Data analysis is an iterative process. A tab deck such as this is typically the first real step in the process, after—and often during—cleaning. The goal of an exploratory data analysis is not to come up with conclusions, but rather to come up with more questions. In this stage we don’t set out to “prove” anything, we study the data and use it for hypothesis generation. This report doesn’t formally constitute an analysis. These are the raw tabs we would use as reference while continuing the analysis and digging deeper. EDA gives you the “What” in data analysis—it establishes facts. But it does not answer the all important question of “Why?” After looking through this report, you should be asking yourself “Why?” over and over. You will use those questions to generate hypotheses to explain what you see in these tabs. It’s the job of a further, more refined, analysis to answer those questions.
This document is not about making value judgements1, this document is about establishing facts and asking questions. Even though the subject matter is highly political, as analysts we must approach the work with a scientific mindset. Our personal political views have no bearing on our approach to this analysis. As we review the tabs, we make observations about the findings, but only interpret and speculate to the extent that we can raise questions to explore further.
The American National Election Studies is a research survey conducted since 1948 to study public opinion and voting behavior in US presidential elections. As a joint project between Stanford and the University of Michigan and funded by the National Science Foundation, the ANES is the most comprehensive and methodologically rigorous survey of political opinion available today. In stark contrast to the slew of polls one encounters daily in various news media, the ANES is designed and conducted to extremely high standards and with a budget that allows for the collection of high quality data. The skepticism one may justifiably hold regarding the polling industry is simply not applicable to the ANES.
Although a full critique of the polling industry is rather tangential to the goals of this analysis, a brief outline of the methodological concerns involved is necessary in order to quickly defray the argument that ANES data can be dismissed due to an association with polls (“all polls are wrong, therefore the ANES data is wrong”). Most public opinion surveys operate with severe constraints of both time and budget that limit their validity. To fulfill their primary objective of providing timely survey data for immediate publication, polls predominantly rely on telephone surveys conducted with Random Digit Dialing. Historically, this has been the closest way of cheaply approximating a probability sample. However, RDD response rates have plummeted to the low single digits2 and are continually declining while the proportion of the population reachable using this method is also declining. With a budget of only a few dollars per completed interview, it is simply not possible to provide a quality representative sampling of the US population.
This is not a blanket condemnation of an entire industry. I have worked with many people in the polling industry, as well as its sibling industry of market research in which I personally spent many years, and it is full of smart people artfully solving complex problems. The quality of polling varies greatly in this market and there are certainly many respectable research firms that invest in the rigor and science of their survey methodology. Ultimately, however, I would argue that the time and budget constraints imposed by the market are incongruent with the goal of a representative sample.
The dismal performance of the election polls of 2016—and sadly again in 2020—are not surprising because of these constraints. Despite the fact that a lot of good work is being done to improve the predictive utility of the polls, notably among aggregators like Fivethirtyeight, the GIGO principle retains its rule, even at scale. An aggregate of a hundred polls, each conducted hastily with a meager budget and a shaky methodology, will still suffer from the same stench as if there were only one. This is not a problem that can be solved by developing fancier models using MRP.
While the media organizations reporting these polls would certainly like for them to be accurate, they have little incentive to pay for a proper survey3. There is no argument to be made that viewership or readership would be increased by investing in an expensive methodology when all their competitors are using the same cheap polls. There is no downside to using the cheap polls because, everyone is doing it and after all, this is all guesswork, right? The media will never do retrospectives on why their polls were wrong because by the time this comes to light the news cycle is on to something completely different. The unfortunate consequence of this race to the bottom is that now nobody trusts survey research, even when it’s done right.
My point is that the ANES is not subject to these flaws. With a multi-million dollar annual budget, a trained staff, principal investigators who are leaders in their fields, constant refinement of their survey methodology and questionnaire design, and an organizational history dating back to 1948, the ANES is not in the same league as public opinion polls. I emphasize this because the distrust in polls could be used as a shield to levy immediate criticism of the ANES data by anyone who may find results that disagrees with their ideological bent. They could appeal to the now established distrust of polls to cast doubt on anyone who uses ANES data in their research, again: “all polls are wrong, therefore the ANES data is wrong”. This prologue is simply a preemptive warning that such an argument will not fly here. You do not get to dismiss these data as “fake news” just because you find something you dislike.
The ANES is not perfect—no survey can be—but it’s design is more than sufficient to buttress itself against these dismissive criticisms of traditional public opinion polls. One hypothesis for the pronounced bias of political polls in both 2016 and 2020 is partisan nonresponse: essentially, that nonresponse is highly correlated along partisan lines. With a 1% response rate on an opt-in population, correlated nonresponse is clearly a massive problem. I would not expect to generalize from a sample given such conditions. Now, to what extent does this affect the ANES, with a 40% response rate drawn from a probability sample with nearly full coverage of the population? Of course it can’t be zero, but it is highly unlikely that there is a segment of the population with unique political views that could not be captured by this survey.
I was motivated to do this analysis for two reasons. First, I have been searching for a rich, clean, freely available, and substantively interesting dataset to use in developing a series of tutorials on How to Analyze Data. I will be using the ANES data in these tutorials as a way of teaching the process of data analysis. Equally as important, I came to this project out of sheer desperate frustration with the state of the political climate during the 2020 election season. As with most of us, my peers and media choices largely reflect my own views, and I have been struggling with ways to escape the filter bubble. In trying to understand how US politics has evolved into its present hyper-partisan divide, I have been trying to find high-quality datasets that can shed light on these political differences. For all those times I have found it inconceivable that people on the opposite side of the political spectrum have come to the conclusions they have, I finally have a dataset that can help explain why they think like they do. I believe the ANES can greatly contribute to this understanding. It is my hope that well-meaning people on all sides of the political fence will turn to resources like the ANES to learn why others think as they do.
I am not a political scientist—my training was in sociology and I have been a data scientist for 25 years4, so I know my way around a set of data. Approaching large complex surveys for the first time is daunting. Since this will be a common task for anyone who wishes to leverage the ANES in their own analysis, I hope this document will help ease some of the laborious time required when becoming acquainted with the data.
There are 1,381 variables in the current version of the ANES 2020 dataset and despite the length of this report, I am just barely scratching the surface of what there is to learn here. I hope that some of you will be able to re-use this code to apply it to your own research topics in this highly valuable dataset. While exploring the tabs, I highly encourage you to download the User guide as well as the actual survey questionnaire for reference. This way you will have the full context into how the questions were asked and how the available response categories were worded.
My approach to each variable is to begin with an unrecoded frequency table using the appropriate weighting variable, which in this report is primarily the full-sample pre-election weight variable V200010a
. I am not including unweighted tabulations because these are expected to be released with the documentation in the final release of the dataset. The primary crosstab variable I am considering in this analysis is by the repondent’s expressed vote, intended vote, or preference for either the Democratic or Republican Presidential candidate, based on the variable V201075x
. This crosstab is also weighted, but I remove missing values from the table (Don’t know, Refused, Inapplicable, etc). Following this I include a further demographic breakdown by voting intent along gender, age, race, and education. The demographic breaks are hard-coded in the demotable
function which is available in the file anes_functions.R
and also reproduced in the appendix. I’ve tried to build some modularity into this function and it should be fairly straightforward to change the demographic breaks or add additional ones if needed in your analysis. I include a few visualizations using ggplot where I felt it would communicate better than a table. There are still many more variables that would benefit from plotting that I have not had time to develop. I may add to this report as time permits.
In the demographic table I report the point estimate and the 95% confidence interval in parentheses below it. The confidence intervals are calculated using srvyr’s survey_mean
function which relies on the svyciprop
function from the survey package. Since the ANES is not a simple random sample, variance calculations must take account of the survey design to generate accurate results. This is well documented in the ANES User Guide and Codebook in the section on “Data Analysis, Weights, and Variance Estimation”. While the documentation uses Stata in most of the discussion, the same methods are available in R using survey or srvyr. A good introduction to the topic is Survey Data Analysis with R in the Statistical Consulting pages at UCLA.
I’ve included confidence intervals to assist in gauging the statistical significance of the demographic breaks. This is especially important because in some of the segments the sample sizes do get very thin. These should be used as helpers but not as formal stat tests. If confidence levels do not overlap, then the difference is statistically significant, but the converse is not necessarily true. A difference may be significant even if there is some overlap in the confidence intervals5.
This report is generated using RMarkdown with knitr, Pandoc, and the kableExtra package. I make heavy use of the tidyverse. The haven and labelled packages enable R to easily read Stata files along with metadata such as value labels. Procedures that require calculating standard errors (confidence intervals, t-tests, chi-squared tests, regression, etc.) must use either the survey or srvyr packages.
The source repository for this report is available here. All code is freely usable under the terms of the MIT license; however, the analysis is my own and I ask that you do not reproduce it without contacting me first. Please also contact me if you find any errors, obtain different results when replicating this analysis, or if you have questions about the methods I am using, or suggestions for improvement.
Lastly, if I have committed crimes of omission, it is due merely to a shortage of time, not to any conscious effort to portray the results with any particular spin. There is so much material here I cannot possibly comment on each variable. Although I may add to it over time as I develop my tutorials, if anyone wants to contribute please open a pull request and I will consider adding to the document with a proper citation. Do stick to the ethos of an EDA: no value judgements, merely a summary of the facts and the questions they raise that may benefit from further analysis and spark hypothesis generation.
Now, let the fun begin!
<- "~/data/nov3/ANES/anes_timeseries_2020_stata_20210324.dta"
# See appendix for complete source code
source("anes_functions.R", local = knitr::knit_global())
source("anes_recodes.R", local = knitr::knit_global())
In this section we perform a few checks on the dataset to ensure that counts match what is expected. The current version of the dataset is a preliminary release, and the ANES team is continuing to validate the data, add additional summary variables, and refine the survey weights. As a result, these values may change as additional versions of the dataset are released.
<- read_dta(file = anesfile)
anes <- anes %>% all_recodes()
<- anes %>% count(version)
t1 quicktable(t1, colnames = (c("Version", "N")), title = "Dataset version")
Version | N |
ANES2020TimeSeries_20210324 | 8,280 |
Compare these counts to the reported counts on the ANES study page.
<- anes %>% count(sample_mode)
t1 <- anes %>%
t2 count(sample_mode, post_complete) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = post_complete, values_from = n)
<- quicktable(t1, colnames = c("Sample mode", "N"), align = "lc")
k1 <- quicktable(t2, colnames = c("Sample mode", names(t2)[2:ncol(t2)]), align = "lcc")
k2 twintables(k1, k2)
Full-sample pre-election and post-election survey design objects with weights. This report is focused on the pre-election survey, so we will use the anespre
design object for any calculation involving standard errors. The construction of the survey object is slightly different when using the srvyr
package. As an example, see the demotable
function in the appendix.
# survey design objects
<- svydesign(id=~V200010c, strata=~V200010d, weights=~V200010a, data=anes, nest=TRUE)
anespre <- svydesign(id=~V200010c, strata=~V200010d, weights=~V200010b, data=anes, nest=TRUE)
<- anes %>% count(sample_mode, wt = V200010a)
t1 <- anes %>% count(sample_mode, wt = V200010b)
<- quicktable(t1, colnames = c("Sample mode", "N"), title = "Pre-election weighted count")
k1 <- quicktable(t2, colnames = c("Sample mode", "N"), title = "Post-election weighted count")
k2 twintables(k1, k2)
Confirm that the survey design objects are also weighting correctly.
<- as_tibble(svytable(~sample_mode, design=anespre))
t1 <- as_tibble(svytable(~sample_mode, design=anespost))
<- quicktable(t1, colnames = c("Sample mode", "N"), title = "Pre-election weighted count")
k1 <- quicktable(t2, colnames = c("Sample mode", "N"), title = "Post-election weighted count")
k2 twintables(k1, k2)
This constructed variable is based on a series of questions asked to determine whether the respondent will likely vote for Biden or for Trump in the 2020 election. I will use this as the primary crosstab variable throughout the remainder of this report. This will enable us in additional analysis to formulate hypotheses about the differences between likely Biden voters and likely Trump voters.
Why not skip directly to the post-election survey and use the respondent’s actual vote in the election? We could—and should—replicate all these crosstabs based on the actual post-election vote. I decided on pre-election intent for a few reasons. First, the pre-election dataset is a massive enough source of variables that we will not lack for interesting topics to study. Working with the pre-election data is also easier as a first-timer to this dataset because we don’t need to worry about the effect of post-election nonresponse. Although the pre to post completion rate is quite high, as you can confirm in the Sample mode section above, there may be some issues with correlated nonresponse and I’d rather not deal with that in this first EDA. Finally, I would also make the case that a respondent’s expressed voting intent in the pre-election will be very highly correlated with their actual vote. So, this should be a durable representation of the two sides of the 2020 electorate.
One area of interest for future work is to examine how much of the variability in voting intent can be explained purely by demographics. Note that the ANES does not provide any geographic data, not even a simple urban/suburban/rural distinction. Still, it would be interesting to see how well we could predict voting intent based solely on age, gender, ethnicity, and education.
<- anes %>% count(V201075x) %>% mutate(p = n / sum(n)) %>% as_factor()
t1 <- anes %>% count(V201075x, wt = V200010a) %>% mutate(p = n / sum(n)) %>% as_factor()
t2 <- t1 %>% left_join(t2, by = "V201075x")
t3 $p.x <- percent(t3$p.x, accuracy = 0.01)
t3$p.y <- percent(t3$p.y, accuracy = 0.01)
colnames = c("", "Unweighted N", "Unweighted %", "Weighted N", "Weighted %"),
title = "Vote/intent/preference",
align = "lrrrr"
Unweighted N | Unweighted % | Weighted N | Weighted % | |
-Inapplicable | 523 | 6.32% | 598 | 7.22% |
Democratic candidate selected (vote) | 267 | 3.22% | 277 | 3.35% |
Republican candidate selected (vote) | 118 | 1.43% | 111 | 1.35% |
Other candidate selected (vote) | 9 | 0.11% | 8 | 0.09% |
Democratic candidate selected (intent to vote) | 3,759 | 45.40% | 3,704 | 44.74% |
Republican candidate selected (intent to vote) | 3,016 | 36.43% | 2,937 | 35.48% |
Other candidate selected (intent to vote) | 363 | 4.38% | 350 | 4.23% |
Democratic candidate selected (preference) | 84 | 1.01% | 103 | 1.24% |
Republican candidate selected (preference) | 135 | 1.63% | 185 | 2.24% |
Other candidate selected (preference) | 6 | 0.07% | 6 | 0.07% |
Examine the relative contribution from each of the components of pre-election vote/intent/preference for both D and R. Since early voting was possible while the pre-election survey was ongoing, some of the respondents had already voted by the time of their interview. The vast majority of this variable is made of those who haven’t yet voted but express a clear intent for whom they will vote. Another small group did not express an intent, but did express a preference in a follow-up question for one of the candidates.
<- anes %>% count(preintent, vip, wt = V200010a) %>%
t1 filter(! & ! %>%
group_by(preintent) %>%
mutate(p = n / sum(n)) %>%
select(preintent, vip, n, p)
<- t1 %>%
t2 pivot_wider(id_cols = vip, names_from = preintent, values_from = c(n, p)) %>%
mutate(p_D = percent(p_D, accuracy = 0.1), p_R = percent(p_R, accuracy = 0.1))
# kable(t2,
# col.names = c("Component", "D Count", "R Count", "D %", "R %"),
# format.args = list(big.mark = ","), digits = 0, align = "lrrrr"
# ) %>%
# kable_classic(full_width = FALSE, html_font = "Verdana")
colnames = c("Component", "D Count", "R Count", "D %", "R %"),
title = "Vote/intent/preference",
align = "lrrrr"
Component | D Count | R Count | D % | R % |
Vote | 277 | 111 | 6.8% | 3.4% |
Intent | 3,704 | 2,937 | 90.7% | 90.8% |
Preference | 103 | 185 | 2.5% | 5.7% |
ggplot(t1, aes(x = preintent, y = p, fill = vip)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill",stat = "identity") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) +
scale_color_discrete(name="Vote/intent/preference") +
title = "Components of Pre-election Vote/intent/preference",
subtitle = "among likely Democratic vs Republican voters",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
Let’s do a chi-squared test to see if the difference in the distributions is significant. As of the preliminary release, the differences are statistically significant. Thus, we could consider limiting the analysis to the “intent” category, excluding the early voters as well as those with a preference but not an intention to vote. The “intent” catgory is the most dominant among both D and R sides. At this time I don’t see this as a good enough reason to throw away cases. You should always be skeptical of any analysis that removes legitimate observations from the analysis!
Given the empirical results of the 2020 election that Biden voters were more likely to have voted by mail and to have voted early, to remove this group from the analysis may bias the results by excluding a dedicated segment of Biden voters. I would argue that this variable is an adequate operationalization for distinguishing between likely Biden and likely Trump voters. Still, let’s keep the subtelty involved in this variable in mind throughout the analysis. It may become necessary later to disentangle the 3 components, or even rely on another measure altogether—such as the actual post-election vote.
For brevity, I may refer to the groups as “Biden voters” vs “Trump voters” or even just “Ds” vs “Rs” instead of the much wordier technical definition: “eligible voters who are either registered to vote or intend to register to vote prior to the election, who have either already voted for, intent to vote for, or express a preference to vote for Biden or Trump”.
<- svydesign(id=~V200010c, strata=~V200010d, weights=~V200010a, data=anes, nest=TRUE)
anespre svychisq(~vip + preintent, design=subset(anespre, ! & !
## Pearson's X^2: Rao & Scott adjustment
## data: svychisq(~vip + preintent, design = subset(anespre, ! & !
## F = 21.155, ndf = 1.97, ddf = 262.01, p-value = 0.00000000379
Now we enter the actual substantive questions in the survey that we will crosstab with our voting intent variable.
Is there anything the respondent likes about the Democratic Presidential candidate? Note that fully 17% of likely Biden voters don’t actually like anything about Biden! Wow, this is certainly one of those “Why?” moments I mentioned above. In the demographics, we see that older Ds, whites, and college graduates are more likely to like Biden, there is noticeable hesitance among Non-whites and non-college graduates.
%>% tabtemplate1(V201106, "Like anything about the Democratic candidate") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
82.84% (81.06%, 84.48%) |
17.16% (15.52%, 18.94%) |
R |
12.10% (10.62%, 13.74%) |
87.90% (86.26%, 89.38%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
83.58% (81.10%, 85.82%) |
16.42% (14.18%, 18.90%) |
D - Female |
82.24% (79.76%, 84.48%) |
17.76% (15.52%, 20.24%) |
R - Male |
12.84% (10.62%, 15.44%) |
87.16% (84.56%, 89.38%) |
R - Female |
11.26% (9.30%, 13.54%) |
88.74% (86.46%, 90.70%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
80.92% (75.26%, 85.54%) |
19.08% (14.46%, 24.74%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
79.42% (74.28%, 83.74%) |
20.58% (16.26%, 25.72%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
90.52% (87.24%, 93.02%) |
9.48% (6.98%, 12.76%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
72.90% (66.90%, 78.16%) |
27.10% (21.84%, 33.10%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
80.70% (76.36%, 84.40%) |
19.30% (15.60%, 23.64%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
89.64% (86.10%, 92.36%) |
10.36% (7.64%, 13.90%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
16.12% (10.64%, 23.66%) |
83.88% (76.34%, 89.36%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
12.34% (8.98%, 16.72%) |
87.66% (83.28%, 91.02%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
12.30% (9.02%, 16.56%) |
87.70% (83.44%, 90.98%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
10.78% (6.68%, 16.92%) |
89.22% (83.08%, 93.32%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
12.32% (9.48%, 15.86%) |
87.68% (84.14%, 90.52%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
9.56% (6.92%, 13.06%) |
90.44% (86.94%, 93.08%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
87.22% (85.24%, 88.96%) |
12.78% (11.04%, 14.76%) |
D - Non-white |
77.26% (73.88%, 80.32%) |
22.74% (19.68%, 26.12%) |
R - White |
11.20% (9.62%, 13.00%) |
88.80% (87.00%, 90.38%) |
R - Non-white |
16.04% (12.28%, 20.68%) |
83.96% (79.32%, 87.72%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
87.30% (85.00%, 89.30%) |
12.70% (10.70%, 15.00%) |
D - Not college grad |
79.30% (76.64%, 81.72%) |
20.70% (18.28%, 23.36%) |
R - College Grad |
16.16% (13.12%, 19.74%) |
83.84% (80.26%, 86.88%) |
R - Not college grad |
10.56% (9.04%, 12.28%) |
89.44% (87.72%, 90.96%) |
Is there anything the respondent likes about the Republican Presidential candidate? We can see that likely Trump voters more often report they like something about Trump (91%) than likely Biden voters for Biden (83%). This is well sustained across gender, with older Rs even more agreeable to Trump than younger Rs.
The proportion of likely Trump voters who find something they like in Biden (12%) is roughly the same as the proportion of likely Biden voters who like something about Trump.
%>% tabtemplate1(V201110, "Like anything about the Republican candidate") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
11.38% (9.98%, 12.94%) |
88.62% (87.06%, 90.02%) |
R |
91.26% (89.72%, 92.58%) |
8.74% (7.42%, 10.28%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
12.98% (10.98%, 15.30%) |
87.02% (84.70%, 89.02%) |
D - Female |
10.16% (8.58%, 11.98%) |
89.84% (88.02%, 91.42%) |
R - Male |
91.64% (89.68%, 93.26%) |
8.36% (6.74%, 10.32%) |
R - Female |
90.82% (88.56%, 92.66%) |
9.18% (7.34%, 11.44%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
13.22% (9.50%, 18.10%) |
86.78% (81.90%, 90.50%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
15.40% (11.62%, 20.14%) |
84.60% (79.86%, 88.38%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
10.88% (8.20%, 14.30%) |
89.12% (85.70%, 91.80%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.86% (8.70%, 15.98%) |
88.14% (84.02%, 91.30%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.08% (7.80%, 12.92%) |
89.92% (87.08%, 92.20%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
9.10% (6.64%, 12.32%) |
90.90% (87.68%, 93.36%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
85.54% (78.90%, 90.34%) |
14.46% (9.66%, 21.10%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
90.94% (87.68%, 93.38%) |
9.06% (6.62%, 12.32%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
95.22% (92.98%, 96.78%) |
4.78% (3.22%, 7.02%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
82.26% (74.30%, 88.14%) |
17.74% (11.86%, 25.70%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
90.82% (86.48%, 93.86%) |
9.18% (6.14%, 13.52%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
94.94% (92.96%, 96.38%) |
5.06% (3.62%, 7.04%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
11.28% (9.40%, 13.50%) |
88.72% (86.50%, 90.60%) |
D - Non-white |
11.64% (9.62%, 14.06%) |
88.36% (85.94%, 90.38%) |
R - White |
92.30% (90.66%, 93.66%) |
7.70% (6.34%, 9.34%) |
R - Non-white |
86.94% (81.76%, 90.82%) |
13.06% (9.18%, 18.24%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
12.06% (10.18%, 14.20%) |
87.94% (85.80%, 89.82%) |
D - Not college grad |
10.62% (8.86%, 12.68%) |
89.38% (87.32%, 91.14%) |
R - College Grad |
93.20% (91.16%, 94.80%) |
6.80% (5.20%, 8.84%) |
R - Not college grad |
90.32% (88.30%, 92.02%) |
9.68% (7.98%, 11.70%) |
Is there anything R dislikes about the candidates?
20% of likely Biden voters find something they dislike about Biden, while 25% of likely Trump voters find something they dislike about Trump. I would be very curious to see how this question played out in prior elections, however, merging the 2020 dataset with the ANES cumulative data file will take quite a bit of work.
For likely Biden voters about Biden, the younger ones, whites, and college graduates more often find something they dislike about him. For likely Trump voters about Trump, it’s also the younger ones and college graduates but Non-whites much more so than whites.
%>% tabtemplate1(V201108, "Dislike anything about the Democratic candidate") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
20.52% (18.60%, 22.56%) |
79.48% (77.44%, 81.40%) |
R |
81.84% (80.06%, 83.50%) |
18.16% (16.50%, 19.94%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
23.00% (20.20%, 26.08%) |
77.00% (73.92%, 79.80%) |
D - Female |
18.46% (16.08%, 21.08%) |
81.54% (78.92%, 83.92%) |
R - Male |
83.80% (81.54%, 85.82%) |
16.20% (14.18%, 18.46%) |
R - Female |
79.76% (76.88%, 82.36%) |
20.24% (17.64%, 23.12%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
28.06% (22.38%, 34.56%) |
71.94% (65.44%, 77.62%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
25.14% (20.48%, 30.48%) |
74.86% (69.52%, 79.52%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
17.34% (14.04%, 21.20%) |
82.66% (78.80%, 85.96%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
25.98% (21.18%, 31.40%) |
74.02% (68.60%, 78.82%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
19.86% (16.14%, 24.18%) |
80.14% (75.82%, 83.86%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
12.50% (9.98%, 15.52%) |
87.50% (84.48%, 90.02%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
81.98% (76.36%, 86.50%) |
18.02% (13.50%, 23.64%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
83.46% (79.62%, 86.68%) |
16.54% (13.32%, 20.38%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
85.88% (82.02%, 89.00%) |
14.12% (11.00%, 17.98%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
67.80% (59.24%, 75.30%) |
32.20% (24.70%, 40.76%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
76.46% (71.22%, 81.00%) |
23.54% (19.00%, 28.78%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
87.42% (84.44%, 89.90%) |
12.58% (10.10%, 15.56%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
23.00% (20.60%, 25.58%) |
77.00% (74.42%, 79.40%) |
D - Non-white |
17.54% (14.96%, 20.48%) |
82.46% (79.52%, 85.04%) |
R - White |
83.98% (82.16%, 85.64%) |
16.02% (14.36%, 17.84%) |
R - Non-white |
72.64% (66.84%, 77.76%) |
27.36% (22.24%, 33.16%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
25.64% (22.90%, 28.58%) |
74.36% (71.42%, 77.10%) |
D - Not college grad |
16.52% (14.28%, 19.04%) |
83.48% (80.96%, 85.72%) |
R - College Grad |
86.64% (83.68%, 89.12%) |
13.36% (10.88%, 16.32%) |
R - Not college grad |
79.82% (77.42%, 82.04%) |
20.18% (17.96%, 22.58%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201112, "Dislike anything about the Republican candidate") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
90.06% (88.64%, 91.32%) |
9.94% (8.68%, 11.36%) |
R |
25.22% (23.34%, 27.20%) |
74.78% (72.80%, 76.66%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
89.72% (87.62%, 91.50%) |
10.28% (8.50%, 12.38%) |
D - Female |
90.30% (88.56%, 91.80%) |
9.70% (8.20%, 11.44%) |
R - Male |
26.26% (23.66%, 29.04%) |
73.74% (70.96%, 76.34%) |
R - Female |
24.20% (21.50%, 27.14%) |
75.80% (72.86%, 78.50%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
90.12% (85.00%, 93.62%) |
9.88% (6.38%, 15.00%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
88.14% (83.76%, 91.46%) |
11.86% (8.54%, 16.24%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
90.56% (87.56%, 92.90%) |
9.44% (7.10%, 12.44%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
92.32% (88.44%, 94.96%) |
7.68% (5.04%, 11.56%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
89.68% (86.44%, 92.22%) |
10.32% (7.78%, 13.56%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
89.22% (85.72%, 91.92%) |
10.78% (8.08%, 14.28%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
32.04% (25.26%, 39.68%) |
67.96% (60.32%, 74.74%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
25.92% (21.06%, 31.44%) |
74.08% (68.56%, 78.94%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
23.64% (20.18%, 27.52%) |
76.36% (72.48%, 79.82%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
29.50% (22.92%, 37.08%) |
70.50% (62.92%, 77.08%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
25.24% (20.74%, 30.34%) |
74.76% (69.66%, 79.26%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
21.14% (17.26%, 25.62%) |
78.86% (74.38%, 82.74%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
94.54% (93.10%, 95.68%) |
5.46% (4.32%, 6.90%) |
D - Non-white |
84.60% (82.12%, 86.78%) |
15.40% (13.22%, 17.88%) |
R - White |
23.20% (21.18%, 25.34%) |
76.80% (74.66%, 78.82%) |
R - Non-white |
34.56% (29.10%, 40.48%) |
65.44% (59.52%, 70.90%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
95.08% (93.64%, 96.20%) |
4.92% (3.80%, 6.36%) |
D - Not college grad |
86.20% (84.00%, 88.14%) |
13.80% (11.86%, 16.00%) |
R - College Grad |
34.48% (31.02%, 38.14%) |
65.52% (61.86%, 68.98%) |
R - Not college grad |
21.10% (18.76%, 23.64%) |
78.90% (76.36%, 81.24%) |
Overall, 26% of the survey population agree that things in the country are “going in the right direction”. Predictably there is a sharp partisan divide with only 4% of Biden voters supporting this statement compared to 58% of Trump voters.
%>% tabtemplate1(V201114, "Are things in the country on the right track?") anes
Right direction | Wrong track | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
4.00% (3.16%, 5.06%) |
96.00% (94.94%, 96.84%) |
R |
58.14% (55.72%, 60.52%) |
41.86% (39.48%, 44.28%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
5.66% (4.26%, 7.50%) |
94.34% (92.50%, 95.74%) |
D - Female |
2.68% (1.90%, 3.76%) |
97.32% (96.24%, 98.10%) |
R - Male |
58.52% (55.22%, 61.72%) |
41.48% (38.28%, 44.78%) |
R - Female |
57.52% (54.40%, 60.58%) |
42.48% (39.42%, 45.60%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
7.28% (4.38%, 11.84%) |
92.72% (88.16%, 95.62%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.30% (3.10%, 8.90%) |
94.70% (91.10%, 96.90%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
4.54% (2.74%, 7.42%) |
95.46% (92.58%, 97.26%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.98% (1.60%, 5.50%) |
97.02% (94.50%, 98.40%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
4.28% (2.58%, 6.98%) |
95.72% (93.02%, 97.42%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.38% (0.58%, 3.32%) |
98.62% (96.68%, 99.42%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
49.80% (42.00%, 57.60%) |
50.20% (42.40%, 58.00%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
61.50% (56.56%, 66.22%) |
38.50% (33.78%, 43.44%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
60.68% (56.28%, 64.90%) |
39.32% (35.10%, 43.72%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
53.38% (44.50%, 62.06%) |
46.62% (37.94%, 55.50%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
55.84% (50.92%, 60.66%) |
44.16% (39.34%, 49.08%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
61.18% (56.94%, 65.26%) |
38.82% (34.74%, 43.06%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
3.38% (2.52%, 4.50%) |
96.62% (95.50%, 97.48%) |
D - Non-white |
4.84% (3.36%, 6.94%) |
95.16% (93.06%, 96.64%) |
R - White |
58.52% (56.00%, 61.02%) |
41.48% (38.98%, 44.00%) |
R - Non-white |
56.04% (50.16%, 61.74%) |
43.96% (38.26%, 49.84%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
3.38% (2.28%, 5.02%) |
96.62% (94.98%, 97.72%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.46% (3.32%, 6.00%) |
95.54% (94.00%, 96.68%) |
R - College Grad |
54.64% (50.60%, 58.60%) |
45.36% (41.40%, 49.40%) |
R - Not college grad |
59.24% (56.34%, 62.10%) |
40.76% (37.90%, 43.66%) |
Next we have a series of 9 adjectives to describe how respondents feel about how things are going in the country. There is an overwhelming amount of material in the tabs and you may simply want to skip to the visualizations below.
%>% tabtemplate1(V201115, "Hopeful") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
37.14% (35.04%, 39.30%) |
31.26% (29.44%, 33.14%) |
23.80% (22.08%, 25.62%) |
5.60% (4.62%, 6.80%) |
2.18% (1.66%, 2.86%) |
R |
6.62% (5.62%, 7.80%) |
15.50% (13.98%, 17.16%) |
38.50% (36.26%, 40.78%) |
29.30% (27.08%, 31.62%) |
10.08% (8.88%, 11.40%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
32.40% (29.54%, 35.38%) |
33.70% (30.78%, 36.74%) |
25.08% (22.22%, 28.16%) |
6.78% (5.20%, 8.78%) |
2.06% (1.38%, 3.06%) |
D - Female |
41.04% (38.26%, 43.88%) |
29.20% (26.90%, 31.62%) |
22.74% (20.58%, 25.08%) |
4.70% (3.56%, 6.18%) |
2.30% (1.58%, 3.36%) |
R - Male |
6.52% (5.06%, 8.34%) |
14.18% (12.34%, 16.26%) |
37.18% (34.12%, 40.34%) |
31.02% (28.06%, 34.14%) |
11.10% (9.50%, 12.92%) |
R - Female |
6.80% (5.26%, 8.74%) |
16.92% (14.78%, 19.32%) |
39.92% (36.78%, 43.14%) |
27.40% (24.62%, 30.38%) |
8.96% (7.20%, 11.10%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
29.18% (22.64%, 36.70%) |
38.64% (32.42%, 45.24%) |
23.82% (17.86%, 31.00%) |
6.78% (3.92%, 11.52%) |
1.58% (0.66%, 3.72%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
28.56% (24.26%, 33.30%) |
33.58% (28.38%, 39.20%) |
26.00% (21.40%, 31.22%) |
8.54% (5.88%, 12.24%) |
3.32% (1.82%, 5.96%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
38.58% (34.42%, 42.94%) |
30.32% (25.72%, 35.32%) |
24.76% (20.76%, 29.26%) |
5.06% (3.44%, 7.40%) |
1.28% (0.54%, 3.00%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
41.04% (35.40%, 46.92%) |
30.20% (25.42%, 35.46%) |
22.46% (17.94%, 27.72%) |
3.80% (2.10%, 6.82%) |
2.50% (0.98%, 6.24%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
37.20% (32.68%, 41.96%) |
31.62% (27.56%, 35.96%) |
23.12% (19.28%, 27.46%) |
5.70% (3.64%, 8.82%) |
2.36% (1.32%, 4.20%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
44.74% (40.58%, 48.98%) |
26.30% (22.88%, 30.02%) |
22.30% (19.02%, 25.98%) |
4.46% (2.86%, 6.92%) |
2.20% (1.26%, 3.80%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
8.84% (5.10%, 14.90%) |
14.80% (10.82%, 19.88%) |
36.04% (28.88%, 43.86%) |
32.06% (25.38%, 39.58%) |
8.26% (5.12%, 13.08%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.76% (3.84%, 8.56%) |
16.06% (12.54%, 20.34%) |
36.78% (31.82%, 42.04%) |
28.20% (23.26%, 33.74%) |
13.18% (10.14%, 16.98%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
6.06% (4.30%, 8.46%) |
12.52% (10.00%, 15.60%) |
37.48% (33.58%, 41.54%) |
33.32% (29.00%, 37.94%) |
10.62% (8.36%, 13.42%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
6.56% (3.64%, 11.52%) |
21.88% (15.32%, 30.26%) |
35.88% (28.04%, 44.56%) |
24.96% (17.74%, 33.88%) |
10.72% (6.50%, 17.18%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.82% (5.28%, 11.44%) |
18.82% (14.78%, 23.68%) |
42.38% (37.32%, 47.58%) |
25.10% (20.44%, 30.44%) |
5.88% (4.00%, 8.58%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
7.04% (5.06%, 9.76%) |
14.08% (11.42%, 17.26%) |
37.82% (34.00%, 41.82%) |
31.18% (27.14%, 35.54%) |
9.86% (7.42%, 12.98%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
36.10% (33.60%, 38.68%) |
35.26% (32.78%, 37.82%) |
23.30% (21.16%, 25.60%) |
4.46% (3.56%, 5.60%) |
0.88% (0.58%, 1.32%) |
D - Non-white |
38.42% (35.08%, 41.84%) |
26.34% (23.60%, 29.26%) |
24.52% (21.90%, 27.34%) |
7.02% (5.30%, 9.22%) |
3.72% (2.64%, 5.22%) |
R - White |
6.68% (5.56%, 8.02%) |
14.80% (13.18%, 16.56%) |
38.90% (36.50%, 41.38%) |
29.96% (27.42%, 32.60%) |
9.66% (8.40%, 11.10%) |
R - Non-white |
6.18% (3.98%, 9.48%) |
18.54% (14.62%, 23.22%) |
36.58% (30.90%, 42.66%) |
26.72% (21.78%, 32.30%) |
11.98% (8.68%, 16.32%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
32.82% (30.36%, 35.38%) |
35.82% (33.38%, 38.34%) |
25.16% (22.54%, 27.96%) |
5.24% (3.96%, 6.90%) |
0.96% (0.56%, 1.68%) |
D - Not college grad |
40.34% (37.08%, 43.68%) |
27.94% (25.08%, 30.96%) |
22.88% (20.54%, 25.40%) |
5.80% (4.40%, 7.60%) |
3.04% (2.20%, 4.22%) |
R - College Grad |
6.88% (5.10%, 9.22%) |
18.00% (15.02%, 21.40%) |
38.72% (35.02%, 42.56%) |
28.08% (24.86%, 31.56%) |
8.32% (6.80%, 10.14%) |
R - Not college grad |
6.36% (5.16%, 7.84%) |
14.62% (12.94%, 16.46%) |
38.82% (36.08%, 41.64%) |
29.42% (26.70%, 32.32%) |
10.76% (9.10%, 12.68%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201116, "Afraid") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
3.10% (2.46%, 3.90%) |
10.92% (9.64%, 12.34%) |
21.08% (19.38%, 22.88%) |
30.46% (28.60%, 32.40%) |
34.46% (32.38%, 36.60%) |
R |
15.34% (13.80%, 17.04%) |
22.72% (20.78%, 24.78%) |
35.10% (33.02%, 37.24%) |
18.00% (16.30%, 19.84%) |
8.82% (7.40%, 10.48%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
4.24% (3.16%, 5.66%) |
13.70% (11.66%, 16.02%) |
25.50% (22.92%, 28.28%) |
30.76% (27.88%, 33.82%) |
25.80% (22.94%, 28.88%) |
D - Female |
2.18% (1.44%, 3.28%) |
8.48% (6.96%, 10.30%) |
17.48% (15.44%, 19.76%) |
30.32% (27.82%, 32.94%) |
41.52% (38.92%, 44.18%) |
R - Male |
17.68% (15.40%, 20.24%) |
22.40% (19.90%, 25.10%) |
36.68% (33.68%, 39.80%) |
16.06% (14.00%, 18.34%) |
7.18% (5.68%, 9.00%) |
R - Female |
12.86% (11.02%, 14.96%) |
23.04% (20.38%, 25.92%) |
33.40% (30.52%, 36.42%) |
20.14% (17.58%, 22.96%) |
10.58% (8.72%, 12.76%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
5.12% (3.18%, 8.16%) |
15.82% (11.48%, 21.36%) |
30.24% (24.98%, 36.10%) |
30.14% (24.48%, 36.46%) |
18.68% (14.14%, 24.28%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.64% (2.24%, 5.84%) |
16.42% (12.42%, 21.40%) |
26.50% (21.82%, 31.78%) |
29.58% (24.68%, 34.98%) |
23.86% (19.90%, 28.34%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.90% (2.34%, 6.44%) |
9.80% (6.84%, 13.88%) |
20.32% (17.24%, 23.78%) |
32.94% (28.70%, 37.46%) |
33.04% (28.60%, 37.80%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.74% (0.78%, 3.86%) |
8.40% (5.28%, 13.08%) |
16.82% (12.56%, 22.20%) |
31.26% (25.82%, 37.26%) |
41.78% (36.38%, 47.40%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.90% (0.92%, 3.86%) |
9.02% (6.82%, 11.88%) |
19.08% (15.56%, 23.20%) |
28.44% (24.58%, 32.64%) |
41.56% (36.92%, 46.36%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.34% (1.36%, 3.98%) |
7.90% (5.96%, 10.42%) |
16.60% (13.80%, 19.84%) |
30.82% (27.00%, 34.94%) |
42.32% (38.10%, 46.64%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
18.90% (13.96%, 25.08%) |
23.62% (17.54%, 30.98%) |
38.24% (31.22%, 45.76%) |
10.76% (6.88%, 16.46%) |
8.48% (4.92%, 14.24%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
17.56% (13.64%, 22.32%) |
28.12% (23.46%, 33.28%) |
33.94% (28.68%, 39.62%) |
14.54% (11.34%, 18.44%) |
5.84% (3.66%, 9.22%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
16.94% (13.74%, 20.70%) |
17.82% (15.04%, 21.00%) |
37.86% (33.22%, 42.72%) |
19.94% (16.74%, 23.60%) |
7.44% (5.54%, 9.90%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
10.96% (7.22%, 16.30%) |
24.24% (17.04%, 33.28%) |
33.92% (26.40%, 42.34%) |
17.04% (12.14%, 23.40%) |
13.84% (8.76%, 21.20%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
14.04% (10.34%, 18.78%) |
22.66% (18.64%, 27.26%) |
34.82% (30.24%, 39.70%) |
16.38% (13.02%, 20.38%) |
12.12% (8.42%, 17.14%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
12.88% (10.18%, 16.18%) |
21.80% (18.26%, 25.80%) |
32.46% (28.34%, 36.88%) |
24.22% (20.62%, 28.22%) |
8.64% (6.50%, 11.38%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.94% (1.40%, 2.66%) |
10.56% (8.98%, 12.38%) |
22.58% (20.28%, 25.06%) |
30.22% (27.64%, 32.92%) |
34.72% (32.44%, 37.08%) |
D - Non-white |
4.46% (3.24%, 6.14%) |
11.46% (9.24%, 14.10%) |
19.10% (16.82%, 21.60%) |
30.96% (27.76%, 34.36%) |
34.02% (30.62%, 37.62%) |
R - White |
14.66% (13.04%, 16.46%) |
21.84% (19.76%, 24.08%) |
35.96% (33.66%, 38.32%) |
19.10% (17.20%, 21.18%) |
8.42% (7.10%, 9.98%) |
R - Non-white |
17.92% (14.30%, 22.22%) |
26.66% (21.82%, 32.14%) |
31.72% (26.44%, 37.52%) |
13.24% (9.92%, 17.46%) |
10.48% (6.88%, 15.64%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
2.20% (1.58%, 3.06%) |
11.22% (9.26%, 13.52%) |
21.98% (19.50%, 24.66%) |
30.16% (27.68%, 32.76%) |
34.46% (31.72%, 37.30%) |
D - Not college grad |
3.82% (2.88%, 5.06%) |
10.64% (8.88%, 12.70%) |
20.68% (18.48%, 23.08%) |
30.80% (28.10%, 33.64%) |
34.06% (31.06%, 37.20%) |
R - College Grad |
14.94% (12.30%, 18.02%) |
23.80% (20.68%, 27.22%) |
34.62% (30.98%, 38.42%) |
18.42% (15.80%, 21.34%) |
8.24% (6.24%, 10.80%) |
R - Not college grad |
15.66% (13.78%, 17.76%) |
22.00% (19.46%, 24.76%) |
35.20% (32.42%, 38.06%) |
18.02% (15.96%, 20.30%) |
9.10% (7.54%, 10.96%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201117, "Outraged") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
3.48% (2.76%, 4.38%) |
7.78% (6.60%, 9.14%) |
16.28% (14.84%, 17.84%) |
30.14% (28.24%, 32.12%) |
42.32% (40.22%, 44.44%) |
R |
12.54% (11.14%, 14.10%) |
16.90% (15.46%, 18.44%) |
31.76% (29.48%, 34.16%) |
23.40% (21.56%, 25.34%) |
15.38% (13.80%, 17.12%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
3.86% (2.72%, 5.48%) |
8.46% (6.66%, 10.68%) |
18.54% (16.22%, 21.12%) |
32.74% (29.76%, 35.88%) |
36.40% (33.30%, 39.62%) |
D - Female |
3.18% (2.36%, 4.28%) |
7.24% (5.78%, 9.02%) |
14.38% (12.60%, 16.38%) |
28.06% (25.52%, 30.74%) |
47.16% (44.44%, 49.88%) |
R - Male |
13.20% (11.04%, 15.72%) |
16.88% (14.82%, 19.18%) |
31.42% (28.62%, 34.38%) |
23.98% (21.60%, 26.52%) |
14.52% (12.56%, 16.70%) |
R - Female |
11.86% (10.06%, 13.96%) |
16.86% (14.56%, 19.42%) |
32.10% (28.82%, 35.54%) |
22.80% (20.18%, 25.64%) |
16.40% (14.18%, 18.88%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.32% (2.24%, 8.16%) |
10.32% (6.90%, 15.12%) |
20.54% (15.66%, 26.44%) |
33.72% (27.42%, 40.66%) |
31.10% (25.22%, 37.68%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.00% (3.12%, 7.90%) |
8.70% (6.02%, 12.44%) |
17.60% (13.92%, 22.00%) |
30.00% (25.32%, 35.14%) |
38.68% (33.60%, 44.02%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.64% (1.44%, 4.84%) |
6.84% (4.58%, 10.12%) |
17.28% (14.06%, 21.04%) |
34.80% (30.44%, 39.44%) |
38.42% (34.14%, 42.88%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.74% (1.22%, 6.06%) |
8.64% (5.72%, 12.84%) |
11.84% (8.74%, 15.84%) |
24.78% (19.98%, 30.30%) |
52.00% (46.14%, 57.82%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
4.08% (2.42%, 6.80%) |
4.68% (3.18%, 6.88%) |
15.96% (12.64%, 19.96%) |
30.78% (26.28%, 35.70%) |
44.48% (39.62%, 49.48%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.54% (1.54%, 4.18%) |
7.92% (5.58%, 11.10%) |
14.50% (12.18%, 17.18%) |
28.02% (24.42%, 31.94%) |
47.02% (42.72%, 51.36%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
17.44% (12.26%, 24.22%) |
19.26% (13.80%, 26.22%) |
31.48% (24.88%, 38.92%) |
19.64% (14.80%, 25.62%) |
12.18% (7.98%, 18.12%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
14.16% (10.42%, 18.96%) |
20.60% (16.56%, 25.34%) |
32.10% (27.22%, 37.40%) |
21.52% (17.54%, 26.12%) |
11.62% (8.44%, 15.80%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
10.54% (8.10%, 13.60%) |
13.70% (10.98%, 16.96%) |
30.68% (26.78%, 34.86%) |
27.52% (23.96%, 31.38%) |
17.58% (14.66%, 20.92%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
13.32% (8.80%, 19.64%) |
23.14% (16.68%, 31.14%) |
29.98% (22.70%, 38.44%) |
22.26% (16.12%, 29.94%) |
11.30% (7.08%, 17.58%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.68% (7.78%, 14.50%) |
19.60% (15.56%, 24.40%) |
30.66% (25.54%, 36.30%) |
20.58% (16.26%, 25.68%) |
18.48% (14.34%, 23.48%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
11.50% (8.98%, 14.64%) |
13.04% (10.12%, 16.62%) |
32.38% (28.36%, 36.68%) |
25.58% (21.94%, 29.60%) |
17.50% (14.28%, 21.28%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
3.06% (2.24%, 4.20%) |
7.16% (5.86%, 8.74%) |
15.30% (13.60%, 17.16%) |
28.92% (26.34%, 31.64%) |
45.56% (42.94%, 48.18%) |
D - Non-white |
4.00% (2.78%, 5.74%) |
8.64% (6.68%, 11.12%) |
17.24% (14.66%, 20.18%) |
31.80% (28.84%, 34.90%) |
38.32% (35.00%, 41.76%) |
R - White |
11.84% (10.34%, 13.52%) |
16.56% (14.94%, 18.34%) |
31.24% (28.82%, 33.76%) |
24.62% (22.58%, 26.78%) |
15.74% (14.04%, 17.58%) |
R - Non-white |
15.86% (11.86%, 20.88%) |
18.24% (14.34%, 22.94%) |
34.46% (28.98%, 40.38%) |
17.92% (14.10%, 22.50%) |
13.54% (9.98%, 18.08%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
2.60% (1.82%, 3.68%) |
7.30% (5.74%, 9.24%) |
15.44% (13.40%, 17.70%) |
27.92% (25.46%, 30.52%) |
46.76% (43.72%, 49.82%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.20% (3.06%, 5.76%) |
8.22% (6.54%, 10.30%) |
17.10% (15.04%, 19.36%) |
32.36% (29.38%, 35.48%) |
38.12% (35.24%, 41.08%) |
R - College Grad |
13.26% (10.98%, 15.94%) |
19.32% (16.62%, 22.34%) |
32.34% (29.04%, 35.84%) |
21.74% (19.00%, 24.74%) |
13.34% (10.92%, 16.20%) |
R - Not college grad |
12.42% (10.70%, 14.38%) |
15.58% (13.66%, 17.74%) |
31.72% (29.04%, 34.54%) |
24.16% (21.76%, 26.74%) |
16.10% (14.20%, 18.22%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201118, "Angry") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
2.52% (1.96%, 3.24%) |
7.16% (6.02%, 8.48%) |
19.54% (17.96%, 21.26%) |
30.90% (28.96%, 32.92%) |
39.86% (37.76%, 42.02%) |
R |
10.92% (9.54%, 12.48%) |
18.86% (17.04%, 20.84%) |
32.12% (30.00%, 34.30%) |
24.42% (22.48%, 26.48%) |
13.68% (12.00%, 15.58%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
2.76% (2.00%, 3.84%) |
8.26% (6.46%, 10.48%) |
22.18% (19.46%, 25.18%) |
32.82% (29.80%, 36.02%) |
33.96% (30.92%, 37.16%) |
D - Female |
2.34% (1.66%, 3.30%) |
6.26% (5.04%, 7.76%) |
17.40% (15.40%, 19.58%) |
29.36% (26.98%, 31.84%) |
44.66% (42.10%, 47.26%) |
R - Male |
11.70% (9.72%, 14.02%) |
17.54% (15.08%, 20.30%) |
33.18% (30.58%, 35.88%) |
24.22% (21.48%, 27.20%) |
13.36% (11.44%, 15.56%) |
R - Female |
10.14% (8.42%, 12.14%) |
20.42% (17.84%, 23.26%) |
30.78% (27.64%, 34.10%) |
24.58% (21.96%, 27.40%) |
14.08% (11.84%, 16.66%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.90% (1.22%, 6.68%) |
7.74% (4.90%, 12.00%) |
25.10% (19.54%, 31.62%) |
34.86% (28.86%, 41.38%) |
29.40% (24.00%, 35.46%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.06% (1.94%, 4.76%) |
9.92% (6.76%, 14.34%) |
24.10% (19.76%, 29.04%) |
29.62% (24.86%, 34.88%) |
33.30% (28.62%, 38.32%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.56% (1.56%, 4.16%) |
7.28% (5.00%, 10.50%) |
17.76% (14.52%, 21.56%) |
33.68% (29.30%, 38.36%) |
38.70% (34.24%, 43.36%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.38% (0.74%, 2.60%) |
5.50% (3.54%, 8.46%) |
14.74% (10.56%, 20.22%) |
28.80% (23.22%, 35.12%) |
49.56% (43.56%, 55.58%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.44% (1.28%, 4.60%) |
6.58% (4.56%, 9.38%) |
19.38% (15.90%, 23.38%) |
28.20% (23.88%, 32.98%) |
43.42% (38.36%, 48.62%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.40% (1.34%, 4.30%) |
6.74% (4.84%, 9.30%) |
16.50% (13.98%, 19.36%) |
30.82% (26.94%, 34.98%) |
43.54% (39.56%, 47.62%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
9.82% (6.00%, 15.68%) |
20.08% (14.42%, 27.28%) |
35.34% (28.18%, 43.24%) |
22.10% (16.08%, 29.56%) |
12.66% (8.22%, 18.98%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
14.42% (10.80%, 19.00%) |
20.22% (15.76%, 25.56%) |
33.40% (28.52%, 38.66%) |
21.46% (17.36%, 26.22%) |
10.50% (7.40%, 14.66%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
10.60% (8.00%, 13.96%) |
15.06% (11.94%, 18.80%) |
31.54% (27.70%, 35.66%) |
26.96% (23.18%, 31.10%) |
15.84% (12.76%, 19.52%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
10.64% (6.90%, 16.08%) |
26.14% (19.44%, 34.18%) |
27.48% (21.36%, 34.60%) |
26.72% (19.64%, 35.22%) |
9.00% (5.68%, 13.98%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
9.74% (6.90%, 13.58%) |
21.26% (17.16%, 26.06%) |
30.72% (25.66%, 36.30%) |
20.06% (16.48%, 24.20%) |
18.20% (13.88%, 23.48%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
10.02% (7.72%, 12.88%) |
16.78% (13.58%, 20.56%) |
32.86% (28.60%, 37.42%) |
26.80% (23.18%, 30.78%) |
13.54% (10.78%, 16.90%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.94% (1.38%, 2.72%) |
7.24% (5.94%, 8.78%) |
17.68% (15.88%, 19.62%) |
31.30% (28.82%, 33.90%) |
41.84% (39.16%, 44.56%) |
D - Non-white |
3.24% (2.18%, 4.80%) |
7.16% (5.46%, 9.36%) |
21.52% (18.64%, 24.74%) |
30.56% (27.56%, 33.74%) |
37.50% (34.24%, 40.86%) |
R - White |
9.84% (8.52%, 11.34%) |
18.70% (16.74%, 20.82%) |
32.68% (30.30%, 35.14%) |
24.62% (22.46%, 26.94%) |
14.16% (12.34%, 16.20%) |
R - Non-white |
15.38% (11.42%, 20.38%) |
19.96% (15.88%, 24.80%) |
29.52% (24.26%, 35.36%) |
23.58% (19.12%, 28.72%) |
11.56% (8.52%, 15.52%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.72% (1.20%, 2.48%) |
7.44% (5.84%, 9.44%) |
17.70% (15.58%, 20.04%) |
30.36% (27.84%, 33.00%) |
42.78% (39.66%, 45.96%) |
D - Not college grad |
3.16% (2.26%, 4.40%) |
7.12% (5.78%, 8.72%) |
21.14% (18.70%, 23.80%) |
31.14% (28.12%, 34.32%) |
37.46% (34.70%, 40.30%) |
R - College Grad |
10.58% (8.34%, 13.36%) |
21.62% (18.60%, 24.98%) |
33.40% (30.26%, 36.68%) |
22.56% (19.96%, 25.40%) |
11.84% (9.40%, 14.80%) |
R - Not college grad |
11.08% (9.36%, 13.10%) |
17.52% (15.46%, 19.80%) |
31.64% (29.08%, 34.32%) |
25.40% (22.92%, 28.08%) |
14.34% (12.42%, 16.50%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201119, "Happy") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
66.34% (64.06%, 68.54%) |
22.12% (20.30%, 24.06%) |
10.22% (8.92%, 11.70%) |
0.94% (0.66%, 1.34%) |
0.38% (0.20%, 0.72%) |
R |
21.14% (19.24%, 23.20%) |
21.12% (19.32%, 23.04%) |
40.18% (38.22%, 42.16%) |
14.16% (12.62%, 15.88%) |
3.40% (2.68%, 4.28%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
63.42% (60.14%, 66.60%) |
23.12% (20.38%, 26.10%) |
11.86% (9.94%, 14.10%) |
1.28% (0.82%, 2.02%) |
0.30% (0.12%, 0.80%) |
D - Female |
68.74% (65.82%, 71.54%) |
21.24% (19.10%, 23.56%) |
8.88% (7.20%, 10.92%) |
0.68% (0.38%, 1.20%) |
0.46% (0.20%, 1.04%) |
R - Male |
20.44% (17.90%, 23.24%) |
20.20% (17.66%, 22.98%) |
41.18% (38.34%, 44.06%) |
14.54% (12.28%, 17.10%) |
3.66% (2.70%, 4.94%) |
R - Female |
21.98% (19.44%, 24.72%) |
21.96% (19.56%, 24.54%) |
39.26% (36.62%, 41.98%) |
13.66% (11.50%, 16.14%) |
3.14% (2.12%, 4.64%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
59.34% (52.26%, 66.08%) |
27.00% (20.82%, 34.24%) |
12.48% (8.96%, 17.12%) |
0.78% (0.18%, 3.34%) |
0.40% (0.06%, 2.78%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
59.54% (54.32%, 64.54%) |
23.84% (19.34%, 28.98%) |
14.94% (10.98%, 20.00%) |
1.36% (0.66%, 2.78%) |
0.32% (0.08%, 1.42%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
70.82% (66.68%, 74.62%) |
19.78% (16.32%, 23.74%) |
7.52% (5.48%, 10.22%) |
1.68% (0.88%, 3.16%) |
0.22% (0.06%, 0.78%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
66.20% (59.86%, 72.02%) |
25.10% (19.92%, 31.10%) |
7.98% (5.26%, 11.92%) |
0.72% (0.20%, 2.62%) |
NA |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
67.16% (62.54%, 71.48%) |
22.68% (19.18%, 26.64%) |
8.98% (6.42%, 12.42%) |
0.96% (0.42%, 2.20%) |
0.22% (0.06%, 0.86%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
72.40% (67.84%, 76.52%) |
17.34% (14.46%, 20.68%) |
8.88% (6.38%, 12.20%) |
0.42% (0.18%, 1.04%) |
0.96% (0.38%, 2.44%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
21.48% (15.70%, 28.68%) |
24.34% (18.58%, 31.22%) |
39.88% (32.72%, 47.48%) |
11.98% (7.90%, 17.76%) |
2.32% (0.70%, 7.50%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
20.30% (15.70%, 25.82%) |
20.98% (16.70%, 26.04%) |
41.72% (36.54%, 47.08%) |
13.04% (9.44%, 17.74%) |
3.96% (2.28%, 6.78%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
20.20% (16.96%, 23.88%) |
18.28% (15.22%, 21.80%) |
40.50% (36.52%, 44.60%) |
17.02% (13.92%, 20.66%) |
4.00% (2.74%, 5.84%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
25.48% (19.08%, 33.14%) |
23.02% (17.58%, 29.52%) |
35.92% (28.84%, 43.70%) |
13.82% (8.74%, 21.18%) |
1.76% (0.52%, 5.68%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
21.36% (16.38%, 27.36%) |
24.86% (20.26%, 30.12%) |
40.56% (34.94%, 46.46%) |
9.94% (7.44%, 13.16%) |
3.26% (1.52%, 6.88%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
21.76% (18.56%, 25.34%) |
19.26% (16.22%, 22.72%) |
39.64% (35.84%, 43.58%) |
15.38% (12.58%, 18.70%) |
3.94% (2.36%, 6.54%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
66.80% (64.30%, 69.20%) |
22.74% (20.84%, 24.74%) |
9.52% (7.90%, 11.44%) |
0.72% (0.44%, 1.18%) |
0.22% (0.06%, 0.84%) |
D - Non-white |
65.88% (62.28%, 69.32%) |
21.46% (18.46%, 24.76%) |
10.86% (8.94%, 13.12%) |
1.22% (0.74%, 2.04%) |
0.58% (0.30%, 1.16%) |
R - White |
20.50% (18.64%, 22.52%) |
21.20% (19.26%, 23.28%) |
40.62% (38.38%, 42.90%) |
14.26% (12.56%, 16.12%) |
3.42% (2.58%, 4.48%) |
R - Non-white |
24.10% (19.10%, 29.92%) |
20.48% (16.44%, 25.22%) |
38.56% (33.54%, 43.84%) |
13.46% (9.92%, 17.98%) |
3.40% (1.86%, 6.14%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
63.92% (60.88%, 66.88%) |
24.74% (22.48%, 27.12%) |
10.62% (8.52%, 13.18%) |
0.46% (0.22%, 0.94%) |
0.26% (0.08%, 0.76%) |
D - Not college grad |
68.26% (64.94%, 71.40%) |
19.96% (17.36%, 22.82%) |
10.10% (8.52%, 11.96%) |
1.20% (0.78%, 1.80%) |
0.50% (0.22%, 1.06%) |
R - College Grad |
17.34% (14.66%, 20.42%) |
25.04% (21.86%, 28.52%) |
39.96% (36.48%, 43.56%) |
15.48% (12.98%, 18.36%) |
2.16% (1.44%, 3.24%) |
R - Not college grad |
22.84% (20.42%, 25.46%) |
19.48% (17.16%, 22.02%) |
40.24% (37.60%, 42.92%) |
13.52% (11.62%, 15.70%) |
3.92% (2.94%, 5.22%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201120, "Worried") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
1.34% (0.92%, 1.98%) |
5.34% (4.52%, 6.30%) |
15.56% (14.10%, 17.16%) |
33.14% (31.18%, 35.14%) |
44.62% (42.44%, 46.84%) |
R |
7.86% (6.84%, 9.02%) |
19.20% (17.36%, 21.18%) |
34.56% (32.54%, 36.64%) |
25.84% (24.04%, 27.72%) |
12.54% (10.96%, 14.32%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.64% (0.94%, 2.84%) |
6.50% (5.00%, 8.42%) |
18.08% (15.94%, 20.44%) |
36.74% (33.64%, 39.96%) |
37.04% (33.66%, 40.54%) |
D - Female |
1.12% (0.66%, 1.88%) |
4.36% (3.46%, 5.46%) |
13.50% (11.66%, 15.58%) |
30.18% (27.76%, 32.70%) |
50.86% (48.20%, 53.52%) |
R - Male |
8.84% (7.30%, 10.68%) |
20.22% (17.40%, 23.36%) |
36.26% (33.24%, 39.40%) |
23.50% (21.14%, 26.04%) |
11.18% (9.48%, 13.14%) |
R - Female |
6.78% (5.44%, 8.42%) |
18.08% (15.60%, 20.88%) |
32.74% (29.96%, 35.66%) |
28.34% (25.58%, 31.26%) |
14.06% (11.84%, 16.60%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.40% (0.90%, 6.24%) |
4.82% (2.66%, 8.58%) |
20.30% (15.74%, 25.76%) |
38.42% (31.62%, 45.72%) |
34.04% (27.96%, 40.70%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.24% (1.04%, 4.76%) |
8.96% (5.88%, 13.46%) |
17.24% (13.78%, 21.34%) |
36.06% (30.94%, 41.50%) |
35.50% (30.54%, 40.78%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.54% (0.18%, 1.52%) |
5.20% (3.64%, 7.38%) |
16.78% (13.66%, 20.44%) |
36.96% (32.26%, 41.92%) |
40.52% (35.88%, 45.36%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.68% (0.18%, 2.58%) |
2.98% (1.70%, 5.18%) |
12.44% (9.16%, 16.70%) |
28.86% (24.36%, 33.84%) |
55.04% (49.82%, 60.12%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.06% (0.36%, 3.10%) |
4.92% (3.68%, 6.54%) |
14.34% (11.20%, 18.16%) |
29.64% (25.74%, 33.88%) |
50.04% (45.46%, 54.62%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.06% (0.50%, 2.22%) |
4.88% (3.40%, 6.96%) |
13.66% (11.30%, 16.42%) |
30.88% (27.02%, 35.06%) |
49.52% (45.64%, 53.38%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
8.70% (5.88%, 12.66%) |
19.36% (14.04%, 26.08%) |
40.20% (33.24%, 47.60%) |
19.94% (15.26%, 25.60%) |
11.80% (7.48%, 18.10%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
8.62% (5.90%, 12.38%) |
22.32% (17.86%, 27.52%) |
35.98% (30.84%, 41.48%) |
23.78% (19.74%, 28.34%) |
9.30% (6.56%, 13.02%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
8.82% (6.74%, 11.48%) |
18.54% (14.96%, 22.72%) |
35.20% (31.04%, 39.62%) |
25.36% (21.64%, 29.46%) |
12.08% (9.94%, 14.62%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
6.26% (3.22%, 11.82%) |
16.42% (11.52%, 22.86%) |
32.14% (25.54%, 39.56%) |
30.46% (22.94%, 39.20%) |
14.72% (9.88%, 21.38%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.06% (4.88%, 10.12%) |
18.28% (14.18%, 23.22%) |
35.42% (29.98%, 41.26%) |
22.64% (18.18%, 27.84%) |
16.60% (12.74%, 21.36%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
6.64% (4.66%, 9.34%) |
19.36% (16.00%, 23.24%) |
31.58% (27.94%, 35.46%) |
30.24% (26.46%, 34.32%) |
12.18% (9.48%, 15.52%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.36% (0.20%, 0.68%) |
5.24% (4.28%, 6.40%) |
15.32% (13.56%, 17.24%) |
33.42% (30.68%, 36.26%) |
45.66% (43.12%, 48.24%) |
D - Non-white |
2.54% (1.62%, 3.92%) |
5.54% (4.20%, 7.28%) |
15.74% (13.44%, 18.38%) |
32.88% (29.86%, 36.04%) |
43.30% (39.78%, 46.90%) |
R - White |
7.40% (6.30%, 8.70%) |
18.64% (16.84%, 20.60%) |
34.48% (32.38%, 36.62%) |
27.24% (25.34%, 29.22%) |
12.22% (10.54%, 14.16%) |
R - Non-white |
9.34% (7.06%, 12.22%) |
21.88% (16.94%, 27.80%) |
35.64% (30.14%, 41.56%) |
19.48% (15.38%, 24.40%) |
13.66% (9.88%, 18.58%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.76% (0.40%, 1.42%) |
5.12% (3.88%, 6.70%) |
14.44% (12.28%, 16.92%) |
33.52% (30.82%, 36.34%) |
46.16% (43.28%, 49.06%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.82% (1.14%, 2.92%) |
5.60% (4.48%, 7.02%) |
16.54% (14.36%, 18.96%) |
33.02% (30.14%, 36.02%) |
43.02% (39.96%, 46.12%) |
R - College Grad |
6.40% (4.96%, 8.20%) |
20.64% (17.34%, 24.38%) |
35.92% (32.34%, 39.68%) |
24.62% (21.52%, 28.00%) |
12.42% (9.94%, 15.42%) |
R - Not college grad |
8.54% (7.20%, 10.10%) |
18.36% (16.28%, 20.64%) |
33.98% (31.30%, 36.76%) |
26.62% (24.48%, 28.88%) |
12.52% (10.70%, 14.58%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201121, "Proud") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
68.96% (67.02%, 70.82%) |
18.72% (17.14%, 20.42%) |
10.50% (9.14%, 12.02%) |
1.20% (0.80%, 1.82%) |
0.62% (0.38%, 0.98%) |
R |
19.50% (17.72%, 21.42%) |
18.52% (16.92%, 20.24%) |
36.12% (33.94%, 38.36%) |
19.24% (17.28%, 21.36%) |
6.62% (5.54%, 7.92%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
66.62% (63.54%, 69.58%) |
20.28% (17.78%, 23.02%) |
10.96% (9.06%, 13.20%) |
1.60% (0.92%, 2.78%) |
0.54% (0.30%, 0.96%) |
D - Female |
70.76% (67.94%, 73.42%) |
17.54% (15.56%, 19.74%) |
10.18% (8.46%, 12.22%) |
0.84% (0.44%, 1.56%) |
0.68% (0.36%, 1.32%) |
R - Male |
18.60% (16.26%, 21.18%) |
16.56% (14.48%, 18.86%) |
38.30% (35.36%, 41.32%) |
20.10% (17.20%, 23.36%) |
6.46% (5.24%, 7.96%) |
R - Female |
20.46% (18.08%, 23.08%) |
20.66% (18.22%, 23.32%) |
33.88% (30.70%, 37.22%) |
18.34% (16.30%, 20.56%) |
6.66% (5.16%, 8.56%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
64.94% (58.56%, 70.82%) |
22.82% (17.08%, 29.80%) |
9.76% (6.18%, 15.08%) |
1.52% (0.56%, 4.08%) |
0.96% (0.32%, 2.86%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
63.72% (58.34%, 68.76%) |
20.46% (16.50%, 25.10%) |
13.56% (9.96%, 18.20%) |
1.92% (0.76%, 4.80%) |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.10%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
71.40% (67.02%, 75.42%) |
17.82% (14.40%, 21.82%) |
8.92% (6.54%, 12.06%) |
1.46% (0.80%, 2.70%) |
0.40% (0.14%, 1.12%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
75.54% (70.22%, 80.20%) |
14.78% (11.28%, 19.10%) |
8.16% (5.20%, 12.56%) |
1.24% (0.30%, 4.96%) |
0.30% (0.04%, 2.08%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
69.74% (65.34%, 73.80%) |
17.82% (14.86%, 21.24%) |
10.96% (8.06%, 14.70%) |
0.74% (0.38%, 1.50%) |
0.72% (0.26%, 2.10%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
68.98% (64.24%, 73.34%) |
18.56% (15.14%, 22.54%) |
10.84% (8.30%, 14.04%) |
0.68% (0.34%, 1.34%) |
0.96% (0.36%, 2.50%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
22.22% (16.44%, 29.30%) |
14.56% (9.98%, 20.74%) |
44.88% (37.22%, 52.78%) |
14.00% (9.82%, 19.58%) |
4.36% (2.28%, 8.18%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
18.34% (14.46%, 22.96%) |
17.22% (13.80%, 21.26%) |
37.68% (32.68%, 42.94%) |
21.50% (16.84%, 27.02%) |
5.28% (3.12%, 8.78%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
17.52% (14.36%, 21.22%) |
16.98% (13.94%, 20.54%) |
35.36% (31.08%, 39.86%) |
21.96% (17.62%, 27.00%) |
8.18% (6.24%, 10.66%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
23.10% (17.06%, 30.50%) |
25.74% (19.34%, 33.36%) |
30.42% (23.36%, 38.52%) |
13.56% (8.62%, 20.68%) |
7.20% (3.50%, 14.28%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
24.02% (19.44%, 29.30%) |
20.80% (16.30%, 26.14%) |
32.78% (27.42%, 38.62%) |
16.36% (12.98%, 20.44%) |
6.04% (3.64%, 9.88%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
18.40% (15.40%, 21.84%) |
17.38% (14.34%, 20.88%) |
35.76% (31.74%, 39.96%) |
21.68% (17.96%, 25.94%) |
6.80% (4.80%, 9.52%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
68.96% (66.62%, 71.20%) |
20.08% (18.08%, 22.22%) |
9.32% (7.76%, 11.14%) |
1.12% (0.66%, 1.88%) |
0.52% (0.26%, 1.02%) |
D - Non-white |
68.92% (65.40%, 72.24%) |
17.22% (14.64%, 20.14%) |
11.80% (9.70%, 14.32%) |
1.32% (0.74%, 2.32%) |
0.74% (0.38%, 1.46%) |
R - White |
19.42% (17.70%, 21.26%) |
18.08% (16.32%, 20.00%) |
36.86% (34.54%, 39.26%) |
19.18% (17.04%, 21.48%) |
6.46% (5.34%, 7.78%) |
R - Non-white |
19.86% (15.34%, 25.28%) |
20.38% (16.20%, 25.30%) |
33.00% (27.88%, 38.58%) |
19.40% (15.10%, 24.58%) |
7.36% (4.72%, 11.34%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
66.32% (63.46%, 69.04%) |
20.86% (18.70%, 23.18%) |
11.42% (9.36%, 13.88%) |
1.04% (0.54%, 2.00%) |
0.36% (0.18%, 0.74%) |
D - Not college grad |
70.86% (67.74%, 73.78%) |
17.18% (14.68%, 20.02%) |
9.90% (8.20%, 11.92%) |
1.22% (0.74%, 2.00%) |
0.84% (0.46%, 1.50%) |
R - College Grad |
18.00% (15.32%, 21.04%) |
22.42% (19.50%, 25.62%) |
34.94% (31.32%, 38.74%) |
20.24% (17.00%, 23.94%) |
4.38% (3.08%, 6.20%) |
R - Not college grad |
20.30% (18.06%, 22.74%) |
17.16% (15.24%, 19.28%) |
36.46% (33.84%, 39.16%) |
18.50% (16.16%, 21.10%) |
7.56% (6.14%, 9.30%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201122, "Irritated") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
1.36% (0.94%, 1.94%) |
5.08% (4.24%, 6.10%) |
13.32% (11.78%, 15.02%) |
32.92% (30.76%, 35.16%) |
47.32% (44.98%, 49.66%) |
R |
6.22% (5.26%, 7.34%) |
16.10% (14.20%, 18.20%) |
29.32% (27.08%, 31.64%) |
30.16% (28.02%, 32.38%) |
18.22% (16.34%, 20.28%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.48% (0.86%, 2.58%) |
4.44% (3.34%, 5.88%) |
15.84% (13.40%, 18.62%) |
34.82% (31.62%, 38.18%) |
43.42% (40.20%, 46.70%) |
D - Female |
1.26% (0.80%, 1.98%) |
5.62% (4.44%, 7.08%) |
11.30% (9.66%, 13.18%) |
31.46% (28.72%, 34.32%) |
50.38% (47.32%, 53.46%) |
R - Male |
6.06% (4.74%, 7.74%) |
15.92% (13.42%, 18.78%) |
30.34% (27.46%, 33.36%) |
29.22% (26.48%, 32.12%) |
18.48% (16.18%, 21.02%) |
R - Female |
6.38% (4.92%, 8.24%) |
16.28% (13.60%, 19.34%) |
28.08% (25.20%, 31.16%) |
31.20% (28.36%, 34.18%) |
18.06% (15.72%, 20.68%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.02% (0.84%, 4.76%) |
4.26% (2.06%, 8.58%) |
18.06% (13.14%, 24.30%) |
35.94% (29.56%, 42.86%) |
39.72% (33.46%, 46.32%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.96% (0.82%, 4.68%) |
3.94% (2.66%, 5.78%) |
16.60% (12.78%, 21.28%) |
32.62% (27.66%, 37.98%) |
44.88% (39.50%, 50.40%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.70% (0.22%, 2.12%) |
4.94% (3.28%, 7.36%) |
12.90% (10.16%, 16.26%) |
36.12% (31.98%, 40.50%) |
45.34% (40.48%, 50.26%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.08% (0.88%, 4.82%) |
3.40% (1.92%, 5.96%) |
10.62% (7.40%, 15.04%) |
28.90% (23.56%, 34.88%) |
55.00% (48.62%, 61.20%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.78% (0.34%, 1.80%) |
5.02% (3.08%, 8.12%) |
12.16% (9.52%, 15.42%) |
33.64% (29.88%, 37.62%) |
48.40% (43.94%, 52.88%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.94% (0.46%, 1.88%) |
7.32% (5.34%, 9.96%) |
10.46% (8.46%, 12.86%) |
30.98% (26.76%, 35.54%) |
50.30% (45.88%, 54.72%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.20% (3.48%, 10.86%) |
14.90% (10.06%, 21.50%) |
36.50% (29.14%, 44.54%) |
23.26% (17.26%, 30.60%) |
19.12% (13.36%, 26.60%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
8.06% (4.98%, 12.76%) |
18.32% (14.02%, 23.58%) |
28.74% (24.00%, 34.02%) |
29.64% (25.02%, 34.74%) |
15.24% (11.72%, 19.54%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
4.60% (3.20%, 6.60%) |
15.02% (12.06%, 18.56%) |
28.82% (25.04%, 32.94%) |
31.18% (27.80%, 34.78%) |
20.36% (17.04%, 24.12%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
7.30% (4.34%, 12.06%) |
20.32% (14.20%, 28.22%) |
31.56% (24.36%, 39.78%) |
26.32% (19.90%, 33.94%) |
14.50% (9.80%, 20.92%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.08% (4.64%, 10.66%) |
14.90% (11.10%, 19.70%) |
26.88% (21.88%, 32.54%) |
30.52% (25.46%, 36.10%) |
20.64% (16.26%, 25.82%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
5.04% (3.28%, 7.66%) |
14.88% (11.70%, 18.74%) |
27.98% (23.90%, 32.46%) |
33.52% (29.38%, 37.92%) |
18.58% (15.34%, 22.32%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.78% (0.46%, 1.30%) |
3.80% (2.90%, 4.96%) |
12.36% (10.64%, 14.34%) |
32.54% (30.04%, 35.16%) |
50.50% (47.92%, 53.10%) |
D - Non-white |
2.06% (1.28%, 3.26%) |
6.74% (5.26%, 8.62%) |
14.32% (11.96%, 17.08%) |
33.50% (30.22%, 36.94%) |
43.38% (39.70%, 47.14%) |
R - White |
5.36% (4.40%, 6.54%) |
15.48% (13.52%, 17.68%) |
28.90% (26.46%, 31.46%) |
31.78% (29.42%, 34.22%) |
18.48% (16.48%, 20.64%) |
R - Non-white |
9.48% (6.66%, 13.32%) |
19.00% (14.80%, 24.08%) |
31.26% (26.48%, 36.48%) |
23.06% (18.60%, 28.20%) |
17.20% (12.86%, 22.62%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.00% (0.58%, 1.72%) |
3.38% (2.50%, 4.58%) |
11.74% (9.96%, 13.82%) |
32.28% (29.56%, 35.12%) |
51.58% (48.70%, 54.46%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.64% (1.04%, 2.60%) |
6.42% (5.14%, 7.98%) |
14.52% (12.36%, 16.98%) |
33.70% (30.64%, 36.90%) |
43.72% (40.44%, 47.06%) |
R - College Grad |
5.24% (3.76%, 7.26%) |
16.18% (13.18%, 19.70%) |
28.82% (25.66%, 32.20%) |
32.40% (29.06%, 35.92%) |
17.38% (14.52%, 20.68%) |
R - Not college grad |
6.74% (5.42%, 8.32%) |
15.74% (13.62%, 18.10%) |
29.78% (27.04%, 32.68%) |
29.26% (26.64%, 32.00%) |
18.50% (16.44%, 20.76%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201123, "Nervous") anes
Not at all | A little | Somewhat | Very | Extremely | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
2.54% (1.92%, 3.36%) |
7.20% (6.06%, 8.52%) |
18.74% (17.18%, 20.40%) |
32.58% (30.72%, 34.50%) |
38.94% (36.94%, 40.98%) |
R |
10.76% (9.54%, 12.12%) |
22.42% (20.52%, 24.44%) |
34.38% (32.46%, 36.34%) |
21.80% (20.14%, 23.58%) |
10.64% (8.96%, 12.58%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
3.36% (2.18%, 5.14%) |
8.72% (6.72%, 11.22%) |
21.94% (19.56%, 24.54%) |
34.44% (31.52%, 37.46%) |
31.54% (28.74%, 34.50%) |
D - Female |
1.90% (1.30%, 2.78%) |
5.98% (4.76%, 7.50%) |
16.02% (13.94%, 18.34%) |
31.10% (28.68%, 33.64%) |
44.98% (42.28%, 47.72%) |
R - Male |
12.90% (11.04%, 15.02%) |
22.92% (20.32%, 25.76%) |
34.96% (31.98%, 38.08%) |
20.24% (17.78%, 22.94%) |
8.96% (7.18%, 11.14%) |
R - Female |
8.40% (6.88%, 10.22%) |
21.70% (19.00%, 24.66%) |
33.82% (31.10%, 36.64%) |
23.62% (21.20%, 26.24%) |
12.44% (10.32%, 14.94%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.16% (2.18%, 7.76%) |
10.68% (6.72%, 16.58%) |
25.38% (20.44%, 31.08%) |
31.44% (25.92%, 37.56%) |
28.32% (22.78%, 34.60%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.04% (1.60%, 5.70%) |
10.84% (7.36%, 15.70%) |
20.18% (15.94%, 25.20%) |
33.66% (28.80%, 38.90%) |
32.26% (27.68%, 37.22%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.20% (1.32%, 7.60%) |
5.42% (3.76%, 7.74%) |
20.54% (16.78%, 24.88%) |
38.54% (33.66%, 43.66%) |
32.30% (27.88%, 37.04%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.08% (0.38%, 3.02%) |
5.30% (3.28%, 8.46%) |
14.50% (10.60%, 19.50%) |
32.06% (27.04%, 37.54%) |
47.08% (42.00%, 52.20%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.10% (0.54%, 2.22%) |
7.28% (4.96%, 10.60%) |
16.94% (13.76%, 20.66%) |
30.46% (26.52%, 34.70%) |
44.22% (39.28%, 49.28%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.04% (1.84%, 4.98%) |
5.62% (3.94%, 7.94%) |
15.10% (12.34%, 18.38%) |
30.90% (27.18%, 34.88%) |
45.34% (41.04%, 49.72%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
11.54% (7.86%, 16.62%) |
23.82% (18.20%, 30.54%) |
34.58% (28.54%, 41.16%) |
18.32% (12.90%, 25.34%) |
11.74% (7.32%, 18.28%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
13.92% (10.16%, 18.80%) |
28.42% (23.38%, 34.08%) |
31.80% (26.06%, 38.16%) |
19.00% (14.80%, 24.06%) |
6.84% (4.70%, 9.84%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
12.96% (10.36%, 16.12%) |
18.50% (14.98%, 22.62%) |
36.94% (32.62%, 41.44%) |
22.52% (19.00%, 26.46%) |
9.10% (6.78%, 12.10%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
8.52% (5.32%, 13.36%) |
17.12% (11.92%, 24.00%) |
38.34% (30.66%, 46.64%) |
23.02% (16.56%, 31.02%) |
13.02% (8.54%, 19.34%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
6.64% (4.48%, 9.74%) |
19.00% (14.90%, 23.90%) |
40.04% (34.80%, 45.52%) |
22.26% (18.42%, 26.64%) |
12.06% (8.78%, 16.34%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
9.22% (6.90%, 12.24%) |
25.18% (21.10%, 29.74%) |
28.86% (25.24%, 32.78%) |
24.80% (21.58%, 28.32%) |
11.94% (9.14%, 15.44%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.60% (1.04%, 2.46%) |
5.78% (4.70%, 7.08%) |
18.40% (16.54%, 20.40%) |
33.68% (31.14%, 36.32%) |
40.54% (38.08%, 43.06%) |
D - Non-white |
3.64% (2.50%, 5.30%) |
9.04% (7.10%, 11.46%) |
19.08% (16.58%, 21.86%) |
31.54% (28.60%, 34.64%) |
36.70% (33.24%, 40.28%) |
R - White |
10.26% (8.90%, 11.82%) |
22.04% (20.08%, 24.14%) |
34.70% (32.60%, 36.86%) |
22.68% (20.80%, 24.70%) |
10.30% (8.58%, 12.32%) |
R - Non-white |
12.74% (9.58%, 16.76%) |
24.12% (19.34%, 29.66%) |
32.64% (27.28%, 38.50%) |
18.38% (14.54%, 22.96%) |
12.12% (8.66%, 16.72%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.68% (1.04%, 2.74%) |
6.90% (5.36%, 8.84%) |
18.26% (16.08%, 20.66%) |
32.58% (29.72%, 35.56%) |
40.58% (37.82%, 43.40%) |
D - Not college grad |
3.30% (2.32%, 4.68%) |
7.36% (5.70%, 9.46%) |
19.38% (17.12%, 21.86%) |
32.72% (30.00%, 35.56%) |
37.24% (34.44%, 40.14%) |
R - College Grad |
9.32% (7.42%, 11.64%) |
22.52% (19.18%, 26.24%) |
34.42% (31.02%, 38.00%) |
22.64% (19.54%, 26.08%) |
11.10% (8.62%, 14.16%) |
R - Not college grad |
11.30% (9.68%, 13.14%) |
21.98% (19.66%, 24.48%) |
34.54% (32.16%, 37.02%) |
21.74% (19.72%, 23.92%) |
10.42% (8.56%, 12.66%) |
Not many US voters feel happy or proud—even among Trump voters—while a good chunk are outraged and irritated.
anes select(V201115:V201123, V200010a) %>%
howgoes_recodes() %>%
pivot_longer(cols = V201115:V201123, names_to = "var_name", values_to = "howfeels") %>%
group_by(var_name, howfeels) %>%
summarize(n = sum(V200010a)) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(p = n / sum(n), howfeels = as_factor(howfeels)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
var_label = factor(var_name,
levels = c("V201115","V201116","V201117","V201118","V201119","V201120","V201121","V201122","V201123"),
labels = c("Hopeful","Afraid","Outraged","Angry","Happy","Worried","Proud","Irritated","Nervous")
) ggplot(aes(x = var_label, y = p, fill = howfeels)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
title = "How do you feel about how things are going in the country?",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
anes filter(! %>%
select(V201115:V201123, preintent, V200010a) %>%
howgoes_recodes() %>%
pivot_longer(cols = V201115:V201123, names_to = "var_name", values_to = "howfeels") %>%
group_by(preintent, var_name, howfeels) %>%
summarize(n = sum(V200010a)) %>%
filter(! %>%
mutate(p = n / sum(n), howfeels = as_factor(howfeels)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
var_label = factor(var_name,
levels = c("V201115","V201116","V201117","V201118","V201119","V201120","V201121","V201122","V201123"),
labels = c("Hopeful","Afraid","Outraged","Angry","Happy","Worried","Proud","Irritated","Nervous")
) ggplot(aes(x = preintent, y = p, fill = howfeels)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "fill") +
facet_grid(~var_label) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
title = "How do you feel about how things are going in the country?",
subtitle = "among likely Democratic vs Republican voters",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
To de-clutter the plot, let’s focus only on the “Top 2 box”, those who say “Extremely” or “Very”, and plot that along with the 95% confidence intervals to see how the feelings of Biden voters and Trump voters are different.
<- as_survey_design(
anespre svydesign(id=~V200010c, strata=~V200010d, weights=~V200010a, data=anes, nest=TRUE)
<- function(x) {
t2b survey_mean(x >= 4, proportion = TRUE, vartype = "ci", na.rm = TRUE)
<- anespre %>%
t1 filter(! %>%
group_by(preintent) %>%
summarize(across(V201115:V201123, t2b))
<- t1 %>%
t2 pivot_longer(cols = -preintent, names_to = "result", values_to = "val") %>%
separate(result, c("var_name", "modif")) %>%
replace_na(list(modif = "p")) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "modif", values_from = "val") %>%
var_label = factor(var_name,
levels = c("V201115","V201116","V201117","V201118","V201119","V201120","V201121","V201122","V201123"),
labels = c("Hopeful","Afraid","Outraged","Angry","Happy","Worried","Proud","Irritated","Nervous")
ggplot(data = t2, aes(x = preintent, y = p, fill = preintent, ymax = upp, ymin = low)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
facet_grid(~var_label) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
scale_fill_manual(values=polifillcolors) +
geom_errorbar(position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), width = 0.1) +
title = "Top 2 box - Extremely/Very - feel about how things are going in the country",
subtitle = "among likely Democratic vs Republican voters",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
In this section, repondents are asked to provide their approval rating of Congress, the President on multiple issues, and COVID-19 response. Plots for these can also be found below.
