROC FORMAT, and in Stata the “label define” command is used to attach labels to the values of categorical variables. As R gained in popularity, there were frequent requests over the years for IPUMS to support some method of reading their extracts into R data frames. However, R is a bit of an odd duck in the company of the aforementioned statistical packages. R doesn’t have a built-in facility for variable labels, and its closest analogue to value labels—factors—is just different enough to make facile translation from SPSS, SAS, or Stata an uneasy proposition.
The solution for many years was simply to ship a csv and have R users import that into a data frame. Sure, it works, but without any of the corresponding metadata, it certainly felt like R was relegated to second-class citizen status. This all changed with the introduction of the ipumsr package which finally brings R up to par with those other statistical packages when it comes to convenience of analysis of IPUMS extracts. Reading the extracts into R is a simple two-step process: first, parse the DDI file which contains all the relevant metadata, and then use the metadata to load the microdata:
<- read_ipums_ddi("path_to_extract.xml")
ddi <- read_ipums_micro(ddi) data
By using the DDI file, ipumsr users actually now have access to more metadata than SPSS, SAS, or Stata users. The DDI contains more comprehensive documentation on the variables including the universe specifications and user notes.
It was during my own exploration of the read_ipums_ddi
function that I discovered this would greatly simplify my method of
loading the extracts into Postgres.
Why a database?
There are a few reasons why I take this extra step of loading the IPUMS extracts into an RDBMS. First, it eliminates the need to load a full extract into memory as a data frame. These datasets are “medium” sized in the sense that they don’t quite constitute “big data” in the loose definition of anything that can’t reasonably be stored on a personal computer. But they’re not small either, and loading a complete extract into memory will take away quite a bit of available resources on even very recent and very well-provisioned machines. Doing so is also wasteful, especially since you are likely to only concern yourself with a very small subset of those variables in any given analysis. My solution is to keep the full extracts in Postgres, then with each analysis I simply write a SQL query and connect to the database using RPostgres to retrieve only those variables and observations I need.
Another compelling reason to use an RDBMS is to maintain a single source of truth. When working with data frames in R, it’s all to easy to recode something and not remember how you did it, or subset cases and forget to restore the original dataset. Personally I wouldn’t even trust my own R data frames sitting in a directory I last touched 3 years ago. I would have zero confidence that anything I did on that dataset would be reproducible. It’s much safer to simply start again with the source of truth. This is the cleanest way to maintain confidence in the integrity of your analysis, and know that others can easily reproduce your results.
A third reason to store your microdata in an RDBMS is that you then have the freedom to use any tool that you may wish or require. If you’re a regular SPSS user but for some work you need to use SAS, then suddenly you have to go figure out why the method you used to use to convert sav files to sas7bdat isn’t working this week. The bottom line is that if you marry your data storage formats with your choice of analysis tool, you will be in for a lot of pain if and when you need to use a different tool. I also have an annoying hobby of writing my own analysis tools, especially web-based data analysis tools, so having the data available in a database is the easiest way to serve it up within a web framework.
So given that relational databases work a lot differently than stat packages, how do you structure the microdata and metadata from IPUMS extracts in a database? I use a very simple schema that handles just about every use case while also preserving the most valuable metadata. Create three tables, one for variable metadata, one for value labels, and finally one for the actual microdata.
create table vars (
var_name TEXT,
var_label TEXT,
var_desc TEXT,
code_instr TEXT,INT,
var_type TEXT
create table vals (
var_name TEXT,value INT,
value_label TEXT );
The vars
table contains one row per variable and
includes any additional metadata you’d like, the most important being
the variable label. Here (again, thanks to the ipumsr package), I can
also include the variable description from the IPUMS documentation,
which contains notes on variable coding
instructions also taken from the documentation, implied decimals and
variable type information. Note that all of these can be conveniently
stored using the data type TEXT
which is not SQL standard
but should be available in other RDBMS as well. This data type is simply
wonderful and I hope to never again have to use VARCHARs.
The vals
table is simply a concatenation of every
combination of variable and value, for which a label exists. The only
caution I would make here is that we must declare a consistent data type
across all labeled values and I find INT
to be the most
appropriate. This means you can’t include value labels for alphanumeric
or floating point variables (I mean, you shouldn’t anyway because
categorical variables should be integral in the first place.)