%>% tabtemplate1(V201126x, "Approval of Congress handling its job") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
6.16% (5.12%, 7.40%) |
11.56% (10.26%, 13.00%) |
21.64% (19.88%, 23.50%) |
60.62% (58.22%, 62.98%) |
R |
6.80% (5.72%, 8.08%) |
13.14% (11.66%, 14.78%) |
16.62% (14.82%, 18.60%) |
63.44% (61.04%, 65.78%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
7.24% (5.44%, 9.58%) |
12.10% (10.12%, 14.38%) |
20.12% (17.46%, 23.08%) |
60.54% (57.08%, 63.92%) |
D - Female |
5.30% (4.28%, 6.56%) |
11.18% (9.40%, 13.26%) |
22.96% (20.62%, 25.48%) |
60.56% (57.54%, 63.52%) |
R - Male |
5.46% (4.18%, 7.08%) |
11.86% (9.90%, 14.12%) |
15.38% (13.06%, 18.02%) |
67.32% (64.20%, 70.30%) |
R - Female |
8.06% (6.44%, 10.06%) |
14.54% (12.46%, 16.92%) |
17.98% (15.48%, 20.78%) |
59.42% (55.82%, 62.92%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.00% (3.32%, 10.58%) |
11.70% (7.48%, 17.84%) |
27.38% (20.98%, 34.86%) |
54.94% (47.52%, 62.14%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.80% (3.72%, 8.96%) |
13.96% (10.78%, 17.90%) |
22.10% (17.64%, 27.30%) |
58.14% (52.28%, 63.78%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
9.10% (5.94%, 13.68%) |
10.86% (8.20%, 14.26%) |
12.52% (9.98%, 15.58%) |
67.52% (62.54%, 72.14%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.62% (1.32%, 5.20%) |
11.66% (8.40%, 15.96%) |
31.42% (26.44%, 36.88%) |
54.28% (48.50%, 59.96%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.02% (3.60%, 6.96%) |
13.00% (9.82%, 17.02%) |
25.38% (21.46%, 29.74%) |
56.60% (51.42%, 61.64%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
7.12% (5.12%, 9.86%) |
8.98% (6.82%, 11.72%) |
15.70% (12.64%, 19.34%) |
68.20% (63.18%, 72.82%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.36% (3.68%, 10.80%) |
18.38% (13.18%, 25.04%) |
23.84% (17.24%, 32.02%) |
51.40% (43.26%, 59.48%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
6.50% (4.14%, 10.08%) |
14.50% (11.00%, 18.88%) |
18.56% (14.62%, 23.24%) |
60.44% (55.02%, 65.62%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
4.36% (2.98%, 6.34%) |
6.72% (5.00%, 9.00%) |
9.32% (7.26%, 11.92%) |
79.58% (76.02%, 82.74%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
16.64% (11.50%, 23.48%) |
23.44% (17.58%, 30.56%) |
21.18% (15.82%, 27.72%) |
38.74% (31.40%, 46.62%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
8.44% (5.76%, 12.18%) |
14.36% (11.02%, 18.50%) |
20.52% (15.90%, 26.04%) |
56.70% (50.04%, 63.14%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
4.62% (3.06%, 6.96%) |
10.42% (7.66%, 14.04%) |
14.00% (11.04%, 17.62%) |
70.94% (66.10%, 75.34%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
3.54% (2.68%, 4.66%) |
10.66% (9.18%, 12.34%) |
20.52% (18.34%, 22.88%) |
65.28% (62.60%, 67.88%) |
D - Non-white |
9.46% (7.56%, 11.74%) |
12.80% (10.40%, 15.62%) |
23.18% (20.30%, 26.34%) |
54.58% (50.76%, 58.34%) |
R - White |
5.38% (4.30%, 6.72%) |
13.06% (11.42%, 14.90%) |
16.66% (14.74%, 18.76%) |
64.90% (62.24%, 67.46%) |
R - Non-white |
12.94% (9.90%, 16.74%) |
13.52% (10.04%, 17.98%) |
16.72% (12.76%, 21.60%) |
56.80% (51.50%, 61.98%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
4.00% (3.14%, 5.08%) |
11.30% (9.64%, 13.22%) |
21.30% (18.74%, 24.10%) |
63.40% (60.46%, 66.22%) |
D - Not college grad |
7.92% (6.30%, 9.92%) |
12.04% (10.12%, 14.28%) |
21.98% (19.50%, 24.68%) |
58.06% (54.46%, 61.56%) |
R - College Grad |
4.02% (2.80%, 5.76%) |
15.04% (12.30%, 18.26%) |
16.34% (13.68%, 19.40%) |
64.60% (60.44%, 68.54%) |
R - Not college grad |
8.12% (6.68%, 9.84%) |
12.16% (10.48%, 14.08%) |
16.84% (14.50%, 19.48%) |
62.88% (59.94%, 65.72%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201129x, "Approval of President handling job") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
1.20% (0.76%, 1.88%) |
1.22% (0.86%, 1.68%) |
5.40% (4.46%, 6.52%) |
92.20% (90.86%, 93.36%) |
R |
75.40% (73.50%, 77.22%) |
17.96% (16.36%, 19.66%) |
4.20% (3.34%, 5.26%) |
2.44% (1.78%, 3.36%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
1.62% (0.90%, 2.88%) |
1.24% (0.74%, 2.06%) |
6.00% (4.58%, 7.82%) |
91.16% (88.96%, 92.94%) |
D - Female |
0.86% (0.44%, 1.66%) |
1.20% (0.74%, 1.92%) |
4.94% (3.74%, 6.52%) |
93.00% (91.26%, 94.42%) |
R - Male |
74.46% (71.72%, 77.02%) |
17.94% (15.80%, 20.30%) |
5.02% (3.68%, 6.80%) |
2.58% (1.72%, 3.88%) |
R - Female |
76.34% (73.36%, 79.10%) |
17.98% (15.64%, 20.58%) |
3.38% (2.40%, 4.70%) |
2.32% (1.44%, 3.70%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.46% (0.38%, 5.62%) |
1.58% (0.54%, 4.46%) |
7.22% (4.26%, 11.96%) |
89.74% (84.46%, 93.38%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.28% (1.60%, 6.62%) |
0.96% (0.46%, 2.00%) |
5.74% (3.70%, 8.80%) |
90.02% (86.10%, 92.92%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.24% (0.06%, 0.88%) |
1.22% (0.52%, 2.86%) |
4.64% (3.04%, 7.02%) |
93.90% (91.22%, 95.80%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.02% (0.78%, 5.06%) |
1.04% (0.44%, 2.46%) |
4.44% (2.40%, 8.10%) |
92.50% (88.36%, 95.26%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.78% (0.26%, 2.30%) |
1.72% (0.86%, 3.38%) |
6.02% (4.10%, 8.74%) |
91.50% (88.64%, 93.68%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.20% (0.06%, 0.74%) |
0.98% (0.38%, 2.52%) |
4.26% (2.72%, 6.64%) |
94.54% (92.00%, 96.32%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
65.70% (57.64%, 72.94%) |
22.16% (16.32%, 29.32%) |
7.64% (4.20%, 13.48%) |
4.52% (1.96%, 10.12%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
73.12% (67.98%, 77.70%) |
20.32% (16.38%, 24.94%) |
4.52% (2.76%, 7.30%) |
2.04% (1.04%, 3.96%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
79.14% (75.38%, 82.46%) |
14.64% (11.70%, 18.16%) |
4.46% (2.58%, 7.56%) |
1.76% (0.86%, 3.58%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
62.52% (54.12%, 70.22%) |
26.32% (19.48%, 34.54%) |
6.88% (3.70%, 12.38%) |
4.30% (1.98%, 9.04%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
77.62% (72.96%, 81.68%) |
16.26% (12.70%, 20.60%) |
3.14% (1.90%, 5.16%) |
2.98% (1.46%, 5.96%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
81.86% (78.02%, 85.16%) |
15.44% (12.54%, 18.86%) |
1.98% (1.10%, 3.58%) |
0.72% (0.36%, 1.44%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
0.72% (0.34%, 1.50%) |
1.22% (0.80%, 1.82%) |
4.30% (3.34%, 5.52%) |
93.76% (92.30%, 94.96%) |
D - Non-white |
1.80% (1.02%, 3.14%) |
1.20% (0.66%, 2.20%) |
6.78% (5.26%, 8.70%) |
90.22% (87.76%, 92.22%) |
R - White |
77.40% (75.26%, 79.40%) |
17.24% (15.42%, 19.24%) |
3.96% (2.98%, 5.24%) |
1.40% (1.02%, 1.94%) |
R - Non-white |
66.48% (61.36%, 71.24%) |
20.88% (16.72%, 25.78%) |
5.36% (3.58%, 7.96%) |
7.28% (4.36%, 11.92%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
0.38% (0.16%, 0.84%) |
1.08% (0.68%, 1.74%) |
4.16% (2.90%, 5.94%) |
94.38% (92.48%, 95.82%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.88% (1.12%, 3.14%) |
1.34% (0.84%, 2.18%) |
6.32% (5.00%, 7.98%) |
90.46% (88.32%, 92.22%) |
R - College Grad |
67.20% (63.12%, 71.06%) |
24.24% (20.94%, 27.86%) |
6.32% (4.30%, 9.18%) |
2.24% (1.40%, 3.60%) |
R - Not college grad |
78.90% (76.68%, 80.98%) |
15.16% (13.36%, 17.14%) |
3.38% (2.50%, 4.52%) |
2.56% (1.72%, 3.82%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201132x, "Approval of President handling economy") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
4.58% (3.76%, 5.58%) |
10.10% (8.66%, 11.76%) |
12.36% (11.08%, 13.76%) |
72.94% (70.78%, 75.02%) |
R |
87.74% (86.14%, 89.20%) |
9.80% (8.52%, 11.28%) |
1.16% (0.78%, 1.70%) |
1.28% (0.82%, 2.04%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
5.48% (4.12%, 7.26%) |
12.00% (9.84%, 14.54%) |
12.34% (10.56%, 14.40%) |
70.18% (66.98%, 73.20%) |
D - Female |
3.88% (2.92%, 5.16%) |
8.52% (6.98%, 10.36%) |
12.40% (10.62%, 14.46%) |
75.20% (72.46%, 77.74%) |
R - Male |
88.48% (86.12%, 90.48%) |
9.28% (7.50%, 11.46%) |
1.10% (0.60%, 2.06%) |
1.12% (0.52%, 2.36%) |
R - Female |
87.02% (84.70%, 89.04%) |
10.26% (8.52%, 12.32%) |
1.22% (0.68%, 2.18%) |
1.48% (0.84%, 2.58%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.00% (3.34%, 10.54%) |
17.38% (12.76%, 23.22%) |
12.72% (9.22%, 17.32%) |
63.90% (56.98%, 70.28%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.24% (4.74%, 10.92%) |
11.02% (7.98%, 15.06%) |
12.98% (9.76%, 17.06%) |
68.74% (64.04%, 73.10%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.50% (2.06%, 5.88%) |
8.48% (5.98%, 11.90%) |
11.32% (8.60%, 14.78%) |
76.68% (71.84%, 80.92%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.98% (2.22%, 7.06%) |
7.92% (5.38%, 11.54%) |
17.80% (13.50%, 23.12%) |
70.28% (64.00%, 75.88%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.06% (3.16%, 8.04%) |
9.42% (7.02%, 12.54%) |
11.80% (8.98%, 15.36%) |
73.70% (68.88%, 78.02%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.96% (1.80%, 4.80%) |
8.26% (6.02%, 11.24%) |
8.70% (6.78%, 11.14%) |
80.06% (76.46%, 83.24%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
81.54% (73.92%, 87.32%) |
13.54% (8.62%, 20.62%) |
2.08% (0.66%, 6.40%) |
2.84% (0.94%, 8.30%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
87.76% (84.04%, 90.72%) |
9.80% (7.08%, 13.44%) |
0.88% (0.36%, 2.18%) |
1.56% (0.54%, 4.32%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
91.96% (89.02%, 94.16%) |
7.12% (5.10%, 9.86%) |
0.86% (0.34%, 2.24%) |
0.06% (0.00%, 0.46%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
79.42% (71.80%, 85.40%) |
14.48% (9.64%, 21.22%) |
1.38% (0.54%, 3.46%) |
4.72% (2.04%, 10.56%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
85.16% (80.80%, 88.66%) |
12.02% (8.98%, 15.90%) |
1.54% (0.58%, 3.94%) |
1.28% (0.58%, 2.88%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
91.60% (88.88%, 93.68%) |
6.82% (5.08%, 9.08%) |
1.10% (0.42%, 2.88%) |
0.50% (0.20%, 1.28%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
4.02% (3.10%, 5.20%) |
11.18% (9.38%, 13.28%) |
13.60% (12.10%, 15.24%) |
71.20% (68.60%, 73.66%) |
D - Non-white |
5.36% (3.88%, 7.34%) |
8.92% (7.00%, 11.30%) |
10.60% (8.70%, 12.84%) |
75.14% (71.52%, 78.42%) |
R - White |
88.98% (87.32%, 90.42%) |
9.22% (7.90%, 10.74%) |
1.08% (0.64%, 1.76%) |
0.74% (0.40%, 1.34%) |
R - Non-white |
82.34% (77.40%, 86.40%) |
12.26% (9.12%, 16.30%) |
1.60% (0.64%, 3.98%) |
3.80% (1.92%, 7.36%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
3.92% (2.84%, 5.36%) |
9.54% (7.88%, 11.50%) |
13.02% (11.20%, 15.08%) |
73.52% (70.78%, 76.10%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.12% (3.88%, 6.72%) |
10.78% (8.86%, 13.06%) |
12.12% (10.26%, 14.24%) |
71.98% (68.74%, 75.02%) |
R - College Grad |
86.90% (83.74%, 89.52%) |
12.08% (9.48%, 15.30%) |
0.78% (0.42%, 1.50%) |
0.22% (0.08%, 0.60%) |
R - Not college grad |
87.96% (85.94%, 89.72%) |
8.94% (7.40%, 10.76%) |
1.34% (0.88%, 2.06%) |
1.76% (1.08%, 2.86%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201135x, "Approval of President handling foreign relations") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
2.12% (1.56%, 2.86%) |
3.02% (2.32%, 3.92%) |
9.76% (8.58%, 11.06%) |
85.10% (83.56%, 86.52%) |
R |
74.58% (72.58%, 76.48%) |
16.28% (14.72%, 17.96%) |
5.10% (4.22%, 6.16%) |
4.04% (3.04%, 5.36%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
2.64% (1.72%, 4.04%) |
3.64% (2.50%, 5.30%) |
9.70% (7.88%, 11.88%) |
84.02% (81.72%, 86.06%) |
D - Female |
1.70% (1.12%, 2.56%) |
2.54% (1.76%, 3.66%) |
9.74% (8.26%, 11.42%) |
86.02% (83.94%, 87.88%) |
R - Male |
75.58% (72.56%, 78.38%) |
15.88% (13.56%, 18.52%) |
3.92% (2.98%, 5.16%) |
4.60% (3.10%, 6.78%) |
R - Female |
73.44% (70.40%, 76.26%) |
16.68% (14.46%, 19.14%) |
6.42% (4.90%, 8.34%) |
3.48% (2.30%, 5.22%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.96% (0.66%, 5.66%) |
5.48% (2.98%, 9.88%) |
14.28% (10.04%, 19.92%) |
78.28% (72.30%, 83.24%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.48% (1.82%, 6.60%) |
3.70% (1.92%, 7.00%) |
7.18% (5.00%, 10.18%) |
85.64% (81.66%, 88.86%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.42% (1.32%, 4.40%) |
2.14% (0.96%, 4.76%) |
8.20% (5.56%, 11.96%) |
87.22% (83.28%, 90.36%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.70% (0.84%, 3.42%) |
1.32% (0.60%, 2.90%) |
12.40% (9.10%, 16.70%) |
84.58% (79.88%, 88.34%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.60% (0.72%, 3.44%) |
3.34% (1.82%, 6.00%) |
9.56% (7.12%, 12.72%) |
85.52% (81.84%, 88.56%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.82% (0.90%, 3.64%) |
2.62% (1.48%, 4.60%) |
7.80% (5.52%, 10.90%) |
87.76% (84.14%, 90.64%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
64.38% (55.94%, 72.02%) |
23.20% (16.54%, 31.54%) |
7.28% (4.18%, 12.38%) |
5.14% (2.28%, 11.16%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
72.32% (66.98%, 77.08%) |
16.90% (13.34%, 21.16%) |
4.60% (3.18%, 6.64%) |
6.18% (3.36%, 11.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
82.28% (78.78%, 85.32%) |
12.44% (9.50%, 16.12%) |
2.10% (1.32%, 3.34%) |
3.16% (1.54%, 6.36%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
56.80% (48.54%, 64.72%) |
23.76% (17.72%, 31.10%) |
11.44% (6.76%, 18.74%) |
7.98% (4.48%, 13.82%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
72.76% (67.26%, 77.66%) |
16.34% (12.52%, 21.04%) |
7.10% (4.84%, 10.30%) |
3.80% (1.86%, 7.58%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
81.26% (77.66%, 84.40%) |
13.36% (10.80%, 16.44%) |
4.08% (2.58%, 6.40%) |
1.28% (0.62%, 2.64%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
2.08% (1.34%, 3.18%) |
2.34% (1.54%, 3.50%) |
9.06% (7.60%, 10.76%) |
86.54% (84.62%, 88.26%) |
D - Non-white |
2.18% (1.40%, 3.36%) |
3.90% (2.82%, 5.38%) |
10.70% (8.78%, 13.00%) |
83.24% (80.46%, 85.68%) |
R - White |
76.46% (74.42%, 78.40%) |
16.26% (14.68%, 17.96%) |
4.82% (3.82%, 6.08%) |
2.44% (1.70%, 3.54%) |
R - Non-white |
66.02% (60.22%, 71.38%) |
16.56% (12.78%, 21.16%) |
6.10% (3.86%, 9.48%) |
11.34% (7.46%, 16.88%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
1.64% (1.02%, 2.66%) |
2.50% (1.58%, 3.92%) |
7.48% (6.08%, 9.16%) |
88.38% (86.18%, 90.28%) |
D - Not college grad |
2.54% (1.74%, 3.68%) |
3.52% (2.50%, 4.94%) |
11.44% (9.62%, 13.52%) |
82.50% (80.06%, 84.70%) |
R - College Grad |
71.52% (67.96%, 74.82%) |
19.08% (16.40%, 22.08%) |
5.90% (4.60%, 7.54%) |
3.50% (2.10%, 5.80%) |
R - Not college grad |
75.54% (72.90%, 78.00%) |
15.28% (13.38%, 17.42%) |
4.82% (3.72%, 6.22%) |
4.34% (3.12%, 6.04%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201138x, "Approval of President handling health care") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
1.86% (1.30%, 2.66%) |
3.80% (3.02%, 4.80%) |
8.00% (7.00%, 9.14%) |
86.32% (84.90%, 87.64%) |
R |
62.16% (60.02%, 64.24%) |
26.16% (24.14%, 28.32%) |
6.46% (5.44%, 7.68%) |
5.22% (4.30%, 6.30%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
2.38% (1.40%, 4.06%) |
3.74% (2.56%, 5.42%) |
7.82% (6.26%, 9.74%) |
86.06% (83.56%, 88.22%) |
D - Female |
1.40% (0.92%, 2.14%) |
3.90% (3.06%, 4.94%) |
8.16% (6.84%, 9.72%) |
86.54% (84.66%, 88.22%) |
R - Male |
59.84% (56.74%, 62.88%) |
28.90% (26.00%, 31.98%) |
6.40% (5.14%, 7.96%) |
4.86% (3.58%, 6.56%) |
R - Female |
64.64% (61.54%, 67.62%) |
23.22% (20.70%, 25.96%) |
6.60% (5.04%, 8.58%) |
5.54% (4.36%, 7.04%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.34% (1.56%, 7.02%) |
5.10% (2.80%, 9.10%) |
9.36% (5.90%, 14.50%) |
82.22% (76.76%, 86.62%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.22% (0.88%, 5.48%) |
4.92% (2.80%, 8.54%) |
8.72% (6.60%, 11.42%) |
84.14% (79.90%, 87.62%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
1.92% (0.76%, 4.78%) |
0.96% (0.42%, 2.10%) |
5.74% (4.08%, 8.04%) |
91.38% (88.26%, 93.72%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.34% (1.32%, 4.16%) |
3.86% (2.10%, 6.96%) |
7.64% (5.06%, 11.36%) |
86.16% (81.80%, 89.62%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.50% (0.66%, 3.40%) |
5.00% (3.30%, 7.50%) |
11.04% (8.46%, 14.28%) |
82.48% (78.40%, 85.92%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.78% (0.30%, 1.90%) |
3.06% (1.86%, 5.04%) |
6.24% (4.34%, 8.86%) |
89.92% (86.98%, 92.26%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
54.18% (46.42%, 61.72%) |
30.68% (24.04%, 38.20%) |
7.40% (4.38%, 12.28%) |
7.76% (4.36%, 13.42%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
60.22% (54.64%, 65.54%) |
29.58% (24.72%, 34.98%) |
5.92% (3.96%, 8.76%) |
4.28% (2.32%, 7.78%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
61.76% (57.26%, 66.06%) |
27.96% (24.24%, 32.00%) |
6.30% (4.52%, 8.70%) |
4.00% (2.54%, 6.24%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
60.44% (52.46%, 67.92%) |
19.94% (15.10%, 25.84%) |
11.30% (6.50%, 18.94%) |
8.32% (4.82%, 13.96%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
63.44% (57.88%, 68.66%) |
26.14% (21.18%, 31.78%) |
5.14% (3.04%, 8.54%) |
5.30% (3.22%, 8.58%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
67.16% (62.72%, 71.30%) |
22.86% (19.46%, 26.62%) |
5.26% (3.54%, 7.74%) |
4.72% (3.20%, 6.92%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
1.26% (0.70%, 2.28%) |
3.32% (2.50%, 4.38%) |
8.14% (6.86%, 9.64%) |
87.28% (85.64%, 88.76%) |
D - Non-white |
2.64% (1.70%, 4.06%) |
4.44% (3.12%, 6.30%) |
7.82% (6.22%, 9.78%) |
85.10% (82.50%, 87.36%) |
R - White |
63.32% (60.88%, 65.70%) |
26.82% (24.58%, 29.20%) |
5.90% (4.78%, 7.26%) |
3.96% (3.08%, 5.06%) |
R - Non-white |
57.40% (52.20%, 62.44%) |
22.40% (17.92%, 27.62%) |
9.32% (6.66%, 12.90%) |
10.90% (7.80%, 15.00%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
1.36% (0.70%, 2.60%) |
3.34% (2.34%, 4.76%) |
6.92% (5.62%, 8.48%) |
88.38% (86.14%, 90.30%) |
D - Not college grad |
2.32% (1.54%, 3.48%) |
4.10% (3.00%, 5.58%) |
8.96% (7.38%, 10.86%) |
84.60% (82.36%, 86.62%) |
R - College Grad |
53.96% (50.22%, 57.66%) |
33.96% (30.12%, 38.02%) |
7.36% (5.42%, 9.90%) |
4.72% (3.28%, 6.78%) |
R - Not college grad |
65.74% (63.24%, 68.16%) |
22.72% (20.62%, 24.96%) |
6.06% (4.88%, 7.52%) |
5.48% (4.32%, 6.90%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201141x, "Approval of President handling immigration") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
2.94% (2.26%, 3.84%) |
3.26% (2.56%, 4.12%) |
8.56% (7.36%, 9.94%) |
85.24% (83.68%, 86.66%) |
R |
77.68% (75.80%, 79.44%) |
12.30% (10.86%, 13.90%) |
4.88% (3.88%, 6.12%) |
5.14% (4.14%, 6.38%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
3.48% (2.34%, 5.14%) |
4.10% (2.96%, 5.62%) |
11.24% (9.34%, 13.46%) |
81.20% (78.62%, 83.52%) |
D - Female |
2.48% (1.76%, 3.52%) |
2.58% (1.84%, 3.62%) |
6.40% (5.04%, 8.10%) |
88.52% (86.44%, 90.32%) |
R - Male |
79.42% (76.58%, 82.02%) |
11.82% (9.96%, 13.98%) |
4.10% (2.90%, 5.78%) |
4.64% (3.18%, 6.74%) |
R - Female |
75.90% (72.94%, 78.62%) |
12.70% (10.62%, 15.12%) |
5.74% (4.20%, 7.80%) |
5.66% (4.44%, 7.18%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.52% (0.96%, 6.46%) |
5.04% (2.58%, 9.66%) |
10.14% (7.16%, 14.18%) |
82.30% (76.30%, 87.02%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
4.02% (2.08%, 7.66%) |
4.48% (2.56%, 7.70%) |
12.92% (9.28%, 17.70%) |
78.58% (73.36%, 83.00%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.54% (2.04%, 6.06%) |
3.00% (1.84%, 4.82%) |
10.32% (7.94%, 13.30%) |
83.16% (79.64%, 86.16%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.68% (0.74%, 3.78%) |
1.08% (0.34%, 3.40%) |
5.08% (3.10%, 8.20%) |
92.16% (88.52%, 94.72%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.72% (1.50%, 4.90%) |
3.80% (2.30%, 6.20%) |
8.30% (5.60%, 12.10%) |
85.18% (80.82%, 88.70%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.92% (1.68%, 5.04%) |
2.46% (1.48%, 4.06%) |
5.66% (4.10%, 7.74%) |
88.96% (85.80%, 91.48%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
66.72% (58.56%, 74.00%) |
15.94% (10.54%, 23.34%) |
7.26% (3.94%, 12.96%) |
10.10% (6.02%, 16.46%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
76.38% (71.50%, 80.66%) |
14.02% (10.68%, 18.22%) |
4.46% (2.50%, 7.80%) |
5.12% (2.78%, 9.24%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
87.50% (84.14%, 90.22%) |
8.64% (6.44%, 11.46%) |
2.58% (1.24%, 5.30%) |
1.30% (0.68%, 2.52%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
57.84% (49.70%, 65.56%) |
19.98% (14.36%, 27.10%) |
13.20% (7.84%, 21.40%) |
8.98% (5.54%, 14.22%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
74.82% (69.88%, 79.18%) |
11.44% (8.74%, 14.86%) |
5.84% (3.50%, 9.62%) |
7.90% (5.22%, 11.80%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
85.44% (81.66%, 88.54%) |
9.96% (7.28%, 13.50%) |
2.26% (1.22%, 4.14%) |
2.34% (1.42%, 3.88%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
2.64% (1.78%, 3.90%) |
3.16% (2.38%, 4.20%) |
8.88% (7.48%, 10.48%) |
85.32% (83.28%, 87.14%) |
D - Non-white |
3.34% (2.28%, 4.88%) |
3.42% (2.26%, 5.12%) |
8.10% (6.36%, 10.28%) |
85.14% (82.70%, 87.26%) |
R - White |
80.74% (78.76%, 82.60%) |
12.34% (10.82%, 14.02%) |
4.10% (3.12%, 5.38%) |
2.82% (2.08%, 3.82%) |
R - Non-white |
63.96% (58.14%, 69.40%) |
11.78% (8.88%, 15.48%) |
8.52% (5.40%, 13.18%) |
15.72% (11.68%, 20.86%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
1.92% (1.10%, 3.32%) |
2.70% (1.88%, 3.86%) |
7.54% (5.98%, 9.48%) |
87.84% (85.38%, 89.94%) |
D - Not college grad |
3.86% (2.90%, 5.12%) |
3.78% (2.78%, 5.12%) |
9.36% (7.70%, 11.36%) |
83.00% (80.78%, 85.00%) |
R - College Grad |
72.48% (68.78%, 75.90%) |
16.26% (13.40%, 19.58%) |
6.88% (5.04%, 9.30%) |
4.40% (2.94%, 6.50%) |
R - Not college grad |
79.94% (77.50%, 82.16%) |
10.36% (8.84%, 12.12%) |
4.12% (3.04%, 5.60%) |
5.56% (4.30%, 7.16%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201144x, "Approval of President handling COVID-19") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
1.50% (1.08%, 2.10%) |
1.52% (1.04%, 2.22%) |
3.78% (3.02%, 4.70%) |
93.20% (91.98%, 94.24%) |
R |
58.88% (56.50%, 61.22%) |
25.76% (23.78%, 27.86%) |
7.90% (6.78%, 9.16%) |
7.46% (6.42%, 8.66%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
2.06% (1.26%, 3.32%) |
0.92% (0.40%, 2.06%) |
3.76% (2.72%, 5.18%) |
93.26% (91.20%, 94.88%) |
D - Female |
1.06% (0.66%, 1.70%) |
2.04% (1.34%, 3.10%) |
3.78% (2.78%, 5.10%) |
93.14% (91.42%, 94.54%) |
R - Male |
58.16% (54.80%, 61.46%) |
26.64% (23.92%, 29.52%) |
8.58% (6.98%, 10.50%) |
6.62% (5.20%, 8.42%) |
R - Female |
59.68% (56.00%, 63.24%) |
24.88% (22.04%, 27.94%) |
7.14% (5.62%, 9.04%) |
8.30% (6.68%, 10.28%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.76% (1.18%, 6.30%) |
1.94% (0.56%, 6.42%) |
4.04% (2.50%, 6.48%) |
91.26% (86.92%, 94.24%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.96% (1.38%, 6.22%) |
0.44% (0.14%, 1.38%) |
5.00% (3.00%, 8.20%) |
91.60% (87.60%, 94.40%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.62% (0.24%, 1.54%) |
0.60% (0.20%, 1.76%) |
2.58% (1.42%, 4.66%) |
96.18% (94.04%, 97.58%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.34% (0.58%, 3.10%) |
3.22% (1.48%, 6.88%) |
3.62% (2.06%, 6.30%) |
91.82% (87.98%, 94.52%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.36% (0.64%, 2.86%) |
2.04% (1.14%, 3.62%) |
3.64% (2.24%, 5.82%) |
92.96% (90.50%, 94.82%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.68% (0.32%, 1.44%) |
1.38% (0.66%, 2.84%) |
3.80% (2.22%, 6.44%) |
94.14% (91.18%, 96.14%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
52.12% (43.88%, 60.26%) |
31.36% (24.80%, 38.78%) |
8.64% (5.52%, 13.32%) |
7.86% (4.56%, 13.22%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
56.36% (50.42%, 62.10%) |
29.76% (24.48%, 35.62%) |
6.96% (4.76%, 10.04%) |
6.94% (4.66%, 10.22%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
61.78% (57.20%, 66.16%) |
22.66% (19.46%, 26.22%) |
9.48% (6.86%, 12.92%) |
6.08% (4.34%, 8.48%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
52.90% (45.20%, 60.48%) |
25.76% (18.98%, 33.92%) |
7.62% (4.08%, 13.78%) |
13.72% (9.58%, 19.30%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
56.62% (50.56%, 62.48%) |
24.80% (20.52%, 29.62%) |
7.16% (4.90%, 10.32%) |
11.44% (7.78%, 16.50%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
66.22% (61.58%, 70.56%) |
22.66% (19.12%, 26.66%) |
6.72% (4.72%, 9.48%) |
4.38% (3.12%, 6.14%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
0.64% (0.40%, 1.04%) |
1.10% (0.70%, 1.74%) |
3.98% (3.00%, 5.28%) |
94.26% (92.84%, 95.42%) |
D - Non-white |
2.54% (1.66%, 3.88%) |
2.04% (1.14%, 3.58%) |
3.42% (2.36%, 4.92%) |
92.02% (89.62%, 93.88%) |
R - White |
61.60% (58.94%, 64.20%) |
26.30% (24.10%, 28.64%) |
6.78% (5.70%, 8.06%) |
5.32% (4.44%, 6.34%) |
R - Non-white |
47.12% (41.82%, 52.50%) |
23.58% (19.16%, 28.68%) |
12.08% (8.64%, 16.62%) |
17.20% (12.86%, 22.62%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
0.52% (0.24%, 1.08%) |
1.02% (0.64%, 1.60%) |
3.98% (2.84%, 5.56%) |
94.48% (92.92%, 95.72%) |
D - Not college grad |
2.32% (1.60%, 3.38%) |
1.98% (1.18%, 3.28%) |
3.68% (2.78%, 4.88%) |
92.00% (90.04%, 93.62%) |
R - College Grad |
50.14% (46.38%, 53.88%) |
32.04% (28.36%, 35.96%) |
10.26% (8.10%, 12.92%) |
7.56% (5.92%, 9.64%) |
R - Not college grad |
62.54% (59.80%, 65.22%) |
22.90% (20.50%, 25.48%) |
7.00% (5.70%, 8.58%) |
7.56% (6.16%, 9.22%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201147x, "Approval of R's governor handling COVID-19") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
46.46% (44.28%, 48.64%) |
22.42% (20.90%, 24.00%) |
9.70% (8.54%, 11.00%) |
21.44% (19.66%, 23.34%) |
R |
32.54% (30.42%, 34.74%) |
20.08% (18.30%, 21.98%) |
11.50% (10.22%, 12.92%) |
35.88% (33.66%, 38.16%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
46.56% (43.16%, 49.98%) |
23.02% (20.64%, 25.58%) |
10.42% (8.46%, 12.76%) |
20.02% (17.54%, 22.74%) |
D - Female |
46.32% (43.32%, 49.32%) |
21.88% (19.88%, 24.02%) |
9.16% (7.48%, 11.16%) |
22.66% (20.14%, 25.38%) |
R - Male |
32.58% (29.58%, 35.74%) |
20.30% (17.74%, 23.10%) |
12.72% (10.70%, 15.04%) |
34.40% (31.46%, 37.48%) |
R - Female |
32.64% (29.64%, 35.78%) |
19.92% (17.46%, 22.64%) |
10.10% (8.42%, 12.04%) |
37.34% (34.52%, 40.24%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
38.48% (30.92%, 46.66%) |
22.78% (17.80%, 28.66%) |
13.56% (9.08%, 19.78%) |
25.18% (19.72%, 31.56%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
47.46% (42.52%, 52.48%) |
25.12% (21.22%, 29.48%) |
8.70% (6.00%, 12.46%) |
18.70% (15.00%, 23.06%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
51.70% (46.60%, 56.76%) |
21.42% (17.66%, 25.70%) |
9.66% (6.92%, 13.32%) |
17.24% (13.88%, 21.20%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
33.64% (28.56%, 39.12%) |
25.36% (20.80%, 30.52%) |
11.76% (8.22%, 16.54%) |
29.24% (23.84%, 35.30%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
47.22% (42.32%, 52.18%) |
22.70% (19.06%, 26.80%) |
9.66% (6.90%, 13.36%) |
20.42% (16.44%, 25.08%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
53.42% (49.58%, 57.22%) |
18.94% (16.10%, 22.14%) |
7.08% (5.36%, 9.32%) |
20.56% (17.26%, 24.32%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
23.04% (16.72%, 30.86%) |
19.46% (13.78%, 26.74%) |
17.82% (13.00%, 23.96%) |
39.68% (32.18%, 47.70%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
27.82% (22.60%, 33.74%) |
23.26% (18.62%, 28.66%) |
15.44% (11.46%, 20.48%) |
33.46% (27.78%, 39.66%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
39.62% (35.60%, 43.80%) |
18.60% (15.30%, 22.42%) |
8.44% (6.38%, 11.10%) |
33.34% (29.52%, 37.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
25.06% (18.62%, 32.82%) |
18.12% (12.66%, 25.24%) |
12.74% (8.16%, 19.36%) |
44.08% (35.88%, 52.64%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
30.32% (25.40%, 35.74%) |
19.62% (15.84%, 24.04%) |
8.60% (6.44%, 11.38%) |
41.46% (35.80%, 47.34%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
38.10% (33.76%, 42.64%) |
19.12% (15.68%, 23.08%) |
9.56% (7.12%, 12.70%) |
33.22% (29.72%, 36.94%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
46.52% (43.76%, 49.32%) |
26.36% (24.22%, 28.64%) |
10.22% (8.74%, 11.92%) |
16.88% (15.06%, 18.90%) |
D - Non-white |
46.46% (43.16%, 49.80%) |
17.82% (15.52%, 20.40%) |
8.90% (7.16%, 11.00%) |
26.82% (23.82%, 30.06%) |
R - White |
32.10% (29.80%, 34.50%) |
20.98% (19.00%, 23.08%) |
10.96% (9.54%, 12.54%) |
35.96% (33.52%, 38.48%) |
R - Non-white |
34.94% (29.58%, 40.70%) |
16.28% (12.60%, 20.76%) |
13.90% (10.22%, 18.64%) |
34.88% (29.30%, 40.92%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
47.24% (44.44%, 50.06%) |
25.82% (23.62%, 28.14%) |
8.92% (7.48%, 10.58%) |
18.04% (16.14%, 20.08%) |
D - Not college grad |
45.68% (42.62%, 48.76%) |
19.94% (17.82%, 22.22%) |
10.40% (8.64%, 12.48%) |
23.98% (21.40%, 26.78%) |
R - College Grad |
32.44% (29.24%, 35.80%) |
24.22% (21.24%, 27.48%) |
10.98% (8.86%, 13.54%) |
32.36% (28.96%, 35.96%) |
R - Not college grad |
32.78% (30.36%, 35.28%) |
18.54% (16.50%, 20.78%) |
11.48% (9.84%, 13.34%) |
37.20% (34.56%, 39.92%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201150x, "Approval of Local government handling COVID-19") anes
Approve strongly | Approve not strongly | Disapprove not strongly | Disapprove strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
43.32% (41.36%, 45.30%) |
32.46% (30.62%, 34.36%) |
9.02% (7.90%, 10.30%) |
15.20% (13.64%, 16.88%) |
R |
38.00% (36.00%, 40.02%) |
28.88% (26.88%, 30.96%) |
10.00% (8.76%, 11.42%) |
23.12% (21.18%, 25.16%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
42.68% (39.42%, 45.98%) |
36.22% (33.36%, 39.16%) |
8.20% (6.68%, 10.02%) |
12.92% (11.04%, 15.04%) |
D - Female |
43.82% (41.04%, 46.66%) |
29.36% (27.10%, 31.74%) |
9.66% (8.08%, 11.50%) |
17.16% (14.88%, 19.70%) |
R - Male |
35.60% (32.52%, 38.82%) |
30.30% (27.50%, 33.26%) |
10.80% (8.94%, 13.02%) |
23.30% (20.62%, 26.20%) |
R - Female |
40.80% (37.68%, 43.98%) |
27.46% (24.88%, 30.20%) |
8.94% (7.44%, 10.72%) |
22.82% (20.06%, 25.82%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
36.56% (30.48%, 43.08%) |
34.26% (28.32%, 40.72%) |
12.46% (8.54%, 17.80%) |
16.74% (11.96%, 22.92%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
41.86% (36.76%, 47.14%) |
40.12% (35.26%, 45.20%) |
6.28% (4.26%, 9.16%) |
11.74% (9.16%, 14.90%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
48.16% (43.12%, 53.22%) |
34.44% (29.76%, 39.46%) |
6.46% (4.56%, 9.06%) |
10.94% (8.00%, 14.80%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
30.82% (25.94%, 36.18%) |
31.48% (26.60%, 36.80%) |
11.66% (8.62%, 15.58%) |
26.06% (20.64%, 32.30%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
44.70% (40.32%, 49.18%) |
30.52% (26.48%, 34.90%) |
10.20% (7.38%, 13.96%) |
14.56% (11.40%, 18.40%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
50.80% (46.88%, 54.72%) |
27.26% (24.02%, 30.74%) |
7.86% (5.78%, 10.62%) |
14.08% (11.18%, 17.56%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
28.30% (22.52%, 34.88%) |
33.86% (26.78%, 41.76%) |
10.56% (6.44%, 16.80%) |
27.28% (20.58%, 35.22%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
28.96% (23.58%, 35.00%) |
35.14% (30.10%, 40.54%) |
12.42% (9.28%, 16.40%) |
23.48% (18.64%, 29.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
43.12% (38.58%, 47.78%) |
25.56% (21.54%, 30.06%) |
10.38% (7.82%, 13.68%) |
20.94% (17.60%, 24.74%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
32.42% (25.10%, 40.72%) |
22.20% (16.00%, 29.92%) |
9.42% (5.48%, 15.74%) |
35.96% (27.76%, 45.08%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
40.28% (34.84%, 45.96%) |
25.14% (20.98%, 29.82%) |
10.14% (7.90%, 12.92%) |
24.44% (19.88%, 29.66%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
45.00% (40.52%, 49.54%) |
29.70% (26.06%, 33.62%) |
7.32% (5.38%, 9.90%) |
17.98% (14.64%, 21.90%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
42.76% (40.32%, 45.22%) |
37.92% (35.46%, 40.46%) |
9.58% (8.30%, 11.02%) |
9.72% (8.28%, 11.40%) |
D - Non-white |
44.00% (40.38%, 47.68%) |
25.70% (22.76%, 28.88%) |
8.50% (6.72%, 10.70%) |
21.80% (18.74%, 25.20%) |
R - White |
38.42% (36.26%, 40.62%) |
30.16% (27.88%, 32.56%) |
9.36% (8.06%, 10.86%) |
22.06% (20.22%, 24.02%) |
R - Non-white |
36.92% (31.66%, 42.52%) |
22.96% (18.52%, 28.12%) |
12.44% (8.62%, 17.62%) |
27.68% (22.18%, 33.94%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
43.90% (41.26%, 46.58%) |
38.14% (35.40%, 40.96%) |
9.00% (7.58%, 10.68%) |
8.96% (7.58%, 10.54%) |
D - Not college grad |
42.44% (39.68%, 45.26%) |
27.96% (25.66%, 30.38%) |
9.20% (7.64%, 11.04%) |
20.40% (17.80%, 23.26%) |
R - College Grad |
34.66% (31.36%, 38.12%) |
33.44% (30.24%, 36.82%) |
9.82% (7.88%, 12.16%) |
22.06% (19.06%, 25.42%) |
R - Not college grad |
39.26% (36.76%, 41.82%) |
27.18% (24.58%, 29.96%) |
10.04% (8.54%, 11.78%) |
23.50% (21.14%, 26.04%) |
<- anes %>%
t1 set_na_range(V201126x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201129x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201132x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201135x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201138x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201141x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201144x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201147x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201150x = c(-9,-1)) %>%
%>% plot_approval(V201126x, "Congress handling its job") t1
%>% plot_approval(V201129x, "President handling job") t1
%>% plot_approval(V201132x, "President handling economy") t1
%>% plot_approval(V201135x, "President handling foreign relations") t1
%>% plot_approval(V201138x, "President handling health care") t1
%>% plot_approval(V201141x, "President handling immigration") t1
%>% plot_approval(V201144x, "President handling COVID-19") t1
%>% plot_approval(V201147x, "R's governor handling COVID-19") t1
%>% plot_approval(V201150x, "Local government handling COVID-19") t1
Respondents are asked to rate how they feel on a numerical scale from 0 (Cold) to 100 (Hot) about the candidates and the parties. These aren’t really true continuous variables due to the fact that people are more likely to choose round numbers instead of something like “43”. However, treating these as categorical would be unwieldy, so we compute means. Below are traditional Tukey boxplots, followed by an alternate rendering which plots the 95% confidence intervals.
<- anes %>%
anes set_na_range(V201151 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201152 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201153 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201154 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201155 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201156 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201157 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201151 = c(998,999)) %>%
set_na_range(V201152 = c(998,999)) %>%
set_na_range(V201153 = c(998,999)) %>%
set_na_range(V201154 = c(998,999)) %>%
set_na_range(V201155 = c(998,999)) %>%
set_na_range(V201156 = c(998,999)) %>%
set_na_range(V201157 = c(998,999)) %>%
anes filter(! %>%
zap_labels() %>%
pivot_longer(cols = V201151:V201157, names_to = "var_name", values_to = "therms") %>%
filter(! %>%
var_label = factor(var_name,
levels = c("V201151","V201152","V201153","V201154","V201155","V201156","V201157"),
labels = c("Biden", "Trump", "Harris", "Pence", "Obama", "Dem Party", "Rep Party")
) ggplot(aes(x = preintent, y = therms, weight = V200010a, colour = preintent)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_colour_manual(values=polilinecolors) +
facet_grid(~var_label) +
title = "Feeling Thermometers from 0 (Cold) to 100 (Hot)",
subtitle = "Traditional Boxplots",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
<- function(x) {
smean survey_mean(x, vartype = "ci", df=Inf, na.rm = TRUE)
<- as_survey_design(
anespre svydesign(id=~V200010c, strata=~V200010d, weights=~V200010a, data=anes, nest=TRUE)
)<- anespre %>%
t1 filter(! %>%
group_by(preintent) %>%
summarize(across(V201151:V201157, smean))
<- t1 %>%
t2 pivot_longer(cols = -preintent, names_to = "result", values_to = "val") %>%
separate(result, c("var_name", "modif")) %>%
replace_na(list(modif = "p")) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "modif", values_from = "val") %>%
var_label = factor(var_name,
levels = c("V201151","V201152","V201153","V201154","V201155","V201156","V201157"),
labels = c("Biden", "Trump", "Harris", "Pence", "Obama", "Dem Party", "Rep Party")
ggplot(data=t2, aes(x=preintent, y=p, colour=preintent)) +
geom_point() +
geom_crossbar(aes(ymin=low, ymax=upp), width=0.8) +
scale_y_continuous() +
scale_colour_manual(values=polilinecolors) +
facet_grid(~var_label) +
title = "Feeling Thermometers from 0 (Cold) to 100 (Hot)",
subtitle = "95% Confidence Interval Boxplots",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
%>% tabtemplate1(V201158, "Like anything about the Democratic party") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
75.06% (72.92%, 77.10%) |
24.94% (22.90%, 27.08%) |
R |
20.24% (18.28%, 22.34%) |
79.76% (77.66%, 81.72%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
75.90% (72.76%, 78.80%) |
24.10% (21.20%, 27.24%) |
D - Female |
74.34% (71.78%, 76.74%) |
25.66% (23.26%, 28.22%) |
R - Male |
20.32% (17.62%, 23.34%) |
79.68% (76.66%, 82.38%) |
R - Female |
20.08% (17.34%, 23.12%) |
79.92% (76.88%, 82.66%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
71.08% (64.22%, 77.10%) |
28.92% (22.90%, 35.78%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
74.90% (69.86%, 79.34%) |
25.10% (20.66%, 30.14%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
81.12% (76.40%, 85.08%) |
18.88% (14.92%, 23.60%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
67.82% (61.76%, 73.34%) |
32.18% (26.66%, 38.24%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
73.56% (69.10%, 77.58%) |
26.44% (22.42%, 30.90%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
79.14% (75.16%, 82.62%) |
20.86% (17.38%, 24.84%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
27.22% (20.98%, 34.50%) |
72.78% (65.50%, 79.02%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
22.42% (17.60%, 28.12%) |
77.58% (71.88%, 82.40%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
16.18% (12.94%, 20.02%) |
83.82% (79.98%, 87.06%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
21.32% (15.28%, 28.94%) |
78.68% (71.06%, 84.72%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
20.40% (16.10%, 25.48%) |
79.60% (74.52%, 83.90%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
18.62% (15.06%, 22.80%) |
81.38% (77.20%, 84.94%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
81.34% (79.30%, 83.22%) |
18.66% (16.78%, 20.70%) |
D - Non-white |
67.20% (63.40%, 70.78%) |
32.80% (29.22%, 36.60%) |
R - White |
19.36% (17.20%, 21.72%) |
80.64% (78.28%, 82.80%) |
R - Non-white |
24.48% (20.08%, 29.52%) |
75.52% (70.48%, 79.92%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
82.34% (79.92%, 84.52%) |
17.66% (15.48%, 20.08%) |
D - Not college grad |
69.14% (66.02%, 72.10%) |
30.86% (27.90%, 33.98%) |
R - College Grad |
26.76% (23.36%, 30.46%) |
73.24% (69.54%, 76.64%) |
R - Not college grad |
17.04% (14.70%, 19.68%) |
82.96% (80.32%, 85.30%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201162, "Like anything about the Republican party") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
25.12% (23.24%, 27.10%) |
74.88% (72.90%, 76.76%) |
R |
76.56% (74.60%, 78.44%) |
23.44% (21.56%, 25.40%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
28.74% (25.72%, 31.96%) |
71.26% (68.04%, 74.28%) |
D - Female |
22.08% (19.82%, 24.50%) |
77.92% (75.50%, 80.18%) |
R - Male |
77.76% (74.96%, 80.34%) |
22.24% (19.66%, 25.04%) |
R - Female |
75.34% (72.14%, 78.28%) |
24.66% (21.72%, 27.86%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
23.34% (19.28%, 27.96%) |
76.66% (72.04%, 80.72%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
35.10% (29.90%, 40.68%) |
64.90% (59.32%, 70.10%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
26.46% (21.58%, 32.02%) |
73.54% (67.98%, 78.42%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
20.88% (16.02%, 26.76%) |
79.12% (73.24%, 83.98%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
22.82% (19.56%, 26.46%) |
77.18% (73.54%, 80.44%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
22.08% (18.90%, 25.62%) |
77.92% (74.38%, 81.10%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
69.20% (61.54%, 75.92%) |
30.80% (24.08%, 38.46%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
72.66% (66.76%, 77.86%) |
27.34% (22.14%, 33.24%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
85.16% (81.60%, 88.14%) |
14.84% (11.86%, 18.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
64.60% (56.36%, 72.06%) |
35.40% (27.94%, 43.64%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
70.94% (65.36%, 75.96%) |
29.06% (24.04%, 34.64%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
82.20% (78.38%, 85.48%) |
17.80% (14.52%, 21.62%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
28.36% (26.08%, 30.76%) |
71.64% (69.24%, 73.92%) |
D - Non-white |
21.00% (18.26%, 24.04%) |
79.00% (75.96%, 81.74%) |
R - White |
77.84% (75.66%, 79.86%) |
22.16% (20.14%, 24.34%) |
R - Non-white |
70.54% (64.82%, 75.68%) |
29.46% (24.32%, 35.18%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
32.12% (29.36%, 35.02%) |
67.88% (64.98%, 70.64%) |
D - Not college grad |
19.28% (17.00%, 21.80%) |
80.72% (78.20%, 83.00%) |
R - College Grad |
85.12% (82.02%, 87.74%) |
14.88% (12.26%, 17.98%) |
R - Not college grad |
72.62% (70.08%, 75.04%) |
27.38% (24.96%, 29.92%) |
Is there anything R dislikes about the Democratic/Republican party?
%>% tabtemplate1(V201160, "Dislike anything about the Democratic party") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
46.14% (44.20%, 48.10%) |
53.86% (51.90%, 55.80%) |
R |
74.58% (72.68%, 76.42%) |
25.42% (23.58%, 27.32%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
51.92% (48.92%, 54.92%) |
48.08% (45.08%, 51.08%) |
D - Female |
41.26% (38.90%, 43.68%) |
58.74% (56.32%, 61.10%) |
R - Male |
75.62% (72.62%, 78.38%) |
24.38% (21.62%, 27.38%) |
R - Female |
73.56% (70.96%, 76.00%) |
26.44% (24.00%, 29.04%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
44.72% (38.60%, 51.00%) |
55.28% (49.00%, 61.40%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
58.86% (53.38%, 64.12%) |
41.14% (35.88%, 46.62%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
51.20% (46.60%, 55.76%) |
48.80% (44.24%, 53.40%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
40.62% (34.56%, 46.96%) |
59.38% (53.04%, 65.44%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
39.88% (35.56%, 44.36%) |
60.12% (55.64%, 64.44%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
42.42% (39.10%, 45.80%) |
57.58% (54.20%, 60.90%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
63.66% (55.56%, 71.04%) |
36.34% (28.96%, 44.44%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
74.18% (68.88%, 78.86%) |
25.82% (21.14%, 31.12%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
82.06% (78.06%, 85.46%) |
17.94% (14.54%, 21.94%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
63.78% (56.14%, 70.80%) |
36.22% (29.20%, 43.86%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
67.72% (62.64%, 72.42%) |
32.28% (27.58%, 37.36%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
81.86% (78.60%, 84.74%) |
18.14% (15.26%, 21.40%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
56.22% (53.60%, 58.80%) |
43.78% (41.20%, 46.40%) |
D - Non-white |
33.76% (30.60%, 37.06%) |
66.24% (62.94%, 69.40%) |
R - White |
76.36% (74.36%, 78.26%) |
23.64% (21.74%, 25.64%) |
R - Non-white |
66.72% (61.50%, 71.56%) |
33.28% (28.44%, 38.50%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
62.56% (59.60%, 65.42%) |
37.44% (34.58%, 40.40%) |
D - Not college grad |
33.08% (30.42%, 35.86%) |
66.92% (64.14%, 69.58%) |
R - College Grad |
86.82% (84.10%, 89.12%) |
13.18% (10.88%, 15.90%) |
R - Not college grad |
69.18% (66.72%, 71.54%) |
30.82% (28.46%, 33.28%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201164, "Dislike anything about the Republican party") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
72.02% (70.08%, 73.88%) |
27.98% (26.12%, 29.92%) |
R |
37.00% (34.70%, 39.34%) |
63.00% (60.66%, 65.30%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
74.80% (72.00%, 77.40%) |
25.20% (22.60%, 28.00%) |
D - Female |
69.58% (66.92%, 72.12%) |
30.42% (27.88%, 33.08%) |
R - Male |
41.78% (38.60%, 45.04%) |
58.22% (54.96%, 61.40%) |
R - Female |
31.80% (28.68%, 35.10%) |
68.20% (64.90%, 71.32%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
66.66% (59.32%, 73.28%) |
33.34% (26.72%, 40.68%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
76.38% (71.60%, 80.58%) |
23.62% (19.42%, 28.40%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
80.08% (75.76%, 83.78%) |
19.92% (16.22%, 24.24%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
61.50% (55.34%, 67.32%) |
38.50% (32.68%, 44.66%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
67.94% (63.30%, 72.26%) |
32.06% (27.74%, 36.70%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
76.48% (72.96%, 79.70%) |
23.52% (20.30%, 27.04%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
31.18% (24.04%, 39.32%) |
68.82% (60.68%, 75.96%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
38.02% (32.22%, 44.20%) |
61.98% (55.80%, 67.78%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
49.38% (45.42%, 53.34%) |
50.62% (46.66%, 54.58%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
29.82% (22.56%, 38.26%) |
70.18% (61.74%, 77.44%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
27.42% (23.14%, 32.14%) |
72.58% (67.86%, 76.86%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
35.54% (30.74%, 40.64%) |
64.46% (59.36%, 69.26%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
81.18% (79.08%, 83.10%) |
18.82% (16.90%, 20.92%) |
D - Non-white |
60.84% (57.44%, 64.14%) |
39.16% (35.86%, 42.56%) |
R - White |
36.44% (33.92%, 39.04%) |
63.56% (60.96%, 66.08%) |
R - Non-white |
38.70% (33.46%, 44.22%) |
61.30% (55.78%, 66.54%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
84.24% (81.98%, 86.26%) |
15.76% (13.74%, 18.02%) |
D - Not college grad |
62.10% (59.28%, 64.86%) |
37.90% (35.14%, 40.72%) |
R - College Grad |
51.46% (47.46%, 55.44%) |
48.54% (44.56%, 52.54%) |
R - Not college grad |
30.42% (28.04%, 32.94%) |
69.58% (67.06%, 71.96%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201200, "Self-placement on a 7-point scale") anes
Extremely liberal | Liberal | Slightly liberal | Moderate; middle of the road | Slightly conservative | Conservative | Extremely conservative | Haven’t thought much about this | |
Vote Intent | ||||||||
D |
7.80% (6.72%, 9.06%) |
24.58% (22.68%, 26.58%) |
17.52% (16.00%, 19.16%) |
25.10% (23.22%, 27.06%) |
6.18% (5.24%, 7.24%) |
2.12% (1.60%, 2.80%) |
0.30% (0.14%, 0.66%) |
16.42% (14.80%, 18.16%) |
R |
0.62% (0.34%, 1.16%) |
1.32% (0.90%, 1.94%) |
1.74% (1.20%, 2.50%) |
15.88% (14.36%, 17.52%) |
14.94% (13.40%, 16.60%) |
40.34% (38.40%, 42.32%) |
12.14% (10.82%, 13.60%) |
13.02% (11.56%, 14.64%) |
Gender | ||||||||
D - Male |
7.12% (5.64%, 8.92%) |
23.44% (21.00%, 26.08%) |
19.04% (16.68%, 21.64%) |
26.42% (23.72%, 29.30%) |
7.96% (6.36%, 9.90%) |
3.08% (2.10%, 4.52%) |
0.10% (0.04%, 0.36%) |
12.84% (10.80%, 15.18%) |
D - Female |
8.46% (7.14%, 10.00%) |
25.60% (23.06%, 28.34%) |
16.24% (14.30%, 18.38%) |
23.74% (21.36%, 26.32%) |
4.70% (3.66%, 6.00%) |
1.34% (0.84%, 2.12%) |
0.46% (0.18%, 1.14%) |
19.48% (17.20%, 21.96%) |
R - Male |
0.48% (0.20%, 1.20%) |
1.08% (0.60%, 1.90%) |
2.10% (1.32%, 3.34%) |
14.86% (12.56%, 17.52%) |
16.28% (13.92%, 18.96%) |
41.52% (38.46%, 44.64%) |
12.96% (11.06%, 15.10%) |
10.70% (8.84%, 12.92%) |
R - Female |
0.78% (0.34%, 1.80%) |
1.60% (1.00%, 2.58%) |
1.36% (0.86%, 2.16%) |
17.00% (14.52%, 19.82%) |
13.46% (11.64%, 15.50%) |
39.16% (35.98%, 42.44%) |
11.18% (9.50%, 13.10%) |
15.46% (13.16%, 18.06%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
9.30% (6.66%, 12.88%) |
27.90% (21.94%, 34.76%) |
22.32% (16.88%, 28.92%) |
19.78% (14.32%, 26.68%) |
4.58% (2.62%, 7.88%) |
3.50% (1.50%, 7.98%) |
NA |
12.60% (8.44%, 18.40%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.28% (4.82%, 10.86%) |
23.54% (19.86%, 27.66%) |
18.92% (14.66%, 24.06%) |
27.84% (23.26%, 32.92%) |
9.34% (6.30%, 13.60%) |
2.60% (1.38%, 4.84%) |
0.26% (0.06%, 1.08%) |
10.26% (7.06%, 14.68%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
5.56% (3.50%, 8.76%) |
20.10% (16.78%, 23.88%) |
17.32% (13.82%, 21.48%) |
29.60% (25.40%, 34.20%) |
8.62% (6.22%, 11.84%) |
3.40% (1.94%, 5.90%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.34%) |
15.34% (12.10%, 19.26%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
13.32% (9.94%, 17.58%) |
29.46% (24.00%, 35.56%) |
18.18% (13.96%, 23.32%) |
17.60% (13.30%, 22.90%) |
2.30% (0.98%, 5.26%) |
0.32% (0.10%, 1.00%) |
0.66% (0.10%, 4.54%) |
18.18% (13.60%, 23.90%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
8.98% (6.48%, 12.30%) |
24.06% (20.32%, 28.24%) |
14.64% (11.36%, 18.68%) |
25.46% (21.10%, 30.38%) |
5.26% (3.74%, 7.36%) |
2.50% (1.30%, 4.80%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.34%) |
19.06% (15.86%, 22.72%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
5.10% (3.50%, 7.36%) |
24.74% (21.84%, 27.88%) |
15.88% (13.34%, 18.80%) |
26.02% (22.32%, 30.12%) |
5.74% (3.90%, 8.36%) |
1.08% (0.54%, 2.16%) |
0.56% (0.22%, 1.50%) |
20.88% (17.46%, 24.76%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.02% (0.20%, 4.96%) |
1.34% (0.32%, 5.62%) |
1.50% (0.40%, 5.58%) |
17.38% (12.58%, 23.54%) |
21.68% (14.86%, 30.54%) |
37.34% (30.52%, 44.70%) |
8.30% (4.76%, 14.06%) |
11.42% (7.24%, 17.56%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.34% (0.08%, 1.40%) |
1.84% (0.76%, 4.46%) |
2.10% (1.04%, 4.16%) |
19.48% (15.16%, 24.70%) |
17.50% (13.44%, 22.48%) |
35.30% (30.22%, 40.72%) |
13.64% (10.50%, 17.54%) |
9.80% (6.68%, 14.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.14% (0.04%, 0.60%) |
0.38% (0.18%, 0.88%) |
2.54% (1.28%, 4.96%) |
10.60% (7.96%, 13.96%) |
13.32% (10.52%, 16.72%) |
47.40% (42.94%, 51.92%) |
14.92% (12.24%, 18.08%) |
10.68% (8.28%, 13.68%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.58% (0.08%, 4.10%) |
2.74% (1.06%, 6.94%) |
2.16% (1.00%, 4.64%) |
18.62% (12.96%, 26.04%) |
11.08% (7.28%, 16.52%) |
32.36% (24.98%, 40.72%) |
10.80% (6.00%, 18.64%) |
21.64% (15.20%, 29.88%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.54% (0.16%, 1.84%) |
1.64% (0.70%, 3.80%) |
1.14% (0.52%, 2.44%) |
23.82% (18.82%, 29.66%) |
14.52% (10.66%, 19.50%) |
36.18% (30.64%, 42.10%) |
10.12% (7.42%, 13.66%) |
12.04% (9.04%, 15.88%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.48% (0.12%, 1.90%) |
1.14% (0.52%, 2.42%) |
1.36% (0.64%, 2.90%) |
11.46% (8.82%, 14.76%) |
13.70% (11.16%, 16.70%) |
44.32% (39.78%, 48.96%) |
12.78% (10.28%, 15.78%) |
14.76% (11.94%, 18.12%) |
Race | ||||||||
D - White |
9.80% (8.10%, 11.80%) |
30.96% (28.52%, 33.48%) |
20.08% (17.96%, 22.40%) |
23.36% (21.16%, 25.70%) |
5.74% (4.76%, 6.94%) |
1.76% (1.20%, 2.60%) |
0.14% (0.04%, 0.44%) |
8.16% (6.76%, 9.80%) |
D - Non-white |
5.48% (4.20%, 7.14%) |
16.98% (14.30%, 20.02%) |
14.22% (12.22%, 16.48%) |
27.06% (24.18%, 30.18%) |
6.80% (5.22%, 8.80%) |
2.58% (1.70%, 3.92%) |
0.50% (0.18%, 1.32%) |
26.38% (23.40%, 29.60%) |
R - White |
0.52% (0.26%, 1.00%) |
0.88% (0.56%, 1.42%) |
1.74% (1.14%, 2.62%) |
14.72% (13.04%, 16.58%) |
14.74% (13.12%, 16.52%) |
42.06% (39.82%, 44.34%) |
13.00% (11.46%, 14.74%) |
12.34% (10.78%, 14.08%) |
R - Non-white |
1.14% (0.32%, 4.08%) |
2.94% (1.54%, 5.50%) |
1.78% (0.78%, 3.98%) |
21.14% (16.96%, 26.04%) |
15.92% (12.46%, 20.10%) |
32.48% (27.56%, 37.80%) |
8.44% (6.00%, 11.74%) |
16.16% (12.14%, 21.22%) |
Education | ||||||||
D - College Grad |
9.76% (7.98%, 11.90%) |
31.08% (28.50%, 33.78%) |
22.78% (20.36%, 25.40%) |
22.06% (19.90%, 24.36%) |
6.64% (5.22%, 8.40%) |
1.24% (0.82%, 1.88%) |
0.30% (0.10%, 0.90%) |
6.12% (4.86%, 7.70%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.98% (4.78%, 7.48%) |
19.58% (17.08%, 22.34%) |
13.26% (11.48%, 15.28%) |
27.40% (24.68%, 30.32%) |
5.84% (4.56%, 7.44%) |
2.84% (2.00%, 4.06%) |
0.30% (0.08%, 1.00%) |
24.78% (22.14%, 27.64%) |
R - College Grad | NA |
1.40% (0.72%, 2.68%) |
2.08% (1.04%, 4.12%) |
14.86% (12.14%, 18.06%) |
19.94% (17.08%, 23.16%) |
47.26% (43.48%, 51.08%) |
10.58% (8.78%, 12.72%) |
3.88% (2.74%, 5.44%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.90% (0.48%, 1.68%) |
1.28% (0.80%, 2.06%) |
1.52% (1.04%, 2.22%) |
16.26% (14.42%, 18.30%) |
12.84% (11.16%, 14.74%) |
37.58% (35.14%, 40.08%) |
12.74% (11.00%, 14.74%) |
16.88% (14.92%, 19.04%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201202, "Democratic Presidential candidate on a 7-point scale") anes
Extremely liberal | Liberal | Slightly liberal | Moderate; middle of the road | Slightly conservative | Conservative | Extremely conservative | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
3.92% (3.06%, 5.00%) |
26.78% (24.82%, 28.84%) |
28.58% (26.80%, 30.44%) |
28.68% (26.82%, 30.60%) |
6.06% (5.06%, 7.22%) |
3.94% (3.18%, 4.90%) |
2.04% (1.44%, 2.88%) |
R |
41.74% (39.72%, 43.80%) |
36.10% (33.82%, 38.44%) |
7.28% (6.08%, 8.70%) |
7.24% (6.26%, 8.36%) |
1.82% (1.30%, 2.56%) |
3.82% (3.02%, 4.84%) |
1.96% (1.44%, 2.68%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
2.78% (1.88%, 4.08%) |
25.70% (22.96%, 28.64%) |
30.30% (27.46%, 33.32%) |
29.50% (26.76%, 32.40%) |
6.76% (5.12%, 8.88%) |
3.66% (2.60%, 5.18%) |
1.28% (0.68%, 2.40%) |
D - Female |
4.90% (3.64%, 6.56%) |
27.66% (25.00%, 30.48%) |
27.04% (24.74%, 29.46%) |
28.06% (25.56%, 30.70%) |
5.52% (4.46%, 6.80%) |
4.16% (3.16%, 5.44%) |
2.68% (1.82%, 3.94%) |
R - Male |
40.30% (37.36%, 43.28%) |
37.76% (34.32%, 41.34%) |
8.40% (6.72%, 10.46%) |
6.68% (5.20%, 8.50%) |
1.82% (1.08%, 3.02%) |
3.32% (2.48%, 4.46%) |
1.72% (1.12%, 2.66%) |
R - Female |
43.16% (40.14%, 46.20%) |
34.48% (31.50%, 37.60%) |
6.10% (4.74%, 7.82%) |
7.80% (6.30%, 9.62%) |
1.82% (1.10%, 2.98%) |
4.40% (3.12%, 6.16%) |
2.24% (1.40%, 3.54%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.44% (1.56%, 7.34%) |
31.86% (25.72%, 38.68%) |
23.00% (17.88%, 29.06%) |
27.60% (22.10%, 33.86%) |
7.44% (4.00%, 13.44%) |
4.30% (2.26%, 8.08%) |
2.38% (0.84%, 6.54%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.36% (1.38%, 3.96%) |
24.34% (19.78%, 29.54%) |
33.98% (29.60%, 38.66%) |
27.18% (22.50%, 32.42%) |
9.18% (6.48%, 12.84%) |
2.84% (1.48%, 5.38%) |
0.14% (0.04%, 0.60%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.80% (1.42%, 5.42%) |
22.50% (18.86%, 26.58%) |
32.50% (28.52%, 36.76%) |
32.72% (28.52%, 37.22%) |
4.00% (2.46%, 6.42%) |
3.94% (2.46%, 6.24%) |
1.56% (0.74%, 3.26%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.78% (2.80%, 8.06%) |
33.96% (28.02%, 40.46%) |
26.64% (21.76%, 32.16%) |
24.52% (19.50%, 30.34%) |
5.30% (3.40%, 8.18%) |
2.68% (1.40%, 5.08%) |
2.10% (0.86%, 5.06%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.76% (3.88%, 8.44%) |
27.70% (23.76%, 32.02%) |
26.32% (22.36%, 30.72%) |
25.08% (20.60%, 30.18%) |
6.58% (4.42%, 9.66%) |
6.44% (4.26%, 9.68%) |
2.10% (1.02%, 4.26%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
4.48% (2.70%, 7.32%) |
23.78% (20.80%, 27.02%) |
27.52% (24.10%, 31.22%) |
32.48% (28.52%, 36.72%) |
4.72% (3.04%, 7.24%) |
3.58% (2.14%, 5.90%) |
3.48% (2.00%, 5.96%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
34.74% (28.02%, 42.12%) |
36.40% (29.04%, 44.44%) |
10.54% (6.50%, 16.64%) |
10.28% (6.22%, 16.54%) |
2.56% (0.86%, 7.38%) |
3.56% (1.62%, 7.66%) |
1.94% (0.74%, 5.00%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
42.62% (37.40%, 47.98%) |
36.06% (31.40%, 40.98%) |
7.68% (5.16%, 11.28%) |
6.40% (3.82%, 10.52%) |
1.14% (0.46%, 2.78%) |
4.16% (2.76%, 6.22%) |
1.96% (0.92%, 4.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
40.58% (36.60%, 44.68%) |
39.88% (35.30%, 44.64%) |
7.90% (5.62%, 10.96%) |
5.36% (3.74%, 7.64%) |
1.88% (0.80%, 4.36%) |
2.84% (1.70%, 4.68%) |
1.58% (0.86%, 2.88%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
42.28% (33.68%, 51.36%) |
31.26% (24.36%, 39.10%) |
5.14% (2.92%, 8.90%) |
15.66% (10.96%, 21.86%) |
1.30% (0.34%, 4.80%) |
3.46% (1.44%, 8.04%) |
0.90% (0.34%, 2.34%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
41.02% (35.60%, 46.68%) |
34.12% (28.88%, 39.78%) |
6.90% (4.46%, 10.52%) |
6.90% (4.84%, 9.74%) |
2.62% (1.20%, 5.54%) |
6.68% (3.86%, 11.28%) |
1.78% (0.88%, 3.54%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
45.74% (41.50%, 50.04%) |
34.90% (30.66%, 39.40%) |
5.80% (3.90%, 8.56%) |
5.98% (4.24%, 8.38%) |
1.28% (0.58%, 2.86%) |
3.72% (2.24%, 6.10%) |
2.56% (1.52%, 4.26%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
1.74% (1.14%, 2.64%) |
28.96% (26.90%, 31.10%) |
33.70% (31.58%, 35.90%) |
27.30% (25.18%, 29.54%) |
5.44% (4.24%, 6.94%) |
2.30% (1.62%, 3.26%) |
0.54% (0.28%, 1.06%) |
D - Non-white |
6.66% (5.08%, 8.66%) |
23.96% (20.86%, 27.36%) |
22.40% (19.66%, 25.40%) |
30.20% (27.04%, 33.58%) |
6.84% (5.30%, 8.78%) |
6.02% (4.62%, 7.82%) |
3.90% (2.68%, 5.66%) |
R - White |
43.40% (41.00%, 45.82%) |
37.46% (35.04%, 39.94%) |
6.52% (5.42%, 7.82%) |
5.82% (4.90%, 6.92%) |
1.16% (0.74%, 1.80%) |
3.76% (2.88%, 4.88%) |
1.88% (1.32%, 2.66%) |
R - Non-white |
34.18% (29.26%, 39.46%) |
29.98% (24.48%, 36.14%) |
10.52% (7.02%, 15.50%) |
13.76% (10.14%, 18.40%) |
4.78% (2.72%, 8.26%) |
4.30% (2.36%, 7.72%) |
2.46% (1.34%, 4.48%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
2.48% (1.62%, 3.80%) |
28.04% (25.58%, 30.62%) |
37.68% (35.10%, 40.32%) |
24.68% (22.26%, 27.24%) |
5.08% (3.90%, 6.56%) |
1.50% (0.94%, 2.38%) |
0.58% (0.22%, 1.42%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.12% (3.78%, 6.90%) |
25.34% (22.70%, 28.16%) |
21.22% (19.00%, 23.62%) |
32.18% (29.42%, 35.08%) |
6.84% (5.38%, 8.68%) |
6.02% (4.74%, 7.60%) |
3.28% (2.24%, 4.76%) |
R - College Grad |
34.96% (31.54%, 38.54%) |
48.74% (44.56%, 52.92%) |
8.18% (6.28%, 10.56%) |
3.26% (2.16%, 4.94%) |
1.66% (0.84%, 3.24%) |
2.62% (1.68%, 4.04%) |
0.60% (0.26%, 1.40%) |
R - Not college grad |
44.64% (42.14%, 47.18%) |
30.84% (28.38%, 33.42%) |
6.88% (5.46%, 8.64%) |
8.92% (7.60%, 10.46%) |
1.96% (1.34%, 2.84%) |
4.14% (3.12%, 5.50%) |
2.60% (1.88%, 3.62%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201203, "Republican Presidential candidate on a 7-point scale") anes
Extremely liberal | Liberal | Slightly liberal | Moderate; middle of the road | Slightly conservative | Conservative | Extremely conservative | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
8.46% (7.32%, 9.76%) |
3.02% (2.38%, 3.84%) |
2.98% (2.30%, 3.86%) |
7.48% (6.44%, 8.68%) |
8.66% (7.50%, 9.96%) |
25.92% (24.16%, 27.78%) |
43.46% (41.34%, 45.62%) |
R |
2.12% (1.56%, 2.90%) |
2.52% (1.84%, 3.44%) |
2.24% (1.60%, 3.12%) |
11.24% (9.82%, 12.86%) |
14.98% (13.44%, 16.66%) |
52.60% (50.42%, 54.78%) |
14.28% (12.86%, 15.86%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
7.84% (6.18%, 9.88%) |
2.78% (1.86%, 4.18%) |
3.70% (2.52%, 5.40%) |
6.72% (5.14%, 8.76%) |
9.14% (7.52%, 11.06%) |
26.18% (23.56%, 28.98%) |
43.62% (40.54%, 46.74%) |
D - Female |
9.02% (7.52%, 10.80%) |
3.24% (2.36%, 4.42%) |
2.40% (1.74%, 3.34%) |
8.14% (6.82%, 9.66%) |
8.32% (6.98%, 9.88%) |
25.62% (23.24%, 28.12%) |
43.28% (40.50%, 46.08%) |
R - Male |
1.78% (1.12%, 2.84%) |
2.48% (1.56%, 3.96%) |
2.28% (1.52%, 3.40%) |
10.46% (8.42%, 12.94%) |
16.20% (13.88%, 18.84%) |
53.96% (51.16%, 56.72%) |
12.82% (11.08%, 14.78%) |
R - Female |
2.52% (1.60%, 3.94%) |
2.56% (1.82%, 3.62%) |
2.10% (1.22%, 3.58%) |
12.10% (10.14%, 14.38%) |
13.68% (11.74%, 15.88%) |
51.12% (47.64%, 54.56%) |
15.92% (13.62%, 18.54%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.52% (2.32%, 8.66%) |
3.42% (1.52%, 7.48%) |
4.44% (2.08%, 9.20%) |
6.54% (3.26%, 12.68%) |
6.10% (3.58%, 10.20%) |
26.28% (20.70%, 32.76%) |
48.68% (42.72%, 54.68%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
9.34% (6.32%, 13.58%) |
2.28% (1.12%, 4.60%) |
4.34% (2.40%, 7.74%) |
6.02% (4.02%, 8.88%) |
9.94% (7.34%, 13.32%) |
28.24% (23.68%, 33.30%) |
39.84% (34.98%, 44.90%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
9.18% (6.58%, 12.70%) |
2.90% (1.68%, 4.94%) |
2.06% (1.08%, 3.88%) |
7.04% (4.90%, 9.98%) |
10.44% (7.86%, 13.78%) |
24.56% (20.30%, 29.36%) |
43.82% (39.38%, 48.36%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
5.96% (3.50%, 10.00%) |
0.98% (0.42%, 2.28%) |
2.44% (0.96%, 6.04%) |
8.80% (5.96%, 12.82%) |
5.84% (4.00%, 8.48%) |
27.10% (21.88%, 33.06%) |
48.84% (42.22%, 55.52%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
11.10% (8.46%, 14.44%) |
5.40% (3.58%, 8.06%) |
2.74% (1.74%, 4.28%) |
6.74% (4.64%, 9.70%) |
8.76% (6.48%, 11.74%) |
25.38% (21.32%, 29.94%) |
39.88% (35.12%, 44.84%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
9.60% (7.32%, 12.50%) |
3.16% (1.96%, 5.00%) |
2.20% (1.38%, 3.52%) |
8.24% (6.50%, 10.38%) |
9.68% (7.40%, 12.58%) |
24.68% (21.28%, 28.44%) |
42.44% (38.34%, 46.64%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.84% (0.68%, 4.96%) |
2.50% (0.74%, 8.02%) |
2.86% (1.14%, 6.94%) |
11.10% (7.02%, 17.12%) |
15.28% (10.38%, 21.94%) |
53.30% (45.38%, 61.04%) |
13.12% (8.96%, 18.80%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.86% (0.82%, 4.22%) |
1.94% (0.98%, 3.86%) |
3.04% (1.58%, 5.72%) |
14.24% (10.36%, 19.26%) |
17.06% (13.10%, 21.90%) |
48.46% (43.50%, 53.46%) |
13.40% (9.84%, 18.02%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
1.60% (0.80%, 3.18%) |
2.32% (1.18%, 4.50%) |
1.54% (0.74%, 3.20%) |
7.64% (5.50%, 10.50%) |
16.28% (12.92%, 20.30%) |
57.88% (53.52%, 62.12%) |
12.74% (10.24%, 15.76%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.86% (2.64%, 8.80%) |
2.22% (0.84%, 5.76%) |
1.24% (0.46%, 3.38%) |
13.44% (8.66%, 20.24%) |
16.60% (11.20%, 23.86%) |
41.86% (33.30%, 50.94%) |
19.78% (13.76%, 27.60%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.06% (0.92%, 4.56%) |
2.88% (1.72%, 4.82%) |
3.30% (1.60%, 6.64%) |
11.94% (9.04%, 15.62%) |
14.66% (11.58%, 18.42%) |
53.04% (47.38%, 58.62%) |
12.12% (8.72%, 16.60%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
1.44% (0.78%, 2.70%) |
2.68% (1.68%, 4.28%) |
1.30% (0.60%, 2.80%) |
12.34% (9.58%, 15.74%) |
12.22% (9.58%, 15.46%) |
52.72% (48.06%, 57.34%) |
17.30% (14.12%, 21.02%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
4.04% (3.32%, 4.94%) |
1.58% (1.14%, 2.22%) |
1.58% (1.12%, 2.22%) |
6.08% (4.94%, 7.50%) |
10.00% (8.40%, 11.86%) |
30.52% (28.24%, 32.88%) |
46.18% (43.70%, 48.68%) |
D - Non-white |
13.90% (11.66%, 16.50%) |
4.70% (3.42%, 6.44%) |
4.68% (3.36%, 6.50%) |
9.12% (7.32%, 11.28%) |
7.12% (5.64%, 8.98%) |
20.48% (17.90%, 23.32%) |
40.00% (36.62%, 43.46%) |
R - White |
1.74% (1.16%, 2.62%) |
1.94% (1.34%, 2.82%) |
1.82% (1.34%, 2.48%) |
10.66% (9.30%, 12.18%) |
15.12% (13.60%, 16.80%) |
54.52% (52.22%, 56.82%) |
14.16% (12.64%, 15.86%) |
R - Non-white |
3.24% (1.90%, 5.50%) |
5.14% (2.96%, 8.80%) |
4.08% (2.02%, 8.06%) |
14.02% (10.50%, 18.50%) |
14.22% (10.40%, 19.16%) |
44.14% (38.94%, 49.48%) |
15.14% (11.30%, 19.96%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
2.62% (1.80%, 3.80%) |
1.64% (1.08%, 2.48%) |
1.68% (1.12%, 2.52%) |
3.36% (2.52%, 4.44%) |
9.98% (8.20%, 12.10%) |
34.54% (31.72%, 37.50%) |
46.18% (43.36%, 49.00%) |
D - Not college grad |
13.22% (11.22%, 15.52%) |
4.20% (3.10%, 5.64%) |
3.94% (2.86%, 5.40%) |
10.74% (8.94%, 12.86%) |
7.62% (6.20%, 9.30%) |
18.84% (16.52%, 21.42%) |
41.44% (38.24%, 44.70%) |
R - College Grad |
0.62% (0.22%, 1.66%) |
1.86% (0.94%, 3.64%) |
1.04% (0.60%, 1.78%) |
6.92% (5.28%, 9.04%) |
20.14% (17.38%, 23.20%) |
58.14% (54.64%, 61.54%) |
11.30% (9.58%, 13.32%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.84% (2.04%, 3.92%) |
2.78% (1.94%, 3.94%) |
2.72% (1.86%, 3.96%) |
13.12% (11.26%, 15.22%) |
12.82% (10.90%, 15.02%) |
50.22% (47.28%, 53.14%) |
15.54% (13.60%, 17.68%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201206, "Democratic party on a 7-point scale") anes
Extremely liberal | Liberal | Slightly liberal | Moderate; middle of the road | Slightly conservative | Conservative | Extremely conservative | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
9.80% (8.60%, 11.18%) |
39.62% (37.76%, 41.50%) |
22.74% (20.94%, 24.64%) |
18.30% (16.56%, 20.16%) |
3.62% (2.96%, 4.42%) |
4.22% (3.40%, 5.20%) |
1.72% (1.16%, 2.54%) |
R |
60.72% (58.40%, 62.98%) |
22.48% (20.62%, 24.44%) |
4.00% (3.12%, 5.14%) |
5.70% (4.78%, 6.78%) |
1.70% (1.22%, 2.34%) |
2.64% (1.96%, 3.58%) |
2.76% (2.04%, 3.74%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
8.38% (6.70%, 10.44%) |
40.58% (37.58%, 43.64%) |
23.50% (21.10%, 26.08%) |
17.78% (15.38%, 20.48%) |
3.96% (2.84%, 5.52%) |
4.18% (3.02%, 5.74%) |
1.62% (0.96%, 2.70%) |
D - Female |
11.08% (9.30%, 13.14%) |
38.78% (36.00%, 41.64%) |
22.14% (19.80%, 24.66%) |
18.68% (16.42%, 21.20%) |
3.30% (2.54%, 4.26%) |
4.24% (3.24%, 5.52%) |
1.80% (1.08%, 2.98%) |
R - Male |
61.30% (58.02%, 64.48%) |
23.86% (21.24%, 26.68%) |
3.94% (2.64%, 5.84%) |
4.78% (3.62%, 6.26%) |
1.48% (0.96%, 2.24%) |
1.98% (1.28%, 3.02%) |
2.68% (1.72%, 4.16%) |
R - Female |
60.08% (57.10%, 62.98%) |
21.12% (18.86%, 23.58%) |
3.98% (2.84%, 5.52%) |
6.62% (5.32%, 8.22%) |
1.96% (1.20%, 3.20%) |
3.38% (2.20%, 5.20%) |
2.88% (1.88%, 4.36%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
8.98% (5.44%, 14.48%) |
41.36% (34.16%, 48.94%) |
18.40% (13.20%, 25.04%) |
20.26% (14.98%, 26.80%) |
5.22% (2.94%, 9.14%) |
4.34% (2.26%, 8.20%) |
1.44% (0.44%, 4.56%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
10.72% (8.00%, 14.20%) |
41.36% (36.34%, 46.58%) |
22.84% (18.58%, 27.76%) |
15.08% (11.70%, 19.24%) |
4.34% (2.34%, 7.92%) |
3.72% (1.92%, 7.04%) |
1.94% (0.82%, 4.52%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
5.88% (3.62%, 9.40%) |
39.34% (34.68%, 44.22%) |
27.74% (23.58%, 32.32%) |
18.40% (15.04%, 22.32%) |
2.82% (1.56%, 5.00%) |
4.28% (2.58%, 7.00%) |
1.54% (0.76%, 3.08%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
17.10% (12.88%, 22.36%) |
38.68% (32.70%, 45.00%) |
19.10% (15.38%, 23.48%) |
18.56% (14.16%, 23.96%) |
3.60% (2.00%, 6.42%) |
1.96% (0.72%, 5.22%) |
1.00% (0.38%, 2.60%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.70% (7.92%, 14.30%) |
38.48% (34.12%, 43.04%) |
21.24% (17.36%, 25.74%) |
16.96% (13.26%, 21.46%) |
3.86% (2.28%, 6.46%) |
5.70% (3.66%, 8.76%) |
3.04% (1.62%, 5.68%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
7.54% (5.46%, 10.36%) |
38.76% (34.88%, 42.78%) |
24.62% (21.14%, 28.46%) |
20.30% (16.84%, 24.26%) |
2.68% (1.78%, 4.06%) |
4.62% (2.98%, 7.08%) |
1.48% (0.56%, 3.88%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
57.14% (49.16%, 64.76%) |
21.62% (15.58%, 29.22%) |
3.22% (1.44%, 7.04%) |
8.12% (4.66%, 13.78%) |
1.52% (0.48%, 4.74%) |
2.46% (0.74%, 7.82%) |
5.90% (2.90%, 11.68%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
60.64% (54.86%, 66.16%) |
24.44% (19.92%, 29.60%) |
3.00% (1.64%, 5.44%) |
5.10% (2.76%, 9.24%) |
1.34% (0.64%, 2.82%) |
2.78% (1.60%, 4.82%) |
2.68% (1.38%, 5.16%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
63.32% (58.90%, 67.54%) |
24.66% (20.82%, 28.94%) |
4.72% (2.82%, 7.80%) |
3.24% (2.08%, 5.02%) |
1.56% (0.84%, 2.90%) |
1.28% (0.66%, 2.48%) |
1.20% (0.58%, 2.44%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
56.68% (48.16%, 64.84%) |
19.38% (14.30%, 25.68%) |
4.70% (2.34%, 9.22%) |
9.28% (5.64%, 14.90%) |
2.56% (0.82%, 7.78%) |
4.14% (1.82%, 9.12%) |
3.26% (1.56%, 6.72%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
53.08% (47.84%, 58.24%) |
24.92% (20.12%, 30.44%) |
4.98% (2.90%, 8.44%) |
7.40% (5.30%, 10.24%) |
2.30% (1.06%, 4.88%) |
3.52% (1.56%, 7.82%) |
3.80% (1.96%, 7.18%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
65.06% (60.54%, 69.30%) |
19.62% (16.28%, 23.46%) |
3.44% (2.10%, 5.58%) |
5.70% (4.06%, 7.94%) |
1.16% (0.58%, 2.30%) |
3.36% (1.72%, 6.52%) |
1.66% (0.86%, 3.20%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
7.48% (6.18%, 9.02%) |
45.54% (42.90%, 48.18%) |
26.20% (23.84%, 28.72%) |
14.52% (12.56%, 16.72%) |
3.18% (2.32%, 4.34%) |
2.08% (1.50%, 2.88%) |
1.02% (0.58%, 1.76%) |
D - Non-white |
12.80% (10.60%, 15.38%) |
32.24% (29.22%, 35.42%) |
18.50% (16.04%, 21.24%) |
22.86% (20.02%, 25.96%) |
4.16% (3.06%, 5.62%) |
6.86% (5.10%, 9.16%) |
2.60% (1.62%, 4.12%) |
R - White |
62.52% (60.08%, 64.90%) |
23.24% (21.26%, 25.34%) |
3.50% (2.64%, 4.60%) |
4.90% (4.02%, 5.96%) |
1.32% (0.92%, 1.90%) |
2.28% (1.54%, 3.36%) |
2.24% (1.54%, 3.22%) |
R - Non-white |
52.54% (46.20%, 58.80%) |
19.10% (15.00%, 23.98%) |
6.30% (3.86%, 10.10%) |
9.46% (6.42%, 13.72%) |
3.00% (1.56%, 5.66%) |
4.36% (2.42%, 7.74%) |
5.26% (2.86%, 9.46%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
8.22% (6.86%, 9.82%) |
47.34% (44.28%, 50.42%) |
27.40% (24.94%, 30.00%) |
12.32% (10.62%, 14.28%) |
3.12% (2.24%, 4.32%) |
1.18% (0.68%, 2.06%) |
0.40% (0.18%, 0.88%) |
D - Not college grad |
11.26% (9.34%, 13.50%) |
32.58% (29.72%, 35.60%) |
19.14% (16.92%, 21.56%) |
23.36% (20.68%, 26.28%) |
4.10% (3.14%, 5.34%) |
6.76% (5.34%, 8.50%) |
2.80% (1.86%, 4.22%) |
R - College Grad |
65.22% (61.34%, 68.92%) |
25.24% (21.78%, 29.06%) |
3.94% (2.60%, 5.96%) |
2.56% (1.58%, 4.12%) |
0.68% (0.30%, 1.54%) |
1.66% (0.84%, 3.32%) |
0.66% (0.28%, 1.58%) |
R - Not college grad |
58.90% (56.02%, 61.72%) |
21.48% (19.30%, 23.84%) |
3.98% (2.88%, 5.46%) |
7.16% (5.92%, 8.64%) |
2.12% (1.48%, 3.02%) |
2.86% (2.02%, 4.00%) |
3.52% (2.56%, 4.80%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201207, "Republican party on a 7-point scale") anes
Extremely liberal | Liberal | Slightly liberal | Moderate; middle of the road | Slightly conservative | Conservative | Extremely conservative | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
4.92% (3.90%, 6.18%) |
3.58% (2.82%, 4.56%) |
2.52% (1.86%, 3.38%) |
6.20% (5.16%, 7.42%) |
4.48% (3.72%, 5.38%) |
33.06% (31.06%, 35.10%) |
45.26% (43.16%, 47.38%) |
R |
1.64% (1.08%, 2.50%) |
2.10% (1.56%, 2.80%) |
2.70% (2.00%, 3.64%) |
10.80% (9.54%, 12.20%) |
16.74% (15.20%, 18.40%) |
54.64% (52.32%, 56.94%) |
11.38% (9.98%, 12.94%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
4.56% (3.34%, 6.20%) |
4.06% (2.88%, 5.68%) |
2.24% (1.42%, 3.52%) |
5.54% (4.12%, 7.40%) |
5.40% (4.12%, 7.04%) |
33.06% (30.02%, 36.26%) |
45.14% (42.12%, 48.22%) |
D - Female |
5.26% (3.96%, 6.92%) |
3.20% (2.32%, 4.42%) |
2.76% (1.88%, 4.02%) |
6.74% (5.44%, 8.34%) |
3.66% (2.78%, 4.80%) |
32.94% (30.38%, 35.60%) |
45.46% (42.64%, 48.30%) |
R - Male |
0.90% (0.48%, 1.64%) |
1.86% (1.20%, 2.88%) |
3.52% (2.42%, 5.10%) |
9.44% (7.84%, 11.34%) |
18.70% (16.36%, 21.32%) |
55.80% (52.64%, 58.92%) |
9.74% (7.90%, 12.00%) |
R - Female |
2.48% (1.52%, 4.02%) |
2.36% (1.66%, 3.34%) |
1.84% (1.12%, 2.98%) |
12.28% (10.26%, 14.64%) |
14.26% (12.02%, 16.82%) |
53.58% (50.48%, 56.64%) |
13.22% (10.98%, 15.82%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.80% (0.58%, 5.40%) |
4.86% (2.38%, 9.62%) |
3.70% (1.86%, 7.24%) |
6.54% (3.40%, 12.18%) |
4.60% (2.30%, 9.04%) |
30.48% (24.88%, 36.74%) |
48.04% (41.98%, 54.14%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.56% (3.14%, 9.62%) |
3.76% (2.22%, 6.30%) |
1.36% (0.40%, 4.56%) |
4.78% (2.84%, 7.96%) |
6.50% (4.26%, 9.76%) |
32.46% (27.38%, 37.98%) |
45.58% (39.96%, 51.30%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
6.08% (4.00%, 9.16%) |
3.64% (2.18%, 6.00%) |
1.90% (0.90%, 3.94%) |
4.98% (3.36%, 7.34%) |
5.28% (3.50%, 7.86%) |
35.32% (30.92%, 39.98%) |
42.78% (38.50%, 47.16%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.88% (0.68%, 5.10%) |
0.96% (0.38%, 2.36%) |
3.50% (1.60%, 7.54%) |
6.36% (3.78%, 10.52%) |
2.96% (1.80%, 4.86%) |
35.30% (29.96%, 41.04%) |
49.04% (43.20%, 54.88%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.88% (5.44%, 11.30%) |
3.70% (2.16%, 6.28%) |
2.58% (1.52%, 4.32%) |
6.48% (4.54%, 9.16%) |
3.80% (2.30%, 6.20%) |
33.16% (28.56%, 38.10%) |
42.40% (37.22%, 47.76%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
5.68% (3.82%, 8.36%) |
4.12% (2.66%, 6.30%) |
2.50% (1.46%, 4.22%) |
6.80% (4.96%, 9.24%) |
3.86% (2.58%, 5.76%) |
31.24% (27.36%, 35.40%) |
45.80% (41.56%, 50.12%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.16% (0.42%, 3.26%) |
0.56% (0.08%, 3.94%) |
3.72% (1.42%, 9.36%) |
12.74% (8.40%, 18.84%) |
9.58% (5.86%, 15.26%) |
55.92% (48.16%, 63.40%) |
16.32% (10.92%, 23.70%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.06% (0.34%, 3.18%) |
3.04% (1.50%, 6.10%) |
4.34% (2.42%, 7.66%) |
8.62% (5.72%, 12.82%) |
18.24% (14.08%, 23.32%) |
54.20% (48.76%, 59.52%) |
10.50% (7.40%, 14.66%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.48% (0.16%, 1.46%) |
1.68% (0.94%, 3.00%) |
2.88% (1.72%, 4.76%) |
7.92% (6.12%, 10.22%) |
23.78% (20.20%, 27.76%) |
57.12% (52.54%, 61.58%) |
6.14% (4.26%, 8.80%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.52% (2.28%, 8.76%) |
2.20% (0.88%, 5.40%) |
3.06% (0.98%, 9.12%) |
14.18% (9.82%, 20.02%) |
10.46% (6.28%, 16.88%) |
38.52% (30.68%, 47.00%) |
27.08% (20.46%, 34.88%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.36% (0.56%, 3.30%) |
2.46% (1.38%, 4.34%) |
1.60% (0.68%, 3.68%) |
13.04% (9.40%, 17.84%) |
15.56% (11.88%, 20.12%) |
52.90% (47.36%, 58.36%) |
13.08% (9.46%, 17.80%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
1.44% (0.52%, 3.90%) |
2.58% (1.66%, 3.98%) |
1.70% (0.80%, 3.58%) |
11.88% (9.42%, 14.88%) |
13.72% (10.60%, 17.58%) |
60.10% (55.86%, 64.20%) |
8.60% (6.58%, 11.14%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
1.86% (1.36%, 2.54%) |
1.86% (1.36%, 2.54%) |
0.98% (0.60%, 1.64%) |
4.02% (3.10%, 5.18%) |
4.26% (3.28%, 5.52%) |
38.12% (35.36%, 40.96%) |
48.88% (46.06%, 51.72%) |
D - Non-white |
8.72% (6.70%, 11.26%) |
5.74% (4.18%, 7.82%) |
4.26% (2.94%, 6.10%) |
8.88% (6.92%, 11.32%) |
4.78% (3.62%, 6.32%) |
26.88% (23.96%, 30.00%) |
40.78% (37.52%, 44.10%) |
R - White |
1.24% (0.74%, 2.10%) |
2.06% (1.52%, 2.82%) |
2.12% (1.48%, 3.04%) |
10.04% (8.82%, 11.44%) |
16.74% (15.02%, 18.64%) |
56.98% (54.36%, 59.56%) |
10.78% (9.32%, 12.46%) |
R - Non-white |
3.52% (1.78%, 6.84%) |
2.32% (1.22%, 4.42%) |
5.18% (3.10%, 8.52%) |
13.68% (10.20%, 18.12%) |
16.10% (12.24%, 20.92%) |
44.74% (39.24%, 50.38%) |
14.44% (10.58%, 19.42%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
1.18% (0.60%, 2.34%) |
0.96% (0.58%, 1.60%) |
0.78% (0.48%, 1.26%) |
2.50% (1.70%, 3.68%) |
3.92% (2.90%, 5.26%) |
39.94% (37.12%, 42.84%) |
50.72% (47.76%, 53.66%) |
D - Not college grad |
8.04% (6.38%, 10.10%) |
5.76% (4.44%, 7.44%) |
3.94% (2.80%, 5.52%) |
9.18% (7.46%, 11.24%) |
5.00% (3.86%, 6.48%) |
27.00% (24.46%, 29.70%) |
41.06% (38.20%, 44.00%) |
R - College Grad |
0.52% (0.10%, 2.92%) |
1.24% (0.64%, 2.42%) |
2.02% (1.30%, 3.14%) |
6.52% (4.82%, 8.72%) |
20.44% (17.80%, 23.34%) |
58.36% (54.84%, 61.78%) |
10.92% (8.84%, 13.42%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.18% (1.44%, 3.30%) |
2.52% (1.82%, 3.50%) |
3.06% (2.12%, 4.38%) |
12.80% (11.06%, 14.76%) |
15.08% (13.22%, 17.14%) |
52.60% (49.52%, 55.64%) |
11.78% (9.94%, 13.92%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201208, "Biden: Strong leadership") anes
Extremely well | Very well | Moderately well | Slightly well | Not well at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
20.62% (19.32%, 22.00%) |
36.38% (34.44%, 38.38%) |
29.18% (27.32%, 31.12%) |
10.70% (9.62%, 11.88%) |
3.10% (2.38%, 4.02%) |
R |
0.36% (0.18%, 0.70%) |
1.18% (0.76%, 1.84%) |
7.44% (6.40%, 8.64%) |
14.82% (13.30%, 16.50%) |
76.20% (74.26%, 78.02%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
18.90% (16.66%, 21.38%) |
34.90% (32.06%, 37.84%) |
31.08% (28.34%, 33.94%) |
11.82% (9.88%, 14.06%) |
3.32% (2.22%, 4.94%) |
D - Female |
22.12% (20.04%, 24.38%) |
37.44% (34.78%, 40.16%) |
27.80% (25.34%, 30.42%) |
9.78% (8.38%, 11.38%) |
2.86% (2.04%, 3.98%) |
R - Male |
0.26% (0.08%, 0.82%) |
1.38% (0.76%, 2.48%) |
6.88% (5.34%, 8.80%) |
14.38% (12.06%, 17.04%) |
77.12% (74.16%, 79.82%) |
R - Female |
0.44% (0.18%, 1.06%) |
1.00% (0.48%, 2.00%) |
7.90% (6.36%, 9.80%) |
15.42% (13.18%, 17.98%) |
75.22% (72.44%, 77.82%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
17.40% (12.50%, 23.72%) |
23.70% (18.40%, 29.96%) |
36.98% (30.74%, 43.66%) |
17.90% (13.08%, 24.02%) |
4.02% (2.06%, 7.68%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
15.66% (12.48%, 19.46%) |
36.72% (31.16%, 42.68%) |
29.88% (25.22%, 34.98%) |
13.48% (10.20%, 17.64%) |
4.26% (2.32%, 7.68%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
23.14% (19.54%, 27.16%) |
41.60% (36.92%, 46.42%) |
28.14% (24.60%, 31.98%) |
5.26% (3.38%, 8.12%) |
1.86% (0.76%, 4.54%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
14.44% (10.80%, 19.08%) |
27.14% (22.54%, 32.28%) |
39.24% (33.40%, 45.42%) |
13.12% (9.80%, 17.34%) |
6.06% (3.86%, 9.36%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
17.86% (14.50%, 21.82%) |
40.12% (35.12%, 45.34%) |
27.86% (23.68%, 32.50%) |
11.74% (9.06%, 15.10%) |
2.40% (1.34%, 4.28%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
31.12% (27.78%, 34.68%) |
41.88% (38.02%, 45.84%) |
19.90% (16.80%, 23.40%) |
6.04% (4.26%, 8.48%) |
1.06% (0.34%, 3.16%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.62% (0.12%, 3.10%) |
1.08% (0.28%, 4.16%) |
9.54% (6.00%, 14.86%) |
10.62% (6.78%, 16.28%) |
78.12% (71.56%, 83.52%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.32% (0.04%, 2.28%) |
1.24% (0.36%, 4.18%) |
5.64% (3.66%, 8.60%) |
17.20% (13.00%, 22.40%) |
75.60% (70.16%, 80.32%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.08% (0.02%, 0.52%) |
0.74% (0.28%, 1.90%) |
6.82% (4.80%, 9.58%) |
14.20% (11.26%, 17.76%) |
78.18% (74.50%, 81.44%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.24% (0.30%, 5.00%) |
0.48% (0.10%, 2.32%) |
10.02% (6.62%, 14.90%) |
18.58% (12.58%, 26.54%) |
69.68% (61.24%, 76.98%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.44% (0.10%, 1.80%) |
1.10% (0.38%, 3.18%) |
7.66% (4.94%, 11.72%) |
15.32% (11.66%, 19.88%) |
75.48% (70.04%, 80.22%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.20% (0.04%, 0.80%) |
0.68% (0.28%, 1.66%) |
7.42% (4.98%, 10.94%) |
13.58% (10.72%, 17.08%) |
78.12% (74.40%, 81.44%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
18.30% (16.58%, 20.18%) |
37.26% (34.98%, 39.58%) |
29.16% (27.00%, 31.44%) |
12.40% (10.86%, 14.16%) |
2.86% (2.08%, 3.94%) |
D - Non-white |
23.34% (20.94%, 25.94%) |
35.50% (32.40%, 38.72%) |
29.04% (25.92%, 32.38%) |
8.72% (7.18%, 10.54%) |
3.40% (2.26%, 5.10%) |
R - White |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.38%) |
0.82% (0.50%, 1.34%) |
6.26% (5.22%, 7.48%) |
13.86% (12.18%, 15.72%) |
78.96% (76.88%, 80.90%) |
R - Non-white |
1.48% (0.66%, 3.32%) |
2.84% (1.28%, 6.16%) |
12.82% (9.40%, 17.22%) |
19.04% (14.82%, 24.14%) |
63.82% (58.00%, 69.26%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
15.24% (13.50%, 17.14%) |
38.68% (35.86%, 41.58%) |
30.20% (27.58%, 32.98%) |
12.42% (10.84%, 14.20%) |
3.46% (2.38%, 5.00%) |
D - Not college grad |
24.76% (22.54%, 27.12%) |
34.84% (32.00%, 37.78%) |
28.08% (25.30%, 31.02%) |
9.44% (7.86%, 11.32%) |
2.88% (1.96%, 4.22%) |
R - College Grad |
0.30% (0.08%, 1.24%) |
0.56% (0.22%, 1.46%) |
8.28% (6.30%, 10.80%) |
17.04% (14.48%, 19.96%) |
73.82% (70.50%, 76.88%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.38% (0.18%, 0.84%) |
1.44% (0.86%, 2.40%) |
7.02% (5.78%, 8.50%) |
14.14% (12.22%, 16.32%) |
77.02% (74.64%, 79.24%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201209, "Biden: Really cares") anes
Extremely well | Very well | Moderately well | Slightly well | Not well at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
31.38% (29.36%, 33.46%) |
33.02% (30.98%, 35.14%) |
23.66% (21.78%, 25.66%) |
9.20% (8.00%, 10.54%) |
2.74% (2.14%, 3.52%) |
R |
0.42% (0.24%, 0.70%) |
2.58% (2.00%, 3.34%) |
11.30% (9.92%, 12.86%) |
22.78% (20.74%, 24.96%) |
62.90% (60.54%, 65.22%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
29.00% (26.18%, 32.00%) |
31.84% (28.96%, 34.88%) |
25.84% (23.12%, 28.78%) |
10.42% (8.44%, 12.78%) |
2.90% (2.02%, 4.14%) |
D - Female |
33.40% (30.84%, 36.08%) |
33.80% (31.12%, 36.58%) |
22.06% (19.70%, 24.60%) |
8.10% (6.76%, 9.68%) |
2.64% (1.84%, 3.78%) |
R - Male |
0.50% (0.24%, 1.00%) |
3.36% (2.38%, 4.70%) |
9.74% (8.14%, 11.62%) |
23.38% (20.52%, 26.50%) |
63.02% (59.80%, 66.14%) |
R - Female |
0.34% (0.12%, 0.92%) |
1.78% (1.16%, 2.72%) |
12.94% (10.82%, 15.44%) |
22.20% (19.76%, 24.84%) |
62.74% (59.40%, 65.94%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
19.70% (14.84%, 25.68%) |
29.20% (22.38%, 37.12%) |
30.40% (25.00%, 36.38%) |
15.32% (10.94%, 21.06%) |
5.38% (3.16%, 9.04%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
28.32% (24.12%, 32.94%) |
27.74% (23.26%, 32.70%) |
29.58% (25.08%, 34.52%) |
11.36% (8.08%, 15.76%) |
2.98% (1.84%, 4.82%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
36.98% (32.50%, 41.66%) |
37.54% (33.06%, 42.22%) |
18.98% (15.78%, 22.64%) |
5.72% (3.28%, 9.78%) |
0.80% (0.28%, 2.32%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
16.98% (12.98%, 21.90%) |
33.68% (28.08%, 39.78%) |
28.94% (23.86%, 34.60%) |
14.70% (11.32%, 18.90%) |
5.70% (3.44%, 9.26%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
29.24% (25.36%, 33.42%) |
34.98% (30.30%, 39.96%) |
25.38% (21.34%, 29.88%) |
8.12% (6.08%, 10.78%) |
2.28% (1.20%, 4.26%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
47.26% (42.70%, 51.88%) |
33.28% (29.32%, 37.48%) |
15.08% (12.10%, 18.62%) |
3.40% (2.30%, 4.98%) |
1.00% (0.30%, 3.22%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.30% (0.06%, 1.44%) |
3.76% (1.88%, 7.40%) |
9.60% (6.56%, 13.86%) |
21.80% (15.98%, 29.00%) |
64.54% (58.20%, 70.42%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.30% (0.06%, 1.50%) |
4.04% (2.12%, 7.62%) |
8.68% (5.96%, 12.46%) |
24.88% (19.84%, 30.72%) |
62.10% (56.04%, 67.80%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.54% (0.20%, 1.42%) |
2.08% (1.18%, 3.68%) |
11.08% (8.44%, 14.42%) |
23.32% (19.28%, 27.94%) |
62.98% (58.38%, 67.34%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.68% (0.10%, 4.82%) |
2.72% (1.22%, 5.98%) |
17.16% (11.30%, 25.24%) |
18.00% (12.72%, 24.86%) |
61.44% (52.56%, 69.60%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.26% (0.04%, 1.92%) |
2.16% (1.04%, 4.48%) |
10.38% (7.34%, 14.48%) |
24.60% (20.16%, 29.68%) |
62.58% (56.76%, 68.06%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.30% (0.08%, 1.02%) |
1.36% (0.74%, 2.48%) |
12.88% (10.00%, 16.42%) |
22.72% (19.38%, 26.42%) |
62.76% (58.12%, 67.18%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
32.28% (29.82%, 34.86%) |
34.50% (32.06%, 37.02%) |
21.28% (19.06%, 23.66%) |
8.86% (7.44%, 10.50%) |
3.10% (2.24%, 4.28%) |
D - Non-white |
30.06% (26.96%, 33.36%) |
31.14% (28.02%, 34.46%) |
26.90% (23.78%, 30.30%) |
9.54% (7.68%, 11.82%) |
2.32% (1.56%, 3.46%) |
R - White |
0.28% (0.16%, 0.50%) |
2.32% (1.76%, 3.04%) |
9.70% (8.32%, 11.30%) |
22.32% (20.22%, 24.58%) |
65.36% (62.72%, 67.92%) |
R - Non-white |
1.02% (0.38%, 2.68%) |
3.46% (1.74%, 6.80%) |
18.62% (14.36%, 23.80%) |
25.16% (19.90%, 31.26%) |
51.72% (45.92%, 57.50%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
31.64% (28.92%, 34.46%) |
33.20% (30.64%, 35.88%) |
22.98% (20.58%, 25.60%) |
9.28% (7.74%, 11.06%) |
2.90% (2.04%, 4.12%) |
D - Not college grad |
30.88% (28.16%, 33.74%) |
32.98% (30.22%, 35.84%) |
24.42% (21.76%, 27.30%) |
9.04% (7.34%, 11.10%) |
2.68% (1.84%, 3.86%) |
R - College Grad |
0.54% (0.20%, 1.42%) |
2.32% (1.54%, 3.50%) |
12.62% (10.18%, 15.54%) |
24.38% (21.16%, 27.92%) |
60.14% (56.10%, 64.04%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.36% (0.16%, 0.74%) |
2.74% (1.98%, 3.80%) |
10.70% (8.98%, 12.70%) |
22.12% (19.72%, 24.72%) |
64.08% (61.10%, 66.98%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201210, "Biden: Knowledgeable") anes
Extremely well | Very well | Moderately well | Slightly well | Not well at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
24.30% (22.62%, 26.06%) |
40.46% (38.32%, 42.64%) |
25.14% (23.22%, 27.16%) |
7.78% (6.56%, 9.22%) |
2.32% (1.74%, 3.10%) |
R |
0.62% (0.36%, 1.04%) |
3.94% (3.04%, 5.06%) |
15.38% (13.68%, 17.24%) |
25.66% (23.66%, 27.78%) |
54.40% (52.04%, 56.76%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
20.54% (18.14%, 23.14%) |
41.58% (38.38%, 44.86%) |
27.04% (24.04%, 30.24%) |
8.16% (6.44%, 10.28%) |
2.70% (1.82%, 3.98%) |
D - Female |
27.34% (25.02%, 29.80%) |
39.48% (36.64%, 42.40%) |
23.60% (21.30%, 26.08%) |
7.54% (6.10%, 9.28%) |
2.02% (1.30%, 3.18%) |
R - Male |
0.56% (0.28%, 1.12%) |
3.98% (2.66%, 5.90%) |
15.48% (12.82%, 18.60%) |
25.32% (22.80%, 28.04%) |
54.64% (51.22%, 58.02%) |
R - Female |
0.64% (0.28%, 1.44%) |
3.92% (2.78%, 5.50%) |
15.20% (13.08%, 17.60%) |
25.90% (22.94%, 29.12%) |
54.32% (51.02%, 57.60%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
15.84% (10.90%, 22.48%) |
32.60% (26.88%, 38.90%) |
32.84% (26.16%, 40.32%) |
12.94% (8.84%, 18.54%) |
5.78% (3.50%, 9.38%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
18.36% (14.92%, 22.36%) |
41.56% (36.16%, 47.16%) |
29.62% (24.40%, 35.46%) |
8.06% (5.58%, 11.50%) |
2.42% (1.34%, 4.30%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
26.22% (22.46%, 30.36%) |
48.76% (43.96%, 53.58%) |
20.16% (16.32%, 24.64%) |
4.20% (2.60%, 6.72%) |
0.66% (0.20%, 2.26%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
16.06% (12.34%, 20.66%) |
32.02% (26.82%, 37.70%) |
33.90% (28.58%, 39.66%) |
13.10% (9.72%, 17.44%) |
4.92% (2.78%, 8.54%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
23.52% (19.64%, 27.88%) |
43.12% (38.08%, 48.30%) |
24.16% (20.06%, 28.80%) |
7.32% (5.26%, 10.10%) |
1.88% (0.80%, 4.34%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
37.52% (33.40%, 41.80%) |
42.26% (37.98%, 46.64%) |
16.32% (13.22%, 20.00%) |
3.66% (2.16%, 6.18%) |
0.24% (0.08%, 0.80%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.62% (0.12%, 3.10%) |
4.08% (1.52%, 10.52%) |
13.52% (8.72%, 20.34%) |
25.18% (19.10%, 32.44%) |
56.58% (48.82%, 64.06%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.44% (0.12%, 1.66%) |
4.72% (2.64%, 8.30%) |
13.96% (10.52%, 18.30%) |
26.18% (22.02%, 30.84%) |
54.70% (49.24%, 60.04%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.44% (0.18%, 1.12%) |
2.94% (1.82%, 4.70%) |
17.84% (13.94%, 22.56%) |
24.32% (20.58%, 28.50%) |
54.44% (49.58%, 59.20%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.04% (0.24%, 4.46%) |
4.42% (2.32%, 8.24%) |
15.06% (10.16%, 21.74%) |
22.80% (16.34%, 30.88%) |
56.68% (47.90%, 65.06%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.26% (0.42%, 3.66%) |
3.54% (1.84%, 6.70%) |
14.42% (10.86%, 18.88%) |
27.10% (22.62%, 32.08%) |
53.70% (47.68%, 59.60%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.86%) |
3.22% (1.80%, 5.68%) |
16.10% (13.20%, 19.50%) |
25.70% (22.04%, 29.74%) |
54.86% (50.62%, 59.02%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
23.40% (21.26%, 25.68%) |
42.40% (39.60%, 45.22%) |
24.16% (21.78%, 26.70%) |
7.68% (6.30%, 9.34%) |
2.38% (1.66%, 3.38%) |
D - Non-white |
25.26% (22.34%, 28.40%) |
38.18% (35.18%, 41.28%) |
26.46% (23.26%, 29.92%) |
7.86% (6.16%, 9.98%) |
2.26% (1.38%, 3.64%) |
R - White |
0.34% (0.18%, 0.60%) |
2.80% (2.10%, 3.74%) |
14.28% (12.52%, 16.24%) |
26.18% (23.88%, 28.60%) |
56.42% (53.66%, 59.14%) |
R - Non-white |
1.40% (0.56%, 3.50%) |
9.10% (5.70%, 14.20%) |
20.74% (16.78%, 25.32%) |
22.66% (18.44%, 27.52%) |
46.10% (41.30%, 50.98%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
20.64% (18.40%, 23.08%) |
44.40% (41.54%, 47.28%) |
25.94% (23.38%, 28.66%) |
7.04% (5.64%, 8.76%) |
1.98% (1.26%, 3.12%) |
D - Not college grad |
26.80% (24.26%, 29.52%) |
37.66% (34.76%, 40.68%) |
24.64% (22.00%, 27.48%) |
8.26% (6.56%, 10.32%) |
2.64% (1.78%, 3.90%) |
R - College Grad |
0.66% (0.28%, 1.52%) |
4.46% (3.08%, 6.42%) |
15.74% (13.34%, 18.50%) |
29.26% (25.98%, 32.78%) |
49.88% (46.10%, 53.64%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.60% (0.30%, 1.18%) |
3.78% (2.64%, 5.40%) |
15.24% (13.16%, 17.56%) |
23.84% (21.48%, 26.38%) |
56.54% (53.58%, 59.46%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201211, "Biden: Honest") anes
Extremely well | Very well | Moderately well | Slightly well | Not well at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
23.78% (21.88%, 25.78%) |
35.06% (33.16%, 37.02%) |
27.96% (25.88%, 30.14%) |
10.42% (9.18%, 11.80%) |
2.78% (2.12%, 3.66%) |
R |
0.56% (0.28%, 1.14%) |
2.70% (2.10%, 3.46%) |
10.50% (9.26%, 11.90%) |
20.94% (19.16%, 22.84%) |
65.30% (63.26%, 67.26%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
22.86% (20.26%, 25.72%) |
34.82% (31.92%, 37.84%) |
29.26% (26.30%, 32.40%) |
10.14% (8.30%, 12.34%) |
2.90% (1.94%, 4.32%) |
D - Female |
24.46% (22.00%, 27.10%) |
35.26% (32.82%, 37.78%) |
26.96% (24.36%, 29.76%) |
10.58% (8.94%, 12.50%) |
2.72% (1.86%, 3.96%) |
R - Male |
0.52% (0.16%, 1.78%) |
2.96% (2.04%, 4.26%) |
10.74% (8.88%, 12.92%) |
20.24% (17.82%, 22.90%) |
65.54% (62.52%, 68.44%) |
R - Female |
0.60% (0.28%, 1.26%) |
2.46% (1.58%, 3.80%) |
10.22% (8.46%, 12.32%) |
21.76% (19.16%, 24.60%) |
64.96% (62.02%, 67.80%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
14.76% (10.36%, 20.58%) |
27.00% (21.14%, 33.78%) |
38.56% (32.62%, 44.86%) |
15.38% (11.46%, 20.34%) |
4.32% (2.36%, 7.78%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
19.46% (15.44%, 24.22%) |
35.56% (30.76%, 40.68%) |
30.66% (26.08%, 35.68%) |
10.30% (7.70%, 13.66%) |
4.02% (2.22%, 7.16%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
32.62% (28.50%, 37.04%) |
39.80% (35.24%, 44.52%) |
20.86% (17.30%, 24.92%) |
5.86% (3.62%, 9.32%) |
0.88% (0.30%, 2.44%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.70% (8.38%, 16.10%) |
26.40% (21.68%, 31.74%) |
38.52% (33.80%, 43.46%) |
17.46% (13.54%, 22.22%) |
5.92% (3.58%, 9.62%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
18.60% (15.24%, 22.46%) |
37.42% (33.08%, 41.96%) |
29.50% (25.28%, 34.10%) |
12.12% (9.00%, 16.12%) |
2.36% (1.28%, 4.32%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
37.16% (32.92%, 41.62%) |
39.32% (35.44%, 43.32%) |
17.78% (14.44%, 21.72%) |
4.86% (3.38%, 6.94%) |
0.88% (0.24%, 3.28%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.08% (0.02%, 0.54%) |
2.92% (1.32%, 6.40%) |
11.14% (6.90%, 17.52%) |
17.60% (12.08%, 24.92%) |
68.26% (60.82%, 74.86%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.32% (0.04%, 2.28%) |
2.40% (1.28%, 4.48%) |
10.18% (7.06%, 14.44%) |
23.72% (18.90%, 29.32%) |
63.38% (57.14%, 69.20%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.92% (0.20%, 4.02%) |
2.66% (1.52%, 4.64%) |
11.26% (8.46%, 14.80%) |
19.20% (15.94%, 22.96%) |
65.94% (61.88%, 69.80%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.26% (0.30%, 5.10%) |
1.22% (0.34%, 4.28%) |
12.84% (8.08%, 19.82%) |
21.22% (14.88%, 29.34%) |
63.44% (54.20%, 71.80%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.46% (0.12%, 1.70%) |
2.82% (1.44%, 5.44%) |
8.56% (5.90%, 12.22%) |
25.60% (20.66%, 31.26%) |
62.56% (56.96%, 67.84%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.28% (0.06%, 1.10%) |
2.46% (1.26%, 4.76%) |
9.76% (7.36%, 12.84%) |
20.44% (16.68%, 24.78%) |
67.08% (63.02%, 70.88%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
25.46% (23.12%, 27.94%) |
36.32% (34.08%, 38.64%) |
25.32% (22.96%, 27.86%) |
10.62% (8.94%, 12.58%) |
2.28% (1.56%, 3.28%) |
D - Non-white |
21.46% (18.90%, 24.28%) |
33.70% (30.70%, 36.82%) |
31.26% (28.12%, 34.58%) |
10.14% (8.52%, 12.04%) |
3.44% (2.32%, 5.06%) |
R - White |
0.46% (0.18%, 1.18%) |
1.78% (1.24%, 2.54%) |
9.98% (8.64%, 11.54%) |
20.52% (18.58%, 22.60%) |
67.26% (64.98%, 69.46%) |
R - Non-white |
0.98% (0.36%, 2.72%) |
6.94% (4.72%, 10.12%) |
12.98% (9.24%, 17.96%) |
22.60% (17.78%, 28.28%) |
56.48% (50.40%, 62.38%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
23.50% (20.90%, 26.32%) |
35.88% (33.36%, 38.50%) |
28.78% (26.34%, 31.36%) |
9.20% (7.68%, 10.98%) |
2.64% (1.68%, 4.10%) |
D - Not college grad |
24.32% (21.74%, 27.12%) |
34.02% (31.22%, 36.96%) |
27.44% (24.68%, 30.40%) |
11.22% (9.46%, 13.26%) |
2.98% (2.10%, 4.20%) |
R - College Grad |
0.88% (0.24%, 3.22%) |
2.52% (1.48%, 4.24%) |
13.36% (10.76%, 16.48%) |
22.42% (19.00%, 26.24%) |
60.84% (56.64%, 64.86%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.42% (0.20%, 0.86%) |
2.84% (2.06%, 3.90%) |
9.44% (7.88%, 11.26%) |
20.12% (17.96%, 22.46%) |
67.20% (64.62%, 69.68%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201212, "Trump: Strong leadership") anes
Extremely well | Very well | Moderately well | Slightly well | Not well at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.80% (0.52%, 1.22%) |
1.64% (1.18%, 2.26%) |
5.86% (4.84%, 7.06%) |
10.26% (8.92%, 11.76%) |
81.46% (79.38%, 83.36%) |
R |
45.56% (43.42%, 47.70%) |
30.54% (28.64%, 32.50%) |
15.52% (13.84%, 17.34%) |
6.18% (5.00%, 7.60%) |
2.22% (1.64%, 2.98%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
0.62% (0.32%, 1.18%) |
2.26% (1.42%, 3.54%) |
6.12% (4.78%, 7.80%) |
11.00% (8.88%, 13.56%) |
80.02% (76.80%, 82.88%) |
D - Female |
0.96% (0.54%, 1.70%) |
1.14% (0.70%, 1.86%) |
5.70% (4.36%, 7.44%) |
9.62% (8.10%, 11.36%) |
82.60% (80.20%, 84.76%) |
R - Male |
46.30% (43.26%, 49.38%) |
29.12% (26.62%, 31.74%) |
15.82% (13.64%, 18.28%) |
6.68% (5.14%, 8.62%) |
2.08% (1.42%, 3.06%) |
R - Female |
44.80% (41.74%, 47.90%) |
32.16% (29.36%, 35.08%) |
15.10% (12.78%, 17.76%) |
5.62% (4.14%, 7.60%) |
2.30% (1.48%, 3.56%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.26% (0.04%, 1.86%) |
1.92% (0.78%, 4.64%) |
6.52% (3.84%, 10.84%) |
16.40% (11.76%, 22.44%) |
74.90% (68.36%, 80.48%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.04% (0.38%, 2.78%) |
3.18% (1.66%, 6.02%) |
6.84% (4.68%, 9.92%) |
8.72% (5.90%, 12.70%) |
80.22% (75.10%, 84.50%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.54% (0.22%, 1.30%) |
1.66% (0.74%, 3.66%) |
5.24% (3.32%, 8.14%) |
9.08% (6.64%, 12.30%) |
83.50% (79.56%, 86.80%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.84% (0.30%, 2.34%) |
0.94% (0.40%, 2.20%) |
6.32% (3.88%, 10.12%) |
13.56% (10.36%, 17.56%) |
78.34% (73.10%, 82.78%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.48% (0.50%, 4.22%) |
1.38% (0.66%, 2.88%) |
5.92% (3.94%, 8.82%) |
9.00% (6.88%, 11.70%) |
82.22% (78.32%, 85.54%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.56% (0.22%, 1.40%) |
1.10% (0.42%, 2.76%) |
5.26% (3.44%, 7.92%) |
7.58% (5.74%, 9.96%) |
85.50% (82.28%, 88.22%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
40.14% (32.96%, 47.76%) |
26.58% (20.14%, 34.16%) |
18.26% (12.64%, 25.66%) |
12.38% (7.84%, 19.04%) |
2.64% (1.10%, 6.22%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
44.90% (40.04%, 49.84%) |
33.56% (28.10%, 39.50%) |
12.40% (9.44%, 16.10%) |
6.38% (4.10%, 9.80%) |
2.76% (1.46%, 5.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
49.90% (45.76%, 54.04%) |
27.40% (24.00%, 31.10%) |
17.18% (13.96%, 20.94%) |
4.20% (2.58%, 6.80%) |
1.32% (0.72%, 2.42%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
37.44% (29.64%, 45.94%) |
28.82% (22.04%, 36.72%) |
22.38% (15.68%, 30.92%) |
7.78% (4.08%, 14.30%) |
3.58% (1.50%, 8.28%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
45.04% (39.80%, 50.40%) |
32.26% (27.02%, 38.02%) |
13.66% (9.92%, 18.50%) |
5.14% (3.00%, 8.68%) |
3.90% (2.14%, 7.04%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
47.84% (43.72%, 52.00%) |
34.72% (31.04%, 38.58%) |
12.90% (10.24%, 16.12%) |
3.58% (2.28%, 5.58%) |
0.96% (0.46%, 2.02%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.66% (0.38%, 1.14%) |
1.38% (0.92%, 2.08%) |
4.86% (3.74%, 6.28%) |
11.16% (9.38%, 13.22%) |
81.96% (79.32%, 84.30%) |
D - Non-white |
0.98% (0.54%, 1.76%) |
1.96% (1.22%, 3.18%) |
7.12% (5.48%, 9.24%) |
9.28% (7.64%, 11.24%) |
80.64% (77.76%, 83.20%) |
R - White |
46.98% (44.56%, 49.40%) |
31.62% (29.56%, 33.76%) |
15.52% (13.74%, 17.48%) |
4.66% (3.78%, 5.72%) |
1.24% (0.90%, 1.70%) |
R - Non-white |
39.52% (34.20%, 45.10%) |
25.26% (20.80%, 30.30%) |
15.28% (11.74%, 19.66%) |
13.20% (8.96%, 19.06%) |
6.72% (4.28%, 10.40%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.64% (0.34%, 1.14%) |
1.42% (0.94%, 2.16%) |
4.96% (3.62%, 6.78%) |
9.44% (7.94%, 11.18%) |
83.54% (80.92%, 85.88%) |
D - Not college grad |
0.88% (0.50%, 1.56%) |
1.80% (1.16%, 2.82%) |
6.68% (5.18%, 8.58%) |
11.04% (9.32%, 13.06%) |
79.58% (77.00%, 81.94%) |
R - College Grad |
40.42% (36.86%, 44.08%) |
29.80% (26.72%, 33.08%) |
20.12% (17.02%, 23.60%) |
7.42% (5.36%, 10.16%) |
2.26% (1.48%, 3.40%) |
R - Not college grad |
47.60% (44.86%, 50.34%) |
30.82% (28.46%, 33.28%) |
13.56% (11.58%, 15.82%) |
5.78% (4.50%, 7.42%) |
2.24% (1.54%, 3.24%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201213, "Trump: Really cares") anes
Extremely well | Very well | Moderately well | Slightly well | Not well at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.56% (0.32%, 1.00%) |
0.72% (0.44%, 1.20%) |
2.96% (2.26%, 3.86%) |
6.18% (5.16%, 7.38%) |
89.58% (88.10%, 90.88%) |
R |
36.30% (34.30%, 38.34%) |
30.74% (28.80%, 32.74%) |
19.12% (17.44%, 20.94%) |
9.56% (8.28%, 11.04%) |
4.26% (3.40%, 5.36%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
0.64% (0.26%, 1.54%) |
1.10% (0.56%, 2.10%) |
3.14% (2.12%, 4.64%) |
6.30% (4.78%, 8.26%) |
88.82% (86.44%, 90.82%) |
D - Female |
0.52% (0.26%, 1.04%) |
0.44% (0.20%, 0.92%) |
2.82% (2.00%, 3.98%) |
6.08% (4.76%, 7.70%) |
90.16% (88.26%, 91.78%) |
R - Male |
35.32% (32.34%, 38.40%) |
32.36% (29.50%, 35.36%) |
18.38% (16.08%, 20.90%) |
10.28% (8.44%, 12.48%) |
3.66% (2.60%, 5.14%) |
R - Female |
37.40% (34.82%, 40.06%) |
29.18% (26.30%, 32.22%) |
19.86% (17.34%, 22.66%) |
8.84% (7.32%, 10.64%) |
4.72% (3.40%, 6.52%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 | NA |
0.58% (0.14%, 2.44%) |
4.80% (2.58%, 8.76%) |
6.26% (3.72%, 10.36%) |
88.34% (83.64%, 91.84%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.08% (0.38%, 3.04%) |
1.90% (0.74%, 4.76%) |
2.82% (1.38%, 5.66%) |
8.14% (5.36%, 12.22%) |
86.06% (81.18%, 89.82%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.78% (0.18%, 3.44%) |
0.78% (0.24%, 2.58%) |
2.24% (1.18%, 4.22%) |
4.52% (3.12%, 6.48%) |
91.68% (88.40%, 94.10%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.24% (0.04%, 1.66%) |
0.22% (0.04%, 1.00%) |
3.90% (2.06%, 7.28%) |
4.28% (2.62%, 6.94%) |
91.36% (87.42%, 94.16%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.72% (0.22%, 2.38%) |
0.98% (0.38%, 2.60%) |
2.02% (1.16%, 3.52%) |
6.72% (4.48%, 9.96%) |
89.54% (85.92%, 92.32%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.56% (0.22%, 1.48%) |
0.18% (0.06%, 0.50%) |
2.78% (1.58%, 4.84%) |
6.78% (4.70%, 9.68%) |
89.72% (86.60%, 92.18%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
35.62% (28.62%, 43.30%) |
24.72% (19.20%, 31.24%) |
21.22% (15.32%, 28.62%) |
10.00% (6.14%, 15.88%) |
8.44% (4.72%, 14.68%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
34.64% (29.42%, 40.24%) |
31.72% (26.46%, 37.48%) |
17.90% (14.00%, 22.62%) |
12.62% (9.22%, 17.06%) |
3.12% (1.80%, 5.32%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
35.86% (31.86%, 40.08%) |
35.54% (31.22%, 40.12%) |
17.36% (14.44%, 20.76%) |
9.42% (6.82%, 12.88%) |
1.78% (1.10%, 2.92%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
31.20% (23.82%, 39.70%) |
23.66% (17.24%, 31.54%) |
27.08% (20.58%, 34.76%) |
10.86% (6.72%, 17.08%) |
7.20% (3.74%, 13.44%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
35.28% (29.70%, 41.30%) |
30.66% (26.02%, 35.76%) |
20.56% (16.14%, 25.80%) |
7.96% (5.28%, 11.84%) |
5.52% (3.20%, 9.36%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
41.66% (37.70%, 45.72%) |
30.36% (26.10%, 34.98%) |
16.94% (13.88%, 20.48%) |
8.10% (6.08%, 10.70%) |
2.96% (1.80%, 4.84%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.40% (0.18%, 0.86%) |
0.64% (0.34%, 1.18%) |
2.34% (1.68%, 3.28%) |
6.58% (5.30%, 8.12%) |
90.04% (88.16%, 91.64%) |
D - Non-white |
0.78% (0.36%, 1.72%) |
0.84% (0.38%, 1.88%) |
3.70% (2.50%, 5.42%) |
5.76% (4.46%, 7.42%) |
88.92% (86.64%, 90.84%) |
R - White |
38.70% (36.50%, 40.94%) |
32.16% (30.06%, 34.32%) |
18.20% (16.38%, 20.16%) |
8.10% (6.88%, 9.50%) |
2.86% (2.16%, 3.78%) |
R - Non-white |
25.70% (20.54%, 31.62%) |
24.20% (20.00%, 28.96%) |
23.02% (18.22%, 28.62%) |
16.38% (12.16%, 21.70%) |
10.70% (7.48%, 15.10%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.12% (0.04%, 0.36%) |
0.74% (0.40%, 1.36%) |
1.64% (1.00%, 2.70%) |
5.86% (4.44%, 7.70%) |
91.64% (89.60%, 93.30%) |
D - Not college grad |
0.92% (0.48%, 1.72%) |
0.74% (0.34%, 1.58%) |
4.02% (2.94%, 5.48%) |
6.36% (4.98%, 8.10%) |
87.96% (85.74%, 89.86%) |
R - College Grad |
28.34% (25.44%, 31.46%) |
32.80% (29.36%, 36.46%) |
22.90% (19.92%, 26.20%) |
11.90% (9.82%, 14.34%) |
4.04% (2.76%, 5.90%) |
R - Not college grad |
39.72% (37.14%, 42.38%) |
29.98% (27.62%, 32.44%) |
17.38% (15.36%, 19.60%) |
8.70% (7.06%, 10.68%) |
4.22% (3.20%, 5.54%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201214, "Trump: Knowledgeable") anes
Extremely well | Very well | Moderately well | Slightly well | Not well at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.72% (0.44%, 1.18%) |
1.30% (0.88%, 1.88%) |
5.16% (4.14%, 6.38%) |
10.56% (9.40%, 11.86%) |
82.26% (80.66%, 83.76%) |
R |
29.46% (27.52%, 31.46%) |
34.72% (32.60%, 36.90%) |
22.56% (20.84%, 24.40%) |
9.20% (8.08%, 10.48%) |
4.06% (3.18%, 5.14%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
0.82% (0.40%, 1.66%) |
1.50% (0.90%, 2.46%) |
6.22% (4.48%, 8.56%) |
9.64% (8.04%, 11.54%) |
81.82% (79.08%, 84.28%) |
D - Female |
0.62% (0.30%, 1.24%) |
1.10% (0.64%, 1.88%) |
4.26% (3.14%, 5.78%) |
11.34% (9.56%, 13.40%) |
82.70% (80.38%, 84.78%) |
R - Male |
26.56% (24.04%, 29.26%) |
34.64% (31.82%, 37.56%) |
24.70% (22.10%, 27.50%) |
10.38% (8.66%, 12.38%) |
3.72% (2.58%, 5.38%) |
R - Female |
32.56% (29.92%, 35.34%) |
34.98% (32.20%, 37.88%) |
20.22% (17.92%, 22.74%) |
7.86% (6.30%, 9.76%) |
4.36% (3.12%, 6.08%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.18% (0.42%, 3.18%) |
1.48% (0.52%, 4.08%) |
6.32% (3.60%, 10.82%) |
9.88% (6.50%, 14.74%) |
81.16% (75.36%, 85.84%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.96% (0.32%, 2.86%) |
1.64% (0.76%, 3.52%) |
7.42% (4.50%, 12.00%) |
7.14% (5.00%, 10.10%) |
82.84% (78.10%, 86.72%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.46% (0.08%, 2.34%) |
1.44% (0.62%, 3.30%) |
5.28% (3.20%, 8.58%) |
11.20% (8.44%, 14.72%) |
81.62% (77.04%, 85.44%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.12% (0.38%, 3.26%) |
1.10% (0.42%, 2.84%) |
5.66% (3.24%, 9.66%) |
9.90% (6.80%, 14.18%) |
82.24% (77.04%, 86.44%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.80% (0.26%, 2.42%) |
1.74% (0.70%, 4.34%) |
4.16% (2.62%, 6.54%) |
12.38% (9.44%, 16.04%) |
80.92% (76.72%, 84.54%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.18% (0.04%, 0.80%) |
0.66% (0.32%, 1.34%) |
3.52% (2.14%, 5.76%) |
10.88% (8.34%, 14.04%) |
84.78% (81.22%, 87.76%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
22.94% (17.00%, 30.20%) |
26.26% (20.12%, 33.48%) |
30.00% (23.50%, 37.44%) |
16.40% (11.92%, 22.12%) |
4.40% (2.10%, 9.00%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
24.52% (19.70%, 30.06%) |
34.56% (28.76%, 40.82%) |
24.00% (19.44%, 29.24%) |
11.60% (8.78%, 15.18%) |
5.34% (3.06%, 9.16%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
29.74% (26.34%, 33.36%) |
37.84% (33.46%, 42.44%) |
23.14% (19.76%, 26.92%) |
6.90% (4.80%, 9.82%) |
2.38% (1.34%, 4.20%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
26.48% (19.96%, 34.22%) |
31.92% (24.66%, 40.20%) |
25.78% (19.28%, 33.56%) |
8.80% (5.28%, 14.34%) |
7.00% (3.66%, 12.96%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
30.30% (25.36%, 35.72%) |
32.08% (26.72%, 37.96%) |
24.56% (19.56%, 30.34%) |
8.72% (6.00%, 12.50%) |
4.36% (2.52%, 7.42%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
36.94% (32.74%, 41.32%) |
37.98% (33.66%, 42.52%) |
15.66% (13.18%, 18.52%) |
7.22% (5.10%, 10.12%) |
2.20% (1.38%, 3.44%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.62% (0.30%, 1.28%) |
1.20% (0.70%, 2.02%) |
3.38% (2.56%, 4.48%) |
11.08% (9.48%, 12.90%) |
83.70% (81.60%, 85.62%) |
D - Non-white |
0.80% (0.42%, 1.56%) |
1.44% (0.84%, 2.44%) |
7.34% (5.50%, 9.74%) |
9.92% (8.10%, 12.10%) |
80.50% (77.64%, 83.06%) |
R - White |
31.44% (29.34%, 33.62%) |
35.38% (33.16%, 37.66%) |
22.76% (20.74%, 24.90%) |
8.04% (6.82%, 9.46%) |
2.40% (1.74%, 3.26%) |
R - Non-white |
21.02% (16.96%, 25.74%) |
30.98% (26.00%, 36.46%) |
21.94% (18.46%, 25.88%) |
14.44% (11.02%, 18.72%) |
11.62% (8.20%, 16.22%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.30% (0.10%, 0.90%) |
0.74% (0.42%, 1.34%) |
2.96% (1.96%, 4.42%) |
10.60% (8.86%, 12.64%) |
85.40% (82.96%, 87.56%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.04% (0.60%, 1.84%) |
1.76% (1.12%, 2.80%) |
6.90% (5.38%, 8.84%) |
10.62% (9.00%, 12.50%) |
79.66% (77.38%, 81.76%) |
R - College Grad |
24.40% (21.76%, 27.24%) |
32.12% (28.56%, 35.90%) |
27.16% (23.86%, 30.76%) |
12.36% (9.74%, 15.54%) |
3.96% (2.70%, 5.78%) |
R - Not college grad |
31.86% (29.18%, 34.64%) |
35.50% (32.96%, 38.14%) |
20.74% (18.76%, 22.88%) |
7.74% (6.42%, 9.28%) |
4.18% (3.08%, 5.64%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201215, "Trump: Honest") anes
Extremely well | Very well | Moderately well | Slightly well | Not well at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.70% (0.42%, 1.20%) |
0.42% (0.22%, 0.86%) |
2.16% (1.58%, 2.98%) |
4.08% (3.30%, 5.04%) |
92.62% (91.36%, 93.72%) |
R |
20.12% (18.52%, 21.82%) |
30.18% (28.16%, 32.26%) |
29.96% (27.76%, 32.26%) |
12.86% (11.54%, 14.30%) |
6.88% (5.78%, 8.18%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
0.52% (0.22%, 1.24%) |
0.54% (0.18%, 1.64%) |
2.72% (1.78%, 4.12%) |
4.02% (2.90%, 5.52%) |
92.20% (90.08%, 93.88%) |
D - Female |
0.86% (0.44%, 1.68%) |
0.34% (0.18%, 0.68%) |
1.74% (1.14%, 2.62%) |
4.06% (3.04%, 5.38%) |
93.02% (91.52%, 94.26%) |
R - Male |
17.18% (14.94%, 19.70%) |
30.84% (28.22%, 33.60%) |
30.66% (27.50%, 34.02%) |
13.60% (11.68%, 15.76%) |
7.72% (6.12%, 9.68%) |
R - Female |
23.08% (20.62%, 25.72%) |
29.58% (26.36%, 33.00%) |
29.28% (26.36%, 32.38%) |
12.10% (10.14%, 14.36%) |
5.98% (4.52%, 7.86%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.58% (0.14%, 2.38%) |
0.66% (0.16%, 2.74%) |
3.72% (1.82%, 7.44%) |
5.80% (3.22%, 10.22%) |
89.24% (84.38%, 92.70%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.70% (0.16%, 2.84%) |
1.00% (0.20%, 4.90%) |
2.64% (1.26%, 5.46%) |
2.84% (1.66%, 4.80%) |
92.82% (89.52%, 95.12%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.36% (0.08%, 1.48%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.22%) |
2.08% (1.10%, 3.84%) |
3.94% (2.40%, 6.38%) |
93.60% (91.10%, 95.42%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.68% (0.56%, 4.90%) |
0.64% (0.24%, 1.72%) |
3.16% (1.52%, 6.46%) |
5.66% (3.50%, 9.02%) |
88.84% (84.42%, 92.14%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.72% (0.20%, 2.42%) |
0.28% (0.06%, 1.28%) |
1.68% (0.98%, 2.84%) |
4.48% (2.92%, 6.82%) |
92.84% (90.10%, 94.88%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.48% (0.20%, 1.12%) |
0.22% (0.08%, 0.58%) |
0.94% (0.46%, 1.94%) |
2.60% (1.52%, 4.44%) |
95.78% (93.66%, 97.22%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
24.90% (18.64%, 32.42%) |
22.40% (16.90%, 29.06%) |
29.34% (22.14%, 37.72%) |
13.18% (8.78%, 19.28%) |
10.20% (6.14%, 16.52%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
13.94% (10.88%, 17.68%) |
31.76% (26.96%, 36.98%) |
29.48% (24.38%, 35.16%) |
17.08% (13.48%, 21.40%) |
7.74% (5.30%, 11.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
15.66% (13.04%, 18.68%) |
33.16% (28.96%, 37.64%) |
32.86% (28.80%, 37.18%) |
11.70% (9.00%, 15.06%) |
6.64% (4.64%, 9.44%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
24.72% (18.24%, 32.56%) |
27.60% (20.40%, 36.22%) |
23.94% (17.98%, 31.10%) |
14.08% (8.98%, 21.42%) |
9.66% (5.60%, 16.14%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
19.00% (15.30%, 23.36%) |
30.64% (24.94%, 37.00%) |
30.56% (25.24%, 36.44%) |
13.32% (9.68%, 18.06%) |
6.48% (4.16%, 9.96%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
24.90% (21.24%, 28.94%) |
30.46% (26.36%, 34.90%) |
30.98% (27.42%, 34.78%) |
10.64% (8.08%, 13.90%) |
3.02% (1.92%, 4.72%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.46% (0.22%, 0.98%) |
0.20% (0.06%, 0.62%) |
1.38% (0.94%, 1.98%) |
2.94% (2.18%, 3.94%) |
95.02% (93.88%, 95.94%) |
D - Non-white |
1.00% (0.48%, 2.06%) |
0.68% (0.28%, 1.66%) |
3.14% (2.00%, 4.92%) |
5.54% (4.14%, 7.40%) |
89.62% (87.08%, 91.70%) |
R - White |
20.70% (18.90%, 22.64%) |
30.80% (28.54%, 33.16%) |
29.94% (27.58%, 32.42%) |
13.22% (11.68%, 14.90%) |
5.34% (4.38%, 6.52%) |
R - Non-white |
17.66% (13.78%, 22.36%) |
26.64% (22.18%, 31.62%) |
30.04% (24.76%, 35.92%) |
11.64% (8.52%, 15.70%) |
14.02% (10.32%, 18.78%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.28% (0.10%, 0.88%) |
0.16% (0.06%, 0.48%) |
1.08% (0.58%, 2.02%) |
2.30% (1.68%, 3.18%) |
96.16% (94.86%, 97.14%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.04% (0.56%, 1.88%) |
0.66% (0.30%, 1.46%) |
3.08% (2.14%, 4.42%) |
5.36% (4.14%, 6.90%) |
89.88% (87.78%, 91.64%) |
R - College Grad |
12.32% (10.20%, 14.82%) |
28.06% (24.76%, 31.62%) |
33.82% (30.52%, 37.28%) |
16.86% (14.06%, 20.10%) |
8.94% (7.06%, 11.24%) |
R - Not college grad |
23.42% (21.32%, 25.64%) |
31.04% (28.52%, 33.66%) |
28.44% (25.84%, 31.18%) |
11.28% (9.86%, 12.88%) |
5.84% (4.54%, 7.48%) |
<- anes %>%
anes set_na_range(V201208 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201209 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201210 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201211 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201212 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201213 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201214 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201215 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
<- as_survey_design(
anespre svydesign(id=~V200010c, strata=~V200010d, weights=~V200010a, data=anes, nest=TRUE)
<- function(x) {
t2b survey_mean(x <= 2, proportion = TRUE, vartype = "ci", na.rm = TRUE)
### Biden
<- anespre %>%
t1 filter(! %>%
group_by(preintent) %>%
summarize(across(V201208:V201211, t2b))
<- t1 %>%
t2 pivot_longer(cols = -preintent, names_to = "result", values_to = "val") %>%
separate(result, c("var_name", "modif")) %>%
replace_na(list(modif = "p")) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "modif", values_from = "val") %>%
var_label = factor(var_name,
levels = c("V201208","V201209","V201210","V201211"),
labels = c("Strong leadership","Really cares","Knowledgeable","Honest")
ggplot(data = t2, aes(x = preintent, y = p, fill = preintent, ymax = upp, ymin = low)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
facet_grid(~var_label) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
scale_fill_manual(values=polifillcolors) +
geom_errorbar(position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), width = 0.1) +
title = "Extremely/Very - feel about Joe Biden",
subtitle = "among likely Democratic vs Republican voters",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
### Trump
<- anespre %>%
t1 filter(! %>%
group_by(preintent) %>%
summarize(across(V201212:V201215, t2b))
<- t1 %>%
t2 pivot_longer(cols = -preintent, names_to = "result", values_to = "val") %>%
separate(result, c("var_name", "modif")) %>%
replace_na(list(modif = "p")) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "modif", values_from = "val") %>%
var_label = factor(var_name,
levels = c("V201212","V201213","V201214","V201215"),
labels = c("Strong leadership","Really cares","Knowledgeable","Honest")
ggplot(data = t2, aes(x = preintent, y = p, fill = preintent, ymax = upp, ymin = low)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
facet_grid(~var_label) +
scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
scale_fill_manual(values=polifillcolors) +
geom_errorbar(position = position_dodge(width = 0.9), width = 0.1) +
title = "Extremely/Very - feel about Donald Trump",
subtitle = "among likely Democratic vs Republican voters",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
%>% tabtemplate1(V201216, "How much do you care who wins the Presidential election?") anes
A great deal | A lot | A moderate amount | A little | Not at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
76.68% (74.54%, 78.70%) |
13.20% (11.86%, 14.66%) |
7.42% (6.24%, 8.82%) |
1.84% (1.32%, 2.56%) |
0.84% (0.52%, 1.36%) |
R |
67.32% (65.10%, 69.46%) |
16.90% (15.08%, 18.86%) |
10.80% (9.44%, 12.34%) |
3.38% (2.58%, 4.42%) |
1.62% (1.08%, 2.40%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
74.50% (71.02%, 77.68%) |
14.26% (12.06%, 16.80%) |
8.00% (6.30%, 10.10%) |
2.26% (1.48%, 3.40%) |
0.98% (0.50%, 1.94%) |
D - Female |
78.44% (75.68%, 80.96%) |
12.42% (10.62%, 14.46%) |
6.90% (5.34%, 8.86%) |
1.52% (0.96%, 2.40%) |
0.74% (0.38%, 1.38%) |
R - Male |
65.94% (62.84%, 68.88%) |
17.22% (14.90%, 19.84%) |
11.38% (9.36%, 13.78%) |
3.50% (2.50%, 4.86%) |
1.98% (1.18%, 3.28%) |
R - Female |
68.82% (65.68%, 71.80%) |
16.60% (14.28%, 19.20%) |
10.22% (8.48%, 12.24%) |
3.14% (2.00%, 4.88%) |
1.24% (0.66%, 2.28%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
60.40% (52.52%, 67.80%) |
20.60% (15.26%, 27.20%) |
12.22% (8.50%, 17.26%) |
4.98% (2.82%, 8.66%) |
1.80% (0.64%, 4.98%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
75.28% (70.24%, 79.72%) |
12.30% (8.90%, 16.74%) |
10.06% (6.94%, 14.36%) |
1.66% (0.88%, 3.10%) |
0.70% (0.26%, 1.90%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
85.68% (82.08%, 88.66%) |
10.52% (7.84%, 13.98%) |
2.80% (1.60%, 4.86%) |
0.32% (0.12%, 0.88%) |
0.68% (0.18%, 2.58%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
68.46% (62.76%, 73.64%) |
17.60% (13.70%, 22.32%) |
9.72% (6.30%, 14.72%) |
2.70% (1.24%, 5.70%) |
1.54% (0.68%, 3.40%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
76.06% (71.90%, 79.80%) |
13.34% (10.64%, 16.60%) |
8.16% (5.82%, 11.32%) |
2.00% (1.06%, 3.78%) |
0.42% (0.14%, 1.34%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
86.96% (83.38%, 89.84%) |
8.04% (5.90%, 10.90%) |
4.16% (2.42%, 7.08%) |
0.40% (0.14%, 1.14%) |
0.44% (0.08%, 2.06%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
49.88% (42.20%, 57.58%) |
17.74% (12.64%, 24.32%) |
21.34% (15.46%, 28.68%) |
4.38% (2.18%, 8.62%) |
6.66% (3.62%, 11.90%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
57.50% (52.20%, 62.64%) |
24.76% (20.24%, 29.92%) |
10.16% (7.60%, 13.46%) |
6.02% (3.72%, 9.60%) |
1.56% (0.50%, 4.68%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
78.94% (75.02%, 82.38%) |
11.58% (9.38%, 14.20%) |
8.12% (5.58%, 11.66%) |
1.26% (0.60%, 2.60%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.80%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
45.96% (37.80%, 54.36%) |
21.74% (15.72%, 29.26%) |
19.40% (13.64%, 26.82%) |
8.56% (4.48%, 15.74%) |
4.34% (1.82%, 10.04%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
67.02% (61.04%, 72.50%) |
17.18% (12.68%, 22.88%) |
11.36% (7.70%, 16.44%) |
3.20% (1.74%, 5.80%) |
1.22% (0.58%, 2.56%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
80.20% (77.06%, 83.02%) |
13.28% (10.60%, 16.52%) |
5.16% (3.60%, 7.34%) |
1.22% (0.60%, 2.42%) |
0.16% (0.04%, 0.68%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
81.26% (78.74%, 83.54%) |
11.32% (9.56%, 13.38%) |
5.52% (4.26%, 7.12%) |
1.34% (0.90%, 2.00%) |
0.54% (0.26%, 1.14%) |
D - Non-white |
71.36% (67.90%, 74.60%) |
15.26% (13.16%, 17.62%) |
9.70% (7.76%, 12.08%) |
2.44% (1.56%, 3.80%) |
1.22% (0.66%, 2.24%) |
R - White |
70.72% (68.36%, 72.98%) |
15.94% (14.08%, 18.02%) |
9.48% (8.16%, 10.98%) |
2.74% (1.98%, 3.76%) |
1.12% (0.66%, 1.88%) |
R - Non-white |
51.66% (44.92%, 58.36%) |
21.64% (17.18%, 26.90%) |
16.42% (12.06%, 21.98%) |
6.40% (4.00%, 10.06%) |
3.88% (2.02%, 7.28%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
82.08% (79.36%, 84.52%) |
10.54% (8.70%, 12.70%) |
5.62% (4.34%, 7.26%) |
1.46% (0.86%, 2.44%) |
0.30% (0.14%, 0.66%) |
D - Not college grad |
72.32% (69.30%, 75.16%) |
15.48% (13.54%, 17.64%) |
8.74% (7.06%, 10.80%) |
2.18% (1.48%, 3.20%) |
1.28% (0.74%, 2.18%) |
R - College Grad |
66.38% (62.94%, 69.66%) |
17.92% (15.30%, 20.86%) |
12.10% (9.88%, 14.76%) |
3.04% (2.04%, 4.50%) |
0.56% (0.16%, 2.02%) |
R - Not college grad |
67.80% (64.86%, 70.60%) |
16.26% (14.16%, 18.62%) |
10.28% (8.56%, 12.26%) |
3.56% (2.54%, 4.94%) |
2.10% (1.38%, 3.18%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(elec_outcome, "Who will win the election?") anes
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
25.30% (23.60%, 27.10%) |
62.02% (59.96%, 64.04%) |
10.60% (9.28%, 12.06%) |
2.08% (1.56%, 2.76%) |
R |
1.08% (0.76%, 1.54%) |
4.56% (3.70%, 5.62%) |
51.96% (49.60%, 54.32%) |
42.40% (40.06%, 44.78%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
26.24% (23.34%, 29.38%) |
62.08% (59.08%, 64.98%) |
10.24% (8.46%, 12.36%) |
1.44% (0.84%, 2.44%) |
D - Female |
24.62% (22.38%, 27.02%) |
61.86% (59.06%, 64.58%) |
10.92% (9.30%, 12.80%) |
2.60% (1.86%, 3.58%) |
R - Male |
0.88% (0.54%, 1.42%) |
5.18% (4.00%, 6.68%) |
53.74% (50.06%, 57.38%) |
40.22% (36.66%, 43.86%) |
R - Female |
1.32% (0.80%, 2.16%) |
3.90% (2.72%, 5.54%) |
50.12% (47.02%, 53.22%) |
44.68% (41.70%, 47.68%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
20.34% (14.82%, 27.24%) |
64.48% (57.58%, 70.82%) |
13.40% (9.76%, 18.12%) |
1.80% (0.86%, 3.70%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
22.12% (17.70%, 27.26%) |
63.54% (58.48%, 68.32%) |
11.74% (8.64%, 15.74%) |
2.60% (1.16%, 5.66%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
34.78% (30.48%, 39.36%) |
59.02% (54.26%, 63.62%) |
6.06% (4.14%, 8.78%) |
0.14% (0.02%, 1.02%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
19.94% (15.12%, 25.84%) |
60.62% (54.76%, 66.20%) |
15.16% (11.18%, 20.26%) |
4.26% (2.42%, 7.44%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
22.86% (19.46%, 26.66%) |
60.72% (56.34%, 64.94%) |
13.82% (10.92%, 17.36%) |
2.58% (1.42%, 4.66%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
29.56% (26.04%, 33.32%) |
62.92% (58.78%, 66.88%) |
5.98% (4.36%, 8.14%) |
1.54% (0.62%, 3.84%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.86% (0.30%, 2.48%) |
7.26% (4.00%, 12.82%) |
50.04% (41.72%, 58.36%) |
41.84% (33.50%, 50.68%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.86% (0.34%, 2.14%) |
4.86% (3.24%, 7.20%) |
53.84% (47.38%, 60.16%) |
40.46% (34.26%, 46.98%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.94% (0.42%, 2.08%) |
4.74% (3.24%, 6.86%) |
55.78% (51.32%, 60.16%) |
38.54% (34.36%, 42.90%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.92% (0.62%, 5.72%) |
4.26% (2.04%, 8.66%) |
50.56% (42.30%, 58.80%) |
43.26% (35.00%, 51.92%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.50% (0.62%, 3.60%) |
3.56% (1.96%, 6.40%) |
50.84% (44.20%, 57.42%) |
44.10% (38.06%, 50.32%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
1.12% (0.48%, 2.54%) |
3.56% (2.12%, 5.92%) |
49.04% (44.30%, 53.78%) |
46.28% (41.66%, 50.98%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
22.50% (20.62%, 24.52%) |
64.68% (62.16%, 67.14%) |
11.06% (9.44%, 12.92%) |
1.74% (1.10%, 2.76%) |
D - Non-white |
28.64% (25.92%, 31.52%) |
58.94% (55.64%, 62.18%) |
9.96% (8.04%, 12.26%) |
2.46% (1.64%, 3.70%) |
R - White |
0.98% (0.66%, 1.44%) |
4.54% (3.64%, 5.66%) |
52.30% (49.68%, 54.88%) |
42.18% (39.60%, 44.80%) |
R - Non-white |
1.58% (0.64%, 3.84%) |
4.64% (2.66%, 7.98%) |
50.32% (44.42%, 56.22%) |
43.46% (37.46%, 49.66%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
20.16% (17.96%, 22.54%) |
65.56% (62.48%, 68.50%) |
12.94% (11.02%, 15.14%) |
1.34% (0.76%, 2.40%) |
D - Not college grad |
28.96% (26.18%, 31.92%) |
59.80% (56.76%, 62.76%) |
8.60% (6.96%, 10.58%) |
2.64% (1.84%, 3.80%) |
R - College Grad |
1.32% (0.74%, 2.38%) |
7.68% (5.82%, 10.10%) |
59.54% (55.80%, 63.18%) |
31.44% (28.50%, 34.54%) |
R - Not college grad |
1.00% (0.62%, 1.62%) |
3.30% (2.44%, 4.42%) |
49.20% (46.16%, 52.24%) |
46.50% (43.38%, 49.64%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201225x, "Is voting a duty or a choice?") anes
Very strongly a duty | Moderately strongly a duty | A little strongly a duty | Neither a duty nor a choice | A little strongly a choice | Moderately strongly a choice | Very strongly a choice | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
43.46% (41.44%, 45.52%) |
15.84% (14.24%, 17.58%) |
3.22% (2.48%, 4.16%) |
8.02% (7.08%, 9.08%) |
4.60% (3.84%, 5.52%) |
11.28% (9.96%, 12.74%) |
13.56% (12.18%, 15.08%) |
R |
38.86% (36.90%, 40.86%) |
12.88% (11.48%, 14.42%) |
1.94% (1.44%, 2.62%) |
8.24% (7.14%, 9.48%) |
3.36% (2.54%, 4.44%) |
15.12% (13.60%, 16.76%) |
19.62% (17.88%, 21.48%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
41.80% (38.88%, 44.78%) |
16.42% (13.86%, 19.34%) |
3.06% (2.08%, 4.44%) |
8.34% (6.76%, 10.22%) |
5.74% (4.36%, 7.52%) |
11.76% (9.74%, 14.14%) |
12.90% (10.80%, 15.34%) |
D - Female |
44.84% (42.30%, 47.40%) |
15.28% (13.34%, 17.44%) |
3.38% (2.48%, 4.58%) |
7.74% (6.44%, 9.28%) |
3.72% (2.80%, 4.90%) |
10.90% (9.22%, 12.88%) |
14.14% (12.32%, 16.18%) |
R - Male |
37.90% (35.12%, 40.78%) |
14.00% (12.06%, 16.18%) |
2.12% (1.44%, 3.10%) |
7.54% (6.04%, 9.40%) |
3.94% (2.76%, 5.62%) |
15.60% (13.34%, 18.14%) |
18.90% (16.38%, 21.68%) |
R - Female |
39.92% (37.00%, 42.92%) |
11.66% (9.94%, 13.64%) |
1.76% (1.10%, 2.76%) |
8.82% (7.14%, 10.84%) |
2.76% (1.90%, 4.02%) |
14.50% (12.64%, 16.60%) |
20.56% (18.04%, 23.34%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
29.60% (24.54%, 35.24%) |
20.76% (15.10%, 27.86%) |
4.20% (2.20%, 7.90%) |
9.86% (6.54%, 14.60%) |
8.02% (4.86%, 12.96%) |
17.40% (12.68%, 23.40%) |
10.16% (6.56%, 15.36%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
38.10% (33.46%, 42.96%) |
18.52% (14.66%, 23.12%) |
3.10% (1.80%, 5.28%) |
7.30% (5.08%, 10.36%) |
5.74% (3.58%, 9.08%) |
12.32% (9.08%, 16.54%) |
14.92% (11.02%, 19.88%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
55.42% (50.70%, 60.04%) |
11.76% (9.36%, 14.66%) |
2.14% (1.06%, 4.30%) |
7.38% (5.16%, 10.48%) |
3.78% (2.28%, 6.24%) |
6.84% (4.82%, 9.60%) |
12.68% (10.04%, 15.88%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
33.48% (28.04%, 39.38%) |
20.38% (15.74%, 25.96%) |
6.08% (3.70%, 9.84%) |
6.94% (4.44%, 10.72%) |
4.24% (2.64%, 6.76%) |
13.18% (9.48%, 18.08%) |
15.70% (12.16%, 20.02%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
40.58% (35.84%, 45.48%) |
15.34% (12.22%, 19.08%) |
3.64% (2.32%, 5.66%) |
8.42% (6.14%, 11.44%) |
3.72% (2.56%, 5.36%) |
14.06% (10.76%, 18.18%) |
14.26% (10.94%, 18.40%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
55.52% (51.34%, 59.64%) |
12.22% (9.32%, 15.84%) |
1.16% (0.66%, 2.06%) |
7.72% (5.66%, 10.46%) |
3.20% (1.76%, 5.72%) |
7.04% (5.48%, 9.00%) |
13.14% (10.70%, 16.04%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
24.50% (18.86%, 31.18%) |
14.60% (9.92%, 20.96%) |
3.36% (1.64%, 6.70%) |
8.52% (4.98%, 14.22%) |
8.06% (4.32%, 14.56%) |
23.40% (17.20%, 31.00%) |
17.56% (12.40%, 24.28%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
32.32% (27.66%, 37.34%) |
13.26% (10.08%, 17.24%) |
3.36% (2.02%, 5.52%) |
7.16% (4.86%, 10.46%) |
5.04% (2.96%, 8.42%) |
19.66% (15.12%, 25.14%) |
19.20% (15.50%, 23.56%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
47.32% (42.78%, 51.92%) |
13.88% (10.84%, 17.60%) |
0.60% (0.26%, 1.36%) |
7.62% (5.52%, 10.42%) |
1.42% (0.68%, 2.88%) |
8.96% (6.96%, 11.48%) |
20.22% (16.54%, 24.48%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
23.40% (16.88%, 31.48%) |
12.36% (7.88%, 18.90%) |
3.00% (1.18%, 7.42%) |
14.54% (9.36%, 21.88%) |
6.44% (3.62%, 11.18%) |
18.84% (13.80%, 25.18%) |
21.42% (15.36%, 29.06%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
38.08% (32.68%, 43.80%) |
14.24% (10.92%, 18.34%) |
2.10% (1.12%, 3.92%) |
7.50% (5.18%, 10.74%) |
3.46% (1.80%, 6.50%) |
15.50% (11.78%, 20.10%) |
19.12% (14.96%, 24.14%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
46.82% (42.26%, 51.42%) |
10.34% (7.98%, 13.32%) |
1.02% (0.40%, 2.58%) |
7.14% (5.24%, 9.70%) |
0.84% (0.40%, 1.76%) |
11.72% (9.34%, 14.60%) |
22.10% (18.50%, 26.20%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
43.22% (40.62%, 45.86%) |
16.66% (14.62%, 18.94%) |
2.84% (2.14%, 3.72%) |
7.92% (6.56%, 9.52%) |
5.98% (4.80%, 7.44%) |
10.74% (9.22%, 12.48%) |
12.64% (11.04%, 14.42%) |
D - Non-white |
43.66% (40.46%, 46.90%) |
14.84% (12.60%, 17.40%) |
3.74% (2.54%, 5.48%) |
8.24% (6.62%, 10.20%) |
3.00% (2.08%, 4.28%) |
11.72% (9.62%, 14.20%) |
14.80% (12.56%, 17.36%) |
R - White |
39.70% (37.48%, 41.96%) |
13.30% (11.74%, 15.04%) |
1.96% (1.44%, 2.66%) |
7.44% (6.32%, 8.72%) |
3.46% (2.58%, 4.64%) |
15.34% (13.80%, 17.00%) |
18.80% (16.98%, 20.78%) |
R - Non-white |
35.02% (29.72%, 40.70%) |
11.34% (8.14%, 15.58%) |
1.94% (0.90%, 4.12%) |
11.14% (7.80%, 15.64%) |
2.58% (1.16%, 5.62%) |
14.38% (10.40%, 19.52%) |
23.62% (18.76%, 29.30%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
49.24% (46.04%, 52.46%) |
18.00% (16.00%, 20.20%) |
3.74% (2.82%, 4.94%) |
6.86% (5.68%, 8.26%) |
4.46% (3.44%, 5.78%) |
9.18% (7.68%, 10.92%) |
8.50% (6.84%, 10.52%) |
D - Not college grad |
38.60% (36.10%, 41.18%) |
14.20% (12.06%, 16.68%) |
2.88% (1.94%, 4.24%) |
9.10% (7.50%, 11.00%) |
4.80% (3.68%, 6.24%) |
13.02% (10.92%, 15.46%) |
17.38% (15.44%, 19.52%) |
R - College Grad |
44.84% (41.12%, 48.60%) |
13.74% (11.50%, 16.34%) |
2.16% (1.38%, 3.38%) |
7.08% (5.20%, 9.56%) |
4.12% (2.86%, 5.86%) |
12.40% (9.88%, 15.44%) |
15.68% (13.06%, 18.74%) |
R - Not college grad |
36.26% (33.92%, 38.66%) |
12.60% (10.78%, 14.68%) |
1.88% (1.24%, 2.82%) |
8.62% (7.20%, 10.30%) |
3.10% (2.14%, 4.48%) |
16.44% (14.48%, 18.62%) |
21.10% (18.96%, 23.40%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201226, "Will you vote straight-party ticket?") anes
Vote straight Democrat | Vote straight Republican | Split my ballot between Democrats and Republicans, depending on the office an | Something else | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
61.20% (59.26%, 63.12%) |
1.12% (0.66%, 1.86%) |
33.52% (31.66%, 35.44%) |
4.16% (3.44%, 5.04%) |
R |
1.30% (0.80%, 2.10%) |
60.30% (57.90%, 62.66%) |
33.06% (30.88%, 35.28%) |
5.34% (4.34%, 6.56%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
58.48% (55.24%, 61.64%) |
1.22% (0.62%, 2.38%) |
35.46% (32.36%, 38.70%) |
4.84% (3.58%, 6.50%) |
D - Female |
63.54% (61.12%, 65.90%) |
1.04% (0.46%, 2.36%) |
31.78% (29.42%, 34.24%) |
3.64% (2.80%, 4.70%) |
R - Male |
1.54% (0.86%, 2.76%) |
60.60% (57.32%, 63.80%) |
32.42% (29.34%, 35.66%) |
5.44% (4.16%, 7.08%) |
R - Female |
1.06% (0.50%, 2.24%) |
59.94% (56.72%, 63.08%) |
33.76% (30.84%, 36.82%) |
5.22% (3.82%, 7.10%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
65.20% (58.44%, 71.40%) |
1.20% (0.36%, 3.92%) |
28.80% (23.72%, 34.48%) |
4.80% (2.62%, 8.64%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
56.24% (50.62%, 61.72%) |
2.04% (0.84%, 4.84%) |
35.70% (30.16%, 41.64%) |
6.02% (3.96%, 9.08%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
56.02% (51.38%, 60.54%) |
0.54% (0.14%, 2.26%) |
39.70% (35.14%, 44.46%) |
3.74% (2.08%, 6.60%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
66.40% (60.50%, 71.82%) |
1.58% (0.28%, 8.16%) |
25.76% (21.18%, 30.94%) |
6.28% (4.16%, 9.36%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
64.68% (60.34%, 68.78%) |
0.46% (0.18%, 1.12%) |
31.14% (27.24%, 35.32%) |
3.74% (2.42%, 5.74%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
62.12% (58.18%, 65.92%) |
1.18% (0.44%, 3.06%) |
35.06% (31.50%, 38.82%) |
1.62% (0.92%, 2.82%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.30% (1.70%, 10.44%) |
60.50% (52.72%, 67.76%) |
28.96% (22.16%, 36.84%) |
6.26% (3.38%, 11.26%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.14% (0.46%, 2.80%) |
59.80% (53.48%, 65.82%) |
31.58% (26.18%, 37.56%) |
7.46% (4.60%, 11.84%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.08% (0.02%, 0.32%) |
61.40% (56.88%, 65.74%) |
34.68% (30.68%, 38.90%) |
3.84% (2.28%, 6.42%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.42% (1.24%, 9.02%) |
52.26% (43.74%, 60.64%) |
33.62% (26.14%, 42.02%) |
10.72% (6.34%, 17.56%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.34% (0.06%, 1.70%) |
60.06% (54.78%, 65.12%) |
33.26% (28.58%, 38.26%) |
6.36% (3.92%, 10.18%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.74% (0.20%, 2.90%) |
63.20% (58.72%, 67.46%) |
34.12% (29.98%, 38.50%) |
1.94% (1.08%, 3.44%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
57.86% (55.24%, 60.42%) |
0.98% (0.58%, 1.68%) |
36.94% (34.54%, 39.38%) |
4.22% (3.38%, 5.24%) |
D - Non-white |
65.36% (61.88%, 68.70%) |
1.30% (0.60%, 2.78%) |
29.46% (26.48%, 32.62%) |
3.88% (2.70%, 5.56%) |
R - White |
0.76% (0.44%, 1.32%) |
62.84% (60.32%, 65.28%) |
32.00% (29.72%, 34.36%) |
4.40% (3.46%, 5.60%) |
R - Non-white |
3.78% (1.78%, 7.90%) |
49.20% (43.26%, 55.16%) |
37.36% (31.94%, 43.12%) |
9.66% (6.54%, 14.02%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
60.34% (57.56%, 63.04%) |
0.84% (0.36%, 1.94%) |
34.70% (31.98%, 37.54%) |
4.10% (3.12%, 5.40%) |
D - Not college grad |
61.94% (58.92%, 64.88%) |
1.36% (0.68%, 2.66%) |
32.44% (29.76%, 35.24%) |
4.26% (3.22%, 5.64%) |
R - College Grad |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.22%) |
59.06% (55.38%, 62.64%) |
36.10% (32.66%, 39.70%) |
4.50% (3.08%, 6.56%) |
R - Not college grad |
1.74% (1.06%, 2.90%) |
60.84% (57.82%, 63.76%) |
31.72% (29.08%, 34.48%) |
5.70% (4.38%, 7.38%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201227, "Party control or split government") anes
Better when one party controls both | Better when control is split | It doesn’t matter | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
29.60% (27.62%, 31.68%) |
52.68% (50.38%, 54.98%) |
17.72% (16.04%, 19.52%) |
R |
37.90% (35.52%, 40.36%) |
45.80% (43.46%, 48.14%) |
16.30% (14.74%, 17.98%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
30.12% (27.02%, 33.42%) |
51.88% (48.54%, 55.18%) |
18.00% (15.36%, 20.98%) |
D - Female |
29.28% (26.80%, 31.90%) |
53.26% (50.30%, 56.22%) |
17.44% (15.46%, 19.62%) |
R - Male |
37.12% (33.70%, 40.68%) |
46.66% (42.96%, 50.38%) |
16.22% (14.04%, 18.68%) |
R - Female |
38.66% (35.68%, 41.72%) |
44.90% (42.12%, 47.72%) |
16.44% (14.38%, 18.72%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
28.98% (22.42%, 36.58%) |
46.04% (39.30%, 52.90%) |
24.98% (18.62%, 32.64%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
28.94% (24.16%, 34.22%) |
55.82% (50.12%, 61.36%) |
15.26% (12.08%, 19.08%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
32.44% (28.04%, 37.16%) |
52.90% (47.92%, 57.82%) |
14.66% (11.02%, 19.24%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
23.96% (18.80%, 30.02%) |
55.56% (49.10%, 61.84%) |
20.48% (16.04%, 25.78%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
29.88% (25.44%, 34.74%) |
49.52% (44.24%, 54.82%) |
20.60% (17.02%, 24.68%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
33.26% (29.64%, 37.08%) |
53.88% (49.70%, 58.00%) |
12.88% (10.10%, 16.26%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
38.08% (29.32%, 47.68%) |
40.46% (32.00%, 49.52%) |
21.46% (15.82%, 28.46%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
31.80% (26.66%, 37.44%) |
46.18% (40.22%, 52.26%) |
22.00% (17.62%, 27.12%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
39.90% (35.50%, 44.50%) |
49.82% (44.92%, 54.76%) |
10.26% (7.94%, 13.16%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
26.72% (20.18%, 34.46%) |
57.56% (49.34%, 65.40%) |
15.72% (11.54%, 21.04%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
39.74% (34.18%, 45.58%) |
42.58% (36.78%, 48.58%) |
17.68% (14.20%, 21.78%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
44.74% (40.40%, 49.18%) |
41.06% (37.08%, 45.18%) |
14.18% (11.64%, 17.20%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
27.74% (25.24%, 30.38%) |
54.30% (51.38%, 57.20%) |
17.96% (16.12%, 19.96%) |
D - Non-white |
31.86% (28.72%, 35.18%) |
50.64% (47.06%, 54.22%) |
17.50% (14.96%, 20.36%) |
R - White |
38.42% (35.90%, 41.00%) |
45.20% (42.54%, 47.90%) |
16.38% (14.68%, 18.20%) |
R - Non-white |
35.92% (30.24%, 42.02%) |
48.48% (42.70%, 54.30%) |
15.60% (12.16%, 19.82%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
30.26% (27.62%, 33.06%) |
52.26% (49.14%, 55.38%) |
17.48% (15.38%, 19.78%) |
D - Not college grad |
29.04% (26.34%, 31.88%) |
52.72% (49.70%, 55.70%) |
18.26% (15.80%, 21.00%) |
R - College Grad |
36.64% (32.74%, 40.72%) |
49.28% (45.36%, 53.20%) |
14.08% (11.54%, 17.06%) |
R - Not college grad |
38.38% (35.52%, 41.32%) |
44.14% (41.30%, 47.04%) |
17.48% (15.58%, 19.56%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201231x, "Party identity") anes
Strong Democrat | Not very strong Democrat | Independent-Democrat | Independent | Independent-Republican | Not very strong Republican | Strong Republican | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
45.54% (43.22%, 47.88%) |
18.80% (17.26%, 20.46%) |
19.88% (18.24%, 21.62%) |
8.56% (7.36%, 9.92%) |
2.44% (1.86%, 3.18%) |
3.74% (2.98%, 4.68%) |
1.02% (0.70%, 1.50%) |
R |
1.16% (0.76%, 1.78%) |
3.00% (2.20%, 4.08%) |
1.18% (0.78%, 1.78%) |
7.82% (6.58%, 9.26%) |
17.56% (15.94%, 19.30%) |
19.22% (17.54%, 21.02%) |
50.08% (47.96%, 52.22%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
39.16% (36.10%, 42.30%) |
18.98% (16.38%, 21.90%) |
22.24% (19.58%, 25.12%) |
10.54% (8.60%, 12.88%) |
3.54% (2.54%, 4.92%) |
4.64% (3.50%, 6.16%) |
0.90% (0.56%, 1.42%) |
D - Female |
50.92% (47.96%, 53.86%) |
18.66% (16.80%, 20.68%) |
17.92% (15.94%, 20.08%) |
6.78% (5.58%, 8.22%) |
1.56% (1.06%, 2.28%) |
3.02% (2.12%, 4.28%) |
1.14% (0.62%, 2.08%) |
R - Male |
1.12% (0.58%, 2.10%) |
2.80% (1.76%, 4.40%) |
0.84% (0.44%, 1.58%) |
7.24% (5.66%, 9.20%) |
18.36% (15.92%, 21.08%) |
20.02% (17.50%, 22.80%) |
49.64% (46.42%, 52.86%) |
R - Female |
1.22% (0.68%, 2.16%) |
3.22% (2.14%, 4.86%) |
1.50% (0.84%, 2.68%) |
8.36% (6.62%, 10.48%) |
16.68% (14.54%, 19.08%) |
18.40% (16.16%, 20.90%) |
50.60% (47.62%, 53.56%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
34.74% (28.42%, 41.62%) |
24.22% (18.94%, 30.42%) |
25.44% (20.50%, 31.12%) |
8.84% (5.44%, 14.06%) |
3.00% (1.40%, 6.32%) |
3.14% (1.54%, 6.28%) |
0.62% (0.22%, 1.72%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
31.68% (26.68%, 37.12%) |
20.82% (16.54%, 25.88%) |
25.46% (20.44%, 31.22%) |
10.82% (7.84%, 14.78%) |
4.66% (2.74%, 7.78%) |
5.60% (3.78%, 8.20%) |
0.98% (0.46%, 2.04%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
50.20% (45.52%, 54.86%) |
13.64% (10.64%, 17.32%) |
16.86% (13.80%, 20.44%) |
10.56% (7.54%, 14.60%) |
2.42% (1.50%, 3.90%) |
5.20% (3.26%, 8.24%) |
1.08% (0.46%, 2.58%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
40.54% (34.44%, 46.96%) |
24.24% (19.34%, 29.94%) |
24.52% (19.74%, 30.04%) |
6.98% (4.42%, 10.88%) |
0.50% (0.24%, 1.00%) |
2.50% (0.96%, 6.38%) |
0.72% (0.20%, 2.44%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
47.60% (42.72%, 52.52%) |
22.36% (18.70%, 26.54%) |
16.20% (13.00%, 20.02%) |
7.20% (5.08%, 10.10%) |
2.36% (1.36%, 4.12%) |
3.50% (2.18%, 5.56%) |
0.76% (0.24%, 2.46%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
60.68% (56.44%, 64.78%) |
12.28% (9.94%, 15.08%) |
15.18% (12.18%, 18.78%) |
5.54% (4.04%, 7.56%) |
1.72% (0.84%, 3.50%) |
2.84% (1.56%, 5.10%) |
1.78% (0.80%, 3.92%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.06% (1.18%, 7.70%) |
4.14% (1.66%, 10.02%) |
0.32% (0.04%, 2.28%) |
8.44% (5.30%, 13.18%) |
14.60% (9.70%, 21.40%) |
25.18% (19.78%, 31.48%) |
44.26% (37.08%, 51.70%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.68% (0.18%, 2.46%) |
2.54% (1.16%, 5.50%) |
1.78% (0.80%, 3.90%) |
9.34% (6.08%, 14.08%) |
19.38% (15.36%, 24.14%) |
21.32% (17.28%, 26.00%) |
44.96% (39.90%, 50.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.54% (0.24%, 1.22%) |
2.02% (1.30%, 3.12%) |
0.28% (0.06%, 1.40%) |
5.44% (3.68%, 8.00%) |
18.96% (15.64%, 22.80%) |
16.38% (12.98%, 20.46%) |
56.38% (51.94%, 60.72%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.12% (1.10%, 8.50%) |
3.98% (1.12%, 13.22%) |
4.16% (1.84%, 9.14%) |
11.02% (6.80%, 17.38%) |
16.04% (11.44%, 22.04%) |
25.76% (18.74%, 34.28%) |
35.94% (27.94%, 44.82%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.70% (0.24%, 2.16%) |
2.88% (1.50%, 5.44%) |
1.42% (0.60%, 3.32%) |
11.54% (8.22%, 15.96%) |
16.76% (13.26%, 20.96%) |
18.36% (14.64%, 22.76%) |
48.34% (42.86%, 53.86%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.98% (0.46%, 2.06%) |
3.56% (2.14%, 5.86%) |
0.68% (0.18%, 2.60%) |
4.78% (3.34%, 6.82%) |
17.06% (13.78%, 20.96%) |
14.20% (11.38%, 17.56%) |
58.74% (54.42%, 62.94%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
43.42% (40.82%, 46.06%) |
17.28% (15.62%, 19.08%) |
22.64% (20.44%, 25.00%) |
7.72% (6.32%, 9.38%) |
2.90% (2.22%, 3.78%) |
5.02% (3.92%, 6.38%) |
1.02% (0.62%, 1.70%) |
D - Non-white |
48.08% (44.38%, 51.78%) |
20.82% (18.32%, 23.54%) |
16.40% (14.04%, 19.08%) |
9.52% (7.52%, 11.98%) |
1.92% (1.16%, 3.16%) |
2.24% (1.42%, 3.50%) |
1.04% (0.54%, 2.02%) |
R - White |
0.78% (0.46%, 1.34%) |
2.16% (1.58%, 2.90%) |
0.84% (0.48%, 1.46%) |
6.20% (5.14%, 7.50%) |
16.84% (15.10%, 18.74%) |
19.76% (17.88%, 21.78%) |
53.42% (51.02%, 55.78%) |
R - Non-white |
2.88% (1.40%, 5.84%) |
6.86% (3.70%, 12.36%) |
2.62% (1.32%, 5.12%) |
15.18% (11.30%, 20.06%) |
20.48% (16.74%, 24.78%) |
16.86% (13.10%, 21.42%) |
35.12% (30.12%, 40.48%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
43.78% (40.76%, 46.86%) |
19.48% (17.30%, 21.86%) |
22.78% (20.52%, 25.18%) |
5.62% (4.42%, 7.12%) |
3.56% (2.56%, 4.90%) |
3.92% (2.88%, 5.32%) |
0.86% (0.48%, 1.54%) |
D - Not college grad |
47.08% (43.90%, 50.30%) |
18.30% (16.06%, 20.80%) |
17.28% (15.18%, 19.60%) |
10.90% (9.04%, 13.08%) |
1.60% (0.98%, 2.60%) |
3.66% (2.66%, 5.00%) |
1.16% (0.66%, 2.06%) |
R - College Grad |
0.30% (0.10%, 0.84%) |
1.56% (0.86%, 2.84%) |
0.34% (0.08%, 1.30%) |
6.16% (4.52%, 8.36%) |
19.92% (17.12%, 23.06%) |
24.88% (21.68%, 28.38%) |
46.86% (43.12%, 50.62%) |
R - Not college grad |
1.46% (0.90%, 2.36%) |
3.60% (2.52%, 5.12%) |
1.58% (1.02%, 2.42%) |
8.40% (6.92%, 10.16%) |
16.54% (14.76%, 18.48%) |
17.08% (15.04%, 19.32%) |
51.34% (48.64%, 54.04%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201232, "Party identity importance") anes
Extremely important | Very important | Moderately important | A little important | Not at all important | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
13.20% (11.82%, 14.70%) |
21.96% (20.30%, 23.70%) |
28.42% (26.46%, 30.46%) |
16.16% (14.58%, 17.90%) |
20.26% (18.58%, 22.08%) |
R |
14.00% (12.40%, 15.76%) |
21.96% (20.20%, 23.82%) |
25.96% (23.96%, 28.08%) |
14.82% (13.26%, 16.52%) |
23.26% (21.40%, 25.24%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
11.70% (9.82%, 13.90%) |
20.32% (17.90%, 22.98%) |
28.30% (25.40%, 31.38%) |
16.08% (13.72%, 18.78%) |
23.60% (20.94%, 26.46%) |
D - Female |
14.42% (12.52%, 16.54%) |
23.24% (20.86%, 25.80%) |
28.64% (26.18%, 31.20%) |
16.14% (14.24%, 18.22%) |
17.58% (15.46%, 19.90%) |
R - Male |
13.86% (11.58%, 16.50%) |
20.58% (18.04%, 23.38%) |
24.40% (21.66%, 27.36%) |
15.56% (13.50%, 17.86%) |
25.60% (22.66%, 28.76%) |
R - Female |
14.10% (11.68%, 16.92%) |
23.56% (21.24%, 26.04%) |
27.62% (24.70%, 30.72%) |
14.16% (12.04%, 16.58%) |
20.56% (18.42%, 22.90%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
11.64% (7.92%, 16.78%) |
15.58% (11.38%, 20.98%) |
26.62% (20.82%, 33.34%) |
19.28% (14.12%, 25.78%) |
26.88% (21.18%, 33.44%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
10.28% (7.62%, 13.74%) |
16.56% (12.78%, 21.18%) |
24.94% (20.16%, 30.42%) |
19.50% (15.44%, 24.28%) |
28.74% (24.20%, 33.74%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
12.46% (9.94%, 15.50%) |
27.72% (23.52%, 32.32%) |
32.40% (27.70%, 37.46%) |
11.06% (8.42%, 14.40%) |
16.38% (13.12%, 20.24%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.92% (8.34%, 16.74%) |
19.28% (14.54%, 25.10%) |
29.40% (24.10%, 35.30%) |
18.06% (13.84%, 23.24%) |
21.36% (16.94%, 26.56%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
11.58% (8.74%, 15.20%) |
22.08% (18.70%, 25.86%) |
29.34% (25.08%, 34.00%) |
16.88% (13.78%, 20.50%) |
20.12% (16.78%, 23.94%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
18.18% (15.68%, 20.96%) |
27.18% (23.66%, 31.02%) |
27.44% (24.00%, 31.16%) |
14.40% (11.62%, 17.74%) |
12.80% (10.44%, 15.60%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
13.92% (9.00%, 20.92%) |
15.80% (10.58%, 22.90%) |
26.36% (19.34%, 34.82%) |
18.82% (13.58%, 25.50%) |
25.10% (18.78%, 32.68%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
12.28% (8.50%, 17.44%) |
15.94% (11.88%, 21.06%) |
21.52% (17.32%, 26.42%) |
14.80% (11.42%, 18.96%) |
35.44% (29.50%, 41.86%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
15.56% (12.44%, 19.28%) |
25.80% (22.26%, 29.70%) |
25.16% (21.28%, 29.48%) |
14.02% (10.92%, 17.84%) |
19.46% (16.14%, 23.26%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
13.38% (8.28%, 20.90%) |
21.36% (14.78%, 29.82%) |
23.20% (16.58%, 31.50%) |
19.00% (13.08%, 26.76%) |
23.06% (16.82%, 30.74%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
13.46% (9.56%, 18.60%) |
19.16% (15.38%, 23.60%) |
29.44% (24.24%, 35.24%) |
16.10% (12.20%, 20.92%) |
21.84% (17.50%, 26.90%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
15.60% (12.38%, 19.46%) |
27.58% (23.82%, 31.70%) |
28.98% (24.66%, 33.72%) |
10.04% (7.70%, 12.98%) |
17.80% (14.76%, 21.30%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
10.78% (9.34%, 12.40%) |
20.36% (18.48%, 22.38%) |
28.86% (26.48%, 31.36%) |
17.22% (15.30%, 19.32%) |
22.80% (20.78%, 24.94%) |
D - Non-white |
16.12% (13.78%, 18.80%) |
23.94% (21.16%, 26.96%) |
27.54% (24.54%, 30.76%) |
15.00% (12.52%, 17.86%) |
17.38% (14.72%, 20.40%) |
R - White |
13.62% (11.92%, 15.52%) |
22.04% (20.28%, 23.92%) |
25.72% (23.40%, 28.16%) |
15.00% (13.18%, 17.02%) |
23.64% (21.58%, 25.84%) |
R - Non-white |
15.86% (11.94%, 20.76%) |
22.06% (17.58%, 27.30%) |
26.88% (21.10%, 33.56%) |
13.94% (10.36%, 18.50%) |
21.28% (16.68%, 26.70%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
10.16% (8.70%, 11.84%) |
18.48% (16.52%, 20.62%) |
28.42% (25.72%, 31.28%) |
20.26% (17.86%, 22.88%) |
22.68% (20.22%, 25.36%) |
D - Not college grad |
15.64% (13.44%, 18.12%) |
24.62% (21.96%, 27.48%) |
28.46% (25.80%, 31.30%) |
12.88% (11.06%, 14.94%) |
18.40% (16.16%, 20.88%) |
R - College Grad |
8.44% (6.86%, 10.34%) |
20.84% (17.88%, 24.14%) |
24.82% (21.16%, 28.90%) |
18.70% (15.46%, 22.44%) |
27.20% (24.16%, 30.46%) |
R - Not college grad |
16.38% (14.34%, 18.66%) |
22.54% (20.12%, 25.18%) |
26.36% (23.94%, 28.96%) |
13.22% (11.40%, 15.28%) |
21.48% (19.24%, 23.90%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201233, "Trust government in Washington") anes
Always | Most of the time | About half the time | Some of the time | Never | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.98% (0.62%, 1.50%) |
10.94% (9.80%, 12.22%) |
32.98% (30.86%, 35.16%) |
46.68% (44.54%, 48.80%) |
8.44% (7.22%, 9.86%) |
R |
1.54% (1.06%, 2.24%) |
18.04% (16.44%, 19.78%) |
32.10% (29.92%, 34.34%) |
40.04% (37.88%, 42.24%) |
8.28% (7.10%, 9.62%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
0.82% (0.38%, 1.74%) |
13.18% (11.08%, 15.60%) |
32.00% (28.88%, 35.30%) |
45.30% (42.14%, 48.52%) |
8.70% (6.80%, 11.04%) |
D - Female |
1.10% (0.66%, 1.86%) |
9.18% (7.88%, 10.68%) |
33.74% (31.12%, 36.48%) |
47.70% (45.00%, 50.38%) |
8.28% (6.72%, 10.16%) |
R - Male |
1.30% (0.74%, 2.30%) |
16.46% (14.16%, 19.02%) |
30.14% (27.34%, 33.10%) |
43.46% (40.52%, 46.44%) |
8.64% (7.22%, 10.34%) |
R - Female |
1.78% (1.12%, 2.80%) |
19.68% (17.24%, 22.38%) |
34.42% (31.30%, 37.70%) |
36.32% (33.12%, 39.62%) |
7.80% (5.94%, 10.20%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.58% (0.18%, 1.82%) |
11.18% (7.56%, 16.24%) |
31.06% (24.56%, 38.42%) |
43.20% (36.76%, 49.88%) |
13.96% (9.56%, 19.96%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.62% (0.58%, 4.40%) |
10.52% (7.82%, 14.04%) |
30.24% (25.06%, 35.98%) |
49.38% (43.60%, 55.18%) |
8.24% (5.82%, 11.54%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.32% (0.06%, 1.52%) |
17.84% (14.04%, 22.42%) |
34.38% (30.04%, 39.00%) |
42.32% (37.50%, 47.28%) |
5.14% (3.42%, 7.66%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.36% (0.48%, 3.74%) |
6.76% (4.30%, 10.52%) |
31.46% (25.94%, 37.54%) |
46.26% (40.14%, 52.50%) |
14.16% (10.44%, 18.90%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.38% (0.66%, 2.88%) |
7.24% (5.32%, 9.76%) |
38.16% (33.78%, 42.74%) |
45.38% (40.86%, 50.00%) |
7.86% (5.48%, 11.12%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.80% (0.32%, 1.94%) |
12.40% (10.00%, 15.26%) |
31.12% (27.30%, 35.22%) |
50.60% (46.80%, 54.40%) |
5.10% (3.58%, 7.20%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.86% (0.64%, 5.26%) |
16.42% (11.12%, 23.56%) |
25.18% (19.02%, 32.54%) |
46.48% (38.90%, 54.22%) |
10.08% (6.72%, 14.86%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.36% (0.56%, 3.34%) |
16.28% (12.62%, 20.72%) |
27.90% (23.74%, 32.50%) |
44.20% (39.24%, 49.26%) |
10.26% (7.28%, 14.26%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.58% (0.24%, 1.40%) |
16.80% (13.90%, 20.18%) |
33.64% (29.48%, 38.08%) |
41.98% (37.88%, 46.20%) |
7.00% (5.02%, 9.66%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.52% (1.56%, 7.76%) |
16.88% (11.82%, 23.54%) |
34.76% (27.50%, 42.80%) |
31.60% (24.82%, 39.28%) |
13.24% (8.26%, 20.54%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.52% (1.34%, 4.68%) |
18.40% (14.12%, 23.64%) |
35.30% (30.06%, 40.92%) |
34.78% (29.66%, 40.28%) |
9.00% (6.14%, 13.00%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.76% (0.26%, 2.20%) |
22.14% (18.84%, 25.84%) |
32.80% (28.54%, 37.38%) |
39.24% (34.72%, 43.92%) |
5.06% (3.38%, 7.52%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.18% (0.06%, 0.48%) |
9.64% (8.38%, 11.06%) |
31.28% (28.68%, 34.02%) |
51.82% (49.34%, 54.32%) |
7.08% (5.80%, 8.62%) |
D - Non-white |
1.98% (1.26%, 3.10%) |
12.56% (10.58%, 14.86%) |
34.94% (32.10%, 37.90%) |
40.50% (37.32%, 43.76%) |
10.02% (8.04%, 12.42%) |
R - White |
1.28% (0.84%, 1.94%) |
16.80% (15.12%, 18.64%) |
33.08% (30.68%, 35.56%) |
41.72% (39.30%, 44.18%) |
7.14% (5.90%, 8.60%) |
R - Non-white |
2.66% (1.30%, 5.40%) |
23.76% (19.10%, 29.16%) |
28.54% (23.42%, 34.28%) |
32.76% (27.62%, 38.32%) |
12.28% (8.86%, 16.76%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.30% (0.12%, 0.80%) |
10.52% (9.02%, 12.24%) |
34.14% (31.36%, 37.02%) |
49.00% (46.16%, 51.84%) |
6.04% (4.74%, 7.68%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.54% (0.96%, 2.46%) |
11.30% (9.58%, 13.30%) |
31.74% (28.88%, 34.76%) |
44.96% (42.22%, 47.72%) |
10.46% (8.58%, 12.68%) |
R - College Grad |
0.36% (0.10%, 1.24%) |
14.14% (11.98%, 16.60%) |
29.24% (25.96%, 32.76%) |
48.66% (45.02%, 52.34%) |
7.60% (5.86%, 9.82%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.10% (1.44%, 3.06%) |
20.06% (17.86%, 22.44%) |
33.26% (30.52%, 36.10%) |
36.04% (33.30%, 38.86%) |
8.56% (7.10%, 10.32%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201234, "Government for a few interests or benefit of all") anes
Run by a few big interests | For the benefit of all the people | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
88.58% (87.10%, 89.90%) |
11.42% (10.10%, 12.90%) |
R |
77.16% (74.98%, 79.22%) |
22.84% (20.78%, 25.02%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
88.78% (86.44%, 90.74%) |
11.22% (9.26%, 13.56%) |
D - Female |
88.36% (86.12%, 90.28%) |
11.64% (9.72%, 13.88%) |
R - Male |
78.34% (75.64%, 80.84%) |
21.66% (19.16%, 24.36%) |
R - Female |
75.78% (72.54%, 78.76%) |
24.22% (21.24%, 27.46%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
88.00% (81.90%, 92.24%) |
12.00% (7.76%, 18.10%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
88.66% (84.48%, 91.82%) |
11.34% (8.18%, 15.52%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
89.56% (85.92%, 92.34%) |
10.44% (7.66%, 14.08%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
87.86% (82.54%, 91.72%) |
12.14% (8.28%, 17.46%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
87.76% (83.98%, 90.74%) |
12.24% (9.26%, 16.02%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
89.12% (86.10%, 91.56%) |
10.88% (8.44%, 13.90%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
78.22% (70.44%, 84.42%) |
21.78% (15.58%, 29.56%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
78.92% (74.16%, 83.02%) |
21.08% (16.98%, 25.84%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
78.50% (75.18%, 81.48%) |
21.50% (18.52%, 24.82%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
69.54% (61.64%, 76.42%) |
30.46% (23.58%, 38.36%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
75.64% (70.38%, 80.22%) |
24.36% (19.78%, 29.62%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
77.24% (72.94%, 81.02%) |
22.76% (18.98%, 27.06%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
90.24% (88.52%, 91.72%) |
9.76% (8.28%, 11.48%) |
D - Non-white |
86.56% (83.96%, 88.80%) |
13.44% (11.20%, 16.04%) |
R - White |
78.20% (75.94%, 80.28%) |
21.80% (19.72%, 24.06%) |
R - Non-white |
72.10% (66.36%, 77.20%) |
27.90% (22.80%, 33.64%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
89.46% (87.54%, 91.10%) |
10.54% (8.90%, 12.46%) |
D - Not college grad |
88.02% (85.66%, 90.04%) |
11.98% (9.96%, 14.34%) |
R - College Grad |
79.60% (76.32%, 82.52%) |
20.40% (17.48%, 23.68%) |
R - Not college grad |
75.96% (73.24%, 78.48%) |
24.04% (21.52%, 26.76%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201235, "Does government waste much tax money") anes
Waste a lot | Waste some | Don’t waste very much | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
63.32% (61.40%, 65.22%) |
34.06% (32.14%, 36.02%) |
2.62% (2.06%, 3.32%) |
R |
74.60% (72.52%, 76.56%) |
22.96% (21.16%, 24.88%) |
2.44% (1.78%, 3.34%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
63.88% (60.98%, 66.68%) |
33.18% (30.28%, 36.24%) |
2.94% (2.02%, 4.22%) |
D - Female |
62.86% (60.06%, 65.58%) |
34.84% (32.24%, 37.54%) |
2.30% (1.58%, 3.30%) |
R - Male |
76.48% (73.34%, 79.36%) |
21.12% (18.44%, 24.08%) |
2.40% (1.46%, 3.90%) |
R - Female |
72.60% (69.62%, 75.36%) |
24.94% (22.26%, 27.84%) |
2.46% (1.62%, 3.72%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
64.02% (57.78%, 69.84%) |
32.76% (26.78%, 39.34%) |
3.22% (1.62%, 6.30%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
63.64% (58.42%, 68.54%) |
33.54% (28.44%, 39.02%) |
2.84% (1.38%, 5.74%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
64.10% (59.70%, 68.26%) |
32.98% (29.02%, 37.18%) |
2.94% (1.78%, 4.82%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
66.40% (60.00%, 72.24%) |
30.80% (25.30%, 36.92%) |
2.80% (1.36%, 5.68%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
59.46% (54.32%, 64.40%) |
37.56% (32.92%, 42.44%) |
2.98% (1.72%, 5.10%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
63.26% (58.82%, 67.50%) |
35.52% (31.32%, 39.94%) |
1.22% (0.66%, 2.26%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
68.16% (61.32%, 74.28%) |
25.12% (19.26%, 32.06%) |
6.72% (3.40%, 12.86%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
72.62% (67.40%, 77.28%) |
25.50% (20.86%, 30.76%) |
1.88% (0.94%, 3.76%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
82.94% (78.90%, 86.34%) |
16.48% (13.16%, 20.42%) |
0.58% (0.24%, 1.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
64.52% (56.10%, 72.14%) |
29.14% (22.48%, 36.86%) |
6.34% (3.18%, 12.26%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
69.28% (63.36%, 74.64%) |
28.32% (23.06%, 34.26%) |
2.40% (1.28%, 4.42%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
77.20% (73.20%, 80.78%) |
22.14% (18.62%, 26.10%) |
0.66% (0.30%, 1.44%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
61.44% (58.70%, 64.10%) |
36.34% (33.64%, 39.14%) |
2.22% (1.62%, 3.00%) |
D - Non-white |
65.60% (62.80%, 68.28%) |
31.24% (28.56%, 34.06%) |
3.16% (2.18%, 4.54%) |
R - White |
76.38% (74.20%, 78.44%) |
21.92% (19.98%, 24.00%) |
1.70% (1.14%, 2.52%) |
R - Non-white |
66.62% (60.64%, 72.10%) |
27.76% (22.28%, 33.98%) |
5.64% (3.32%, 9.42%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
57.54% (54.54%, 60.48%) |
39.44% (36.50%, 42.48%) |
3.02% (2.22%, 4.08%) |
D - Not college grad |
67.82% (65.32%, 70.20%) |
29.82% (27.38%, 32.36%) |
2.36% (1.64%, 3.42%) |
R - College Grad |
77.68% (74.28%, 80.74%) |
21.64% (18.62%, 25.00%) |
0.68% (0.32%, 1.42%) |
R - Not college grad |
73.16% (70.64%, 75.52%) |
23.58% (21.40%, 25.94%) |
3.26% (2.32%, 4.54%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201236, "How many in government are corrupt") anes
All | Most | About half | A few | None | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
3.40% (2.70%, 4.32%) |
29.64% (27.82%, 31.52%) |
35.78% (33.94%, 37.64%) |
30.36% (28.68%, 32.10%) |
0.82% (0.54%, 1.24%) |
R |
2.92% (2.22%, 3.86%) |
30.84% (28.66%, 33.10%) |
36.50% (34.26%, 38.80%) |
28.82% (26.74%, 30.98%) |
0.94% (0.58%, 1.48%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
2.22% (1.40%, 3.52%) |
30.36% (27.60%, 33.26%) |
32.02% (29.00%, 35.20%) |
34.28% (31.68%, 36.96%) |
1.14% (0.56%, 2.28%) |
D - Female |
4.42% (3.22%, 6.06%) |
28.86% (26.32%, 31.52%) |
39.00% (36.34%, 41.70%) |
27.16% (25.02%, 29.42%) |
0.56% (0.30%, 1.08%) |
R - Male |
3.22% (2.22%, 4.68%) |
29.42% (26.48%, 32.54%) |
35.26% (32.24%, 38.42%) |
31.16% (28.30%, 34.16%) |
0.92% (0.46%, 1.88%) |
R - Female |
2.64% (1.72%, 4.02%) |
32.18% (28.98%, 35.58%) |
37.88% (34.70%, 41.14%) |
26.40% (23.52%, 29.52%) |
0.90% (0.46%, 1.82%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.92% (1.34%, 6.26%) |
41.00% (35.08%, 47.22%) |
36.26% (30.12%, 42.90%) |
18.34% (14.40%, 23.06%) |
1.48% (0.40%, 5.20%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.96% (0.94%, 4.04%) |
32.00% (27.34%, 37.04%) |
28.86% (24.48%, 33.68%) |
35.56% (30.96%, 40.44%) |
1.60% (0.56%, 4.46%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.04% (0.82%, 4.88%) |
20.00% (16.30%, 24.30%) |
31.24% (26.38%, 36.54%) |
46.24% (41.32%, 51.26%) |
0.50% (0.18%, 1.40%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
10.06% (6.70%, 14.88%) |
36.12% (30.48%, 42.16%) |
36.64% (31.66%, 41.90%) |
16.64% (12.76%, 21.42%) |
0.54% (0.10%, 3.22%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.74% (1.60%, 4.66%) |
28.66% (24.74%, 32.94%) |
38.28% (33.58%, 43.20%) |
29.54% (25.46%, 33.96%) |
0.80% (0.38%, 1.64%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.18% (0.98%, 4.70%) |
24.32% (20.68%, 28.38%) |
41.00% (36.90%, 45.22%) |
32.18% (28.56%, 36.04%) |
0.34% (0.12%, 0.94%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
5.58% (2.86%, 10.62%) |
35.32% (28.54%, 42.78%) |
29.88% (22.98%, 37.82%) |
26.92% (20.66%, 34.28%) |
2.28% (0.80%, 6.28%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
4.80% (2.68%, 8.46%) |
33.78% (28.86%, 39.04%) |
30.30% (25.42%, 35.68%) |
30.08% (25.36%, 35.30%) |
1.04% (0.32%, 3.28%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
1.22% (0.62%, 2.34%) |
24.20% (20.60%, 28.20%) |
41.06% (36.98%, 45.26%) |
33.28% (29.14%, 37.70%) |
0.24% (0.06%, 1.10%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
6.88% (3.64%, 12.66%) |
36.94% (28.92%, 45.76%) |
37.02% (29.28%, 45.48%) |
17.22% (11.64%, 24.72%) |
1.92% (0.52%, 6.80%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.08% (1.46%, 6.40%) |
34.26% (28.96%, 39.98%) |
38.66% (33.22%, 44.42%) |
23.34% (18.54%, 28.92%) |
0.66% (0.22%, 1.96%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.90% (0.42%, 1.90%) |
28.30% (24.14%, 32.86%) |
37.96% (33.58%, 42.54%) |
32.06% (27.72%, 36.72%) |
0.78% (0.26%, 2.40%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.54% (1.00%, 2.36%) |
29.00% (26.80%, 31.30%) |
35.68% (33.30%, 38.14%) |