Ok, so with a schema like this, how do we parse the extract metadata
to make this easy to load? This was the main job for my ipums_data_prep
Python script. It worked by parsing the SPSS syntax file which is only
possible because the IPUMS extract system is always consistent in how it
writes out the commands for load data infile
variable labels
, and value labels
. But this is
clearly a hack and it would be preferable to get the metadata from a
more official method. IPUMS has always shipped the DDI file along with
its extracts. DDI is an XML-based format that represents the metadata
for a dataset. Since the DDI is meant to be a source-of-truth rendition
of a dataset, parsing this file would definitely be better than relying
on regular expressions thrown against the SPSS file. However, parsing
XML is one of those things to which I decided long ago that I did not
want to allocate any of life’s precious time. Thankfully, the IPUMS team
has done so in the read_ipums_ddi
function. Using the
return value of this function we have all the information we need to
populate our database schema.
Before we dive into actually loading the data, I must mention a few
caveats about setting up your IPUMS extracts to properly set them up for
loading into a database. When you get to the “Create Data Extract” after
selecting your samples and variables, make sure that data format is
“Fixed-width text (.dat)” and data structure is “Rectangular”. The
fixed-width option will save a lot of bandwidth and disk space compared
to a csv. More than half the csv file will be commas, and I don’t see
much point in storing a hundred million commas on disk. You may be
tempted to select a Hierarchical extract, which will also save a lot of
download time and space, but for loading to a database we actually want
rectangular extracts. The strategy here is to keep household records
separate from person records in their own tables. So, for a household
extract, choose “Household records only” in the extract options. For the
corresponding person records, create a new extract, make sure it’s
rectangular, and then only select the household variables you
would need to join them back to the person records. In the case of IPUMS
USA, that would be SAMPLE
De-select all the others, or just ignore them when you load them into
the person table later on.
Once you download your extract, don’t even bother to unzip it. Just ship it directly to your database server (if that’s something other than your local machine). Fire up a psql shell, create a database, and then create a new staging table as follows:
create table ipums_staging (input text);
We’re going to bulk load the data file into a single text column named ‘input’.
COPY ipums_staging FROM PROGRAM 'zcat /tmp/usa_NNNNN.dat.gz' WITH (FORMAT text);
Next we need to create the household and person tables, using the
metadata extracted from the read_ipums_ddi
function. Load
up the ipumsr package in an R session, run this function and take a
quick look inside:
<- read_ipums_ddi("usa_NNNNN.xml", lower_vars = TRUE)
ipumsddi $var_info
# A tibble: 71 x 10
var_name var_label var_desc val_labels code_instr start end imp_decim var_type rectypes<chr> <chr> <chr> <list> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <lgl>
1 year Census year "YEAR repo… <tibble [… NA 1 4 0 integer NA
2 sample IPUMS samp… "SAMPLE id… <tibble [… NA 5 10 0 integer NA
3 serial Household … "SERIAL is… <tibble [… "CodesSERIAL… 11 18 0 numeric NA
4 pernum Person num… "PERNUM nu… <tibble [… "CodesPERNUM… 19 22 0 numeric NA
5 perwt Person wei… "PERWT ind… <tibble [… "CodesPERWT … 23 32 2 numeric NA
6 famunit Family uni… "FAMUNIT i… <tibble [… NA 33 34 0 integer NA
7 famsize Number of … "FAMSIZE c… <tibble [… NA 35 36 0 integer NA
8 subfam Subfamily … "SUBFAM in… <tibble [… NA 37 37 0 integer NA
9 sftype Subfamily … "SFTYPE in… <tibble [… NA 38 38 0 integer NA
10 sfrelate Relationsh… "SFRELATE … <tibble [… NA 39 39 0 integer NA
# … with 61 more rows
The object returned from read_ipums_ddi
is a list of
various objects—mostly data frames—that are parsed from the DDI file.
The one we’re most interested in is var_info
, a tibble with
all the variable metadata.
Create table statement
Before we can parse the columns from the staging table, we need to create the actual table where the household or person records will be stored. All we need at this point is the variable name and its SQL data type. Run the following to print out the DDL for the create table statement:
<- function(var_type, imp_decim, start, end) {
sqlcoltype case_when(
imp_decim %in% c("integer", "numeric") & 1 + end - start > 9 ~ "BIGINT",
var_type %in% c("integer", "numeric") & 1 + end - start > 4 ~ "INT",
var_type %in% c("integer", "numeric") ~ "SMALLINT",
var_type TRUE ~ "TEXT"
<- function(ddi) {
sqltablespec $var_info %>%
coltype = sqlcoltype(var_type, imp_decim, start, end),
outstr = paste0(
" ",
str_pad(var_name, 16, "right"),
coltype,ifelse(row_number() == n(), "", ",")
) select(outstr) %>%
format_delim(delim="\t", col_names=FALSE)
We need to cat
the return value of this function so that
it will print literal newlines instead of “\n”. The output should look
something like this:
sample INT,
serial INT,
pernum SMALLINT,
I used some padding to get a nice two-column layout that’s easier to read. You might want to review the logic I’m using to determine the data type of numeric variables. Anything with an implied decimal will be treated as DOUBLE PRECISION, but it’s up to you if you want to simply keep this as INT. Since an INT can’t store anything larger than 2,147,483,647, if a variable uses more than 9 columns in the fixed-width data file, we need to read it in as a BIGINT to prevent integer overflow. I use SMALLINTs for any numeric variables having 4 or fewer digits. SMALLINTs can store values up to 32,767, and require only 2 bytes to store compared to 4 for a standard integer. Since the vast majority of IPUMS variables are simple single-column variables with just a few categories, using SMALLINTs instead of INTs as the default will save a ton of disk space. My household table dropped from 6216 MB down to 4543 MB when using SMALLINTs. I wouldn’t even try loading a person table without this optimization, it would be a total disk space killer.