33.56% (31.26%, 35.92%) |
0.22% (0.10%, 0.50%) |
D - Non-white |
5.60% (4.22%, 7.42%) |
30.38% (26.98%, 34.02%) |
35.86% (32.76%, 39.08%) |
26.60% (23.64%, 29.76%) |
1.56% (1.00%, 2.44%) |
R - White |
2.40% (1.78%, 3.22%) |
31.34% (28.96%, 33.82%) |
37.56% (35.32%, 39.88%) |
28.20% (25.98%, 30.56%) |
0.50% (0.26%, 0.94%) |
R - Non-white |
5.42% (3.12%, 9.24%) |
27.98% (23.12%, 33.42%) |
31.64% (26.00%, 37.88%) |
32.04% (27.06%, 37.46%) |
2.92% (1.50%, 5.64%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.78% (1.18%, 2.66%) |
24.82% (22.40%, 27.40%) |
37.90% (35.40%, 40.46%) |
35.06% (32.46%, 37.74%) |
0.46% (0.14%, 1.52%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.58% (3.44%, 6.06%) |
33.02% (30.34%, 35.80%) |
34.44% (31.68%, 37.30%) |
26.84% (24.40%, 29.40%) |
1.14% (0.74%, 1.74%) |
R - College Grad |
1.42% (0.88%, 2.30%) |
31.50% (27.90%, 35.32%) |
34.40% (31.16%, 37.82%) |
32.30% (28.42%, 36.42%) |
0.38% (0.12%, 1.22%) |
R - Not college grad |
3.64% (2.66%, 5.00%) |
30.48% (27.84%, 33.24%) |
37.22% (34.32%, 40.22%) |
27.46% (25.02%, 30.06%) |
1.20% (0.70%, 2.00%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201237, "How often can people be trusted") anes
Always | Most of the time | About half the time | Some of the time | Never | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.62% (0.30%, 1.22%) |
44.76% (42.66%, 46.86%) |
27.72% (26.10%, 29.40%) |
23.80% (22.06%, 25.62%) |
3.12% (2.46%, 3.94%) |
R |
0.52% (0.30%, 0.90%) |
45.54% (43.28%, 47.82%) |
28.12% (26.24%, 30.06%) |
22.06% (20.32%, 23.90%) |
3.76% (2.92%, 4.86%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
0.58% (0.20%, 1.70%) |
47.16% (44.00%, 50.34%) |
27.52% (25.14%, 30.04%) |
22.60% (19.70%, 25.78%) |
2.14% (1.44%, 3.16%) |
D - Female |
0.64% (0.26%, 1.58%) |
42.78% (40.14%, 45.46%) |
27.78% (25.38%, 30.32%) |
24.92% (22.74%, 27.24%) |
3.88% (2.74%, 5.46%) |
R - Male |
0.40% (0.20%, 0.80%) |
45.24% (42.18%, 48.34%) |
27.56% (25.00%, 30.28%) |
22.68% (19.82%, 25.84%) |
4.12% (2.90%, 5.80%) |
R - Female |
0.66% (0.34%, 1.34%) |
45.80% (42.54%, 49.12%) |
28.84% (26.02%, 31.80%) |
21.26% (18.86%, 23.88%) |
3.44% (2.34%, 5.00%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.26% (0.28%, 5.40%) |
39.20% (33.08%, 45.68%) |
31.72% (26.30%, 37.68%) |
24.26% (18.62%, 30.96%) |
3.56% (1.90%, 6.58%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.68% (0.16%, 2.74%) |
45.72% (40.64%, 50.88%) |
27.28% (22.70%, 32.38%) |
24.64% (19.74%, 30.30%) |
1.68% (0.82%, 3.46%) |
D - Male - 55+ | NA |
55.74% (51.08%, 60.30%) |
23.38% (19.82%, 27.38%) |
19.36% (15.88%, 23.38%) |
1.52% (0.76%, 3.00%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.88% (0.18%, 4.02%) |
31.16% (26.20%, 36.60%) |
31.34% (26.20%, 36.98%) |
28.42% (23.86%, 33.46%) |
8.20% (4.74%, 13.84%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.48% (0.16%, 1.48%) |
41.86% (37.64%, 46.22%) |
32.16% (28.00%, 36.64%) |
22.70% (19.10%, 26.76%) |
2.76% (1.84%, 4.16%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.16%) |
50.66% (46.54%, 54.78%) |
22.48% (19.26%, 26.06%) |
24.62% (21.02%, 28.60%) |
1.92% (1.10%, 3.34%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.66%) |
33.58% (26.50%, 41.48%) |
29.52% (22.56%, 37.56%) |
27.60% (20.88%, 35.50%) |
9.22% (5.46%, 15.16%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.56% (0.20%, 1.52%) |
44.52% (39.20%, 49.98%) |
29.30% (24.48%, 34.64%) |
22.94% (18.80%, 27.68%) |
2.68% (1.28%, 5.50%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.44% (0.16%, 1.22%) |
50.46% (46.10%, 54.80%) |
25.52% (21.72%, 29.72%) |
20.84% (16.98%, 25.30%) |
2.74% (1.34%, 5.54%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.54% (0.08%, 3.74%) |
26.56% (19.88%, 34.52%) |
32.90% (25.60%, 41.14%) |
28.84% (22.68%, 35.88%) |
11.16% (6.54%, 18.40%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.66% (0.22%, 1.94%) |
48.78% (42.40%, 55.18%) |
28.84% (23.24%, 35.14%) |
18.46% (14.86%, 22.72%) |
3.26% (1.60%, 6.52%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.80% (0.30%, 2.16%) |
51.62% (47.30%, 55.94%) |
27.76% (23.70%, 32.22%) |
19.04% (15.84%, 22.72%) |
0.76% (0.30%, 1.90%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.16% (0.06%, 0.48%) |
58.38% (55.88%, 60.86%) |
25.10% (23.04%, 27.30%) |
15.48% (13.68%, 17.44%) |
0.86% (0.54%, 1.40%) |
D - Non-white |
1.18% (0.54%, 2.56%) |
28.06% (25.18%, 31.14%) |
31.02% (28.14%, 34.06%) |
33.88% (30.76%, 37.14%) |
5.86% (4.52%, 7.56%) |
R - White |
0.50% (0.26%, 0.96%) |
48.70% (46.28%, 51.14%) |
28.32% (26.46%, 30.24%) |
19.82% (18.02%, 21.76%) |
2.66% (1.88%, 3.74%) |
R - Non-white |
0.64% (0.24%, 1.74%) |
31.00% (26.10%, 36.38%) |
27.42% (22.26%, 33.24%) |
32.08% (26.80%, 37.86%) |
8.86% (6.00%, 12.94%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.28% (0.10%, 0.72%) |
57.12% (54.38%, 59.82%) |
25.00% (22.72%, 27.40%) |
16.44% (14.12%, 19.04%) |
1.18% (0.74%, 1.88%) |
D - Not college grad |
0.90% (0.40%, 2.06%) |
34.80% (32.00%, 37.72%) |
29.76% (27.58%, 32.02%) |
29.94% (27.42%, 32.58%) |
4.60% (3.52%, 5.96%) |
R - College Grad |
0.72% (0.36%, 1.40%) |
56.18% (52.32%, 59.96%) |
24.34% (21.14%, 27.84%) |
17.80% (15.04%, 20.94%) |
0.96% (0.40%, 2.30%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.44% (0.20%, 0.98%) |
40.78% (38.06%, 43.54%) |
29.90% (27.52%, 32.38%) |
23.84% (21.62%, 26.20%) |
5.04% (3.86%, 6.58%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201238, "Elections make government pay attention") anes
A good deal | Some | Not much | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
31.06% (29.40%, 32.76%) |
52.96% (50.86%, 55.04%) |
15.98% (14.40%, 17.70%) |
R |
33.62% (31.48%, 35.82%) |
51.76% (49.64%, 53.88%) |
14.62% (13.18%, 16.18%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
31.92% (29.28%, 34.68%) |
51.80% (48.92%, 54.66%) |
16.28% (13.88%, 19.00%) |
D - Female |
30.30% (28.00%, 32.70%) |
53.98% (51.08%, 56.88%) |
15.72% (13.60%, 18.10%) |
R - Male |
33.16% (30.06%, 36.42%) |
50.54% (47.28%, 53.82%) |
16.30% (14.16%, 18.68%) |
R - Female |
33.98% (30.88%, 37.22%) |
53.12% (50.08%, 56.16%) |
12.90% (10.92%, 15.16%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
24.58% (19.64%, 30.30%) |
52.32% (45.44%, 59.12%) |
23.10% (17.26%, 30.20%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
31.34% (26.18%, 37.02%) |
51.42% (45.44%, 57.36%) |
17.22% (13.52%, 21.70%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
38.24% (34.16%, 42.52%) |
51.50% (47.06%, 55.92%) |
10.26% (7.60%, 13.72%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
22.96% (18.10%, 28.68%) |
55.08% (49.02%, 61.00%) |
21.96% (17.82%, 26.74%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
28.82% (24.78%, 33.20%) |
56.12% (50.94%, 61.16%) |
15.08% (11.96%, 18.84%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
36.08% (32.40%, 39.94%) |
51.60% (47.58%, 55.58%) |
12.32% (9.28%, 16.20%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
34.50% (27.38%, 42.38%) |
42.26% (35.42%, 49.40%) |
23.26% (17.18%, 30.70%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
26.00% (21.62%, 30.92%) |
58.44% (52.96%, 63.70%) |
15.56% (12.36%, 19.40%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
38.10% (33.24%, 43.20%) |
49.54% (44.58%, 54.52%) |
12.36% (9.46%, 15.98%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
29.86% (22.60%, 38.30%) |
51.62% (44.00%, 59.16%) |
18.52% (13.46%, 24.98%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
28.44% (23.42%, 34.08%) |
56.70% (51.08%, 62.14%) |
14.86% (10.92%, 19.90%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
38.60% (34.42%, 42.96%) |
51.88% (47.36%, 56.36%) |
9.52% (7.44%, 12.12%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
30.82% (28.60%, 33.14%) |
53.94% (51.18%, 56.66%) |
15.24% (13.36%, 17.34%) |
D - Non-white |
31.66% (28.74%, 34.74%) |
51.38% (47.86%, 54.88%) |
16.94% (14.48%, 19.74%) |
R - White |
34.02% (31.84%, 36.28%) |
51.94% (49.66%, 54.22%) |
14.04% (12.46%, 15.78%) |
R - Non-white |
32.20% (27.10%, 37.76%) |
50.94% (45.24%, 56.64%) |
16.84% (12.98%, 21.58%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
33.20% (30.46%, 36.06%) |
54.46% (51.52%, 57.36%) |
12.34% (10.46%, 14.50%) |
D - Not college grad |
29.64% (27.20%, 32.18%) |
51.72% (48.92%, 54.52%) |
18.64% (16.32%, 21.24%) |
R - College Grad |
33.82% (30.16%, 37.72%) |
50.36% (46.50%, 54.22%) |
15.82% (13.02%, 19.06%) |
R - Not college grad |
34.02% (31.46%, 36.70%) |
52.12% (49.52%, 54.70%) |
13.86% (12.16%, 15.74%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201239, "Better at handling nation's economy") anes
Democrats would do a much better job | Democrats would do a somewhat better job | Not much difference between them | Republicans would do a somewhat better job | Republicans would do a much better job | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
34.58% (32.50%, 36.74%) |
29.26% (27.32%, 31.28%) |
27.02% (25.12%, 29.00%) |
7.26% (6.12%, 8.60%) |
1.86% (1.28%, 2.72%) |
R |
0.74% (0.42%, 1.28%) |
1.76% (1.14%, 2.72%) |
10.46% (9.10%, 12.00%) |
22.84% (20.94%, 24.84%) |
64.20% (61.92%, 66.42%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
32.18% (29.14%, 35.38%) |
29.02% (25.96%, 32.28%) |
27.92% (24.62%, 31.48%) |
8.00% (6.34%, 10.08%) |
2.88% (1.84%, 4.44%) |
D - Female |
36.58% (33.76%, 39.48%) |
29.54% (27.10%, 32.08%) |
26.12% (23.98%, 28.38%) |
6.72% (5.42%, 8.32%) |
1.04% (0.58%, 1.86%) |
R - Male |
0.68% (0.26%, 1.78%) |
1.58% (0.72%, 3.42%) |
9.64% (8.02%, 11.56%) |
22.04% (19.46%, 24.84%) |
66.06% (62.98%, 69.00%) |
R - Female |
0.80% (0.44%, 1.44%) |
1.96% (1.22%, 3.14%) |
11.34% (9.24%, 13.82%) |
23.64% (20.80%, 26.74%) |
62.26% (58.70%, 65.70%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
32.74% (26.52%, 39.62%) |
28.42% (22.56%, 35.10%) |
27.36% (21.54%, 34.04%) |
9.46% (6.52%, 13.52%) |
2.04% (0.84%, 4.92%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
28.26% (23.68%, 33.32%) |
27.84% (22.98%, 33.28%) |
29.38% (23.96%, 35.44%) |
10.72% (7.76%, 14.66%) |
3.80% (1.88%, 7.52%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
35.30% (30.48%, 40.44%) |
31.30% (26.94%, 36.02%) |
26.38% (21.76%, 31.58%) |
4.48% (2.88%, 6.92%) |
2.52% (1.26%, 5.00%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
32.58% (27.70%, 37.88%) |
31.54% (26.98%, 36.50%) |
26.62% (22.08%, 31.70%) |
8.22% (5.34%, 12.42%) |
1.04% (0.48%, 2.20%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
36.66% (31.66%, 41.98%) |
26.74% (23.02%, 30.82%) |
28.14% (24.06%, 32.62%) |
7.06% (5.32%, 9.30%) |
1.40% (0.64%, 3.08%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
39.42% (35.16%, 43.86%) |
30.48% (26.64%, 34.60%) |
23.64% (20.68%, 26.88%) |
5.62% (3.94%, 7.96%) |
0.84% (0.22%, 3.16%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.66% (0.86%, 7.88%) |
1.74% (0.40%, 7.36%) |
16.42% (11.48%, 22.92%) |
19.52% (14.56%, 25.66%) |
59.66% (52.64%, 66.30%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.14% (0.02%, 0.96%) |
2.30% (1.04%, 5.04%) |
9.20% (6.64%, 12.62%) |
25.46% (20.72%, 30.86%) |
62.90% (56.78%, 68.64%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.14% (0.02%, 0.74%) |
0.62% (0.20%, 1.92%) |
6.54% (4.88%, 8.72%) |
21.22% (17.50%, 25.48%) |
71.48% (66.88%, 75.68%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.40% (0.34%, 5.46%) |
3.50% (1.40%, 8.48%) |
19.38% (13.18%, 27.56%) |
29.72% (22.60%, 38.00%) |
46.00% (37.70%, 54.50%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.66% (0.22%, 1.94%) |
2.52% (1.24%, 5.06%) |
12.86% (9.58%, 17.02%) |
24.40% (19.56%, 30.02%) |
59.56% (53.64%, 65.20%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.76% (0.40%, 1.46%) |
1.20% (0.44%, 3.16%) |
7.76% (5.58%, 10.68%) |
19.96% (16.56%, 23.86%) |
70.32% (66.10%, 74.24%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
33.70% (31.38%, 36.10%) |
30.06% (27.54%, 32.72%) |
25.06% (22.56%, 27.74%) |
9.40% (7.86%, 11.20%) |
1.78% (1.16%, 2.70%) |
D - Non-white |
35.90% (32.52%, 39.42%) |
28.10% (25.24%, 31.16%) |
29.24% (26.24%, 32.46%) |
4.74% (3.40%, 6.60%) |
2.00% (1.12%, 3.56%) |
R - White |
0.32% (0.18%, 0.62%) |
0.92% (0.52%, 1.62%) |
9.58% (8.22%, 11.14%) |
21.82% (19.76%, 24.02%) |
67.36% (64.82%, 69.80%) |
R - Non-white |
2.60% (1.14%, 5.80%) |
5.16% (2.64%, 9.78%) |
14.46% (10.50%, 19.62%) |
26.84% (22.10%, 32.18%) |
50.94% (44.94%, 56.90%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
31.20% (28.38%, 34.16%) |
32.36% (29.50%, 35.36%) |
24.84% (22.28%, 27.60%) |
9.42% (7.94%, 11.12%) |
2.18% (1.28%, 3.70%) |
D - Not college grad |
37.42% (34.50%, 40.44%) |
26.64% (24.36%, 29.08%) |
28.82% (26.20%, 31.56%) |
5.46% (4.14%, 7.16%) |
1.66% (1.00%, 2.70%) |
R - College Grad |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.56%) |
0.70% (0.30%, 1.62%) |
5.68% (3.98%, 8.06%) |
23.04% (19.98%, 26.40%) |
70.46% (66.86%, 73.82%) |
R - Not college grad |
1.02% (0.58%, 1.80%) |
2.20% (1.34%, 3.58%) |
12.62% (10.82%, 14.68%) |
22.54% (20.14%, 25.12%) |
61.62% (58.70%, 64.46%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201240, "Better at handling health care") anes
Democrats would do a much better job | Democrats would do a somewhat better job | Not much difference between them | Republicans would do a somewhat better job | Republicans would do a much better job | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
59.92% (57.70%, 62.10%) |
27.32% (25.44%, 29.26%) |
10.68% (9.38%, 12.16%) |
1.46% (1.02%, 2.06%) |
0.62% (0.36%, 1.08%) |
R |
2.52% (1.84%, 3.48%) |
6.72% (5.54%, 8.14%) |
22.20% (20.36%, 24.18%) |
26.42% (24.54%, 28.40%) |
42.12% (40.00%, 44.28%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
59.52% (56.10%, 62.84%) |
27.44% (24.54%, 30.54%) |
10.66% (8.66%, 13.06%) |
1.82% (1.08%, 3.06%) |
0.58% (0.24%, 1.36%) |
D - Female |
60.36% (57.64%, 63.04%) |
27.20% (25.00%, 29.54%) |
10.60% (9.08%, 12.34%) |
1.16% (0.66%, 2.04%) |
0.66% (0.32%, 1.38%) |
R - Male |
2.56% (1.62%, 4.06%) |
7.30% (5.68%, 9.32%) |
22.30% (19.52%, 25.36%) |
28.92% (26.14%, 31.86%) |
38.92% (35.74%, 42.20%) |
R - Female |
2.50% (1.56%, 4.00%) |
6.04% (4.66%, 7.78%) |
22.18% (19.84%, 24.70%) |
23.74% (21.10%, 26.60%) |
45.54% (42.36%, 48.76%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
61.70% (54.74%, 68.22%) |
23.92% (18.72%, 30.06%) |
11.64% (7.76%, 17.10%) |
1.94% (0.66%, 5.52%) |
0.80% (0.16%, 3.88%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
54.06% (48.18%, 59.84%) |
32.88% (27.56%, 38.68%) |
10.16% (7.38%, 13.82%) |
2.48% (1.10%, 5.46%) |
0.42% (0.10%, 1.56%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
63.30% (58.22%, 68.10%) |
25.28% (21.58%, 29.38%) |
9.62% (6.48%, 14.06%) |
1.22% (0.68%, 2.12%) |
0.58% (0.16%, 2.28%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
58.16% (51.94%, 64.14%) |
28.92% (24.18%, 34.20%) |
10.78% (7.54%, 15.18%) |
1.42% (0.54%, 3.62%) |
0.72% (0.24%, 2.16%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
57.24% (52.48%, 61.86%) |
28.40% (24.52%, 32.62%) |
12.26% (9.44%, 15.78%) |
1.50% (0.72%, 3.16%) |
0.60% (0.16%, 2.10%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
64.74% (60.72%, 68.56%) |
24.70% (21.34%, 28.42%) |
9.16% (6.80%, 12.22%) |
0.68% (0.18%, 2.46%) |
0.72% (0.20%, 2.54%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.38% (3.16%, 12.46%) |
7.96% (4.52%, 13.64%) |
22.34% (16.48%, 29.54%) |
29.02% (22.30%, 36.78%) |
34.32% (27.18%, 42.26%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.16% (1.04%, 4.42%) |
9.08% (6.02%, 13.50%) |
24.44% (19.56%, 30.10%) |
24.78% (20.00%, 30.28%) |
39.54% (34.08%, 45.26%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
1.16% (0.48%, 2.80%) |
5.76% (3.88%, 8.48%) |
20.74% (17.18%, 24.80%) |
31.66% (27.74%, 35.86%) |
40.68% (36.06%, 45.46%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.12% (1.92%, 8.66%) |
12.12% (7.62%, 18.70%) |
25.94% (18.86%, 34.54%) |
19.62% (14.14%, 26.54%) |
38.22% (29.96%, 47.22%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.42% (1.00%, 5.82%) |
4.54% (2.94%, 7.00%) |
23.20% (18.74%, 28.32%) |
22.52% (18.00%, 27.78%) |
47.32% (41.62%, 53.08%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
2.22% (1.02%, 4.76%) |
3.54% (2.12%, 5.88%) |
20.44% (17.16%, 24.18%) |
26.46% (22.52%, 30.82%) |
47.32% (42.80%, 51.90%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
62.96% (60.16%, 65.68%) |
27.06% (24.56%, 29.72%) |
8.12% (6.80%, 9.68%) |
1.38% (0.86%, 2.24%) |
0.46% (0.22%, 0.94%) |
D - Non-white |
56.44% (53.00%, 59.84%) |
27.36% (24.66%, 30.24%) |
13.80% (11.44%, 16.56%) |
1.56% (0.84%, 2.86%) |
0.82% (0.36%, 1.86%) |
R - White |
1.42% (0.94%, 2.16%) |
6.20% (5.04%, 7.62%) |
21.86% (19.92%, 23.92%) |
26.32% (24.38%, 28.34%) |
44.20% (41.88%, 46.54%) |
R - Non-white |
7.58% (4.66%, 12.08%) |
9.30% (6.52%, 13.08%) |
23.12% (18.14%, 28.96%) |
26.42% (21.08%, 32.56%) |
33.58% (28.16%, 39.48%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
62.60% (59.60%, 65.50%) |
29.86% (27.04%, 32.82%) |
5.86% (4.52%, 7.56%) |
1.14% (0.60%, 2.20%) |
0.54% (0.24%, 1.20%) |
D - Not college grad |
58.00% (54.92%, 61.00%) |
24.88% (22.62%, 27.30%) |
14.70% (12.46%, 17.26%) |
1.74% (1.08%, 2.78%) |
0.68% (0.32%, 1.48%) |
R - College Grad |
1.84% (1.02%, 3.30%) |
8.64% (6.44%, 11.52%) |
19.80% (16.72%, 23.32%) |
31.06% (27.64%, 34.70%) |
38.64% (35.08%, 42.34%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.64% (1.78%, 3.90%) |
5.86% (4.50%, 7.62%) |
23.02% (20.78%, 25.42%) |
24.74% (22.36%, 27.32%) |
43.74% (41.18%, 46.30%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201241, "Better at handling immigration") anes
Democrats would do a much better job | Democrats would do a somewhat better job | Not much difference between them | Republicans would do a somewhat better job | Republicans would do a much better job | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
51.92% (49.68%, 54.14%) |
28.82% (26.90%, 30.80%) |
13.24% (11.90%, 14.70%) |
4.40% (3.60%, 5.36%) |
1.64% (1.12%, 2.40%) |
R |
1.70% (1.18%, 2.48%) |
4.08% (3.24%, 5.14%) |
11.22% (9.70%, 12.94%) |
19.00% (17.28%, 20.84%) |
64.00% (61.68%, 66.26%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
49.40% (46.04%, 52.78%) |
29.28% (26.40%, 32.32%) |
13.98% (12.00%, 16.20%) |
5.44% (4.02%, 7.32%) |
1.90% (1.14%, 3.16%) |
D - Female |
54.00% (50.92%, 57.06%) |
28.40% (25.70%, 31.24%) |
12.60% (10.84%, 14.60%) |
3.56% (2.70%, 4.68%) |
1.44% (0.88%, 2.34%) |
R - Male |
1.36% (0.68%, 2.66%) |
4.20% (3.04%, 5.76%) |
9.16% (7.46%, 11.18%) |
18.80% (16.46%, 21.40%) |
66.48% (63.18%, 69.64%) |
R - Female |
2.10% (1.34%, 3.28%) |
3.92% (2.84%, 5.40%) |
13.50% (11.14%, 16.26%) |
19.16% (17.06%, 21.42%) |
61.32% (57.88%, 64.66%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
53.76% (46.86%, 60.54%) |
26.46% (20.26%, 33.76%) |
14.16% (9.80%, 20.02%) |
3.26% (1.50%, 6.96%) |
2.34% (0.98%, 5.50%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
44.42% (38.72%, 50.26%) |
33.74% (28.56%, 39.36%) |
14.28% (10.94%, 18.44%) |
5.42% (3.14%, 9.20%) |
2.12% (0.92%, 4.86%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
51.08% (45.92%, 56.22%) |
27.50% (23.54%, 31.82%) |
13.06% (9.86%, 17.06%) |
6.92% (4.80%, 9.88%) |
1.46% (0.70%, 3.02%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
55.50% (49.42%, 61.42%) |
27.12% (22.00%, 32.92%) |
15.38% (11.70%, 19.96%) |
1.40% (0.58%, 3.38%) |
0.60% (0.16%, 2.16%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
51.22% (46.08%, 56.34%) |
30.54% (25.98%, 35.50%) |
11.72% (9.16%, 14.90%) |
4.48% (2.86%, 6.96%) |
2.04% (0.94%, 4.32%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
55.98% (51.68%, 60.20%) |
27.16% (23.52%, 31.12%) |
11.04% (8.58%, 14.10%) |
4.20% (2.86%, 6.14%) |
1.62% (0.72%, 3.58%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.46% (1.18%, 9.72%) |
7.16% (4.14%, 12.12%) |
14.96% (10.40%, 21.06%) |
17.50% (11.84%, 25.12%) |
56.92% (48.74%, 64.72%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.18% (0.38%, 3.58%) |
4.76% (2.80%, 8.02%) |
10.54% (7.34%, 14.88%) |
20.60% (16.32%, 25.66%) |
62.92% (57.34%, 68.18%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.54% (0.14%, 2.02%) |
1.94% (0.88%, 4.22%) |
5.38% (3.70%, 7.78%) |
18.36% (15.14%, 22.10%) |
73.76% (69.12%, 77.92%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
5.68% (2.80%, 11.16%) |
4.54% (2.28%, 8.80%) |
28.36% (20.72%, 37.48%) |
18.22% (13.02%, 24.90%) |
43.22% (35.16%, 51.64%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.30% (1.14%, 4.62%) |
6.18% (3.98%, 9.50%) |
13.48% (10.12%, 17.74%) |
18.22% (14.14%, 23.16%) |
59.80% (53.88%, 65.46%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.56% (0.16%, 1.88%) |
2.46% (1.32%, 4.56%) |
6.96% (5.04%, 9.56%) |
20.36% (17.16%, 24.02%) |
69.64% (65.40%, 73.56%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
52.40% (49.94%, 54.88%) |
30.62% (28.56%, 32.78%) |
10.68% (9.28%, 12.26%) |
4.80% (3.74%, 6.16%) |
1.48% (0.90%, 2.38%) |
D - Non-white |
51.48% (48.06%, 54.88%) |
26.28% (23.32%, 29.46%) |
16.44% (14.06%, 19.14%) |
3.92% (2.88%, 5.34%) |
1.88% (1.08%, 3.28%) |
R - White |
0.62% (0.38%, 0.98%) |
2.84% (2.14%, 3.78%) |
9.74% (8.30%, 11.42%) |
19.28% (17.50%, 21.20%) |
67.50% (64.98%, 69.92%) |
R - Non-white |
6.66% (4.18%, 10.46%) |
9.80% (6.64%, 14.24%) |
17.52% (12.76%, 23.58%) |
17.48% (13.46%, 22.40%) |
48.54% (42.10%, 55.02%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
54.06% (50.96%, 57.12%) |
31.58% (28.82%, 34.46%) |
8.60% (7.20%, 10.24%) |
4.10% (3.08%, 5.46%) |
1.66% (0.92%, 2.96%) |
D - Not college grad |
50.24% (47.14%, 53.32%) |
26.42% (23.86%, 29.14%) |
17.00% (14.78%, 19.48%) |
4.68% (3.60%, 6.06%) |
1.66% (1.08%, 2.54%) |
R - College Grad |
0.90% (0.46%, 1.72%) |
4.96% (3.32%, 7.38%) |
8.00% (5.72%, 11.06%) |
23.26% (20.02%, 26.82%) |
62.90% (59.06%, 66.58%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.10% (1.36%, 3.24%) |
3.78% (2.84%, 5.00%) |
12.70% (10.78%, 14.92%) |
17.10% (15.22%, 19.16%) |
64.32% (61.68%, 66.88%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201242, "Better at handling taxes") anes
Democrats would do a much better job | Democrats would do a somewhat better job | Not much difference between them | Republicans would do a somewhat better job | Republicans would do a much better job | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
34.10% (31.96%, 36.30%) |
28.18% (26.32%, 30.12%) |
27.22% (25.32%, 29.22%) |
8.78% (7.54%, 10.18%) |
1.72% (1.18%, 2.48%) |
R |
1.16% (0.70%, 1.92%) |
1.94% (1.42%, 2.64%) |
17.78% (15.98%, 19.74%) |
23.94% (21.94%, 26.06%) |
55.18% (52.82%, 57.54%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
31.54% (28.54%, 34.70%) |
28.72% (25.80%, 31.82%) |
26.58% (23.86%, 29.48%) |
10.94% (8.94%, 13.30%) |
2.24% (1.34%, 3.68%) |
D - Female |
36.24% (33.52%, 39.06%) |
27.78% (25.32%, 30.38%) |
27.70% (25.04%, 30.54%) |
6.96% (5.70%, 8.50%) |
1.30% (0.82%, 2.08%) |
R - Male |
1.36% (0.66%, 2.84%) |
1.44% (0.90%, 2.34%) |
16.18% (13.98%, 18.64%) |
24.56% (21.80%, 27.56%) |
56.44% (53.12%, 59.70%) |
R - Female |
0.94% (0.48%, 1.80%) |
2.34% (1.50%, 3.64%) |
19.50% (17.14%, 22.12%) |
23.30% (20.74%, 26.08%) |
53.90% (50.58%, 57.20%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
32.40% (25.92%, 39.62%) |
25.20% (19.86%, 31.40%) |
29.36% (23.80%, 35.62%) |
10.62% (7.40%, 15.04%) |
2.42% (1.18%, 4.92%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
28.92% (24.62%, 33.62%) |
28.46% (23.58%, 33.92%) |
25.08% (20.44%, 30.34%) |
15.38% (11.32%, 20.56%) |
2.18% (0.92%, 5.00%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
33.58% (28.66%, 38.88%) |
32.06% (27.36%, 37.14%) |
25.18% (21.08%, 29.78%) |
6.94% (4.92%, 9.70%) |
2.26% (1.06%, 4.72%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
32.30% (26.76%, 38.42%) |
30.84% (25.56%, 36.68%) |
27.98% (23.00%, 33.58%) |
7.00% (4.78%, 10.16%) |
1.86% (0.92%, 3.66%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
36.70% (31.46%, 42.28%) |
24.88% (21.22%, 28.92%) |
29.90% (25.24%, 35.04%) |
7.16% (5.44%, 9.36%) |
1.36% (0.62%, 3.02%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
38.80% (34.68%, 43.08%) |
28.00% (24.26%, 32.10%) |
25.28% (21.54%, 29.42%) |
6.96% (4.84%, 9.92%) |
0.96% (0.36%, 2.58%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.46% (1.18%, 9.72%) |
2.04% (0.88%, 4.70%) |
19.88% (14.40%, 26.76%) |
24.96% (19.16%, 31.84%) |
49.68% (41.62%, 57.74%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.00% (0.26%, 3.72%) |
1.22% (0.50%, 2.94%) |
17.58% (13.28%, 22.90%) |
25.48% (21.08%, 30.44%) |
54.74% (49.16%, 60.20%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.70% (0.24%, 2.12%) |
1.42% (0.64%, 3.08%) |
13.18% (10.56%, 16.36%) |
24.18% (20.28%, 28.58%) |
60.52% (55.62%, 65.20%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.26% (0.74%, 6.72%) |
5.56% (2.56%, 11.66%) |
23.72% (17.00%, 32.08%) |
23.40% (16.48%, 32.14%) |
45.06% (36.12%, 54.32%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.10% (0.44%, 2.82%) |
2.22% (1.12%, 4.38%) |
21.94% (18.02%, 26.42%) |
22.78% (18.64%, 27.50%) |
51.96% (46.60%, 57.28%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.40% (0.12%, 1.34%) |
1.44% (0.60%, 3.36%) |
17.54% (14.60%, 20.92%) |
22.56% (19.48%, 25.98%) |
58.06% (53.80%, 62.22%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
32.78% (30.30%, 35.34%) |
30.08% (27.56%, 32.72%) |
26.08% (23.62%, 28.68%) |
9.52% (8.08%, 11.18%) |
1.56% (1.06%, 2.26%) |
D - Non-white |
35.74% (32.16%, 39.50%) |
25.86% (22.94%, 29.02%) |
28.48% (25.56%, 31.58%) |
7.98% (6.42%, 9.88%) |
1.94% (1.08%, 3.44%) |
R - White |
0.54% (0.30%, 0.92%) |
1.36% (0.90%, 2.04%) |
16.50% (14.74%, 18.40%) |
24.30% (22.22%, 26.52%) |
57.32% (54.78%, 59.82%) |
R - Non-white |
4.02% (1.98%, 8.02%) |
4.52% (2.76%, 7.32%) |
23.46% (18.46%, 29.34%) |
22.12% (17.44%, 27.66%) |
45.86% (39.70%, 52.16%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
29.44% (26.82%, 32.20%) |
32.06% (29.56%, 34.68%) |
25.50% (22.86%, 28.34%) |
10.94% (9.14%, 13.08%) |
2.04% (1.36%, 3.04%) |
D - Not college grad |
37.82% (34.66%, 41.08%) |
24.90% (22.56%, 27.36%) |
28.84% (26.20%, 31.64%) |
6.94% (5.50%, 8.74%) |
1.50% (0.86%, 2.60%) |
R - College Grad |
0.28% (0.04%, 1.60%) |
1.18% (0.64%, 2.20%) |
11.30% (9.22%, 13.80%) |
26.38% (22.86%, 30.22%) |
60.86% (56.84%, 64.74%) |
R - Not college grad |
1.56% (0.92%, 2.64%) |
2.28% (1.58%, 3.30%) |
20.46% (18.22%, 22.88%) |
23.08% (20.78%, 25.58%) |
52.60% (49.50%, 55.70%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201243, "Better at handling environment") anes
Democrats would do a much better job | Democrats would do a somewhat better job | Not much difference between them | Republicans would do a somewhat better job | Republicans would do a much better job | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
66.24% (64.22%, 68.20%) |
19.86% (18.24%, 21.58%) |
12.56% (11.08%, 14.20%) |
0.70% (0.42%, 1.14%) |
0.66% (0.38%, 1.10%) |
R |
5.54% (4.40%, 6.94%) |
16.66% (15.02%, 18.44%) |
31.32% (29.46%, 33.24%) |
18.98% (17.26%, 20.82%) |
27.52% (25.62%, 29.50%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
67.02% (63.90%, 70.00%) |
20.02% (17.30%, 23.06%) |
11.46% (9.44%, 13.86%) |
0.74% (0.36%, 1.50%) |
0.76% (0.36%, 1.60%) |
D - Female |
65.66% (62.88%, 68.34%) |
19.68% (17.76%, 21.76%) |
13.42% (11.50%, 15.58%) |
0.66% (0.34%, 1.26%) |
0.56% (0.28%, 1.18%) |
R - Male |
6.30% (4.68%, 8.42%) |
18.48% (16.10%, 21.12%) |
31.10% (28.16%, 34.20%) |
18.40% (16.08%, 20.96%) |
25.74% (23.06%, 28.60%) |
R - Female |
4.66% (3.32%, 6.50%) |
14.68% (12.20%, 17.56%) |
31.72% (28.74%, 34.86%) |
19.60% (16.94%, 22.54%) |
29.36% (26.66%, 32.22%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
66.80% (60.32%, 72.70%) |
16.22% (11.50%, 22.38%) |
15.18% (10.60%, 21.28%) |
0.96% (0.22%, 3.90%) |
0.84% (0.18%, 3.76%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
64.90% (59.16%, 70.24%) |
22.18% (17.24%, 28.08%) |
10.76% (7.74%, 14.78%) |
1.14% (0.48%, 2.72%) |
1.00% (0.38%, 2.68%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
70.58% (65.82%, 74.92%) |
20.12% (16.60%, 24.14%) |
8.60% (5.98%, 12.20%) |
0.22% (0.04%, 1.02%) |
0.50% (0.10%, 2.36%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
64.22% (57.44%, 70.48%) |
19.22% (14.74%, 24.66%) |
14.86% (10.86%, 20.00%) |
1.12% (0.30%, 4.04%) |
0.58% (0.18%, 1.86%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
64.06% (59.12%, 68.72%) |
21.16% (17.64%, 25.20%) |
13.42% (10.42%, 17.10%) |
0.56% (0.24%, 1.30%) |
0.80% (0.30%, 2.14%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
68.48% (64.48%, 72.20%) |
18.74% (15.92%, 21.92%) |
12.00% (9.48%, 15.04%) |
0.38% (0.14%, 1.02%) |
0.42% (0.08%, 2.22%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
10.20% (6.48%, 15.66%) |
20.02% (14.38%, 27.14%) |
31.96% (25.68%, 38.98%) |
12.98% (8.24%, 19.82%) |
24.84% (17.96%, 33.30%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
6.70% (4.08%, 10.84%) |
20.24% (16.50%, 24.56%) |
33.82% (28.44%, 39.66%) |
13.56% (10.76%, 16.96%) |
25.68% (21.10%, 30.86%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
4.38% (2.62%, 7.24%) |
16.52% (13.24%, 20.44%) |
28.86% (25.62%, 32.34%) |
23.84% (20.30%, 27.78%) |
26.38% (22.78%, 30.36%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
9.60% (5.22%, 17.02%) |
17.70% (12.84%, 23.90%) |
30.88% (23.22%, 39.78%) |
16.88% (11.04%, 24.96%) |
24.92% (18.24%, 33.08%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.66% (2.40%, 5.54%) |
18.00% (13.48%, 23.66%) |
32.90% (27.98%, 38.24%) |
17.02% (12.96%, 22.02%) |
28.40% (23.66%, 33.68%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
2.68% (1.30%, 5.40%) |
11.38% (8.78%, 14.62%) |
32.00% (28.06%, 36.22%) |
21.90% (18.50%, 25.72%) |
32.04% (28.24%, 36.10%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
73.16% (70.50%, 75.68%) |
18.44% (16.30%, 20.80%) |
7.28% (5.94%, 8.90%) |
0.60% (0.30%, 1.20%) |
0.52% (0.26%, 1.04%) |
D - Non-white |
57.94% (54.70%, 61.12%) |
21.42% (18.94%, 24.12%) |
19.02% (16.40%, 21.96%) |
0.78% (0.38%, 1.66%) |
0.84% (0.40%, 1.76%) |
R - White |
3.92% (2.92%, 5.24%) |
15.96% (14.18%, 17.92%) |
31.38% (29.44%, 33.40%) |
19.66% (17.78%, 21.70%) |
29.08% (26.96%, 31.28%) |
R - Non-white |
12.64% (8.74%, 17.96%) |
20.08% (15.36%, 25.82%) |
31.32% (26.46%, 36.64%) |
14.96% (11.44%, 19.34%) |
21.00% (16.46%, 26.38%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
72.34% (69.48%, 75.00%) |
20.84% (18.36%, 23.58%) |
6.26% (4.96%, 7.88%) |
0.32% (0.16%, 0.64%) |
0.24% (0.06%, 0.86%) |
D - Not college grad |
61.16% (58.40%, 63.84%) |
19.24% (17.10%, 21.54%) |
17.82% (15.48%, 20.42%) |
0.86% (0.46%, 1.62%) |
0.94% (0.50%, 1.70%) |
R - College Grad |
6.98% (5.26%, 9.20%) |
22.18% (18.94%, 25.78%) |
28.72% (25.12%, 32.62%) |
19.50% (16.60%, 22.76%) |
22.62% (19.70%, 25.86%) |
R - Not college grad |
4.76% (3.46%, 6.52%) |
14.32% (12.52%, 16.34%) |
32.62% (30.22%, 35.12%) |
18.92% (16.66%, 21.44%) |
29.38% (26.98%, 31.90%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201244, "Better at handling COVID-19") anes
Democrats would do a much better job | Democrats would do a somewhat better job | Not much difference between them | Republicans would do a somewhat better job | Republicans would do a much better job | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
61.42% (59.32%, 63.48%) |
21.50% (19.60%, 23.54%) |
15.62% (14.06%, 17.32%) |
0.74% (0.46%, 1.16%) |
0.72% (0.42%, 1.26%) |
R |
2.08% (1.42%, 3.08%) |
3.30% (2.54%, 4.28%) |
35.18% (33.00%, 37.44%) |
20.14% (18.16%, 22.28%) |
39.28% (37.12%, 41.48%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
61.64% (58.58%, 64.60%) |
21.82% (18.94%, 25.02%) |
14.90% (12.74%, 17.32%) |
0.86% (0.44%, 1.66%) |
0.78% (0.36%, 1.70%) |
D - Female |
61.38% (58.52%, 64.16%) |
21.12% (18.92%, 23.52%) |
16.18% (14.08%, 18.54%) |
0.64% (0.36%, 1.14%) |
0.68% (0.30%, 1.50%) |
R - Male |
2.38% (1.44%, 3.92%) |
4.16% (2.92%, 5.88%) |
36.08% (33.00%, 39.26%) |
19.50% (17.02%, 22.24%) |
37.90% (34.96%, 40.94%) |
R - Female |
1.72% (0.98%, 3.04%) |
2.38% (1.58%, 3.62%) |
34.34% (31.28%, 37.54%) |
21.02% (18.20%, 24.12%) |
40.54% (37.16%, 44.00%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
59.10% (51.82%, 65.98%) |
20.30% (15.02%, 26.86%) |
18.56% (13.68%, 24.68%) |
1.20% (0.40%, 3.62%) |
0.84% (0.18%, 3.76%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
56.32% (50.82%, 61.66%) |
26.02% (20.98%, 31.78%) |
15.56% (12.00%, 19.96%) |
1.02% (0.34%, 2.98%) |
1.08% (0.48%, 2.42%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
69.12% (64.72%, 73.20%) |
18.36% (15.24%, 21.98%) |
11.52% (8.76%, 15.02%) |
0.50% (0.16%, 1.50%) |
0.50% (0.10%, 2.38%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
57.60% (51.48%, 63.50%) |
24.80% (20.04%, 30.26%) |
15.54% (12.06%, 19.78%) |
1.42% (0.58%, 3.50%) |
0.62% (0.16%, 2.38%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
59.10% (54.48%, 63.54%) |
21.74% (18.24%, 25.68%) |
18.06% (14.80%, 21.88%) |
0.54% (0.22%, 1.32%) |
0.58% (0.16%, 2.08%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
66.48% (62.48%, 70.26%) |
17.40% (14.58%, 20.64%) |
15.06% (11.96%, 18.80%) |
0.22% (0.08%, 0.74%) |
0.84% (0.22%, 3.00%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.66% (1.98%, 10.58%) |
4.82% (2.04%, 11.02%) |
37.52% (30.38%, 45.28%) |
15.48% (10.86%, 21.56%) |
37.52% (30.38%, 45.24%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.26% (0.94%, 5.34%) |
3.12% (1.88%, 5.12%) |
39.24% (33.56%, 45.24%) |
20.10% (15.84%, 25.16%) |
35.28% (29.82%, 41.16%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
1.52% (0.66%, 3.50%) |
4.14% (2.42%, 7.02%) |
33.42% (29.28%, 37.82%) |
21.62% (17.90%, 25.88%) |
39.30% (34.90%, 43.88%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
5.04% (2.00%, 12.20%) |
3.40% (1.52%, 7.44%) |
39.36% (31.26%, 48.08%) |
17.34% (12.22%, 24.02%) |
34.86% (27.10%, 43.52%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.68% (0.82%, 3.44%) |
3.08% (1.58%, 5.88%) |
37.08% (32.36%, 42.06%) |
18.10% (13.70%, 23.50%) |
40.08% (34.88%, 45.50%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.64% (0.24%, 1.74%) |
1.62% (0.72%, 3.60%) |
29.84% (25.84%, 34.16%) |
24.62% (20.68%, 29.04%) |
43.28% (38.82%, 47.84%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
63.92% (61.08%, 66.66%) |
21.64% (19.28%, 24.22%) |
13.04% (11.40%, 14.88%) |
0.96% (0.56%, 1.68%) |
0.42% (0.20%, 0.88%) |
D - Non-white |
58.56% (55.18%, 61.86%) |
21.10% (18.36%, 24.12%) |
18.78% (16.06%, 21.84%) |
0.46% (0.22%, 0.98%) |
1.10% (0.52%, 2.30%) |
R - White |
1.28% (0.82%, 2.02%) |
2.94% (2.12%, 4.06%) |
33.70% (31.46%, 36.04%) |
21.18% (19.06%, 23.48%) |
40.88% (38.46%, 43.34%) |
R - Non-white |
5.74% (3.20%, 10.06%) |
4.94% (3.00%, 8.02%) |
41.74% (35.78%, 47.94%) |
15.40% (11.56%, 20.24%) |
32.18% (26.88%, 37.98%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
64.96% (61.98%, 67.82%) |
22.20% (19.84%, 24.74%) |
12.08% (10.22%, 14.22%) |
0.38% (0.16%, 0.86%) |
0.40% (0.16%, 0.96%) |
D - Not college grad |
58.54% (55.54%, 61.48%) |
20.78% (18.22%, 23.60%) |
18.62% (16.26%, 21.24%) |
1.04% (0.62%, 1.76%) |
1.00% (0.52%, 1.90%) |
R - College Grad |
0.88% (0.42%, 1.80%) |
3.60% (2.28%, 5.66%) |
37.70% (34.12%, 41.44%) |
22.16% (19.08%, 25.56%) |
35.66% (32.26%, 39.22%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.66% (1.72%, 4.10%) |
3.02% (2.12%, 4.24%) |
34.32% (31.72%, 37.02%) |
19.42% (16.96%, 22.12%) |
40.58% (37.98%, 43.26%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201302x, "Spending: Social Security") anes
Increased a lot | Increased a little | Kept the same | Decreased a little | Decreasaed a lot | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
39.66% (37.52%, 41.84%) |
22.88% (21.16%, 24.70%) |
35.06% (32.84%, 37.34%) |
1.28% (0.86%, 1.88%) |
1.12% (0.74%, 1.72%) |
R |
30.54% (28.66%, 32.50%) |
17.60% (15.90%, 19.42%) |
46.02% (43.72%, 48.32%) |
2.20% (1.66%, 2.90%) |
3.64% (2.80%, 4.72%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
38.48% (35.22%, 41.86%) |
22.92% (20.42%, 25.60%) |
36.34% (33.02%, 39.80%) |
1.02% (0.56%, 1.80%) |
1.24% (0.70%, 2.16%) |
D - Female |
40.56% (37.88%, 43.30%) |
22.94% (20.68%, 25.34%) |
33.96% (31.32%, 36.70%) |
1.50% (0.94%, 2.40%) |
1.04% (0.56%, 1.92%) |
R - Male |
29.72% (27.04%, 32.54%) |
16.54% (14.16%, 19.24%) |
46.30% (43.02%, 49.60%) |
2.98% (2.14%, 4.16%) |
4.48% (3.24%, 6.14%) |
R - Female |
31.30% (28.54%, 34.20%) |
18.72% (16.60%, 21.06%) |
45.82% (42.88%, 48.80%) |
1.36% (0.84%, 2.26%) |
2.78% (1.90%, 4.04%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
34.94% (28.00%, 42.58%) |
24.02% (19.06%, 29.80%) |
35.66% (29.66%, 42.16%) |
2.58% (1.22%, 5.36%) |
2.78% (1.22%, 6.24%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
38.74% (33.48%, 44.30%) |
20.38% (16.34%, 25.12%) |
39.20% (34.04%, 44.62%) |
0.36% (0.08%, 1.42%) |
1.32% (0.66%, 2.62%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
40.58% (35.70%, 45.64%) |
24.34% (20.40%, 28.76%) |
34.84% (29.62%, 40.42%) |
0.26% (0.08%, 0.92%) |
NA |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
33.10% (27.66%, 39.02%) |
23.02% (18.40%, 28.38%) |
38.44% (32.34%, 44.92%) |
2.92% (1.54%, 5.46%) |
2.52% (1.06%, 5.86%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
40.36% (35.62%, 45.30%) |
20.74% (17.22%, 24.74%) |
37.24% (32.68%, 42.04%) |
0.80% (0.34%, 1.88%) |
0.86% (0.30%, 2.48%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
45.96% (41.60%, 50.38%) |
24.16% (20.68%, 28.00%) |
28.42% (24.92%, 32.20%) |
1.20% (0.44%, 3.24%) |
0.26% (0.10%, 0.74%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
22.54% (16.44%, 30.06%) |
14.74% (9.68%, 21.84%) |
43.04% (35.14%, 51.28%) |
6.44% (3.76%, 10.78%) |
13.26% (8.72%, 19.64%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
26.76% (22.02%, 32.10%) |
16.92% (12.82%, 22.02%) |
49.34% (43.70%, 54.98%) |
3.18% (1.84%, 5.44%) |
3.80% (2.12%, 6.72%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
35.38% (30.96%, 40.06%) |
17.50% (14.30%, 21.22%) |
45.02% (40.58%, 49.52%) |
1.38% (0.78%, 2.46%) |
0.72% (0.34%, 1.58%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
22.80% (17.08%, 29.72%) |
14.50% (10.00%, 20.58%) |
54.80% (46.52%, 62.80%) |
3.00% (1.40%, 6.26%) |
4.90% (2.12%, 10.92%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
29.54% (24.58%, 35.04%) |
22.70% (18.20%, 27.92%) |
43.72% (38.02%, 49.58%) |
1.44% (0.58%, 3.48%) |
2.62% (1.30%, 5.18%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
37.24% (33.34%, 41.30%) |
17.76% (14.88%, 21.04%) |
43.48% (39.54%, 47.50%) |
0.32% (0.12%, 0.84%) |
1.22% (0.60%, 2.48%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
32.84% (30.60%, 35.16%) |
24.88% (22.66%, 27.26%) |
40.12% (37.40%, 42.90%) |
1.24% (0.74%, 2.10%) |
0.92% (0.54%, 1.54%) |
D - Non-white |
47.84% (44.14%, 51.56%) |
20.48% (17.50%, 23.82%) |
28.94% (25.52%, 32.58%) |
1.34% (0.74%, 2.40%) |
1.42% (0.74%, 2.66%) |
R - White |
29.74% (27.66%, 31.90%) |
18.00% (16.16%, 20.00%) |
46.82% (44.36%, 49.32%) |
2.40% (1.80%, 3.20%) |
3.04% (2.20%, 4.18%) |
R - Non-white |
34.24% (28.72%, 40.22%) |
15.92% (12.04%, 20.74%) |
42.44% (36.34%, 48.78%) |
0.92% (0.30%, 2.70%) |
6.48% (4.08%, 10.18%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
28.58% (26.28%, 31.00%) |
23.42% (21.06%, 25.92%) |
45.50% (42.34%, 48.70%) |
1.44% (0.88%, 2.32%) |
1.06% (0.64%, 1.80%) |
D - Not college grad |
48.68% (45.44%, 51.92%) |
22.44% (19.90%, 25.20%) |
26.66% (23.82%, 29.70%) |
1.02% (0.58%, 1.80%) |
1.20% (0.64%, 2.26%) |
R - College Grad |
17.42% (15.34%, 19.68%) |
15.48% (13.02%, 18.30%) |
59.98% (56.18%, 63.64%) |
3.20% (2.18%, 4.68%) |
3.94% (2.66%, 5.80%) |
R - Not college grad |
36.08% (33.60%, 38.62%) |
18.52% (16.28%, 20.98%) |
40.30% (37.52%, 43.12%) |
1.64% (1.10%, 2.40%) |
3.48% (2.44%, 4.94%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201305x, "Spending: Public schools") anes
Increased a lot | Increased a little | Kept the same | Decreased a little | Decreasaed a lot | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
70.00% (67.80%, 72.12%) |
13.22% (11.86%, 14.70%) |
15.16% (13.58%, 16.90%) |
0.76% (0.42%, 1.36%) |
0.86% (0.54%, 1.38%) |
R |
33.84% (31.62%, 36.14%) |
16.12% (14.52%, 17.84%) |
38.08% (35.88%, 40.34%) |
4.64% (3.86%, 5.56%) |
7.32% (6.32%, 8.46%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
67.32% (63.84%, 70.60%) |
14.56% (12.36%, 17.08%) |
16.50% (14.16%, 19.16%) |
0.66% (0.32%, 1.32%) |
0.96% (0.52%, 1.76%) |
D - Female |
72.20% (69.56%, 74.70%) |
12.14% (10.42%, 14.08%) |
14.06% (12.18%, 16.18%) |
0.84% (0.36%, 1.96%) |
0.76% (0.34%, 1.62%) |
R - Male |
29.68% (26.86%, 32.68%) |
16.34% (14.16%, 18.80%) |
39.56% (36.28%, 42.94%) |
5.32% (4.10%, 6.88%) |
9.08% (7.52%, 10.94%) |
R - Female |
38.38% (35.10%, 41.78%) |
15.92% (13.56%, 18.60%) |
36.60% (33.40%, 39.92%) |
3.80% (2.76%, 5.18%) |
5.32% (4.10%, 6.86%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
73.92% (66.88%, 79.90%) |
12.08% (8.52%, 16.84%) |
11.60% (7.70%, 17.12%) |
1.06% (0.32%, 3.48%) |
1.36% (0.48%, 3.84%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
68.78% (63.46%, 73.64%) |
12.38% (8.86%, 17.04%) |
17.20% (13.02%, 22.36%) |
0.88% (0.34%, 2.26%) |
0.76% (0.28%, 2.12%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
60.70% (55.78%, 65.40%) |
18.36% (14.78%, 22.56%) |
20.06% (16.50%, 24.16%) |
0.16% (0.04%, 0.70%) |
0.72% (0.22%, 2.44%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
75.52% (69.48%, 80.68%) |
10.52% (7.22%, 15.08%) |
11.62% (8.04%, 16.48%) |
1.82% (0.50%, 6.34%) |
0.52% (0.16%, 1.86%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
75.78% (71.76%, 79.38%) |
11.02% (8.56%, 14.12%) |
11.66% (8.96%, 15.04%) |
0.70% (0.16%, 3.12%) |
0.82% (0.26%, 2.50%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
67.70% (63.58%, 71.58%) |
13.70% (10.88%, 17.14%) |
17.34% (14.42%, 20.68%) |
0.36% (0.14%, 0.92%) |
0.88% (0.24%, 3.16%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
32.74% (26.04%, 40.24%) |
18.68% (13.56%, 25.18%) |
38.42% (30.84%, 46.62%) |
4.40% (2.28%, 8.34%) |
5.74% (2.76%, 11.60%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
35.24% (29.88%, 40.98%) |
15.34% (11.92%, 19.50%) |
35.62% (30.38%, 41.24%) |
5.18% (3.26%, 8.14%) |
8.62% (6.32%, 11.66%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
25.12% (21.14%, 29.60%) |
15.68% (12.66%, 19.26%) |
42.46% (38.00%, 47.06%) |
5.86% (3.96%, 8.64%) |
10.86% (8.50%, 13.78%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
42.24% (34.34%, 50.56%) |
20.92% (14.78%, 28.74%) |
31.34% (23.94%, 39.84%) |
2.60% (0.68%, 9.42%) |
2.90% (0.96%, 8.32%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
45.22% (39.32%, 51.28%) |
14.66% (11.12%, 19.08%) |
30.14% (25.56%, 35.14%) |
3.50% (1.98%, 6.14%) |
6.48% (4.08%, 10.14%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
31.66% (27.32%, 36.32%) |
15.92% (12.78%, 19.64%) |
42.82% (37.88%, 47.94%) |
4.18% (2.80%, 6.16%) |
5.42% (3.68%, 7.92%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
67.06% (64.56%, 69.48%) |
15.48% (13.84%, 17.28%) |
16.44% (14.36%, 18.76%) |
0.52% (0.28%, 0.96%) |
0.50% (0.18%, 1.46%) |
D - Non-white |
73.84% (70.14%, 77.22%) |
10.16% (8.08%, 12.70%) |
13.66% (11.48%, 16.20%) |
1.08% (0.46%, 2.50%) |
1.28% (0.76%, 2.12%) |
R - White |
32.18% (29.62%, 34.86%) |
16.20% (14.42%, 18.14%) |
39.64% (37.30%, 42.04%) |
4.64% (3.84%, 5.60%) |
7.32% (6.24%, 8.58%) |
R - Non-white |
42.38% (36.66%, 48.30%) |
16.10% (12.16%, 21.04%) |
30.90% (25.76%, 36.58%) |
3.80% (1.80%, 7.84%) |
6.80% (4.42%, 10.38%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
68.46% (65.50%, 71.26%) |
15.36% (13.28%, 17.70%) |
14.46% (12.46%, 16.72%) |
0.68% (0.38%, 1.22%) |
1.04% (0.52%, 2.08%) |
D - Not college grad |
70.94% (67.84%, 73.86%) |
11.54% (9.76%, 13.60%) |
15.92% (13.86%, 18.26%) |
0.84% (0.38%, 1.84%) |
0.74% (0.38%, 1.42%) |
R - College Grad |
27.68% (24.36%, 31.24%) |
17.12% (14.42%, 20.22%) |
39.50% (35.80%, 43.32%) |
5.82% (4.18%, 8.02%) |
9.90% (8.02%, 12.16%) |
R - Not college grad |
36.46% (33.84%, 39.16%) |
15.70% (13.74%, 17.86%) |
37.68% (34.80%, 40.62%) |
4.22% (3.32%, 5.36%) |
5.96% (4.82%, 7.32%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201308x, "Spending: Tightening border security") anes
Increased a lot | Increased a little | Kept the same | Decreased a little | Decreasaed a lot | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
10.72% (9.50%, 12.06%) |
8.26% (7.16%, 9.50%) |
41.82% (39.98%, 43.70%) |
16.98% (15.60%, 18.48%) |
22.22% (20.60%, 23.94%) |
R |
58.20% (56.08%, 60.30%) |
17.72% (16.10%, 19.46%) |
20.40% (18.68%, 22.22%) |
2.08% (1.44%, 3.04%) |
1.58% (1.02%, 2.48%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
10.22% (8.28%, 12.56%) |
8.26% (6.52%, 10.38%) |
42.42% (39.62%, 45.28%) |
17.36% (15.16%, 19.80%) |
21.74% (19.36%, 24.34%) |
D - Female |
11.16% (9.60%, 12.94%) |
8.20% (6.92%, 9.70%) |
41.34% (38.64%, 44.08%) |
16.76% (14.80%, 18.92%) |
22.54% (20.46%, 24.76%) |
R - Male |
59.58% (56.60%, 62.48%) |
17.92% (15.72%, 20.36%) |
19.16% (16.78%, 21.80%) |
1.82% (0.98%, 3.34%) |
1.52% (0.78%, 2.94%) |
R - Female |
56.70% (53.18%, 60.16%) |
17.44% (15.20%, 19.90%) |
21.80% (18.88%, 25.04%) |
2.40% (1.54%, 3.74%) |
1.66% (0.96%, 2.90%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
7.66% (4.60%, 12.50%) |
6.36% (3.28%, 12.00%) |
34.82% (28.72%, 41.48%) |
17.84% (13.04%, 23.94%) |
33.30% (27.62%, 39.50%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
11.68% (8.50%, 15.84%) |
7.08% (4.78%, 10.36%) |
46.48% (40.92%, 52.14%) |
15.28% (12.00%, 19.24%) |
19.48% (15.64%, 23.98%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
11.00% (7.96%, 14.98%) |
10.44% (7.72%, 13.96%) |
44.46% (39.54%, 49.50%) |
19.08% (15.38%, 23.38%) |
15.04% (11.66%, 19.18%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
8.92% (5.56%, 14.00%) |
4.60% (2.66%, 7.86%) |
30.20% (25.34%, 35.56%) |
20.56% (16.44%, 25.40%) |
35.72% (30.36%, 41.44%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.78% (7.84%, 14.66%) |
8.74% (6.44%, 11.74%) |
45.48% (40.40%, 50.66%) |
15.72% (12.76%, 19.22%) |
19.28% (15.72%, 23.42%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
13.40% (10.44%, 17.02%) |
9.82% (7.76%, 12.34%) |
45.26% (41.16%, 49.40%) |
15.14% (12.20%, 18.64%) |
16.40% (13.38%, 19.94%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
44.60% (37.58%, 51.84%) |
20.02% (14.26%, 27.38%) |
29.12% (22.46%, 36.82%) |
2.02% (0.86%, 4.72%) |
4.24% (1.70%, 10.12%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
59.76% (54.52%, 64.78%) |
19.36% (15.62%, 23.74%) |
18.02% (13.94%, 22.98%) |
1.96% (0.68%, 5.52%) |
0.90% (0.22%, 3.56%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
66.80% (62.56%, 70.78%) |
15.36% (12.22%, 19.12%) |
15.68% (13.02%, 18.76%) |
1.74% (0.58%, 5.12%) |
0.44% (0.18%, 1.08%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
40.94% (33.06%, 49.34%) |
14.80% (10.94%, 19.72%) |
34.18% (26.78%, 42.44%) |
4.34% (2.20%, 8.42%) |
5.74% (2.92%, 11.00%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
53.44% (47.30%, 59.48%) |
18.90% (15.10%, 23.36%) |
22.36% (17.60%, 27.98%) |
3.98% (2.26%, 6.90%) |
1.32% (0.32%, 5.16%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
66.28% (61.46%, 70.78%) |
16.44% (13.12%, 20.38%) |
16.80% (13.28%, 21.04%) |
NA |
0.48% (0.16%, 1.46%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
6.84% (5.52%, 8.44%) |
6.58% (5.54%, 7.80%) |
41.40% (38.96%, 43.90%) |
19.78% (17.88%, 21.82%) |
25.40% (23.10%, 27.84%) |
D - Non-white |
15.50% (12.94%, 18.44%) |
10.42% (8.32%, 12.96%) |
42.20% (38.84%, 45.62%) |
13.54% (11.40%, 16.02%) |
18.36% (15.98%, 20.98%) |
R - White |
60.72% (58.18%, 63.20%) |
17.96% (16.32%, 19.74%) |
19.06% (17.22%, 21.02%) |
1.66% (1.04%, 2.66%) |
0.60% (0.34%, 1.06%) |
R - Non-white |
46.92% (41.48%, 52.40%) |
16.36% (12.48%, 21.14%) |
27.24% (21.66%, 33.64%) |
3.44% (1.80%, 6.46%) |
6.04% (3.38%, 10.56%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
6.08% (4.70%, 7.82%) |
7.02% (5.70%, 8.62%) |
41.80% (38.90%, 44.74%) |
18.52% (16.52%, 20.70%) |
26.60% (23.98%, 29.40%) |
D - Not college grad |
14.64% (12.62%, 16.90%) |
9.26% (7.68%, 11.14%) |
41.52% (38.82%, 44.24%) |
15.82% (13.86%, 18.00%) |
18.76% (16.60%, 21.14%) |
R - College Grad |
52.48% (48.90%, 56.06%) |
22.34% (19.12%, 25.94%) |
21.82% (19.02%, 24.92%) |
2.92% (1.48%, 5.68%) |
0.44% (0.18%, 1.02%) |
R - Not college grad |
60.60% (57.88%, 63.24%) |
15.86% (14.16%, 17.72%) |
19.68% (17.42%, 22.14%) |
1.74% (1.14%, 2.66%) |
2.12% (1.32%, 3.40%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201311x, "Spending: Dealing with crime") anes
Increased a lot | Increased a little | Kept the same | Decreased a little | Decreasaed a lot | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
27.38% (25.50%, 29.32%) |
16.84% (15.36%, 18.40%) |
38.04% (36.22%, 39.90%) |
9.52% (8.30%, 10.90%) |
8.24% (7.26%, 9.32%) |
R |
49.92% (47.78%, 52.06%) |
19.88% (18.26%, 21.60%) |
27.10% (25.12%, 29.16%) |
1.76% (1.20%, 2.60%) |
1.34% (0.96%, 1.90%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
24.12% (21.44%, 27.04%) |
17.04% (14.80%, 19.54%) |
39.56% (36.70%, 42.50%) |
10.44% (8.66%, 12.54%) |
8.82% (7.20%, 10.78%) |
D - Female |
30.10% (27.52%, 32.82%) |
16.60% (14.86%, 18.50%) |
36.86% (34.04%, 39.76%) |
8.68% (7.24%, 10.36%) |
7.76% (6.60%, 9.12%) |
R - Male |
50.44% (47.64%, 53.22%) |
19.82% (17.64%, 22.20%) |
25.64% (22.96%, 28.50%) |
2.24% (1.32%, 3.80%) |
1.86% (1.22%, 2.86%) |
R - Female |
49.30% (46.12%, 52.48%) |
20.04% (17.62%, 22.70%) |
28.68% (25.56%, 32.00%) |
1.18% (0.68%, 2.06%) |
0.80% (0.44%, 1.48%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
17.32% (12.30%, 23.82%) |
17.36% (12.56%, 23.52%) |
34.46% (28.30%, 41.20%) |
14.74% (10.52%, 20.30%) |
16.12% (11.94%, 21.38%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
24.98% (20.66%, 29.88%) |
16.82% (13.16%, 21.24%) |
38.80% (34.28%, 43.52%) |
11.32% (8.54%, 14.84%) |
8.08% (5.58%, 11.58%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
29.12% (24.28%, 34.48%) |
16.72% (13.78%, 20.14%) |
44.06% (39.14%, 49.10%) |
6.30% (4.10%, 9.60%) |
3.78% (2.36%, 6.06%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
22.14% (17.44%, 27.70%) |
15.34% (11.28%, 20.54%) |
33.16% (28.32%, 38.40%) |
13.96% (10.80%, 17.84%) |
15.38% (12.02%, 19.50%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
32.30% (28.04%, 36.88%) |
15.26% (12.32%, 18.76%) |
35.22% (30.84%, 39.88%) |
9.72% (7.18%, 13.02%) |
7.48% (5.30%, 10.46%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
34.28% (30.00%, 38.82%) |
18.12% (15.42%, 21.16%) |
39.74% (35.78%, 43.84%) |
4.78% (3.22%, 7.04%) |
3.08% (2.12%, 4.48%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
46.08% (39.08%, 53.22%) |
19.68% (13.96%, 26.98%) |
25.98% (20.30%, 32.60%) |
6.10% (2.76%, 13.02%) |
2.16% (0.94%, 4.92%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
46.74% (41.44%, 52.12%) |
19.70% (16.08%, 23.88%) |
29.74% (24.02%, 36.16%) |
1.76% (0.70%, 4.34%) |
2.08% (1.04%, 4.12%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
54.98% (50.78%, 59.12%) |
20.20% (16.96%, 23.92%) |
22.96% (19.64%, 26.66%) |
0.86% (0.44%, 1.68%) |
1.00% (0.50%, 2.02%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
39.08% (32.22%, 46.40%) |
19.66% (14.58%, 26.00%) |
38.60% (31.12%, 46.68%) |
1.66% (0.78%, 3.48%) |
1.00% (0.26%, 3.70%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
44.44% (38.62%, 50.42%) |
22.00% (17.60%, 27.16%) |
31.34% (25.80%, 37.48%) |
1.46% (0.54%, 3.86%) |
0.76% (0.26%, 2.14%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
57.12% (52.44%, 61.70%) |
18.58% (15.18%, 22.56%) |
23.04% (19.36%, 27.20%) |
0.92% (0.34%, 2.40%) |
0.32% (0.08%, 1.34%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
16.48% (14.42%, 18.76%) |
17.98% (15.98%, 20.16%) |
44.16% (41.64%, 46.72%) |
12.34% (10.52%, 14.42%) |
9.04% (7.64%, 10.68%) |
D - Non-white |
40.60% (37.36%, 43.92%) |
15.58% (13.22%, 18.28%) |
30.40% (27.58%, 33.40%) |
6.24% (4.88%, 7.94%) |
7.18% (5.78%, 8.88%) |
R - White |
49.98% (47.60%, 52.38%) |
20.32% (18.58%, 22.18%) |
27.24% (25.14%, 29.44%) |
1.38% (0.86%, 2.22%) |
1.08% (0.72%, 1.62%) |
R - Non-white |
49.38% (43.46%, 55.30%) |
18.26% (14.34%, 23.00%) |
26.18% (21.32%, 31.70%) |
3.56% (1.76%, 7.06%) |
2.62% (1.36%, 4.96%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
16.88% (14.92%, 19.06%) |
16.34% (14.14%, 18.80%) |
43.80% (40.96%, 46.68%) |
12.80% (10.98%, 14.86%) |
10.18% (8.76%, 11.78%) |
D - Not college grad |
35.86% (33.02%, 38.80%) |
17.10% (15.10%, 19.30%) |
33.32% (30.90%, 35.84%) |
7.12% (5.76%, 8.74%) |
6.62% (5.32%, 8.18%) |
R - College Grad |
44.74% (41.08%, 48.46%) |
23.76% (20.76%, 27.06%) |
28.24% (24.96%, 31.80%) |
1.30% (0.56%, 3.06%) |
1.94% (1.18%, 3.20%) |
R - Not college grad |
52.22% (49.28%, 55.12%) |
17.98% (16.00%, 20.14%) |
26.86% (24.46%, 29.40%) |
1.84% (1.16%, 2.86%) |
1.12% (0.68%, 1.84%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201314x, "Spending: Welfare programs") anes
Increased a lot | Increased a little | Kept the same | Decreased a little | Decreasaed a lot | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
25.66% (23.72%, 27.72%) |
19.42% (17.88%, 21.06%) |
44.64% (42.50%, 46.78%) |
6.12% (5.16%, 7.26%) |
4.16% (3.38%, 5.08%) |
R |
4.32% (3.44%, 5.40%) |
4.48% (3.58%, 5.60%) |
39.78% (37.60%, 41.98%) |
20.08% (18.24%, 22.04%) |
31.36% (29.16%, 33.62%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
24.88% (21.74%, 28.30%) |
20.58% (17.96%, 23.48%) |
43.66% (40.66%, 46.68%) |
6.34% (4.88%, 8.20%) |
4.54% (3.38%, 6.06%) |
D - Female |
26.26% (23.80%, 28.88%) |
18.44% (16.44%, 20.62%) |
45.42% (42.44%, 48.44%) |
6.00% (4.66%, 7.68%) |
3.86% (2.98%, 5.00%) |
R - Male |
4.44% (3.26%, 6.02%) |
4.12% (2.96%, 5.72%) |
37.66% (34.44%, 41.02%) |
21.04% (18.46%, 23.88%) |
32.74% (29.72%, 35.90%) |
R - Female |
4.08% (3.02%, 5.46%) |
4.90% (3.68%, 6.50%) |
42.08% (38.98%, 45.24%) |
19.14% (16.96%, 21.54%) |
29.80% (26.82%, 32.96%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
30.90% (24.88%, 37.66%) |
20.96% (15.98%, 26.96%) |
38.50% (32.68%, 44.66%) |
6.22% (3.52%, 10.74%) |
3.44% (1.74%, 6.62%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
24.98% (20.18%, 30.48%) |
18.40% (14.30%, 23.36%) |
42.30% (37.20%, 47.54%) |
8.12% (5.60%, 11.68%) |
6.20% (3.86%, 9.78%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
20.26% (16.08%, 25.18%) |
21.98% (17.92%, 26.64%) |
49.30% (43.96%, 54.66%) |
4.82% (3.26%, 7.06%) |
3.64% (2.36%, 5.62%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
36.00% (30.28%, 42.14%) |
24.48% (19.52%, 30.26%) |
30.92% (25.26%, 37.22%) |
5.62% (3.28%, 9.48%) |
2.98% (1.52%, 5.70%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
27.00% (23.10%, 31.30%) |
14.68% (11.92%, 17.94%) |
47.20% (42.20%, 52.26%) |
6.72% (4.42%, 10.08%) |
4.40% (2.96%, 6.52%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
19.22% (15.88%, 23.08%) |
17.54% (14.96%, 20.48%) |
53.28% (49.02%, 57.48%) |
5.82% (4.28%, 7.84%) |
4.14% (2.80%, 6.08%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.64% (3.58%, 12.02%) |
6.52% (3.50%, 11.80%) |
37.80% (30.66%, 45.54%) |
19.58% (13.84%, 26.96%) |
29.46% (22.98%, 36.88%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.82% (2.44%, 5.96%) |
3.44% (2.20%, 5.38%) |
33.06% (28.60%, 37.84%) |
25.28% (20.98%, 30.12%) |
34.38% (29.56%, 39.56%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
3.32% (1.96%, 5.60%) |
3.68% (2.14%, 6.26%) |
40.68% (35.70%, 45.86%) |
19.00% (16.00%, 22.42%) |
33.30% (29.14%, 37.74%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
8.14% (4.80%, 13.50%) |
5.20% (2.84%, 9.28%) |
43.06% (34.36%, 52.20%) |
16.24% (11.20%, 22.96%) |
27.36% (20.18%, 35.94%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.38% (1.88%, 6.02%) |
5.46% (3.32%, 8.90%) |
37.60% (31.84%, 43.76%) |
18.46% (14.78%, 22.84%) |
35.08% (29.74%, 40.82%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
3.22% (1.96%, 5.22%) |
4.40% (2.74%, 6.98%) |
44.20% (40.12%, 48.34%) |
21.06% (17.84%, 24.70%) |
27.14% (23.46%, 31.14%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
24.10% (21.98%, 26.38%) |
19.86% (17.84%, 22.04%) |
46.54% (43.92%, 49.18%) |
6.28% (5.00%, 7.84%) |
3.22% (2.50%, 4.12%) |
D - Non-white |
27.66% (24.54%, 31.02%) |
18.62% (16.30%, 21.20%) |
42.46% (39.16%, 45.82%) |
5.90% (4.44%, 7.78%) |
5.36% (4.06%, 7.04%) |
R - White |
3.02% (2.32%, 3.94%) |
3.28% (2.54%, 4.24%) |
40.42% (38.16%, 42.70%) |
20.70% (18.68%, 22.86%) |
32.58% (30.18%, 35.06%) |
R - Non-white |
10.08% (7.08%, 14.18%) |
10.00% (6.96%, 14.18%) |
36.90% (31.30%, 42.88%) |
16.96% (13.02%, 21.82%) |
26.04% (20.88%, 31.96%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
24.92% (22.58%, 27.40%) |
20.90% (18.54%, 23.50%) |
44.56% (41.56%, 47.58%) |
6.06% (4.72%, 7.76%) |
3.56% (2.64%, 4.78%) |
D - Not college grad |
26.38% (23.76%, 29.18%) |
18.18% (16.12%, 20.46%) |
44.38% (41.24%, 47.58%) |
6.32% (5.02%, 7.92%) |
4.74% (3.64%, 6.14%) |
R - College Grad |
1.06% (0.60%, 1.92%) |
3.18% (2.22%, 4.56%) |
40.52% (37.08%, 44.04%) |
24.06% (21.22%, 27.18%) |
31.18% (27.94%, 34.60%) |
R - Not college grad |
5.78% (4.54%, 7.30%) |
5.08% (3.94%, 6.54%) |
39.58% (36.82%, 42.40%) |
18.12% (15.96%, 20.50%) |
31.46% (28.72%, 34.34%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201317x, "Spending: Building and repairing highways") anes
Increased a lot | Increased a little | Kept the same | Decreased a little | Decreasaed a lot | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
43.80% (41.72%, 45.90%) |
23.30% (21.52%, 25.16%) |
29.42% (27.62%, 31.26%) |
2.44% (1.80%, 3.30%) |
1.06% (0.72%, 1.56%) |
R |
35.86% (33.72%, 38.04%) |
23.42% (21.40%, 25.56%) |
38.14% (35.92%, 40.42%) |
1.34% (0.92%, 1.92%) |
1.26% (0.86%, 1.86%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
50.72% (47.30%, 54.12%) |
23.50% (20.92%, 26.30%) |
23.16% (20.76%, 25.76%) |
1.58% (0.88%, 2.82%) |
1.04% (0.54%, 1.92%) |
D - Female |
38.18% (35.64%, 40.78%) |
23.04% (20.76%, 25.48%) |
34.66% (31.96%, 37.46%) |
3.18% (2.30%, 4.38%) |
0.94% (0.56%, 1.64%) |
R - Male |
38.60% (35.70%, 41.58%) |
23.66% (20.92%, 26.64%) |
35.62% (32.72%, 38.60%) |
1.06% (0.62%, 1.82%) |
1.06% (0.64%, 1.78%) |
R - Female |
32.92% (29.62%, 36.40%) |
23.18% (20.44%, 26.16%) |
40.80% (37.50%, 44.18%) |
1.62% (0.98%, 2.68%) |
1.48% (0.86%, 2.52%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
37.76% (31.32%, 44.68%) |
27.84% (21.56%, 35.12%) |
30.60% (25.00%, 36.82%) |
2.74% (1.38%, 5.32%) |
1.08% (0.28%, 3.90%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
48.06% (42.28%, 53.90%) |
26.80% (22.02%, 32.20%) |
22.94% (19.28%, 27.04%) |
1.02% (0.34%, 3.02%) |
1.18% (0.52%, 2.68%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
63.02% (57.96%, 67.82%) |
16.84% (13.90%, 20.26%) |
17.94% (14.12%, 22.52%) |
1.28% (0.44%, 3.70%) |
0.92% (0.26%, 3.06%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
24.46% (19.72%, 29.92%) |
24.22% (19.40%, 29.80%) |
42.68% (36.78%, 48.80%) |
7.06% (4.36%, 11.24%) |
1.58% (0.68%, 3.56%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
35.62% (31.54%, 39.92%) |
21.74% (18.50%, 25.36%) |
38.60% (34.32%, 43.06%) |
3.30% (1.86%, 5.80%) |
0.76% (0.34%, 1.62%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
48.84% (44.42%, 53.26%) |
23.46% (20.04%, 27.28%) |
26.24% (22.56%, 30.28%) |
0.72% (0.36%, 1.48%) |
0.74% (0.22%, 2.40%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
30.48% (23.78%, 38.14%) |
27.36% (20.44%, 35.56%) |
38.40% (31.24%, 46.10%) |
1.68% (0.50%, 5.52%) |
2.08% (0.88%, 4.86%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
32.42% (27.22%, 38.08%) |
21.92% (17.50%, 27.10%) |
43.20% (37.38%, 49.20%) |
1.28% (0.60%, 2.66%) |
1.20% (0.52%, 2.76%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
46.00% (41.24%, 50.84%) |
23.28% (19.28%, 27.84%) |
29.84% (25.86%, 34.14%) |
0.54% (0.18%, 1.56%) |
0.34% (0.08%, 1.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
22.62% (16.12%, 30.80%) |
21.74% (15.28%, 29.96%) |
49.44% (40.26%, 58.68%) |
3.48% (1.52%, 7.82%) |
2.70% (1.02%, 6.98%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
27.74% (22.52%, 33.62%) |
20.66% (15.98%, 26.30%) |
48.86% (42.72%, 55.02%) |
0.92% (0.40%, 2.10%) |
1.84% (0.78%, 4.28%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
41.02% (36.64%, 45.54%) |
25.70% (21.94%, 29.84%) |
31.14% (27.42%, 35.14%) |
1.38% (0.66%, 2.92%) |
0.76% (0.26%, 2.14%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
43.04% (40.24%, 45.86%) |
25.36% (23.08%, 27.78%) |
28.72% (26.50%, 31.06%) |
1.68% (1.16%, 2.44%) |
1.22% (0.76%, 1.94%) |
D - Non-white |
44.66% (41.64%, 47.74%) |
20.82% (18.34%, 23.54%) |
30.26% (27.32%, 33.38%) |
3.36% (2.20%, 5.08%) |
0.88% (0.46%, 1.70%) |
R - White |
35.50% (33.10%, 37.96%) |
23.90% (21.66%, 26.32%) |
38.68% (36.18%, 41.22%) |
0.98% (0.64%, 1.48%) |
0.94% (0.58%, 1.52%) |
R - Non-white |
37.44% (32.28%, 42.90%) |
20.84% (16.66%, 25.74%) |
36.44% (31.50%, 41.66%) |
3.02% (1.52%, 5.90%) |
2.28% (1.24%, 4.16%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
42.18% (39.42%, 44.98%) |
25.28% (22.82%, 27.92%) |
29.82% (27.66%, 32.08%) |
1.84% (1.22%, 2.76%) |
0.90% (0.52%, 1.52%) |
D - Not college grad |
45.36% (42.52%, 48.22%) |
21.34% (18.86%, 24.02%) |
29.20% (26.64%, 31.92%) |
2.88% (1.94%, 4.28%) |
1.22% (0.72%, 2.06%) |
R - College Grad |
33.26% (29.34%, 37.44%) |
24.54% (21.28%, 28.10%) |
39.90% (35.88%, 44.06%) |
1.40% (0.72%, 2.66%) |
0.90% (0.42%, 1.90%) |
R - Not college grad |
36.98% (34.26%, 39.80%) |
22.78% (20.42%, 25.36%) |
37.46% (34.66%, 40.36%) |
1.32% (0.86%, 2.00%) |
1.44% (0.94%, 2.22%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201320x, "Spending: Aid to the poor") anes
Increased a lot | Increased a little | Kept the same | Decreased a little | Decreasaed a lot | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
47.36% (45.14%, 49.60%) |
24.78% (23.00%, 26.64%) |
25.32% (23.36%, 27.40%) |
1.54% (1.14%, 2.08%) |
1.00% (0.70%, 1.40%) |
R |
12.08% (10.68%, 13.66%) |
12.84% (11.34%, 14.54%) |
55.54% (53.12%, 57.92%) |
10.02% (8.92%, 11.24%) |
9.50% (8.20%, 10.98%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
44.86% (41.48%, 48.26%) |
25.60% (22.82%, 28.58%) |
26.74% (23.90%, 29.78%) |
1.48% (1.00%, 2.20%) |
1.34% (0.88%, 2.06%) |
D - Female |
49.46% (46.82%, 52.10%) |
24.04% (21.88%, 26.36%) |
24.18% (21.66%, 26.90%) |
1.58% (1.02%, 2.46%) |
0.72% (0.40%, 1.32%) |
R - Male |
11.38% (9.48%, 13.62%) |
12.22% (10.34%, 14.38%) |
56.04% (52.90%, 59.16%) |
9.84% (8.30%, 11.64%) |
10.50% (8.64%, 12.70%) |
R - Female |
12.74% (10.90%, 14.84%) |
13.52% (11.36%, 15.98%) |
55.14% (52.06%, 58.18%) |
10.30% (8.58%, 12.34%) |
8.32% (6.74%, 10.22%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
54.72% (47.68%, 61.60%) |
22.40% (17.58%, 28.12%) |
20.34% (15.26%, 26.54%) |
0.68% (0.24%, 1.90%) |
1.84% (0.78%, 4.32%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
38.74% (33.66%, 44.10%) |
28.24% (23.14%, 33.96%) |
29.38% (25.00%, 34.18%) |
2.02% (1.14%, 3.56%) |
1.62% (0.90%, 2.90%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
43.40% (37.78%, 49.18%) |
25.56% (21.42%, 30.20%) |
28.72% (24.06%, 33.90%) |
1.56% (0.78%, 3.14%) |
0.74% (0.32%, 1.70%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
58.48% (52.24%, 64.44%) |
21.96% (17.18%, 27.66%) |
15.88% (11.70%, 21.22%) |
2.32% (0.92%, 5.76%) |
1.34% (0.46%, 3.92%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
48.26% (43.78%, 52.76%) |
23.36% (19.68%, 27.48%) |
26.20% (22.30%, 30.52%) |
1.44% (0.78%, 2.62%) |
0.74% (0.32%, 1.72%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
44.82% (40.68%, 49.04%) |
25.48% (22.12%, 29.14%) |
28.06% (24.28%, 32.18%) |
1.30% (0.68%, 2.48%) |
0.34% (0.14%, 0.84%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
12.68% (8.16%, 19.20%) |
15.80% (10.98%, 22.18%) |
47.34% (39.38%, 55.44%) |
11.16% (7.42%, 16.46%) |
13.02% (8.58%, 19.26%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
12.96% (9.80%, 16.96%) |
8.94% (6.40%, 12.38%) |
54.62% (49.10%, 60.04%) |
11.56% (8.42%, 15.66%) |
11.92% (8.82%, 15.92%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
9.78% (7.80%, 12.22%) |
13.48% (10.82%, 16.64%) |
61.00% (56.58%, 65.24%) |
7.56% (5.56%, 10.18%) |
8.20% (6.06%, 11.00%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
13.58% (9.48%, 19.10%) |
12.88% (8.34%, 19.40%) |
55.24% (47.76%, 62.50%) |
10.28% (6.24%, 16.52%) |
7.98% (5.10%, 12.32%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
12.78% (9.34%, 17.22%) |
17.36% (13.12%, 22.62%) |
44.76% (38.94%, 50.72%) |
14.22% (10.78%, 18.56%) |
10.88% (7.88%, 14.84%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
12.38% (10.16%, 15.02%) |
11.84% (9.24%, 15.04%) |
61.56% (57.22%, 65.70%) |
7.34% (5.76%, 9.32%) |
6.88% (4.96%, 9.48%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
41.02% (38.58%, 43.52%) |
28.06% (25.94%, 30.28%) |
28.50% (26.12%, 31.02%) |
1.48% (1.00%, 2.20%) |
0.92% (0.62%, 1.38%) |
D - Non-white |
55.04% (51.72%, 58.34%) |
20.60% (18.12%, 23.32%) |
21.64% (18.72%, 24.90%) |
1.62% (0.98%, 2.64%) |
1.10% (0.62%, 1.96%) |
R - White |
10.08% (8.88%, 11.42%) |
12.88% (11.28%, 14.66%) |
56.20% (53.70%, 58.68%) |
10.80% (9.54%, 12.20%) |
10.04% (8.56%, 11.72%) |
R - Non-white |
21.26% (16.68%, 26.68%) |
12.80% (9.46%, 17.10%) |
52.66% (46.92%, 58.32%) |
6.40% (4.32%, 9.36%) |
6.88% (4.56%, 10.28%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
43.46% (40.38%, 46.60%) |
26.22% (23.74%, 28.86%) |
27.44% (24.68%, 30.36%) |
1.84% (1.26%, 2.70%) |
1.04% (0.64%, 1.70%) |
D - Not college grad |
50.42% (47.44%, 53.42%) |
23.54% (21.36%, 25.86%) |
23.72% (21.16%, 26.50%) |
1.32% (0.78%, 2.22%) |
0.98% (0.56%, 1.70%) |
R - College Grad |
5.90% (4.56%, 7.60%) |
11.44% (9.22%, 14.10%) |
58.40% (54.58%, 62.14%) |
13.54% (11.32%, 16.12%) |
10.72% (8.54%, 13.36%) |
R - Not college grad |
14.94% (13.08%, 17.04%) |
13.22% (11.46%, 15.24%) |
54.38% (51.48%, 57.24%) |
8.72% (7.32%, 10.32%) |
8.74% (7.18%, 10.62%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201323x, "Spending: Protecting the environment") anes
Increased a lot | Increased a little | Kept the same | Decreased a little | Decreasaed a lot | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
66.28% (63.98%, 68.50%) |
17.20% (15.70%, 18.80%) |
15.14% (13.44%, 17.02%) |
0.74% (0.48%, 1.18%) |
0.64% (0.36%, 1.18%) |
R |
16.48% (14.70%, 18.46%) |
13.64% (12.20%, 15.22%) |
53.32% (50.98%, 55.66%) |
9.36% (8.10%, 10.80%) |
7.18% (6.16%, 8.36%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
66.02% (62.60%, 69.26%) |
18.22% (15.76%, 20.96%) |
14.42% (12.06%, 17.14%) |
0.54% (0.30%, 0.98%) |
0.80% (0.38%, 1.68%) |
D - Female |
66.54% (63.46%, 69.48%) |
16.28% (14.46%, 18.26%) |
15.80% (13.70%, 18.14%) |
0.88% (0.46%, 1.64%) |
0.52% (0.20%, 1.38%) |
R - Male |
15.28% (12.92%, 17.96%) |
13.78% (11.80%, 16.06%) |
52.70% (49.54%, 55.84%) |
9.16% (7.54%, 11.08%) |
9.08% (7.62%, 10.78%) |
R - Female |
17.70% (15.34%, 20.32%) |
13.44% (11.42%, 15.76%) |
54.16% (51.08%, 57.18%) |
9.54% (7.72%, 11.72%) |
5.16% (3.90%, 6.80%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
67.92% (60.30%, 74.70%) |
15.32% (10.48%, 21.84%) |
15.10% (10.26%, 21.68%) |
0.14% (0.02%, 0.76%) |
1.52% (0.50%, 4.46%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
63.22% (57.06%, 68.98%) |
20.20% (15.84%, 25.42%) |
15.14% (11.28%, 20.04%) |
0.84% (0.40%, 1.74%) |
0.60% (0.18%, 1.96%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
67.50% (63.74%, 71.06%) |
19.04% (15.90%, 22.62%) |
12.46% (9.72%, 15.86%) |
0.62% (0.26%, 1.50%) |
0.38% (0.06%, 2.66%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
69.94% (63.80%, 75.44%) |
13.78% (10.46%, 17.94%) |
14.16% (10.44%, 18.94%) |
0.84% (0.16%, 4.06%) |
1.26% (0.32%, 4.98%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
64.16% (59.52%, 68.54%) |
17.88% (14.54%, 21.80%) |
16.56% (13.42%, 20.28%) |
1.30% (0.52%, 3.28%) |
0.08% (0.02%, 0.60%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
66.72% (61.92%, 71.22%) |
16.54% (13.62%, 19.94%) |
15.74% (12.58%, 19.52%) |
0.62% (0.26%, 1.44%) |
0.38% (0.12%, 1.34%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
26.26% (19.92%, 33.74%) |
16.60% (11.24%, 23.84%) |
43.24% (35.80%, 51.00%) |
7.94% (4.52%, 13.58%) |
5.96% (3.66%, 9.56%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
13.00% (9.72%, 17.14%) |
16.16% (12.48%, 20.68%) |
50.74% (45.10%, 56.38%) |
9.82% (7.04%, 13.56%) |
10.28% (7.42%, 14.08%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
11.28% (9.06%, 13.94%) |
10.90% (8.38%, 14.04%) |
58.38% (54.14%, 62.50%) |
9.16% (6.92%, 12.00%) |
10.30% (8.04%, 13.10%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
26.30% (19.48%, 34.52%) |
14.68% (9.66%, 21.66%) |
45.12% (36.68%, 53.86%) |
8.60% (4.48%, 15.90%) |
5.30% (2.40%, 11.32%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
18.40% (14.30%, 23.34%) |
15.24% (11.38%, 20.12%) |
52.38% (46.80%, 57.90%) |
9.58% (6.28%, 14.32%) |
4.40% (2.64%, 7.24%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
13.78% (11.10%, 16.98%) |
10.14% (7.68%, 13.28%) |
60.90% (56.52%, 65.10%) |
9.68% (7.14%, 13.00%) |
5.52% (3.66%, 8.24%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
70.34% (67.96%, 72.62%) |
17.60% (15.88%, 19.48%) |
10.98% (9.48%, 12.70%) |
0.74% (0.44%, 1.28%) |
0.32% (0.10%, 1.00%) |
D - Non-white |
61.32% (57.40%, 65.10%) |
16.76% (14.40%, 19.42%) |
20.10% (17.26%, 23.30%) |
0.76% (0.36%, 1.64%) |
1.04% (0.52%, 2.12%) |
R - White |
13.48% (11.72%, 15.46%) |
13.08% (11.54%, 14.80%) |
56.00% (53.38%, 58.60%) |
9.76% (8.38%, 11.34%) |
7.66% (6.42%, 9.10%) |
R - Non-white |
29.98% (24.66%, 35.94%) |
16.00% (12.12%, 20.82%) |
41.56% (36.10%, 47.24%) |
7.36% (4.80%, 11.12%) |
5.10% (3.36%, 7.64%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
67.86% (64.86%, 70.70%) |
18.44% (16.36%, 20.70%) |
12.58% (10.72%, 14.74%) |
0.60% (0.30%, 1.24%) |
0.52% (0.20%, 1.30%) |
D - Not college grad |
64.78% (61.42%, 68.02%) |
16.26% (14.26%, 18.46%) |
17.32% (14.88%, 20.06%) |
0.88% (0.48%, 1.60%) |
0.76% (0.36%, 1.66%) |
R - College Grad |
12.10% (9.72%, 14.98%) |
16.80% (13.84%, 20.22%) |
51.26% (47.62%, 54.86%) |
11.36% (9.20%, 13.94%) |
8.50% (6.80%, 10.56%) |
R - Not college grad |
18.14% (15.86%, 20.66%) |
12.38% (10.62%, 14.42%) |
54.60% (51.58%, 57.58%) |
8.34% (6.86%, 10.08%) |
6.54% (5.26%, 8.10%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201324, "Is the current economy good or bad") anes
Very good | Good | Neither good nor bad | Bad | Very bad | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.94% (0.62%, 1.42%) |
9.26% (8.14%, 10.54%) |
26.34% (24.58%, 28.20%) |
42.88% (40.94%, 44.84%) |
20.58% (18.98%, 22.28%) |
R |
12.44% (10.94%, 14.10%) |
42.32% (40.28%, 44.38%) |
26.78% (24.84%, 28.82%) |
15.40% (14.04%, 16.86%) |
3.06% (2.32%, 4.04%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.04% (0.60%, 1.82%) |
11.12% (9.30%, 13.24%) |
25.98% (23.26%, 28.88%) |
41.90% (38.68%, 45.18%) |
19.96% (17.56%, 22.60%) |
D - Female |
0.80% (0.42%, 1.52%) |
7.72% (6.48%, 9.20%) |
26.76% (24.52%, 29.12%) |
43.70% (41.14%, 46.30%) |
21.02% (19.18%, 23.00%) |
R - Male |
14.94% (12.88%, 17.28%) |
44.52% (41.44%, 47.64%) |
24.70% (22.04%, 27.58%) |
12.64% (10.76%, 14.78%) |
3.18% (2.18%, 4.62%) |
R - Female |
9.66% (7.78%, 11.92%) |
39.82% (36.70%, 43.04%) |
29.12% (26.16%, 32.28%) |
18.42% (16.28%, 20.80%) |
2.96% (2.08%, 4.22%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.20% (0.42%, 3.32%) |
13.46% (9.36%, 19.00%) |
27.94% (22.64%, 33.94%) |
39.06% (32.18%, 46.42%) |
18.32% (13.52%, 24.36%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.32% (0.50%, 3.40%) |
10.36% (7.66%, 13.88%) |
26.48% (22.12%, 31.34%) |
41.78% (36.34%, 47.42%) |
20.08% (16.34%, 24.42%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.72% (0.26%, 2.02%) |
9.92% (7.32%, 13.32%) |
23.54% (19.44%, 28.18%) |
44.62% (39.98%, 49.34%) |
21.22% (17.80%, 25.10%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.38% (0.46%, 4.10%) |
5.20% (3.58%, 7.48%) |
28.92% (23.46%, 35.06%) |
44.14% (38.24%, 50.20%) |
20.38% (16.00%, 25.58%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.66% (0.20%, 2.06%) |
7.82% (5.72%, 10.60%) |
27.16% (23.20%, 31.50%) |
43.04% (38.12%, 48.10%) |
21.32% (17.42%, 25.84%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.56% (0.22%, 1.44%) |
9.30% (7.28%, 11.80%) |
24.44% (21.14%, 28.06%) |
44.18% (40.42%, 48.02%) |
21.52% (18.28%, 25.14%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
15.26% (10.86%, 21.02%) |
36.28% (29.96%, 43.10%) |
32.24% (25.06%, 40.38%) |
11.56% (7.54%, 17.34%) |
4.66% (2.16%, 9.74%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
14.82% (11.30%, 19.20%) |
45.14% (39.66%, 50.76%) |
23.84% (19.42%, 28.90%) |
12.88% (10.00%, 16.46%) |
3.30% (1.62%, 6.60%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
15.14% (12.14%, 18.72%) |
47.60% (42.82%, 52.42%) |
21.04% (17.36%, 25.26%) |
13.62% (10.48%, 17.52%) |
2.60% (1.54%, 4.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.12% (6.06%, 19.50%) |
26.94% (19.72%, 35.60%) |
33.94% (27.22%, 41.34%) |
25.20% (19.38%, 32.08%) |
2.82% (1.34%, 5.86%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.56% (4.98%, 11.28%) |
37.34% (31.78%, 43.26%) |
29.92% (24.60%, 35.86%) |
20.84% (16.68%, 25.74%) |
4.34% (2.52%, 7.38%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
10.78% (8.02%, 14.32%) |
44.78% (39.82%, 49.84%) |
27.18% (23.16%, 31.64%) |
14.82% (11.56%, 18.80%) |
2.44% (1.46%, 4.04%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.70% (0.40%, 1.22%) |
10.54% (9.16%, 12.12%) |
23.22% (21.24%, 25.34%) |
44.84% (42.38%, 47.34%) |
20.68% (18.70%, 22.82%) |
D - Non-white |
1.22% (0.68%, 2.22%) |
7.86% (6.18%, 9.94%) |
30.44% (27.38%, 33.66%) |
40.22% (37.02%, 43.52%) |
20.26% (17.72%, 23.06%) |
R - White |
12.60% (11.04%, 14.36%) |
43.36% (41.00%, 45.74%) |
26.36% (24.30%, 28.50%) |
15.26% (13.62%, 17.04%) |
2.42% (1.80%, 3.26%) |
R - Non-white |
11.60% (8.08%, 16.34%) |
37.24% (31.92%, 42.90%) |
28.92% (24.02%, 34.36%) |
16.16% (12.12%, 21.20%) |
6.08% (3.74%, 9.78%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.58% (0.28%, 1.20%) |
9.34% (7.88%, 11.06%) |
23.14% (20.92%, 25.50%) |
47.44% (44.76%, 50.12%) |
19.52% (17.56%, 21.62%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.24% (0.74%, 2.06%) |
9.38% (7.68%, 11.42%) |
28.78% (26.16%, 31.58%) |
39.52% (36.52%, 42.58%) |
21.08% (18.62%, 23.74%) |
R - College Grad |
15.98% (13.12%, 19.32%) |
44.30% (40.72%, 47.92%) |
22.86% (19.82%, 26.20%) |
14.98% (12.70%, 17.58%) |
1.90% (1.20%, 3.00%) |
R - Not college grad |
10.70% (8.86%, 12.88%) |
41.54% (38.90%, 44.24%) |
28.56% (26.10%, 31.12%) |
15.58% (13.90%, 17.42%) |
3.62% (2.66%, 4.90%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201327x, "National economy better or worse in last year") anes
Gotten much better | Gotten somewhat better | Stayed about the same | Gotten somewhat worse | Gotten much worse | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
1.14% (0.78%, 1.64%) |
3.82% (3.04%, 4.76%) |
17.68% (16.12%, 19.38%) |
20.02% (18.28%, 21.88%) |
57.34% (55.10%, 59.58%) |
R |
20.22% (18.34%, 22.22%) |
18.12% (16.46%, 19.90%) |
27.72% (25.78%, 29.74%) |
19.76% (17.92%, 21.72%) |
14.20% (12.80%, 15.72%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.36% (0.74%, 2.50%) |
5.26% (3.90%, 7.04%) |
18.36% (16.06%, 20.90%) |
16.96% (14.88%, 19.24%) |
58.08% (54.96%, 61.12%) |
D - Female |
0.96% (0.62%, 1.50%) |
2.66% (1.92%, 3.66%) |
17.22% (15.36%, 19.24%) |
22.46% (20.10%, 25.02%) |
56.70% (53.80%, 59.56%) |
R - Male |
20.80% (18.24%, 23.64%) |
16.90% (14.58%, 19.50%) |
29.18% (26.42%, 32.12%) |
18.58% (16.32%, 21.08%) |
14.52% (12.44%, 16.90%) |
R - Female |
19.58% (16.78%, 22.70%) |
19.48% (16.94%, 22.30%) |
26.06% (23.32%, 28.98%) |
21.10% (18.46%, 23.98%) |
13.80% (11.82%, 16.06%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.90% (0.26%, 3.08%) |
7.24% (4.42%, 11.60%) |
24.48% (19.22%, 30.64%) |
18.54% (13.76%, 24.52%) |
48.86% (42.00%, 55.74%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.24% (1.10%, 4.52%) |
3.22% (1.86%, 5.52%) |
18.24% (14.00%, 23.44%) |
17.02% (13.44%, 21.32%) |
59.28% (54.18%, 64.18%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.98% (0.22%, 4.14%) |
5.62% (3.40%, 9.14%) |
13.78% (10.74%, 17.52%) |
15.16% (12.42%, 18.42%) |
64.44% (59.66%, 68.96%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.98% (0.44%, 2.16%) |
3.52% (2.06%, 5.98%) |
21.96% (17.12%, 27.70%) |
23.62% (19.16%, 28.72%) |
49.94% (44.28%, 55.58%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.70% (0.28%, 1.74%) |
1.90% (1.00%, 3.56%) |
16.86% (13.40%, 21.02%) |
19.80% (16.42%, 23.66%) |
60.74% (56.00%, 65.30%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.16% (0.60%, 2.20%) |
2.56% (1.44%, 4.52%) |
14.72% (12.20%, 17.64%) |
23.12% (19.32%, 27.44%) |
58.44% (53.54%, 63.16%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
21.88% (16.28%, 28.72%) |
15.86% (10.24%, 23.76%) |
30.74% (23.80%, 38.64%) |
14.38% (10.00%, 20.26%) |
17.16% (11.86%, 24.18%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
19.46% (15.06%, 24.78%) |
19.32% (15.36%, 24.00%) |
28.54% (23.76%, 33.86%) |
19.18% (14.88%, 24.38%) |
13.48% (10.06%, 17.86%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
20.84% (17.68%, 24.38%) |
15.82% (13.04%, 19.04%) |
28.06% (24.68%, 31.70%) |
20.56% (17.36%, 24.18%) |
14.72% (11.68%, 18.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
20.58% (14.64%, 28.12%) |
17.82% (12.12%, 25.44%) |
25.02% (18.78%, 32.48%) |
23.18% (17.28%, 30.34%) |
13.42% (9.14%, 19.28%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
20.08% (15.38%, 25.76%) |
15.74% (12.20%, 20.06%) |
26.70% (21.92%, 32.06%) |
20.54% (16.40%, 25.42%) |
16.94% (12.90%, 21.94%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
18.42% (15.04%, 22.38%) |
21.30% (17.84%, 25.22%) |
26.24% (22.46%, 30.42%) |
21.02% (17.88%, 24.56%) |
13.00% (10.48%, 16.02%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.74% (0.42%, 1.30%) |
3.62% (2.70%, 4.84%) |
13.94% (12.22%, 15.84%) |
19.98% (17.90%, 22.24%) |