Insert into from staging table
So now that we’ve created the table, we need to parse the single column of text representing all of the variables in fixed-width format. The query we need will look like this:
insert into person select
nullif(regexp_replace(substr(input, 1, 4), '\D', '', 'g'), '')::SMALLINT AS year,
nullif(regexp_replace(substr(input, 5, 6), '\D', '', 'g'), '')::INT AS sample,
nullif(regexp_replace(substr(input, 11, 8), '\D', '', 'g'), '')::INT AS serial,
nullif(regexp_replace(substr(input, 19, 4), '\D', '', 'g'), '')::SMALLINT AS pernum,
from acs_staging_39
To generate that lovely cruft, we use this function:
<- function(ddi) {
sqlinsert $var_info %>%
coltype = sqlcoltype(var_type, imp_decim, start, end),
substrexpr = paste0("substr(input, ", start, ", ", 1 + end - start, ")"),
colexpr = case_when(
!coltype %in% c("text") ~ paste0("nullif(regexp_replace(", substrexpr, ", \'\\D\', \'\', \'g\'), \'\')")
),outstr = paste0(
" ",
str_pad(paste0(colexpr, "::", coltype), 100, "right"),
"AS ", var_name, ifelse(row_number() == n(), "", ",")
) select(outstr) %>%
format_delim(delim="\t", col_names=FALSE)
The basic idea is to use the start and end column positions to setup
a call to SQL’s substr
function. Unfortunately, it’s never
that simple so we need some extra hardening to make sure it runs without
error. We need the regexp_replace
to remove any non-numeric
characters from any variables that are supposed to be numeric. This is
here primarily to remove blank spaces. Then we handle edge cases and
return null if the entire column selection is blank. For well-behaved
variables like replicate weights, all you need is the
, but for general purpose household and person
variables, I’d include the full statement to ensure the COPY statement
doesn’t choke on unexpected input that it doesn’t feel like parsing to a
numeric data type.
Vars and Vals
While Postgres churns away at those lovely string functions, get back into R and we will prepare the metadata for the vars and vals tables. For the variable table, we get everything directly from the ipumsddi variable info, but we need to take care of some non-printable characters that will make Postgres mad.
$var_info %>%
ipumsddiselect("var_name", "var_label", "var_desc", "code_instr", "imp_decim", "var_type") %>%
distinct(var_name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
var_label = str_remove_all(var_label, "[\t\r]"),
var_desc = str_remove_all(var_desc, "[\t\r]"),
code_instr = str_remove_all(code_instr, "[\t\r]")
) mutate(
var_label = str_replace_all(var_label, "\n", "\\\\n"),
var_desc = str_replace_all(var_desc, "\n", "\\\\n"),
code_instr = str_replace_all(code_instr, "\n", "\\\\n")
) write_delim(file = "/tmp/acs_vars.dat", delim="\t", col_names=FALSE, na="\\N")
For vals, we have to do a little un-nesting to get the value labels.
$var_info %>%
ipumsddifilter(var_type %in% c("integer", "numeric")) %>%
select("var_name", "val_labels") %>%
distinct(var_name, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
unnest(val_labels) %>%
write_delim(file = "/tmp/acs_vals.dat", delim="\t", col_names=FALSE, na="\\N")
The two resulting files can then be read into Postgres with the following:
COPY vars FROM '/tmp/acs_vars.dat' WITH (FORMAT text);
COPY vals FROM '/tmp/acs_vals.dat' WITH (FORMAT text);
It’s a little bit of copypasta, but I think it’s a lot easier to handle compared to my older script, and because it’s using the DDI file and a function written by the IPUMS team, this should also be a more reliable way of preparing IPUMS extracts for loading into your favorite RDBMS.
When I first wrote this, it said “A few years ago”, because in my mind I recall that it was roughly a few years ago that I wrote the script. When I actually looked it up to discover that it was in fact ten years ago I was once again shocked by how strangely inaccurate is my personal recollection of the passage of time.↩︎