61.74% (59.22%, 64.18%) |
D - Non-white |
1.64% (0.98%, 2.74%) |
4.12% (2.98%, 5.66%) |
22.50% (19.90%, 25.30%) |
19.74% (17.06%, 22.72%) |
52.00% (48.28%, 55.70%) |
R - White |
19.66% (17.66%, 21.84%) |
18.02% (16.18%, 20.00%) |
27.96% (25.74%, 30.30%) |
20.76% (18.80%, 22.88%) |
13.60% (12.08%, 15.26%) |
R - Non-white |
22.44% (18.04%, 27.56%) |
18.72% (14.96%, 23.14%) |
26.20% (22.04%, 30.84%) |
15.50% (11.68%, 20.30%) |
17.14% (13.22%, 21.90%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.80% (0.48%, 1.32%) |
3.08% (2.22%, 4.30%) |
12.76% (10.84%, 14.96%) |
19.66% (17.26%, 22.30%) |
63.70% (60.98%, 66.34%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.44% (0.90%, 2.30%) |
4.40% (3.30%, 5.82%) |
21.76% (19.46%, 24.26%) |
20.20% (17.70%, 22.92%) |
52.22% (49.02%, 55.38%) |
R - College Grad |
18.96% (16.02%, 22.30%) |
19.40% (16.32%, 22.88%) |
25.28% (22.08%, 28.74%) |
20.98% (18.34%, 23.92%) |
15.38% (12.98%, 18.16%) |
R - Not college grad |
20.56% (18.20%, 23.12%) |
17.72% (15.76%, 19.88%) |
28.70% (26.32%, 31.22%) |
19.28% (17.04%, 21.72%) |
13.74% (12.02%, 15.66%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201330x, "Economy better or worse in next 12 months") anes
Get much better | Get somewhat better | Stayed about the same | Get somewhat worse | Get much worse | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
10.50% (9.24%, 11.90%) |
20.30% (18.82%, 21.86%) |
38.46% (36.46%, 40.48%) |
15.86% (14.40%, 17.44%) |
14.90% (13.54%, 16.36%) |
R |
40.28% (38.04%, 42.58%) |
24.32% (22.36%, 26.38%) |
24.32% (22.24%, 26.52%) |
6.92% (5.92%, 8.08%) |
4.16% (3.40%, 5.08%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
11.52% (9.60%, 13.78%) |
21.30% (18.80%, 24.04%) |
35.76% (32.98%, 38.64%) |
15.68% (13.66%, 17.92%) |
15.72% (13.58%, 18.12%) |
D - Female |
9.54% (7.98%, 11.38%) |
19.64% (17.54%, 21.92%) |
40.76% (38.00%, 43.58%) |
15.98% (13.98%, 18.22%) |
14.08% (12.34%, 16.04%) |
R - Male |
45.28% (42.22%, 48.38%) |
22.06% (19.42%, 24.96%) |
22.22% (19.54%, 25.14%) |
6.66% (5.32%, 8.30%) |
3.78% (2.88%, 4.94%) |
R - Female |
34.84% (31.90%, 37.90%) |
26.76% (23.98%, 29.74%) |
26.66% (23.66%, 29.90%) |
7.24% (5.82%, 8.96%) |
4.50% (3.34%, 6.04%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
10.68% (7.44%, 15.14%) |
20.40% (15.90%, 25.80%) |
33.38% (27.30%, 40.04%) |
18.26% (13.66%, 23.98%) |
17.28% (13.00%, 22.60%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
12.56% (9.00%, 17.26%) |
22.10% (17.82%, 27.06%) |
33.02% (28.32%, 38.08%) |
13.90% (10.68%, 17.90%) |
18.42% (14.88%, 22.60%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
11.04% (8.42%, 14.32%) |
21.60% (18.10%, 25.58%) |
40.20% (35.98%, 44.58%) |
15.16% (12.20%, 18.66%) |
12.00% (9.26%, 15.40%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
5.14% (3.28%, 7.98%) |
17.24% (12.80%, 22.82%) |
41.92% (35.76%, 48.36%) |
19.50% (14.88%, 25.14%) |
16.18% (12.70%, 20.40%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
9.14% (6.52%, 12.66%) |
19.36% (15.50%, 23.90%) |
38.90% (34.20%, 43.82%) |
16.42% (13.42%, 19.92%) |
16.20% (12.80%, 20.32%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
12.78% (10.14%, 15.96%) |
21.78% (18.96%, 24.90%) |
41.34% (37.84%, 44.92%) |
13.28% (10.64%, 16.44%) |
10.84% (8.70%, 13.40%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
40.96% (32.88%, 49.56%) |
20.16% (14.44%, 27.42%) |
26.72% (19.76%, 35.06%) |
10.08% (6.26%, 15.82%) |
2.08% (1.04%, 4.12%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
41.68% (36.70%, 46.82%) |
24.74% (20.58%, 29.44%) |
20.46% (17.06%, 24.32%) |
6.74% (4.62%, 9.72%) |
6.40% (4.16%, 9.72%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
49.04% (44.62%, 53.46%) |
21.46% (18.04%, 25.36%) |
21.92% (18.16%, 26.22%) |
4.82% (3.16%, 7.30%) |
2.76% (1.86%, 4.08%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
29.92% (22.86%, 38.06%) |
21.62% (15.52%, 29.28%) |
31.96% (24.22%, 40.86%) |
9.58% (5.82%, 15.34%) |
6.92% (3.98%, 11.80%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
32.46% (27.48%, 37.86%) |
23.54% (18.90%, 28.90%) |
29.34% (24.24%, 35.02%) |
8.24% (5.54%, 12.08%) |
6.44% (4.10%, 9.96%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
40.62% (36.00%, 45.42%) |
28.18% (24.10%, 32.64%) |
22.94% (19.00%, 27.44%) |
5.82% (3.92%, 8.56%) |
2.42% (1.50%, 3.90%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
7.88% (6.38%, 9.70%) |
22.90% (20.78%, 25.16%) |
36.92% (34.56%, 39.36%) |
17.16% (15.26%, 19.26%) |
15.12% (13.26%, 17.18%) |
D - Non-white |
13.82% (11.88%, 16.00%) |
17.34% (15.12%, 19.82%) |
40.18% (37.12%, 43.30%) |
14.38% (11.96%, 17.18%) |
14.30% (12.18%, 16.70%) |
R - White |
40.10% (37.64%, 42.62%) |
24.60% (22.40%, 26.96%) |
24.52% (22.34%, 26.84%) |
6.94% (5.82%, 8.24%) |
3.84% (3.06%, 4.80%) |
R - Non-white |
40.54% (34.76%, 46.56%) |
23.36% (19.50%, 27.70%) |
23.50% (18.58%, 29.24%) |
6.96% (4.54%, 10.56%) |
5.64% (3.52%, 8.92%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
8.24% (6.54%, 10.30%) |
21.96% (19.78%, 24.30%) |
35.70% (33.14%, 38.34%) |
17.80% (15.60%, 20.22%) |
16.30% (14.28%, 18.56%) |
D - Not college grad |
12.30% (10.52%, 14.30%) |
19.10% (17.06%, 21.32%) |
40.50% (37.54%, 43.52%) |
14.30% (12.44%, 16.40%) |
13.80% (11.98%, 15.88%) |
R - College Grad |
40.46% (36.56%, 44.50%) |
27.06% (23.78%, 30.58%) |
20.06% (17.10%, 23.38%) |
8.30% (6.08%, 11.24%) |
4.12% (3.00%, 5.64%) |
R - Not college grad |
40.08% (37.26%, 42.98%) |
23.32% (20.84%, 26.00%) |
26.06% (23.40%, 28.92%) |
6.30% (5.20%, 7.62%) |
4.22% (3.26%, 5.46%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201333x, "Unemployment better or worse in last year") anes
Much better | Somewhat better | About the same | Somewhat worse | Much worse | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
1.08% (0.74%, 1.58%) |
2.14% (1.58%, 2.86%) |
11.56% (10.26%, 12.98%) |
9.72% (8.64%, 10.90%) |
75.52% (73.62%, 77.32%) |
R |
16.56% (14.82%, 18.44%) |
11.14% (9.66%, 12.84%) |
17.32% (15.92%, 18.82%) |
17.48% (15.90%, 19.18%) |
37.50% (35.14%, 39.90%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
0.98% (0.48%, 2.00%) |
2.44% (1.64%, 3.60%) |
10.92% (8.90%, 13.32%) |
9.72% (8.00%, 11.76%) |
75.94% (73.10%, 78.58%) |
D - Female |
1.18% (0.78%, 1.80%) |
1.90% (1.22%, 2.96%) |
11.96% (10.20%, 13.96%) |
9.76% (8.42%, 11.30%) |
75.18% (72.80%, 77.44%) |
R - Male |
16.20% (13.94%, 18.76%) |
10.44% (8.70%, 12.50%) |
17.54% (15.24%, 20.08%) |
17.26% (15.02%, 19.76%) |
38.56% (35.36%, 41.86%) |
R - Female |
16.86% (14.24%, 19.86%) |
11.86% (9.70%, 14.44%) |
17.18% (15.00%, 19.60%) |
17.70% (15.34%, 20.34%) |
36.40% (32.96%, 39.98%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.42% (0.34%, 5.78%) |
2.44% (1.02%, 5.70%) |
14.06% (9.54%, 20.22%) |
12.40% (8.14%, 18.44%) |
69.68% (62.86%, 75.74%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.98% (0.36%, 2.68%) |
3.60% (2.14%, 6.00%) |
9.42% (6.66%, 13.18%) |
9.06% (6.60%, 12.32%) |
76.94% (72.36%, 80.96%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.54% (0.22%, 1.36%) |
1.40% (0.76%, 2.54%) |
9.62% (7.00%, 13.08%) |
8.78% (6.56%, 11.68%) |
79.66% (75.70%, 83.12%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.56% (0.18%, 1.74%) |
2.80% (1.38%, 5.62%) |
17.10% (12.72%, 22.56%) |
8.06% (5.56%, 11.54%) |
71.50% (65.80%, 76.60%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.20% (1.16%, 4.14%) |
2.14% (0.98%, 4.58%) |
11.70% (8.60%, 15.70%) |
10.70% (8.32%, 13.64%) |
73.28% (68.64%, 77.44%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.90% (0.40%, 1.96%) |
1.26% (0.58%, 2.72%) |
8.68% (6.80%, 11.02%) |
9.98% (8.08%, 12.30%) |
79.20% (75.88%, 82.16%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
20.28% (14.86%, 27.04%) |
10.20% (6.20%, 16.34%) |
22.46% (16.38%, 30.00%) |
12.84% (8.50%, 18.96%) |
34.22% (27.54%, 41.58%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
13.86% (10.46%, 18.12%) |
11.02% (7.86%, 15.26%) |
15.48% (12.20%, 19.48%) |
17.96% (14.02%, 22.72%) |
41.66% (35.94%, 47.62%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
16.44% (13.38%, 20.06%) |
9.94% (7.72%, 12.72%) |
15.56% (12.64%, 19.02%) |
18.86% (16.00%, 22.10%) |
39.18% (34.18%, 44.42%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
16.70% (11.42%, 23.74%) |
12.14% (7.70%, 18.66%) |
16.06% (10.12%, 24.52%) |
14.56% (9.64%, 21.40%) |
40.52% (32.40%, 49.20%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
16.32% (12.04%, 21.72%) |
13.36% (9.28%, 18.84%) |
16.66% (12.80%, 21.40%) |
17.40% (13.44%, 22.24%) |
36.24% (30.84%, 42.04%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
16.34% (13.12%, 20.14%) |
10.32% (7.86%, 13.44%) |
18.06% (15.08%, 21.48%) |
19.36% (16.00%, 23.24%) |
35.92% (31.66%, 40.42%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.50% (0.24%, 0.98%) |
1.66% (1.10%, 2.50%) |
8.52% (7.16%, 10.14%) |
8.76% (7.54%, 10.14%) |
80.56% (78.40%, 82.56%) |
D - Non-white |
1.84% (1.18%, 2.86%) |
2.66% (1.74%, 4.08%) |
15.24% (12.70%, 18.16%) |
11.02% (9.06%, 13.34%) |
69.26% (65.94%, 72.38%) |
R - White |
16.44% (14.48%, 18.62%) |
11.58% (9.90%, 13.52%) |
15.76% (14.26%, 17.38%) |
18.04% (16.16%, 20.06%) |
38.18% (35.56%, 40.88%) |
R - Non-white |
16.74% (12.30%, 22.38%) |
9.38% (6.42%, 13.50%) |
23.48% (18.86%, 28.86%) |
15.22% (11.80%, 19.40%) |
35.18% (30.00%, 40.74%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.36% (0.16%, 0.80%) |
1.68% (1.08%, 2.60%) |
8.80% (7.22%, 10.70%) |
8.28% (6.98%, 9.78%) |
80.88% (78.62%, 82.96%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.70% (1.12%, 2.58%) |
2.56% (1.80%, 3.62%) |
13.66% (11.64%, 15.96%) |
10.86% (9.16%, 12.84%) |
71.22% (68.42%, 73.88%) |
R - College Grad |
13.70% (11.32%, 16.48%) |
13.00% (10.38%, 16.16%) |
14.96% (12.32%, 18.08%) |
17.88% (15.10%, 21.06%) |
40.44% (36.48%, 44.54%) |
R - Not college grad |
17.36% (15.14%, 19.82%) |
10.26% (8.62%, 12.18%) |
18.40% (16.52%, 20.44%) |
17.58% (15.54%, 19.84%) |
36.38% (33.68%, 39.16%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201334, "More or less unemployment in next year") anes
More | About the same | Less | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
38.62% (36.80%, 40.48%) |
38.24% (36.36%, 40.14%) |
23.14% (21.18%, 25.20%) |
R |
16.92% (15.34%, 18.60%) |
30.72% (28.62%, 32.92%) |
52.36% (50.30%, 54.42%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
37.46% (34.56%, 40.46%) |
37.44% (34.40%, 40.60%) |
25.08% (22.20%, 28.20%) |
D - Female |
39.50% (36.92%, 42.14%) |
38.96% (36.42%, 41.54%) |
21.54% (19.08%, 24.24%) |
R - Male |
15.72% (13.66%, 18.04%) |
26.84% (24.42%, 29.42%) |
57.44% (54.52%, 60.30%) |
R - Female |
18.20% (15.76%, 20.94%) |
35.04% (31.92%, 38.28%) |
46.76% (43.56%, 49.98%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
36.18% (29.98%, 42.88%) |
38.56% (31.66%, 45.96%) |
25.26% (19.74%, 31.70%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
40.02% (34.98%, 45.30%) |
32.98% (28.42%, 37.86%) |
27.00% (22.18%, 32.42%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
35.82% (31.66%, 40.20%) |
40.58% (36.24%, 45.08%) |
23.60% (19.98%, 27.64%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
38.30% (33.42%, 43.44%) |
36.98% (31.34%, 43.00%) |
24.72% (19.68%, 30.54%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
39.66% (35.24%, 44.26%) |
39.64% (35.02%, 44.46%) |
20.70% (16.64%, 25.44%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
39.84% (36.02%, 43.80%) |
39.92% (35.94%, 44.02%) |
20.24% (16.48%, 24.60%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
19.76% (14.02%, 27.08%) |
26.40% (20.08%, 33.88%) |
53.84% (45.92%, 61.56%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
14.16% (10.90%, 18.20%) |
26.46% (21.50%, 32.10%) |
59.38% (53.76%, 64.76%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
14.66% (11.78%, 18.12%) |
27.38% (23.82%, 31.26%) |
57.96% (53.82%, 61.98%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
21.38% (15.52%, 28.70%) |
37.66% (30.00%, 46.02%) |
40.94% (33.34%, 49.02%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
20.08% (15.70%, 25.34%) |
35.68% (30.26%, 41.50%) |
44.24% (38.66%, 49.94%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
15.60% (12.42%, 19.42%) |
32.76% (28.60%, 37.20%) |
51.64% (47.34%, 55.92%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
34.70% (32.44%, 37.04%) |
38.56% (36.24%, 40.94%) |
26.72% (24.28%, 29.34%) |
D - Non-white |
43.30% (39.82%, 46.86%) |
37.68% (34.32%, 41.18%) |
19.02% (16.12%, 22.30%) |
R - White |
15.74% (14.18%, 17.42%) |
31.42% (29.20%, 33.74%) |
52.84% (50.76%, 54.92%) |
R - Non-white |
22.50% (17.78%, 28.02%) |
28.36% (23.36%, 33.94%) |
49.16% (43.02%, 55.30%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
34.42% (31.80%, 37.14%) |
38.70% (36.04%, 41.42%) |
26.88% (24.20%, 29.74%) |
D - Not college grad |
41.80% (39.12%, 44.52%) |
37.90% (35.04%, 40.86%) |
20.30% (17.78%, 23.06%) |
R - College Grad |
16.08% (13.38%, 19.22%) |
26.58% (22.74%, 30.82%) |
57.32% (53.02%, 61.52%) |
R - Not college grad |
17.40% (15.40%, 19.60%) |
32.58% (29.88%, 35.42%) |
50.02% (47.20%, 52.84%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201335, "How worried about national economy") anes
Not at all worried | A little worried | Moderately worried | Very worried | Extremely worried | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
1.72% (1.32%, 2.22%) |
14.34% (12.84%, 16.00%) |
32.16% (30.24%, 34.14%) |
34.24% (32.22%, 36.32%) |
17.52% (16.04%, 19.12%) |
R |
14.88% (13.36%, 16.52%) |
35.20% (32.98%, 37.46%) |
34.14% (31.98%, 36.34%) |
11.14% (9.78%, 12.66%) |
4.66% (3.74%, 5.80%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.78% (1.28%, 2.50%) |
16.22% (13.74%, 19.08%) |
32.74% (29.68%, 35.96%) |
33.12% (29.90%, 36.50%) |
16.12% (13.52%, 19.10%) |
D - Female |
1.68% (1.14%, 2.44%) |
12.72% (11.06%, 14.60%) |
31.80% (29.24%, 34.48%) |
35.16% (32.66%, 37.74%) |
18.64% (16.78%, 20.66%) |
R - Male |
17.20% (14.94%, 19.72%) |
37.00% (33.94%, 40.18%) |
31.78% (28.80%, 34.94%) |
9.56% (7.74%, 11.72%) |
4.46% (3.26%, 6.04%) |
R - Female |
12.42% (10.50%, 14.64%) |
33.22% (29.98%, 36.62%) |
36.54% (33.36%, 39.84%) |
12.90% (10.84%, 15.30%) |
4.92% (3.74%, 6.48%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.38% (1.20%, 4.72%) |
22.54% (17.04%, 29.20%) |
33.06% (27.54%, 39.10%) |
31.24% (25.44%, 37.68%) |
10.78% (7.20%, 15.80%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.42% (0.80%, 2.50%) |
17.48% (13.38%, 22.50%) |
32.74% (27.36%, 38.60%) |
29.18% (24.50%, 34.32%) |
19.20% (14.92%, 24.32%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
1.62% (0.90%, 2.90%) |
10.56% (8.32%, 13.32%) |
31.66% (27.14%, 36.58%) |
38.86% (33.62%, 44.38%) |
17.30% (13.52%, 21.88%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.30% (0.56%, 3.02%) |
15.16% (11.62%, 19.54%) |
30.66% (25.48%, 36.36%) |
34.50% (28.42%, 41.10%) |
18.38% (14.18%, 23.50%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.24% (1.24%, 4.02%) |
13.44% (10.56%, 16.94%) |
31.22% (27.06%, 35.68%) |
34.88% (30.42%, 39.64%) |
18.24% (15.32%, 21.56%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.58% (0.84%, 2.90%) |
10.32% (8.04%, 13.20%) |
32.56% (28.76%, 36.60%) |
35.90% (32.08%, 39.92%) |
19.62% (16.64%, 23.02%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
19.62% (14.52%, 25.94%) |
34.22% (27.50%, 41.64%) |
29.46% (23.20%, 36.62%) |
12.16% (7.74%, 18.62%) |
4.54% (2.18%, 9.20%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
17.20% (13.26%, 22.02%) |
42.60% (37.32%, 48.04%) |
27.00% (23.00%, 31.42%) |
8.04% (5.54%, 11.54%) |
5.16% (3.26%, 8.10%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
16.32% (13.18%, 20.02%) |
34.48% (30.46%, 38.74%) |
36.36% (31.84%, 41.14%) |
9.12% (6.86%, 12.02%) |
3.72% (2.16%, 6.34%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.72% (7.98%, 19.70%) |
29.58% (21.54%, 39.10%) |
35.86% (28.56%, 43.88%) |
16.96% (11.26%, 24.72%) |
4.88% (2.32%, 9.98%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
9.70% (7.10%, 13.14%) |
34.70% (28.88%, 41.00%) |
37.90% (32.16%, 44.00%) |
12.92% (9.26%, 17.76%) |
4.76% (3.04%, 7.42%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
14.58% (11.56%, 18.20%) |
33.10% (29.20%, 37.26%) |
36.10% (32.28%, 40.10%) |
11.76% (9.28%, 14.78%) |
4.48% (3.06%, 6.48%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.40% (0.94%, 2.08%) |
15.46% (13.76%, 17.34%) |
33.06% (30.56%, 35.66%) |
34.52% (32.06%, 37.08%) |
15.56% (13.86%, 17.42%) |
D - Non-white |
2.06% (1.44%, 2.94%) |
13.02% (10.76%, 15.66%) |
31.22% (28.40%, 34.16%) |
33.92% (30.64%, 37.34%) |
19.80% (17.28%, 22.58%) |
R - White |
14.68% (13.12%, 16.40%) |
36.84% (34.50%, 39.26%) |
34.26% (31.98%, 36.60%) |
10.10% (8.78%, 11.62%) |
4.10% (3.18%, 5.28%) |
R - Non-white |
15.70% (12.08%, 20.18%) |
28.02% (23.60%, 32.90%) |
33.78% (28.42%, 39.58%) |
15.22% (11.44%, 19.96%) |
7.28% (4.98%, 10.56%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
2.00% (1.34%, 2.98%) |
15.56% (13.62%, 17.72%) |
31.72% (29.02%, 34.54%) |
34.40% (31.92%, 36.96%) |
16.32% (14.30%, 18.56%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.52% (1.04%, 2.24%) |
13.32% (11.40%, 15.50%) |
32.90% (30.04%, 35.92%) |
33.72% (30.84%, 36.70%) |
18.54% (16.26%, 21.06%) |
R - College Grad |
14.04% (11.80%, 16.66%) |
37.74% (34.04%, 41.58%) |
31.66% (28.56%, 34.94%) |
12.52% (10.10%, 15.44%) |
4.02% (2.78%, 5.80%) |
R - Not college grad |
15.46% (13.58%, 17.56%) |
34.00% (31.22%, 36.90%) |
35.08% (32.20%, 38.08%) |
10.48% (8.90%, 12.34%) |
4.96% (3.80%, 6.42%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201397, "Income gap today more or less than 20 years ago") anes
Larger | Smaller | About the same | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
86.70% (85.06%, 88.18%) |
3.26% (2.46%, 4.30%) |
10.04% (8.76%, 11.50%) |
R |
55.32% (53.16%, 57.46%) |
8.40% (7.22%, 9.72%) |
36.28% (34.16%, 38.46%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
87.44% (85.02%, 89.52%) |
3.44% (2.30%, 5.14%) |
9.12% (7.30%, 11.32%) |
D - Female |
86.14% (84.14%, 87.92%) |
3.08% (2.18%, 4.34%) |
10.78% (9.26%, 12.54%) |
R - Male |
57.28% (53.78%, 60.70%) |
7.44% (5.94%, 9.30%) |
35.28% (32.06%, 38.64%) |
R - Female |
53.46% (50.34%, 56.56%) |
9.48% (7.70%, 11.62%) |
37.04% (33.98%, 40.22%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
86.06% (79.68%, 90.68%) |
4.44% (2.20%, 8.72%) |
9.50% (5.98%, 14.76%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
86.96% (82.92%, 90.14%) |
3.64% (1.98%, 6.60%) |
9.42% (6.50%, 13.44%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
88.76% (85.56%, 91.32%) |
2.60% (1.40%, 4.80%) |
8.64% (6.20%, 11.92%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
82.04% (76.70%, 86.36%) |
4.78% (2.50%, 8.94%) |
13.18% (9.90%, 17.36%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
85.08% (81.30%, 88.20%) |
2.62% (1.64%, 4.18%) |
12.30% (9.32%, 16.08%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
89.48% (86.80%, 91.68%) |
2.36% (1.30%, 4.26%) |
8.16% (5.98%, 11.02%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
57.76% (49.46%, 65.66%) |
9.66% (5.54%, 16.32%) |
32.56% (25.50%, 40.52%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
56.78% (51.40%, 62.00%) |
6.78% (4.58%, 9.92%) |
36.44% (31.62%, 41.58%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
57.80% (52.84%, 62.60%) |
6.98% (5.00%, 9.70%) |
35.22% (30.74%, 39.98%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
53.10% (44.82%, 61.20%) |
12.10% (7.42%, 19.12%) |
34.82% (27.08%, 43.44%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
55.76% (50.34%, 61.06%) |
9.14% (6.06%, 13.60%) |
35.08% (30.22%, 40.28%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
52.98% (48.72%, 57.22%) |
8.34% (6.14%, 11.22%) |
38.68% (34.50%, 43.04%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
92.28% (90.84%, 93.50%) |
1.00% (0.68%, 1.48%) |
6.72% (5.56%, 8.08%) |
D - Non-white |
79.76% (76.52%, 82.66%) |
6.04% (4.42%, 8.18%) |
14.20% (11.70%, 17.12%) |
R - White |
55.24% (52.98%, 57.48%) |
7.70% (6.56%, 9.00%) |
37.08% (34.86%, 39.32%) |
R - Non-white |
56.34% (50.86%, 61.68%) |
11.36% (8.16%, 15.58%) |
32.30% (27.20%, 37.86%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
92.48% (90.66%, 93.96%) |
1.10% (0.62%, 1.92%) |
6.42% (5.08%, 8.08%) |
D - Not college grad |
81.80% (79.16%, 84.20%) |
5.08% (3.76%, 6.82%) |
13.10% (11.10%, 15.42%) |
R - College Grad |
54.96% (51.26%, 58.62%) |
8.02% (6.22%, 10.28%) |
37.02% (33.40%, 40.78%) |
R - Not college grad |
55.62% (52.66%, 58.52%) |
8.52% (6.98%, 10.36%) |
35.86% (33.12%, 38.70%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201400x, "How much larger is income gap today") anes
Much larger | Somewhat larger | About the same | Somewhat smaller | Much smaller | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
74.74% (72.74%, 76.66%) |
11.94% (10.64%, 13.38%) |
10.04% (8.76%, 11.50%) |
2.26% (1.62%, 3.16%) |
1.00% (0.66%, 1.48%) |
R |
34.62% (32.64%, 36.64%) |
20.70% (19.04%, 22.48%) |
36.30% (34.18%, 38.48%) |
6.36% (5.42%, 7.46%) |
2.00% (1.42%, 2.84%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
76.66% (73.90%, 79.22%) |
10.78% (8.96%, 12.90%) |
9.12% (7.30%, 11.32%) |
2.36% (1.40%, 3.92%) |
1.10% (0.60%, 1.98%) |
D - Female |
73.22% (70.58%, 75.70%) |
12.90% (11.16%, 14.88%) |
10.80% (9.26%, 12.54%) |
2.16% (1.42%, 3.26%) |
0.92% (0.54%, 1.58%) |
R - Male |
36.34% (33.02%, 39.80%) |
20.92% (18.44%, 23.64%) |
35.28% (32.06%, 38.66%) |
6.00% (4.82%, 7.48%) |
1.44% (0.78%, 2.66%) |
R - Female |
32.82% (30.04%, 35.74%) |
20.64% (18.58%, 22.86%) |
37.08% (34.00%, 40.26%) |
6.82% (5.38%, 8.62%) |
2.64% (1.74%, 4.00%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
76.86% (70.36%, 82.30%) |
9.20% (6.08%, 13.70%) |
9.50% (5.98%, 14.76%) |
3.20% (1.32%, 7.56%) |
1.24% (0.42%, 3.62%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
74.24% (69.56%, 78.44%) |
12.70% (9.86%, 16.24%) |
9.42% (6.50%, 13.44%) |
2.80% (1.38%, 5.60%) |
0.84% (0.26%, 2.72%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
78.30% (74.02%, 82.02%) |
10.46% (7.86%, 13.80%) |
8.64% (6.20%, 11.92%) |
1.40% (0.60%, 3.20%) |
1.22% (0.46%, 3.10%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
71.98% (66.04%, 77.24%) |
10.06% (7.22%, 13.84%) |
13.18% (9.90%, 17.36%) |
3.64% (1.68%, 7.72%) |
1.14% (0.36%, 3.52%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
70.34% (65.80%, 74.50%) |
14.74% (11.80%, 18.26%) |
12.30% (9.32%, 16.08%) |
2.16% (1.28%, 3.62%) |
0.46% (0.18%, 1.18%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
76.30% (72.26%, 79.92%) |
13.18% (10.48%, 16.46%) |
8.16% (5.98%, 11.02%) |
1.30% (0.60%, 2.82%) |
1.06% (0.50%, 2.26%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
38.58% (30.94%, 46.84%) |
19.18% (13.94%, 25.80%) |
32.56% (25.50%, 40.52%) |
6.84% (3.86%, 11.82%) |
2.82% (0.98%, 7.88%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
35.48% (30.16%, 41.18%) |
21.30% (16.70%, 26.78%) |
36.44% (31.62%, 41.58%) |
6.30% (4.22%, 9.32%) |
0.46% (0.14%, 1.48%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
35.84% (31.76%, 40.16%) |
21.94% (18.74%, 25.50%) |
35.24% (30.76%, 39.98%) |
5.50% (3.88%, 7.74%) |
1.48% (0.60%, 3.70%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
36.00% (28.68%, 44.02%) |
17.10% (11.78%, 24.16%) |
34.82% (27.08%, 43.44%) |
8.72% (4.84%, 15.24%) |
3.36% (1.26%, 8.64%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
34.02% (29.10%, 39.32%) |
21.80% (18.20%, 25.90%) |
35.12% (30.26%, 40.32%) |
5.98% (3.76%, 9.36%) |
3.08% (1.34%, 6.90%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
31.54% (27.74%, 35.62%) |
21.44% (18.26%, 25.00%) |
38.68% (34.50%, 43.04%) |
5.96% (4.14%, 8.52%) |
2.38% (1.24%, 4.48%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
80.08% (77.82%, 82.18%) |
12.20% (10.64%, 13.92%) |
6.72% (5.58%, 8.08%) |
0.78% (0.48%, 1.22%) |
0.22% (0.10%, 0.56%) |
D - Non-white |
68.06% (64.44%, 71.48%) |
11.70% (9.60%, 14.20%) |
14.20% (11.70%, 17.12%) |
4.12% (2.80%, 6.04%) |
1.90% (1.20%, 3.02%) |
R - White |
32.98% (30.98%, 35.04%) |
22.26% (20.40%, 24.22%) |
37.10% (34.88%, 39.36%) |
6.10% (5.10%, 7.28%) |
1.58% (1.00%, 2.44%) |
R - Non-white |
42.54% (37.10%, 48.16%) |
13.82% (10.24%, 18.38%) |
32.30% (27.20%, 37.86%) |
7.34% (5.00%, 10.66%) |
4.02% (2.12%, 7.52%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
80.64% (78.30%, 82.78%) |
11.84% (10.16%, 13.74%) |
6.42% (5.08%, 8.08%) |
0.72% (0.36%, 1.44%) |
0.38% (0.18%, 0.86%) |
D - Not college grad |
69.60% (66.68%, 72.38%) |
12.20% (10.40%, 14.28%) |
13.10% (11.10%, 15.42%) |
3.58% (2.52%, 5.06%) |
1.52% (0.96%, 2.36%) |
R - College Grad |
32.70% (29.50%, 36.06%) |
22.28% (19.34%, 25.52%) |
37.02% (33.40%, 40.78%) |
6.32% (4.82%, 8.26%) |
1.70% (0.82%, 3.52%) |
R - Not college grad |
35.84% (33.18%, 38.58%) |
19.78% (17.70%, 22.02%) |
35.88% (33.14%, 38.72%) |
6.38% (5.10%, 7.96%) |
2.12% (1.42%, 3.16%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201502, "How much better or worse off financially than 1 year ago") anes
Much better off | Somewhat better off | About the same | Somewhat worse off | Much worse off | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
5.46% (4.54%, 6.54%) |
14.72% (13.44%, 16.08%) |
52.96% (50.64%, 55.26%) |
18.96% (17.30%, 20.74%) |
7.90% (6.74%, 9.24%) |
R |
12.92% (11.36%, 14.66%) |
22.22% (20.26%, 24.34%) |
48.28% (45.80%, 50.76%) |
12.42% (11.06%, 13.92%) |
4.16% (3.32%, 5.20%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
6.36% (4.94%, 8.14%) |
14.68% (12.82%, 16.76%) |
52.70% (49.10%, 56.28%) |
18.14% (15.62%, 20.98%) |
8.12% (6.44%, 10.18%) |
D - Female |
4.70% (3.68%, 5.98%) |
14.74% (13.06%, 16.62%) |
53.14% (50.10%, 56.14%) |
19.76% (17.54%, 22.16%) |
7.68% (6.24%, 9.42%) |
R - Male |
14.62% (12.40%, 17.18%) |
24.38% (21.46%, 27.54%) |
46.78% (43.50%, 50.08%) |
10.50% (8.62%, 12.70%) |
3.72% (2.62%, 5.28%) |
R - Female |
11.02% (9.10%, 13.30%) |
19.82% (17.24%, 22.70%) |
49.98% (46.32%, 53.64%) |
14.58% (12.64%, 16.74%) |
4.60% (3.42%, 6.14%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
10.48% (6.98%, 15.42%) |
17.26% (12.92%, 22.66%) |
48.60% (41.10%, 56.16%) |
16.74% (11.10%, 24.44%) |
6.94% (4.38%, 10.80%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.20% (3.54%, 7.60%) |
16.08% (12.88%, 19.88%) |
51.28% (45.86%, 56.68%) |
18.62% (15.04%, 22.80%) |
8.82% (6.20%, 12.44%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
4.52% (2.76%, 7.36%) |
11.58% (9.14%, 14.58%) |
57.40% (52.14%, 62.50%) |
18.50% (15.08%, 22.50%) |
7.98% (5.44%, 11.60%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
7.80% (5.44%, 11.08%) |
16.72% (13.08%, 21.16%) |
43.14% (37.20%, 49.28%) |
23.78% (18.88%, 29.46%) |
8.56% (5.70%, 12.64%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.82% (2.46%, 5.88%) |
18.40% (15.08%, 22.26%) |
51.28% (46.60%, 55.96%) |
19.22% (16.00%, 22.92%) |
7.26% (5.12%, 10.20%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.48% (2.22%, 5.38%) |
11.00% (8.58%, 14.02%) |
60.28% (55.60%, 64.78%) |
17.70% (14.62%, 21.26%) |
7.54% (5.38%, 10.46%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
19.20% (13.94%, 25.82%) |
19.82% (14.84%, 25.94%) |
44.98% (37.66%, 52.52%) |
10.00% (6.38%, 15.32%) |
6.02% (2.78%, 12.54%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
14.42% (10.58%, 19.36%) |
23.86% (19.28%, 29.16%) |
45.06% (39.92%, 50.30%) |
13.40% (9.76%, 18.12%) |
3.26% (1.90%, 5.50%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
12.36% (9.54%, 15.84%) |
26.88% (22.58%, 31.66%) |
48.76% (43.86%, 53.68%) |
8.84% (6.76%, 11.50%) |
3.16% (2.00%, 4.96%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
16.14% (10.26%, 24.48%) |
19.68% (13.64%, 27.54%) |
39.80% (31.94%, 48.24%) |
17.70% (12.30%, 24.80%) |
6.68% (4.04%, 10.86%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
9.94% (6.74%, 14.42%) |
21.48% (16.70%, 27.16%) |
47.06% (40.66%, 53.54%) |
17.96% (13.84%, 22.98%) |
3.56% (2.10%, 5.98%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
9.28% (6.94%, 12.30%) |
18.80% (15.42%, 22.70%) |
55.66% (50.50%, 60.68%) |
11.22% (8.70%, 14.36%) |
5.04% (3.38%, 7.48%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
5.42% (4.30%, 6.84%) |
14.90% (13.24%, 16.74%) |
53.84% (50.78%, 56.86%) |
18.84% (16.78%, 21.06%) |
7.00% (5.44%, 8.98%) |
D - Non-white |
5.58% (4.18%, 7.40%) |
14.46% (12.40%, 16.78%) |
51.94% (48.66%, 55.20%) |
18.98% (16.38%, 21.88%) |
9.06% (7.34%, 11.12%) |
R - White |
12.40% (10.68%, 14.36%) |
22.76% (20.64%, 25.02%) |
49.18% (46.46%, 51.90%) |
11.66% (10.30%, 13.14%) |
4.02% (3.16%, 5.10%) |
R - Non-white |
15.38% (11.40%, 20.44%) |
19.96% (15.46%, 25.40%) |
43.54% (37.50%, 49.78%) |
16.30% (12.18%, 21.44%) |
4.80% (2.82%, 8.10%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
6.84% (5.52%, 8.44%) |
17.10% (15.00%, 19.44%) |
55.30% (52.12%, 58.42%) |
16.20% (14.20%, 18.42%) |
4.56% (3.54%, 5.86%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.38% (3.28%, 5.82%) |
12.84% (11.26%, 14.60%) |
51.26% (47.88%, 54.64%) |
20.98% (18.60%, 23.60%) |
10.54% (8.64%, 12.80%) |
R - College Grad |
14.78% (12.16%, 17.86%) |
27.36% (24.40%, 30.54%) |
46.10% (42.52%, 49.72%) |
9.92% (7.74%, 12.64%) |
1.84% (1.24%, 2.68%) |
R - Not college grad |
11.98% (10.08%, 14.16%) |
19.82% (17.50%, 22.34%) |
49.64% (46.56%, 52.72%) |
13.48% (11.86%, 15.28%) |
5.10% (3.98%, 6.54%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201503, "How much better or worse off financially next year") anes
Much better off | Somewhat better off | About the same, | Somewhat worse off | Much worse off | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
7.62% (6.60%, 8.78%) |
26.10% (24.34%, 27.96%) |
53.96% (51.80%, 56.12%) |
9.52% (8.30%, 10.88%) |
2.80% (2.14%, 3.68%) |
R |
13.54% (12.04%, 15.20%) |
32.12% (30.20%, 34.08%) |
47.12% (44.90%, 49.36%) |
5.46% (4.62%, 6.44%) |
1.76% (1.24%, 2.48%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
7.08% (5.58%, 8.94%) |
28.12% (25.54%, 30.84%) |
52.50% (49.32%, 55.66%) |
9.14% (7.56%, 10.98%) |
3.16% (2.08%, 4.76%) |
D - Female |
8.06% (6.68%, 9.70%) |
24.54% (22.30%, 26.92%) |
55.24% (52.50%, 57.94%) |
9.76% (8.10%, 11.70%) |
2.42% (1.70%, 3.44%) |
R - Male |
14.66% (12.60%, 17.00%) |
35.06% (32.14%, 38.08%) |
44.18% (41.18%, 47.22%) |
4.38% (3.54%, 5.40%) |
1.72% (0.98%, 3.00%) |
R - Female |
12.16% (10.14%, 14.50%) |
29.14% (26.42%, 32.04%) |
50.22% (46.58%, 53.86%) |
6.66% (5.28%, 8.38%) |
1.82% (1.20%, 2.76%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
7.64% (4.96%, 11.60%) |
37.00% (31.10%, 43.34%) |
45.84% (39.66%, 52.16%) |
6.52% (3.72%, 11.22%) |
2.98% (1.30%, 6.68%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.86% (5.50%, 11.12%) |
28.68% (23.96%, 33.90%) |
48.66% (43.40%, 53.98%) |
10.48% (7.42%, 14.62%) |
4.30% (2.26%, 8.02%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
6.14% (4.02%, 9.26%) |
20.76% (17.04%, 25.04%) |
60.98% (56.16%, 65.60%) |
10.00% (7.44%, 13.30%) |
2.14% (1.34%, 3.40%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.96% (8.90%, 15.90%) |
35.66% (30.50%, 41.18%) |
41.44% (35.36%, 47.80%) |
7.04% (4.34%, 11.22%) |
3.90% (2.02%, 7.36%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
6.76% (4.78%, 9.46%) |
26.22% (22.28%, 30.58%) |
51.34% (46.16%, 56.48%) |
13.44% (10.08%, 17.68%) |
2.26% (1.42%, 3.56%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
6.44% (4.54%, 9.06%) |
16.58% (13.62%, 20.04%) |
66.66% (62.44%, 70.64%) |
8.74% (6.96%, 10.90%) |
1.60% (0.86%, 2.92%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
22.00% (16.40%, 28.86%) |
31.64% (24.96%, 39.16%) |
40.08% (33.36%, 47.20%) |
3.34% (1.30%, 8.28%) |
2.96% (1.02%, 8.20%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
14.18% (10.38%, 19.06%) |
40.60% (34.96%, 46.50%) |
38.22% (32.46%, 44.32%) |
4.98% (3.08%, 7.98%) |
2.02% (0.80%, 4.98%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
11.36% (9.22%, 13.90%) |
33.66% (29.36%, 38.24%) |
49.82% (45.58%, 54.06%) |
4.40% (3.28%, 5.88%) |
0.78% (0.28%, 2.10%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
22.52% (16.26%, 30.30%) |
29.14% (22.16%, 37.28%) |
38.44% (30.68%, 46.84%) |
8.30% (4.72%, 14.20%) |
1.60% (0.54%, 4.58%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
9.22% (6.36%, 13.20%) |
34.40% (28.70%, 40.58%) |
49.56% (43.52%, 55.62%) |
5.22% (3.54%, 7.62%) |
1.62% (0.78%, 3.32%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
9.62% (7.02%, 13.06%) |
24.58% (21.06%, 28.50%) |
55.92% (50.78%, 60.96%) |
7.64% (5.50%, 10.56%) |
2.22% (1.24%, 3.96%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
4.42% (3.40%, 5.72%) |
24.28% (22.04%, 26.68%) |
58.34% (55.88%, 60.76%) |
10.36% (8.82%, 12.14%) |
2.60% (1.86%, 3.62%) |
D - Non-white |
11.42% (9.52%, 13.64%) |
28.70% (25.82%, 31.76%) |
48.32% (44.72%, 51.96%) |
8.46% (6.68%, 10.64%) |
3.10% (2.04%, 4.70%) |
R - White |
12.34% (10.70%, 14.18%) |
32.26% (30.14%, 34.46%) |
48.38% (45.78%, 51.02%) |
5.50% (4.58%, 6.58%) |
1.52% (1.06%, 2.20%) |
R - Non-white |
18.94% (14.88%, 23.80%) |
31.82% (26.56%, 37.58%) |
40.84% (35.66%, 46.24%) |
5.52% (3.24%, 9.26%) |
2.86% (1.30%, 6.20%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
6.16% (4.86%, 7.76%) |
28.02% (25.34%, 30.86%) |
54.08% (50.98%, 57.14%) |
9.90% (8.38%, 11.64%) |
1.86% (1.22%, 2.84%) |
D - Not college grad |
8.90% (7.38%, 10.70%) |
24.42% (21.94%, 27.10%) |
53.92% (50.56%, 57.22%) |
9.12% (7.56%, 10.96%) |
3.64% (2.58%, 5.12%) |
R - College Grad |
12.88% (10.60%, 15.58%) |
35.66% (32.12%, 39.38%) |
46.26% (42.44%, 50.10%) |
4.68% (3.56%, 6.12%) |
0.50% (0.28%, 0.94%) |
R - Not college grad |
13.76% (12.00%, 15.74%) |
30.68% (28.16%, 33.32%) |
47.44% (44.50%, 50.38%) |
5.78% (4.68%, 7.14%) |
2.34% (1.62%, 3.38%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201336, "Abortion: Self-placement") anes
By law, abortion should never be permitted | The law should permit abortion only in case of rape, incest, or when the woma | The law should permit abortion other than for rape/incest/danger to woman but | By law, a woman should always be able to obtain an abortion as a matter of pe | Other {SPECIFY} | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
4.10% (3.30%, 5.10%) |
12.10% (10.70%, 13.62%) |
10.32% (9.18%, 11.58%) |
70.86% (69.02%, 72.64%) |
2.62% (2.04%, 3.36%) |
R |
19.38% (17.80%, 21.06%) |
40.30% (37.84%, 42.82%) |
13.84% (12.28%, 15.54%) |
22.46% (20.66%, 24.34%) |
4.04% (3.20%, 5.08%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
3.10% (2.22%, 4.30%) |
12.50% (10.26%, 15.14%) |
11.12% (9.42%, 13.08%) |
71.12% (68.28%, 73.80%) |
2.18% (1.52%, 3.14%) |
D - Female |
4.94% (3.80%, 6.38%) |
11.84% (10.10%, 13.86%) |
9.64% (8.10%, 11.44%) |
70.58% (67.98%, 73.04%) |
3.00% (2.22%, 4.06%) |
R - Male |
18.22% (15.88%, 20.80%) |
41.52% (38.14%, 44.98%) |
15.38% (13.24%, 17.78%) |
21.58% (19.28%, 24.06%) |
3.32% (2.34%, 4.72%) |
R - Female |
20.48% (17.98%, 23.26%) |
39.16% (35.98%, 42.42%) |
12.18% (10.30%, 14.36%) |
23.34% (20.48%, 26.46%) |
4.84% (3.56%, 6.52%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.70% (0.68%, 4.22%) |
10.84% (6.78%, 16.92%) |
10.16% (6.36%, 15.86%) |
75.36% (68.80%, 80.92%) |
1.94% (0.78%, 4.68%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.70% (2.08%, 6.52%) |
12.70% (9.20%, 17.30%) |
9.44% (6.86%, 12.82%) |
72.58% (67.88%, 76.84%) |
1.58% (0.78%, 3.14%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.64% (2.24%, 5.84%) |
13.18% (9.96%, 17.22%) |
13.26% (10.50%, 16.64%) |
66.84% (61.70%, 71.62%) |
3.08% (2.02%, 4.66%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.24% (2.44%, 7.30%) |
8.30% (5.42%, 12.48%) |
7.84% (5.06%, 11.94%) |
77.82% (72.46%, 82.38%) |
1.82% (0.84%, 3.86%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
4.40% (2.68%, 7.16%) |
12.24% (9.16%, 16.18%) |
10.10% (7.40%, 13.64%) |
70.50% (65.74%, 74.86%) |
2.74% (1.40%, 5.36%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
5.28% (3.44%, 8.00%) |
13.74% (10.88%, 17.20%) |
10.60% (8.26%, 13.50%) |
66.44% (62.58%, 70.08%) |
3.96% (2.58%, 6.04%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
15.02% (9.86%, 22.22%) |
43.16% (35.76%, 50.86%) |
11.12% (7.48%, 16.22%) |
30.14% (23.24%, 38.06%) |
0.56% (0.12%, 2.44%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
19.64% (15.86%, 24.08%) |
35.34% (29.80%, 41.30%) |
15.42% (12.06%, 19.50%) |
24.76% (20.20%, 29.96%) |
4.84% (2.72%, 8.48%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
17.98% (15.14%, 21.20%) |
44.66% (39.94%, 49.46%) |
17.52% (14.38%, 21.16%) |
16.12% (13.06%, 19.76%) |
3.72% (2.22%, 6.18%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
20.66% (13.86%, 29.66%) |
34.82% (27.68%, 42.72%) |
11.42% (7.36%, 17.32%) |
26.52% (19.72%, 34.66%) |
6.58% (3.98%, 10.70%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
21.74% (17.58%, 26.58%) |
37.78% (32.06%, 43.86%) |
10.62% (7.56%, 14.72%) |
26.64% (21.92%, 31.96%) |
3.22% (1.84%, 5.58%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
20.38% (17.54%, 23.54%) |
42.36% (37.94%, 46.92%) |
13.98% (11.22%, 17.28%) |
18.54% (15.38%, 22.18%) |
4.74% (3.06%, 7.26%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.96% (1.36%, 2.82%) |
8.72% (7.28%, 10.40%) |
10.24% (8.90%, 11.76%) |
76.16% (74.00%, 78.20%) |
2.92% (2.04%, 4.16%) |
D - Non-white |
6.58% (5.08%, 8.48%) |
16.40% (14.06%, 19.04%) |
10.50% (8.76%, 12.54%) |
64.44% (61.56%, 67.22%) |
2.08% (1.48%, 2.94%) |
R - White |
18.98% (17.22%, 20.88%) |
40.92% (38.46%, 43.44%) |
14.48% (12.82%, 16.32%) |
21.40% (19.46%, 23.48%) |
4.20% (3.20%, 5.48%) |
R - Non-white |
21.04% (16.40%, 26.56%) |
37.22% (31.10%, 43.80%) |
11.02% (8.08%, 14.88%) |
27.46% (22.62%, 32.90%) |
3.26% (1.94%, 5.42%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
2.30% (1.60%, 3.32%) |
6.42% (5.10%, 8.02%) |
9.76% (8.18%, 11.58%) |
77.92% (75.36%, 80.28%) |
3.62% (2.58%, 5.04%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.52% (4.22%, 7.20%) |
16.78% (14.60%, 19.22%) |
10.60% (9.18%, 12.22%) |
65.28% (62.50%, 67.94%) |
1.80% (1.28%, 2.54%) |
R - College Grad |
18.78% (16.02%, 21.92%) |
36.22% (32.54%, 40.08%) |
17.32% (14.86%, 20.10%) |
22.34% (18.98%, 26.14%) |
5.32% (3.70%, 7.58%) |
R - Not college grad |
19.58% (17.52%, 21.84%) |
41.90% (38.86%, 45.00%) |
12.46% (10.62%, 14.56%) |
22.56% (20.40%, 24.90%) |
3.48% (2.58%, 4.70%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201337, "Importance of abortion issue") anes
Not at all important | Not too important | Somewhat important | Very important | Extremely important | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
3.72% (3.04%, 4.54%) |
11.90% (10.58%, 13.36%) |
28.44% (26.66%, 30.30%) |
28.42% (26.42%, 30.50%) |
27.52% (25.70%, 29.42%) |
R |
4.46% (3.72%, 5.34%) |
13.88% (12.44%, 15.48%) |
25.52% (23.66%, 27.48%) |
26.56% (24.60%, 28.64%) |
29.56% (27.64%, 31.56%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
4.42% (3.38%, 5.74%) |
16.10% (13.90%, 18.58%) |
32.50% (29.60%, 35.56%) |
27.74% (24.78%, 30.92%) |
19.24% (16.74%, 22.00%) |
D - Female |
3.14% (2.20%, 4.48%) |
8.30% (6.98%, 9.84%) |
25.22% (23.04%, 27.54%) |
29.04% (26.76%, 31.42%) |
34.30% (31.72%, 36.98%) |
R - Male |
5.82% (4.50%, 7.50%) |
17.38% (15.20%, 19.78%) |
26.80% (24.28%, 29.50%) |
23.66% (21.00%, 26.56%) |
26.32% (23.76%, 29.08%) |
R - Female |
3.02% (2.26%, 4.00%) |
10.16% (8.42%, 12.24%) |
24.06% (21.44%, 26.90%) |
29.74% (26.70%, 32.98%) |
33.02% (30.08%, 36.08%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
5.88% (3.42%, 9.92%) |
17.76% (12.96%, 23.84%) |
29.34% (23.26%, 36.26%) |
25.60% (19.92%, 32.22%) |
21.42% (16.50%, 27.34%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
4.46% (2.82%, 6.98%) |
14.84% (11.40%, 19.08%) |
30.76% (25.98%, 36.00%) |
28.32% (24.02%, 33.04%) |
21.64% (17.10%, 27.00%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.30% (1.90%, 5.66%) |
16.06% (12.66%, 20.16%) |
36.28% (31.52%, 41.32%) |
29.04% (24.92%, 33.52%) |
15.32% (11.94%, 19.46%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.98% (1.32%, 6.58%) |
5.00% (2.96%, 8.30%) |
18.34% (13.80%, 23.96%) |
24.78% (20.36%, 29.84%) |
48.90% (42.78%, 55.04%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.82% (1.60%, 4.92%) |
8.28% (6.06%, 11.20%) |
27.22% (23.32%, 31.48%) |
27.00% (23.16%, 31.22%) |
34.70% (30.52%, 39.14%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.46% (1.96%, 6.06%) |
10.88% (8.60%, 13.68%) |
28.18% (24.58%, 32.08%) |
33.44% (29.60%, 37.50%) |
24.04% (21.00%, 27.38%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
7.34% (4.12%, 12.74%) |
17.90% (13.04%, 24.08%) |
29.84% (23.06%, 37.62%) |
22.50% (16.68%, 29.62%) |
22.42% (16.64%, 29.50%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
8.16% (5.52%, 11.92%) |
17.78% (14.06%, 22.22%) |
27.68% (23.46%, 32.34%) |
21.78% (17.54%, 26.74%) |
24.58% (20.30%, 29.44%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
3.44% (2.22%, 5.28%) |
16.72% (13.90%, 19.98%) |
24.82% (21.40%, 28.60%) |
25.38% (21.38%, 29.86%) |
29.62% (25.74%, 33.80%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.54% (1.02%, 6.22%) |
4.26% (2.36%, 7.56%) |
29.62% (23.24%, 36.90%) |
29.86% (22.54%, 38.40%) |
33.72% (26.46%, 41.84%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.58% (1.36%, 4.86%) |
10.30% (7.28%, 14.36%) |
25.78% (21.10%, 31.06%) |
31.00% (25.64%, 36.96%) |
30.36% (25.32%, 35.90%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
3.78% (2.52%, 5.64%) |
11.54% (8.84%, 14.90%) |
21.48% (17.96%, 25.46%) |
28.52% (24.50%, 32.90%) |
34.70% (30.76%, 38.84%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
2.96% (2.10%, 4.18%) |
11.50% (9.94%, 13.28%) |
27.10% (24.92%, 29.38%) |
30.34% (28.02%, 32.74%) |
28.10% (25.86%, 30.46%) |
D - Non-white |
4.60% (3.32%, 6.34%) |
12.42% (9.92%, 15.42%) |
30.18% (27.04%, 33.52%) |
26.18% (23.02%, 29.64%) |
26.62% (23.66%, 29.78%) |
R - White |
4.66% (3.80%, 5.72%) |
14.20% (12.56%, 16.00%) |
25.18% (23.26%, 27.20%) |
26.78% (24.54%, 29.14%) |
29.18% (27.06%, 31.40%) |
R - Non-white |
3.62% (2.16%, 6.00%) |
12.20% (8.88%, 16.56%) |
26.88% (21.76%, 32.68%) |
25.66% (20.94%, 31.00%) |
31.66% (26.42%, 37.42%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
2.72% (1.98%, 3.72%) |
10.56% (8.96%, 12.42%) |
28.16% (25.98%, 30.44%) |
29.84% (27.48%, 32.32%) |
28.72% (26.30%, 31.28%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.54% (3.38%, 6.06%) |
13.14% (11.12%, 15.48%) |
28.66% (26.06%, 31.40%) |
27.18% (24.42%, 30.10%) |
26.48% (23.88%, 29.24%) |
R - College Grad |
4.86% (3.62%, 6.48%) |
14.24% (11.70%, 17.22%) |
25.38% (22.24%, 28.82%) |
26.34% (23.32%, 29.62%) |
29.18% (25.80%, 32.80%) |
R - Not college grad |
4.40% (3.44%, 5.62%) |
13.64% (11.90%, 15.60%) |
25.64% (23.40%, 28.00%) |
26.74% (24.22%, 29.42%) |
29.58% (26.98%, 32.32%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201338, "Abortion: Democratic Presidential candidate placement") anes
By law, abortion should never be permitted | The law should permit abortion only in case of rape, incest, or when the woma | The law should permit abortion other than for rape/incest/danger to woman but | By law, a woman should always be able to obtain an abortion as a matter of pe | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
3.20% (2.50%, 4.06%) |
11.60% (10.34%, 13.00%) |
21.68% (19.94%, 23.52%) |
63.54% (61.54%, 65.50%) |
R |
7.86% (6.54%, 9.40%) |
6.62% (5.52%, 7.92%) |
8.98% (7.84%, 10.28%) |
76.54% (74.48%, 78.48%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
2.60% (1.80%, 3.74%) |
10.86% (8.92%, 13.14%) |
23.46% (20.74%, 26.42%) |
63.08% (59.72%, 66.32%) |
D - Female |
3.70% (2.82%, 4.86%) |
12.30% (10.88%, 13.88%) |
20.20% (18.04%, 22.52%) |
63.80% (61.28%, 66.24%) |
R - Male |
7.60% (5.72%, 10.02%) |
6.44% (4.98%, 8.28%) |
9.38% (7.58%, 11.56%) |
76.58% (73.62%, 79.32%) |
R - Female |
8.18% (6.42%, 10.36%) |
6.70% (5.18%, 8.62%) |
8.62% (6.98%, 10.62%) |
76.48% (73.58%, 79.14%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.60% (1.22%, 5.44%) |
7.78% (4.18%, 14.06%) |
29.58% (23.84%, 36.06%) |
60.04% (52.68%, 66.96%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.02% (1.64%, 5.54%) |
11.80% (8.56%, 16.06%) |
17.32% (13.86%, 21.44%) |
67.84% (62.74%, 72.54%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.34% (1.32%, 4.12%) |
12.32% (9.64%, 15.58%) |
24.52% (20.30%, 29.28%) |
60.84% (55.40%, 66.02%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.90% (2.12%, 7.06%) |
10.28% (7.12%, 14.60%) |
23.92% (19.00%, 29.66%) |
61.90% (55.72%, 67.72%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.76% (1.46%, 5.14%) |
11.42% (8.60%, 15.02%) |
17.20% (14.04%, 20.86%) |
68.64% (63.64%, 73.24%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
4.24% (2.56%, 6.94%) |
14.46% (11.82%, 17.58%) |
19.54% (16.24%, 23.32%) |
61.74% (57.82%, 65.52%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
5.88% (3.00%, 11.20%) |
6.48% (3.54%, 11.58%) |
15.02% (10.46%, 21.08%) |
72.62% (65.62%, 78.66%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
9.64% (6.20%, 14.70%) |
6.14% (3.66%, 10.14%) |
10.06% (6.96%, 14.34%) |
74.16% (68.20%, 79.32%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
6.80% (4.72%, 9.72%) |
6.72% (4.94%, 9.08%) |
6.40% (4.02%, 10.06%) |
80.06% (75.48%, 83.96%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.18% (7.04%, 17.30%) |
10.04% (5.80%, 16.82%) |
9.92% (5.70%, 16.70%) |
68.88% (61.30%, 75.56%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
9.92% (6.84%, 14.18%) |
5.76% (3.56%, 9.16%) |
7.84% (5.44%, 11.14%) |
76.50% (70.94%, 81.26%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
6.58% (4.78%, 9.00%) |
5.42% (3.80%, 7.68%) |
8.76% (6.38%, 11.90%) |
79.24% (75.44%, 82.60%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
1.14% (0.72%, 1.78%) |
8.66% (7.30%, 10.24%) |
21.90% (19.72%, 24.24%) |
68.32% (65.86%, 70.68%) |
D - Non-white |
5.58% (4.18%, 7.44%) |
15.30% (12.96%, 17.96%) |
21.34% (18.74%, 24.20%) |
57.76% (54.24%, 61.22%) |
R - White |
7.14% (5.96%, 8.50%) |
5.88% (4.80%, 7.20%) |
8.14% (6.90%, 9.56%) |
78.86% (76.82%, 80.74%) |
R - Non-white |
11.06% (7.52%, 16.00%) |
9.82% (6.62%, 14.30%) |
12.66% (8.88%, 17.72%) |
66.48% (60.28%, 72.14%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
1.00% (0.64%, 1.56%) |
5.94% (4.80%, 7.34%) |
19.14% (16.86%, 21.62%) |
73.94% (71.26%, 76.46%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.02% (3.82%, 6.60%) |
16.34% (14.20%, 18.72%) |
23.66% (21.28%, 26.20%) |
54.98% (51.96%, 57.94%) |
R - College Grad |
3.56% (2.46%, 5.10%) |
4.14% (2.94%, 5.82%) |
7.88% (5.88%, 10.48%) |
84.42% (81.34%, 87.06%) |
R - Not college grad |
9.76% (8.04%, 11.80%) |
7.60% (6.12%, 9.40%) |
9.32% (7.82%, 11.08%) |
73.30% (70.68%, 75.78%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201339, "Abortion: Republican Presidential candidate placement") anes
By law, abortion should never be permitted | The law should permit abortion only in case of rape, incest, or when the woma | The law should permit abortion other than for rape/incest/danger to woman but | By law, a woman should always be able to obtain an abortion as a matter of pe | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
57.60% (55.54%, 59.64%) |
26.02% (24.18%, 27.96%) |
6.82% (5.92%, 7.86%) |
9.54% (8.22%, 11.06%) |
R |
19.64% (17.96%, 21.44%) |
54.50% (52.04%, 56.92%) |
16.24% (14.46%, 18.20%) |
9.62% (8.40%, 11.00%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
55.30% (52.36%, 58.22%) |
28.38% (25.64%, 31.28%) |
6.14% (4.80%, 7.80%) |
10.18% (8.34%, 12.40%) |
D - Female |
59.60% (56.84%, 62.30%) |
24.00% (21.60%, 26.56%) |
7.34% (6.16%, 8.72%) |
9.08% (7.48%, 10.98%) |
R - Male |
17.54% (15.12%, 20.26%) |
55.42% (52.30%, 58.48%) |
17.00% (14.56%, 19.76%) |
10.04% (8.38%, 11.98%) |
R - Female |
21.98% (19.52%, 24.66%) |
53.52% (50.10%, 56.90%) |
15.34% (12.98%, 18.04%) |
9.16% (7.38%, 11.32%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
56.54% (49.14%, 63.64%) |
27.50% (21.50%, 34.46%) |
5.52% (3.14%, 9.56%) |
10.42% (6.48%, 16.38%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
51.38% (46.12%, 56.60%) |
30.40% (25.60%, 35.68%) |
6.82% (4.68%, 9.84%) |
11.42% (8.10%, 15.82%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
58.80% (54.24%, 63.20%) |
27.30% (23.42%, 31.56%) |
5.78% (3.82%, 8.66%) |
8.12% (5.84%, 11.18%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
62.32% (56.46%, 67.84%) |
22.98% (18.14%, 28.68%) |
6.94% (4.60%, 10.32%) |
7.76% (5.14%, 11.56%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
56.82% (51.92%, 61.60%) |
25.36% (21.58%, 29.54%) |
7.66% (5.44%, 10.68%) |
10.16% (7.12%, 14.30%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
60.78% (56.44%, 64.94%) |
22.90% (19.52%, 26.70%) |
7.44% (5.32%, 10.32%) |
8.88% (6.80%, 11.52%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
19.62% (14.02%, 26.78%) |
51.66% (43.24%, 59.98%) |
13.76% (8.46%, 21.62%) |
14.94% (9.98%, 21.76%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
17.44% (13.68%, 21.98%) |
51.08% (46.18%, 55.96%) |
19.36% (15.22%, 24.32%) |
12.12% (8.76%, 16.54%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
16.38% (13.10%, 20.30%) |
60.52% (55.96%, 64.92%) |
16.68% (13.56%, 20.38%) |
6.40% (4.68%, 8.72%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
24.92% (18.62%, 32.48%) |
45.44% (36.80%, 54.36%) |
17.78% (12.00%, 25.54%) |
11.86% (7.02%, 19.34%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
24.40% (19.86%, 29.62%) |
52.14% (45.80%, 58.38%) |
14.28% (10.42%, 19.26%) |
9.20% (6.64%, 12.60%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
19.08% (15.84%, 22.80%) |
58.54% (54.20%, 62.76%) |
14.82% (11.76%, 18.50%) |
7.56% (5.76%, 9.84%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
59.50% (56.72%, 62.22%) |
29.94% (27.20%, 32.84%) |
5.64% (4.52%, 7.00%) |
4.92% (4.00%, 6.04%) |
D - Non-white |
55.22% (51.90%, 58.52%) |
21.30% (18.72%, 24.12%) |
8.26% (6.70%, 10.16%) |
15.20% (12.72%, 18.06%) |
R - White |
18.10% (16.30%, 20.06%) |
55.86% (53.22%, 58.46%) |
17.40% (15.40%, 19.58%) |
8.64% (7.40%, 10.08%) |
R - Non-white |
26.84% (21.74%, 32.62%) |
47.90% (41.60%, 54.24%) |
11.48% (8.08%, 16.06%) |
13.78% (10.42%, 18.02%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
58.62% (55.52%, 61.66%) |
30.94% (28.14%, 33.90%) |
5.50% (4.28%, 7.04%) |
4.92% (3.56%, 6.78%) |
D - Not college grad |
56.32% (53.36%, 59.26%) |
22.32% (19.82%, 25.04%) |
8.02% (6.62%, 9.68%) |
13.34% (11.24%, 15.78%) |
R - College Grad |
18.62% (15.78%, 21.80%) |
55.74% (52.10%, 59.30%) |
19.96% (16.58%, 23.82%) |
5.70% (4.38%, 7.38%) |
R - Not college grad |
20.26% (18.10%, 22.58%) |
53.56% (50.48%, 56.60%) |
14.78% (12.80%, 16.98%) |
11.42% (9.80%, 13.28%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201342x, "Abortion rights Supreme Court") anes
Extremely pleased | Moderately pleased | A little pleased | Neither pleased nor upset | A little upset | Moderately upset | Extremely upset | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
2.36% (1.80%, 3.10%) |
1.94% (1.36%, 2.80%) |
1.40% (0.90%, 2.14%) |
24.90% (23.16%, 26.72%) |
4.90% (4.02%, 5.94%) |
17.80% (16.28%, 19.44%) |
46.70% (44.46%, 48.96%) |
R |
27.34% (25.50%, 29.26%) |
12.38% (10.92%, 14.00%) |
3.92% (3.12%, 4.90%) |
35.40% (33.34%, 37.52%) |
3.90% (3.10%, 4.88%) |
8.40% (7.24%, 9.72%) |
8.68% (7.54%, 9.98%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
2.30% (1.56%, 3.36%) |
1.50% (0.90%, 2.46%) |
1.24% (0.64%, 2.34%) |
26.56% (23.90%, 29.40%) |
5.88% (4.64%, 7.46%) |
20.48% (18.14%, 23.04%) |
42.06% (38.74%, 45.44%) |
D - Female |
2.44% (1.74%, 3.38%) |
2.32% (1.54%, 3.50%) |
1.54% (0.88%, 2.70%) |
23.48% (21.18%, 25.94%) |
4.10% (2.96%, 5.68%) |
15.58% (13.90%, 17.44%) |
50.54% (47.72%, 53.34%) |
R - Male |
26.10% (23.70%, 28.66%) |
13.28% (11.28%, 15.56%) |
4.60% (3.46%, 6.10%) |
38.80% (35.82%, 41.86%) |
2.98% (2.12%, 4.16%) |
7.96% (6.28%, 10.02%) |
6.30% (4.92%, 8.02%) |
R - Female |
28.54% (25.62%, 31.66%) |
11.54% (9.52%, 13.92%) |
3.20% (2.32%, 4.42%) |
31.76% (28.68%, 35.00%) |
4.90% (3.54%, 6.74%) |
8.74% (7.10%, 10.72%) |
11.32% (9.56%, 13.36%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.54% (0.22%, 1.32%) |
1.52% (0.42%, 5.44%) |
1.24% (0.36%, 4.08%) |
27.70% (21.94%, 34.30%) |
6.38% (3.84%, 10.40%) |
18.40% (13.46%, 24.62%) |
44.24% (37.88%, 50.80%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.26% (1.80%, 5.86%) |
1.36% (0.58%, 3.10%) |
1.66% (0.56%, 4.90%) |
25.66% (21.58%, 30.22%) |
6.68% (4.26%, 10.30%) |
19.34% (15.30%, 24.16%) |
42.04% (36.98%, 47.28%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.32% (1.20%, 4.42%) |
1.68% (0.94%, 2.98%) |
0.88% (0.38%, 2.02%) |
26.32% (22.18%, 30.92%) |
4.94% (3.32%, 7.28%) |
22.92% (19.36%, 26.94%) |
40.92% (36.66%, 45.34%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.30% (0.50%, 3.40%) |
2.78% (1.32%, 5.76%) |
0.68% (0.22%, 2.00%) |
19.34% (14.92%, 24.68%) |
5.02% (2.56%, 9.62%) |
14.72% (11.74%, 18.30%) |
56.16% (50.10%, 62.04%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.70% (0.90%, 3.18%) |
2.30% (1.26%, 4.12%) |
2.76% (1.22%, 6.08%) |
22.56% (18.74%, 26.88%) |
4.86% (3.08%, 7.60%) |
15.10% (11.84%, 19.04%) |
50.74% (45.70%, 55.76%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.50% (2.30%, 5.30%) |
2.14% (1.02%, 4.42%) |
1.10% (0.36%, 3.32%) |
27.18% (24.08%, 30.54%) |
3.02% (2.00%, 4.50%) |
16.56% (14.02%, 19.46%) |
46.50% (42.66%, 50.36%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
20.76% (15.36%, 27.46%) |
11.04% (7.04%, 16.92%) |
5.64% (3.06%, 10.18%) |
41.66% (34.34%, 49.38%) |
5.70% (3.38%, 9.42%) |
8.24% (4.40%, 14.90%) |
6.96% (4.04%, 11.72%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
22.04% (17.92%, 26.80%) |
11.98% (9.06%, 15.70%) |
5.96% (4.00%, 8.76%) |
41.64% (36.30%, 47.20%) |
3.56% (1.96%, 6.38%) |
9.18% (6.30%, 13.16%) |
5.64% (3.52%, 8.92%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
30.84% (27.02%, 34.92%) |
15.60% (12.38%, 19.48%) |
3.36% (2.10%, 5.34%) |
35.10% (30.96%, 39.48%) |
1.46% (0.80%, 2.70%) |
7.38% (5.14%, 10.48%) |
6.26% (4.42%, 8.76%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
24.84% (17.94%, 33.30%) |
15.28% (10.16%, 22.32%) |
2.32% (0.90%, 5.86%) |
24.84% (19.16%, 31.54%) |
7.58% (4.20%, 13.28%) |
11.00% (6.62%, 17.76%) |
14.14% (9.46%, 20.62%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
23.50% (18.92%, 28.78%) |
11.10% (7.86%, 15.46%) |
3.64% (2.24%, 5.84%) |
35.60% (30.60%, 40.92%) |
3.90% (1.92%, 7.78%) |
7.96% (5.48%, 11.42%) |
14.32% (10.80%, 18.74%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
33.54% (29.26%, 38.10%) |
10.94% (8.12%, 14.60%) |
3.46% (2.20%, 5.40%) |
31.88% (27.66%, 36.42%) |
4.28% (2.80%, 6.48%) |
7.80% (5.74%, 10.52%) |
8.10% (6.06%, 10.74%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
1.68% (1.20%, 2.34%) |
1.22% (0.82%, 1.80%) |
1.48% (0.88%, 2.48%) |
17.74% (15.88%, 19.76%) |
4.74% (3.66%, 6.14%) |
18.44% (16.40%, 20.66%) |
54.68% (52.16%, 57.20%) |
D - Non-white |
3.16% (2.14%, 4.66%) |
2.84% (1.70%, 4.70%) |
1.32% (0.64%, 2.64%) |
33.62% (30.66%, 36.72%) |
5.08% (3.64%, 7.06%) |
17.06% (14.84%, 19.54%) |
36.90% (33.46%, 40.50%) |
R - White |
27.98% (25.92%, 30.14%) |
12.62% (11.08%, 14.34%) |
4.06% (3.16%, 5.20%) |
34.98% (32.70%, 37.34%) |
3.78% (2.92%, 4.86%) |
8.00% (6.80%, 9.36%) |
8.58% (7.34%, 10.00%) |
R - Non-white |
24.16% (19.82%, 29.10%) |
11.60% (8.26%, 16.06%) |
3.36% (1.92%, 5.80%) |
36.64% (31.64%, 41.98%) |
4.58% (2.52%, 8.14%) |
10.20% (6.98%, 14.70%) |
9.46% (6.90%, 12.84%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
1.58% (1.06%, 2.32%) |
0.94% (0.62%, 1.40%) |
2.00% (1.10%, 3.62%) |
14.72% (12.86%, 16.82%) |
4.66% (3.54%, 6.10%) |
18.04% (15.94%, 20.36%) |
58.06% (54.88%, 61.18%) |
D - Not college grad |
3.02% (2.10%, 4.32%) |
2.70% (1.76%, 4.14%) |
0.94% (0.52%, 1.70%) |
33.38% (30.58%, 36.28%) |
5.08% (3.94%, 6.50%) |
17.52% (15.28%, 20.00%) |
37.38% (34.34%, 40.52%) |
R - College Grad |
29.12% (25.96%, 32.48%) |
13.94% (11.52%, 16.78%) |
3.90% (2.76%, 5.48%) |
32.20% (29.00%, 35.58%) |
3.68% (2.46%, 5.44%) |
7.38% (5.34%, 10.10%) |
9.78% (7.50%, 12.68%) |
R - Not college grad |
26.52% (24.24%, 28.94%) |
11.78% (10.04%, 13.78%) |
3.96% (2.98%, 5.28%) |
36.74% (34.16%, 39.38%) |
3.72% (2.84%, 4.84%) |
9.00% (7.40%, 10.90%) |
8.28% (6.86%, 9.96%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201345x, "Favor/oppose death penalty") anes
Favor strongly | Favor not strongly | Oppose not strongly | Oppose strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
26.56% (24.94%, 28.24%) |
19.04% (17.54%, 20.66%) |
27.82% (25.90%, 29.80%) |
26.58% (24.70%, 28.54%) |
R |
61.60% (59.22%, 63.92%) |
21.40% (19.50%, 23.44%) |
10.54% (9.18%, 12.06%) |
6.46% (5.50%, 7.58%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
26.88% (24.22%, 29.72%) |
19.58% (17.10%, 22.32%) |
27.18% (24.42%, 30.12%) |
26.38% (23.34%, 29.64%) |
D - Female |
26.36% (24.16%, 28.66%) |
18.58% (16.84%, 20.46%) |
28.44% (25.80%, 31.26%) |
26.60% (24.20%, 29.16%) |
R - Male |
64.68% (61.36%, 67.88%) |
20.08% (17.44%, 23.02%) |
9.86% (8.02%, 12.06%) |
5.38% (4.24%, 6.80%) |
R - Female |
58.36% (55.10%, 61.56%) |
22.78% (20.14%, 25.64%) |
11.36% (9.58%, 13.40%) |
7.50% (6.06%, 9.26%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
21.90% (16.96%, 27.82%) |
22.58% (17.40%, 28.76%) |
28.32% (22.80%, 34.58%) |
27.20% (21.30%, 34.04%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
26.70% (22.38%, 31.52%) |
19.38% (16.14%, 23.06%) |
29.28% (24.34%, 34.78%) |
24.66% (19.82%, 30.22%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
30.56% (26.10%, 35.40%) |
17.74% (14.18%, 21.96%) |
24.44% (20.64%, 28.70%) |
27.28% (23.12%, 31.88%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
20.16% (16.06%, 24.98%) |
19.46% (15.16%, 24.62%) |
34.64% (29.26%, 40.42%) |
25.76% (20.86%, 31.34%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
29.60% (25.38%, 34.20%) |
20.00% (16.64%, 23.84%) |
25.88% (22.12%, 30.06%) |
24.50% (20.62%, 28.88%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
27.84% (24.04%, 32.00%) |
17.32% (14.22%, 20.90%) |
26.48% (23.00%, 30.30%) |
28.36% (24.92%, 32.06%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
55.06% (46.58%, 63.24%) |
23.42% (17.28%, 30.92%) |
14.82% (9.60%, 22.18%) |
6.72% (3.50%, 12.52%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
61.52% (55.36%, 67.34%) |
20.56% (16.20%, 25.72%) |
12.40% (8.90%, 17.00%) |
5.54% (3.64%, 8.34%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
70.36% (65.80%, 74.54%) |
18.88% (15.22%, 23.18%) |
6.10% (4.16%, 8.86%) |
4.66% (3.26%, 6.64%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
52.60% (44.12%, 60.94%) |
25.70% (19.12%, 33.58%) |
13.04% (8.46%, 19.56%) |
8.66% (4.84%, 14.96%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
60.70% (55.28%, 65.86%) |
20.64% (16.64%, 25.30%) |
9.60% (7.30%, 12.54%) |
9.06% (6.30%, 12.90%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
59.82% (55.26%, 64.22%) |
21.42% (18.18%, 25.08%) |
12.30% (9.66%, 15.52%) |
6.46% (4.48%, 9.22%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
23.56% (21.18%, 26.10%) |
20.12% (17.90%, 22.54%) |
27.58% (25.36%, 29.92%) |
28.74% (26.40%, 31.22%) |
D - Non-white |
30.28% (27.72%, 32.96%) |
17.94% (15.22%, 21.04%) |
28.22% (25.16%, 31.52%) |
23.56% (20.64%, 26.74%) |
R - White |
63.20% (60.50%, 65.84%) |
22.78% (20.64%, 25.06%) |
8.74% (7.48%, 10.16%) |
5.28% (4.30%, 6.50%) |
R - Non-white |
54.72% (48.40%, 60.90%) |
15.12% (11.70%, 19.28%) |
18.90% (13.94%, 25.14%) |
11.26% (8.18%, 15.32%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
17.30% (15.12%, 19.72%) |
17.74% (15.88%, 19.74%) |
32.20% (29.56%, 34.96%) |
32.76% (30.02%, 35.62%) |
D - Not college grad |
34.00% (31.36%, 36.74%) |
20.14% (18.00%, 22.46%) |
24.08% (21.86%, 26.42%) |
21.78% (19.36%, 24.42%) |
R - College Grad |
52.98% (48.96%, 56.96%) |
26.76% (23.64%, 30.14%) |
12.66% (10.18%, 15.66%) |
7.60% (5.72%, 10.02%) |
R - Not college grad |
65.58% (62.68%, 68.38%) |
19.04% (16.82%, 21.48%) |
9.42% (7.90%, 11.20%) |
5.94% (4.82%, 7.34%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201346, "US position in the world") anes
Weaker | Stayed about the same | Stronger | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
81.00% (79.12%, 82.72%) |
15.78% (14.16%, 17.54%) |
3.22% (2.42%, 4.28%) |
R |
17.68% (16.04%, 19.46%) |
34.08% (32.26%, 35.96%) |
48.24% (46.18%, 50.30%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
81.66% (78.92%, 84.12%) |
15.16% (12.90%, 17.72%) |
3.18% (2.10%, 4.78%) |
D - Female |
80.42% (77.78%, 82.80%) |
16.28% (14.22%, 18.60%) |
3.30% (2.28%, 4.74%) |
R - Male |
16.44% (14.16%, 19.00%) |
31.22% (28.46%, 34.14%) |
52.34% (49.36%, 55.28%) |
R - Female |
19.06% (16.70%, 21.68%) |
37.38% (34.34%, 40.54%) |
43.56% (40.46%, 46.68%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
73.04% (66.92%, 78.40%) |
23.00% (17.84%, 29.14%) |
3.94% (2.08%, 7.38%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
82.50% (77.38%, 86.66%) |
14.26% (10.56%, 18.98%) |
3.24% (1.66%, 6.24%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
87.74% (84.12%, 90.64%) |
9.70% (7.22%, 12.92%) |
2.56% (1.08%, 5.90%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
75.70% (70.20%, 80.48%) |
20.72% (16.74%, 25.36%) |
3.56% (1.66%, 7.50%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
78.26% (73.96%, 82.02%) |
17.38% (14.00%, 21.38%) |
4.36% (2.42%, 7.74%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
85.28% (81.26%, 88.54%) |
12.40% (9.52%, 16.00%) |
2.32% (1.30%, 4.16%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
24.56% (18.48%, 31.86%) |
34.04% (27.14%, 41.68%) |
41.40% (34.70%, 48.44%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
17.70% (13.38%, 23.04%) |
34.82% (29.72%, 40.30%) |
47.48% (41.76%, 53.24%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
12.00% (9.52%, 15.04%) |
28.42% (23.72%, 33.64%) |
59.58% (55.08%, 63.92%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
24.46% (18.02%, 32.28%) |
45.50% (36.88%, 54.40%) |
30.04% (21.76%, 39.84%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
20.34% (15.98%, 25.52%) |
41.92% (36.48%, 47.58%) |
37.76% (32.42%, 43.40%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
15.62% (12.70%, 19.08%) |
32.24% (28.38%, 36.36%) |
52.12% (48.10%, 56.12%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
88.26% (86.34%, 89.94%) |
9.84% (8.36%, 11.54%) |
1.90% (1.22%, 2.96%) |
D - Non-white |
71.88% (68.58%, 74.98%) |
23.26% (20.34%, 26.48%) |
4.84% (3.38%, 6.90%) |
R - White |
16.42% (14.72%, 18.26%) |
33.52% (31.46%, 35.66%) |
50.06% (47.92%, 52.22%) |
R - Non-white |
23.22% (18.56%, 28.64%) |
37.12% (31.46%, 43.16%) |
39.66% (33.72%, 45.90%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
88.72% (86.36%, 90.72%) |
9.06% (7.44%, 11.00%) |
2.22% (1.28%, 3.80%) |
D - Not college grad |
74.60% (71.72%, 77.28%) |
21.26% (18.70%, 24.06%) |
4.12% (2.98%, 5.70%) |
R - College Grad |
19.36% (16.46%, 22.64%) |
32.66% (28.98%, 36.54%) |
47.98% (44.38%, 51.62%) |
R - Not college grad |
17.24% (15.32%, 19.36%) |
34.58% (32.36%, 36.88%) |
48.18% (45.64%, 50.72%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201349x, "Country would be better off if we just stayed home") anes
Agree strongly | Agree somewhat | Disagree somewhat | Disagree strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
10.12% (8.88%, 11.50%) |
10.60% (9.20%, 12.20%) |
31.56% (29.50%, 33.68%) |
47.72% (45.42%, 50.04%) |
R |
13.58% (12.04%, 15.30%) |
16.96% (15.42%, 18.62%) |
37.14% (34.82%, 39.52%) |
32.32% (30.06%, 34.66%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
11.22% (9.40%, 13.34%) |
10.80% (8.60%, 13.46%) |
28.02% (25.16%, 31.08%) |
49.96% (46.90%, 53.02%) |
D - Female |
9.28% (7.64%, 11.22%) |
10.54% (8.80%, 12.56%) |
34.34% (31.36%, 37.44%) |
45.84% (42.66%, 49.06%) |
R - Male |
15.18% (13.02%, 17.62%) |
16.50% (14.36%, 18.90%) |
34.02% (31.00%, 37.16%) |
34.32% (31.08%, 37.70%) |
R - Female |
11.86% (9.92%, 14.10%) |
17.36% (15.12%, 19.86%) |
40.60% (37.34%, 43.96%) |
30.18% (27.22%, 33.32%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
16.84% (13.14%, 21.36%) |
18.44% (12.98%, 25.50%) |
32.24% (26.12%, 39.02%) |
32.48% (26.62%, 38.96%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
12.84% (9.22%, 17.58%) |
11.56% (8.36%, 15.80%) |
27.18% (22.76%, 32.10%) |
48.42% (43.06%, 53.84%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
5.84% (3.94%, 8.54%) |
3.86% (2.60%, 5.70%) |
25.72% (21.52%, 30.40%) |
64.60% (59.70%, 69.20%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.88% (9.10%, 17.92%) |
15.30% (11.84%, 19.54%) |
35.50% (30.08%, 41.32%) |
36.32% (30.30%, 42.82%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
11.80% (8.80%, 15.68%) |
10.64% (7.94%, 14.12%) |
38.80% (34.08%, 43.72%) |
38.76% (34.04%, 43.68%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
5.24% (3.58%, 7.64%) |
7.48% (5.40%, 10.26%) |
29.70% (25.60%, 34.18%) |
57.58% (53.14%, 61.88%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
16.22% (11.24%, 22.86%) |
24.78% (18.88%, 31.78%) |
31.74% (25.64%, 38.56%) |
27.26% (20.80%, 34.84%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
18.54% (14.08%, 24.02%) |
18.46% (14.50%, 23.20%) |
35.14% (29.82%, 40.86%) |
27.86% (22.94%, 33.40%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
12.40% (9.96%, 15.32%) |
11.56% (9.08%, 14.60%) |
34.28% (30.10%, 38.74%) |
41.76% (37.24%, 46.42%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
15.82% (10.50%, 23.12%) |
21.96% (15.48%, 30.18%) |
41.66% (33.60%, 50.22%) |
20.56% (15.18%, 27.26%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
16.24% (12.42%, 20.98%) |
18.16% (14.46%, 22.54%) |
39.08% (33.56%, 44.90%) |
26.52% (21.66%, 32.02%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
8.28% (5.96%, 11.42%) |
14.58% (11.48%, 18.34%) |
40.62% (36.16%, 45.22%) |
36.52% (31.80%, 41.48%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
6.10% (4.94%, 7.48%) |
8.74% (7.34%, 10.38%) |
31.84% (29.44%, 34.34%) |
53.34% (50.46%, 56.18%) |
D - Non-white |
15.16% (12.90%, 17.72%) |
12.86% (10.36%, 15.84%) |
31.06% (27.76%, 34.56%) |
40.92% (37.60%, 44.34%) |
R - White |
12.54% (10.90%, 14.36%) |
17.70% (15.92%, 19.62%) |
37.14% (34.66%, 39.68%) |
32.64% (30.22%, 35.16%) |
R - Non-white |
18.08% (13.80%, 23.34%) |
13.20% (9.92%, 17.34%) |
37.42% (32.04%, 43.14%) |
31.30% (26.32%, 36.74%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
5.88% (4.52%, 7.62%) |
8.86% (7.30%, 10.70%) |
30.60% (27.92%, 33.44%) |
54.66% (51.70%, 57.58%) |
D - Not college grad |
13.66% (11.56%, 16.10%) |
11.70% (9.56%, 14.26%) |
32.66% (29.62%, 35.84%) |
41.98% (38.74%, 45.30%) |
R - College Grad |
8.16% (6.54%, 10.14%) |
15.60% (13.08%, 18.52%) |
42.32% (38.42%, 46.30%) |
33.92% (30.28%, 37.78%) |
R - Not college grad |
15.74% (13.66%, 18.10%) |
17.60% (15.64%, 19.78%) |
35.12% (32.36%, 37.96%) |
31.54% (28.80%, 34.40%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201350, "Use military force to solve international problems") anes
Extremely willing | Very willing | Moderately willing | A little willing | Not at all willing | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
3.32% (2.58%, 4.26%) |
8.98% (7.74%, 10.38%) |
47.92% (45.94%, 49.92%) |
30.24% (28.58%, 31.94%) |
9.54% (8.26%, 11.00%) |
R |
5.70% (4.56%, 7.14%) |
14.06% (12.40%, 15.90%) |
52.36% (49.88%, 54.82%) |
23.00% (21.18%, 24.94%) |
4.88% (3.98%, 5.94%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
3.38% (2.44%, 4.66%) |
10.00% (7.96%, 12.48%) |
45.70% (42.64%, 48.78%) |
31.74% (29.04%, 34.56%) |
9.18% (7.32%, 11.46%) |
D - Female |
3.30% (2.40%, 4.52%) |
8.14% (6.68%, 9.88%) |
49.74% (46.78%, 52.68%) |
28.94% (26.66%, 31.32%) |
9.88% (8.40%, 11.60%) |
R - Male |
6.10% (4.76%, 7.80%) |
13.04% (11.06%, 15.32%) |
52.60% (49.10%, 56.08%) |
22.94% (20.32%, 25.78%) |
5.30% (4.08%, 6.88%) |
R - Female |
5.24% (3.68%, 7.42%) |
15.28% (12.98%, 17.88%) |
51.96% (48.72%, 55.18%) |
23.08% (20.40%, 25.98%) |
4.44% (3.28%, 6.02%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.18% (1.54%, 6.40%) |
7.20% (3.96%, 12.72%) |
39.80% (32.94%, 47.08%) |
37.52% (31.10%, 44.38%) |
12.32% (8.16%, 18.18%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.14% (1.80%, 5.44%) |
10.24% (7.46%, 13.90%) |
43.44% (37.98%, 49.06%) |
34.56% (29.60%, 39.86%) |
8.64% (5.70%, 12.88%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.70% (2.16%, 6.32%) |
12.44% (8.98%, 17.00%) |
51.24% (46.50%, 55.98%) |
25.18% (21.38%, 29.42%) |
7.42% (5.48%, 9.94%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.34% (2.60%, 7.14%) |
6.28% (3.78%, 10.28%) |
40.88% (34.86%, 47.18%) |
36.02% (30.56%, 41.88%) |
12.48% (8.92%, 17.20%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.06% (1.20%, 3.52%) |
9.26% (6.58%, 12.86%) |
51.92% (46.84%, 56.94%) |
27.46% (23.28%, 32.06%) |
9.32% (6.88%, 12.50%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.66% (2.18%, 6.04%) |
8.56% (6.62%, 10.98%) |
54.26% (50.28%, 58.16%) |
25.32% (22.32%, 28.56%) |
8.22% (6.50%, 10.36%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.94% (4.16%, 11.32%) |
10.02% (6.18%, 15.88%) |
52.06% (43.94%, 60.06%) |
26.82% (20.36%, 34.44%) |
4.16% (2.08%, 8.14%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.12% (4.80%, 10.44%) |
11.54% (8.86%, 14.92%) |
54.52% (48.10%, 60.78%) |
20.48% (16.26%, 25.48%) |
6.34% (3.78%, 10.46%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
4.62% (3.04%, 6.94%) |
15.08% (12.02%, 18.74%) |
52.48% (47.88%, 57.06%) |
22.70% (18.98%, 26.92%) |
5.12% (3.76%, 6.94%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
9.56% (5.54%, 16.00%) |
14.38% (9.08%, 22.04%) |
46.58% (37.66%, 55.72%) |
21.98% (16.08%, 29.28%) |
7.50% (4.24%, 12.92%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
4.24% (2.56%, 6.96%) |
13.08% (9.88%, 17.14%) |
55.54% (49.72%, 61.22%) |
25.10% (20.32%, 30.60%) |
2.02% (1.04%, 3.86%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
4.28% (2.60%, 6.96%) |
17.40% (13.98%, 21.46%) |
50.14% (45.28%, 55.00%) |
22.92% (19.16%, 27.18%) |
5.24% (3.50%, 7.80%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.80% (1.16%, 2.78%) |
7.74% (6.54%, 9.14%) |
48.04% (45.78%, 50.30%) |
34.36% (32.20%, 36.56%) |
8.08% (6.58%, 9.88%) |
D - Non-white |
5.24% (3.90%, 7.04%) |
10.46% (8.56%, 12.72%) |
47.88% (44.52%, 51.26%) |
25.14% (22.36%, 28.14%) |
11.28% (9.14%, 13.84%) |
R - White |
4.88% (3.80%, 6.26%) |
14.56% (12.76%, 16.54%) |
53.16% (50.56%, 55.74%) |
23.04% (21.02%, 25.20%) |
4.36% (3.50%, 5.42%) |
R - Non-white |
9.62% (6.56%, 13.90%) |
12.14% (8.88%, 16.36%) |
48.38% (42.94%, 53.84%) |
22.50% (18.52%, 27.04%) |
7.38% (4.90%, 10.94%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.42% (0.84%, 2.42%) |
5.66% (4.50%, 7.10%) |
47.78% (45.04%, 50.52%) |
37.22% (34.78%, 39.76%) |
7.92% (6.36%, 9.82%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.82% (3.60%, 6.42%) |
11.72% (9.76%, 14.04%) |
47.96% (45.00%, 50.94%) |
24.78% (22.38%, 27.34%) |
10.72% (8.96%, 12.78%) |
R - College Grad |
2.44% (1.60%, 3.68%) |
13.24% (11.10%, 15.72%) |
51.96% (48.14%, 55.74%) |
28.32% (24.74%, 32.18%) |
4.06% (2.96%, 5.54%) |
R - Not college grad |
7.26% (5.66%, 9.24%) |
14.26% (12.30%, 16.44%) |
52.76% (49.52%, 55.98%) |
20.44% (18.34%, 22.72%) |
5.28% (4.16%, 6.70%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201351, "Votes counted accurately") anes
Not at all accurately | A little accurately | Moderately accurately | Very accurately | Completely accurately | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
8.30% (7.24%, 9.50%) |
10.58% (9.32%, 12.00%) |
29.14% (27.26%, 31.10%) |
41.22% (39.08%, 43.40%) |
10.76% (9.56%, 12.08%) |
R |
18.32% (16.74%, 20.02%) |
15.94% (14.36%, 17.64%) |
42.56% (40.30%, 44.84%) |
19.34% (17.56%, 21.28%) |
3.82% (3.00%, 4.86%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
6.04% (4.70%, 7.70%) |
9.32% (7.42%, 11.62%) |
28.48% (25.74%, 31.40%) |
43.66% (40.56%, 46.82%) |
12.52% (10.46%, 14.90%) |
D - Female |
10.20% (8.56%, 12.14%) |
11.68% (9.94%, 13.66%) |
29.68% (27.22%, 32.24%) |
39.22% (36.60%, 41.90%) |
9.24% (7.90%, 10.76%) |
R - Male |
17.46% (15.24%, 19.94%) |
15.90% (13.48%, 18.66%) |
42.74% (39.50%, 46.02%) |
19.82% (17.32%, 22.58%) |
4.08% (2.84%, 5.84%) |
R - Female |
19.18% (16.88%, 21.72%) |
16.08% (13.98%, 18.46%) |
42.26% (39.26%, 45.32%) |
18.88% (16.36%, 21.68%) |
3.58% (2.64%, 4.86%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
7.40% (4.86%, 11.16%) |
16.34% (11.80%, 22.16%) |
36.58% (30.28%, 43.38%) |
31.56% (25.52%, 38.28%) |
8.12% (5.18%, 12.50%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.78% (5.52%, 10.82%) |
5.96% (4.00%, 8.80%) |
27.92% (23.68%, 32.60%) |
45.60% (40.10%, 51.18%) |
12.76% (9.66%, 16.64%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.48% (2.14%, 5.62%) |
7.22% (4.70%, 10.92%) |
21.86% (17.72%, 26.66%) |
51.78% (46.78%, 56.74%) |
15.66% (11.94%, 20.26%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
13.90% (10.06%, 18.90%) |
19.94% (15.64%, 25.06%) |
31.68% (26.44%, 37.42%) |
29.06% (24.26%, 34.40%) |
5.42% (3.64%, 8.00%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.14% (7.50%, 13.58%) |
10.40% (7.66%, 13.98%) |
33.48% (29.02%, 38.24%) |
38.02% (33.50%, 42.78%) |
7.94% (5.62%, 11.14%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
7.28% (5.42%, 9.72%) |
7.38% (5.18%, 10.42%) |
25.20% (21.92%, 28.78%) |
47.10% (42.78%, 51.46%) |
13.04% (10.54%, 16.04%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
16.44% (11.16%, 23.54%) |
21.36% (15.74%, 28.32%) |
39.22% (31.76%, 47.22%) |
16.90% (12.22%, 22.92%) |
6.08% (3.04%, 11.76%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
19.30% (15.48%, 23.80%) |
17.44% (13.28%, 22.56%) |
39.94% (34.26%, 45.90%) |
19.56% (15.56%, 24.28%) |
3.76% (2.28%, 6.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
16.46% (13.58%, 19.82%) |
12.32% (9.54%, 15.76%) |
46.14% (41.20%, 51.14%) |
22.06% (18.14%, 26.54%) |
3.02% (1.90%, 4.78%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
18.14% (12.24%, 26.08%) |
19.18% (13.60%, 26.38%) |
41.14% (33.32%, 49.44%) |
16.94% (11.40%, 24.44%) |
4.58% (2.34%, 8.80%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
19.98% (16.02%, 24.64%) |
17.44% (13.74%, 21.86%) |
42.52% (37.70%, 47.48%) |
16.38% (12.80%, 20.74%) |
3.68% (2.22%, 6.04%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
19.28% (15.90%, 23.18%) |
14.74% (11.68%, 18.42%) |
40.62% (36.70%, 44.66%) |
22.66% (18.86%, 26.98%) |
2.72% (1.58%, 4.60%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
5.58% (4.58%, 6.80%) |
8.88% (7.36%, 10.66%) |
23.68% (21.54%, 25.96%) |
50.10% (47.24%, 52.98%) |
11.74% (10.24%, 13.46%) |
D - Non-white |
11.54% (9.80%, 13.54%) |
12.64% (10.42%, 15.26%) |
35.70% (32.54%, 39.00%) |
30.54% (27.68%, 33.58%) |
9.56% (7.74%, 11.78%) |
R - White |
18.56% (16.84%, 20.44%) |
16.72% (14.94%, 18.66%) |
42.46% (39.94%, 45.02%) |
19.36% (17.46%, 21.42%) |
2.90% (2.20%, 3.82%) |
R - Non-white |
17.52% (13.68%, 22.16%) |
11.90% (9.24%, 15.20%) |
42.82% (37.70%, 48.10%) |
19.64% (15.42%, 24.66%) |
8.12% (5.12%, 12.64%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
5.70% (4.66%, 6.98%) |
9.16% (7.76%, 10.76%) |
25.56% (23.20%, 28.08%) |
49.84% (47.22%, 52.48%) |
9.72% (8.32%, 11.34%) |
D - Not college grad |
10.26% (8.58%, 12.24%) |
11.80% (9.90%, 14.02%) |
32.40% (29.32%, 35.64%) |
33.88% (30.90%, 37.00%) |
11.64% (9.74%, 13.88%) |
R - College Grad |
13.80% (11.46%, 16.52%) |
15.98% (12.88%, 19.66%) |
43.26% (39.18%, 47.42%) |
24.30% (20.68%, 28.32%) |
2.66% (1.70%, 4.18%) |
R - Not college grad |
20.08% (17.92%, 22.42%) |
15.88% (14.02%, 17.94%) |
42.30% (39.42%, 45.26%) |
17.32% (15.26%, 19.60%) |
4.42% (3.34%, 5.82%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201352, "Trust election officials") anes
Not at all | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
6.06% (5.10%, 7.18%) |
11.84% (10.60%, 13.20%) |
28.28% (26.34%, 30.32%) |
29.14% (27.34%, 31.02%) |
24.68% (23.04%, 26.38%) |
R |
11.18% (9.60%, 12.98%) |
16.04% (14.58%, 17.58%) |
34.56% (32.46%, 36.70%) |
24.26% (22.52%, 26.10%) |
13.96% (12.44%, 15.62%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
4.58% (3.48%, 6.02%) |
11.04% (9.22%, 13.14%) |
28.02% (24.96%, 31.30%) |
29.24% (26.32%, 32.36%) |
27.12% (24.24%, 30.20%) |
D - Female |
7.24% (5.84%, 8.98%) |
12.50% (10.86%, 14.34%) |
28.56% (26.18%, 31.06%) |
29.08% (26.76%, 31.50%) |
22.62% (20.58%, 24.80%) |
R - Male |
10.86% (8.88%, 13.20%) |
14.60% (12.50%, 16.98%) |
35.12% (32.10%, 38.26%) |
24.74% (22.08%, 27.60%) |
14.68% (12.66%, 16.98%) |
R - Female |
11.38% (9.18%, 14.02%) |
17.66% (15.26%, 20.38%) |
33.96% (30.92%, 37.12%) |
23.76% (21.22%, 26.48%) |
13.24% (11.20%, 15.58%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.58% (2.72%, 7.62%) |
19.86% (15.32%, 25.34%) |
36.24% (29.46%, 43.62%) |
22.66% (17.52%, 28.78%) |
16.66% (12.24%, 22.26%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
6.90% (4.62%, 10.22%) |
7.18% (5.40%, 9.50%) |
28.46% (23.70%, 33.76%) |
33.10% (27.98%, 38.66%) |
24.34% (19.66%, 29.74%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.32% (1.26%, 4.20%) |
7.98% (5.50%, 11.42%) |
20.96% (16.94%, 25.62%) |
30.30% (26.36%, 34.56%) |
38.46% (34.04%, 43.08%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.06% (8.58%, 16.68%) |
22.96% (18.76%, 27.76%) |
32.54% (27.88%, 37.58%) |
23.30% (18.52%, 28.88%) |
9.14% (6.66%, 12.42%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
6.94% (5.26%, 9.12%) |
10.82% (8.22%, 14.14%) |
32.44% (28.00%, 37.20%) |
28.90% (24.74%, 33.44%) |
20.90% (17.14%, 25.22%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
4.52% (2.78%, 7.30%) |
6.44% (4.98%, 8.28%) |
22.84% (19.46%, 26.58%) |
33.24% (29.04%, 37.72%) |
32.96% (29.10%, 37.06%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
10.02% (6.12%, 15.96%) |
18.84% (13.88%, 25.06%) |
40.10% (31.84%, 48.94%) |
18.38% (13.10%, 25.16%) |
12.68% (8.12%, 19.26%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
11.78% (8.38%, 16.32%) |
16.36% (12.28%, 21.46%) |
35.26% (29.88%, 41.06%) |
24.38% (20.00%, 29.38%) |
12.20% (9.18%, 16.02%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
10.18% (7.78%, 13.20%) |
10.98% (8.58%, 13.92%) |
32.94% (29.20%, 36.92%) |
28.06% (23.86%, 32.70%) |
17.84% (15.10%, 20.96%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
18.94% (13.12%, 26.52%) |
19.72% (14.24%, 26.64%) |
38.02% (29.82%, 46.96%) |
14.82% (10.24%, 20.94%) |
8.52% (4.72%, 14.88%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
11.20% (8.10%, 15.28%) |
21.30% (16.88%, 26.48%) |
31.86% (27.12%, 37.02%) |
25.62% (21.30%, 30.46%) |
10.02% (7.50%, 13.28%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
9.02% (6.54%, 12.30%) |
14.46% (11.16%, 18.56%) |
32.96% (28.94%, 37.24%) |
26.76% (23.16%, 30.68%) |
16.80% (13.44%, 20.80%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
2.46% (1.74%, 3.48%) |
7.50% (6.16%, 9.10%) |
22.50% (20.40%, 24.74%) |
34.56% (32.38%, 36.80%) |
32.98% (30.60%, 35.46%) |
D - Non-white |
10.30% (8.38%, 12.58%) |
17.14% (14.96%, 19.58%) |
35.34% (32.02%, 38.80%) |
22.62% (19.82%, 25.70%) |
14.60% (12.58%, 16.90%) |
R - White |
10.40% (8.90%, 12.12%) |
15.78% (14.16%, 17.54%) |
33.70% (31.34%, 36.16%) |
25.82% (23.82%, 27.94%) |
14.30% (12.54%, 16.24%) |
R - Non-white |
14.72% (10.86%, 19.68%) |
16.68% (13.62%, 20.26%) |
38.24% (33.24%, 43.52%) |
17.54% (13.92%, 21.86%) |
12.80% (10.08%, 16.14%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
3.52% (2.62%, 4.72%) |
6.88% (5.64%, 8.36%) |
24.38% (22.08%, 26.84%) |
34.56% (32.00%, 37.22%) |
30.66% (28.28%, 33.16%) |
D - Not college grad |
8.14% (6.64%, 9.94%) |
15.96% (13.88%, 18.26%) |
31.24% (28.46%, 34.16%) |
24.64% (22.28%, 27.18%) |
20.02% (17.68%, 22.62%) |
R - College Grad |
9.38% (7.46%, 11.74%) |
16.48% (14.06%, 19.20%) |
33.48% (30.08%, 37.04%) |
25.90% (22.90%, 29.14%) |
14.76% (11.84%, 18.28%) |
R - Not college grad |
12.08% (10.00%, 14.52%) |
15.70% (13.78%, 17.82%) |
34.86% (32.38%, 37.44%) |
23.78% (21.56%, 26.14%) |
13.58% (11.88%, 15.48%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201353, "How often people denied right to vote") anes
Never | Rarely | Occasionally | Fairly often | Very often | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
6.14% (5.04%, 7.44%) |
25.38% (23.52%, 27.32%) |
38.38% (36.06%, 40.76%) |
22.00% (20.42%, 23.68%) |
8.12% (7.08%, 9.28%) |
R |
23.00% (21.14%, 24.98%) |
47.90% (45.32%, 50.52%) |
23.42% (21.38%, 25.60%) |
3.76% (3.06%, 4.62%) |
1.90% (1.30%, 2.74%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
5.84% (4.40%, 7.72%) |
28.06% (25.12%, 31.20%) |
38.18% (34.78%, 41.72%) |
22.02% (19.58%, 24.66%) |
5.90% (4.56%, 7.60%) |
D - Female |
6.42% (5.04%, 8.16%) |
23.02% (20.94%, 25.26%) |
38.64% (35.78%, 41.60%) |
21.92% (19.64%, 24.38%) |
9.98% (8.40%, 11.80%) |
R - Male |
23.54% (21.04%, 26.26%) |
51.34% (47.64%, 55.02%) |
21.06% (18.14%, 24.30%) |
2.54% (1.76%, 3.60%) |
1.54% (0.86%, 2.74%) |
R - Female |
22.48% (19.84%, 25.38%) |
44.36% (41.00%, 47.76%) |
25.74% (23.10%, 28.58%) |
5.12% (3.82%, 6.82%) |
2.30% (1.48%, 3.58%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.96% (2.46%, 9.72%) |
26.48% (20.48%, 33.52%) |
37.78% (30.86%, 45.20%) |
23.38% (18.84%, 28.62%) |
7.40% (4.56%, 11.82%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.84% (3.62%, 9.30%) |
32.56% (27.26%, 38.34%) |
35.70% (30.30%, 41.46%) |
22.24% (17.60%, 27.70%) |
3.66% (2.28%, 5.80%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
6.76% (4.54%, 9.98%) |
25.24% (22.04%, 28.72%) |
40.44% (35.46%, 45.64%) |
20.92% (17.28%, 25.06%) |
6.64% (4.46%, 9.76%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.34% (2.44%, 7.60%) |
17.02% (13.08%, 21.88%) |
37.32% (31.86%, 43.10%) |
27.42% (22.56%, 32.86%) |
13.90% (10.00%, 19.00%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.28% (3.80%, 7.28%) |
26.22% (22.56%, 30.24%) |
41.12% (36.42%, 45.98%) |
17.84% (14.86%, 21.28%) |
9.54% (7.08%, 12.76%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
8.72% (6.34%, 11.84%) |
24.20% (20.78%, 27.96%) |
38.06% (33.86%, 42.42%) |
20.96% (17.84%, 24.46%) |
8.08% (6.16%, 10.54%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
25.04% (19.26%, 31.90%) |
42.48% (34.58%, 50.78%) |
27.14% (20.48%, 35.00%) |
3.14% (1.48%, 6.52%) |
2.20% (0.84%, 5.60%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
22.88% (18.98%, 27.32%) |
51.54% (45.78%, 57.26%) |
22.24% (17.48%, 27.88%) |
2.52% (1.32%, 4.80%) |
0.80% (0.34%, 1.92%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
23.24% (19.58%, 27.34%) |
55.96% (50.80%, 61.00%) |
17.36% (14.04%, 21.26%) |
1.86% (1.04%, 3.30%) |
1.60% (0.60%, 4.22%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
18.46% (13.04%, 25.44%) |
36.58% (29.30%, 44.52%) |
32.10% (25.54%, 39.46%) |
7.76% (5.00%, 11.88%) |
5.10% (2.52%, 10.10%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
22.84% (18.48%, 27.90%) |
41.86% (36.84%, 47.02%) |
26.12% (21.34%, 31.54%) |
6.82% (4.22%, 10.86%) |
2.36% (1.00%, 5.46%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
24.16% (20.30%, 28.50%) |
48.20% (43.58%, 52.86%) |
23.04% (19.36%, 27.16%) |
3.30% (1.98%, 5.40%) |
1.32% (0.56%, 3.08%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
5.10% (4.02%, 6.48%) |
28.10% (25.84%, 30.46%) |
38.46% (35.84%, 41.16%) |
22.36% (20.38%, 24.48%) |
5.98% (4.86%, 7.32%) |
D - Non-white |
7.46% (5.62%, 9.88%) |
22.18% (19.62%, 24.96%) |
38.26% (34.54%, 42.12%) |
21.56% (19.02%, 24.34%) |
10.54% (8.72%, 12.68%) |
R - White |
23.58% (21.44%, 25.88%) |
49.24% (46.20%, 52.26%) |
23.14% (20.90%, 25.56%) |
2.96% (2.22%, 3.94%) |
1.06% (0.72%, 1.58%) |
R - Non-white |
20.24% (15.96%, 25.30%) |
41.98% (36.00%, 48.22%) |
24.84% (20.02%, 30.36%) |
7.28% (5.20%, 10.08%) |
5.66% (3.18%, 9.90%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
3.66% (2.70%, 4.96%) |
23.12% (20.78%, 25.64%) |
39.90% (37.04%, 42.82%) |
26.50% (24.22%, 28.92%) |
6.80% (5.52%, 8.36%) |
D - Not college grad |
8.16% (6.40%, 10.32%) |
27.32% (24.84%, 29.96%) |
37.16% (33.96%, 40.48%) |
18.36% (16.14%, 20.82%) |
9.00% (7.44%, 10.86%) |
R - College Grad |
22.26% (19.18%, 25.66%) |
52.66% (48.82%, 56.50%) |
22.14% (19.14%, 25.46%) |
2.14% (1.28%, 3.58%) |
0.80% (0.34%, 1.86%) |
R - Not college grad |
23.52% (21.24%, 25.96%) |
45.78% (42.76%, 48.84%) |
24.00% (21.40%, 26.80%) |
4.30% (3.30%, 5.56%) |
2.40% (1.60%, 3.60%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201356x, "Favor/oppose vote by mail") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor moderately | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose moderately | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
24.56% (22.84%, 26.36%) |
14.76% (13.18%, 16.48%) |
1.80% (1.34%, 2.42%) |
44.06% (42.04%, 46.10%) |
1.38% (1.00%, 1.90%) |
6.72% (5.68%, 7.94%) |
6.74% (5.74%, 7.88%) |
R |
3.98% (3.12%, 5.04%) |
2.30% (1.70%, 3.08%) |
0.66% (0.36%, 1.22%) |
24.18% (22.34%, 26.12%) |
1.78% (1.26%, 2.52%) |
11.98% (10.56%, 13.56%) |
55.12% (52.78%, 57.44%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
25.30% (22.88%, 27.88%) |
16.28% (13.68%, 19.28%) |
1.54% (1.00%, 2.36%) |
42.82% (39.86%, 45.86%) |
1.44% (0.92%, 2.24%) |
6.40% (4.94%, 8.28%) |
6.20% (4.66%, 8.20%) |
D - Female |
23.92% (21.58%, 26.42%) |
13.60% (11.84%, 15.60%) |
2.02% (1.36%, 2.98%) |
45.02% (42.38%, 47.66%) |
1.34% (0.88%, 2.04%) |
6.94% (5.60%, 8.58%) |
7.14% (5.86%, 8.70%) |
R - Male |
3.02% (1.98%, 4.60%) |
2.26% (1.40%, 3.58%) |
0.60% (0.20%, 1.76%) |
23.96% (21.22%, 26.94%) |
1.88% (1.18%, 2.98%) |
12.88% (10.82%, 15.28%) |
55.40% (52.16%, 58.58%) |
R - Female |
4.94% (3.64%, 6.64%) |
2.36% (1.64%, 3.40%) |
0.72% (0.40%, 1.32%) |
24.44% (21.82%, 27.26%) |
1.70% (0.98%, 2.94%) |
11.02% (9.02%, 13.40%) |
54.82% (51.48%, 58.12%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
20.98% (16.20%, 26.70%) |
17.34% (13.08%, 22.66%) |
2.72% (1.54%, 4.78%) |
39.42% (33.14%, 46.06%) |
2.60% (1.10%, 6.02%) |
10.72% (6.98%, 16.10%) |
6.24% (3.30%, 11.46%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
27.06% (21.96%, 32.86%) |
16.64% (12.82%, 21.32%) |
1.10% (0.46%, 2.60%) |
42.18% (36.30%, 48.30%) |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.64%) |
6.00% (3.86%, 9.20%) |
6.92% (4.72%, 10.08%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
26.84% (22.78%, 31.32%) |
15.46% (12.12%, 19.52%) |
1.12% (0.52%, 2.38%) |
45.68% (41.36%, 50.08%) |
1.62% (0.68%, 3.76%) |
3.60% (2.20%, 5.82%) |
5.70% (3.66%, 8.78%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
20.30% (16.36%, 24.92%) |
14.42% (10.70%, 19.16%) |
2.52% (1.40%, 4.52%) |
43.88% (38.52%, 49.38%) |
2.78% (1.46%, 5.22%) |
8.68% (5.42%, 13.62%) |
7.42% (4.90%, 11.10%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
20.56% (16.96%, 24.70%) |
14.06% (11.20%, 17.48%) |
2.72% (1.42%, 5.16%) |
46.40% (42.30%, 50.56%) |
1.62% (0.76%, 3.36%) |
6.92% (4.76%, 9.96%) |
7.74% (5.44%, 10.88%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
29.06% (25.60%, 32.78%) |
12.38% (10.14%, 15.06%) |
1.14% (0.48%, 2.68%) |
44.64% (40.52%, 48.82%) |
0.26% (0.08%, 0.82%) |
5.98% (4.18%, 8.48%) |
6.54% (4.58%, 9.28%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.92% (1.06%, 7.80%) |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.14%) |
0.46% (0.12%, 1.82%) |
23.56% (17.68%, 30.70%) |
3.14% (1.16%, 8.32%) |
17.64% (12.52%, 24.30%) |
51.94% (44.88%, 58.90%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.86% (1.86%, 7.88%) |
3.26% (1.64%, 6.38%) |
0.16% (0.02%, 0.78%) |
24.92% (19.92%, 30.70%) |
3.12% (1.82%, 5.28%) |
14.14% (10.60%, 18.60%) |
50.56% (45.10%, 55.98%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
2.02% (1.24%, 3.30%) |
2.64% (1.36%, 5.08%) |
1.04% (0.26%, 4.04%) |
23.94% (20.24%, 28.06%) |
0.46% (0.22%, 0.98%) |
10.32% (8.00%, 13.22%) |
59.58% (54.96%, 64.02%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.98% (1.84%, 8.38%) |
4.18% (1.98%, 8.60%) |
2.30% (0.92%, 5.70%) |
36.64% (29.12%, 44.88%) |
2.56% (0.96%, 6.74%) |
8.04% (4.36%, 14.32%) |
42.30% (34.10%, 50.96%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.66% (3.54%, 8.96%) |
2.52% (1.30%, 4.84%) |
0.68% (0.26%, 1.74%) |
25.32% (20.78%, 30.46%) |
1.70% (0.80%, 3.58%) |
13.28% (9.60%, 18.10%) |
50.84% (45.16%, 56.52%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
4.86% (3.08%, 7.60%) |
1.58% (0.88%, 2.78%) |
0.20% (0.06%, 0.68%) |
19.08% (15.62%, 23.08%) |
0.42% (0.12%, 1.38%) |
10.96% (8.64%, 13.84%) |
62.90% (58.54%, 67.08%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
27.10% (24.70%, 29.64%) |
16.68% (14.76%, 18.80%) |
1.76% (1.20%, 2.60%) |
44.40% (41.84%, 47.00%) |
1.38% (0.84%, 2.26%) |
4.62% (3.64%, 5.82%) |
4.04% (3.08%, 5.30%) |
D - Non-white |
21.48% (18.72%, 24.54%) |
12.56% (10.44%, 15.04%) |
1.82% (1.12%, 2.98%) |
43.42% (40.18%, 46.72%) |
1.24% (0.82%, 1.90%) |
9.44% (7.62%, 11.64%) |
10.02% (8.30%, 12.06%) |
R - White |
3.38% (2.54%, 4.48%) |
1.90% (1.38%, 2.58%) |
0.64% (0.32%, 1.30%) |
23.04% (21.08%, 25.14%) |
1.58% (1.08%, 2.30%) |
11.98% (10.42%, 13.72%) |
57.50% (54.92%, 60.04%) |
R - Non-white |
6.66% (4.02%, 10.84%) |
4.18% (2.28%, 7.48%) |
0.76% (0.26%, 2.12%) |
29.10% (23.92%, 34.88%) |
2.80% (1.34%, 5.74%) |
11.88% (8.46%, 16.40%) |
44.64% (38.80%, 50.64%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
27.50% (24.92%, 30.22%) |
17.16% (15.08%, 19.46%) |
1.90% (1.26%, 2.88%) |
44.26% (41.68%, 46.86%) |
0.66% (0.40%, 1.10%) |
4.74% (3.66%, 6.10%) |
3.78% (2.88%, 4.96%) |
D - Not college grad |
22.20% (19.68%, 24.94%) |
12.76% (10.94%, 14.80%) |
1.74% (1.16%, 2.64%) |
44.10% (41.16%, 47.08%) |
2.00% (1.34%, 2.96%) |
8.46% (6.76%, 10.54%) |
8.74% (7.18%, 10.62%) |
R - College Grad |
2.92% (1.78%, 4.76%) |
1.84% (1.00%, 3.30%) |
1.02% (0.34%, 3.10%) |
21.04% (18.00%, 24.44%) |
2.22% (1.38%, 3.52%) |
13.98% (11.42%, 17.00%) |
57.00% (53.16%, 60.74%) |
R - Not college grad |
4.26% (3.24%, 5.58%) |
2.46% (1.74%, 3.46%) |
0.52% (0.28%, 0.96%) |
25.84% (23.56%, 28.28%) |
1.58% (0.96%, 2.56%) |
11.32% (9.72%, 13.14%) |
54.02% (51.04%, 56.98%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201359x, "Favor/oppose requiring ID when voting") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor moderately | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose moderately | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
29.10% (27.14%, 31.12%) |
16.12% (14.72%, 17.62%) |
4.66% (3.78%, 5.76%) |
26.58% (24.78%, 28.46%) |
2.24% (1.68%, 2.98%) |
9.26% (8.06%, 10.60%) |
12.06% (10.72%, 13.52%) |
R |
78.90% (77.30%, 80.44%) |
10.06% (8.86%, 11.40%) |
1.88% (1.34%, 2.64%) |
6.82% (5.78%, 8.04%) |
0.24% (0.08%, 0.66%) |
1.10% (0.72%, 1.68%) |
0.98% (0.54%, 1.76%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
27.14% (24.24%, 30.22%) |
15.18% (13.06%, 17.56%) |
5.74% (4.34%, 7.52%) |
26.46% (23.66%, 29.46%) |
2.60% (1.76%, 3.80%) |
10.24% (8.48%, 12.34%) |
12.66% (10.74%, 14.88%) |
D - Female |
30.70% (28.38%, 33.12%) |
16.96% (14.94%, 19.18%) |
3.84% (2.80%, 5.22%) |
26.62% (24.14%, 29.24%) |
1.96% (1.26%, 3.02%) |
8.46% (7.02%, 10.16%) |
11.48% (9.76%, 13.46%) |
R - Male |
79.88% (77.54%, 82.04%) |
10.16% (8.62%, 11.92%) |
2.02% (1.30%, 3.10%) |
5.38% (4.18%, 6.88%) |
0.14% (0.04%, 0.46%) |
1.30% (0.74%, 2.28%) |
1.14% (0.52%, 2.42%) |
R - Female |
77.92% (74.96%, 80.64%) |
9.94% (8.24%, 11.94%) |
1.76% (1.02%, 2.96%) |
8.34% (6.60%, 10.48%) |
0.36% (0.10%, 1.32%) |
0.86% (0.48%, 1.54%) |
0.82% (0.34%, 1.92%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
22.32% (16.22%, 29.88%) |
13.32% (9.56%, 18.26%) |
9.18% (5.90%, 14.02%) |
27.04% (21.02%, 34.02%) |
2.94% (1.66%, 5.16%) |
13.12% (9.06%, 18.64%) |
12.08% (8.40%, 17.06%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
30.40% (25.68%, 35.58%) |
17.20% (13.44%, 21.76%) |
5.38% (3.20%, 8.92%) |
24.10% (19.78%, 29.02%) |
2.86% (1.40%, 5.68%) |
8.78% (6.34%, 12.02%) |
11.28% (8.96%, 14.10%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
27.74% (23.88%, 31.96%) |
15.16% (12.12%, 18.80%) |
3.32% (1.98%, 5.48%) |
27.56% (22.72%, 32.98%) |
1.96% (1.04%, 3.66%) |
9.70% (7.12%, 13.08%) |
14.58% (11.58%, 18.20%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
24.30% (19.66%, 29.64%) |
19.72% (15.18%, 25.22%) |
4.98% (2.96%, 8.30%) |
27.52% (22.46%, 33.24%) |
3.30% (1.58%, 6.74%) |
10.54% (7.16%, 15.22%) |
9.64% (7.18%, 12.84%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
31.50% (27.32%, 36.00%) |
18.02% (14.82%, 21.76%) |
4.40% (2.72%, 7.00%) |
25.22% (21.74%, 29.06%) |
1.50% (0.78%, 2.90%) |
8.28% (5.58%, 12.10%) |
11.06% (7.98%, 15.16%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
33.96% (30.34%, 37.78%) |
14.72% (11.78%, 18.24%) |
2.82% (1.62%, 4.84%) |
26.82% (23.38%, 30.56%) |
1.52% (0.68%, 3.34%) |
7.46% (5.82%, 9.48%) |
12.72% (10.18%, 15.78%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
67.90% (60.88%, 74.20%) |
15.12% (10.48%, 21.32%) |
3.02% (1.40%, 6.48%) |
10.00% (6.38%, 15.32%) |
0.32% (0.04%, 2.28%) |
1.40% (0.34%, 5.62%) |
2.22% (0.84%, 5.78%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
77.44% (72.82%, 81.48%) |
12.24% (9.18%, 16.16%) |
2.86% (1.30%, 6.18%) |
4.02% (2.28%, 7.00%) |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.72%) |
1.88% (0.82%, 4.20%) |
1.46% (0.42%, 4.84%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
86.72% (83.62%, 89.32%) |
6.62% (4.78%, 9.12%) |
1.10% (0.50%, 2.34%) |
4.10% (2.90%, 5.76%) |
0.08% (0.00%, 0.52%) |
0.94% (0.40%, 2.20%) |
0.46% (0.12%, 1.90%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
63.24% (54.16%, 71.46%) |
11.70% (7.46%, 17.92%) |
1.48% (0.52%, 4.16%) |
19.84% (13.86%, 27.56%) |
1.44% (0.26%, 7.38%) |
1.52% (0.56%, 4.06%) |
0.78% (0.18%, 3.40%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
78.52% (73.26%, 82.96%) |
11.42% (8.20%, 15.68%) |
1.66% (0.78%, 3.48%) |
7.28% (4.90%, 10.68%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.80%) |
0.48% (0.14%, 1.66%) |
0.54% (0.18%, 1.52%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
83.74% (80.38%, 86.60%) |
8.18% (6.08%, 10.92%) |
1.36% (0.60%, 3.02%) |
4.82% (3.06%, 7.46%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.90%) |
0.74% (0.28%, 2.00%) |
1.06% (0.28%, 3.98%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
23.84% (21.70%, 26.14%) |
17.72% (15.94%, 19.66%) |
5.00% (3.86%, 6.44%) |
26.30% (24.00%, 28.72%) |
2.20% (1.60%, 3.06%) |
11.08% (9.46%, 12.94%) |
13.86% (12.34%, 15.54%) |
D - Non-white |
35.54% (32.42%, 38.80%) |
14.28% (12.16%, 16.68%) |
4.16% (2.94%, 5.86%) |
26.88% (24.06%, 29.92%) |
2.22% (1.34%, 3.66%) |
7.18% (5.56%, 9.20%) |
9.74% (7.68%, 12.26%) |
R - White |
80.72% (78.80%, 82.52%) |
9.58% (8.30%, 11.02%) |
1.64% (1.12%, 2.42%) |
6.34% (5.22%, 7.68%) |
0.04% (0.02%, 0.16%) |
0.84% (0.52%, 1.38%) |
0.84% (0.44%, 1.58%) |
R - Non-white |
70.88% (65.02%, 76.14%) |
12.44% (9.36%, 16.38%) |
2.80% (1.34%, 5.74%) |
8.76% (5.92%, 12.78%) |
1.14% (0.36%, 3.48%) |
2.32% (1.12%, 4.74%) |
1.66% (0.52%, 5.18%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
22.42% (20.18%, 24.82%) |
15.78% (13.72%, 18.08%) |
4.82% (3.68%, 6.28%) |
25.02% (22.70%, 27.50%) |
2.80% (1.98%, 3.94%) |
11.60% (9.78%, 13.70%) |
17.58% (15.52%, 19.86%) |
D - Not college grad |
34.84% (32.02%, 37.74%) |
15.86% (14.04%, 17.86%) |
4.32% (3.06%, 6.08%) |
28.02% (25.22%, 30.98%) |
1.78% (1.08%, 2.92%) |
7.54% (5.98%, 9.46%) |
7.66% (6.08%, 9.60%) |
R - College Grad |
83.36% (80.50%, 85.88%) |
10.76% (8.62%, 13.36%) |
1.48% (0.80%, 2.70%) |
3.22% (2.38%, 4.32%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.50%) |
1.02% (0.42%, 2.46%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.24%) |
R - Not college grad |
77.16% (74.88%, 79.30%) |
9.82% (8.30%, 11.56%) |
2.04% (1.34%, 3.06%) |
8.34% (6.92%, 10.00%) |
0.30% (0.10%, 0.94%) |
1.18% (0.74%, 1.86%) |
1.20% (0.68%, 2.10%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201362x, "Favor/oppose allowing felons to vote") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor moderately | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose moderately | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
42.12% (40.04%, 44.26%) |
22.44% (20.80%, 24.18%) |
5.94% (5.06%, 6.94%) |
20.70% (18.76%, 22.78%) |
1.44% (1.02%, 2.02%) |
4.02% (3.32%, 4.88%) |
3.34% (2.68%, 4.16%) |
R |
15.54% (13.90%, 17.34%) |
19.02% (17.46%, 20.70%) |
5.60% (4.54%, 6.90%) |
30.30% (28.44%, 32.20%) |
1.96% (1.40%, 2.72%) |
9.02% (7.88%, 10.32%) |
18.54% (16.76%, 20.48%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
41.18% (38.02%, 44.40%) |
23.80% (21.20%, 26.62%) |
6.48% (5.04%, 8.32%) |
20.30% (17.50%, 23.40%) |
1.26% (0.78%, 2.04%) |
3.72% (2.70%, 5.12%) |
3.26% (2.30%, 4.60%) |
D - Female |
42.98% (40.16%, 45.82%) |
21.26% (19.22%, 23.48%) |
5.52% (4.36%, 6.96%) |
21.04% (18.78%, 23.48%) |
1.58% (1.00%, 2.50%) |
4.22% (3.20%, 5.58%) |
3.38% (2.56%, 4.48%) |
R - Male |
15.52% (13.02%, 18.40%) |
18.32% (15.98%, 20.94%) |
5.10% (3.84%, 6.74%) |
28.12% (25.50%, 30.90%) |
2.04% (1.38%, 2.98%) |
9.50% (7.68%, 11.68%) |
21.40% (18.60%, 24.52%) |
R - Female |
15.62% (13.44%, 18.06%) |
19.88% (17.54%, 22.48%) |
6.16% (4.72%, 7.98%) |
32.58% (29.86%, 35.44%) |
1.88% (1.08%, 3.28%) |
8.54% (6.88%, 10.54%) |
15.34% (13.28%, 17.64%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
37.82% (31.62%, 44.44%) |
25.08% (19.10%, 32.18%) |
7.48% (4.56%, 12.06%) |
21.36% (15.72%, 28.34%) |
2.14% (0.94%, 4.74%) |
5.58% (3.00%, 10.12%) |
0.54% (0.16%, 1.86%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
43.62% (38.34%, 49.08%) |
24.92% (20.18%, 30.34%) |
7.00% (4.78%, 10.10%) |
17.94% (13.74%, 23.10%) |
0.64% (0.26%, 1.60%) |
3.32% (1.72%, 6.34%) |
2.56% (1.40%, 4.62%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
42.34% (37.34%, 47.50%) |
21.62% (17.78%, 26.04%) |
5.58% (3.72%, 8.30%) |
20.70% (16.52%, 25.62%) |
1.00% (0.48%, 2.10%) |
2.84% (1.86%, 4.32%) |
5.90% (3.64%, 9.42%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
42.98% (37.84%, 48.30%) |
21.92% (17.24%, 27.42%) |
5.96% (3.74%, 9.40%) |
20.28% (16.32%, 24.92%) |
1.24% (0.46%, 3.28%) |
4.78% (2.54%, 8.84%) |
2.82% (1.68%, 4.70%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
43.50% (38.38%, 48.76%) |
22.08% (18.12%, 26.64%) |
7.08% (5.00%, 9.92%) |
20.70% (16.82%, 25.22%) |
2.34% (1.14%, 4.74%) |
2.94% (1.96%, 4.36%) |
1.36% (0.76%, 2.42%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
43.10% (38.90%, 47.40%) |
20.26% (17.12%, 23.80%) |
4.12% (2.68%, 6.32%) |
21.40% (18.02%, 25.24%) |
1.04% (0.54%, 1.96%) |
5.02% (3.28%, 7.62%) |
5.06% (3.42%, 7.42%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
17.44% (11.50%, 25.58%) |
18.96% (13.42%, 26.10%) |
5.96% (3.00%, 11.52%) |
32.74% (25.98%, 40.30%) |
2.18% (0.86%, 5.38%) |
9.32% (5.94%, 14.36%) |
13.40% (9.12%, 19.28%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
16.92% (12.74%, 22.14%) |
19.80% (15.38%, 25.10%) |
6.74% (4.48%, 10.04%) |
25.94% (21.24%, 31.26%) |
2.66% (1.54%, 4.58%) |
9.00% (6.36%, 12.60%) |
18.92% (14.86%, 23.80%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
14.28% (11.38%, 17.78%) |
16.14% (13.68%, 18.96%) |
3.58% (2.02%, 6.30%) |
27.96% (24.12%, 32.14%) |
1.46% (0.72%, 2.96%) |
9.56% (7.14%, 12.70%) |
27.00% (22.52%, 32.00%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
14.82% (9.78%, 21.80%) |
18.54% (13.16%, 25.46%) |
9.78% (5.46%, 16.86%) |
35.92% (28.80%, 43.70%) |
3.30% (1.30%, 8.04%) |
5.96% (3.60%, 9.74%) |
11.70% (6.60%, 19.94%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
17.38% (13.28%, 22.42%) |
20.06% (15.60%, 25.40%) |
9.42% (6.72%, 13.08%) |
32.14% (27.00%, 37.74%) |
1.38% (0.64%, 3.00%) |
7.70% (4.92%, 11.88%) |
11.90% (8.74%, 16.04%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
14.24% (11.28%, 17.82%) |
20.08% (16.84%, 23.78%) |
2.68% (1.82%, 3.94%) |
31.58% (28.08%, 35.32%) |
1.02% (0.54%, 1.94%) |
10.04% (7.38%, 13.54%) |
20.34% (17.20%, 23.88%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
38.58% (35.90%, 41.30%) |
26.22% (23.58%, 29.02%) |
7.16% (5.92%, 8.62%) |
19.44% (17.10%, 22.02%) |
1.32% (0.90%, 1.92%) |
4.22% (3.30%, 5.38%) |
3.08% (2.28%, 4.14%) |
D - Non-white |
46.48% (43.16%, 49.86%) |
17.98% (15.60%, 20.62%) |
4.44% (3.28%, 6.00%) |
22.10% (19.32%, 25.14%) |
1.44% (0.82%, 2.52%) |
3.82% (2.62%, 5.56%) |
3.72% (2.64%, 5.24%) |
R - White |
14.58% (12.94%, 16.38%) |
19.48% (17.70%, 21.40%) |
5.70% (4.54%, 7.12%) |
30.50% (28.28%, 32.82%) |
1.58% (1.06%, 2.36%) |
9.58% (8.26%, 11.06%) |
18.58% (16.58%, 20.76%) |
R - Non-white |
20.28% (15.52%, 26.08%) |
17.28% (13.36%, 22.08%) |
4.90% (2.88%, 8.22%) |
29.56% (24.18%, 35.58%) |
3.62% (2.10%, 6.16%) |
6.16% (4.04%, 9.30%) |
18.18% (14.04%, 23.22%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
44.30% (41.12%, 47.52%) |
24.72% (22.26%, 27.36%) |
7.00% (5.72%, 8.52%) |
17.42% (15.16%, 19.94%) |
1.22% (0.80%, 1.82%) |
3.20% (2.38%, 4.32%) |
2.16% (1.44%, 3.20%) |
D - Not college grad |
40.06% (37.04%, 43.18%) |
21.06% (18.86%, 23.44%) |
5.10% (3.96%, 6.54%) |
23.20% (20.50%, 26.16%) |
1.52% (0.92%, 2.50%) |
4.66% (3.60%, 6.04%) |
4.38% (3.38%, 5.66%) |
R - College Grad |
14.24% (11.86%, 17.00%) |
20.16% (17.38%, 23.24%) |
7.18% (5.42%, 9.44%) |
26.72% (23.78%, 29.90%) |
2.12% (1.38%, 3.26%) |
11.40% (8.98%, 14.36%) |
18.18% (15.40%, 21.36%) |
R - Not college grad |
16.00% (13.90%, 18.36%) |
18.54% (16.50%, 20.78%) |
5.00% (3.84%, 6.50%) |
32.14% (29.56%, 34.84%) |
1.90% (1.20%, 2.96%) |
7.96% (6.64%, 9.48%) |
18.46% (16.36%, 20.74%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201363, "Does R's state ask for ID to vote") anes
Yes | No | Unsure | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
52.74% (50.64%, 54.82%) |
23.98% (22.18%, 25.88%) |
23.28% (21.56%, 25.10%) |
R |
59.02% (56.46%, 61.54%) |
19.58% (17.60%, 21.70%) |
21.40% (19.50%, 23.42%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
50.54% (47.30%, 53.76%) |
25.48% (22.86%, 28.32%) |
23.98% (21.54%, 26.58%) |
D - Female |
54.44% (51.76%, 57.10%) |
22.68% (20.32%, 25.22%) |
22.88% (20.84%, 25.04%) |
R - Male |
57.34% (53.66%, 60.94%) |
19.34% (16.62%, 22.40%) |
23.32% (20.66%, 26.20%) |
R - Female |
61.04% (57.82%, 64.18%) |
19.70% (16.98%, 22.74%) |
19.26% (16.66%, 22.16%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
45.00% (37.76%, 52.46%) |
19.54% (14.86%, 25.24%) |
35.46% (29.38%, 42.04%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
48.26% (42.86%, 53.72%) |
27.98% (23.54%, 32.92%) |
23.74% (19.52%, 28.56%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
56.86% (52.06%, 61.54%) |
28.08% (23.90%, 32.68%) |
15.06% (11.96%, 18.76%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
49.22% (43.64%, 54.84%) |
15.32% (11.62%, 19.92%) |
35.46% (29.98%, 41.34%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
57.72% (52.86%, 62.44%) |
22.26% (18.68%, 26.30%) |
20.02% (16.54%, 24.02%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
55.08% (50.70%, 59.36%) |
28.04% (24.76%, 31.58%) |
16.88% (14.02%, 20.20%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
51.22% (42.96%, 59.40%) |
16.70% (10.82%, 24.88%) |
32.10% (25.26%, 39.78%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
56.28% (50.56%, 61.86%) |
18.08% (14.06%, 22.96%) |
25.64% (21.00%, 30.90%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
60.08% (55.36%, 64.62%) |
22.16% (18.60%, 26.18%) |
17.76% (14.86%, 21.10%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
61.28% (53.04%, 68.92%) |
13.54% (8.54%, 20.84%) |
25.16% (18.68%, 33.00%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
65.82% (59.94%, 71.22%) |
16.96% (13.08%, 21.68%) |
17.24% (13.34%, 21.98%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
59.84% (55.48%, 64.06%) |
23.50% (19.54%, 27.96%) |
16.66% (13.64%, 20.22%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
45.32% (42.84%, 47.82%) |
30.44% (28.24%, 32.72%) |
24.24% (22.10%, 26.54%) |
D - Non-white |
61.68% (58.18%, 65.06%) |
16.18% (13.50%, 19.24%) |
22.14% (19.52%, 25.00%) |
R - White |
59.26% (56.62%, 61.86%) |
20.30% (18.22%, 22.58%) |
20.42% (18.38%, 22.64%) |
R - Non-white |
57.86% (51.70%, 63.78%) |
16.18% (11.96%, 21.52%) |
25.96% (20.80%, 31.88%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
48.22% (45.36%, 51.08%) |
31.78% (29.26%, 34.44%) |
20.00% (17.96%, 22.22%) |
D - Not college grad |
56.32% (53.38%, 59.20%) |
17.66% (15.32%, 20.28%) |
26.02% (23.32%, 28.92%) |
R - College Grad |
55.48% (51.34%, 59.54%) |
23.96% (20.94%, 27.28%) |
20.56% (17.14%, 24.48%) |
R - Not college grad |
60.68% (57.50%, 63.76%) |
17.68% (15.36%, 20.28%) |
21.64% (19.40%, 24.08%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201364, "Is R required to show photo ID to vote") anes
Must be photo ID | Other forms of ID are acceptable | Unsure | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
66.94% (64.28%, 69.50%) |
11.20% (9.42%, 13.24%) |
21.86% (19.74%, 24.14%) |
R |
70.82% (68.16%, 73.34%) |
9.86% (8.32%, 11.64%) |
19.32% (17.14%, 21.74%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
68.38% (64.04%, 72.40%) |
9.96% (7.74%, 12.72%) |
21.68% (18.26%, 25.52%) |
D - Female |
65.78% (62.28%, 69.12%) |
12.14% (9.84%, 14.92%) |
22.06% (19.10%, 25.36%) |
R - Male |
70.70% (66.66%, 74.44%) |
10.08% (8.00%, 12.64%) |
19.22% (16.04%, 22.86%) |
R - Female |
70.86% (67.08%, 74.38%) |
9.62% (7.36%, 12.46%) |
19.52% (16.56%, 22.88%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
70.72% (61.10%, 78.80%) |
11.32% (6.74%, 18.42%) |
17.94% (11.46%, 27.00%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
70.30% (63.10%, 76.60%) |
7.20% (4.54%, 11.24%) |
22.50% (16.78%, 29.50%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
64.64% (58.44%, 70.40%) |
11.72% (8.52%, 15.92%) |
23.64% (18.68%, 29.44%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
55.60% (47.84%, 63.10%) |
16.08% (10.80%, 23.24%) |
28.32% (22.16%, 35.42%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
67.84% (61.42%, 73.64%) |
8.82% (5.46%, 13.96%) |
23.34% (18.06%, 29.60%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
69.90% (64.42%, 74.84%) |
12.36% (9.30%, 16.24%) |
17.76% (13.90%, 22.40%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
68.54% (57.88%, 77.56%) |
8.74% (4.18%, 17.42%) |
22.72% (15.00%, 32.86%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
76.32% (69.88%, 81.74%) |
6.44% (3.64%, 11.14%) |
17.24% (12.46%, 23.34%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
68.74% (63.20%, 73.80%) |
12.82% (9.78%, 16.62%) |
18.44% (13.92%, 24.02%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
61.46% (50.48%, 71.38%) |
14.00% (8.24%, 22.78%) |
24.54% (16.32%, 35.14%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
74.90% (67.78%, 80.90%) |
8.96% (4.92%, 15.80%) |
16.14% (12.26%, 20.94%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
69.90% (64.46%, 74.82%) |
8.86% (6.12%, 12.66%) |
21.24% (16.76%, 26.52%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
61.78% (58.12%, 65.32%) |
12.56% (10.30%, 15.24%) |
25.64% (22.86%, 28.64%) |
D - Non-white |
71.48% (67.58%, 75.08%) |
9.84% (7.58%, 12.68%) |
18.68% (15.60%, 22.20%) |
R - White |
70.62% (67.80%, 73.30%) |
10.64% (8.82%, 12.80%) |
18.74% (16.50%, 21.18%) |
R - Non-white |
72.36% (64.62%, 78.96%) |
6.20% (3.84%, 9.86%) |
21.46% (15.64%, 28.70%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
60.44% (56.36%, 64.40%) |
12.68% (10.34%, 15.48%) |
26.86% (23.56%, 30.44%) |
D - Not college grad |
71.46% (67.92%, 74.74%) |
10.40% (8.22%, 13.06%) |
18.16% (15.40%, 21.28%) |
R - College Grad |
64.20% (59.86%, 68.32%) |
12.06% (8.90%, 16.14%) |
23.74% (20.34%, 27.50%) |
R - Not college grad |
73.00% (69.70%, 76.08%) |
9.12% (7.26%, 11.38%) |
17.88% (15.18%, 20.94%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201365, "Options for election if COVID-19 continues") anes
Delay the election | Have all voters mail in their ballots | Proceed with in-person voting, but require social distancing at voting locati | Proceed as normal with no extra precautions | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
0.92% (0.62%, 1.36%) |
35.36% (33.46%, 37.32%) |
61.18% (59.16%, 63.18%) |
2.52% (1.92%, 3.32%) |
R |
1.64% (1.16%, 2.32%) |
5.90% (4.78%, 7.24%) |
82.58% (80.70%, 84.34%) |
9.88% (8.62%, 11.28%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
0.40% (0.16%, 0.98%) |
36.60% (33.56%, 39.74%) |
59.80% (56.42%, 63.08%) |
3.20% (2.22%, 4.60%) |
D - Female |
1.36% (0.88%, 2.10%) |
34.22% (31.96%, 36.54%) |
62.52% (60.16%, 64.84%) |
1.90% (1.34%, 2.68%) |
R - Male |
1.62% (1.08%, 2.44%) |
5.68% (4.14%, 7.78%) |
82.22% (79.70%, 84.50%) |
10.46% (8.78%, 12.42%) |
R - Female |
1.68% (0.98%, 2.88%) |
6.08% (4.62%, 7.96%) |
83.12% (80.18%, 85.68%) |
9.14% (7.38%, 11.26%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.18% (0.02%, 1.32%) |
36.48% (30.32%, 43.10%) |
60.12% (53.08%, 66.76%) |
3.22% (1.50%, 6.80%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.68% (0.18%, 2.42%) |
35.14% (30.28%, 40.36%) |
61.12% (55.76%, 66.20%) |
3.06% (1.58%, 5.90%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.34% (0.08%, 1.56%) |
37.14% (32.74%, 41.80%) |
59.62% (55.10%, 63.98%) |
2.90% (1.84%, 4.52%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.00% (1.70%, 5.24%) |
33.70% (28.54%, 39.30%) |
60.64% (54.94%, 66.08%) |
2.64% (1.46%, 4.76%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.38% (0.62%, 3.06%) |
30.34% (26.30%, 34.70%) |
66.42% (61.78%, 70.76%) |
1.86% (1.00%, 3.40%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.32% (0.08%, 1.22%) |
36.94% (33.20%, 40.82%) |
61.28% (57.26%, 65.14%) |
1.48% (0.92%, 2.36%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.08% (0.92%, 4.64%) |
7.22% (3.90%, 12.98%) |
79.00% (72.40%, 84.36%) |
11.70% (7.72%, 17.36%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.24% (1.16%, 4.32%) |
5.38% (3.06%, 9.32%) |
82.66% (77.90%, 86.58%) |
9.72% (6.76%, 13.78%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.94% (0.42%, 2.06%) |
4.56% (3.02%, 6.84%) |
84.02% (80.72%, 86.84%) |
10.50% (8.20%, 13.36%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.80% (0.62%, 5.06%) |
12.86% (7.44%, 21.30%) |
73.24% (64.26%, 80.64%) |
12.10% (7.44%, 19.08%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.96% (0.82%, 4.60%) |
4.92% (3.18%, 7.52%) |
80.68% (75.22%, 85.18%) |
12.42% (9.14%, 16.70%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
1.50% (0.58%, 3.84%) |
4.02% (2.74%, 5.88%) |
88.80% (85.44%, 91.44%) |
5.68% (3.94%, 8.12%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
0.40% (0.18%, 0.92%) |
38.38% (35.64%, 41.18%) |
59.34% (56.38%, 62.24%) |
1.88% (1.40%, 2.56%) |
D - Non-white |
1.58% (1.02%, 2.44%) |
31.62% (28.82%, 34.54%) |
63.52% (60.52%, 66.40%) |
3.30% (2.26%, 4.80%) |
R - White |
1.26% (0.86%, 1.84%) |
4.12% (3.24%, 5.26%) |
84.20% (82.24%, 85.98%) |
10.42% (9.00%, 12.02%) |
R - Non-white |
2.82% (1.52%, 5.14%) |
13.90% (9.72%, 19.48%) |
76.42% (70.84%, 81.22%) |
6.88% (4.64%, 10.10%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
0.22% (0.10%, 0.50%) |
36.78% (34.02%, 39.62%) |
60.84% (57.86%, 63.74%) |
2.16% (1.46%, 3.22%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.50% (1.00%, 2.26%) |
34.60% (31.94%, 37.36%) |
61.02% (58.22%, 63.72%) |
2.88% (2.04%, 4.04%) |
R - College Grad |
0.86% (0.40%, 1.82%) |
3.56% (2.46%, 5.10%) |
86.90% (84.20%, 89.20%) |
8.70% (7.04%, 10.70%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.00% (1.36%, 2.92%) |
6.94% (5.44%, 8.80%) |
80.96% (78.52%, 83.20%) |
10.10% (8.54%, 11.92%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201366, "How important that news organizations free to criticize") anes
Not important at all | A little important | Moderately important | Very important | Extremely important | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
4.10% (3.28%, 5.12%) |
4.40% (3.58%, 5.38%) |
17.06% (15.44%, 18.82%) |
21.52% (19.58%, 23.60%) |
52.90% (50.78%, 55.02%) |
R |
18.22% (16.58%, 19.98%) |
11.78% (10.52%, 13.16%) |
27.78% (26.04%, 29.58%) |
22.26% (20.54%, 24.08%) |
19.98% (18.30%, 21.76%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
3.02% (2.06%, 4.44%) |
3.42% (2.28%, 5.10%) |
14.20% (11.76%, 17.04%) |
19.84% (16.96%, 23.06%) |
59.54% (55.98%, 63.00%) |
D - Female |
5.04% (3.94%, 6.40%) |
5.26% (4.22%, 6.54%) |
19.60% (17.42%, 21.98%) |
22.72% (20.32%, 25.30%) |
47.40% (45.06%, 49.76%) |
R - Male |
15.84% (13.38%, 18.66%) |
10.56% (8.92%, 12.46%) |
24.96% (22.52%, 27.60%) |
23.88% (21.56%, 26.36%) |
24.76% (22.10%, 27.60%) |
R - Female |
20.62% (18.10%, 23.40%) |
13.18% (11.20%, 15.46%) |
30.86% (28.18%, 33.66%) |
20.34% (17.84%, 23.08%) |
15.00% (13.02%, 17.24%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.40% (1.52%, 7.42%) |
4.66% (2.24%, 9.46%) |
18.72% (13.88%, 24.78%) |
19.58% (14.92%, 25.26%) |
53.66% (46.52%, 60.64%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.86% (2.34%, 6.34%) |
3.78% (2.02%, 6.96%) |
13.32% (9.88%, 17.70%) |
17.26% (13.22%, 22.24%) |
61.78% (56.22%, 67.04%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
1.98% (0.92%, 4.14%) |
2.14% (1.14%, 3.98%) |
11.08% (8.20%, 14.82%) |
23.10% (18.72%, 28.14%) |
61.70% (57.06%, 66.14%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
5.48% (3.30%, 9.00%) |
6.76% (4.40%, 10.28%) |
21.44% (17.06%, 26.60%) |
21.98% (17.12%, 27.74%) |
44.34% (38.74%, 50.06%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.10% (3.50%, 7.38%) |
5.34% (3.74%, 7.56%) |
22.84% (18.64%, 27.66%) |
20.60% (16.52%, 25.38%) |
46.12% (41.02%, 51.32%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
4.52% (3.06%, 6.66%) |
4.18% (2.78%, 6.22%) |
15.78% (12.80%, 19.28%) |
25.00% (21.48%, 28.90%) |
50.52% (46.34%, 54.70%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
15.84% (10.94%, 22.34%) |
12.12% (7.68%, 18.60%) |
24.02% (18.02%, 31.28%) |
24.70% (18.86%, 31.64%) |
23.32% (18.18%, 29.42%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
18.82% (14.50%, 24.08%) |
12.88% (9.68%, 16.94%) |
25.62% (20.96%, 30.92%) |
19.32% (15.44%, 23.92%) |
23.34% (19.10%, 28.18%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
14.36% (11.30%, 18.10%) |
8.20% (6.16%, 10.82%) |
24.64% (21.44%, 28.12%) |
26.64% (23.18%, 30.42%) |
26.18% (22.24%, 30.54%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
22.36% (16.06%, 30.22%) |
10.58% (7.10%, 15.52%) |
37.06% (29.62%, 45.16%) |
15.36% (10.42%, 22.04%) |
14.64% (9.64%, 21.62%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
20.34% (16.30%, 25.08%) |
17.34% (13.30%, 22.32%) |
24.92% (20.24%, 30.28%) |
22.88% (18.10%, 28.48%) |
14.52% (11.12%, 18.72%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
19.56% (16.24%, 23.34%) |
11.24% (8.90%, 14.12%) |
32.74% (29.04%, 36.68%) |
21.00% (17.52%, 24.98%) |
15.46% (12.34%, 19.18%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
2.78% (2.00%, 3.86%) |
2.96% (2.30%, 3.78%) |
12.66% (10.94%, 14.62%) |
19.00% (17.04%, 21.16%) |
62.58% (60.04%, 65.04%) |
D - Non-white |
5.76% (4.26%, 7.76%) |
6.18% (4.68%, 8.10%) |
22.44% (19.54%, 25.62%) |
24.40% (21.10%, 28.04%) |
41.22% (37.82%, 44.70%) |
R - White |
18.90% (17.04%, 20.88%) |
12.10% (10.64%, 13.74%) |
27.52% (25.62%, 29.52%) |
21.80% (19.88%, 23.86%) |
19.68% (17.80%, 21.68%) |
R - Non-white |
14.98% (11.40%, 19.44%) |
10.70% (7.76%, 14.58%) |
28.92% (24.20%, 34.12%) |
24.06% (19.48%, 29.34%) |
21.34% (17.74%, 25.46%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.56% (1.08%, 2.26%) |
2.80% (2.06%, 3.82%) |
10.68% (8.92%, 12.74%) |
18.50% (16.32%, 20.90%) |
66.44% (63.62%, 69.16%) |
D - Not college grad |
6.24% (4.86%, 7.96%) |
5.52% (4.20%, 7.18%) |
22.54% (20.04%, 25.26%) |
23.64% (20.80%, 26.72%) |
42.08% (39.04%, 45.16%) |
R - College Grad |
11.60% (9.48%, 14.12%) |
10.32% (8.00%, 13.20%) |
22.96% (19.98%, 26.22%) |
26.62% (23.24%, 30.28%) |
28.52% (24.82%, 32.52%) |
R - Not college grad |
21.34% (19.24%, 23.60%) |
12.54% (10.90%, 14.40%) |
29.68% (27.52%, 31.92%) |
20.34% (18.24%, 22.60%) |
16.12% (14.16%, 18.30%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201367, "How important branches of government keep one another from too much power") anes
Not important at all | A little important | Moderately important | Very important | Extremely important | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.92% (0.62%, 1.38%) |
2.48% (1.90%, 3.22%) |
11.60% (10.12%, 13.26%) |
21.44% (19.96%, 22.98%) |
63.56% (61.68%, 65.40%) |
R |
1.14% (0.72%, 1.84%) |
2.92% (2.22%, 3.80%) |
16.02% (14.78%, 17.34%) |
33.52% (31.60%, 35.50%) |
46.40% (44.18%, 48.62%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.08% (0.62%, 1.88%) |
2.00% (1.28%, 3.08%) |
10.14% (8.10%, 12.64%) |
19.58% (17.24%, 22.16%) |
67.20% (64.22%, 70.06%) |
D - Female |
0.82% (0.42%, 1.56%) |
2.90% (2.10%, 3.98%) |
12.92% (11.14%, 14.92%) |
23.08% (21.12%, 25.14%) |
60.30% (57.76%, 62.78%) |
R - Male |
0.88% (0.38%, 1.96%) |
2.66% (1.88%, 3.76%) |
14.22% (12.32%, 16.38%) |
32.42% (29.72%, 35.26%) |
49.80% (46.76%, 52.86%) |
R - Female |
1.46% (0.82%, 2.54%) |
3.20% (2.18%, 4.70%) |
17.96% (15.76%, 20.40%) |
34.52% (31.48%, 37.68%) |
42.86% (39.84%, 45.94%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.46% (0.44%, 4.72%) |
3.40% (1.50%, 7.52%) |
12.78% (8.30%, 19.18%) |
21.78% (16.42%, 28.30%) |
60.58% (53.68%, 67.08%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.34% (0.76%, 2.36%) |
1.74% (0.88%, 3.34%) |
9.04% (6.42%, 12.56%) |
17.02% (13.58%, 21.12%) |
70.88% (65.82%, 75.46%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.58% (0.20%, 1.64%) |
1.02% (0.42%, 2.42%) |
9.02% (6.26%, 12.80%) |
20.18% (16.50%, 24.44%) |
69.22% (64.96%, 73.16%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.70% (0.10%, 4.84%) |
4.82% (2.92%, 7.84%) |
15.28% (11.28%, 20.38%) |
18.62% (14.70%, 23.28%) |
60.60% (54.56%, 66.32%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.82% (0.28%, 2.40%) |
3.00% (1.60%, 5.56%) |
15.32% (12.40%, 18.82%) |
24.02% (20.06%, 28.48%) |
56.84% (51.84%, 61.70%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.88% (0.40%, 1.94%) |
1.74% (0.94%, 3.20%) |
9.34% (6.90%, 12.50%) |
25.20% (21.78%, 28.92%) |
62.86% (58.84%, 66.74%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.00% (1.16%, 7.52%) |
2.68% (1.10%, 6.42%) |
23.86% (17.78%, 31.24%) |
23.62% (17.96%, 30.40%) |
46.82% (39.72%, 54.06%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.34% (0.04%, 2.36%) |
4.32% (2.44%, 7.56%) |
15.70% (12.66%, 19.34%) |
30.26% (25.58%, 35.38%) |
49.38% (43.96%, 54.82%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.26% (0.06%, 1.10%) |
1.64% (0.90%, 2.94%) |
8.96% (7.02%, 11.38%) |
38.18% (33.96%, 42.58%) |
50.96% (46.52%, 55.38%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.70% (0.92%, 7.68%) |
5.88% (2.82%, 11.84%) |
26.60% (20.24%, 34.10%) |
28.92% (22.02%, 36.96%) |
35.90% (27.76%, 44.94%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.38% (1.12%, 4.98%) |
4.10% (2.32%, 7.20%) |
17.52% (13.82%, 21.96%) |
30.36% (25.44%, 35.80%) |
45.62% (40.50%, 50.82%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.48% (0.16%, 1.46%) |
1.84% (1.02%, 3.26%) |
14.18% (11.40%, 17.50%) |
38.80% (34.56%, 43.24%) |
44.70% (40.46%, 49.04%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.12% (0.06%, 0.28%) |
1.20% (0.72%, 2.04%) |
6.86% (5.54%, 8.48%) |
18.96% (17.24%, 20.80%) |
72.86% (70.76%, 74.84%) |
D - Non-white |
1.86% (1.22%, 2.88%) |
4.08% (3.02%, 5.50%) |
17.48% (14.72%, 20.62%) |
24.40% (21.54%, 27.52%) |
52.18% (48.82%, 55.52%) |
R - White |
1.08% (0.64%, 1.80%) |
2.28% (1.72%, 3.02%) |
14.94% (13.52%, 16.48%) |
33.66% (31.50%, 35.90%) |
48.04% (45.72%, 50.36%) |
R - Non-white |
1.08% (0.32%, 3.52%) |
5.82% (3.38%, 9.86%) |
21.14% (17.28%, 25.58%) |
32.26% (26.96%, 38.04%) |
39.72% (34.70%, 44.96%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.38% (0.10%, 1.52%) |
1.12% (0.62%, 2.00%) |
5.04% (3.96%, 6.40%) |
17.24% (15.18%, 19.52%) |
76.22% (73.68%, 78.60%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.38% (0.78%, 2.40%) |
3.62% (2.72%, 4.82%) |
17.04% (14.66%, 19.72%) |
24.68% (22.26%, 27.26%) |
53.30% (50.32%, 56.26%) |
R - College Grad |
0.08% (0.02%, 0.62%) |
1.04% (0.60%, 1.80%) |
10.52% (8.40%, 13.12%) |
29.40% (26.02%, 33.02%) |
58.96% (54.94%, 62.84%) |
R - Not college grad |
1.64% (1.02%, 2.62%) |
3.76% (2.80%, 5.04%) |
18.48% (16.70%, 20.40%) |
35.64% (33.22%, 38.12%) |
40.48% (37.76%, 43.28%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201368, "How important elected officials face serious consequences for misconduct") anes
Not important at all | A little important | Moderately important | Very important | Extremely important | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.88% (0.52%, 1.48%) |
1.22% (0.78%, 1.90%) |
6.44% (5.36%, 7.72%) |
16.68% (15.28%, 18.20%) |
74.76% (72.86%, 76.58%) |
R |
0.64% (0.36%, 1.16%) |
0.98% (0.64%, 1.52%) |
8.98% (7.78%, 10.34%) |
30.76% (28.70%, 32.90%) |
58.62% (56.34%, 60.88%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.20% (0.56%, 2.52%) |
0.76% (0.38%, 1.52%) |
6.24% (4.60%, 8.40%) |
15.92% (13.72%, 18.40%) |
75.90% (72.78%, 78.74%) |
D - Female |
0.64% (0.34%, 1.20%) |
1.62% (0.92%, 2.82%) |
6.62% (5.42%, 8.06%) |
17.42% (15.40%, 19.62%) |
73.72% (70.98%, 76.28%) |
R - Male |
0.40% (0.18%, 0.92%) |
0.82% (0.40%, 1.66%) |
8.36% (6.70%, 10.38%) |
30.04% (27.24%, 32.98%) |
60.38% (57.28%, 63.42%) |
R - Female |
0.90% (0.42%, 1.94%) |
1.16% (0.70%, 1.92%) |
9.68% (7.82%, 11.94%) |
31.56% (28.54%, 34.74%) |
56.68% (53.24%, 60.06%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.12% (0.70%, 6.16%) |
1.36% (0.46%, 3.94%) |
8.10% (4.66%, 13.74%) |
16.06% (11.50%, 22.00%) |
72.36% (65.94%, 77.98%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.70% (0.58%, 4.90%) |
0.98% (0.38%, 2.52%) |
5.52% (3.38%, 8.86%) |
13.36% (10.08%, 17.48%) |
78.44% (73.30%, 82.84%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.08% (0.02%, 0.30%) |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.70%) |
5.16% (3.28%, 8.04%) |
18.10% (14.96%, 21.70%) |
76.58% (72.66%, 80.10%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.90% (0.32%, 2.48%) |
2.90% (1.18%, 6.92%) |
9.14% (6.22%, 13.24%) |
15.98% (12.06%, 20.88%) |
71.06% (64.84%, 76.58%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.86% (0.32%, 2.40%) |
1.00% (0.40%, 2.52%) |
7.84% (5.64%, 10.76%) |
15.82% (12.52%, 19.80%) |
74.48% (69.94%, 78.54%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.32% (0.08%, 1.14%) |
1.34% (0.50%, 3.52%) |
3.98% (2.50%, 6.28%) |
19.08% (15.84%, 22.82%) |
75.28% (70.98%, 79.12%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.90% (0.24%, 3.30%) |
1.10% (0.38%, 3.26%) |
18.80% (13.26%, 26.00%) |
23.12% (17.76%, 29.54%) |
56.06% (48.52%, 63.32%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.24% (0.04%, 1.68%) |
1.76% (0.68%, 4.52%) |
8.06% (5.46%, 11.76%) |
32.76% (27.94%, 37.98%) |
57.18% (51.66%, 62.50%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.30% (0.10%, 0.98%) |
0.08% (0.02%, 0.38%) |
4.04% (2.84%, 5.70%) |
30.80% (26.86%, 35.02%) |
64.78% (60.44%, 68.88%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.92% (1.04%, 7.92%) |
1.56% (0.56%, 4.28%) |
17.22% (11.96%, 24.16%) |
30.44% (23.34%, 38.62%) |
47.86% (39.48%, 56.36%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.18% (0.40%, 3.42%) |
1.32% (0.50%, 3.48%) |
9.42% (6.26%, 13.98%) |
31.94% (26.36%, 38.12%) |
56.12% (49.86%, 62.20%) |
R - Female - 55+ | NA |
0.94% (0.44%, 2.00%) |
7.06% (4.84%, 10.20%) |
31.82% (27.96%, 35.92%) |
60.20% (55.72%, 64.52%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.18% (0.08%, 0.42%) |
0.30% (0.12%, 0.78%) |
3.26% (2.38%, 4.44%) |
14.80% (13.18%, 16.56%) |
81.46% (79.64%, 83.14%) |
D - Non-white |
1.76% (1.00%, 3.08%) |
2.36% (1.44%, 3.88%) |
10.34% (8.24%, 12.88%) |
18.86% (16.54%, 21.40%) |
66.68% (63.30%, 69.90%) |
R - White |
0.50% (0.26%, 0.92%) |
0.78% (0.48%, 1.26%) |
7.16% (6.06%, 8.44%) |
32.02% (29.66%, 34.46%) |
59.56% (57.04%, 62.02%) |
R - Non-white |
0.90% (0.22%, 3.48%) |
1.98% (0.90%, 4.24%) |
17.12% (12.94%, 22.30%) |
24.86% (20.40%, 29.90%) |
55.14% (49.56%, 60.62%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.40% (0.10%, 1.50%) |
0.18% (0.04%, 0.60%) |
2.74% (1.96%, 3.80%) |
15.28% (13.22%, 17.58%) |
81.42% (78.70%, 83.86%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.30% (0.74%, 2.26%) |
2.10% (1.30%, 3.34%) |
9.56% (7.82%, 11.68%) |
17.84% (15.74%, 20.14%) |
69.20% (66.60%, 71.68%) |
R - College Grad | NA |
0.88% (0.48%, 1.60%) |
5.68% (3.90%, 8.20%) |
30.38% (26.84%, 34.14%) |
63.06% (59.32%, 66.66%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.94% (0.52%, 1.68%) |
1.06% (0.62%, 1.78%) |
10.28% (8.64%, 12.18%) |
30.90% (28.34%, 33.58%) |
56.84% (54.00%, 59.62%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201369, "How important that people agree on basic facts") anes
Not important at all | A little important | Moderately important | Very important | Extremely important | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
2.00% (1.42%, 2.78%) |
2.86% (2.18%, 3.74%) |
17.60% (15.94%, 19.38%) |
33.38% (31.54%, 35.28%) |
44.16% (42.12%, 46.24%) |
R |
2.64% (2.06%, 3.36%) |
2.68% (1.98%, 3.60%) |
22.86% (21.06%, 24.74%) |
40.02% (37.82%, 42.28%) |
31.80% (29.78%, 33.90%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.76% (1.06%, 2.94%) |
2.84% (1.84%, 4.36%) |
16.44% (13.92%, 19.32%) |
31.16% (28.34%, 34.12%) |
47.82% (44.50%, 51.14%) |
D - Female |
2.20% (1.42%, 3.40%) |
2.86% (2.02%, 4.04%) |
18.58% (16.46%, 20.90%) |
35.22% (32.76%, 37.76%) |
41.16% (38.56%, 43.80%) |
R - Male |
1.78% (1.14%, 2.76%) |
1.98% (1.22%, 3.22%) |
20.74% (18.44%, 23.24%) |
39.80% (36.66%, 43.04%) |
35.70% (32.82%, 38.68%) |
R - Female |
3.58% (2.66%, 4.80%) |
3.42% (2.36%, 4.96%) |
25.18% (22.62%, 27.92%) |
40.18% (37.18%, 43.24%) |
27.66% (24.76%, 30.74%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.60% (0.54%, 4.70%) |
4.66% (2.08%, 10.14%) |
17.68% (12.82%, 23.90%) |
29.46% (23.24%, 36.56%) |
46.60% (39.44%, 53.88%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.90% (1.44%, 5.78%) |
3.04% (1.76%, 5.24%) |
15.76% (12.20%, 20.12%) |
26.54% (21.30%, 32.56%) |
51.74% (45.78%, 57.64%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.90% (0.38%, 2.08%) |
1.14% (0.60%, 2.14%) |
16.20% (12.70%, 20.42%) |
37.18% (33.30%, 41.24%) |
44.58% (40.66%, 48.58%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.72% (1.12%, 6.54%) |
4.64% (2.48%, 8.54%) |
17.38% (13.18%, 22.58%) |
30.32% (25.76%, 35.28%) |
44.94% (39.26%, 50.74%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.84% (1.34%, 5.90%) |
1.98% (1.06%, 3.68%) |
20.04% (16.36%, 24.32%) |
35.10% (30.66%, 39.80%) |
40.04% (35.42%, 44.84%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.48% (0.82%, 2.68%) |
2.46% (1.46%, 4.12%) |
18.22% (14.98%, 22.00%) |
37.94% (34.24%, 41.80%) |
39.88% (36.06%, 43.84%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.30% (0.48%, 3.50%) |
1.72% (0.52%, 5.62%) |
27.56% (21.30%, 34.86%) |
31.42% (25.76%, 37.70%) |
38.00% (30.62%, 45.98%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.54% (1.16%, 5.50%) |
3.24% (1.66%, 6.24%) |
17.58% (13.62%, 22.36%) |
42.66% (36.76%, 48.78%) |
33.98% (29.04%, 39.30%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
1.62% (0.88%, 2.96%) |
1.38% (0.66%, 2.82%) |
20.04% (17.06%, 23.42%) |
41.34% (37.24%, 45.58%) |
35.60% (31.70%, 39.72%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.62% (1.54%, 8.26%) |
4.72% (2.32%, 9.38%) |
29.18% (22.72%, 36.58%) |
34.20% (26.66%, 42.64%) |
28.28% (21.78%, 35.82%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
4.12% (2.58%, 6.52%) |
4.02% (2.26%, 7.02%) |
27.54% (22.86%, 32.74%) |
37.22% (31.82%, 42.98%) |
27.10% (22.52%, 32.24%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
3.42% (2.22%, 5.24%) |
2.90% (1.62%, 5.12%) |
22.58% (18.94%, 26.70%) |
41.98% (37.68%, 46.38%) |
29.12% (25.30%, 33.28%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.88% (0.54%, 1.42%) |
1.98% (1.40%, 2.80%) |
13.18% (11.66%, 14.90%) |
34.82% (32.40%, 37.32%) |
49.12% (46.52%, 51.72%) |
D - Non-white |
3.38% (2.26%, 5.02%) |
3.96% (2.78%, 5.62%) |
23.20% (20.24%, 26.44%) |
31.44% (28.48%, 34.58%) |
38.00% (34.44%, 41.72%) |
R - White |
2.72% (2.10%, 3.50%) |
2.40% (1.70%, 3.38%) |
22.94% (21.02%, 25.00%) |
40.62% (38.18%, 43.12%) |
31.32% (29.20%, 33.52%) |
R - Non-white |
1.94% (0.94%, 4.02%) |
4.00% (2.30%, 6.84%) |
22.84% (18.38%, 28.00%) |
36.90% (31.76%, 42.36%) |
34.34% (29.36%, 39.68%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.46% (0.78%, 2.70%) |
1.46% (0.98%, 2.16%) |
10.72% (9.02%, 12.68%) |
34.76% (32.00%, 37.62%) |
51.60% (48.72%, 54.48%) |
D - Not college grad |
2.46% (1.64%, 3.68%) |
3.98% (2.84%, 5.58%) |
23.50% (20.78%, 26.46%) |
31.60% (29.06%, 34.28%) |
38.44% (35.60%, 41.34%) |
R - College Grad |
1.72% (1.12%, 2.62%) |
1.82% (1.20%, 2.74%) |
17.90% (15.12%, 21.08%) |
41.94% (37.80%, 46.20%) |
36.62% (32.64%, 40.80%) |
R - Not college grad |
3.04% (2.24%, 4.08%) |
3.12% (2.20%, 4.40%) |
24.64% (22.42%, 27.00%) |
39.26% (36.72%, 41.86%) |
29.94% (27.80%, 32.20%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201372x, "Helpful/harmful if Pres didn't have to worry about congress/courts") anes
Extremely helpful | Moderately helpful | A little helpful | Neither helpful nor harmful | A little harmful | Moderately harmful | Extremely harmful | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
3.42% (2.78%, 4.20%) |
3.98% (3.22%, 4.90%) |
1.34% (0.94%, 1.92%) |
15.90% (14.22%, 17.72%) |
2.02% (1.44%, 2.82%) |
17.42% (15.78%, 19.18%) |
55.94% (53.74%, 58.10%) |
R |
7.86% (6.64%, 9.28%) |
10.78% (9.46%, 12.28%) |
2.70% (2.00%, 3.62%) |
28.48% (26.22%, 30.86%) |
3.74% (2.94%, 4.72%) |
22.32% (20.48%, 24.30%) |
24.12% (22.28%, 26.06%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
3.26% (2.38%, 4.44%) |
4.70% (3.60%, 6.14%) |
1.70% (1.02%, 2.78%) |
15.16% (12.86%, 17.80%) |
2.10% (1.32%, 3.28%) |
14.94% (12.96%, 17.18%) |
58.14% (54.74%, 61.46%) |
D - Female |
3.56% (2.62%, 4.84%) |
3.42% (2.48%, 4.68%) |
1.04% (0.62%, 1.78%) |
16.46% (14.30%, 18.88%) |
1.98% (1.20%, 3.24%) |
19.56% (17.22%, 22.14%) |
53.96% (50.98%, 56.90%) |
R - Male |
6.80% (5.34%, 8.60%) |
11.36% (9.40%, 13.66%) |
3.28% (2.20%, 4.86%) |
24.98% (22.12%, 28.06%) |
4.10% (3.02%, 5.54%) |
23.96% (21.66%, 26.42%) |
25.56% (23.08%, 28.18%) |
R - Female |
8.88% (7.00%, 11.20%) |
10.26% (8.36%, 12.52%) |
2.10% (1.32%, 3.30%) |
32.14% (28.92%, 35.56%) |
3.38% (2.44%, 4.66%) |
20.44% (17.94%, 23.20%) |
22.80% (20.20%, 25.62%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.24% (0.46%, 3.26%) |
4.74% (2.56%, 8.66%) |
2.00% (0.74%, 5.22%) |
21.10% (15.58%, 27.92%) |
4.08% (2.14%, 7.64%) |
18.52% (13.80%, 24.42%) |
48.32% (41.32%, 55.38%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
4.78% (3.02%, 7.50%) |
6.00% (3.82%, 9.32%) |
1.70% (0.86%, 3.32%) |
13.96% (10.26%, 18.68%) |
1.80% (0.74%, 4.26%) |
14.04% (11.14%, 17.54%) |
57.72% (51.82%, 63.40%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.36% (2.04%, 5.46%) |
3.64% (1.98%, 6.58%) |
1.54% (0.62%, 3.80%) |
11.64% (8.80%, 15.20%) |
0.94% (0.38%, 2.34%) |
12.56% (9.82%, 15.92%) |
66.32% (61.58%, 70.76%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.04% (1.40%, 6.50%) |
4.92% (2.82%, 8.42%) |
1.40% (0.52%, 3.66%) |
21.70% (17.26%, 26.92%) |
1.06% (0.40%, 2.84%) |
25.36% (20.98%, 30.30%) |
42.52% (36.42%, 48.86%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.34% (1.96%, 5.68%) |
2.24% (1.32%, 3.80%) |
1.48% (0.68%, 3.24%) |
20.06% (15.82%, 25.10%) |
2.38% (1.12%, 5.02%) |
20.00% (15.64%, 25.24%) |
50.48% (45.08%, 55.84%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
4.28% (2.76%, 6.56%) |
3.32% (2.10%, 5.20%) |
0.48% (0.12%, 1.74%) |
10.44% (8.14%, 13.30%) |
2.06% (0.92%, 4.48%) |
15.36% (12.52%, 18.74%) |
64.06% (59.66%, 68.24%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.56% (2.04%, 6.16%) |
15.78% (10.56%, 22.92%) |
5.14% (2.40%, 10.62%) |
28.16% (21.48%, 35.96%) |
9.54% (5.84%, 15.24%) |
16.68% (11.14%, 24.22%) |
21.16% (15.40%, 28.34%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
6.86% (4.36%, 10.64%) |
12.28% (8.92%, 16.66%) |
4.48% (2.62%, 7.56%) |
26.82% (21.74%, 32.60%) |
3.72% (2.26%, 6.02%) |
27.86% (23.22%, 33.02%) |
17.98% (14.12%, 22.60%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
8.80% (6.42%, 11.96%) |
8.62% (6.56%, 11.28%) |
1.68% (0.66%, 4.20%) |
21.76% (18.48%, 25.46%) |
1.74% (0.98%, 3.04%) |
24.36% (20.96%, 28.14%) |
33.02% (29.10%, 37.20%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
7.08% (3.60%, 13.42%) |
8.42% (5.30%, 13.12%) |
4.74% (2.26%, 9.64%) |
38.78% (31.00%, 47.16%) |
7.10% (3.78%, 12.98%) |
16.74% (11.44%, 23.84%) |
17.14% (11.50%, 24.74%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
11.32% (7.70%, 16.32%) |
9.54% (6.72%, 13.36%) |
1.72% (0.96%, 3.10%) |
32.46% (27.38%, 37.98%) |
1.92% (0.86%, 4.18%) |
22.70% (17.82%, 28.44%) |
20.36% (16.06%, 25.46%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
8.16% (6.06%, 10.92%) |
11.26% (8.30%, 15.14%) |
0.62% (0.26%, 1.42%) |
30.20% (26.30%, 34.40%) |
3.14% (1.94%, 5.02%) |
20.50% (17.00%, 24.50%) |
26.12% (22.42%, 30.20%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
1.46% (1.02%, 2.04%) |
3.16% (2.34%, 4.24%) |
1.06% (0.64%, 1.80%) |
11.40% (9.78%, 13.24%) |
1.76% (1.10%, 2.80%) |
16.46% (14.52%, 18.62%) |
64.72% (62.16%, 67.20%) |
D - Non-white |
5.82% (4.54%, 7.46%) |
5.06% (3.78%, 6.74%) |
1.68% (1.00%, 2.82%) |
21.22% (18.26%, 24.50%) |
2.38% (1.50%, 3.72%) |
18.78% (16.20%, 21.66%) |
45.06% (41.28%, 48.90%) |
R - White |
7.90% (6.56%, 9.52%) |
10.14% (8.78%, 11.70%) |
2.64% (1.84%, 3.78%) |
28.28% (25.90%, 30.78%) |
3.86% (3.00%, 4.96%) |
22.64% (20.72%, 24.70%) |
24.52% (22.54%, 26.62%) |
R - Non-white |
7.90% (5.46%, 11.32%) |
13.76% (9.88%, 18.84%) |
3.00% (1.44%, 6.14%) |
28.88% (23.40%, 35.04%) |
3.28% (1.78%, 5.96%) |
20.26% (15.74%, 25.66%) |
22.92% (19.04%, 27.32%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
1.36% (0.88%, 2.08%) |
2.30% (1.52%, 3.46%) |
0.64% (0.36%, 1.12%) |
11.46% (9.50%, 13.78%) |
1.88% (1.10%, 3.16%) |
17.28% (15.08%, 19.72%) |
65.10% (62.04%, 68.04%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.10% (4.02%, 6.44%) |
5.08% (3.82%, 6.72%) |
1.94% (1.24%, 2.98%) |
19.30% (16.90%, 21.94%) |
2.18% (1.38%, 3.44%) |
17.42% (15.46%, 19.56%) |
48.98% (46.08%, 51.90%) |
R - College Grad |
3.42% (2.34%, 4.98%) |
6.72% (5.14%, 8.74%) |
2.74% (1.60%, 4.70%) |
25.30% (22.08%, 28.82%) |
4.54% (3.14%, 6.56%) |
25.68% (22.48%, 29.18%) |
31.58% (28.08%, 35.32%) |
R - Not college grad |
9.88% (8.28%, 11.76%) |
12.58% (10.78%, 14.62%) |
2.70% (1.84%, 3.92%) |
29.84% (27.02%, 32.84%) |
3.40% (2.56%, 4.50%) |
20.62% (18.12%, 23.36%) |
20.98% (18.66%, 23.52%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201375x, "Favor or oppose restricting journalist access") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor moderately | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose moderately | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
3.76% (2.98%, 4.74%) |
3.76% (2.96%, 4.76%) |
0.90% (0.60%, 1.38%) |
20.90% (19.18%, 22.74%) |
3.08% (2.50%, 3.80%) |
19.24% (17.64%, 20.98%) |
48.34% (46.28%, 50.40%) |
R |
12.96% (11.44%, 14.68%) |
12.40% (10.90%, 14.08%) |
2.56% (1.92%, 3.40%) |
39.10% (36.68%, 41.58%) |
2.82% (2.14%, 3.70%) |
14.64% (13.08%, 16.34%) |
15.50% (14.00%, 17.14%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
3.64% (2.46%, 5.32%) |
3.26% (2.24%, 4.74%) |
0.84% (0.46%, 1.56%) |
16.82% (14.38%, 19.56%) |
2.84% (1.98%, 4.04%) |
19.40% (17.06%, 21.98%) |
53.20% (49.88%, 56.50%) |
D - Female |
3.86% (2.80%, 5.28%) |
4.18% (3.16%, 5.52%) |
0.96% (0.54%, 1.72%) |
24.26% (21.98%, 26.70%) |
3.26% (2.50%, 4.22%) |
19.14% (16.88%, 21.62%) |
44.32% (41.76%, 46.94%) |
R - Male |
11.38% (9.44%, 13.66%) |
11.76% (9.88%, 13.92%) |
2.86% (1.90%, 4.26%) |
37.18% (34.28%, 40.18%) |
3.14% (2.24%, 4.38%) |
15.62% (13.52%, 17.98%) |
18.06% (15.82%, 20.52%) |
R - Female |
14.66% (12.58%, 17.02%) |
13.20% (11.04%, 15.74%) |
2.26% (1.48%, 3.44%) |
41.16% (37.56%, 44.84%) |
2.42% (1.58%, 3.68%) |
13.60% (11.56%, 15.92%) |
12.72% (10.64%, 15.12%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.26% (0.84%, 5.94%) |
4.30% (2.06%, 8.72%) |
1.08% (0.30%, 3.76%) |
20.66% (15.20%, 27.48%) |
5.74% (3.08%, 10.46%) |
22.70% (18.06%, 28.12%) |
43.26% (36.80%, 49.96%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.40% (1.20%, 4.76%) |
3.94% (2.12%, 7.22%) |
0.56% (0.22%, 1.42%) |
16.22% (12.40%, 20.92%) |
3.04% (1.46%, 6.24%) |
20.86% (16.86%, 25.50%) |
52.98% (47.66%, 58.22%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
5.94% (3.50%, 9.92%) |
1.90% (1.14%, 3.16%) |
0.82% (0.34%, 2.00%) |
13.54% (10.22%, 17.74%) |
0.48% (0.18%, 1.30%) |
15.78% (12.36%, 19.96%) |
61.52% (56.26%, 66.52%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.08% (0.70%, 6.02%) |
4.08% (2.36%, 6.96%) |
1.08% (0.32%, 3.50%) |
28.68% (24.30%, 33.48%) |
5.10% (3.16%, 8.14%) |
19.18% (15.00%, 24.20%) |
39.80% (34.64%, 45.20%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.52% (2.16%, 5.74%) |
4.24% (2.52%, 7.04%) |
0.86% (0.36%, 2.14%) |
24.24% (20.16%, 28.86%) |
2.16% (1.32%, 3.52%) |
23.76% (19.58%, 28.50%) |
41.20% (36.30%, 46.30%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
5.38% (3.70%, 7.76%) |
4.18% (2.76%, 6.30%) |
1.04% (0.44%, 2.42%) |
20.80% (17.16%, 24.96%) |
2.98% (1.76%, 5.02%) |
15.62% (12.44%, 19.44%) |
50.02% (46.18%, 53.84%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
5.34% (2.72%, 10.20%) |
7.32% (4.26%, 12.28%) |
6.00% (3.32%, 10.58%) |
43.82% (36.74%, 51.18%) |
5.22% (3.02%, 8.86%) |
17.98% (12.32%, 25.48%) |
14.34% (9.92%, 20.28%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
9.78% (6.72%, 14.02%) |
13.50% (9.76%, 18.38%) |
2.36% (1.28%, 4.32%) |
39.00% (33.50%, 44.82%) |
2.30% (1.32%, 3.98%) |
14.64% (11.20%, 18.92%) |
18.42% (14.26%, 23.46%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
14.94% (11.68%, 18.90%) |
12.86% (10.14%, 16.18%) |
1.48% (0.58%, 3.78%) |
33.04% (28.98%, 37.38%) |
2.86% (1.50%, 5.40%) |
15.16% (12.28%, 18.58%) |
19.66% (16.48%, 23.28%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.50% (6.72%, 18.96%) |
12.40% (8.18%, 18.34%) |
0.46% (0.12%, 1.72%) |
49.70% (41.36%, 58.08%) |
2.54% (1.08%, 5.84%) |
11.42% (7.42%, 17.20%) |
11.98% (7.94%, 17.68%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
12.14% (8.94%, 16.30%) |
12.40% (9.14%, 16.64%) |
1.50% (0.60%, 3.68%) |
43.16% (37.26%, 49.28%) |
2.48% (1.46%, 4.20%) |
15.08% (11.32%, 19.82%) |
13.22% (9.42%, 18.26%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
18.04% (14.82%, 21.78%) |
14.20% (11.08%, 18.02%) |
2.92% (1.70%, 4.96%) |
37.42% (32.80%, 42.26%) |
1.98% (0.86%, 4.50%) |
12.76% (10.24%, 15.82%) |
12.70% (10.22%, 15.66%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
2.34% (1.68%, 3.24%) |
3.16% (2.34%, 4.24%) |
0.70% (0.40%, 1.24%) |
13.16% (11.56%, 14.94%) |
2.80% (2.10%, 3.70%) |
19.10% (17.14%, 21.24%) |
58.74% (56.24%, 61.20%) |
D - Non-white |
5.48% (4.06%, 7.36%) |
4.54% (3.24%, 6.34%) |
1.16% (0.66%, 2.06%) |
30.36% (27.34%, 33.56%) |
3.46% (2.40%, 4.98%) |
19.38% (16.82%, 22.24%) |
35.58% (32.02%, 39.30%) |
R - White |
12.76% (11.28%, 14.40%) |
12.82% (11.20%, 14.62%) |
2.76% (2.04%, 3.72%) |
39.00% (36.44%, 41.62%) |
3.22% (2.40%, 4.28%) |
14.80% (13.18%, 16.58%) |
14.66% (13.12%, 16.36%) |
R - Non-white |
14.02% (10.12%, 19.12%) |
10.70% (7.50%, 15.04%) |
1.80% (0.64%, 5.00%) |
38.68% (32.68%, 45.06%) |
1.18% (0.42%, 3.22%) |
13.84% (10.26%, 18.42%) |
19.78% (15.36%, 25.12%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
2.24% (1.48%, 3.36%) |
2.80% (1.84%, 4.26%) |
1.06% (0.62%, 1.80%) |
12.00% (10.34%, 13.88%) |
2.70% (1.92%, 3.80%) |
19.28% (17.00%, 21.78%) |
59.92% (56.66%, 63.10%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.00% (3.74%, 6.64%) |
4.46% (3.42%, 5.80%) |
0.80% (0.44%, 1.48%) |
28.32% (25.66%, 31.16%) |
3.32% (2.44%, 4.52%) |
19.06% (16.92%, 21.42%) |
39.02% (36.08%, 42.06%) |
R - College Grad |
9.76% (7.78%, 12.16%) |
11.42% (9.16%, 14.16%) |
2.56% (1.56%, 4.18%) |
37.80% (33.96%, 41.80%) |
4.58% (3.16%, 6.60%) |
16.54% (14.00%, 19.44%) |
17.34% (14.56%, 20.52%) |
R - Not college grad |
14.26% (12.34%, 16.42%) |
13.02% (11.18%, 15.10%) |
2.62% (1.84%, 3.74%) |
39.94% (36.68%, 43.28%) |
2.04% (1.38%, 3.00%) |
13.74% (11.72%, 16.06%) |
14.38% (12.64%, 16.32%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201376, "How concerned government might undermine media") anes
Not at all concerned | A little concerned | Moderately concerned | Very concerned | Extremely concerned | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
3.10% (2.32%, 4.12%) |
7.16% (5.98%, 8.56%) |
19.96% (18.32%, 21.72%) |
25.32% (23.54%, 27.18%) |
44.46% (42.54%, 46.38%) |
R |
25.70% (23.82%, 27.66%) |
17.92% (16.12%, 19.86%) |
31.82% (29.82%, 33.90%) |
14.50% (13.00%, 16.12%) |
10.06% (8.88%, 11.38%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
2.34% (1.48%, 3.70%) |
7.88% (6.04%, 10.22%) |
17.26% (14.88%, 19.94%) |
25.22% (22.54%, 28.12%) |
47.30% (44.30%, 50.30%) |
D - Female |
3.76% (2.58%, 5.42%) |
6.60% (5.30%, 8.18%) |
22.14% (19.94%, 24.52%) |
25.30% (22.76%, 28.02%) |
42.20% (39.74%, 44.68%) |
R - Male |
27.88% (24.92%, 31.04%) |
16.62% (14.34%, 19.18%) |
31.08% (28.30%, 34.00%) |
13.90% (11.88%, 16.22%) |
10.52% (8.86%, 12.48%) |
R - Female |
23.10% (20.90%, 25.46%) |
19.30% (16.84%, 22.00%) |
32.84% (29.92%, 35.90%) |
15.20% (13.12%, 17.52%) |
9.56% (7.88%, 11.58%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.88% (1.20%, 6.76%) |
10.04% (6.22%, 15.82%) |
24.84% (19.28%, 31.38%) |
24.58% (18.64%, 31.70%) |
37.64% (31.54%, 44.18%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.48% (1.12%, 5.38%) |
10.20% (6.80%, 15.04%) |
15.58% (12.14%, 19.78%) |
22.98% (18.52%, 28.14%) |
48.76% (43.12%, 54.46%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
1.78% (0.80%, 3.92%) |
4.00% (2.60%, 6.10%) |
12.98% (10.14%, 16.48%) |
27.78% (23.42%, 32.60%) |
53.46% (48.40%, 58.44%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.90% (2.90%, 8.18%) |
7.88% (5.48%, 11.24%) |
27.32% (22.40%, 32.86%) |
22.08% (17.70%, 27.16%) |
37.80% (32.86%, 43.02%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.94% (2.40%, 6.38%) |
8.54% (6.00%, 12.00%) |
21.96% (18.06%, 26.46%) |
27.60% (23.00%, 32.74%) |
37.96% (33.66%, 42.44%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.72% (1.22%, 5.98%) |
4.48% (3.22%, 6.22%) |
18.76% (15.78%, 22.14%) |
25.26% (21.98%, 28.84%) |
48.78% (44.82%, 52.76%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
29.00% (21.84%, 37.36%) |
11.94% (7.92%, 17.62%) |
34.02% (27.40%, 41.32%) |
13.52% (9.22%, 19.38%) |
11.52% (7.68%, 16.94%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
27.04% (22.20%, 32.48%) |
21.58% (17.14%, 26.82%) |
33.48% (28.18%, 39.26%) |
9.86% (7.14%, 13.46%) |
8.04% (5.26%, 12.06%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
27.66% (23.54%, 32.20%) |
16.24% (13.04%, 20.04%) |
27.96% (24.30%, 31.96%) |
16.38% (13.12%, 20.26%) |
11.76% (9.40%, 14.60%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
20.32% (14.44%, 27.82%) |
18.08% (12.18%, 26.00%) |
40.26% (32.36%, 48.68%) |
12.82% (8.94%, 18.04%) |
8.54% (5.38%, 13.32%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
23.68% (19.72%, 28.18%) |
19.82% (15.86%, 24.48%) |
31.68% (26.50%, 37.38%) |
16.08% (12.20%, 20.90%) |
8.72% (5.92%, 12.68%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
24.08% (20.26%, 28.38%) |
19.00% (15.52%, 23.04%) |
30.74% (26.42%, 35.42%) |
14.54% (11.68%, 17.98%) |
11.64% (8.86%, 15.14%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.52% (0.90%, 2.58%) |
5.88% (4.60%, 7.50%) |
15.74% (13.90%, 17.78%) |
25.36% (22.90%, 28.00%) |
51.48% (48.70%, 54.26%) |
D - Non-white |
5.10% (3.72%, 6.96%) |
8.78% (6.86%, 11.18%) |
25.14% (21.98%, 28.56%) |
25.14% (22.52%, 27.92%) |
35.86% (32.48%, 39.38%) |
R - White |
25.32% (23.26%, 27.50%) |
19.46% (17.38%, 21.72%) |
32.06% (29.94%, 34.28%) |
13.76% (12.30%, 15.34%) |
9.40% (8.08%, 10.92%) |
R - Non-white |
26.70% (21.84%, 32.20%) |
11.22% (8.12%, 15.32%) |
31.42% (25.90%, 37.50%) |
17.56% (13.22%, 22.96%) |
13.10% (9.78%, 17.32%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.60% (0.90%, 2.84%) |
5.62% (4.34%, 7.26%) |
13.18% (11.60%, 14.92%) |
27.48% (24.64%, 30.50%) |
52.14% (49.24%, 55.02%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.40% (3.26%, 5.92%) |
8.38% (6.82%, 10.28%) |
25.66% (22.96%, 28.56%) |
23.28% (21.28%, 25.38%) |
38.28% (35.58%, 41.06%) |
R - College Grad |
28.96% (25.20%, 33.04%) |
19.66% (16.76%, 22.94%) |
29.70% (26.06%, 33.64%) |
12.60% (10.60%, 14.92%) |
9.06% (7.20%, 11.36%) |
R - Not college grad |
24.16% (22.02%, 26.44%) |
17.00% (14.82%, 19.42%) |
33.14% (30.54%, 35.82%) |
15.14% (13.16%, 17.34%) |
10.58% (9.14%, 12.18%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201377, "How much trust in news media") anes
None | A little | A moderate amount | A lot | A great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
7.84% (6.68%, 9.20%) |
18.14% (16.70%, 19.68%) |
41.72% (39.52%, 43.94%) |
23.40% (21.54%, 25.36%) |
8.90% (7.76%, 10.20%) |
R |
55.58% (53.32%, 57.82%) |
26.86% (24.62%, 29.22%) |
13.04% (11.62%, 14.62%) |
2.86% (2.12%, 3.88%) |
1.64% (1.10%, 2.44%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
7.76% (6.14%, 9.76%) |
18.28% (15.86%, 20.96%) |
39.08% (35.66%, 42.60%) |
25.64% (23.06%, 28.42%) |
9.24% (7.56%, 11.26%) |
D - Female |
7.96% (6.44%, 9.80%) |
18.08% (16.34%, 19.94%) |
43.84% (41.04%, 46.70%) |
21.50% (19.20%, 24.00%) |
8.62% (7.26%, 10.20%) |
R - Male |
57.28% (53.70%, 60.80%) |
25.56% (22.50%, 28.88%) |
12.20% (10.24%, 14.44%) |
3.00% (1.88%, 4.74%) |
1.96% (1.18%, 3.26%) |
R - Female |
53.64% (50.66%, 56.60%) |
28.32% (25.32%, 31.54%) |
13.98% (11.88%, 16.36%) |
2.74% (1.86%, 4.04%) |
1.30% (0.74%, 2.32%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
12.48% (8.68%, 17.64%) |
26.82% (20.80%, 33.82%) |
40.14% (33.30%, 47.38%) |
16.22% (12.04%, 21.46%) |
4.34% (2.48%, 7.52%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.38% (4.80%, 11.18%) |
20.70% (17.18%, 24.74%) |
44.08% (38.90%, 49.40%) |
19.20% (15.18%, 24.02%) |
8.64% (5.84%, 12.58%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
4.46% (2.64%, 7.48%) |
9.72% (7.12%, 13.16%) |
32.46% (28.20%, 37.04%) |
39.24% (34.28%, 44.42%) |
14.10% (10.98%, 17.94%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
14.08% (10.52%, 18.58%) |
26.84% (22.42%, 31.78%) |
45.70% (39.70%, 51.80%) |
10.08% (7.04%, 14.22%) |
3.30% (1.82%, 5.92%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
6.58% (4.84%, 8.88%) |
19.46% (15.86%, 23.62%) |
45.74% (40.70%, 50.88%) |
19.82% (15.96%, 24.34%) |
8.40% (6.10%, 11.46%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
5.36% (3.50%, 8.12%) |
10.96% (8.90%, 13.44%) |
41.34% (37.12%, 45.68%) |
29.80% (26.26%, 33.58%) |
12.54% (10.14%, 15.40%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
54.80% (47.52%, 61.88%) |
23.72% (17.66%, 31.08%) |
16.58% (11.42%, 23.46%) |
3.18% (1.26%, 7.78%) |
1.70% (0.50%, 5.58%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
57.08% (51.40%, 62.58%) |
26.78% (21.88%, 32.32%) |
10.68% (7.28%, 15.38%) |
2.86% (1.38%, 5.86%) |
2.62% (1.18%, 5.68%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
58.22% (53.18%, 63.10%) |
26.56% (22.36%, 31.24%) |
10.92% (8.52%, 13.88%) |
2.64% (1.36%, 5.10%) |
1.66% (0.72%, 3.80%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
51.44% (43.50%, 59.32%) |
22.26% (16.02%, 30.04%) |
19.80% (13.98%, 27.30%) |
3.16% (1.32%, 7.44%) |
3.32% (1.30%, 8.24%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
54.76% (48.70%, 60.68%) |
28.72% (23.62%, 34.42%) |
12.58% (9.32%, 16.80%) |
3.22% (1.58%, 6.44%) |
0.74% (0.26%, 2.00%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
54.02% (49.68%, 58.30%) |
29.76% (25.86%, 34.00%) |
12.80% (10.06%, 16.16%) |
2.56% (1.46%, 4.44%) |
0.86% (0.30%, 2.42%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
7.08% (5.90%, 8.48%) |
18.14% (16.22%, 20.22%) |
38.40% (35.84%, 41.04%) |
28.06% (25.60%, 30.66%) |
8.32% (7.06%, 9.78%) |
D - Non-white |
8.68% (6.76%, 11.06%) |
18.36% (16.12%, 20.84%) |
45.68% (42.02%, 49.38%) |
17.70% (15.26%, 20.44%) |
9.60% (7.68%, 11.92%) |
R - White |
57.44% (54.94%, 59.90%) |
28.06% (25.70%, 30.52%) |
11.26% (9.92%, 12.76%) |
2.02% (1.42%, 2.86%) |
1.22% (0.78%, 1.94%) |
R - Non-white |
46.76% (40.86%, 52.76%) |
22.42% (17.66%, 28.06%) |
20.72% (16.40%, 25.82%) |
6.56% (3.76%, 11.18%) |
3.54% (1.76%, 7.00%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
6.82% (5.50%, 8.42%) |
17.28% (15.38%, 19.38%) |
40.92% (37.90%, 44.00%) |
26.92% (24.20%, 29.84%) |
8.06% (6.60%, 9.80%) |
D - Not college grad |
8.74% (6.92%, 11.00%) |
19.02% (16.98%, 21.22%) |
42.36% (39.26%, 45.50%) |
20.38% (18.12%, 22.84%) |
9.50% (7.80%, 11.52%) |
R - College Grad |
57.08% (53.20%, 60.88%) |
28.94% (25.54%, 32.58%) |
10.12% (7.94%, 12.84%) |
2.44% (1.36%, 4.32%) |
1.42% (0.74%, 2.68%) |
R - Not college grad |
54.78% (52.08%, 57.46%) |
25.88% (23.20%, 28.78%) |
14.48% (12.64%, 16.56%) |
3.08% (2.08%, 4.52%) |
1.78% (1.10%, 2.86%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201378, "Appropriate/inappropriate Pres ask foreign countries to investigate rivals") anes
Very appropriate | Somewhat appropriate | Neither appropriate nor inappropriate | Somewhat inappropriate | Very inappropriate | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
2.22% (1.74%, 2.84%) |
3.24% (2.56%, 4.10%) |
9.54% (8.36%, 10.86%) |
9.02% (7.78%, 10.44%) |
75.98% (74.06%, 77.78%) |
R |
7.04% (5.98%, 8.28%) |
14.68% (13.24%, 16.24%) |
36.92% (34.68%, 39.22%) |
18.12% (16.46%, 19.90%) |
23.26% (21.60%, 25.00%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
2.18% (1.36%, 3.46%) |
3.42% (2.40%, 4.86%) |
8.20% (6.50%, 10.32%) |
9.34% (7.58%, 11.46%) |
76.86% (73.78%, 79.68%) |
D - Female |
2.26% (1.62%, 3.18%) |
3.14% (2.30%, 4.28%) |
10.68% (9.00%, 12.64%) |
8.78% (7.18%, 10.70%) |
75.14% (72.64%, 77.46%) |
R - Male |
7.22% (5.78%, 8.98%) |
15.66% (13.52%, 18.08%) |
37.36% (34.18%, 40.64%) |
16.56% (14.56%, 18.76%) |
23.18% (20.68%, 25.92%) |
R - Female |
6.76% (5.36%, 8.50%) |
13.66% (11.70%, 15.88%) |
36.42% (33.32%, 39.66%) |
19.86% (17.42%, 22.54%) |
23.30% (20.86%, 25.92%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.60% (1.08%, 6.12%) |
5.60% (3.00%, 10.20%) |
15.18% (10.92%, 20.74%) |
11.72% (7.94%, 16.96%) |
64.90% (58.02%, 71.22%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.48% (1.16%, 5.24%) |
2.98% (1.56%, 5.60%) |
6.50% (4.40%, 9.52%) |
10.28% (7.00%, 14.86%) |
77.76% (72.38%, 82.34%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
1.56% (0.84%, 2.88%) |
2.32% (1.16%, 4.54%) |
4.40% (2.90%, 6.64%) |
6.66% (4.32%, 10.12%) |
85.08% (81.12%, 88.32%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.24% (1.90%, 5.46%) |
3.80% (2.12%, 6.76%) |
18.84% (14.40%, 24.26%) |
11.60% (8.50%, 15.66%) |
62.50% (57.12%, 67.60%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.00% (1.12%, 3.54%) |
3.52% (2.12%, 5.74%) |
8.34% (6.22%, 11.12%) |
11.28% (8.44%, 14.92%) |
74.86% (70.86%, 78.48%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.46% (0.76%, 2.78%) |
2.54% (1.36%, 4.70%) |
7.42% (5.16%, 10.58%) |
4.94% (3.08%, 7.84%) |
83.64% (79.76%, 86.88%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
5.22% (2.90%, 9.18%) |
13.68% (9.32%, 19.62%) |
48.62% (40.70%, 56.62%) |
16.94% (12.56%, 22.44%) |
15.56% (10.70%, 22.06%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
6.88% (4.66%, 10.06%) |
15.22% (11.26%, 20.22%) |
38.26% (32.52%, 44.36%) |
16.10% (12.68%, 20.24%) |
23.54% (18.90%, 28.90%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
8.58% (6.32%, 11.56%) |
16.76% (13.78%, 20.22%) |
30.66% (27.02%, 34.56%) |
16.70% (13.42%, 20.62%) |
27.30% (23.54%, 31.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.44% (2.08%, 9.24%) |
13.04% (8.54%, 19.44%) |
45.94% (38.00%, 54.10%) |
23.44% (17.12%, 31.20%) |
13.14% (9.10%, 18.58%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.80% (5.36%, 11.20%) |
14.56% (11.06%, 18.94%) |
34.28% (29.54%, 39.34%) |
18.64% (14.20%, 24.08%) |
24.72% (20.16%, 29.94%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
7.56% (5.38%, 10.52%) |
13.78% (10.88%, 17.34%) |
33.30% (29.06%, 37.84%) |
18.20% (15.02%, 21.88%) |
27.16% (23.28%, 31.42%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.52% (1.06%, 2.22%) |
1.44% (0.96%, 2.16%) |
5.70% (4.46%, 7.24%) |
6.70% (5.48%, 8.16%) |
84.64% (82.60%, 86.48%) |
D - Non-white |
3.10% (2.18%, 4.36%) |
5.44% (4.04%, 7.28%) |
14.12% (11.90%, 16.70%) |
12.02% (9.80%, 14.68%) |
65.32% (61.96%, 68.52%) |
R - White |
6.60% (5.50%, 7.90%) |
14.78% (13.20%, 16.50%) |
36.70% (34.30%, 39.16%) |
18.70% (16.82%, 20.76%) |
23.22% (21.40%, 25.16%) |
R - Non-white |
8.82% (6.08%, 12.64%) |
14.08% (10.40%, 18.82%) |
38.44% (33.20%, 43.96%) |
15.20% (11.78%, 19.38%) |
23.46% (19.20%, 28.32%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
2.30% (1.62%, 3.28%) |
1.52% (0.94%, 2.44%) |
4.08% (3.16%, 5.24%) |
6.36% (5.00%, 8.04%) |
85.74% (83.44%, 87.76%) |
D - Not college grad |
2.20% (1.52%, 3.20%) |
4.64% (3.54%, 6.08%) |
14.00% (12.00%, 16.30%) |
11.24% (9.30%, 13.52%) |
67.90% (64.96%, 70.70%) |
R - College Grad |
6.24% (4.66%, 8.34%) |
14.34% (11.82%, 17.30%) |
32.42% (28.80%, 36.26%) |
20.94% (17.92%, 24.30%) |
26.06% (22.96%, 29.44%) |
R - Not college grad |
7.48% (6.18%, 9.04%) |
14.56% (12.86%, 16.46%) |
38.96% (36.20%, 41.80%) |
17.00% (14.96%, 19.28%) |
21.98% (19.92%, 24.20%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201379, "Prefer government official who compromises or sticks to principles") anes
Compromises to get things done | Sticks to their principles no matter what | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
67.00% (65.00%, 68.94%) |
33.00% (31.06%, 35.00%) |
R |
54.24% (52.28%, 56.18%) |
45.76% (43.82%, 47.72%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
69.62% (66.20%, 72.84%) |
30.38% (27.16%, 33.80%) |
D - Female |
65.04% (62.40%, 67.58%) |
34.96% (32.42%, 37.60%) |
R - Male |
58.28% (55.26%, 61.24%) |
41.72% (38.76%, 44.74%) |
R - Female |
50.04% (46.78%, 53.30%) |
49.96% (46.70%, 53.22%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
63.76% (55.72%, 71.10%) |
36.24% (28.90%, 44.28%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
72.22% (67.02%, 76.88%) |
27.78% (23.12%, 32.98%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
71.04% (66.16%, 75.50%) |
28.96% (24.50%, 33.84%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
62.88% (57.10%, 68.30%) |
37.12% (31.70%, 42.90%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
63.20% (58.18%, 67.94%) |
36.80% (32.06%, 41.82%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
67.78% (63.98%, 71.36%) |
32.22% (28.64%, 36.02%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
59.66% (52.24%, 66.66%) |
40.34% (33.34%, 47.76%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
54.92% (49.42%, 60.28%) |
45.08% (39.72%, 50.58%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
59.20% (54.96%, 63.28%) |
40.80% (36.72%, 45.04%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
42.22% (33.76%, 51.18%) |
57.78% (48.82%, 66.24%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
49.36% (43.66%, 55.06%) |
50.64% (44.94%, 56.34%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
54.68% (50.30%, 58.98%) |
45.32% (41.02%, 49.70%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
76.62% (74.58%, 78.54%) |
23.38% (21.46%, 25.42%) |
D - Non-white |
55.20% (51.50%, 58.86%) |
44.80% (41.14%, 48.50%) |
R - White |
54.92% (52.64%, 57.18%) |
45.08% (42.82%, 47.36%) |
R - Non-white |
51.34% (45.76%, 56.90%) |
48.66% (43.10%, 54.24%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
75.04% (72.74%, 77.22%) |
24.96% (22.78%, 27.26%) |
D - Not college grad |
60.36% (57.20%, 63.42%) |
39.64% (36.58%, 42.80%) |
R - College Grad |
58.36% (54.48%, 62.12%) |
41.64% (37.88%, 45.52%) |
R - Not college grad |
52.46% (49.80%, 55.10%) |
47.54% (44.90%, 50.20%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201427, "How important to speak English in US") anes
Very important | Somewhat important | Not very important | Not at all important | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
35.38% (33.32%, 37.52%) |
37.46% (35.48%, 39.46%) |
18.06% (16.42%, 19.82%) |
9.10% (8.00%, 10.34%) |
R |
70.72% (68.64%, 72.72%) |
23.04% (21.22%, 24.98%) |
3.76% (3.02%, 4.68%) |
2.48% (1.74%, 3.52%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
36.58% (33.30%, 39.98%) |
37.08% (33.90%, 40.40%) |
16.26% (14.14%, 18.62%) |
10.08% (8.20%, 12.32%) |
D - Female |
34.54% (32.04%, 37.12%) |
37.74% (35.12%, 40.44%) |
19.48% (17.18%, 22.02%) |
8.24% (6.74%, 10.04%) |
R - Male |
71.46% (68.40%, 74.34%) |
22.08% (19.66%, 24.72%) |
4.32% (3.16%, 5.90%) |
2.14% (1.26%, 3.58%) |
R - Female |
70.02% (66.80%, 73.02%) |
23.92% (21.10%, 27.00%) |
3.20% (2.40%, 4.24%) |
2.88% (1.82%, 4.50%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
25.54% (19.90%, 32.14%) |
34.60% (28.66%, 41.06%) |
26.06% (20.14%, 32.98%) |
13.80% (10.10%, 18.60%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
36.66% (31.20%, 42.50%) |
34.84% (30.12%, 39.86%) |
16.12% (12.46%, 20.58%) |
12.38% (8.92%, 16.96%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
44.76% (39.86%, 49.76%) |
40.62% (35.86%, 45.54%) |
9.26% (7.04%, 12.10%) |
5.36% (3.40%, 8.36%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
20.70% (16.34%, 25.88%) |
36.66% (31.22%, 42.46%) |
28.36% (22.80%, 34.66%) |
14.28% (10.26%, 19.52%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
32.90% (28.50%, 37.64%) |
37.16% (32.66%, 41.88%) |
21.90% (18.28%, 25.98%) |
8.04% (5.58%, 11.48%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
44.38% (40.32%, 48.52%) |
38.82% (35.14%, 42.62%) |
12.24% (9.72%, 15.30%) |
4.58% (3.30%, 6.34%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
59.48% (51.72%, 66.80%) |
28.86% (22.36%, 36.38%) |
8.50% (5.14%, 13.70%) |
3.18% (1.52%, 6.48%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
70.08% (64.38%, 75.22%) |
21.72% (17.42%, 26.74%) |
5.00% (2.72%, 9.02%) |
3.18% (1.54%, 6.48%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
78.54% (74.00%, 82.48%) |
18.90% (15.36%, 23.02%) |
1.74% (0.96%, 3.14%) |
0.82% (0.28%, 2.36%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
50.82% (42.10%, 59.48%) |
34.48% (26.32%, 43.64%) |
6.40% (3.98%, 10.14%) |
8.30% (4.48%, 14.92%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
66.40% (60.64%, 71.72%) |
27.84% (23.24%, 32.98%) |
3.80% (2.28%, 6.26%) |
1.96% (0.90%, 4.20%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
80.14% (75.92%, 83.78%) |
16.58% (13.38%, 20.38%) |
1.60% (0.80%, 3.20%) |
1.68% (0.76%, 3.64%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
31.02% (28.58%, 33.56%) |
39.38% (36.70%, 42.10%) |
20.02% (17.76%, 22.50%) |
9.58% (8.26%, 11.10%) |
D - Non-white |
40.64% (37.46%, 43.90%) |
34.86% (31.84%, 38.00%) |
15.84% (13.52%, 18.48%) |
8.66% (7.00%, 10.68%) |
R - White |
73.86% (71.54%, 76.06%) |
21.94% (19.86%, 24.16%) |
2.44% (1.88%, 3.16%) |
1.76% (1.16%, 2.68%) |
R - Non-white |
56.70% (51.36%, 61.90%) |
28.16% (23.58%, 33.26%) |
9.82% (6.88%, 13.84%) |
5.30% (2.88%, 9.60%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
26.76% (24.10%, 29.60%) |
41.90% (39.06%, 44.80%) |
21.40% (19.06%, 23.96%) |
9.94% (8.34%, 11.82%) |
D - Not college grad |
42.12% (38.98%, 45.34%) |
34.08% (31.56%, 36.68%) |
15.50% (13.30%, 18.00%) |
8.30% (6.78%, 10.12%) |
R - College Grad |
64.04% (60.48%, 67.46%) |
30.26% (26.94%, 33.78%) |
3.84% (2.74%, 5.34%) |
1.88% (0.96%, 3.64%) |
R - Not college grad |
73.30% (70.70%, 75.76%) |
20.10% (17.90%, 22.50%) |
3.80% (2.90%, 4.98%) |
2.80% (1.84%, 4.22%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201382x, "Corruption increased or decreased since Trump") anes
Increased a great deal | Increased a moderate amount | Increased a little | Stayed the same | Decreased a little | Decreased a moderate amount | Decreased a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
66.62% (64.54%, 68.64%) |
16.68% (15.20%, 18.28%) |
2.30% (1.72%, 3.06%) |
11.08% (9.80%, 12.48%) |
0.36% (0.14%, 0.88%) |
1.64% (1.10%, 2.46%) |
1.32% (0.94%, 1.86%) |
R |
9.20% (7.94%, 10.64%) |
7.74% (6.58%, 9.08%) |
1.72% (1.22%, 2.46%) |
50.64% (48.52%, 52.76%) |
8.28% (7.16%, 9.58%) |
15.34% (14.02%, 16.78%) |
7.06% (5.96%, 8.32%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
64.94% (61.62%, 68.14%) |
18.48% (15.96%, 21.28%) |
2.76% (1.80%, 4.20%) |
11.00% (9.12%, 13.22%) |
0.52% (0.20%, 1.38%) |
1.72% (0.96%, 3.02%) |
0.58% (0.28%, 1.20%) |
D - Female |
67.94% (65.50%, 70.28%) |
15.26% (13.50%, 17.18%) |
1.86% (1.26%, 2.74%) |
11.18% (9.44%, 13.18%) |
0.22% (0.06%, 0.70%) |
1.60% (0.94%, 2.72%) |
1.94% (1.34%, 2.84%) |
R - Male |
8.82% (7.18%, 10.76%) |
7.64% (6.02%, 9.64%) |
1.82% (1.16%, 2.88%) |
50.12% (46.94%, 53.30%) |
8.94% (7.34%, 10.82%) |
13.98% (12.20%, 15.98%) |
8.70% (7.04%, 10.72%) |
R - Female |
9.48% (7.68%, 11.66%) |
7.86% (6.12%, 10.04%) |
1.64% (0.98%, 2.74%) |
51.16% (48.10%, 54.22%) |
7.66% (6.08%, 9.60%) |
16.92% (14.92%, 19.14%) |
5.28% (4.10%, 6.76%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
51.80% (44.66%, 58.88%) |
24.64% (19.16%, 31.08%) |
2.94% (1.32%, 6.40%) |
14.94% (10.54%, 20.76%) |
1.02% (0.24%, 4.34%) |
3.64% (1.70%, 7.60%) |
1.02% (0.34%, 3.12%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
63.88% (57.96%, 69.42%) |
18.00% (14.08%, 22.74%) |
4.78% (2.70%, 8.34%) |
11.18% (7.90%, 15.60%) |
0.54% (0.14%, 2.22%) |
1.28% (0.52%, 3.06%) |
0.30% (0.08%, 1.24%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
75.34% (70.60%, 79.56%) |
14.52% (11.48%, 18.20%) |
0.78% (0.30%, 1.98%) |
8.00% (5.74%, 11.02%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.48%) |
0.70% (0.20%, 2.50%) |
0.54% (0.18%, 1.70%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
62.12% (56.16%, 67.74%) |
15.44% (11.90%, 19.78%) |
1.92% (0.90%, 4.08%) |
15.06% (11.18%, 19.98%) |
0.48% (0.10%, 2.38%) |
0.82% (0.30%, 2.30%) |
4.14% (2.52%, 6.76%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
64.34% (59.54%, 68.86%) |
17.40% (14.02%, 21.40%) |
2.54% (1.50%, 4.24%) |
11.04% (8.50%, 14.22%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.36%) |
3.22% (1.60%, 6.36%) |
1.42% (0.64%, 3.10%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
75.58% (72.06%, 78.80%) |
12.68% (10.14%, 15.76%) |
1.24% (0.56%, 2.66%) |
8.58% (6.40%, 11.40%) |
0.20% (0.02%, 1.40%) |
0.96% (0.34%, 2.70%) |
0.76% (0.24%, 2.30%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.10% (3.50%, 10.44%) |
9.08% (5.38%, 14.94%) |
1.48% (0.38%, 5.66%) |
47.30% (39.60%, 55.14%) |
8.98% (5.18%, 15.16%) |
13.52% (9.20%, 19.42%) |
13.54% (9.48%, 18.98%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.48% (3.20%, 9.26%) |
7.18% (4.74%, 10.70%) |
2.72% (1.38%, 5.30%) |
52.56% (46.90%, 58.16%) |
11.20% (7.92%, 15.56%) |
12.30% (9.02%, 16.56%) |
8.56% (5.72%, 12.64%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
11.90% (9.32%, 15.04%) |
7.16% (5.10%, 9.98%) |
1.50% (0.76%, 2.92%) |
49.96% (45.36%, 54.54%) |
7.26% (5.26%, 9.94%) |
15.46% (12.30%, 19.24%) |
6.78% (4.82%, 9.46%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
5.76% (2.90%, 11.16%) |
8.74% (4.78%, 15.44%) |
1.22% (0.42%, 3.52%) |
57.28% (49.10%, 65.06%) |
5.72% (3.60%, 8.94%) |
15.96% (10.94%, 22.70%) |
5.34% (2.58%, 10.68%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.44% (4.84%, 11.24%) |
7.44% (4.56%, 11.88%) |
2.52% (1.02%, 6.12%) |
50.84% (44.74%, 56.92%) |
8.32% (5.62%, 12.14%) |
17.00% (13.28%, 21.50%) |
6.46% (4.30%, 9.60%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
12.74% (9.96%, 16.16%) |
7.14% (5.26%, 9.60%) |
1.14% (0.52%, 2.42%) |
48.76% (44.54%, 53.02%) |
8.38% (5.90%, 11.78%) |
17.76% (14.48%, 21.58%) |
4.08% (2.86%, 5.78%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
71.28% (68.74%, 73.70%) |
16.66% (14.74%, 18.78%) |
2.06% (1.40%, 2.98%) |
8.34% (7.10%, 9.76%) |
0.16% (0.04%, 0.54%) |
0.92% (0.44%, 1.90%) |
0.60% (0.28%, 1.22%) |
D - Non-white |
60.96% (57.36%, 64.42%) |
16.74% (14.42%, 19.34%) |
2.48% (1.56%, 3.88%) |
14.46% (12.20%, 17.04%) |
0.60% (0.18%, 1.86%) |
2.58% (1.66%, 3.96%) |
2.20% (1.50%, 3.24%) |
R - White |
8.64% (7.32%, 10.18%) |
7.12% (5.96%, 8.48%) |
1.98% (1.36%, 2.88%) |
51.78% (49.56%, 53.98%) |
8.32% (7.08%, 9.74%) |
15.68% (14.12%, 17.38%) |
6.48% (5.48%, 7.64%) |
R - Non-white |
11.16% (7.94%, 15.46%) |
10.62% (7.46%, 14.90%) |
0.44% (0.14%, 1.40%) |
45.88% (39.96%, 51.92%) |
8.36% (5.50%, 12.54%) |
14.38% (11.28%, 18.18%) |
9.16% (5.96%, 13.80%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
70.42% (67.56%, 73.12%) |
17.34% (15.20%, 19.74%) |
2.14% (1.46%, 3.14%) |
9.26% (7.62%, 11.20%) |
NA |
0.68% (0.26%, 1.70%) |
0.14% (0.04%, 0.64%) |
D - Not college grad |
63.32% (60.24%, 66.28%) |
16.54% (14.44%, 18.88%) |
2.36% (1.58%, 3.48%) |
12.38% (10.46%, 14.60%) |
0.64% (0.26%, 1.60%) |
2.46% (1.60%, 3.78%) |
2.30% (1.62%, 3.26%) |
R - College Grad |
6.68% (5.14%, 8.68%) |
8.42% (6.26%, 11.22%) |
1.38% (0.80%, 2.36%) |
56.34% (52.48%, 60.14%) |
7.70% (6.00%, 9.84%) |
13.08% (10.94%, 15.58%) |
6.40% (4.60%, 8.82%) |
R - Not college grad |
10.34% (8.70%, 12.22%) |
7.58% (6.12%, 9.36%) |
1.68% (1.06%, 2.62%) |
48.56% (45.86%, 51.24%) |
8.44% (7.02%, 10.14%) |
16.40% (14.64%, 18.32%) |
7.02% (5.70%, 8.62%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201383, "Did Trump ask Ukraine to investigate rivals") anes
Asked for an investigation | Did not ask for an investigation | I’m not sure | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
64.98% (62.98%, 66.94%) |
2.74% (2.06%, 3.62%) |
32.28% (30.32%, 34.30%) |
R |
10.14% (8.80%, 11.66%) |
29.60% (27.44%, 31.84%) |
60.26% (57.96%, 62.52%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
70.32% (67.24%, 73.22%) |
2.80% (1.94%, 4.04%) |
26.88% (23.90%, 30.08%) |
D - Female |
60.60% (57.98%, 63.16%) |
2.70% (1.86%, 3.90%) |
36.70% (34.12%, 39.36%) |
R - Male |
12.42% (10.48%, 14.66%) |
31.34% (28.46%, 34.38%) |
56.24% (52.94%, 59.50%) |
R - Female |
7.62% (6.04%, 9.56%) |
27.80% (24.94%, 30.86%) |
64.58% (61.40%, 67.64%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
58.36% (51.68%, 64.74%) |
5.12% (2.78%, 9.28%) |
36.52% (29.92%, 43.66%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
70.04% (64.72%, 74.86%) |
2.00% (1.08%, 3.70%) |
27.96% (23.12%, 33.38%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
80.08% (76.08%, 83.54%) |
1.88% (1.02%, 3.46%) |
18.04% (14.64%, 22.02%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
50.02% (44.80%, 55.22%) |
4.54% (2.48%, 8.18%) |
45.44% (40.40%, 50.58%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
60.56% (56.30%, 64.64%) |
1.78% (1.02%, 3.08%) |
37.68% (33.56%, 41.98%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
67.94% (64.00%, 71.66%) |
2.36% (1.08%, 5.04%) |
29.70% (26.08%, 33.58%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
8.80% (5.54%, 13.70%) |
27.68% (20.42%, 36.34%) |
63.54% (54.30%, 71.86%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
13.96% (10.36%, 18.56%) |
27.84% (23.20%, 33.02%) |
58.20% (52.48%, 63.70%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
12.94% (10.02%, 16.56%) |
35.22% (31.02%, 39.64%) |
51.84% (47.24%, 56.42%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
6.28% (3.60%, 10.72%) |
21.06% (14.68%, 29.26%) |
72.66% (64.12%, 79.82%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.32% (5.02%, 10.52%) |
23.46% (18.94%, 28.70%) |
69.22% (63.78%, 74.16%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
8.48% (6.06%, 11.72%) |
34.30% (30.44%, 38.40%) |
57.22% (52.82%, 61.50%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
74.42% (72.06%, 76.64%) |
2.04% (1.38%, 3.02%) |
23.54% (21.40%, 25.84%) |
D - Non-white |
53.54% (50.04%, 56.98%) |
3.64% (2.54%, 5.16%) |
42.84% (39.24%, 46.50%) |
R - White |
9.94% (8.48%, 11.60%) |
29.90% (27.82%, 32.04%) |
60.18% (57.80%, 62.48%) |
R - Non-white |
10.74% (7.68%, 14.82%) |
28.28% (23.04%, 34.18%) |
60.98% (54.94%, 66.70%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
75.76% (73.08%, 78.26%) |
1.46% (0.86%, 2.46%) |
22.78% (20.30%, 25.46%) |
D - Not college grad |
56.22% (53.14%, 59.28%) |
3.84% (2.72%, 5.36%) |
39.94% (36.78%, 43.20%) |
R - College Grad |
12.96% (10.28%, 16.18%) |
33.00% (29.48%, 36.72%) |
54.04% (50.44%, 57.62%) |
R - Not college grad |
9.08% (7.68%, 10.70%) |
27.84% (25.12%, 30.76%) |
63.06% (60.26%, 65.78%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201386x, "Favor or oppose House impeachment decision") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor moderately | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose moderately | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
65.34% (63.10%, 67.52%) |
11.96% (10.60%, 13.46%) |
2.42% (1.82%, 3.22%) |
13.22% (11.70%, 14.92%) |
1.48% (1.04%, 2.10%) |
3.08% (2.38%, 4.00%) |
2.50% (1.90%, 3.28%) |
R |
1.38% (0.90%, 2.10%) |
1.02% (0.68%, 1.54%) |
0.30% (0.10%, 0.96%) |
12.62% (11.14%, 14.28%) |
2.64% (1.94%, 3.56%) |
10.48% (9.16%, 11.98%) |
71.54% (69.56%, 73.44%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
63.98% (60.52%, 67.30%) |
11.90% (9.96%, 14.14%) |
3.02% (2.04%, 4.44%) |
13.10% (10.82%, 15.76%) |
1.84% (1.08%, 3.10%) |
3.66% (2.60%, 5.14%) |
2.50% (1.70%, 3.66%) |
D - Female |
66.52% (63.54%, 69.36%) |
12.08% (10.36%, 14.06%) |
1.88% (1.24%, 2.86%) |
13.20% (11.22%, 15.46%) |
1.20% (0.74%, 1.92%) |
2.62% (1.82%, 3.76%) |
2.50% (1.72%, 3.60%) |
R - Male |
0.88% (0.46%, 1.70%) |
0.86% (0.50%, 1.48%) |
0.38% (0.08%, 1.80%) |
12.48% (10.24%, 15.12%) |
1.80% (1.22%, 2.64%) |
11.16% (9.20%, 13.48%) |
72.44% (69.40%, 75.30%) |
R - Female |
1.92% (1.12%, 3.30%) |
1.22% (0.70%, 2.12%) |
0.22% (0.10%, 0.56%) |
12.66% (10.48%, 15.20%) |
3.56% (2.32%, 5.42%) |
9.86% (8.02%, 12.06%) |
70.56% (67.42%, 73.52%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
57.34% (50.76%, 63.66%) |
13.58% (9.60%, 18.90%) |
4.12% (2.26%, 7.40%) |
17.64% (12.68%, 24.00%) |
1.72% (0.70%, 4.16%) |
4.66% (2.38%, 8.94%) |
0.94% (0.34%, 2.56%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
63.70% (57.72%, 69.30%) |
10.78% (7.84%, 14.66%) |
4.12% (2.20%, 7.60%) |
13.58% (9.86%, 18.40%) |
1.96% (0.74%, 5.16%) |
3.16% (1.56%, 6.32%) |
2.68% (1.44%, 4.94%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
69.66% (64.16%, 74.64%) |
10.96% (8.12%, 14.64%) |
1.28% (0.64%, 2.54%) |
9.06% (6.58%, 12.34%) |
1.92% (0.86%, 4.26%) |
3.40% (1.92%, 5.98%) |
3.70% (2.16%, 6.30%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
65.94% (60.12%, 71.30%) |
12.98% (9.48%, 17.50%) |
2.40% (1.26%, 4.52%) |
12.72% (9.68%, 16.52%) |
0.48% (0.12%, 2.04%) |
3.66% (1.88%, 7.04%) |
1.82% (0.80%, 4.08%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
62.48% (57.56%, 67.16%) |
13.36% (10.22%, 17.26%) |
2.66% (1.32%, 5.26%) |
16.36% (12.84%, 20.64%) |
0.84% (0.38%, 1.84%) |
2.54% (1.38%, 4.64%) |
1.76% (0.80%, 3.90%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
70.32% (66.30%, 74.04%) |
10.42% (8.54%, 12.64%) |
1.04% (0.58%, 1.84%) |
10.70% (8.00%, 14.16%) |
1.88% (0.82%, 4.22%) |
2.00% (1.04%, 3.76%) |
3.64% (2.18%, 6.04%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.92% (0.24%, 3.44%) |
1.84% (0.76%, 4.30%) |
1.60% (0.28%, 8.42%) |
24.88% (18.32%, 32.82%) |
2.34% (1.36%, 4.04%) |
12.84% (8.32%, 19.30%) |
55.60% (47.22%, 63.66%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.18% (0.32%, 4.16%) |
0.40% (0.12%, 1.42%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.88%) |
12.78% (9.40%, 17.16%) |
2.90% (1.68%, 5.00%) |
12.64% (9.34%, 16.92%) |
69.96% (64.98%, 74.52%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.72% (0.36%, 1.44%) |
0.76% (0.32%, 1.80%) |
NA |
6.02% (3.96%, 9.06%) |
0.88% (0.32%, 2.40%) |
9.54% (7.22%, 12.50%) |
82.06% (77.86%, 85.60%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.52% (0.48%, 4.70%) |
3.04% (1.28%, 7.02%) |
0.50% (0.12%, 2.18%) |
23.42% (16.52%, 32.08%) |
9.48% (5.04%, 17.10%) |
12.60% (8.18%, 18.88%) |
49.46% (40.74%, 58.22%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.42% (1.72%, 6.68%) |
0.64% (0.28%, 1.46%) |
0.36% (0.10%, 1.32%) |
15.64% (12.22%, 19.78%) |
3.12% (1.78%, 5.44%) |
11.82% (8.62%, 15.98%) |
65.00% (59.22%, 70.38%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
1.10% (0.32%, 3.66%) |
1.02% (0.52%, 2.02%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.36%) |
6.14% (4.24%, 8.80%) |
0.80% (0.34%, 1.84%) |
7.16% (5.02%, 10.14%) |
83.74% (80.18%, 86.76%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
67.54% (65.04%, 69.94%) |
13.14% (11.42%, 15.10%) |
2.56% (1.86%, 3.50%) |
10.54% (8.86%, 12.48%) |
1.62% (0.98%, 2.72%) |
2.30% (1.72%, 3.04%) |
2.30% (1.64%, 3.22%) |
D - Non-white |
62.68% (58.96%, 66.26%) |
10.52% (8.52%, 12.96%) |
2.28% (1.32%, 3.94%) |
16.44% (13.86%, 19.38%) |
1.32% (0.78%, 2.22%) |
4.02% (2.72%, 5.92%) |
2.74% (1.78%, 4.18%) |
R - White |
0.92% (0.54%, 1.54%) |
0.76% (0.46%, 1.24%) |
0.12% (0.04%, 0.32%) |
9.26% (7.88%, 10.84%) |
2.82% (2.00%, 3.96%) |
10.84% (9.26%, 12.62%) |
75.32% (73.14%, 77.36%) |
R - Non-white |
3.52% (1.82%, 6.72%) |
2.28% (1.20%, 4.28%) |
1.18% (0.28%, 4.88%) |
27.52% (22.06%, 33.78%) |
1.92% (0.90%, 4.08%) |
9.16% (6.46%, 12.86%) |
54.40% (48.40%, 60.28%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
68.34% (65.38%, 71.16%) |
13.20% (11.36%, 15.30%) |
3.02% (2.04%, 4.44%) |
9.86% (8.24%, 11.78%) |
1.40% (0.84%, 2.32%) |
2.06% (1.44%, 2.94%) |
2.12% (1.40%, 3.20%) |
D - Not college grad |
63.20% (59.98%, 66.30%) |
10.90% (9.12%, 12.98%) |
1.82% (1.16%, 2.86%) |
15.68% (13.38%, 18.28%) |
1.58% (0.98%, 2.52%) |
3.98% (2.86%, 5.50%) |
2.86% (2.00%, 4.04%) |
R - College Grad |
1.14% (0.46%, 2.82%) |
1.02% (0.48%, 2.14%) |
0.26% (0.08%, 0.78%) |
9.48% (7.36%, 12.14%) |
3.00% (1.82%, 4.90%) |
10.82% (8.68%, 13.40%) |
74.28% (70.80%, 77.48%) |
R - Not college grad |
1.50% (0.92%, 2.40%) |
1.04% (0.62%, 1.74%) |
0.34% (0.08%, 1.44%) |
13.76% (11.76%, 16.08%) |
2.54% (1.72%, 3.76%) |
10.56% (8.98%, 12.38%) |
70.26% (67.58%, 72.80%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201389x, "Favor or oppose Senate acquittal decision") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor moderately | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose moderately | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
2.70% (2.02%, 3.58%) |
1.36% (1.00%, 1.88%) |
1.04% (0.64%, 1.72%) |
16.52% (14.92%, 18.24%) |
1.88% (1.44%, 2.46%) |
11.50% (10.18%, 12.96%) |
65.00% (62.86%, 67.08%) |
R |
70.30% (68.34%, 72.18%) |
9.76% (8.46%, 11.24%) |
2.14% (1.60%, 2.90%) |
13.40% (11.90%, 15.04%) |
0.38% (0.18%, 0.78%) |
1.66% (1.16%, 2.40%) |
2.34% (1.78%, 3.06%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
2.46% (1.62%, 3.72%) |
1.20% (0.74%, 1.92%) |
1.24% (0.64%, 2.40%) |
17.20% (14.96%, 19.72%) |
1.82% (1.14%, 2.86%) |
11.30% (9.32%, 13.64%) |
64.80% (61.66%, 67.82%) |
D - Female |
2.88% (1.88%, 4.36%) |
1.52% (0.98%, 2.36%) |
0.90% (0.42%, 1.88%) |
15.84% (13.68%, 18.26%) |
1.94% (1.38%, 2.74%) |
11.74% (9.84%, 13.92%) |
65.20% (62.10%, 68.16%) |
R - Male |
70.80% (67.92%, 73.52%) |
9.48% (7.74%, 11.56%) |
2.08% (1.38%, 3.12%) |
13.76% (11.58%, 16.28%) |
0.46% (0.16%, 1.38%) |
1.22% (0.66%, 2.28%) |
2.18% (1.56%, 3.08%) |
R - Female |
69.74% (66.68%, 72.62%) |
10.16% (8.44%, 12.18%) |
2.24% (1.42%, 3.56%) |
12.88% (10.62%, 15.52%) |
0.30% (0.12%, 0.66%) |
2.16% (1.38%, 3.40%) |
2.54% (1.64%, 3.90%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.26% (0.48%, 3.30%) |
1.24% (0.40%, 3.74%) |
2.78% (1.04%, 7.20%) |
21.74% (16.56%, 27.98%) |
2.20% (0.98%, 4.86%) |
15.08% (10.70%, 20.86%) |
55.70% (48.60%, 62.56%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.42% (1.84%, 6.30%) |
1.14% (0.48%, 2.62%) |
0.86% (0.28%, 2.76%) |
19.36% (15.38%, 24.08%) |
0.84% (0.38%, 1.92%) |
9.48% (6.94%, 12.84%) |
64.88% (59.52%, 69.88%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
2.52% (1.38%, 4.62%) |
1.28% (0.68%, 2.40%) |
0.28% (0.08%, 1.04%) |
11.38% (8.88%, 14.44%) |
2.52% (1.42%, 4.44%) |
9.96% (7.16%, 13.68%) |
72.04% (67.36%, 76.30%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.56% (1.04%, 6.18%) |
1.58% (0.68%, 3.66%) |
1.20% (0.36%, 4.00%) |
13.98% (10.76%, 17.98%) |
2.34% (1.22%, 4.42%) |
13.26% (9.56%, 18.12%) |
65.06% (59.00%, 70.66%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.02% (1.00%, 4.06%) |
1.92% (0.80%, 4.58%) |
0.58% (0.14%, 2.30%) |
19.94% (16.02%, 24.56%) |
2.44% (1.40%, 4.22%) |
12.62% (9.56%, 16.50%) |
60.46% (55.28%, 65.42%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.72% (2.12%, 6.40%) |
1.10% (0.60%, 2.02%) |
0.98% (0.28%, 3.28%) |
13.50% (10.48%, 17.22%) |
1.26% (0.70%, 2.26%) |
10.30% (8.12%, 12.96%) |
69.14% (64.80%, 73.18%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
57.14% (49.16%, 64.76%) |
8.66% (5.32%, 13.78%) |
2.34% (1.48%, 3.70%) |
25.58% (18.88%, 33.66%) |
0.80% (0.10%, 5.62%) |
2.68% (1.04%, 6.70%) |
2.80% (1.14%, 6.74%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
68.00% (62.76%, 72.82%) |
12.38% (9.04%, 16.68%) |
2.68% (1.48%, 4.78%) |
13.88% (10.26%, 18.50%) |
0.94% (0.26%, 3.38%) |
1.22% (0.46%, 3.12%) |
0.92% (0.40%, 2.12%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
78.94% (74.84%, 82.54%) |
8.24% (6.12%, 11.02%) |
1.60% (0.62%, 4.02%) |
7.90% (5.70%, 10.82%) |
NA |
0.40% (0.20%, 0.76%) |
2.92% (1.92%, 4.46%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
49.28% (40.84%, 57.76%) |
12.84% (8.64%, 18.68%) |
6.82% (3.34%, 13.38%) |
22.94% (16.10%, 31.60%) |
0.96% (0.34%, 2.62%) |
4.98% (2.76%, 8.86%) |
2.18% (0.96%, 4.90%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
66.72% (61.34%, 71.68%) |
10.36% (7.48%, 14.18%) |
1.46% (0.72%, 2.94%) |
14.72% (11.22%, 19.08%) |
0.30% (0.06%, 1.46%) |
2.82% (1.12%, 6.92%) |
3.62% (2.04%, 6.36%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
79.58% (75.56%, 83.10%) |
9.58% (7.16%, 12.70%) |
0.84% (0.36%, 1.92%) |
7.20% (5.18%, 9.92%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.36%) |
0.64% (0.20%, 2.02%) |
2.10% (0.94%, 4.64%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
2.14% (1.36%, 3.32%) |
1.74% (1.18%, 2.58%) |
1.26% (0.68%, 2.34%) |
14.56% (12.76%, 16.60%) |
2.24% (1.64%, 3.06%) |
11.94% (10.42%, 13.66%) |
66.10% (63.74%, 68.38%) |
D - Non-white |
3.44% (2.36%, 5.00%) |
0.92% (0.52%, 1.60%) |
0.80% (0.32%, 1.94%) |
18.90% (16.22%, 21.92%) |
1.42% (0.86%, 2.34%) |
10.98% (8.84%, 13.58%) |
63.52% (59.74%, 67.16%) |
R - White |
73.92% (71.94%, 75.82%) |
9.78% (8.40%, 11.34%) |
2.08% (1.46%, 2.96%) |
10.50% (9.04%, 12.14%) |
0.34% (0.16%, 0.74%) |
1.10% (0.76%, 1.60%) |
2.28% (1.66%, 3.10%) |
R - Non-white |
54.04% (47.88%, 60.06%) |
9.92% (6.74%, 14.36%) |
2.30% (1.24%, 4.26%) |
26.26% (20.88%, 32.48%) |
0.56% (0.10%, 3.20%) |
4.16% (2.14%, 7.88%) |
2.76% (1.66%, 4.60%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
1.68% (0.92%, 3.04%) |
1.34% (0.80%, 2.24%) |
0.50% (0.26%, 0.92%) |
13.66% (11.78%, 15.78%) |
2.44% (1.76%, 3.40%) |
11.46% (9.82%, 13.34%) |
68.94% (66.26%, 71.48%) |
D - Not college grad |
3.56% (2.54%, 4.98%) |
1.36% (0.88%, 2.12%) |
1.52% (0.82%, 2.76%) |
18.66% (16.26%, 21.32%) |
1.44% (0.90%, 2.28%) |
11.70% (9.74%, 13.98%) |
61.76% (58.52%, 64.90%) |
R - College Grad |
73.54% (69.88%, 76.92%) |
9.28% (7.52%, 11.42%) |
3.68% (2.26%, 5.92%) |
10.06% (7.74%, 13.00%) |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.78%) |
1.76% (0.96%, 3.24%) |
1.56% (0.96%, 2.52%) |
R - Not college grad |
68.78% (65.94%, 71.48%) |
10.20% (8.50%, 12.18%) |
1.54% (1.06%, 2.24%) |
14.70% (12.72%, 16.94%) |
0.48% (0.22%, 1.12%) |
1.64% (1.02%, 2.62%) |
2.66% (1.92%, 3.66%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201428, "Likelihood of Russian interference in upcoming election") anes
Extremely likely | Very likely | Moderately likely | Slightly likely | Not likely at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
45.60% (43.40%, 47.80%) |
23.88% (22.08%, 25.78%) |
17.00% (15.28%, 18.90%) |
9.34% (8.12%, 10.70%) |
4.18% (3.50%, 5.00%) |
R |
2.92% (2.34%, 3.62%) |
5.94% (5.08%, 6.96%) |
15.04% (13.40%, 16.88%) |
21.04% (19.34%, 22.86%) |
55.06% (52.82%, 57.26%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
48.48% (45.28%, 51.70%) |
23.94% (21.36%, 26.70%) |
15.38% (12.96%, 18.14%) |
8.54% (6.68%, 10.84%) |
3.68% (2.72%, 4.94%) |
D - Female |
43.08% (40.24%, 45.94%) |
23.92% (21.70%, 26.28%) |
18.36% (16.18%, 20.74%) |
10.02% (8.58%, 11.66%) |
4.64% (3.64%, 5.92%) |
R - Male |
3.02% (2.26%, 4.04%) |
5.64% (4.42%, 7.18%) |
14.16% (12.08%, 16.50%) |
22.08% (19.44%, 24.94%) |
55.10% (52.14%, 58.04%) |
R - Female |
2.82% (2.02%, 3.92%) |
6.32% (4.80%, 8.28%) |
16.02% (13.72%, 18.60%) |
20.08% (17.66%, 22.72%) |
54.78% (51.58%, 57.94%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
32.96% (27.04%, 39.50%) |
26.50% (20.74%, 33.20%) |
23.62% (18.40%, 29.78%) |
12.52% (8.02%, 18.98%) |
4.40% (2.44%, 7.78%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
49.14% (43.86%, 54.46%) |
23.42% (19.08%, 28.42%) |
14.48% (10.98%, 18.86%) |
9.24% (6.62%, 12.76%) |
3.72% (2.46%, 5.56%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
60.60% (56.24%, 64.80%) |
22.28% (18.72%, 26.28%) |
9.70% (7.16%, 13.02%) |
4.24% (2.82%, 6.30%) |
3.18% (1.76%, 5.70%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
31.14% (25.86%, 36.96%) |
24.98% (20.18%, 30.50%) |
23.16% (18.98%, 27.96%) |
14.76% (10.84%, 19.78%) |
5.94% (3.78%, 9.24%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
38.26% (34.20%, 42.50%) |
23.32% (19.54%, 27.58%) |
21.18% (17.56%, 25.30%) |
11.52% (8.78%, 14.94%) |
5.72% (3.64%, 8.86%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
54.62% (50.22%, 58.96%) |
23.62% (20.20%, 27.42%) |
12.90% (10.44%, 15.82%) |
5.80% (4.40%, 7.62%) |
3.04% (2.06%, 4.44%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.48% (1.22%, 4.98%) |
4.62% (2.38%, 8.76%) |
16.88% (12.20%, 22.92%) |
21.54% (15.72%, 28.78%) |
54.46% (46.80%, 61.92%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
2.32% (1.12%, 4.80%) |
4.62% (2.78%, 7.62%) |
15.02% (11.08%, 20.02%) |
18.14% (14.16%, 22.92%) |
59.90% (53.78%, 65.72%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
3.88% (2.72%, 5.48%) |
6.62% (4.76%, 9.12%) |
12.96% (10.34%, 16.12%) |
24.88% (21.12%, 29.06%) |
51.68% (47.08%, 56.24%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.60% (1.04%, 6.34%) |
4.08% (1.76%, 9.10%) |
27.20% (20.04%, 35.76%) |
15.92% (11.04%, 22.40%) |
50.22% (41.90%, 58.54%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.66% (2.30%, 5.76%) |
7.12% (4.52%, 11.02%) |
13.56% (10.10%, 18.00%) |
17.56% (13.26%, 22.88%) |
58.10% (51.52%, 64.40%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
1.68% (0.96%, 2.92%) |
7.26% (5.06%, 10.28%) |
14.30% (11.82%, 17.20%) |
21.66% (18.10%, 25.70%) |
55.10% (50.52%, 59.58%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
49.76% (47.12%, 52.42%) |
23.02% (20.96%, 25.24%) |
15.22% (13.56%, 17.06%) |
8.66% (7.20%, 10.40%) |
3.32% (2.54%, 4.34%) |
D - Non-white |
40.66% (37.40%, 43.98%) |
24.70% (21.76%, 27.90%) |
19.24% (16.34%, 22.50%) |
10.08% (8.18%, 12.36%) |
5.32% (4.08%, 6.90%) |
R - White |
2.84% (2.24%, 3.58%) |
5.86% (4.82%, 7.12%) |
14.26% (12.56%, 16.16%) |
20.68% (18.80%, 22.68%) |
56.36% (53.88%, 58.80%) |
R - Non-white |
3.34% (1.86%, 5.92%) |
6.54% (4.60%, 9.18%) |
19.08% (14.94%, 24.06%) |
22.66% (17.68%, 28.54%) |
48.40% (42.38%, 54.44%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
51.02% (48.46%, 53.56%) |
24.28% (21.86%, 26.86%) |
15.04% (13.24%, 17.04%) |
7.20% (5.96%, 8.68%) |
2.46% (1.70%, 3.56%) |
D - Not college grad |
41.42% (38.22%, 44.70%) |
23.52% (20.86%, 26.42%) |
18.42% (15.84%, 21.34%) |
10.98% (9.06%, 13.26%) |
5.64% (4.52%, 7.00%) |
R - College Grad |
3.20% (2.26%, 4.50%) |
5.20% (3.70%, 7.24%) |
15.24% (12.86%, 17.98%) |
25.70% (22.54%, 29.12%) |
50.68% (46.78%, 54.54%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.78% (2.06%, 3.74%) |
6.36% (5.14%, 7.86%) |
15.18% (13.20%, 17.42%) |
18.76% (16.72%, 20.96%) |
56.92% (54.16%, 59.64%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201392x, "Federal government response to COVID-19") anes
Much too quick | Somewhat too quick | About right | Somewhat too slow | Much too slow | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
1.24% (0.84%, 1.86%) |
0.64% (0.34%, 1.14%) |
6.10% (5.14%, 7.24%) |
8.76% (7.64%, 10.02%) |
83.26% (81.54%, 84.86%) |
R |
2.42% (1.90%, 3.10%) |
2.16% (1.64%, 2.86%) |
67.36% (65.28%, 69.40%) |
14.10% (12.48%, 15.92%) |
13.94% (12.46%, 15.56%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
1.04% (0.54%, 2.00%) |
0.82% (0.36%, 1.86%) |
5.80% (4.36%, 7.64%) |
8.88% (7.30%, 10.78%) |
83.46% (80.86%, 85.78%) |
D - Female |
1.42% (0.82%, 2.50%) |
0.48% (0.22%, 1.08%) |
6.36% (5.04%, 8.00%) |
8.60% (7.16%, 10.30%) |
83.14% (81.00%, 85.08%) |
R - Male |
2.80% (2.00%, 3.90%) |
1.76% (1.08%, 2.90%) |
68.48% (65.02%, 71.76%) |
13.14% (10.94%, 15.68%) |
13.82% (11.70%, 16.26%) |
R - Female |
1.98% (1.26%, 3.08%) |
2.60% (1.86%, 3.60%) |
66.12% (63.38%, 68.76%) |
15.16% (12.92%, 17.70%) |
14.14% (11.98%, 16.64%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.60% (0.46%, 5.44%) |
1.48% (0.38%, 5.60%) |
7.84% (4.56%, 13.12%) |
10.92% (7.66%, 15.36%) |
78.16% (71.98%, 83.30%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.08% (0.40%, 2.84%) |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.14%) |
7.50% (4.92%, 11.30%) |
10.00% (6.92%, 14.22%) |
81.08% (76.06%, 85.26%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.62% (0.18%, 2.08%) |
0.54% (0.12%, 2.40%) |
2.30% (1.30%, 4.06%) |
6.70% (4.56%, 9.72%) |
89.86% (86.36%, 92.52%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.20% (0.88%, 5.46%) |
0.66% (0.16%, 2.76%) |
8.60% (5.80%, 12.58%) |
10.30% (7.30%, 14.34%) |
78.24% (73.58%, 82.28%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.50% (0.56%, 3.92%) |
0.22% (0.08%, 0.72%) |
8.00% (5.44%, 11.60%) |
8.76% (6.52%, 11.70%) |
81.52% (77.74%, 84.78%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.94% (0.44%, 1.98%) |
0.60% (0.14%, 2.46%) |
3.58% (2.14%, 5.92%) |
7.22% (5.38%, 9.64%) |
87.66% (84.74%, 90.10%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.08% (1.60%, 5.80%) |
2.42% (0.70%, 8.02%) |
62.98% (55.54%, 69.84%) |
13.86% (9.38%, 20.00%) |
17.68% (12.34%, 24.68%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
4.30% (2.64%, 6.92%) |
1.78% (0.94%, 3.34%) |
66.06% (60.32%, 71.38%) |
13.58% (10.00%, 18.20%) |
14.28% (10.94%, 18.44%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
1.74% (1.04%, 2.88%) |
1.54% (0.84%, 2.82%) |
72.50% (68.00%, 76.60%) |
12.28% (9.38%, 15.92%) |
11.94% (9.14%, 15.44%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.08% (0.72%, 5.82%) |
2.52% (1.16%, 5.38%) |
52.68% (45.36%, 59.90%) |
21.46% (15.34%, 29.20%) |
21.24% (15.56%, 28.32%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.08% (1.48%, 6.30%) |
3.72% (1.98%, 6.88%) |
63.80% (58.04%, 69.20%) |
14.84% (11.20%, 19.44%) |
14.54% (10.62%, 19.56%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.96% (0.48%, 1.90%) |
1.74% (0.86%, 3.42%) |
74.38% (70.40%, 78.00%) |
11.86% (9.30%, 15.00%) |
11.08% (8.54%, 14.24%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.60% (0.26%, 1.34%) |
0.60% (0.26%, 1.34%) |
3.78% (2.84%, 5.00%) |
8.02% (6.76%, 9.50%) |
87.02% (85.12%, 88.70%) |
D - Non-white |
2.00% (1.22%, 3.22%) |
0.70% (0.28%, 1.72%) |
8.84% (6.96%, 11.14%) |
9.46% (7.74%, 11.50%) |
79.04% (75.96%, 81.80%) |
R - White |
2.42% (1.84%, 3.16%) |
2.38% (1.78%, 3.14%) |
68.84% (66.52%, 71.06%) |
14.36% (12.64%, 16.26%) |
12.02% (10.56%, 13.66%) |
R - Non-white |
2.56% (1.22%, 5.34%) |
1.02% (0.30%, 3.42%) |
60.72% (55.12%, 66.04%) |
12.96% (9.44%, 17.54%) |
22.72% (18.00%, 28.28%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.34% (0.14%, 0.76%) |
0.30% (0.10%, 0.86%) |
4.52% (3.24%, 6.26%) |
7.20% (5.82%, 8.88%) |
87.66% (85.38%, 89.62%) |
D - Not college grad |
2.00% (1.26%, 3.18%) |
0.92% (0.46%, 1.84%) |
7.52% (6.06%, 9.26%) |
9.92% (8.34%, 11.80%) |
79.64% (77.14%, 81.92%) |
R - College Grad |
2.14% (1.36%, 3.32%) |
1.98% (1.08%, 3.56%) |
70.54% (67.04%, 73.82%) |
13.72% (11.18%, 16.76%) |
11.62% (9.52%, 14.14%) |
R - Not college grad |
2.56% (1.84%, 3.54%) |
2.24% (1.58%, 3.16%) |
65.60% (62.98%, 68.14%) |
14.46% (12.38%, 16.82%) |
15.14% (13.20%, 17.34%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201393, "Limits placed on public activity due to COVID-19 too strict or not") anes
Far too strict | Somewhat too strict | About right | Not quite strict enough | Not nearly strict enough | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
1.50% (1.06%, 2.10%) |
3.84% (3.06%, 4.78%) |
43.90% (41.90%, 45.92%) |
28.38% (26.60%, 30.24%) |
22.38% (20.74%, 24.12%) |
R |
19.90% (18.06%, 21.88%) |
23.12% (21.18%, 25.18%) |
41.38% (39.06%, 43.72%) |
10.38% (9.02%, 11.90%) |
5.24% (4.36%, 6.28%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
2.48% (1.64%, 3.70%) |
3.78% (2.86%, 4.96%) |
43.46% (40.20%, 46.78%) |
30.50% (27.46%, 33.70%) |
19.80% (17.38%, 22.48%) |
D - Female |
0.70% (0.40%, 1.26%) |
3.86% (2.76%, 5.40%) |
44.24% (41.58%, 46.94%) |
26.66% (24.30%, 29.16%) |
24.52% (22.12%, 27.10%) |
R - Male |
20.72% (18.16%, 23.52%) |
25.78% (23.18%, 28.58%) |
39.48% (36.12%, 42.96%) |
8.90% (7.24%, 10.88%) |
5.12% (3.84%, 6.78%) |
R - Female |
18.72% (16.14%, 21.62%) |
20.44% (17.86%, 23.30%) |
43.50% (40.54%, 46.54%) |
11.90% (9.98%, 14.12%) |
5.42% (4.24%, 6.90%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.24% (0.90%, 5.52%) |
4.02% (2.36%, 6.76%) |
38.68% (32.12%, 45.68%) |
32.50% (26.18%, 39.50%) |
22.56% (17.26%, 28.90%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.66% (2.04%, 6.52%) |
4.60% (2.72%, 7.68%) |
43.04% (37.26%, 49.04%) |
28.34% (23.72%, 33.48%) |
20.34% (16.02%, 25.50%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
1.54% (0.66%, 3.48%) |
3.02% (1.86%, 4.88%) |
47.26% (42.40%, 52.20%) |
30.54% (26.70%, 34.66%) |
17.64% (14.22%, 21.68%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.66% (0.26%, 1.66%) |
3.32% (1.58%, 6.86%) |
37.30% (31.44%, 43.56%) |
25.78% (20.82%, 31.46%) |
32.92% (27.20%, 39.22%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.36% (0.64%, 2.84%) |
4.68% (2.80%, 7.68%) |
45.16% (40.36%, 50.04%) |
26.42% (22.30%, 31.00%) |
22.40% (18.42%, 26.94%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.28% (0.04%, 1.68%) |
3.74% (2.20%, 6.28%) |
47.72% (43.88%, 51.60%) |
27.34% (23.96%, 31.02%) |
20.92% (17.98%, 24.20%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
21.76% (15.14%, 30.24%) |
24.92% (18.74%, 32.30%) |
39.06% (30.30%, 48.58%) |
6.98% (4.12%, 11.56%) |
7.30% (4.04%, 12.84%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
22.36% (18.22%, 27.12%) |
29.96% (24.68%, 35.84%) |
37.00% (31.42%, 42.96%) |
5.24% (3.52%, 7.74%) |
5.44% (3.06%, 9.44%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
18.70% (15.58%, 22.28%) |
23.44% (19.58%, 27.82%) |
42.40% (37.66%, 47.28%) |
11.54% (8.82%, 14.94%) |
3.92% (2.54%, 5.98%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
23.62% (16.62%, 32.40%) |
14.06% (9.66%, 20.02%) |
42.62% (35.26%, 50.36%) |
11.94% (7.64%, 18.18%) |
7.74% (4.62%, 12.70%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
21.94% (17.14%, 27.62%) |
20.76% (16.04%, 26.42%) |
43.66% (37.48%, 50.02%) |
8.96% (6.56%, 12.14%) |
4.68% (2.94%, 7.36%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
15.18% (12.32%, 18.56%) |
22.36% (18.74%, 26.44%) |
43.92% (39.30%, 48.64%) |
13.52% (10.84%, 16.74%) |
5.04% (3.46%, 7.26%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
1.24% (0.80%, 1.90%) |
4.04% (3.02%, 5.38%) |
47.56% (44.82%, 50.30%) |
29.14% (27.14%, 31.22%) |
18.04% (16.02%, 20.24%) |
D - Non-white |
1.86% (1.12%, 3.02%) |
3.64% (2.54%, 5.22%) |
39.42% (36.22%, 42.72%) |
27.56% (24.50%, 30.82%) |
27.52% (24.98%, 30.22%) |
R - White |
20.90% (18.90%, 23.06%) |
24.46% (22.28%, 26.78%) |
40.60% (38.28%, 42.96%) |
10.16% (8.76%, 11.76%) |
3.86% (3.22%, 4.62%) |
R - Non-white |
14.86% (11.18%, 19.52%) |
16.74% (12.80%, 21.56%) |
45.44% (38.98%, 52.06%) |
11.40% (8.44%, 15.22%) |
11.56% (8.12%, 16.22%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.50% (0.88%, 2.50%) |
3.88% (2.80%, 5.36%) |
46.30% (43.48%, 49.12%) |
28.28% (25.82%, 30.90%) |
20.06% (18.06%, 22.20%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.54% (0.98%, 2.42%) |
3.88% (2.84%, 5.28%) |
41.82% (38.92%, 44.76%) |
28.72% (26.18%, 31.40%) |
24.06% (21.48%, 26.82%) |
R - College Grad |
19.10% (16.52%, 21.98%) |
25.80% (22.58%, 29.30%) |
42.80% (39.16%, 46.50%) |
8.32% (6.38%, 10.80%) |
3.98% (2.84%, 5.56%) |
R - Not college grad |
19.98% (17.70%, 22.50%) |
22.12% (19.80%, 24.64%) |
40.94% (38.20%, 43.74%) |
11.08% (9.46%, 12.94%) |
5.86% (4.74%, 7.24%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201396x, "Re-opening too quickly or too slowly") anes
Much too quickly | Somewhat too quickly | About right | Somewhat too slowly | Much too slowly | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
18.86% (17.20%, 20.66%) |
16.26% (14.92%, 17.68%) |
48.08% (45.96%, 50.22%) |
7.34% (6.24%, 8.62%) |
9.44% (8.28%, 10.78%) |
R |
6.74% (5.54%, 8.18%) |
6.44% (5.46%, 7.60%) |
47.16% (44.62%, 49.74%) |
15.32% (13.64%, 17.18%) |
24.32% (22.36%, 26.40%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
16.98% (14.52%, 19.76%) |
17.20% (14.96%, 19.66%) |
48.58% (45.34%, 51.82%) |
7.94% (6.48%, 9.72%) |
9.32% (7.66%, 11.30%) |
D - Female |
20.44% (18.26%, 22.82%) |
15.36% (13.62%, 17.28%) |
47.68% (44.72%, 50.68%) |
6.88% (5.40%, 8.70%) |
9.64% (8.00%, 11.58%) |
R - Male |
6.46% (4.78%, 8.66%) |
5.34% (4.02%, 7.08%) |
47.20% (43.60%, 50.82%) |
15.24% (12.94%, 17.88%) |
25.76% (22.90%, 28.86%) |
R - Female |
7.02% (5.58%, 8.82%) |
7.58% (6.10%, 9.38%) |
47.32% (44.14%, 50.52%) |
15.50% (13.18%, 18.16%) |
22.56% (20.06%, 25.28%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
21.02% (16.16%, 26.86%) |
22.26% (16.86%, 28.78%) |
39.46% (32.98%, 46.34%) |
8.22% (5.42%, 12.30%) |
9.04% (5.84%, 13.70%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
16.20% (12.90%, 20.16%) |
12.80% (9.74%, 16.64%) |
51.68% (46.06%, 57.26%) |
10.28% (7.66%, 13.66%) |
9.04% (6.56%, 12.32%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
14.64% (11.54%, 18.42%) |
16.78% (13.58%, 20.56%) |
52.82% (47.44%, 58.14%) |
5.74% (3.84%, 8.52%) |
10.00% (7.40%, 13.40%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
27.90% (23.46%, 32.84%) |
17.10% (13.48%, 21.46%) |
34.64% (29.34%, 40.34%) |
8.56% (5.46%, 13.16%) |
11.80% (8.28%, 16.56%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
16.18% (13.00%, 19.96%) |
15.44% (12.76%, 18.56%) |
51.88% (47.04%, 56.66%) |
6.60% (4.66%, 9.26%) |
9.92% (7.52%, 12.98%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
19.12% (16.04%, 22.64%) |
13.94% (11.44%, 16.88%) |
52.58% (48.62%, 56.52%) |
6.18% (4.24%, 8.90%) |
8.18% (5.90%, 11.24%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
10.38% (6.18%, 16.94%) |
5.48% (2.92%, 10.00%) |
39.90% (32.14%, 48.22%) |
16.28% (10.96%, 23.50%) |
27.96% (21.66%, 35.28%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
5.42% (3.48%, 8.40%) |
5.46% (3.46%, 8.54%) |
46.04% (39.92%, 52.26%) |
14.98% (11.20%, 19.74%) |
28.10% (23.06%, 33.76%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
4.74% (3.14%, 7.10%) |
5.12% (3.44%, 7.54%) |
51.54% (46.86%, 56.20%) |
15.36% (12.46%, 18.82%) |
23.24% (19.50%, 27.44%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
9.30% (5.88%, 14.40%) |
9.82% (5.32%, 17.40%) |
39.86% (32.50%, 47.72%) |
18.04% (12.16%, 25.94%) |
22.96% (17.18%, 30.00%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
8.62% (5.82%, 12.58%) |
5.12% (3.34%, 7.74%) |
43.94% (38.00%, 50.04%) |
15.02% (11.12%, 19.98%) |
27.32% (21.86%, 33.56%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
4.32% (2.92%, 6.36%) |
8.62% (6.40%, 11.54%) |
52.14% (47.32%, 56.92%) |
15.30% (12.20%, 19.00%) |
19.62% (16.42%, 23.26%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
15.30% (13.54%, 17.22%) |
18.62% (16.84%, 20.54%) |
52.90% (50.46%, 55.34%) |
6.74% (5.42%, 8.38%) |
6.44% (5.40%, 7.64%) |
D - Non-white |
22.96% (20.42%, 25.70%) |
13.42% (11.34%, 15.78%) |
42.18% (38.72%, 45.72%) |
8.16% (6.40%, 10.36%) |
13.30% (11.00%, 16.00%) |
R - White |
5.60% (4.48%, 6.96%) |
5.92% (4.88%, 7.14%) |
47.32% (44.78%, 49.88%) |
16.18% (14.28%, 18.28%) |
25.00% (22.88%, 27.24%) |
R - Non-white |
11.74% (8.02%, 16.86%) |
9.12% (6.30%, 13.00%) |
47.18% (40.72%, 53.72%) |
11.48% (8.62%, 15.16%) |
20.48% (16.38%, 25.30%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
14.78% (12.94%, 16.80%) |
18.26% (16.26%, 20.42%) |
53.58% (50.80%, 56.32%) |
6.80% (5.50%, 8.40%) |
6.60% (5.40%, 8.04%) |
D - Not college grad |
22.08% (19.68%, 24.70%) |
14.38% (12.42%, 16.58%) |
43.64% (40.60%, 46.72%) |
7.94% (6.40%, 9.80%) |
11.96% (9.96%, 14.32%) |
R - College Grad |
5.86% (4.38%, 7.82%) |
4.84% (3.42%, 6.84%) |
47.32% (43.68%, 50.98%) |
20.22% (17.48%, 23.28%) |
21.74% (18.96%, 24.80%) |
R - Not college grad |
7.24% (5.76%, 9.04%) |
7.16% (5.90%, 8.68%) |
47.10% (44.00%, 50.22%) |
13.38% (11.36%, 15.68%) |
25.14% (22.74%, 27.70%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201592, "Put off checkup and vaccines") anes
Someone has put off health care | No one has put off health care | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
18.82% (16.98%, 20.80%) |
81.18% (79.20%, 83.02%) |
R |
14.64% (13.12%, 16.30%) |
85.36% (83.70%, 86.88%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
18.34% (15.78%, 21.20%) |
81.66% (78.80%, 84.22%) |
D - Female |
19.22% (16.98%, 21.70%) |
80.78% (78.30%, 83.02%) |
R - Male |
13.22% (11.26%, 15.48%) |
86.78% (84.52%, 88.74%) |
R - Female |
16.22% (13.92%, 18.84%) |
83.78% (81.16%, 86.08%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
26.18% (20.68%, 32.56%) |
73.82% (67.44%, 79.32%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
19.06% (15.18%, 23.68%) |
80.94% (76.32%, 84.82%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
11.32% (8.50%, 14.92%) |
88.68% (85.08%, 91.50%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
29.10% (23.88%, 34.96%) |
70.90% (65.04%, 76.12%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
20.38% (16.86%, 24.42%) |
79.62% (75.58%, 83.14%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
12.14% (9.54%, 15.34%) |
87.86% (84.66%, 90.46%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
16.66% (11.96%, 22.70%) |
83.34% (77.30%, 88.04%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
16.94% (13.30%, 21.34%) |
83.06% (78.66%, 86.70%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
9.00% (6.72%, 11.98%) |
91.00% (88.02%, 93.28%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
20.90% (14.76%, 28.74%) |
79.10% (71.26%, 85.24%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
17.72% (14.00%, 22.18%) |
82.28% (77.82%, 86.00%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
13.18% (10.12%, 17.02%) |
86.82% (82.98%, 89.88%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
20.00% (17.60%, 22.64%) |
80.00% (77.36%, 82.40%) |
D - Non-white |
17.34% (14.72%, 20.30%) |
82.66% (79.70%, 85.28%) |
R - White |
14.24% (12.60%, 16.02%) |
85.76% (83.98%, 87.40%) |
R - Non-white |
16.54% (12.68%, 21.30%) |
83.46% (78.70%, 87.32%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
15.90% (13.92%, 18.10%) |
84.10% (81.90%, 86.08%) |
D - Not college grad |
21.12% (18.44%, 24.10%) |
78.88% (75.90%, 81.56%) |
R - College Grad |
10.42% (8.28%, 13.06%) |
89.58% (86.94%, 91.72%) |
R - Not college grad |
16.14% (14.06%, 18.46%) |
83.86% (81.54%, 85.94%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201401, "Government action about rising temperature") anes
Should be doing more | Should be doing less | Is currently doing the right amount | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
84.94% (83.42%, 86.34%) |
3.24% (2.56%, 4.12%) |
11.82% (10.46%, 13.32%) |
R |
22.78% (20.74%, 24.96%) |
17.58% (16.14%, 19.10%) |
59.66% (57.44%, 61.82%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
85.84% (83.54%, 87.84%) |
3.04% (2.16%, 4.28%) |
11.12% (9.28%, 13.28%) |
D - Female |
84.18% (82.06%, 86.10%) |
3.44% (2.52%, 4.68%) |
12.38% (10.54%, 14.48%) |
R - Male |
22.54% (19.66%, 25.68%) |
19.24% (17.00%, 21.68%) |
58.22% (54.90%, 61.50%) |
R - Female |
22.98% (20.32%, 25.86%) |
15.60% (13.60%, 17.82%) |
61.42% (58.40%, 64.38%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
81.64% (75.94%, 86.24%) |
4.00% (2.14%, 7.38%) |
14.36% (10.08%, 20.06%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
84.30% (79.98%, 87.84%) |
4.14% (2.54%, 6.64%) |
11.58% (8.48%, 15.60%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
90.92% (88.18%, 93.08%) |
1.44% (0.62%, 3.30%) |
7.64% (5.70%, 10.16%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
84.22% (79.08%, 88.28%) |
7.34% (4.40%, 11.98%) |
8.44% (5.88%, 12.00%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
81.56% (77.26%, 85.20%) |
2.30% (1.34%, 3.94%) |
16.14% (12.62%, 20.38%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
86.42% (82.96%, 89.26%) |
1.90% (0.84%, 4.28%) |
11.68% (9.14%, 14.80%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
33.96% (27.48%, 41.12%) |
16.98% (12.34%, 22.92%) |
49.06% (41.64%, 56.52%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
21.14% (16.60%, 26.52%) |
18.90% (14.86%, 23.74%) |
59.94% (53.80%, 65.80%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
18.62% (15.22%, 22.58%) |
20.22% (16.78%, 24.14%) |
61.16% (56.48%, 65.64%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
31.06% (24.10%, 38.98%) |
16.04% (10.60%, 23.56%) |
52.90% (44.90%, 60.76%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
22.74% (18.08%, 28.18%) |
13.92% (10.62%, 18.02%) |
63.36% (57.76%, 68.62%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
19.48% (16.28%, 23.16%) |
16.10% (12.94%, 19.84%) |
64.42% (60.08%, 68.52%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
90.62% (88.90%, 92.10%) |
1.74% (1.08%, 2.78%) |
7.66% (6.32%, 9.22%) |
D - Non-white |
77.86% (75.22%, 80.30%) |
5.16% (3.82%, 6.92%) |
16.98% (14.72%, 19.50%) |
R - White |
20.08% (18.02%, 22.30%) |
17.70% (16.00%, 19.54%) |
62.22% (59.96%, 64.42%) |
R - Non-white |
35.32% (29.76%, 41.32%) |
16.06% (12.00%, 21.16%) |
48.62% (42.68%, 54.62%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
91.48% (89.44%, 93.16%) |
1.28% (0.70%, 2.28%) |
7.26% (5.72%, 9.14%) |
D - Not college grad |
79.54% (77.36%, 81.56%) |
4.90% (3.80%, 6.32%) |
15.54% (13.66%, 17.66%) |
R - College Grad |
22.76% (19.70%, 26.16%) |
21.00% (17.92%, 24.46%) |
56.24% (52.52%, 59.86%) |
R - Not college grad |
22.68% (20.04%, 25.54%) |
15.84% (14.04%, 17.84%) |
61.48% (58.70%, 64.16%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201402, "Government action about rising temperature - strength") anes
A great deal | A moderate amount | A little | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
72.32% (70.02%, 74.50%) |
23.44% (21.46%, 25.54%) |
4.24% (3.36%, 5.34%) |
R |
45.92% (42.34%, 49.56%) |
42.18% (38.30%, 46.16%) |
11.90% (9.86%, 14.28%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
73.12% (70.00%, 76.04%) |
22.96% (20.16%, 26.04%) |
3.92% (2.92%, 5.26%) |
D - Female |
71.74% (68.56%, 74.72%) |
23.80% (21.06%, 26.78%) |
4.46% (3.20%, 6.20%) |
R - Male |
47.14% (41.96%, 52.38%) |
41.86% (36.62%, 47.28%) |
11.00% (8.28%, 14.48%) |
R - Female |
44.60% (39.86%, 49.44%) |
42.86% (37.72%, 48.16%) |
12.54% (9.66%, 16.12%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
68.58% (62.04%, 74.46%) |
26.92% (21.14%, 33.62%) |
4.50% (2.52%, 7.88%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
72.80% (67.16%, 77.80%) |
21.76% (17.24%, 27.04%) |
5.44% (3.40%, 8.60%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
77.02% (72.32%, 81.14%) |
20.66% (16.62%, 25.42%) |
2.30% (1.30%, 4.06%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
74.06% (67.38%, 79.78%) |
20.80% (15.80%, 26.88%) |
5.14% (2.48%, 10.38%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
65.76% (60.76%, 70.42%) |
28.24% (23.76%, 33.18%) |
6.00% (3.80%, 9.38%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
74.76% (69.98%, 79.00%) |
22.38% (18.50%, 26.80%) |
2.86% (1.66%, 4.92%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
44.50% (33.34%, 56.24%) |
40.62% (29.56%, 52.72%) |
14.88% (8.58%, 24.56%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
48.16% (39.40%, 57.04%) |
39.62% (30.30%, 49.76%) |
12.22% (8.24%, 17.72%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
47.92% (39.72%, 56.24%) |
45.14% (37.68%, 52.82%) |
6.94% (3.78%, 12.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
48.08% (34.96%, 61.46%) |
34.60% (23.30%, 47.96%) |
17.32% (9.76%, 28.86%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
34.20% (26.20%, 43.20%) |
52.32% (42.40%, 62.08%) |
13.48% (8.66%, 20.40%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
48.80% (40.68%, 56.98%) |
41.78% (34.28%, 49.68%) |
9.42% (6.02%, 14.46%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
78.84% (76.44%, 81.06%) |
18.26% (16.18%, 20.56%) |
2.88% (2.16%, 3.86%) |
D - Non-white |
63.38% (59.22%, 67.36%) |
30.50% (26.92%, 34.32%) |
6.12% (4.30%, 8.64%) |
R - White |
45.12% (41.08%, 49.20%) |
42.58% (38.22%, 47.04%) |
12.32% (9.82%, 15.34%) |
R - Non-white |
48.82% (39.94%, 57.78%) |
40.96% (32.24%, 50.28%) |
10.22% (5.94%, 17.06%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
76.74% (73.96%, 79.30%) |
18.58% (16.46%, 20.90%) |
4.70% (3.32%, 6.58%) |
D - Not college grad |
68.40% (64.90%, 71.70%) |
27.74% (24.58%, 31.16%) |
3.86% (2.82%, 5.26%) |
R - College Grad |
42.52% (36.60%, 48.68%) |
45.40% (39.18%, 51.76%) |
12.08% (9.10%, 15.86%) |
R - Not college grad |
47.18% (43.14%, 51.24%) |
40.90% (36.60%, 45.34%) |
11.94% (9.28%, 15.22%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201405x, "Require employers to offer paid leave to parents of new children") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor a moderate amount | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose a moderate amount | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
55.64% (53.32%, 57.92%) |
22.82% (20.94%, 24.78%) |
2.94% (2.30%, 3.74%) |
15.18% (13.60%, 16.90%) |
0.74% (0.50%, 1.14%) |
1.96% (1.46%, 2.66%) |
0.72% (0.44%, 1.18%) |
R |
29.22% (27.14%, 31.38%) |
23.32% (21.64%, 25.08%) |
5.18% (4.26%, 6.28%) |
29.28% (27.10%, 31.56%) |
1.96% (1.44%, 2.66%) |
5.80% (4.80%, 7.00%) |
5.26% (4.30%, 6.42%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
51.30% (47.92%, 54.66%) |
23.54% (20.56%, 26.82%) |
3.48% (2.54%, 4.74%) |
18.34% (15.40%, 21.68%) |
0.84% (0.44%, 1.62%) |
1.98% (1.36%, 2.86%) |
0.52% (0.28%, 0.98%) |
D - Female |
59.24% (56.46%, 61.96%) |
22.06% (19.90%, 24.36%) |
2.52% (1.84%, 3.48%) |
12.62% (10.94%, 14.54%) |
0.68% (0.38%, 1.18%) |
1.98% (1.22%, 3.18%) |
0.90% (0.46%, 1.74%) |
R - Male |
25.46% (22.68%, 28.46%) |
22.98% (20.72%, 25.42%) |
5.68% (4.36%, 7.36%) |
29.24% (26.54%, 32.10%) |
2.50% (1.68%, 3.70%) |
6.44% (5.14%, 8.04%) |
7.70% (6.08%, 9.72%) |
R - Female |
33.30% (30.34%, 36.40%) |
23.68% (21.08%, 26.50%) |
4.62% (3.46%, 6.18%) |
29.36% (26.20%, 32.74%) |
1.40% (0.80%, 2.42%) |
5.04% (3.64%, 6.96%) |
2.58% (1.88%, 3.52%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
56.94% (49.92%, 63.68%) |
20.06% (14.82%, 26.56%) |
5.08% (2.88%, 8.82%) |
13.96% (9.34%, 20.34%) |
0.86% (0.20%, 3.50%) |
3.10% (1.56%, 6.02%) |
0.02% (0.00%, 0.18%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
56.78% (50.72%, 62.66%) |
20.70% (16.20%, 26.06%) |
3.06% (1.90%, 4.94%) |
16.92% (12.62%, 22.34%) |
1.04% (0.38%, 2.90%) |
0.70% (0.18%, 2.48%) |
0.78% (0.30%, 2.02%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
41.72% (36.88%, 46.72%) |
28.80% (24.74%, 33.24%) |
2.70% (1.64%, 4.38%) |
22.96% (18.60%, 28.00%) |
0.70% (0.28%, 1.72%) |
2.42% (1.62%, 3.62%) |
0.70% (0.30%, 1.58%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
68.84% (63.02%, 74.12%) |
18.20% (14.16%, 23.06%) |
1.10% (0.44%, 2.68%) |
7.16% (4.68%, 10.82%) |
0.38% (0.08%, 1.84%) |
2.84% (1.26%, 6.28%) |
1.48% (0.44%, 4.94%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
62.54% (58.14%, 66.74%) |
20.02% (16.14%, 24.54%) |
3.96% (2.38%, 6.54%) |
10.88% (8.38%, 14.00%) |
0.98% (0.40%, 2.46%) |
1.22% (0.60%, 2.52%) |
0.40% (0.10%, 1.58%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
50.44% (46.16%, 54.70%) |
25.94% (22.32%, 29.92%) |
2.44% (1.46%, 4.06%) |
17.48% (14.56%, 20.84%) |
0.66% (0.30%, 1.44%) |
2.08% (0.98%, 4.34%) |
0.96% (0.44%, 2.08%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
35.88% (29.14%, 43.26%) |
25.32% (19.46%, 32.22%) |
5.38% (2.96%, 9.58%) |
24.14% (17.72%, 31.98%) |
1.64% (0.58%, 4.62%) |
6.38% (3.18%, 12.38%) |
1.26% (0.50%, 3.18%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
32.12% (27.40%, 37.24%) |
21.46% (17.44%, 26.10%) |
5.48% (3.40%, 8.74%) |
26.24% (21.76%, 31.28%) |
2.22% (1.08%, 4.52%) |
5.58% (3.46%, 8.90%) |
6.88% (4.68%, 10.00%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
16.10% (12.82%, 20.00%) |
23.70% (20.50%, 27.22%) |
6.02% (3.90%, 9.20%) |
33.60% (29.82%, 37.62%) |
2.70% (1.68%, 4.26%) |
6.86% (5.32%, 8.82%) |
11.02% (8.12%, 14.80%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
40.16% (32.62%, 48.20%) |
26.36% (19.56%, 34.52%) |
2.58% (0.66%, 9.60%) |
24.90% (17.40%, 34.28%) |
1.36% (0.20%, 9.14%) |
2.98% (1.22%, 7.12%) |
1.66% (0.46%, 5.84%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
40.26% (35.20%, 45.54%) |
24.64% (19.62%, 30.48%) |
3.76% (2.38%, 5.90%) |
23.06% (18.32%, 28.62%) |
0.64% (0.24%, 1.72%) |
5.52% (3.02%, 9.86%) |
2.10% (0.96%, 4.58%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
26.14% (22.10%, 30.60%) |
23.08% (19.40%, 27.20%) |
5.60% (3.82%, 8.10%) |
35.54% (31.68%, 39.60%) |
1.92% (1.08%, 3.38%) |
4.46% (3.02%, 6.54%) |
3.28% (2.34%, 4.54%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
53.56% (50.68%, 56.40%) |
25.76% (23.40%, 28.28%) |
3.38% (2.60%, 4.38%) |
14.28% (12.36%, 16.44%) |
0.92% (0.54%, 1.56%) |
1.42% (0.92%, 2.18%) |
0.70% (0.42%, 1.14%) |
D - Non-white |
58.16% (54.50%, 61.74%) |
19.10% (16.70%, 21.74%) |
2.42% (1.60%, 3.66%) |
16.30% (13.78%, 19.20%) |
0.56% (0.26%, 1.14%) |
2.68% (1.74%, 4.08%) |
0.78% (0.32%, 1.82%) |
R - White |
27.46% (25.24%, 29.80%) |
24.44% (22.54%, 26.44%) |
5.56% (4.48%, 6.90%) |
29.10% (26.82%, 31.48%) |
2.22% (1.58%, 3.08%) |
5.98% (4.92%, 7.24%) |
5.24% (4.22%, 6.50%) |
R - Non-white |
37.36% (31.82%, 43.26%) |
18.64% (14.62%, 23.44%) |
3.44% (2.12%, 5.54%) |
29.88% (24.44%, 35.96%) |
0.66% (0.24%, 1.78%) |
5.16% (2.94%, 8.92%) |
4.86% (3.04%, 7.72%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
57.86% (54.74%, 60.92%) |
24.14% (21.44%, 27.06%) |
3.42% (2.56%, 4.54%) |
11.96% (10.00%, 14.26%) |
0.44% (0.24%, 0.80%) |
1.30% (0.74%, 2.30%) |
0.86% (0.52%, 1.48%) |
D - Not college grad |
53.66% (50.42%, 56.88%) |
21.76% (19.36%, 24.40%) |
2.58% (1.76%, 3.76%) |
17.80% (15.46%, 20.42%) |
1.02% (0.60%, 1.74%) |
2.54% (1.80%, 3.62%) |
0.62% (0.28%, 1.42%) |
R - College Grad |
26.84% (23.94%, 29.96%) |
26.22% (22.88%, 29.84%) |
5.44% (3.78%, 7.74%) |
25.88% (22.78%, 29.24%) |
2.34% (1.54%, 3.52%) |
6.22% (4.68%, 8.22%) |
7.08% (5.44%, 9.14%) |
R - Not college grad |
30.26% (27.62%, 33.04%) |
22.12% (20.08%, 24.32%) |
5.08% (3.96%, 6.48%) |
30.72% (27.98%, 33.60%) |
1.84% (1.16%, 2.88%) |
5.60% (4.38%, 7.12%) |
4.38% (3.26%, 5.86%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201408x, "Services to same sex couples") anes
Feels very strongly should be allowed to refuse services | Feels moderately strongly should be allowed to refuse services | Feels a little strongly should be allowed to refuse services | Feels a little strongly should be required to provide services | Feels moderately strongly should be required to provide services | Feels very strongly should be required to provide services | |
Vote Intent | ||||||
D |
9.30% (8.04%, 10.74%) |
12.40% (11.02%, 13.92%) |
8.78% (7.54%, 10.22%) |
5.82% (5.02%, 6.76%) |
21.36% (19.42%, 23.42%) |
42.34% (40.20%, 44.50%) |
R |
48.32% (45.90%, 50.76%) |
19.70% (17.88%, 21.66%) |
6.98% (5.84%, 8.32%) |
4.30% (3.40%, 5.46%) |
9.38% (8.14%, 10.78%) |
11.30% (9.86%, 12.94%) |
Gender | ||||||
D - Male |
9.40% (7.42%, 11.82%) |
12.00% (10.28%, 13.94%) |
10.40% (8.42%, 12.78%) |
8.32% (6.84%, 10.12%) |
21.80% (18.96%, 24.94%) |
38.08% (34.82%, 41.46%) |
D - Female |
9.22% (7.76%, 10.94%) |
12.62% (10.78%, 14.68%) |
7.50% (6.20%, 9.04%) |
3.74% (2.90%, 4.78%) |
21.04% (18.56%, 23.74%) |
45.90% (43.34%, 48.48%) |
R - Male |
51.08% (47.90%, 54.24%) |
19.96% (17.66%, 22.50%) |
6.52% (5.02%, 8.44%) |
4.30% (3.06%, 6.02%) |
8.72% (7.12%, 10.64%) |
9.42% (7.62%, 11.58%) |
R - Female |
45.20% (42.16%, 48.30%) |
19.46% (16.96%, 22.26%) |
7.50% (5.92%, 9.46%) |
4.34% (3.16%, 5.96%) |
10.18% (8.40%, 12.32%) |
13.30% (11.20%, 15.72%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.86% (4.16%, 11.12%) |
12.38% (9.30%, 16.28%) |
12.14% (8.32%, 17.36%) |
10.54% (6.88%, 15.80%) |
20.02% (15.02%, 26.16%) |
38.08% (31.34%, 45.30%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
10.26% (7.40%, 14.06%) |
10.46% (7.78%, 13.92%) |
13.34% (9.68%, 18.10%) |
7.94% (5.52%, 11.30%) |
20.30% (15.78%, 25.72%) |
37.68% (32.58%, 43.10%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
10.54% (7.50%, 14.60%) |
12.50% (9.70%, 15.94%) |
6.50% (4.46%, 9.42%) |
6.80% (4.68%, 9.80%) |
24.46% (20.22%, 29.24%) |
39.20% (34.32%, 44.30%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
6.50% (4.16%, 10.02%) |
11.62% (8.20%, 16.22%) |
8.26% (5.74%, 11.74%) |
3.92% (2.36%, 6.40%) |
20.06% (16.06%, 24.74%) |
49.64% (43.72%, 55.60%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
8.22% (5.88%, 11.38%) |
12.32% (9.44%, 15.92%) |
6.74% (4.94%, 9.14%) |
5.08% (3.64%, 7.04%) |
22.16% (17.98%, 26.98%) |
45.48% (40.54%, 50.52%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
11.54% (9.14%, 14.46%) |
12.98% (10.56%, 15.88%) |
7.64% (5.82%, 9.98%) |
2.32% (1.46%, 3.64%) |
21.14% (17.56%, 25.24%) |
44.38% (40.62%, 48.20%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
35.82% (29.00%, 43.28%) |
23.26% (17.32%, 30.50%) |
8.98% (5.26%, 14.88%) |
7.50% (4.32%, 12.70%) |
11.46% (7.30%, 17.52%) |
12.98% (8.40%, 19.54%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
49.86% (44.98%, 54.72%) |
21.50% (17.14%, 26.64%) |
7.40% (4.78%, 11.26%) |
3.76% (2.08%, 6.68%) |
8.68% (6.10%, 12.20%) |
8.82% (6.02%, 12.76%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
59.44% (54.44%, 64.24%) |
16.78% (13.98%, 19.98%) |
4.54% (3.16%, 6.48%) |
3.12% (1.62%, 5.96%) |
7.64% (5.72%, 10.14%) |
8.48% (6.04%, 11.78%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
27.88% (20.50%, 36.70%) |
16.98% (11.90%, 23.64%) |
10.34% (5.86%, 17.60%) |
8.60% (4.82%, 14.86%) |
16.76% (11.88%, 23.12%) |
19.44% (14.06%, 26.24%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
40.14% (34.52%, 46.02%) |
17.66% (13.16%, 23.30%) |
10.78% (7.72%, 14.88%) |
4.58% (2.76%, 7.50%) |
9.66% (6.66%, 13.78%) |
17.18% (13.24%, 21.98%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
54.98% (50.50%, 59.40%) |
20.30% (16.74%, 24.40%) |
4.44% (2.78%, 7.04%) |
2.36% (1.40%, 4.00%) |
8.84% (6.62%, 11.74%) |
9.04% (6.48%, 12.50%) |
Race | ||||||
D - White |
6.88% (5.58%, 8.48%) |
11.12% (9.68%, 12.76%) |
10.84% (9.28%, 12.64%) |
5.78% (4.68%, 7.14%) |
19.70% (17.42%, 22.20%) |
45.66% (43.02%, 48.32%) |
D - Non-white |
12.30% (10.12%, 14.86%) |
13.94% (11.70%, 16.52%) |
6.34% (4.80%, 8.30%) |
5.90% (4.68%, 7.38%) |
23.56% (20.20%, 27.28%) |
38.00% (34.68%, 41.44%) |
R - White |
49.44% (46.80%, 52.06%) |
19.52% (17.60%, 21.62%) |
7.56% (6.30%, 9.04%) |
4.32% (3.30%, 5.64%) |
8.98% (7.74%, 10.42%) |
10.18% (8.70%, 11.88%) |
R - Non-white |
42.50% (36.68%, 48.52%) |
20.74% (16.40%, 25.84%) |
4.06% (2.26%, 7.16%) |
4.42% (2.72%, 7.14%) |
11.52% (8.16%, 16.00%) |
16.76% (12.68%, 21.86%) |
Education | ||||||
D - College Grad |
5.90% (4.78%, 7.26%) |
12.66% (10.76%, 14.84%) |
11.00% (9.22%, 13.06%) |
5.94% (4.84%, 7.28%) |
21.28% (19.00%, 23.74%) |
43.22% (40.28%, 46.22%) |
D - Not college grad |
12.18% (10.16%, 14.54%) |
12.44% (10.50%, 14.70%) |
6.94% (5.44%, 8.84%) |
5.54% (4.40%, 6.92%) |
21.52% (18.84%, 24.46%) |
41.36% (38.46%, 44.34%) |
R - College Grad |
50.92% (47.12%, 54.72%) |
21.70% (18.98%, 24.66%) |
8.40% (6.44%, 10.86%) |
3.80% (2.46%, 5.82%) |
5.90% (4.66%, 7.46%) |
9.28% (7.02%, 12.14%) |
R - Not college grad |
46.74% (43.86%, 49.66%) |
19.14% (16.80%, 21.72%) |
6.54% (5.24%, 8.12%) |
4.62% (3.50%, 6.08%) |
10.84% (9.14%, 12.80%) |
12.12% (10.38%, 14.08%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201411x, "Transgender policy") anes
Feels very strongly transgender people should use bathroom of birth gender | Feels moderately strongly transgender people should use bathroom of birth gen | Feels a little strongly transgender people should use bathroom of birth gende | Feels a little strongly transgender people be allowed to use bathroom of iden | Feels moderately strongly transgender people be allowed to use bathroom of id | Feels very strongly transgender people be allowed to use bathroom of identifi | |
Vote Intent | ||||||
D |
13.02% (11.68%, 14.50%) |
8.84% (7.82%, 9.98%) |
4.46% (3.72%, 5.32%) |
11.48% (10.16%, 12.92%) |
26.88% (24.96%, 28.88%) |
35.34% (33.50%, 37.24%) |
R |
55.86% (53.88%, 57.80%) |
14.26% (12.84%, 15.82%) |
6.62% (5.60%, 7.82%) |
7.42% (6.20%, 8.82%) |
9.38% (8.28%, 10.62%) |
6.48% (5.34%, 7.82%) |
Gender | ||||||
D - Male |
14.04% (11.92%, 16.46%) |
9.24% (7.70%, 11.06%) |
5.08% (3.84%, 6.70%) |
14.14% (11.86%, 16.78%) |
28.26% (25.52%, 31.16%) |
29.24% (26.58%, 32.06%) |
D - Female |
12.14% (10.34%, 14.20%) |
8.48% (6.86%, 10.42%) |
3.96% (2.96%, 5.26%) |
9.28% (7.88%, 10.90%) |
25.78% (23.38%, 28.34%) |
40.36% (37.72%, 43.06%) |
R - Male |
58.20% (55.30%, 61.06%) |
13.66% (11.64%, 15.96%) |
7.00% (5.54%, 8.84%) |
7.98% (6.30%, 10.06%) |
8.22% (6.70%, 10.02%) |
4.94% (3.74%, 6.52%) |
R - Female |
53.30% (50.20%, 56.38%) |
14.94% (12.66%, 17.54%) |
6.02% (4.58%, 7.88%) |
6.86% (5.36%, 8.74%) |
10.70% (9.02%, 12.66%) |
8.16% (6.34%, 10.46%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.54% (4.56%, 9.32%) |
6.94% (4.10%, 11.50%) |
6.70% (4.20%, 10.54%) |
20.78% (15.50%, 27.28%) |
25.00% (19.12%, 31.98%) |
34.04% (28.04%, 40.60%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
17.62% (14.00%, 21.92%) |
9.24% (6.92%, 12.22%) |
4.48% (2.66%, 7.48%) |
11.34% (8.40%, 15.14%) |
25.20% (21.58%, 29.20%) |
32.12% (27.74%, 36.84%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
16.14% (12.46%, 20.64%) |
11.12% (8.46%, 14.48%) |
4.34% (2.86%, 6.50%) |
11.28% (8.34%, 15.08%) |
34.18% (29.40%, 39.30%) |
22.96% (18.70%, 27.82%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
8.46% (5.62%, 12.56%) |
7.70% (4.60%, 12.60%) |
4.50% (2.58%, 7.78%) |
7.62% (5.34%, 10.78%) |
19.40% (14.78%, 25.04%) |
52.30% (46.18%, 58.34%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
13.58% (10.52%, 17.36%) |
9.88% (7.32%, 13.22%) |
3.38% (1.96%, 5.76%) |
11.74% (8.94%, 15.26%) |
24.38% (20.42%, 28.84%) |
37.02% (32.22%, 42.10%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
13.68% (10.86%, 17.12%) |
7.62% (5.58%, 10.34%) |
3.92% (2.48%, 6.14%) |
8.30% (6.28%, 10.88%) |
31.06% (26.78%, 35.68%) |
35.42% (31.64%, 39.38%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
52.18% (44.96%, 59.30%) |
13.38% (8.88%, 19.64%) |
10.42% (6.50%, 16.30%) |
12.08% (7.48%, 18.96%) |
9.32% (5.42%, 15.58%) |
2.62% (1.28%, 5.34%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
58.22% (52.58%, 63.64%) |
12.12% (8.96%, 16.18%) |
7.92% (5.34%, 11.60%) |
10.26% (7.20%, 14.38%) |
6.18% (3.98%, 9.50%) |
5.32% (3.12%, 8.90%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
60.98% (56.46%, 65.30%) |
14.68% (11.76%, 18.18%) |
4.74% (3.04%, 7.32%) |
4.74% (2.96%, 7.50%) |
8.78% (6.68%, 11.48%) |
6.10% (3.96%, 9.24%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
45.46% (37.24%, 53.94%) |
13.10% (8.58%, 19.50%) |
11.56% (7.30%, 17.82%) |
10.98% (6.86%, 17.12%) |
8.76% (5.60%, 13.44%) |
10.14% (5.90%, 16.88%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
53.78% (48.44%, 59.02%) |
16.14% (12.36%, 20.80%) |
5.54% (3.24%, 9.32%) |
5.50% (3.54%, 8.46%) |
9.76% (7.36%, 12.82%) |
9.28% (6.16%, 13.76%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
57.38% (53.00%, 61.64%) |
14.88% (11.80%, 18.60%) |
4.40% (2.70%, 7.10%) |
5.96% (4.30%, 8.20%) |
10.80% (8.72%, 13.28%) |
6.60% (4.40%, 9.78%) |
Race | ||||||
D - White |
7.00% (5.66%, 8.62%) |
6.28% (5.18%, 7.60%) |
4.14% (3.24%, 5.28%) |
12.98% (11.42%, 14.74%) |
26.42% (24.28%, 28.70%) |
43.16% (40.72%, 45.64%) |
D - Non-white |
20.24% (17.62%, 23.14%) |
12.04% (9.98%, 14.46%) |
4.88% (3.64%, 6.52%) |
9.72% (7.66%, 12.28%) |
27.36% (24.06%, 30.94%) |
25.74% (22.70%, 29.04%) |
R - White |
55.32% (53.12%, 57.50%) |
15.06% (13.38%, 16.90%) |
6.94% (5.82%, 8.28%) |
7.80% (6.58%, 9.24%) |
9.00% (7.84%, 10.34%) |
5.88% (4.76%, 7.22%) |
R - Non-white |
58.06% (52.22%, 63.68%) |
11.16% (8.22%, 15.00%) |
4.62% (2.76%, 7.66%) |
5.90% (3.48%, 9.84%) |
11.12% (7.94%, 15.36%) |
9.14% (6.10%, 13.46%) |
Education | ||||||
D - College Grad |
7.38% (5.86%, 9.26%) |
5.58% (4.50%, 6.92%) |
4.26% (3.24%, 5.58%) |
14.04% (12.06%, 16.28%) |
26.72% (24.18%, 29.42%) |
42.00% (39.38%, 44.68%) |
D - Not college grad |
17.86% (15.66%, 20.30%) |
11.34% (9.68%, 13.22%) |
4.62% (3.52%, 6.04%) |
9.40% (7.76%, 11.38%) |
26.82% (24.26%, 29.56%) |
29.96% (27.28%, 32.76%) |
R - College Grad |
49.14% (45.22%, 53.08%) |
15.68% (13.24%, 18.48%) |
8.68% (6.76%, 11.06%) |
10.86% (8.38%, 13.98%) |
9.82% (7.74%, 12.38%) |
5.82% (3.90%, 8.62%) |
R - Not college grad |
58.66% (55.86%, 61.40%) |
13.80% (12.02%, 15.82%) |
5.56% (4.46%, 6.90%) |
6.10% (4.86%, 7.60%) |
9.32% (7.98%, 10.88%) |
6.56% (5.30%, 8.08%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201414x, "Favor/oppose laws protect gays lesbians against job discrimination") anes
Favor strongly | Favor not strongly | Oppose not strongly | Oppose strongly | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
83.76% (81.96%, 85.44%) |
8.58% (7.38%, 9.98%) |
3.60% (2.84%, 4.56%) |
4.04% (3.28%, 4.96%) |
R |
55.72% (53.44%, 57.96%) |
24.28% (22.42%, 26.24%) |
8.38% (7.18%, 9.76%) |
11.62% (10.32%, 13.08%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
81.36% (78.62%, 83.82%) |
11.00% (9.00%, 13.40%) |
3.56% (2.54%, 4.96%) |
4.08% (2.88%, 5.72%) |
D - Female |
85.90% (83.54%, 87.96%) |
6.56% (5.14%, 8.34%) |
3.56% (2.50%, 5.10%) |
3.98% (3.10%, 5.06%) |
R - Male |
53.14% (50.14%, 56.10%) |
25.26% (22.80%, 27.90%) |
8.96% (7.34%, 10.92%) |
12.64% (10.72%, 14.82%) |
R - Female |
58.60% (55.26%, 61.84%) |
23.22% (20.76%, 25.88%) |
7.70% (6.04%, 9.76%) |
10.48% (8.70%, 12.58%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
77.26% (70.34%, 82.96%) |
12.38% (8.30%, 18.06%) |
5.82% (3.50%, 9.50%) |
4.54% (2.28%, 8.88%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
82.14% (77.94%, 85.68%) |
9.22% (6.72%, 12.50%) |
3.62% (1.98%, 6.52%) |
5.02% (2.98%, 8.32%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
84.12% (80.44%, 87.22%) |
11.42% (8.28%, 15.54%) |
1.90% (0.96%, 3.72%) |
2.58% (1.34%, 4.92%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
87.98% (82.76%, 91.78%) |
3.34% (1.86%, 5.96%) |
5.52% (2.92%, 10.22%) |
3.14% (1.68%, 5.74%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
87.46% (83.70%, 90.44%) |
5.86% (4.08%, 8.36%) |
2.76% (1.66%, 4.56%) |
3.92% (2.44%, 6.26%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
83.54% (79.10%, 87.18%) |
9.06% (6.28%, 12.90%) |
2.80% (1.46%, 5.32%) |
4.62% (3.20%, 6.64%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
55.38% (47.92%, 62.60%) |
28.24% (22.34%, 35.00%) |
9.96% (6.18%, 15.70%) |
6.42% (3.52%, 11.42%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
57.14% (51.08%, 63.00%) |
20.62% (16.42%, 25.58%) |
9.46% (6.56%, 13.46%) |
12.78% (9.06%, 17.72%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
48.46% (44.24%, 52.72%) |
27.56% (23.58%, 31.94%) |
8.42% (6.56%, 10.74%) |
15.56% (12.76%, 18.84%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
64.02% (54.76%, 72.34%) |
18.70% (12.52%, 26.98%) |
6.92% (3.90%, 12.02%) |
10.36% (6.04%, 17.22%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
61.16% (54.98%, 67.02%) |
20.32% (16.30%, 25.04%) |
8.74% (5.56%, 13.50%) |
9.76% (6.96%, 13.54%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
55.24% (50.88%, 59.54%) |
27.88% (23.84%, 32.32%) |
6.70% (5.06%, 8.80%) |
10.18% (7.88%, 13.04%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
89.00% (87.26%, 90.52%) |
6.78% (5.40%, 8.46%) |
1.60% (1.08%, 2.36%) |
2.64% (1.84%, 3.74%) |
D - Non-white |
77.32% (74.22%, 80.16%) |
10.88% (8.94%, 13.18%) |
6.08% (4.60%, 7.98%) |
5.70% (4.46%, 7.26%) |
R - White |
54.16% (51.72%, 56.58%) |
25.42% (23.30%, 27.66%) |
8.32% (7.08%, 9.76%) |
12.12% (10.58%, 13.84%) |
R - Non-white |
62.90% (57.14%, 68.32%) |
19.04% (14.76%, 24.20%) |
8.62% (5.58%, 13.10%) |
9.44% (6.76%, 13.00%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
89.74% (87.78%, 91.42%) |
6.44% (5.20%, 7.98%) |
2.02% (1.32%, 3.04%) |
1.78% (1.26%, 2.56%) |
D - Not college grad |
79.12% (76.50%, 81.52%) |
10.32% (8.56%, 12.42%) |
4.94% (3.72%, 6.56%) |
5.60% (4.36%, 7.16%) |
R - College Grad |
59.96% (56.16%, 63.64%) |
23.62% (20.80%, 26.70%) |
6.44% (4.98%, 8.28%) |
9.98% (7.90%, 12.52%) |
R - Not college grad |
53.56% (50.74%, 56.36%) |
24.86% (22.64%, 27.22%) |
9.22% (7.72%, 10.98%) |
12.36% (10.54%, 14.42%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201415, "Should gay and lesbian couples be allowed to adopt") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
90.14% (88.72%, 91.38%) |
9.86% (8.62%, 11.28%) |
R |
66.14% (64.04%, 68.18%) |
33.86% (31.82%, 35.96%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
88.26% (85.90%, 90.26%) |
11.74% (9.74%, 14.10%) |
D - Female |
91.76% (89.96%, 93.28%) |
8.24% (6.72%, 10.04%) |
R - Male |
63.64% (60.46%, 66.70%) |
36.36% (33.30%, 39.54%) |
R - Female |
69.00% (65.94%, 71.90%) |
31.00% (28.10%, 34.06%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
91.06% (87.08%, 93.90%) |
8.94% (6.10%, 12.92%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
88.26% (83.80%, 91.62%) |
11.74% (8.38%, 16.20%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
86.74% (82.40%, 90.14%) |
13.26% (9.86%, 17.60%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
93.16% (88.82%, 95.90%) |
6.84% (4.10%, 11.18%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
92.16% (89.06%, 94.44%) |
7.84% (5.56%, 10.94%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
90.44% (87.50%, 92.76%) |
9.56% (7.24%, 12.50%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
78.20% (70.92%, 84.06%) |
21.80% (15.94%, 29.08%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
65.06% (59.98%, 69.84%) |
34.94% (30.16%, 40.02%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
55.94% (51.20%, 60.56%) |
44.06% (39.44%, 48.80%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
77.14% (69.14%, 83.54%) |
22.86% (16.46%, 30.86%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
74.00% (68.60%, 78.76%) |
26.00% (21.24%, 31.40%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
62.68% (58.46%, 66.74%) |
37.32% (33.26%, 41.54%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
96.64% (95.58%, 97.46%) |
3.36% (2.54%, 4.42%) |
D - Non-white |
82.30% (79.44%, 84.84%) |
17.70% (15.16%, 20.56%) |
R - White |
67.06% (64.72%, 69.32%) |
32.94% (30.68%, 35.28%) |
R - Non-white |
62.14% (56.64%, 67.34%) |
37.86% (32.66%, 43.36%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
95.00% (93.60%, 96.10%) |
5.00% (3.90%, 6.40%) |
D - Not college grad |
86.10% (83.86%, 88.10%) |
13.90% (11.90%, 16.14%) |
R - College Grad |
69.78% (65.80%, 73.50%) |
30.22% (26.50%, 34.20%) |
R - Not college grad |
64.58% (61.98%, 67.12%) |
35.42% (32.88%, 38.02%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201416, "Position on gay marriage") anes
Gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to legally marry | Gay and lesbian couples should be allowed to form civil unions but not legall | There should be no legal recognition of gay or lesbian couples’ relationship | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
83.48% (81.86%, 85.00%) |
9.94% (8.74%, 11.28%) |
6.58% (5.48%, 7.88%) |
R |
47.92% (45.62%, 50.22%) |
29.20% (27.32%, 31.14%) |
22.88% (21.04%, 24.84%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
82.66% (80.02%, 85.02%) |
10.58% (8.82%, 12.64%) |
6.76% (5.16%, 8.80%) |
D - Female |
84.26% (82.22%, 86.12%) |
9.36% (7.90%, 11.06%) |
6.38% (5.08%, 7.96%) |
R - Male |
47.74% (44.56%, 50.94%) |
30.24% (27.44%, 33.18%) |
22.02% (19.74%, 24.50%) |
R - Female |
48.14% (44.72%, 51.56%) |
28.16% (25.38%, 31.12%) |
23.70% (20.94%, 26.72%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
89.04% (84.92%, 92.14%) |
5.86% (3.62%, 9.36%) |
5.10% (2.78%, 9.16%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
83.76% (78.76%, 87.78%) |
8.08% (5.46%, 11.80%) |
8.16% (5.36%, 12.20%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
76.86% (72.40%, 80.78%) |
16.84% (13.36%, 21.02%) |
6.30% (4.18%, 9.40%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
89.70% (84.88%, 93.12%) |
7.24% (4.32%, 11.90%) |
3.04% (1.70%, 5.40%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
85.56% (82.00%, 88.50%) |
7.26% (5.24%, 9.98%) |
7.18% (5.12%, 10.00%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
80.22% (76.78%, 83.28%) |
12.14% (9.88%, 14.86%) |
7.64% (5.50%, 10.50%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
64.42% (56.88%, 71.32%) |
20.10% (14.78%, 26.76%) |
15.46% (10.86%, 21.56%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
51.82% (46.20%, 57.42%) |
27.90% (23.18%, 33.14%) |
20.28% (16.06%, 25.26%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
37.36% (33.92%, 40.92%) |
36.22% (32.56%, 40.02%) |
26.44% (23.30%, 29.82%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
63.86% (56.40%, 70.72%) |
20.06% (14.82%, 26.60%) |
16.06% (10.48%, 23.84%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
52.74% (46.34%, 59.06%) |
25.92% (21.04%, 31.46%) |
21.34% (16.82%, 26.70%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
38.78% (34.46%, 43.26%) |
33.32% (28.92%, 38.06%) |
27.90% (24.42%, 31.66%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
91.56% (90.24%, 92.72%) |
6.54% (5.54%, 7.74%) |
1.90% (1.34%, 2.66%) |
D - Non-white |
73.60% (70.50%, 76.50%) |
14.16% (11.92%, 16.76%) |
12.22% (10.02%, 14.86%) |
R - White |
47.62% (45.06%, 50.18%) |
29.20% (27.18%, 31.32%) |
23.18% (21.12%, 25.38%) |
R - Non-white |
49.12% (43.10%, 55.18%) |
29.26% (24.20%, 34.88%) |
21.62% (17.46%, 26.44%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
89.48% (87.68%, 91.06%) |
7.44% (6.18%, 8.94%) |
3.08% (2.22%, 4.24%) |
D - Not college grad |
78.56% (76.12%, 80.80%) |
11.98% (10.16%, 14.06%) |
9.46% (7.74%, 11.54%) |
R - College Grad |
48.04% (44.02%, 52.08%) |
34.40% (30.98%, 37.98%) |
17.56% (14.92%, 20.54%) |
R - Not college grad |
47.72% (44.84%, 50.60%) |
27.08% (24.74%, 29.56%) |
25.22% (22.76%, 27.82%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201417, "US government policy toward unauthorized immigrants") anes
Make all unauthorized immigrants felons and send them back to their home coun | Have a guest worker program that allows unauthorized immigrants to remain in | Allow unauthorized immigrants to remain in US & eventually qualify for citize | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
3.90% (3.12%, 4.86%) |
9.06% (7.96%, 10.30%) |
59.66% (57.40%, 61.88%), 27.38% (25.46%, 29.38%) |
R |
26.56% (24.68%, 28.52%) |
20.16% (18.26%, 22.20%) |
49.62% (47.60%, 51.64%), 3.66% (2.86%, 4.68%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
4.38% (3.22%, 5.92%) |
9.68% (7.86%, 11.88%) |
61.20% (58.06%, 64.28%), 24.72% (22.30%, 27.32%) |
D - Female |
3.48% (2.58%, 4.68%) |
8.56% (7.20%, 10.16%) |
58.48% (55.58%, 61.32%), 29.48% (26.88%, 32.22%) |
R - Male |
26.98% (24.38%, 29.74%) |
22.32% (19.62%, 25.28%) |
47.08% (43.84%, 50.34%), 3.64% (2.48%, 5.32%) |
R - Female |
26.00% (23.38%, 28.82%) |
17.86% (15.44%, 20.56%) |
52.42% (49.24%, 55.56%), 3.72% (2.68%, 5.16%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.52% (1.64%, 7.34%) |
9.40% (5.58%, 15.44%) |
58.76% (52.02%, 65.18%), 28.32% (23.20%, 34.08%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.60% (2.16%, 5.94%) |
9.50% (7.00%, 12.74%) |
63.70% (58.34%, 68.76%), 23.20% (18.86%, 28.18%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
5.28% (3.52%, 7.88%) |
9.72% (7.20%, 12.98%) |
61.22% (55.48%, 66.66%), 23.78% (19.64%, 28.48%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.34% (1.00%, 5.36%) |
7.42% (4.80%, 11.32%) |
52.06% (46.02%, 58.04%), 38.16% (32.18%, 44.54%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.10% (3.14%, 8.18%) |
9.62% (7.32%, 12.54%) |
57.72% (52.98%, 62.30%), 27.56% (23.12%, 32.50%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.98% (1.90%, 4.64%) |
8.76% (6.70%, 11.38%) |
62.92% (59.02%, 66.66%), 25.34% (22.06%, 28.92%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
27.98% (21.44%, 35.60%) |
17.04% (12.20%, 23.32%) |
48.46% (41.24%, 55.74%), 6.52% (3.26%, 12.62%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
29.04% (24.20%, 34.40%) |
20.34% (16.12%, 25.30%) |
47.22% (41.18%, 53.36%), 3.40% (1.70%, 6.66%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
25.44% (21.94%, 29.30%) |
25.56% (21.46%, 30.12%) |
46.36% (41.58%, 51.20%), 2.64% (1.60%, 4.32%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
29.06% (21.78%, 37.62%) |
17.80% (12.56%, 24.58%) |
50.50% (42.36%, 58.60%), 2.64% (1.04%, 6.52%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
26.16% (21.86%, 30.96%) |
17.12% (13.34%, 21.70%) |
52.78% (47.44%, 58.06%), 3.94% (2.40%, 6.42%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
25.54% (21.62%, 29.90%) |
17.16% (14.18%, 20.64%) |
53.10% (48.86%, 57.28%), 4.20% (2.70%, 6.46%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
2.30% (1.66%, 3.18%) |
8.30% (6.90%, 9.94%) |
59.42% (56.72%, 62.04%), 30.00% (27.64%, 32.46%) |
D - Non-white |
5.80% (4.34%, 7.70%) |
10.08% (8.30%, 12.18%) |
59.76% (55.66%, 63.74%), 24.36% (21.30%, 27.72%) |
R - White |
27.06% (25.00%, 29.20%) |
20.50% (18.48%, 22.68%) |
50.02% (47.74%, 52.30%), 2.42% (1.78%, 3.28%) |
R - Non-white |
24.08% (19.42%, 29.44%) |
18.46% (14.60%, 23.04%) |
48.54% (43.04%, 54.06%), 8.92% (6.02%, 13.04%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
2.04% (1.38%, 3.02%) |
7.08% (5.70%, 8.74%) |
59.34% (56.78%, 61.86%), 31.54% (29.12%, 34.08%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.50% (4.28%, 7.04%) |
10.84% (9.20%, 12.76%) |
59.42% (56.08%, 62.68%), 24.22% (21.44%, 27.24%) |
R - College Grad |
20.50% (17.70%, 23.62%) |
24.08% (21.16%, 27.26%) |
52.44% (48.88%, 55.98%), 2.98% (1.80%, 4.86%) |
R - Not college grad |
29.32% (26.98%, 31.78%) |
18.62% (16.38%, 21.08%) |
48.00% (45.24%, 50.78%), 4.04% (3.08%, 5.30%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201420x, "Favor or oppose ending birthright citizenship") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor a moderate amount | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose a moderate amount | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
5.72% (4.80%, 6.82%) |
6.70% (5.66%, 7.92%) |
1.40% (1.04%, 1.88%) |
22.58% (20.82%, 24.46%) |
3.16% (2.54%, 3.92%) |
16.08% (14.60%, 17.66%) |
44.36% (42.24%, 46.48%) |
R |
27.34% (25.30%, 29.48%) |
13.72% (12.36%, 15.20%) |
3.08% (2.38%, 3.98%) |
32.54% (30.60%, 34.54%) |
3.12% (2.42%, 4.02%) |
8.58% (7.44%, 9.86%) |
11.62% (10.20%, 13.24%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
5.66% (4.38%, 7.28%) |
7.56% (5.76%, 9.86%) |
1.26% (0.84%, 1.92%) |
21.70% (19.02%, 24.64%) |
3.88% (2.80%, 5.36%) |
16.18% (14.04%, 18.60%) |
43.74% (40.48%, 47.04%) |
D - Female |
5.76% (4.46%, 7.44%) |
5.96% (4.70%, 7.54%) |
1.54% (1.06%, 2.18%) |
23.30% (21.04%, 25.72%) |
2.52% (1.86%, 3.38%) |
15.96% (14.04%, 18.10%) |
44.96% (42.30%, 47.64%) |
R - Male |
29.84% (26.94%, 32.94%) |
13.82% (11.96%, 15.90%) |
3.18% (2.22%, 4.54%) |
29.90% (27.46%, 32.46%) |
3.54% (2.42%, 5.12%) |
7.48% (5.96%, 9.36%) |
12.26% (10.28%, 14.54%) |
R - Female |
24.52% (21.78%, 27.50%) |
13.52% (11.22%, 16.20%) |
3.00% (2.08%, 4.34%) |
35.36% (32.44%, 38.42%) |
2.72% (1.88%, 3.92%) |
9.80% (8.20%, 11.70%) |
11.06% (9.04%, 13.46%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.76% (1.42%, 5.28%) |
6.46% (3.58%, 11.38%) |
0.86% (0.30%, 2.52%) |
23.42% (17.68%, 30.34%) |
5.18% (2.86%, 9.24%) |
15.56% (10.96%, 21.60%) |
45.76% (38.76%, 52.92%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.06% (4.68%, 10.52%) |
7.12% (4.26%, 11.68%) |
2.16% (1.24%, 3.74%) |
25.24% (20.50%, 30.66%) |
4.08% (2.50%, 6.56%) |
15.20% (12.30%, 18.64%) |
39.14% (34.04%, 44.48%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
6.70% (4.76%, 9.32%) |
9.12% (6.24%, 13.14%) |
0.60% (0.24%, 1.50%) |
16.96% (13.72%, 20.78%) |
2.68% (1.60%, 4.42%) |
17.62% (14.52%, 21.22%) |
46.34% (41.02%, 51.74%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.58% (2.28%, 8.94%) |
4.12% (2.20%, 7.60%) |
0.98% (0.44%, 2.20%) |
19.84% (15.84%, 24.56%) |
1.48% (0.76%, 2.86%) |
12.84% (9.42%, 17.28%) |
56.16% (50.78%, 61.42%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.62% (3.62%, 8.64%) |
7.32% (4.88%, 10.84%) |
2.28% (1.36%, 3.82%) |
21.98% (18.16%, 26.38%) |
4.34% (2.78%, 6.76%) |
18.86% (15.06%, 23.34%) |
39.58% (34.42%, 45.00%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
6.50% (4.52%, 9.28%) |
6.08% (4.46%, 8.24%) |
1.28% (0.60%, 2.74%) |
25.88% (22.28%, 29.82%) |
1.94% (1.26%, 2.98%) |
16.08% (13.50%, 19.02%) |
42.26% (38.58%, 46.02%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
16.14% (10.96%, 23.16%) |
16.94% (11.86%, 23.60%) |
4.16% (2.10%, 8.08%) |
37.18% (29.82%, 45.18%) |
5.36% (2.94%, 9.56%) |
9.48% (6.16%, 14.32%) |
10.76% (7.18%, 15.82%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
26.20% (21.72%, 31.26%) |
13.26% (9.82%, 17.70%) |
3.60% (2.10%, 6.10%) |
33.38% (28.24%, 38.94%) |
3.92% (2.12%, 7.10%) |
7.48% (5.04%, 11.00%) |
12.16% (8.60%, 16.90%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
39.22% (34.70%, 43.92%) |
12.78% (10.16%, 15.94%) |
2.44% (1.26%, 4.66%) |
23.80% (20.44%, 27.54%) |
2.52% (1.38%, 4.54%) |
6.32% (4.68%, 8.50%) |
12.92% (10.32%, 16.04%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
15.00% (10.00%, 21.86%) |
10.78% (6.44%, 17.52%) |
3.98% (1.84%, 8.36%) |
38.82% (30.78%, 47.52%) |
3.80% (1.80%, 7.84%) |
11.82% (7.40%, 18.36%) |
15.80% (10.28%, 23.48%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
21.42% (16.74%, 26.98%) |
14.50% (11.12%, 18.72%) |
4.92% (2.82%, 8.38%) |
34.50% (29.62%, 39.74%) |
3.14% (1.74%, 5.60%) |
10.30% (7.56%, 13.90%) |
11.22% (8.28%, 15.02%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
30.44% (26.52%, 34.68%) |
12.86% (10.00%, 16.36%) |
1.44% (0.70%, 2.92%) |
35.26% (31.14%, 39.60%) |
2.12% (1.06%, 4.24%) |
7.76% (5.76%, 10.38%) |
10.12% (7.46%, 13.60%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
4.58% (3.46%, 6.02%) |
6.70% (5.42%, 8.24%) |
1.68% (1.20%, 2.36%) |
21.74% (19.62%, 24.02%) |
3.94% (3.10%, 5.00%) |
19.18% (17.36%, 21.14%) |
42.18% (39.64%, 44.78%) |
D - Non-white |
7.12% (5.54%, 9.08%) |
6.82% (5.34%, 8.68%) |
1.08% (0.60%, 1.92%) |
23.42% (20.66%, 26.42%) |
2.26% (1.48%, 3.44%) |
12.42% (10.14%, 15.14%) |
46.88% (43.26%, 50.54%) |
R - White |
28.60% (26.32%, 30.98%) |
14.74% (13.10%, 16.52%) |
2.92% (2.16%, 3.92%) |
33.00% (30.92%, 35.18%) |
2.38% (1.74%, 3.24%) |
8.12% (6.88%, 9.56%) |
10.26% (8.78%, 11.94%) |
R - Non-white |
21.24% (16.96%, 26.26%) |
9.06% (5.96%, 13.54%) |
3.74% (2.16%, 6.40%) |
30.50% (25.32%, 36.24%) |
6.62% (4.16%, 10.40%) |
10.90% (8.02%, 14.68%) |
17.92% (13.56%, 23.30%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
4.82% (3.58%, 6.48%) |
6.36% (4.94%, 8.16%) |
1.46% (1.02%, 2.08%) |
19.34% (17.20%, 21.68%) |
2.98% (2.34%, 3.78%) |
18.86% (16.92%, 20.96%) |
46.18% (43.36%, 49.00%) |
D - Not college grad |
6.54% (5.26%, 8.12%) |
7.06% (5.62%, 8.82%) |
1.40% (0.88%, 2.22%) |
25.40% (22.88%, 28.10%) |
3.32% (2.34%, 4.66%) |
13.88% (11.92%, 16.12%) |
42.42% (39.42%, 45.46%) |
R - College Grad |
28.52% (24.98%, 32.36%) |
15.62% (12.90%, 18.78%) |
3.82% (2.42%, 6.00%) |
29.28% (25.64%, 33.20%) |
3.80% (2.64%, 5.44%) |
10.60% (8.00%, 13.92%) |
8.36% (6.44%, 10.76%) |
R - Not college grad |
26.70% (24.44%, 29.10%) |
12.98% (11.42%, 14.74%) |
2.72% (1.98%, 3.76%) |
33.72% (31.34%, 36.18%) |
2.84% (2.06%, 3.94%) |
7.84% (6.48%, 9.46%) |
13.16% (11.36%, 15.22%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201423x, "Should children brought illegally be sent back or allowed to stay") anes
Favors a great deal they should be sent back | Favors a moderate amount they should be sent back | Favors a little they should be sent back | Favors a little they should be allowed to live and work in US | Favors a moderate amount they should be allowed to live and work in US | Favors a great deal they should be allowed to live and work in US | |
Vote Intent | ||||||
D |
1.20% (0.78%, 1.84%) |
1.96% (1.38%, 2.78%) |
0.60% (0.34%, 1.02%) |
5.26% (4.42%, 6.26%) |
22.38% (20.68%, 24.18%) |
68.58% (66.72%, 70.40%) |
R |
10.28% (8.82%, 11.96%) |
8.78% (7.60%, 10.14%) |
3.82% (3.12%, 4.66%) |
17.34% (15.68%, 19.14%) |
37.28% (35.02%, 39.62%) |
22.48% (20.90%, 24.16%) |
Gender | ||||||
D - Male |
0.92% (0.54%, 1.54%) |
2.54% (1.56%, 4.16%) |
0.90% (0.44%, 1.82%) |
6.46% (4.96%, 8.38%) |
22.36% (19.84%, 25.10%) |
66.82% (63.92%, 69.58%) |
D - Female |
1.46% (0.84%, 2.52%) |
1.46% (1.00%, 2.16%) |
0.34% (0.14%, 0.88%) |
4.26% (3.40%, 5.32%) |
22.48% (20.22%, 24.88%) |
70.00% (67.50%, 72.38%) |
R - Male |
11.42% (9.60%, 13.54%) |
8.52% (6.94%, 10.42%) |
3.60% (2.68%, 4.84%) |
19.10% (16.74%, 21.72%) |
35.56% (32.30%, 38.94%) |
21.78% (19.30%, 24.48%) |
R - Female |
8.82% (6.88%, 11.26%) |
9.00% (7.36%, 11.00%) |
4.08% (3.00%, 5.54%) |
15.48% (13.54%, 17.64%) |
39.18% (35.84%, 42.62%) |
23.42% (21.14%, 25.88%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.76% (0.14%, 4.00%) |
2.86% (1.28%, 6.26%) |
0.32% (0.04%, 2.36%) |
6.42% (3.78%, 10.68%) |
22.26% (16.98%, 28.60%) |
67.38% (60.30%, 73.76%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.36% (0.80%, 2.28%) |
2.44% (1.14%, 5.16%) |
1.40% (0.56%, 3.48%) |
9.58% (6.78%, 13.40%) |
19.82% (15.46%, 25.06%) |
65.38% (60.12%, 70.32%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.52% (0.22%, 1.28%) |
2.38% (0.88%, 6.30%) |
0.94% (0.26%, 3.26%) |
3.28% (2.24%, 4.80%) |
24.94% (21.24%, 29.02%) |
67.94% (63.50%, 72.08%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.12% (0.80%, 5.46%) |
1.04% (0.38%, 2.84%) |
0.24% (0.06%, 1.00%) |
2.88% (1.60%, 5.12%) |
15.98% (12.64%, 20.02%) |
77.74% (73.30%, 81.62%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.42% (0.50%, 3.96%) |
1.60% (0.62%, 4.04%) |
0.48% (0.08%, 3.04%) |
7.08% (5.32%, 9.36%) |
23.52% (19.16%, 28.50%) |
65.88% (60.36%, 71.02%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.14% (0.56%, 2.30%) |
1.72% (0.86%, 3.40%) |
0.24% (0.08%, 0.78%) |
2.60% (1.68%, 4.02%) |
25.48% (22.06%, 29.22%) |
68.80% (64.62%, 72.72%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
5.62% (2.96%, 10.44%) |
10.10% (6.44%, 15.52%) |
5.32% (2.82%, 9.78%) |
19.76% (14.72%, 26.00%) |
36.08% (28.62%, 44.30%) |
23.10% (17.16%, 30.36%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
13.72% (10.08%, 18.40%) |
5.84% (3.94%, 8.60%) |
4.42% (2.98%, 6.50%) |
25.42% (20.60%, 30.94%) |
31.54% (26.50%, 37.04%) |
19.06% (14.96%, 23.96%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
12.94% (10.26%, 16.20%) |
9.34% (7.22%, 11.98%) |
2.10% (1.24%, 3.54%) |
14.46% (11.22%, 18.44%) |
38.20% (33.72%, 42.90%) |
22.96% (19.72%, 26.58%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.22% (7.02%, 20.40%) |
8.64% (4.88%, 14.88%) |
3.00% (1.46%, 6.06%) |
19.44% (14.08%, 26.24%) |
36.58% (28.72%, 45.24%) |
20.12% (15.06%, 26.34%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
8.28% (5.24%, 12.88%) |
9.12% (6.42%, 12.80%) |
6.32% (4.16%, 9.50%) |
16.82% (13.20%, 21.16%) |
33.90% (28.28%, 40.02%) |
25.56% (20.94%, 30.78%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
8.22% (6.02%, 11.12%) |
8.66% (6.38%, 11.68%) |
2.64% (1.62%, 4.28%) |
13.56% (10.92%, 16.70%) |
44.22% (39.64%, 48.92%) |
22.68% (19.18%, 26.62%) |
Race | ||||||
D - White |
0.62% (0.34%, 1.12%) |
1.18% (0.70%, 1.94%) |
0.50% (0.24%, 1.06%) |
5.50% (4.48%, 6.72%) |
21.92% (19.80%, 24.22%) |
70.28% (67.94%, 72.52%) |
D - Non-white |
1.94% (1.16%, 3.28%) |
2.82% (1.70%, 4.66%) |
0.72% (0.34%, 1.52%) |
4.74% (3.50%, 6.42%) |
23.04% (20.36%, 25.98%) |
66.72% (63.76%, 69.56%) |
R - White |
10.46% (8.90%, 12.26%) |
9.28% (7.92%, 10.84%) |
4.14% (3.38%, 5.06%) |
17.66% (15.78%, 19.72%) |
38.98% (36.32%, 41.72%) |
19.48% (17.82%, 21.26%) |
R - Non-white |
9.54% (6.68%, 13.42%) |
6.76% (4.16%, 10.78%) |
1.68% (0.86%, 3.32%) |
15.88% (12.28%, 20.30%) |
29.86% (24.70%, 35.58%) |
36.28% (31.14%, 41.76%) |
Education | ||||||
D - College Grad |
0.58% (0.30%, 1.08%) |
0.80% (0.44%, 1.44%) |
0.42% (0.20%, 0.88%) |
5.28% (4.10%, 6.82%) |
18.76% (16.36%, 21.42%) |
74.14% (71.38%, 76.74%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.74% (1.08%, 2.84%) |
2.80% (1.84%, 4.26%) |
0.74% (0.34%, 1.60%) |
5.32% (4.28%, 6.60%) |
25.56% (23.38%, 27.88%) |
63.80% (61.22%, 66.30%) |
R - College Grad |
7.00% (5.50%, 8.90%) |
6.42% (5.06%, 8.12%) |
3.94% (2.94%, 5.28%) |
21.02% (18.10%, 24.28%) |
38.90% (35.64%, 42.28%) |
22.68% (19.66%, 26.02%) |
R - Not college grad |
11.60% (9.70%, 13.80%) |
9.94% (8.40%, 11.72%) |
3.86% (2.94%, 5.04%) |
15.98% (13.94%, 18.26%) |
36.32% (33.38%, 39.38%) |
22.30% (20.26%, 24.50%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201426x, "Favor or oppose building a wall on border with Mexico") anes
Favor a great deal | Favor a moderate amount | Favor a little | Neither favor nor oppose | Oppose a little | Oppose a moderate amount | Oppose a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
3.14% (2.46%, 3.98%) |
2.56% (2.00%, 3.26%) |
0.86% (0.52%, 1.38%) |
17.68% (16.10%, 19.38%) |
2.38% (1.82%, 3.12%) |
13.44% (12.08%, 14.94%) |
59.94% (57.82%, 62.02%) |
R |
57.06% (54.50%, 59.56%) |
15.06% (13.34%, 16.96%) |
3.94% (3.18%, 4.86%) |
16.46% (14.74%, 18.34%) |
1.02% (0.64%, 1.64%) |
3.22% (2.48%, 4.18%) |
3.24% (2.44%, 4.28%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
3.70% (2.68%, 5.08%) |
2.50% (1.70%, 3.64%) |
0.78% (0.40%, 1.54%) |
18.32% (16.08%, 20.78%) |
3.08% (2.10%, 4.52%) |
13.54% (11.42%, 15.98%) |
58.10% (55.04%, 61.12%) |
D - Female |
2.70% (1.94%, 3.76%) |
2.64% (1.86%, 3.72%) |
0.86% (0.44%, 1.74%) |
17.14% (15.04%, 19.48%) |
1.82% (1.30%, 2.56%) |
13.38% (11.70%, 15.26%) |
61.44% (58.50%, 64.30%) |
R - Male |
57.42% (54.06%, 60.72%) |
14.80% (12.54%, 17.36%) |
4.14% (3.06%, 5.60%) |
17.18% (14.80%, 19.86%) |
0.94% (0.50%, 1.74%) |
2.56% (1.74%, 3.76%) |
2.96% (1.72%, 5.04%) |
R - Female |
56.68% (53.20%, 60.10%) |
15.34% (13.02%, 17.98%) |
3.62% (2.60%, 5.00%) |
15.78% (13.62%, 18.24%) |
1.12% (0.56%, 2.24%) |
3.90% (2.76%, 5.46%) |
3.58% (2.50%, 5.08%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.68% (1.64%, 8.04%) |
1.86% (0.62%, 5.50%) |
0.58% (0.14%, 2.34%) |
18.84% (13.96%, 24.94%) |
3.50% (1.78%, 6.72%) |
10.04% (6.70%, 14.80%) |
61.52% (54.68%, 67.92%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.14% (1.84%, 5.32%) |
3.28% (1.82%, 5.90%) |
0.94% (0.44%, 1.98%) |
19.76% (15.26%, 25.18%) |
3.54% (1.84%, 6.66%) |
15.32% (12.00%, 19.38%) |
54.02% (48.84%, 59.10%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
4.30% (2.72%, 6.74%) |
1.98% (1.04%, 3.70%) |
0.84% (0.20%, 3.34%) |
15.40% (12.32%, 19.10%) |
2.32% (1.28%, 4.18%) |
15.20% (11.78%, 19.42%) |
59.96% (54.58%, 65.10%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.66% (0.64%, 4.30%) |
0.62% (0.12%, 3.10%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.86%) |
14.18% (10.48%, 18.92%) |
1.56% (0.74%, 3.26%) |
11.96% (8.56%, 16.46%) |
69.90% (63.92%, 75.26%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.78% (1.52%, 5.02%) |
3.16% (1.98%, 5.00%) |
1.18% (0.32%, 4.12%) |
19.74% (16.06%, 24.02%) |
1.42% (0.86%, 2.34%) |
12.78% (10.02%, 16.20%) |
58.94% (53.90%, 63.78%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.22% (2.00%, 5.14%) |
3.56% (2.16%, 5.80%) |
1.12% (0.50%, 2.56%) |
17.26% (14.10%, 20.92%) |
2.32% (1.40%, 3.78%) |
14.46% (11.92%, 17.44%) |
58.08% (53.82%, 62.22%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
37.72% (30.70%, 45.28%) |
16.72% (12.00%, 22.78%) |
6.76% (3.74%, 11.88%) |
26.84% (20.18%, 34.74%) |
1.98% (0.60%, 6.28%) |
5.10% (2.60%, 9.76%) |
4.90% (2.16%, 10.70%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
50.46% (44.78%, 56.14%) |
15.44% (12.06%, 19.54%) |
5.40% (3.52%, 8.20%) |
21.74% (17.70%, 26.40%) |
1.22% (0.60%, 2.42%) |
2.84% (1.58%, 5.02%) |
2.90% (1.26%, 6.56%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
71.60% (67.58%, 75.32%) |
13.44% (10.34%, 17.30%) |
1.72% (0.92%, 3.14%) |
10.00% (7.88%, 12.62%) |
0.24% (0.08%, 0.76%) |
1.24% (0.52%, 2.96%) |
1.76% (0.70%, 4.40%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
33.64% (26.04%, 42.22%) |
17.42% (12.24%, 24.18%) |
4.92% (2.58%, 9.20%) |
27.58% (20.66%, 35.80%) |
2.62% (1.04%, 6.46%) |
5.88% (2.76%, 12.04%) |
7.94% (4.62%, 13.28%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
52.44% (45.58%, 59.22%) |
16.98% (13.06%, 21.80%) |
4.76% (2.88%, 7.74%) |
14.98% (11.20%, 19.72%) |
2.04% (0.76%, 5.42%) |
5.86% (3.74%, 9.06%) |
2.94% (1.66%, 5.18%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
69.06% (64.72%, 73.06%) |
13.86% (10.76%, 17.68%) |
1.56% (0.82%, 2.90%) |
12.14% (9.62%, 15.22%) |
NA |
1.30% (0.64%, 2.70%) |
2.08% (1.06%, 4.06%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
2.84% (1.98%, 4.06%) |
1.88% (1.38%, 2.54%) |
0.64% (0.38%, 1.04%) |
13.74% (12.12%, 15.52%) |
1.96% (1.38%, 2.78%) |
14.44% (12.48%, 16.66%) |
64.50% (62.12%, 66.80%) |
D - Non-white |
3.50% (2.44%, 4.98%) |
3.40% (2.34%, 4.96%) |
1.14% (0.54%, 2.36%) |
22.38% (19.50%, 25.56%) |
2.94% (2.02%, 4.26%) |
12.04% (10.20%, 14.16%) |
54.60% (50.88%, 58.24%) |
R - White |
60.06% (57.34%, 62.72%) |
16.26% (14.40%, 18.32%) |
3.94% (3.14%, 4.92%) |
15.08% (13.44%, 16.90%) |
0.76% (0.46%, 1.28%) |
2.28% (1.62%, 3.22%) |
1.62% (1.04%, 2.48%) |
R - Non-white |
43.56% (38.06%, 49.20%) |
9.74% (6.78%, 13.78%) |
3.74% (2.06%, 6.74%) |
23.04% (18.38%, 28.46%) |
2.20% (0.88%, 5.38%) |
7.10% (4.70%, 10.60%) |
10.64% (7.08%, 15.68%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
1.62% (1.02%, 2.60%) |
1.70% (1.12%, 2.54%) |
0.58% (0.20%, 1.64%) |
12.56% (10.62%, 14.78%) |
2.36% (1.66%, 3.36%) |
13.90% (11.82%, 16.28%) |
67.28% (64.30%, 70.12%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.42% (3.34%, 5.80%) |
3.32% (2.42%, 4.56%) |
1.02% (0.58%, 1.76%) |
21.74% (19.52%, 24.14%) |
2.46% (1.70%, 3.56%) |
13.16% (11.18%, 15.42%) |
53.88% (50.80%, 56.96%) |
R - College Grad |
54.92% (50.94%, 58.86%) |
15.10% (12.46%, 18.20%) |
5.02% (3.60%, 6.98%) |
15.30% (12.64%, 18.42%) |
2.06% (1.10%, 3.82%) |
5.34% (3.62%, 7.80%) |
2.24% (1.26%, 3.92%) |
R - Not college grad |
57.84% (54.80%, 60.80%) |
15.22% (13.26%, 17.42%) |
3.50% (2.64%, 4.64%) |
16.78% (14.70%, 19.10%) |
0.60% (0.28%, 1.20%) |
2.34% (1.70%, 3.20%) |
3.74% (2.68%, 5.20%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201429, "Best way to deal with urban unrest") anes
Solve problems of racism and police violence |
Use all available force to maintain law and order | Haven’t thought much about this | |
Vote Intent | ||||||||
D |
53.02% (50.76%, 55.26%) |
13.88% (12.54%, 15.32%) |
9.22% (8.12%, 10.44%) |
9.94% (8.68%, 11.38%) |
3.56% (2.84%, 4.44%) |
2.04% (1.50%, 2.74%) |
2.84% (2.24%, 3.58%) |
5.54% (4.66%, 6.56%) |
R |
7.82% (6.56%, 9.30%) |
1.92% (1.42%, 2.58%) |
3.38% (2.68%, 4.24%) |
13.56% (12.22%, 15.02%) |
13.94% (12.42%, 15.62%) |
15.78% (14.20%, 17.48%) |
36.24% (34.14%, 38.40%) |
7.36% (6.16%, 8.78%) |
Gender | ||||||||
D - Male |
48.32% (44.90%, 51.76%) |
15.84% (13.66%, 18.30%) |
11.36% (9.44%, 13.60%) |
10.70% (8.78%, 12.96%) |
4.22% (3.14%, 5.66%) |
1.90% (1.28%, 2.82%) |
2.86% (1.96%, 4.16%) |
4.78% (3.64%, 6.28%) |
D - Female |
56.88% (54.06%, 59.64%) |
12.34% (10.70%, 14.20%) |
7.40% (6.06%, 9.02%) |
9.34% (7.64%, 11.34%) |
2.98% (2.18%, 4.06%) |
2.14% (1.40%, 3.24%) |
2.84% (2.06%, 3.92%) |
6.10% (4.86%, 7.64%) |
R - Male |
6.86% (5.32%, 8.82%) |
1.52% (0.94%, 2.46%) |
2.68% (1.90%, 3.78%) |
12.96% (11.18%, 14.98%) |
14.00% (12.02%, 16.24%) |
16.56% (14.30%, 19.12%) |
38.68% (35.54%, 41.92%) |
6.70% (5.08%, 8.82%) |
R - Female |
8.78% (7.06%, 10.86%) |
2.36% (1.64%, 3.38%) |
4.12% (3.10%, 5.48%) |
14.22% (12.26%, 16.44%) |
14.02% (11.92%, 16.42%) |
14.94% (12.70%, 17.50%) |
33.54% (30.60%, 36.60%) |
8.04% (6.20%, 10.36%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
60.22% (53.52%, 66.56%) |
11.06% (7.66%, 15.70%) |
11.98% (7.72%, 18.12%) |
6.40% (3.62%, 11.08%) |
1.04% (0.38%, 2.84%) |
1.56% (0.66%, 3.66%) |
1.14% (0.38%, 3.46%) |
6.58% (3.86%, 11.00%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
45.40% (39.82%, 51.10%) |
16.20% (12.34%, 21.00%) |
11.06% (8.10%, 14.94%) |
12.90% (9.54%, 17.22%) |
4.48% (2.72%, 7.30%) |
2.22% (0.96%, 5.12%) |
3.16% (1.64%, 5.98%) |
4.54% (2.70%, 7.52%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
41.52% (36.50%, 46.74%) |
19.48% (15.58%, 24.10%) |
11.50% (9.04%, 14.52%) |
11.64% (8.86%, 15.16%) |
6.50% (4.44%, 9.42%) |
1.90% (1.02%, 3.52%) |
4.08% (2.42%, 6.80%) |
3.34% (2.16%, 5.16%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
67.64% (62.28%, 72.58%) |
9.04% (6.04%, 13.28%) |
4.06% (2.20%, 7.38%) |
6.82% (4.08%, 11.20%) |
2.18% (0.90%, 5.28%) |
1.36% (0.54%, 3.34%) |
1.00% (0.38%, 2.56%) |
7.90% (5.24%, 11.74%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
56.60% (51.64%, 61.44%) |
9.86% (7.36%, 13.08%) |
7.36% (5.42%, 9.96%) |
11.96% (9.02%, 15.68%) |
2.68% (1.46%, 4.92%) |
2.10% (0.94%, 4.66%) |
2.52% (1.36%, 4.62%) |
6.92% (4.72%, 10.04%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
49.34% (44.96%, 53.74%) |
16.18% (13.60%, 19.16%) |
9.64% (7.18%, 12.82%) |
9.36% (7.08%, 12.26%) |
3.68% (2.60%, 5.16%) |
2.78% (1.60%, 4.78%) |
4.40% (2.84%, 6.76%) |
4.60% (3.08%, 6.84%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
9.28% (5.60%, 15.00%) |
1.86% (0.52%, 6.30%) |
4.64% (2.38%, 8.90%) |
17.32% (12.20%, 24.00%) |
10.46% (6.90%, 15.58%) |
11.20% (6.90%, 17.64%) |
32.16% (25.80%, 39.26%) |
13.08% (8.32%, 19.98%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.84% (5.30%, 11.42%) |
1.22% (0.64%, 2.34%) |
3.32% (1.80%, 6.10%) |
15.00% (11.30%, 19.66%) |
15.74% (12.28%, 19.94%) |
15.16% (11.54%, 19.66%) |
35.34% (30.32%, 40.70%) |
6.38% (4.04%, 9.92%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
4.96% (3.24%, 7.56%) |
1.28% (0.62%, 2.62%) |
1.40% (0.92%, 2.14%) |
9.64% (7.66%, 12.08%) |
14.82% (12.12%, 18.00%) |
20.08% (16.40%, 24.34%) |
44.22% (39.78%, 48.74%) |
3.60% (2.18%, 5.90%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.18% (7.10%, 17.16%) |
3.78% (1.86%, 7.56%) |
5.28% (3.06%, 8.96%) |
20.90% (15.46%, 27.66%) |
15.08% (9.14%, 23.88%) |
7.66% (4.88%, 11.86%) |
20.80% (14.68%, 28.62%) |
15.32% (9.76%, 23.20%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
11.28% (7.76%, 16.16%) |
2.24% (1.20%, 4.10%) |
4.74% (2.78%, 7.98%) |
14.74% (11.18%, 19.16%) |
13.42% (9.92%, 17.90%) |
11.84% (8.56%, 16.16%) |
34.46% (29.60%, 39.68%) |
7.28% (4.78%, 10.92%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
6.16% (4.42%, 8.56%) |
1.62% (0.72%, 3.62%) |
3.68% (2.40%, 5.58%) |
11.24% (8.84%, 14.22%) |
13.72% (11.00%, 17.02%) |
19.66% (15.92%, 24.02%) |
38.50% (34.02%, 43.18%) |
5.42% (3.54%, 8.22%) |
Race | ||||||||
D - White |
48.00% (45.20%, 50.80%) |
18.20% (16.14%, 20.44%) |
11.58% (9.96%, 13.42%) |
10.26% (8.74%, 12.04%) |
3.74% (2.94%, 4.76%) |
2.28% (1.62%, 3.18%) |
2.36% (1.76%, 3.18%) |
3.60% (2.72%, 4.74%) |
D - Non-white |
59.10% (55.84%, 62.28%) |
8.52% (7.10%, 10.20%) |
6.40% (5.12%, 7.96%) |
9.66% (7.68%, 12.10%) |
3.28% (2.24%, 4.78%) |
1.78% (1.06%, 2.96%) |
3.46% (2.44%, 4.90%) |
7.80% (6.20%, 9.80%) |
R - White |
5.64% (4.58%, 6.92%) |
2.04% (1.48%, 2.82%) |
3.42% (2.66%, 4.40%) |
13.46% (11.94%, 15.14%) |
14.96% (13.30%, 16.80%) |
16.46% (14.58%, 18.50%) |
37.90% (35.38%, 40.48%) |
6.10% (5.02%, 7.42%) |
R - Non-white |
17.78% (13.02%, 23.80%) |
1.42% (0.60%, 3.32%) |
3.26% (2.02%, 5.26%) |
13.92% (10.44%, 18.32%) |
9.62% (6.82%, 13.38%) |
12.48% (8.96%, 17.12%) |
28.78% (23.30%, 34.98%) |
12.72% (8.78%, 18.10%) |
Education | ||||||||
D - College Grad |
52.62% (49.52%, 55.70%) |
20.06% (17.78%, 22.56%) |
8.86% (7.68%, 10.22%) |
9.52% (7.86%, 11.46%) |
2.78% (2.10%, 3.68%) |
2.32% (1.46%, 3.68%) |
1.18% (0.78%, 1.80%) |
2.66% (1.92%, 3.68%) |
D - Not college grad |
53.26% (50.08%, 56.42%) |
8.88% (7.34%, 10.68%) |
9.22% (7.52%, 11.24%) |
10.52% (8.78%, 12.52%) |
4.20% (3.14%, 5.60%) |
1.82% (1.24%, 2.66%) |
4.22% (3.20%, 5.54%) |
7.90% (6.44%, 9.62%) |
R - College Grad |
5.32% (3.62%, 7.76%) |
2.18% (1.52%, 3.12%) |
4.08% (2.92%, 5.72%) |
14.30% (11.96%, 17.00%) |
16.86% (14.36%, 19.68%) |
19.46% (16.82%, 22.40%) |
33.30% (29.90%, 36.88%) |
4.50% (2.86%, 7.02%) |
R - Not college grad |
8.76% (7.14%, 10.70%) |
1.86% (1.24%, 2.76%) |
3.10% (2.26%, 4.22%) |
13.22% (11.56%, 15.10%) |
12.84% (10.96%, 14.98%) |
14.38% (12.48%, 16.54%) |
37.42% (34.62%, 40.32%) |
8.40% (6.96%, 10.12%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201432x, "Protestors actions been mostly violent or peaceful") anes
A lot more violent | A ittle more violent | Equally violent and peaceful | A little more peaceful | A lot more peaceful | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
9.14% (8.00%, 10.42%) |
2.22% (1.74%, 2.84%) |
29.30% (27.40%, 31.26%) |
18.48% (17.00%, 20.04%) |
40.86% (38.80%, 42.94%) |
R |
56.78% (54.64%, 58.90%) |
3.68% (2.94%, 4.60%) |
32.54% (30.48%, 34.68%) |
5.16% (4.30%, 6.20%) |
1.82% (1.32%, 2.54%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
8.38% (6.98%, 10.02%) |
2.00% (1.40%, 2.84%) |
26.16% (23.24%, 29.32%) |
19.06% (16.78%, 21.60%) |
44.40% (40.86%, 48.00%) |
D - Female |
9.82% (8.22%, 11.70%) |
2.44% (1.78%, 3.34%) |
31.82% (29.22%, 34.54%) |
17.98% (16.08%, 20.08%) |
37.92% (35.50%, 40.42%) |
R - Male |
56.44% (53.64%, 59.20%) |
4.12% (3.00%, 5.64%) |
32.02% (29.34%, 34.84%) |
5.84% (4.42%, 7.68%) |
1.58% (1.04%, 2.36%) |
R - Female |
57.16% (53.62%, 60.60%) |
3.26% (2.36%, 4.46%) |
33.14% (29.80%, 36.66%) |
4.38% (3.50%, 5.48%) |
2.08% (1.34%, 3.22%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.88% (2.76%, 8.48%) |
0.92% (0.28%, 3.00%) |
29.38% (23.02%, 36.66%) |
18.08% (13.68%, 23.48%) |
46.74% (39.60%, 54.04%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
9.48% (6.68%, 13.30%) |
2.38% (1.22%, 4.60%) |
25.18% (20.68%, 30.30%) |
19.86% (15.92%, 24.52%) |
43.10% (37.60%, 48.76%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
10.42% (7.96%, 13.56%) |
2.10% (1.22%, 3.60%) |
23.72% (19.66%, 28.34%) |
19.72% (16.06%, 23.98%) |
44.02% (38.98%, 49.20%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
6.58% (3.80%, 11.12%) |
2.90% (1.52%, 5.40%) |
31.96% (26.72%, 37.72%) |
14.50% (10.84%, 19.12%) |
44.08% (37.86%, 50.48%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.86% (8.04%, 14.52%) |
2.16% (1.10%, 4.22%) |
32.28% (28.14%, 36.70%) |
19.58% (16.14%, 23.58%) |
35.10% (30.64%, 39.86%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
10.92% (8.38%, 14.12%) |
2.06% (1.30%, 3.28%) |
32.00% (28.06%, 36.20%) |
19.30% (16.20%, 22.82%) |
35.72% (32.20%, 39.40%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
44.86% (37.20%, 52.76%) |
4.80% (2.56%, 8.80%) |
39.64% (32.64%, 47.06%) |
8.12% (4.64%, 13.80%) |
2.60% (1.24%, 5.38%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
56.68% (50.74%, 62.42%) |
5.32% (3.14%, 8.88%) |
29.52% (24.32%, 35.30%) |
7.10% (4.70%, 10.62%) |
1.40% (0.62%, 3.10%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
62.78% (59.08%, 66.34%) |
2.88% (1.60%, 5.14%) |
29.00% (25.20%, 33.14%) |
4.12% (2.42%, 6.92%) |
1.22% (0.66%, 2.20%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
44.14% (35.84%, 52.76%) |
6.12% (3.56%, 10.34%) |
38.08% (30.80%, 45.92%) |
7.64% (4.86%, 11.78%) |
4.04% (1.74%, 9.14%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
56.32% (50.48%, 61.96%) |
3.42% (2.06%, 5.66%) |
33.90% (28.46%, 39.82%) |
4.00% (2.54%, 6.26%) |
2.34% (1.30%, 4.18%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
64.04% (59.58%, 68.26%) |
2.18% (1.22%, 3.86%) |
29.66% (25.72%, 33.94%) |
3.44% (2.28%, 5.12%) |
0.70% (0.30%, 1.56%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
7.00% (5.78%, 8.46%) |
1.96% (1.40%, 2.74%) |
26.44% (24.30%, 28.68%) |
21.84% (19.82%, 24.00%) |
42.76% (40.16%, 45.40%) |
D - Non-white |
11.88% (9.96%, 14.12%) |
2.52% (1.76%, 3.58%) |
32.84% (29.50%, 36.36%) |
14.04% (11.88%, 16.52%) |
38.72% (35.48%, 42.08%) |
R - White |
58.56% (56.34%, 60.76%) |
3.64% (2.84%, 4.70%) |
31.58% (29.38%, 33.86%) |
4.76% (3.86%, 5.88%) |
1.44% (1.04%, 2.00%) |
R - Non-white |
48.44% (42.22%, 54.68%) |
3.98% (2.44%, 6.40%) |
37.14% (31.04%, 43.68%) |
6.92% (4.44%, 10.64%) |
3.54% (1.76%, 6.96%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
4.52% (3.54%, 5.76%) |
1.42% (0.88%, 2.30%) |
22.40% (20.10%, 24.90%) |
21.04% (18.92%, 23.32%) |
50.60% (47.68%, 53.50%) |
D - Not college grad |
12.98% (11.04%, 15.20%) |
2.92% (2.20%, 3.88%) |
34.68% (31.90%, 37.56%) |
16.34% (14.32%, 18.58%) |
33.08% (30.16%, 36.14%) |
R - College Grad |
49.16% (45.54%, 52.80%) |
3.98% (2.58%, 6.06%) |
36.58% (33.42%, 39.88%) |
8.02% (5.94%, 10.76%) |
2.26% (1.44%, 3.50%) |
R - Not college grad |
59.80% (57.14%, 62.42%) |
3.60% (2.74%, 4.70%) |
30.92% (28.44%, 33.54%) |
4.00% (3.18%, 5.02%) |
1.66% (1.04%, 2.64%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201433, "Is religion important part of R life") anes
Extremely important | Very important | Moderately important | A little important | Not important at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
19.94% (18.48%, 21.50%) |
17.48% (15.92%, 19.16%) |
20.06% (18.44%, 21.80%) |
14.50% (13.02%, 16.14%) |
28.00% (26.26%, 29.84%) |
R |
37.16% (35.02%, 39.38%) |
22.12% (20.30%, 24.04%) |
19.06% (17.24%, 21.02%) |
10.78% (9.44%, 12.28%) |
10.88% (9.46%, 12.48%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
16.90% (14.66%, 19.40%) |
14.44% (12.18%, 17.06%) |
20.34% (17.64%, 23.34%) |
15.48% (13.38%, 17.84%) |
32.84% (29.58%, 36.26%) |
D - Female |
22.38% (20.40%, 24.48%) |
19.98% (17.84%, 22.30%) |
19.84% (17.48%, 22.42%) |
13.74% (11.94%, 15.78%) |
24.06% (21.80%, 26.48%) |
R - Male |
33.20% (30.38%, 36.14%) |
22.76% (20.16%, 25.58%) |
18.58% (16.10%, 21.34%) |
12.00% (9.94%, 14.42%) |
13.46% (11.36%, 15.88%) |
R - Female |
41.34% (38.10%, 44.64%) |
21.60% (19.12%, 24.30%) |
19.62% (17.16%, 22.36%) |
9.24% (7.46%, 11.40%) |
8.18% (6.40%, 10.42%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
12.46% (8.38%, 18.14%) |
11.44% (7.42%, 17.24%) |
19.36% (14.12%, 25.96%) |
17.46% (13.06%, 22.96%) |
39.26% (32.44%, 46.54%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
15.16% (11.84%, 19.20%) |
14.76% (11.12%, 19.30%) |
16.72% (12.68%, 21.70%) |
18.08% (14.22%, 22.72%) |
35.30% (30.30%, 40.62%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
21.76% (18.00%, 26.08%) |
16.94% (13.62%, 20.88%) |
24.22% (20.70%, 28.12%) |
11.36% (9.10%, 14.08%) |
25.72% (21.58%, 30.34%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
13.42% (9.52%, 18.56%) |
16.08% (12.10%, 21.06%) |
17.46% (13.06%, 22.98%) |
17.04% (13.32%, 21.56%) |
35.98% (30.44%, 41.92%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
18.82% (15.02%, 23.32%) |
20.68% (17.04%, 24.84%) |
22.14% (18.12%, 26.74%) |
14.96% (11.94%, 18.62%) |
23.40% (19.86%, 27.36%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
30.70% (27.26%, 34.36%) |
21.56% (18.22%, 25.34%) |
19.94% (16.78%, 23.52%) |
10.86% (8.70%, 13.50%) |
16.94% (14.26%, 20.02%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
22.74% (16.96%, 29.80%) |
17.90% (12.08%, 25.74%) |
22.24% (15.86%, 30.26%) |
14.08% (9.40%, 20.56%) |
23.02% (16.70%, 30.88%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
32.04% (26.88%, 37.66%) |
24.78% (20.30%, 29.88%) |
16.92% (13.40%, 21.12%) |
11.56% (8.48%, 15.58%) |
14.70% (11.34%, 18.86%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
38.14% (34.30%, 42.14%) |
24.02% (20.24%, 28.24%) |
18.08% (15.00%, 21.62%) |
11.66% (8.58%, 15.66%) |
8.10% (5.72%, 11.30%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
28.40% (21.08%, 37.10%) |
21.76% (16.12%, 28.68%) |
19.98% (14.70%, 26.58%) |
14.98% (10.22%, 21.40%) |
14.88% (9.68%, 22.18%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
36.72% (31.38%, 42.42%) |
21.46% (16.96%, 26.78%) |
22.76% (18.22%, 28.04%) |
9.72% (6.66%, 14.00%) |
9.34% (6.40%, 13.40%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
50.18% (45.54%, 54.82%) |
22.48% (18.58%, 26.94%) |
17.26% (14.08%, 20.98%) |
6.34% (4.40%, 9.02%) |
3.74% (2.30%, 5.98%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
12.60% (11.06%, 14.30%) |
13.74% (11.98%, 15.72%) |
18.74% (16.76%, 20.92%) |
17.58% (15.48%, 19.88%) |
37.34% (35.12%, 39.62%) |
D - Non-white |
28.64% (25.78%, 31.70%) |
22.04% (19.34%, 24.98%) |
21.64% (18.52%, 25.14%) |
10.90% (8.98%, 13.16%) |
16.78% (14.18%, 19.74%) |
R - White |
37.82% (35.54%, 40.14%) |
22.12% (20.06%, 24.34%) |
19.16% (17.20%, 21.26%) |
11.12% (9.76%, 12.64%) |
9.80% (8.30%, 11.54%) |
R - Non-white |
34.26% (29.26%, 39.66%) |
22.38% (18.06%, 27.40%) |
18.74% (14.38%, 24.04%) |
9.22% (6.20%, 13.54%) |
15.38% (11.78%, 19.82%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
16.00% (13.92%, 18.34%) |
15.14% (13.08%, 17.46%) |
17.70% (15.68%, 19.92%) |
16.16% (14.16%, 18.40%) |
34.98% (32.52%, 37.54%) |
D - Not college grad |
22.94% (20.74%, 25.32%) |
19.12% (16.94%, 21.52%) |
22.02% (19.36%, 24.94%) |
13.08% (11.10%, 15.34%) |
22.82% (20.42%, 25.42%) |
R - College Grad |
40.48% (37.22%, 43.84%) |
21.06% (17.92%, 24.60%) |
16.90% (14.34%, 19.80%) |
10.60% (8.48%, 13.18%) |
10.96% (8.44%, 14.12%) |
R - Not college grad |
35.62% (32.98%, 38.36%) |
22.64% (20.42%, 25.04%) |
20.26% (18.06%, 22.64%) |
10.82% (9.12%, 12.82%) |
10.66% (9.08%, 12.44%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201434, "Is Bible word of God or men") anes
The Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for wo | The Bible is the word of God but not everything in it should be taken literal | The Bible is a book written by men and is not the word of God | Other {SPECIFY} | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
17.16% (15.68%, 18.74%) |
38.96% (36.94%, 41.04%) |
37.86% (36.00%, 39.74%) |
6.02% (5.16%, 7.00%) |
R |
37.52% (35.42%, 39.66%) |
44.48% (42.44%, 46.54%) |
12.68% (11.26%, 14.26%) |
5.32% (4.36%, 6.50%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
14.78% (12.44%, 17.46%) |
35.18% (32.00%, 38.50%) |
44.44% (40.88%, 48.04%) |
5.62% (4.60%, 6.84%) |
D - Female |
19.08% (17.18%, 21.14%) |
42.22% (39.40%, 45.08%) |
32.54% (29.96%, 35.24%) |
6.16% (4.94%, 7.66%) |
R - Male |
34.48% (31.64%, 37.44%) |
44.94% (42.04%, 47.88%) |
15.36% (13.46%, 17.46%) |
5.22% (4.02%, 6.72%) |
R - Female |
40.80% (37.80%, 43.86%) |
43.94% (41.12%, 46.82%) |
9.76% (7.72%, 12.26%) |
5.50% (4.06%, 7.40%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
9.80% (5.74%, 16.24%) |
36.06% (29.84%, 42.78%) |
46.18% (39.56%, 52.94%) |
7.96% (5.52%, 11.38%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
14.38% (11.28%, 18.16%) |
31.38% (26.30%, 36.92%) |
50.12% (44.50%, 55.74%) |
4.12% (2.72%, 6.20%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
18.36% (14.94%, 22.36%) |
39.26% (34.90%, 43.80%) |
37.50% (32.78%, 42.48%) |
4.86% (3.56%, 6.64%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.50% (8.60%, 17.82%) |
41.68% (36.02%, 47.58%) |
40.04% (34.62%, 45.74%) |
5.76% (3.78%, 8.68%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
18.28% (14.82%, 22.34%) |
43.46% (38.48%, 48.58%) |
32.70% (28.50%, 37.18%) |
5.56% (3.60%, 8.52%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
23.20% (19.92%, 26.84%) |
42.64% (38.46%, 46.92%) |
27.54% (23.82%, 31.62%) |
6.62% (4.62%, 9.38%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
26.94% (20.72%, 34.20%) |
46.10% (38.66%, 53.70%) |
20.42% (15.26%, 26.80%) |
6.54% (3.78%, 11.10%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
33.16% (28.10%, 38.64%) |
42.48% (36.88%, 48.26%) |
19.56% (15.18%, 24.80%) |
4.82% (3.14%, 7.30%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
38.78% (34.70%, 43.04%) |
46.40% (41.96%, 50.88%) |
10.22% (7.86%, 13.22%) |
4.60% (2.98%, 7.04%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
32.12% (24.70%, 40.58%) |
45.34% (37.52%, 53.42%) |
15.80% (10.96%, 22.24%) |
6.74% (4.16%, 10.74%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
37.94% (32.94%, 43.22%) |
46.68% (41.14%, 52.32%) |
7.88% (5.40%, 11.38%) |
7.48% (4.60%, 11.98%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
47.10% (43.14%, 51.08%) |
41.50% (37.58%, 45.54%) |
7.64% (5.22%, 11.08%) |
3.76% (2.34%, 6.00%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
6.90% (5.76%, 8.26%) |
38.52% (36.06%, 41.04%) |
48.36% (46.02%, 50.70%) |
6.22% (5.10%, 7.58%) |
D - Non-white |
29.56% (26.58%, 32.74%) |
39.70% (36.30%, 43.22%) |
25.10% (22.16%, 28.28%) |
5.64% (4.46%, 7.10%) |
R - White |
36.66% (34.48%, 38.90%) |
46.86% (44.56%, 49.18%) |
11.88% (10.30%, 13.68%) |
4.60% (3.66%, 5.78%) |
R - Non-white |
41.14% (34.86%, 47.72%) |
34.12% (28.62%, 40.06%) |
16.28% (12.32%, 21.20%) |
8.46% (5.88%, 12.04%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
6.14% (4.98%, 7.54%) |
38.46% (35.82%, 41.18%) |
46.86% (44.18%, 49.58%) |
8.54% (7.08%, 10.28%) |
D - Not college grad |
26.20% (23.76%, 28.78%) |
38.96% (35.84%, 42.20%) |
30.88% (28.36%, 33.52%) |
3.96% (3.08%, 5.08%) |
R - College Grad |
28.82% (25.84%, 31.98%) |
50.98% (47.26%, 54.68%) |
14.62% (11.78%, 17.98%) |
5.60% (4.18%, 7.46%) |
R - Not college grad |
41.48% (38.62%, 44.42%) |
41.92% (39.16%, 44.70%) |
11.72% (10.10%, 13.58%) |
4.88% (3.82%, 6.20%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201435, "What is present religion of R") anes
Protestant | Roman Catholic | Orthodox Christian (such as Greek or Russian Orthodox) | Latter-Day Saints (LDS) | Jewish | Muslim | Buddhist | Hindu | Atheist | Agnostic | Something else | Nothing in particular | |
Vote Intent | ||||||||||||
D |
17.48% (15.92%, 19.14%) |
20.36% (18.74%, 22.08%) |
1.80% (1.30%, 2.48%) |
0.90% (0.54%, 1.50%) |
2.78% (2.12%, 3.62%) |
0.72% (0.46%, 1.10%) |
0.98% (0.68%, 1.42%) |
0.90% (0.54%, 1.48%) |
6.74% (5.68%, 7.98%) |
8.00% (6.86%, 9.30%) |
19.32% (17.66%, 21.10%) |
20.06% (18.38%, 21.84%) |
R |
33.14% (31.14%, 35.20%) |
21.60% (19.74%, 23.60%) |
2.86% (2.20%, 3.72%) |
2.28% (1.70%, 3.02%) |
1.22% (0.84%, 1.78%) |
0.48% (0.22%, 1.00%) |
0.32% (0.18%, 0.58%) |
0.22% (0.08%, 0.66%) |
1.12% (0.68%, 1.84%) |
1.96% (1.42%, 2.70%) |
20.10% (18.36%, 21.98%) |
14.70% (13.02%, 16.56%) |
Gender | ||||||||||||
D - Male |
16.50% (14.16%, 19.16%) |
20.52% (18.14%, 23.12%) |
2.16% (1.34%, 3.48%) |
1.14% (0.58%, 2.26%) |
2.82% (2.00%, 4.00%) |
0.84% (0.44%, 1.58%) |
1.32% (0.80%, 2.18%) |
1.10% (0.60%, 1.96%) |
10.32% (8.40%, 12.60%) |
8.40% (6.84%, 10.26%) |
15.58% (13.00%, 18.56%) |
19.32% (16.86%, 22.04%) |
D - Female |
18.36% (16.24%, 20.70%) |
20.20% (17.96%, 22.66%) |
1.50% (0.92%, 2.44%) |
0.72% (0.34%, 1.50%) |
2.76% (1.92%, 3.94%) |
0.62% (0.34%, 1.10%) |
0.68% (0.42%, 1.12%) |
0.74% (0.32%, 1.68%) |
3.72% (2.70%, 5.10%) |
7.74% (6.24%, 9.58%) |
22.38% (20.36%, 24.54%) |
20.58% (18.50%, 22.84%) |
R - Male |
31.28% (28.68%, 34.00%) |
21.86% (19.32%, 24.62%) |
3.36% (2.20%, 5.06%) |
2.04% (1.34%, 3.08%) |
1.68% (1.02%, 2.76%) |
0.36% (0.14%, 0.92%) |
0.40% (0.18%, 0.88%) |
0.18% (0.04%, 0.72%) |
1.10% (0.66%, 1.82%) |
2.80% (1.88%, 4.14%) |
17.98% (15.62%, 20.60%) |
16.98% (14.50%, 19.78%) |
R - Female |
35.20% (32.30%, 38.20%) |
21.48% (18.82%, 24.42%) |
2.26% (1.54%, 3.34%) |
2.54% (1.66%, 3.88%) |
0.72% (0.38%, 1.38%) |
0.60% (0.20%, 1.74%) |
0.24% (0.10%, 0.58%) |
0.28% (0.06%, 1.26%) |
1.16% (0.50%, 2.62%) |
1.06% (0.62%, 1.80%) |
22.40% (19.86%, 25.16%) |
12.04% (10.14%, 14.24%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
11.10% (7.44%, 16.26%) |
18.04% (13.22%, 24.12%) |
2.70% (1.14%, 6.24%) |
1.84% (0.54%, 6.14%) |
2.46% (1.32%, 4.54%) |
1.60% (0.62%, 4.12%) |
1.18% (0.28%, 4.80%) |
0.28% (0.04%, 1.92%) |
13.76% (9.46%, 19.60%) |
11.68% (7.98%, 16.80%) |
15.24% (10.76%, 21.14%) |
20.12% (15.12%, 26.24%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
13.42% (10.38%, 17.16%) |
17.92% (13.62%, 23.20%) |
3.94% (2.08%, 7.30%) |
0.42% (0.12%, 1.52%) |
0.98% (0.50%, 1.92%) |
0.18% (0.04%, 0.92%) |
2.00% (1.08%, 3.66%) |
1.52% (0.50%, 4.56%) |
11.94% (8.74%, 16.12%) |
9.54% (7.04%, 12.82%) |
16.74% (12.64%, 21.82%) |
21.40% (17.58%, 25.82%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
23.78% (19.48%, 28.70%) |
25.40% (21.30%, 29.98%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.82%) |
1.34% (0.58%, 3.08%) |
4.82% (3.00%, 7.66%) |
0.90% (0.34%, 2.30%) |
0.86% (0.40%, 1.78%) |
0.96% (0.26%, 3.44%) |
6.46% (4.42%, 9.32%) |
4.34% (2.72%, 6.86%) |
14.60% (11.26%, 18.72%) |
16.44% (13.02%, 20.58%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
10.40% (7.54%, 14.16%) |
17.28% (13.02%, 22.60%) |
2.10% (1.02%, 4.34%) |
0.70% (0.22%, 2.22%) |
2.78% (1.28%, 5.90%) |
1.12% (0.40%, 3.14%) |
1.06% (0.42%, 2.68%) |
0.16% (0.04%, 0.68%) |
7.32% (4.50%, 11.66%) |
12.26% (8.62%, 17.16%) |
19.80% (15.26%, 25.28%) |
25.02% (19.92%, 30.90%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
13.14% (10.30%, 16.64%) |
19.90% (16.48%, 23.84%) |
1.48% (0.68%, 3.20%) |
1.26% (0.38%, 4.16%) |
2.66% (1.18%, 5.92%) |
0.56% (0.36%, 0.86%) |
0.58% (0.24%, 1.34%) |
1.42% (0.44%, 4.50%) |
3.78% (2.40%, 5.90%) |
6.64% (4.64%, 9.40%) |
25.58% (21.76%, 29.82%) |
23.00% (19.26%, 27.22%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
27.62% (23.90%, 31.70%) |
21.76% (18.42%, 25.52%) |
1.18% (0.44%, 3.22%) |
0.34% (0.14%, 0.80%) |
2.64% (1.78%, 3.88%) |
0.36% (0.12%, 1.16%) |
0.56% (0.30%, 1.06%) |
0.56% (0.20%, 1.58%) |
1.40% (0.86%, 2.24%) |
6.00% (4.22%, 8.46%) |
21.28% (18.34%, 24.56%) |
16.28% (13.60%, 19.36%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
18.68% (12.76%, 26.52%) |
22.30% (17.08%, 28.56%) |
4.62% (2.22%, 9.36%) |
2.14% (0.72%, 6.10%) |
0.90% (0.30%, 2.68%) |
0.52% (0.08%, 3.66%) |
NA | NA |
2.34% (1.02%, 5.32%) |
3.86% (1.88%, 7.78%) |
19.74% (14.26%, 26.68%) |
24.90% (18.36%, 32.84%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
25.70% (21.40%, 30.52%) |
21.74% (17.28%, 26.96%) |
4.58% (2.60%, 7.96%) |
2.38% (1.24%, 4.52%) |
1.72% (0.80%, 3.68%) |
0.44% (0.10%, 1.78%) |
0.72% (0.24%, 2.10%) |
0.40% (0.06%, 2.78%) |
1.02% (0.42%, 2.44%) |
2.86% (1.46%, 5.48%) |
20.08% (16.00%, 24.90%) |
18.42% (14.74%, 22.76%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
40.94% (36.62%, 45.40%) |
21.70% (17.92%, 26.04%) |
1.60% (0.54%, 4.66%) |
1.72% (1.00%, 2.96%) |
1.88% (0.82%, 4.24%) |
0.28% (0.06%, 1.14%) |
0.40% (0.12%, 1.32%) |
0.12% (0.04%, 0.32%) |
0.62% (0.26%, 1.40%) |
2.38% (1.18%, 4.70%) |
15.88% (12.64%, 19.78%) |
12.50% (9.58%, 16.14%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
19.88% (13.90%, 27.62%) |
15.86% (10.32%, 23.58%) |
4.72% (2.60%, 8.44%) |
3.02% (0.92%, 9.56%) |
1.12% (0.22%, 5.26%) |
0.82% (0.12%, 5.72%) |
0.06% (0.00%, 0.40%) |
1.08% (0.14%, 7.34%) |
2.30% (0.74%, 6.84%) |
1.70% (0.66%, 4.36%) |
27.46% (20.88%, 35.20%) |
21.96% (16.08%, 29.24%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
27.04% (21.52%, 33.38%) |
24.80% (19.54%, 30.94%) |
1.90% (1.14%, 3.14%) |
2.52% (1.36%, 4.62%) |
0.60% (0.22%, 1.66%) |
0.58% (0.14%, 2.44%) |
0.16% (0.02%, 1.14%) |
0.30% (0.04%, 2.12%) |
0.80% (0.26%, 2.38%) |
1.22% (0.42%, 3.54%) |
26.36% (21.10%, 32.38%) |
13.72% (10.42%, 17.86%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
46.92% (42.66%, 51.22%) |
20.98% (18.14%, 24.16%) |
1.38% (0.56%, 3.44%) |
2.30% (1.22%, 4.22%) |
0.74% (0.32%, 1.72%) |
NA |
0.40% (0.14%, 1.12%) |
NA |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.56%) |
0.84% (0.36%, 1.92%) |
19.08% (15.80%, 22.86%) |
7.24% (5.10%, 10.20%) |
Race | ||||||||||||
D - White |
20.38% (18.40%, 22.52%) |
20.12% (18.14%, 22.26%) |
1.14% (0.66%, 1.94%) |
1.10% (0.60%, 2.04%) |
4.26% (3.20%, 5.66%) |
0.52% (0.26%, 1.10%) |
0.74% (0.48%, 1.14%) |
0.02% (0.00%, 0.14%) |
9.34% (7.84%, 11.10%) |
9.98% (8.30%, 11.96%) |
10.80% (9.30%, 12.50%) |
21.58% (19.26%, 24.10%) |
D - Non-white |
14.02% (11.78%, 16.58%) |
20.64% (18.10%, 23.46%) |
2.62% (1.76%, 3.92%) |
0.68% (0.28%, 1.56%) |
0.98% (0.48%, 1.98%) |
0.88% (0.50%, 1.54%) |
1.26% (0.74%, 2.12%) |
1.98% (1.20%, 3.28%) |
3.64% (2.50%, 5.30%) |
5.68% (4.12%, 7.78%) |
29.58% (26.34%, 33.04%) |
18.04% (15.76%, 20.58%) |
R - White |
36.54% (34.42%, 38.70%) |
21.38% (19.38%, 23.52%) |
2.60% (1.90%, 3.52%) |
2.66% (1.96%, 3.58%) |
1.28% (0.86%, 1.92%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.22%) |
0.10% (0.04%, 0.28%) |
0.00% (0.00%, 0.06%) |
0.98% (0.60%, 1.58%) |
2.04% (1.42%, 2.92%) |
19.10% (17.12%, 21.26%) |
13.30% (11.60%, 15.22%) |
R - Non-white |
18.06% (14.20%, 22.68%) |
23.08% (18.24%, 28.74%) |
4.12% (2.24%, 7.42%) |
0.68% (0.22%, 2.10%) |
0.98% (0.36%, 2.56%) |
2.46% (1.14%, 5.24%) |
1.28% (0.60%, 2.68%) |
1.22% (0.42%, 3.50%) |
1.80% (0.66%, 4.80%) |
1.62% (0.82%, 3.14%) |
24.82% (20.08%, 30.24%) |
19.94% (15.62%, 25.10%) |
Education | ||||||||||||
D - College Grad |
20.94% (18.46%, 23.62%) |
18.78% (16.56%, 21.22%) |
1.64% (0.98%, 2.70%) |
0.54% (0.28%, 1.06%) |
4.60% (3.52%, 5.98%) |
0.58% (0.28%, 1.24%) |
1.54% (1.02%, 2.32%) |
1.62% (0.96%, 2.74%) |
9.50% (7.86%, 11.42%) |
9.76% (8.10%, 11.70%) |
13.04% (11.24%, 15.08%) |
17.48% (15.56%, 19.60%) |
D - Not college grad |
14.72% (12.80%, 16.86%) |
21.26% (19.08%, 23.64%) |
1.96% (1.30%, 2.94%) |
1.22% (0.64%, 2.30%) |
1.24% (0.70%, 2.20%) |
0.76% (0.42%, 1.38%) |
0.54% (0.24%, 1.24%) |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.08%) |
4.60% (3.42%, 6.16%) |
6.62% (5.24%, 8.34%) |
24.48% (21.86%, 27.34%) |
22.24% (19.70%, 25.00%) |
R - College Grad |
41.52% (38.04%, 45.08%) |
25.18% (22.10%, 28.52%) |
1.64% (0.88%, 3.04%) |
2.30% (1.58%, 3.36%) |
1.56% (0.74%, 3.28%) |
0.80% (0.32%, 2.00%) |
0.58% (0.24%, 1.40%) |
0.26% (0.04%, 1.34%) |
1.14% (0.56%, 2.28%) |
2.90% (1.70%, 4.90%) |
13.06% (10.50%, 16.16%) |
9.06% (7.22%, 11.34%) |
R - Not college grad |
29.68% (27.30%, 32.20%) |
20.02% (17.96%, 22.24%) |
3.46% (2.54%, 4.68%) |
2.32% (1.58%, 3.36%) |
1.10% (0.68%, 1.76%) |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.12%) |
0.22% (0.10%, 0.48%) |
0.22% (0.06%, 0.86%) |
1.14% (0.62%, 2.10%) |
1.60% (1.08%, 2.36%) |
22.98% (20.92%, 25.18%) |
16.94% (14.86%, 19.22%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201436, "If R has no particular religion does R mean atheist or agnostic") anes
Atheist | Agnostic | Christian | Nothing in particular | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
3.50% (2.30%, 5.28%) |
9.76% (7.26%, 13.04%) |
30.82% (26.26%, 35.78%) |
55.92% (50.38%, 61.30%) |
R |
1.10% (0.46%, 2.58%) |
4.64% (2.52%, 8.36%) |
43.58% (37.78%, 49.56%) |
50.68% (44.86%, 56.50%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
4.24% (2.12%, 8.36%) |
9.28% (5.76%, 14.66%) |
22.80% (16.28%, 30.94%) |
63.66% (55.28%, 71.30%) |
D - Female |
2.96% (1.84%, 4.74%) |
10.26% (7.12%, 14.58%) |
36.76% (30.66%, 43.32%) |
50.02% (43.22%, 56.80%) |
R - Male |
1.38% (0.50%, 3.82%) |
7.14% (3.82%, 12.94%) |
38.86% (31.42%, 46.84%) |
52.62% (44.90%, 60.24%) |
R - Female |
0.70% (0.16%, 2.90%) |
1.00% (0.14%, 6.90%) |
49.36% (40.04%, 58.72%) |
48.94% (39.48%, 58.48%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
6.64% (1.98%, 19.98%) |
9.06% (3.84%, 19.92%) |
23.60% (11.98%, 41.24%) |
60.70% (44.66%, 74.72%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.92% (0.68%, 5.38%) |
6.32% (2.98%, 12.90%) |
21.88% (14.22%, 32.14%) |
69.88% (58.92%, 78.96%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
4.30% (1.22%, 14.04%) |
12.50% (5.14%, 27.32%) |
24.06% (15.68%, 35.04%) |
59.16% (45.96%, 71.14%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
4.02% (1.70%, 9.26%) |
8.92% (4.50%, 16.88%) |
38.96% (27.28%, 52.04%) |
48.10% (36.20%, 60.24%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
2.70% (1.40%, 5.18%) |
17.18% (10.84%, 26.12%) |
33.18% (25.08%, 42.40%) |
46.96% (36.68%, 57.48%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
2.18% (0.82%, 5.72%) |
3.60% (1.32%, 9.44%) |
38.88% (29.36%, 49.34%) |
55.32% (44.88%, 65.32%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.30% (0.18%, 9.12%) |
5.26% (1.66%, 15.40%) |
41.06% (26.92%, 56.82%) |
52.38% (38.64%, 65.80%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
1.82% (0.36%, 8.82%) |
5.66% (2.60%, 11.84%) |
31.56% (20.72%, 44.84%) |
60.98% (47.88%, 72.66%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.96% (0.12%, 6.66%) |
10.88% (3.72%, 27.82%) |
42.40% (30.28%, 55.48%) |
45.78% (33.30%, 58.82%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 | NA | NA |
43.42% (28.44%, 59.70%) |
56.58% (40.30%, 71.56%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.72% (0.10%, 5.04%) |
NA |
49.62% (33.76%, 65.56%) |
49.66% (33.84%, 65.54%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
1.62% (0.22%, 10.92%) |
NA |
58.66% (40.18%, 75.00%) |
39.72% (23.46%, 58.62%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
3.94% (2.34%, 6.58%) |
13.84% (10.00%, 18.84%) |
29.10% (24.12%, 34.64%) |
53.12% (46.76%, 59.38%) |
D - Non-white |
2.88% (1.30%, 6.22%) |
3.96% (2.06%, 7.46%) |
33.40% (25.90%, 41.84%) |
59.78% (51.86%, 67.22%) |
R - White |
0.66% (0.16%, 2.50%) |
3.86% (2.08%, 7.04%) |
50.70% (44.10%, 57.28%) |
44.78% (38.14%, 51.60%) |
R - Non-white |
2.50% (0.84%, 7.26%) |
7.26% (2.06%, 22.52%) |
22.16% (13.48%, 34.18%) |
68.10% (54.78%, 78.98%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
4.32% (2.70%, 6.82%) |
15.62% (10.80%, 22.06%) |
21.32% (16.14%, 27.62%) |
58.74% (51.48%, 65.66%) |
D - Not college grad |
3.04% (1.48%, 6.12%) |
6.12% (3.74%, 9.86%) |
36.28% (29.72%, 43.40%) |
54.56% (47.38%, 61.54%) |
R - College Grad |
1.68% (0.42%, 6.30%) |
12.60% (4.78%, 29.28%) |
30.16% (21.54%, 40.48%) |
55.56% (44.02%, 66.52%) |
R - Not college grad |
1.00% (0.34%, 2.84%) |
2.92% (1.50%, 5.68%) |
47.82% (41.22%, 54.50%) |
48.26% (41.88%, 54.70%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201452, "Ever attend church or religious services") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
40.36% (38.40%, 42.34%) |
59.64% (57.66%, 61.60%) |
R |
58.92% (56.70%, 61.12%) |
41.08% (38.88%, 43.30%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
37.96% (34.78%, 41.26%) |
62.04% (58.74%, 65.22%) |
D - Female |
42.28% (39.50%, 45.08%) |
57.72% (54.92%, 60.50%) |
R - Male |
55.30% (52.08%, 58.48%) |
44.70% (41.52%, 47.92%) |
R - Female |
62.84% (59.68%, 65.88%) |
37.16% (34.12%, 40.32%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
32.82% (26.64%, 39.64%) |
67.18% (60.36%, 73.36%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
34.02% (29.00%, 39.44%) |
65.98% (60.56%, 71.00%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
45.28% (39.94%, 50.72%) |
54.72% (49.28%, 60.06%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
32.26% (26.60%, 38.48%) |
67.74% (61.52%, 73.40%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
40.90% (36.70%, 45.24%) |
59.10% (54.76%, 63.30%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
49.32% (44.88%, 53.78%) |
50.68% (46.22%, 55.12%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
43.10% (35.68%, 50.86%) |
56.90% (49.14%, 64.32%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
57.08% (51.12%, 62.86%) |
42.92% (37.14%, 48.88%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
59.20% (54.80%, 63.48%) |
40.80% (36.52%, 45.20%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
58.90% (50.10%, 67.16%) |
41.10% (32.84%, 49.90%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
60.32% (54.56%, 65.80%) |
39.68% (34.20%, 45.44%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
66.02% (61.46%, 70.30%) |
33.98% (29.70%, 38.54%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
31.30% (28.92%, 33.76%) |
68.70% (66.24%, 71.08%) |
D - Non-white |
51.46% (48.38%, 54.54%) |
48.54% (45.46%, 51.62%) |
R - White |
59.46% (57.04%, 61.84%) |
40.54% (38.16%, 42.96%) |
R - Non-white |
56.38% (50.02%, 62.54%) |
43.62% (37.46%, 49.98%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
37.10% (34.38%, 39.92%) |
62.90% (60.08%, 65.62%) |
D - Not college grad |
42.84% (40.04%, 45.68%) |
57.16% (54.32%, 59.96%) |
R - College Grad |
64.30% (60.30%, 68.12%) |
35.70% (31.88%, 39.70%) |
R - Not college grad |
56.38% (53.72%, 59.00%) |
43.62% (41.00%, 46.28%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201459, "Does R consider self a religious fundamentalist or evangelical") anes
Fundamentalist | Evangelical | Both | Neither | |
Vote Intent | ||||
D |
5.08% (4.08%, 6.32%) |
6.76% (5.72%, 7.96%) |
4.84% (3.90%, 6.00%) |
83.32% (81.40%, 85.08%) |
R |
8.02% (6.78%, 9.44%) |
17.30% (15.50%, 19.28%) |
10.12% (8.80%, 11.62%) |
64.56% (62.26%, 66.80%) |
Gender | ||||
D - Male |
6.26% (4.72%, 8.24%) |
6.86% (5.28%, 8.90%) |
4.62% (3.32%, 6.40%) |
82.26% (79.46%, 84.74%) |
D - Female |
4.20% (3.06%, 5.74%) |
6.68% (5.30%, 8.40%) |
5.00% (3.80%, 6.54%) |
84.12% (81.62%, 86.32%) |
R - Male |
9.42% (7.54%, 11.70%) |
17.16% (14.96%, 19.62%) |
10.14% (8.32%, 12.28%) |
63.30% (60.18%, 66.30%) |
R - Female |
6.44% (4.84%, 8.52%) |
17.46% (14.88%, 20.36%) |
10.06% (8.60%, 11.74%) |
66.06% (62.68%, 69.26%) |
Age and Gender | ||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.82% (2.42%, 9.36%) |
4.62% (2.58%, 8.08%) |
7.18% (3.74%, 13.30%) |
83.40% (76.80%, 88.40%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
7.52% (4.58%, 12.10%) |
7.02% (4.46%, 10.86%) |
3.94% (2.14%, 7.14%) |
81.54% (75.74%, 86.20%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
5.10% (3.20%, 8.04%) |
8.44% (5.74%, 12.26%) |
3.76% (2.34%, 6.00%) |
82.70% (78.32%, 86.34%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.76% (2.00%, 6.96%) |
7.50% (4.44%, 12.36%) |
5.60% (2.98%, 10.28%) |
83.16% (77.02%, 87.92%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
5.22% (3.22%, 8.34%) |
5.02% (3.46%, 7.24%) |
4.70% (3.14%, 6.98%) |
85.06% (81.10%, 88.32%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.80% (2.38%, 6.00%) |
7.40% (5.34%, 10.20%) |
5.00% (3.66%, 6.80%) |
83.80% (80.44%, 86.66%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
7.28% (4.06%, 12.74%) |
15.78% (10.50%, 23.04%) |
9.88% (5.64%, 16.74%) |
67.06% (58.42%, 74.68%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
8.40% (5.56%, 12.50%) |
13.44% (10.20%, 17.54%) |
8.26% (5.48%, 12.32%) |
69.88% (64.40%, 74.86%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
11.00% (8.32%, 14.42%) |
20.20% (16.76%, 24.16%) |
11.64% (9.28%, 14.50%) |
57.16% (52.96%, 61.24%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
6.82% (4.06%, 11.24%) |
14.12% (8.62%, 22.30%) |
6.36% (3.46%, 11.40%) |
72.70% (64.76%, 79.42%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
4.96% (2.48%, 9.70%) |
18.90% (14.32%, 24.52%) |
8.00% (5.80%, 10.96%) |
68.14% (61.56%, 74.08%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
7.64% (5.22%, 11.02%) |
18.36% (15.16%, 22.04%) |
12.88% (10.58%, 15.60%) |
61.12% (56.84%, 65.24%) |
Race | ||||
D - White |
4.42% (3.26%, 5.98%) |
5.36% (4.32%, 6.66%) |
3.34% (2.50%, 4.48%) |
86.86% (84.94%, 88.56%) |
D - Non-white |
5.86% (4.36%, 7.84%) |
8.22% (6.36%, 10.52%) |
6.44% (4.76%, 8.64%) |
79.50% (76.16%, 82.48%) |
R - White |
8.56% (7.16%, 10.22%) |
17.52% (15.60%, 19.62%) |
10.06% (8.72%, 11.58%) |
63.86% (61.40%, 66.22%) |
R - Non-white |
5.78% (3.46%, 9.52%) |
16.66% (12.42%, 22.00%) |
10.28% (7.22%, 14.42%) |
67.28% (61.78%, 72.34%) |
Education | ||||
D - College Grad |
4.02% (2.78%, 5.80%) |
5.34% (4.14%, 6.90%) |
2.26% (1.52%, 3.34%) |
88.36% (86.06%, 90.34%) |
D - Not college grad |
5.84% (4.52%, 7.50%) |
7.84% (6.34%, 9.64%) |
6.80% (5.32%, 8.66%) |
79.54% (76.80%, 82.02%) |
R - College Grad |
8.34% (6.40%, 10.78%) |
18.10% (15.38%, 21.20%) |
10.06% (8.08%, 12.44%) |
63.50% (59.38%, 67.44%) |
R - Not college grad |
7.94% (6.44%, 9.74%) |
16.94% (14.68%, 19.46%) |
10.20% (8.62%, 12.06%) |
64.92% (62.12%, 67.60%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201462, "Religious identification") anes
Charismatic/Pentecostal | Traditional | Mainline | Progressive | Non-traditional believer | Secular | Spiritual but not religious | None of the above | |
Vote Intent | ||||||||
D |
3.60% (2.90%, 4.46%) |
24.44% (22.72%, 26.26%) |
2.38% (1.74%, 3.24%) |
10.46% (9.12%, 11.96%) |
5.22% (4.28%, 6.32%) |
6.78% (5.70%, 8.02%) |
26.96% (25.16%, 28.82%) |
20.18% (18.26%, 22.24%) |
R |
6.06% (5.04%, 7.28%) |
48.36% (45.90%, 50.84%) |
2.42% (1.78%, 3.24%) |
3.34% (2.60%, 4.28%) |
5.58% (4.52%, 6.90%) |
1.32% (0.90%, 1.96%) |
16.56% (14.92%, 18.36%) |
16.34% (14.56%, 18.30%) |
Gender | ||||||||
D - Male |
3.88% (2.78%, 5.42%) |
22.76% (20.12%, 25.62%) |
2.72% (1.72%, 4.30%) |
9.12% (7.26%, 11.42%) |
4.74% (3.42%, 6.56%) |
10.06% (8.16%, 12.36%) |
24.58% (21.92%, 27.44%) |
22.10% (19.24%, 25.28%) |
D - Female |
3.40% (2.56%, 4.50%) |
25.98% (23.62%, 28.48%) |
2.06% (1.36%, 3.14%) |
11.62% (9.80%, 13.70%) |
5.58% (4.46%, 6.98%) |
4.10% (3.10%, 5.40%) |
28.96% (26.66%, 31.36%) |
18.30% (16.18%, 20.64%) |
R - Male |
5.44% (4.18%, 7.06%) |
46.32% (42.92%, 49.78%) |
2.98% (2.04%, 4.32%) |
2.86% (1.98%, 4.10%) |
5.74% (4.46%, 7.38%) |
2.00% (1.24%, 3.24%) |
15.36% (13.18%, 17.84%) |
19.26% (16.60%, 22.26%) |
R - Female |
6.68% (5.14%, 8.64%) |
50.70% (47.52%, 53.90%) |
1.74% (1.04%, 2.90%) |
3.88% (2.78%, 5.38%) |
5.38% (3.94%, 7.34%) |
0.60% (0.30%, 1.22%) |
17.78% (15.44%, 20.38%) |
13.22% (11.14%, 15.62%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
3.06% (1.62%, 5.70%) |
17.52% (12.60%, 23.86%) |
1.78% (0.52%, 5.84%) |
13.88% (9.54%, 19.74%) |
4.76% (2.34%, 9.46%) |
9.26% (6.08%, 13.84%) |
20.34% (15.62%, 26.06%) |
29.40% (23.10%, 36.60%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
4.72% (2.58%, 8.42%) |
19.52% (15.30%, 24.56%) |
2.34% (0.96%, 5.62%) |
8.22% (5.48%, 12.16%) |
4.90% (3.24%, 7.38%) |
11.40% (7.98%, 16.04%) |
27.72% (23.34%, 32.60%) |
21.16% (17.08%, 25.92%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
3.68% (2.22%, 6.04%) |
30.26% (26.04%, 34.82%) |
4.00% (2.26%, 6.96%) |
6.68% (4.64%, 9.52%) |
4.34% (2.64%, 7.08%) |
9.70% (7.10%, 13.14%) |
24.18% (20.16%, 28.70%) |
17.18% (13.34%, 21.82%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
3.14% (1.72%, 5.66%) |
15.90% (11.80%, 21.12%) |
1.82% (0.82%, 3.96%) |
15.98% (12.00%, 20.98%) |
7.62% (4.92%, 11.62%) |
4.36% (2.54%, 7.38%) |
25.72% (21.24%, 30.80%) |
25.46% (20.72%, 30.86%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
3.88% (2.42%, 6.16%) |
22.16% (18.56%, 26.24%) |
2.24% (1.06%, 4.64%) |
11.50% (8.34%, 15.68%) |
6.44% (4.42%, 9.32%) |
2.88% (1.88%, 4.40%) |
32.08% (27.78%, 36.70%) |
18.80% (15.62%, 22.48%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
3.34% (2.08%, 5.30%) |
35.04% (31.02%, 39.28%) |
2.20% (1.32%, 3.62%) |
9.16% (7.16%, 11.64%) |
3.70% (2.58%, 5.26%) |
4.54% (2.94%, 6.96%) |
29.00% (25.66%, 32.58%) |
13.02% (10.72%, 15.76%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
5.76% (3.10%, 10.48%) |
35.52% (28.26%, 43.52%) |
1.62% (0.46%, 5.54%) |
3.78% (1.72%, 8.14%) |
8.54% (5.16%, 13.80%) |
1.60% (0.72%, 3.52%) |
14.92% (10.32%, 21.08%) |
28.28% (21.82%, 35.78%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.64% (2.40%, 5.48%) |
46.42% (41.04%, 51.88%) |
2.90% (1.32%, 6.22%) |
3.78% (2.38%, 5.98%) |
5.16% (3.28%, 8.06%) |
2.42% (1.12%, 5.18%) |
16.44% (12.46%, 21.40%) |
19.22% (14.98%, 24.30%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
6.38% (4.40%, 9.16%) |
51.10% (46.48%, 55.70%) |
3.90% (2.54%, 5.90%) |
1.58% (0.72%, 3.50%) |
4.78% (3.38%, 6.70%) |
2.04% (0.94%, 4.42%) |
15.04% (12.30%, 18.26%) |
15.18% (12.28%, 18.64%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
2.94% (1.48%, 5.74%) |
37.00% (28.48%, 46.40%) |
2.32% (0.50%, 9.92%) |
6.82% (3.78%, 12.00%) |
8.24% (4.38%, 14.92%) |
0.70% (0.10%, 4.94%) |
20.18% (15.00%, 26.60%) |
21.82% (15.36%, 30.02%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
8.30% (5.46%, 12.40%) |
47.50% (41.84%, 53.22%) |
0.62% (0.22%, 1.72%) |
3.58% (1.98%, 6.36%) |
4.80% (2.76%, 8.22%) |
0.26% (0.06%, 1.10%) |
20.70% (15.98%, 26.36%) |
14.24% (10.62%, 18.86%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
7.44% (5.14%, 10.68%) |
59.44% (54.68%, 64.04%) |
2.40% (1.38%, 4.18%) |
3.28% (1.92%, 5.54%) |
5.06% (3.12%, 8.08%) |
0.42% (0.18%, 0.96%) |
14.22% (11.28%, 17.80%) |
7.74% (5.86%, 10.16%) |
Race | ||||||||
D - White |
1.16% (0.80%, 1.72%) |
19.24% (17.26%, 21.38%) |
2.38% (1.66%, 3.42%) |
11.60% (9.94%, 13.50%) |
5.12% (3.90%, 6.70%) |
9.56% (8.02%, 11.36%) |
30.70% (28.38%, 33.10%) |
20.22% (17.80%, 22.88%) |
D - Non-white |
6.58% (5.24%, 8.24%) |
31.04% (27.80%, 34.48%) |
2.40% (1.52%, 3.80%) |
9.18% (7.32%, 11.46%) |
5.12% (3.82%, 6.82%) |
3.44% (2.28%, 5.14%) |
22.28% (19.64%, 25.16%) |
19.94% (17.26%, 22.92%) |
R - White |
5.82% (4.78%, 7.06%) |
51.10% (48.36%, 53.84%) |
2.40% (1.78%, 3.24%) |
3.16% (2.32%, 4.30%) |
5.54% (4.38%, 7.00%) |
0.78% (0.48%, 1.24%) |
16.10% (14.38%, 18.02%) |
15.08% (13.32%, 17.00%) |
R - Non-white |
7.08% (4.60%, 10.74%) |
36.62% (31.38%, 42.20%) |
2.30% (0.90%, 5.80%) |
4.18% (2.72%, 6.38%) |
5.90% (3.66%, 9.40%) |
3.78% (1.98%, 7.08%) |
18.56% (14.40%, 23.62%) |
21.56% (16.82%, 27.22%) |
Education | ||||||||
D - College Grad |
2.50% (1.76%, 3.58%) |
17.72% (15.72%, 19.92%) |
2.74% (1.72%, 4.34%) |
13.84% (11.64%, 16.42%) |
4.40% (3.36%, 5.74%) |
10.50% (8.80%, 12.48%) |
30.32% (27.66%, 33.10%) |
17.98% (15.62%, 20.60%) |
D - Not college grad |
4.44% (3.42%, 5.74%) |
30.06% (27.42%, 32.82%) |
2.14% (1.40%, 3.26%) |
7.38% (5.86%, 9.26%) |
5.86% (4.54%, 7.50%) |
3.70% (2.56%, 5.34%) |
24.40% (21.80%, 27.22%) |
22.00% (19.26%, 25.02%) |
R - College Grad |
4.92% (3.60%, 6.72%) |
50.84% (46.98%, 54.70%) |
4.48% (3.28%, 6.08%) |
4.14% (2.74%, 6.18%) |
5.70% (3.88%, 8.30%) |
2.06% (1.06%, 3.90%) |
15.42% (12.98%, 18.22%) |
12.44% (10.28%, 14.98%) |
R - Not college grad |
6.32% (5.02%, 7.94%) |
47.68% (44.70%, 50.66%) |
1.56% (0.92%, 2.62%) |
2.98% (2.18%, 4.06%) |
5.32% (4.14%, 6.82%) |
1.04% (0.62%, 1.74%) |
17.10% (14.94%, 19.50%) |
18.02% (15.68%, 20.62%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201649, "R rating of interview") anes
Liked a great deal | Liked a moderate amount | Liked a little | Neither liked nor disliked | Disliked a little | Disliked a moderate amount | Disliked a great deal | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
18.06% (16.54%, 19.70%) |
26.86% (25.18%, 28.60%) |
14.14% (12.70%, 15.74%) |
28.90% (26.96%, 30.90%) |
7.54% (6.56%, 8.62%) |
2.94% (2.32%, 3.74%) |
1.56% (1.10%, 2.18%) |
R |
13.70% (12.16%, 15.40%) |
21.78% (19.90%, 23.80%) |
14.30% (12.64%, 16.16%) |
34.76% (32.38%, 37.22%) |
9.86% (8.50%, 11.40%) |
3.16% (2.52%, 3.96%) |
2.42% (1.80%, 3.22%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
18.82% (16.48%, 21.42%) |
28.12% (25.32%, 31.10%) |
15.46% (13.38%, 17.82%) |
27.28% (24.54%, 30.20%) |
6.88% (5.42%, 8.70%) |
1.98% (1.24%, 3.18%) |
1.44% (0.90%, 2.26%) |
D - Female |
17.50% (15.46%, 19.74%) |
25.96% (23.78%, 28.28%) |
13.00% (11.30%, 14.92%) |
30.12% (27.52%, 32.86%) |
8.00% (6.66%, 9.56%) |
3.76% (2.72%, 5.14%) |
1.66% (1.02%, 2.72%) |
R - Male |
13.28% (11.44%, 15.36%) |
22.08% (19.18%, 25.28%) |
15.56% (13.32%, 18.10%) |
32.90% (30.08%, 35.84%) |
10.14% (8.28%, 12.34%) |
3.14% (2.28%, 4.32%) |
2.92% (2.02%, 4.20%) |
R - Female |
14.26% (12.08%, 16.76%) |
21.50% (18.94%, 24.32%) |
13.02% (10.76%, 15.66%) |
36.70% (33.20%, 40.34%) |
9.60% (7.78%, 11.82%) |
3.04% (2.24%, 4.10%) |
1.88% (1.32%, 2.70%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
12.68% (8.94%, 17.66%) |
27.30% (21.64%, 33.80%) |
20.46% (15.32%, 26.74%) |
25.18% (19.46%, 31.90%) |
9.94% (6.64%, 14.62%) |
1.70% (0.60%, 4.78%) |
2.76% (1.40%, 5.36%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
21.84% (17.80%, 26.48%) |
25.60% (21.06%, 30.74%) |
14.42% (11.50%, 17.92%) |
29.62% (25.00%, 34.70%) |
5.88% (3.84%, 8.92%) |
1.86% (0.70%, 4.76%) |
0.80% (0.30%, 2.08%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
21.38% (17.74%, 25.52%) |
32.14% (27.62%, 37.00%) |
12.92% (10.16%, 16.28%) |
24.98% (20.98%, 29.42%) |
5.34% (3.46%, 8.16%) |
2.34% (1.08%, 5.04%) |
0.92% (0.38%, 2.24%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
16.66% (12.94%, 21.16%) |
24.66% (19.72%, 30.36%) |
12.78% (9.66%, 16.70%) |
31.72% (26.42%, 37.54%) |
6.74% (4.54%, 9.88%) |
5.80% (3.38%, 9.80%) |
1.66% (0.54%, 4.90%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
17.72% (14.48%, 21.50%) |
24.96% (21.22%, 29.10%) |
14.22% (11.10%, 18.04%) |
31.62% (26.98%, 36.66%) |
9.00% (6.52%, 12.28%) |
2.24% (1.22%, 4.06%) |
0.24% (0.06%, 1.00%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
18.54% (15.30%, 22.26%) |
28.42% (24.88%, 32.24%) |
12.02% (9.28%, 15.42%) |
27.48% (23.84%, 31.44%) |
7.70% (5.88%, 10.02%) |
3.02% (1.84%, 4.96%) |
2.84% (1.60%, 4.98%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
9.18% (5.96%, 13.90%) |
18.60% (12.74%, 26.36%) |
21.70% (16.14%, 28.54%) |
30.96% (24.36%, 38.42%) |
10.36% (6.64%, 15.80%) |
3.02% (1.60%, 5.60%) |
6.18% (3.28%, 11.40%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
13.04% (9.80%, 17.12%) |
23.12% (18.24%, 28.86%) |
15.68% (11.96%, 20.30%) |
33.90% (29.04%, 39.14%) |
10.20% (7.08%, 14.46%) |
2.64% (1.48%, 4.68%) |
1.42% (0.66%, 3.06%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
15.70% (12.78%, 19.12%) |
23.90% (20.28%, 27.94%) |
12.78% (9.96%, 16.24%) |
32.68% (28.54%, 37.10%) |
9.34% (7.30%, 11.88%) |
3.34% (1.98%, 5.56%) |
2.28% (1.20%, 4.28%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.50% (8.22%, 18.56%) |
19.10% (13.04%, 27.10%) |
14.80% (10.18%, 21.04%) |
36.16% (28.44%, 44.68%) |
10.90% (6.24%, 18.34%) |
3.42% (1.80%, 6.38%) |
3.12% (1.46%, 6.56%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
14.54% (10.78%, 19.30%) |
20.96% (16.54%, 26.20%) |
15.64% (11.66%, 20.64%) |
36.30% (30.88%, 42.06%) |
8.10% (5.66%, 11.46%) |
2.78% (1.52%, 5.00%) |
1.70% (0.96%, 3.00%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
15.70% (12.42%, 19.68%) |
22.04% (18.50%, 26.04%) |
10.58% (7.90%, 14.02%) |
38.30% (33.78%, 43.02%) |
9.22% (7.02%, 12.06%) |
2.64% (1.54%, 4.46%) |
1.52% (0.74%, 3.06%) |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
17.08% (15.24%, 19.10%) |
29.76% (27.64%, 31.96%) |
13.80% (12.12%, 15.66%) |
27.56% (25.24%, 30.00%) |
8.08% (6.70%, 9.72%) |
2.78% (1.90%, 4.04%) |
0.96% (0.52%, 1.76%) |
D - Non-white |
19.30% (16.84%, 22.04%) |
23.52% (20.60%, 26.72%) |
14.78% (12.36%, 17.56%) |
30.42% (27.18%, 33.88%) |
6.76% (5.20%, 8.74%) |
2.94% (2.04%, 4.24%) |
2.26% (1.48%, 3.48%) |
R - White |
12.90% (11.20%, 14.82%) |
21.94% (20.00%, 24.00%) |
13.96% (12.20%, 15.92%) |
35.40% (32.84%, 38.04%) |
10.22% (8.72%, 11.94%) |
3.10% (2.36%, 4.02%) |
2.50% (1.82%, 3.44%) |
R - Non-white |
17.84% (14.02%, 22.46%) |
21.36% (16.44%, 27.26%) |
16.42% (12.18%, 21.76%) |
31.36% (26.08%, 37.18%) |
7.88% (5.32%, 11.52%) |
3.14% (1.68%, 5.80%) |
2.00% (1.04%, 3.80%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
16.32% (14.20%, 18.70%) |
29.18% (26.64%, 31.86%) |
13.64% (11.96%, 15.54%) |
29.62% (27.12%, 32.26%) |
7.28% (6.04%, 8.72%) |
2.80% (1.88%, 4.16%) |
1.14% (0.62%, 2.10%) |
D - Not college grad |
19.48% (17.12%, 22.10%) |
24.84% (22.28%, 27.58%) |
14.50% (12.30%, 17.02%) |
28.46% (25.50%, 31.62%) |
7.66% (6.26%, 9.34%) |
3.14% (2.30%, 4.26%) |
1.94% (1.24%, 2.98%) |
R - College Grad |
11.72% (9.50%, 14.40%) |
26.14% (22.90%, 29.66%) |
13.92% (11.32%, 17.02%) |
33.40% (29.80%, 37.20%) |
9.96% (7.86%, 12.52%) |
3.44% (2.38%, 4.94%) |
1.42% (0.82%, 2.44%) |
R - Not college grad |
14.20% (12.48%, 16.12%) |
19.64% (17.34%, 22.18%) |
14.78% (12.84%, 16.96%) |
35.72% (32.76%, 38.78%) |
9.80% (8.12%, 11.76%) |
3.04% (2.26%, 4.06%) |
2.82% (2.02%, 3.96%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201650, "How often took survey seriously") anes
Never serious | Some of the time serious | About half of the time serious | Most of the time serious | Always serious | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
0.60% (0.36%, 1.00%) |
1.34% (0.88%, 2.02%) |
2.78% (2.20%, 3.50%) |
14.92% (13.36%, 16.62%) |
80.36% (78.40%, 82.20%) |
R |
0.56% (0.32%, 0.96%) |
1.28% (0.82%, 2.00%) |
3.34% (2.44%, 4.58%) |
15.84% (14.32%, 17.48%) |
79.00% (77.06%, 80.80%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
0.66% (0.32%, 1.34%) |
1.42% (0.72%, 2.82%) |
3.20% (2.22%, 4.60%) |
15.28% (13.02%, 17.84%) |
79.46% (76.46%, 82.16%) |
D - Female |
0.56% (0.28%, 1.12%) |
1.26% (0.78%, 2.08%) |
2.42% (1.74%, 3.36%) |
14.62% (12.58%, 16.94%) |
81.12% (78.60%, 83.40%) |
R - Male |
0.58% (0.26%, 1.32%) |
1.50% (0.84%, 2.64%) |
2.94% (1.94%, 4.44%) |
14.42% (12.58%, 16.50%) |
80.56% (78.32%, 82.60%) |
R - Female |
0.52% (0.26%, 1.06%) |
1.06% (0.54%, 2.10%) |
3.78% (2.44%, 5.82%) |
17.24% (14.86%, 19.90%) |
77.38% (74.38%, 80.14%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
0.26% (0.04%, 1.88%) |
2.94% (1.06%, 7.80%) |
5.18% (3.02%, 8.74%) |
18.84% (14.04%, 24.82%) |
72.78% (66.18%, 78.52%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.84% (0.26%, 2.80%) |
0.58% (0.10%, 3.02%) |
2.36% (1.26%, 4.32%) |
13.26% (9.92%, 17.52%) |
82.96% (78.20%, 86.84%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.66% (0.22%, 1.94%) |
0.98% (0.36%, 2.70%) |
2.62% (1.30%, 5.20%) |
13.32% (10.18%, 17.24%) |
82.42% (77.96%, 86.14%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.66% (0.22%, 1.94%) |
1.86% (0.82%, 4.18%) |
4.24% (2.48%, 7.18%) |
16.04% (12.78%, 19.92%) |
77.20% (72.46%, 81.34%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.64% (0.28%, 1.44%) |
1.62% (0.68%, 3.74%) |
3.10% (1.88%, 5.12%) |
13.48% (10.24%, 17.52%) |
81.18% (76.70%, 84.96%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
0.48% (0.10%, 2.16%) |
0.68% (0.30%, 1.54%) |
0.80% (0.42%, 1.54%) |
13.76% (10.78%, 17.38%) |
84.26% (80.66%, 87.30%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
1.24% (0.30%, 4.90%) |
3.36% (1.32%, 8.22%) |
8.74% (5.00%, 14.82%) |
19.20% (13.88%, 25.94%) |
67.46% (59.72%, 74.34%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.62% (0.16%, 2.46%) |
0.68% (0.24%, 1.84%) |
1.90% (0.96%, 3.78%) |
13.96% (10.76%, 17.90%) |
82.84% (78.64%, 86.36%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.26% (0.08%, 0.82%) |
1.22% (0.56%, 2.68%) |
0.78% (0.34%, 1.84%) |
12.38% (9.82%, 15.48%) |
85.36% (82.24%, 88.00%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.70% (0.14%, 3.36%) |
2.80% (0.90%, 8.26%) |
9.64% (4.70%, 18.72%) |
18.90% (13.96%, 25.08%) |
67.98% (59.16%, 75.70%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.32% (0.10%, 1.08%) |
0.20% (0.06%, 0.62%) |
4.10% (2.28%, 7.26%) |
18.54% (14.68%, 23.16%) |
76.84% (71.76%, 81.22%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.68% (0.26%, 1.68%) |
0.72% (0.22%, 2.38%) |
0.90% (0.30%, 2.66%) |
14.72% (11.72%, 18.34%) |
82.98% (79.08%, 86.28%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
0.34% (0.12%, 0.86%) |
0.64% (0.34%, 1.18%) |
0.92% (0.58%, 1.46%) |
10.00% (8.36%, 11.90%) |
88.10% (86.10%, 89.86%) |
D - Non-white |
0.94% (0.52%, 1.68%) |
2.20% (1.30%, 3.72%) |
5.14% (3.96%, 6.64%) |
20.72% (18.06%, 23.68%) |
70.98% (67.54%, 74.22%) |
R - White |
0.44% (0.24%, 0.82%) |
1.10% (0.64%, 1.88%) |
2.22% (1.48%, 3.30%) |
15.18% (13.58%, 16.94%) |
81.08% (79.08%, 82.90%) |
R - Non-white |
1.08% (0.36%, 3.20%) |
1.94% (0.82%, 4.50%) |
8.60% (5.20%, 13.86%) |
18.44% (14.44%, 23.24%) |
69.94% (64.10%, 75.20%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
0.20% (0.08%, 0.52%) |
0.52% (0.26%, 1.04%) |
1.56% (0.98%, 2.48%) |
11.00% (9.38%, 12.86%) |
86.70% (84.50%, 88.64%) |
D - Not college grad |
0.94% (0.54%, 1.64%) |
2.02% (1.24%, 3.26%) |
3.82% (2.90%, 5.02%) |
18.42% (16.08%, 21.00%) |
74.80% (71.86%, 77.52%) |
R - College Grad |
0.32% (0.12%, 0.86%) |
0.68% (0.32%, 1.40%) |
1.90% (1.06%, 3.42%) |
12.88% (10.76%, 15.34%) |
84.22% (81.68%, 86.48%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.64% (0.32%, 1.24%) |
1.56% (0.96%, 2.56%) |
4.04% (2.84%, 5.72%) |
17.12% (15.12%, 19.34%) |
76.64% (74.02%, 79.06%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201651, "How satisfied is R with life") anes
Extremely satisfied | Very satisfied | Moderately satisfied | Slightly satisfied | Not satisfied at all | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
11.58% (10.14%, 13.20%) |
36.30% (34.20%, 38.44%) |
37.08% (34.92%, 39.28%) |
11.44% (10.06%, 12.96%) |
3.62% (2.84%, 4.60%) |
R |
21.94% (20.00%, 24.02%) |
41.54% (39.40%, 43.70%) |
29.10% (27.12%, 31.16%) |
5.58% (4.74%, 6.56%) |
1.82% (1.34%, 2.48%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
11.66% (9.56%, 14.14%) |
37.24% (33.88%, 40.74%) |
36.62% (33.34%, 40.04%) |
11.34% (9.50%, 13.48%) |
3.14% (2.30%, 4.28%) |
D - Female |
11.52% (9.86%, 13.42%) |
35.46% (32.84%, 38.16%) |
37.54% (34.84%, 40.32%) |
11.54% (9.74%, 13.60%) |
3.94% (2.80%, 5.56%) |
R - Male |
22.88% (20.32%, 25.68%) |
43.08% (40.06%, 46.16%) |
27.80% (25.36%, 30.40%) |
4.56% (3.48%, 5.94%) |
1.66% (1.08%, 2.58%) |
R - Female |
20.82% (18.36%, 23.50%) |
40.00% (37.16%, 42.90%) |
30.46% (27.42%, 33.68%) |
6.72% (5.38%, 8.36%) |
2.00% (1.32%, 3.04%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
11.36% (7.62%, 16.56%) |
28.64% (22.84%, 35.26%) |
41.44% (34.74%, 48.44%) |
14.92% (10.94%, 20.00%) |
3.64% (1.82%, 7.20%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
11.66% (8.20%, 16.32%) |
41.58% (36.16%, 47.20%) |
32.76% (27.60%, 38.36%) |
10.76% (8.00%, 14.30%) |
3.26% (1.96%, 5.38%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
11.72% (9.10%, 15.00%) |
40.52% (35.20%, 46.06%) |
35.98% (31.20%, 41.04%) |
8.98% (6.42%, 12.42%) |
2.80% (1.70%, 4.62%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.76% (9.40%, 17.08%) |
27.30% (22.40%, 32.82%) |
35.74% (30.74%, 41.08%) |
16.26% (12.16%, 21.40%) |
7.94% (5.04%, 12.32%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.32% (7.52%, 13.98%) |
36.06% (32.14%, 40.16%) |
40.42% (35.94%, 45.06%) |
11.12% (8.54%, 14.38%) |
2.08% (1.18%, 3.70%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
11.60% (9.04%, 14.76%) |
39.40% (35.18%, 43.78%) |
37.00% (32.86%, 41.36%) |
9.10% (7.08%, 11.62%) |
2.90% (1.58%, 5.22%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
15.02% (10.58%, 20.86%) |
39.52% (32.18%, 47.38%) |
35.40% (28.48%, 43.00%) |
6.68% (3.94%, 11.10%) |
3.38% (1.46%, 7.58%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
26.22% (21.72%, 31.30%) |
41.22% (35.94%, 46.72%) |
25.58% (21.22%, 30.48%) |
5.64% (3.56%, 8.82%) |
1.34% (0.60%, 2.92%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
24.10% (20.70%, 27.86%) |
46.02% (41.72%, 50.40%) |
25.76% (22.10%, 29.82%) |
2.92% (1.88%, 4.52%) |
1.18% (0.56%, 2.42%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
23.34% (17.10%, 31.00%) |
26.32% (20.08%, 33.68%) |
33.90% (26.30%, 42.42%) |
13.96% (8.88%, 21.26%) |
2.48% (0.78%, 7.64%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
18.38% (14.56%, 22.92%) |
42.34% (36.50%, 48.40%) |
31.76% (26.54%, 37.48%) |
5.30% (3.54%, 7.84%) |
2.24% (1.06%, 4.66%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
22.76% (19.26%, 26.68%) |
43.48% (39.22%, 47.84%) |
26.44% (22.58%, 30.72%) |
5.40% (3.86%, 7.50%) |
1.90% (0.96%, 3.74%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
10.24% (8.62%, 12.14%) |
39.44% (36.64%, 42.32%) |
35.98% (33.26%, 38.78%) |
10.82% (9.28%, 12.58%) |
3.52% (2.48%, 4.94%) |
D - Non-white |
13.26% (10.82%, 16.12%) |
32.40% (29.02%, 35.96%) |
38.58% (34.84%, 42.46%) |
11.98% (9.70%, 14.72%) |
3.78% (2.70%, 5.30%) |
R - White |
22.16% (19.94%, 24.54%) |
43.44% (41.04%, 45.90%) |
27.06% (25.06%, 29.18%) |
5.72% (4.78%, 6.84%) |
1.60% (1.10%, 2.32%) |
R - Non-white |
20.78% (16.28%, 26.12%) |
32.86% (27.76%, 38.40%) |
38.70% (32.70%, 45.06%) |
4.76% (3.06%, 7.34%) |
2.90% (1.60%, 5.24%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
10.82% (9.08%, 12.88%) |
42.58% (39.80%, 45.42%) |
35.74% (33.26%, 38.30%) |
8.54% (7.14%, 10.20%) |
2.30% (1.64%, 3.22%) |
D - Not college grad |
12.22% (10.26%, 14.52%) |
31.24% (28.32%, 34.32%) |
38.20% (35.00%, 41.50%) |
13.88% (11.78%, 16.30%) |
4.44% (3.26%, 6.04%) |
R - College Grad |
24.04% (20.94%, 27.46%) |
47.34% (43.52%, 51.20%) |
23.20% (20.16%, 26.52%) |
4.76% (3.44%, 6.54%) |
0.66% (0.32%, 1.32%) |
R - Not college grad |
21.16% (18.82%, 23.70%) |
38.80% (36.14%, 41.54%) |
31.68% (29.04%, 34.44%) |
5.98% (4.84%, 7.34%) |
2.38% (1.70%, 3.34%) |
%>% quicktab(V201507x, "Age") anes
%>% quicktab(V201600, "Gender") anes
%>% quicktab(V201546, "Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino") anes
%>% quicktab(V201549x, "Self-identified race/ethnicity") anes
%>% quicktab(V201511x, "Highest Level of Education") anes
%>% tabtemplate1(V201501, "Living with how many family members") anes
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Five or more | |
Vote Intent | ||||||
D |
20.52% (19.14%, 21.98%) |
29.24% (27.22%, 31.32%) |
16.90% (15.38%, 18.54%) |
18.36% (16.72%, 20.12%) |
8.08% (6.84%, 9.54%) |
6.90% (5.74%, 8.30%) |
R |
17.30% (15.94%, 18.74%) |
32.36% (30.40%, 34.38%) |
16.14% (14.70%, 17.66%) |
17.00% (15.28%, 18.88%) |
9.14% (7.92%, 10.54%) |
8.06% (6.68%, 9.72%) |
Gender | ||||||
D - Male |
22.44% (20.14%, 24.90%) |
29.30% (26.00%, 32.82%) |
17.02% (14.90%, 19.38%) |
17.44% (15.02%, 20.14%) |
8.30% (6.48%, 10.58%) |
5.50% (4.06%, 7.44%) |
D - Female |
18.84% (17.28%, 20.52%) |
29.24% (26.90%, 31.68%) |
16.76% (14.74%, 19.00%) |
19.14% (16.94%, 21.54%) |
7.96% (6.52%, 9.68%) |
8.06% (6.44%, 10.04%) |
R - Male |
18.48% (16.44%, 20.72%) |
32.50% (29.84%, 35.28%) |
16.24% (13.92%, 18.86%) |
16.96% (14.66%, 19.54%) |
8.12% (6.66%, 9.86%) |
7.70% (5.86%, 10.08%) |
R - Female |
15.86% (13.78%, 18.18%) |
32.10% (29.54%, 34.78%) |
16.12% (14.02%, 18.48%) |
17.16% (14.74%, 19.90%) |
10.22% (8.30%, 12.54%) |
8.52% (6.74%, 10.68%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
29.18% (23.84%, 35.18%) |
17.68% (12.94%, 23.68%) |
17.96% (13.46%, 23.58%) |
18.90% (14.06%, 24.92%) |
9.80% (5.82%, 16.04%) |
6.46% (3.58%, 11.40%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
17.54% (13.90%, 21.88%) |
22.30% (17.40%, 28.12%) |
19.70% (15.40%, 24.82%) |
22.72% (18.48%, 27.60%) |
10.36% (7.50%, 14.16%) |
7.38% (4.90%, 11.00%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
21.76% (18.46%, 25.48%) |
44.72% (39.50%, 50.06%) |
13.76% (10.68%, 17.56%) |
11.80% (8.64%, 15.90%) |
5.44% (3.22%, 9.08%) |
2.52% (1.04%, 5.96%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
21.16% (17.28%, 25.62%) |
17.72% (14.06%, 22.06%) |
14.82% (10.72%, 20.14%) |
21.72% (16.62%, 27.84%) |
11.72% (8.12%, 16.60%) |
12.88% (9.28%, 17.62%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.52% (8.80%, 12.52%) |
18.72% (15.26%, 22.74%) |
20.32% (16.52%, 24.74%) |
29.04% (24.66%, 33.86%) |
10.56% (8.02%, 13.78%) |
10.84% (7.80%, 14.88%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
23.84% (21.04%, 26.88%) |
44.36% (40.82%, 47.98%) |
15.60% (12.84%, 18.80%) |
10.18% (7.62%, 13.46%) |
3.24% (1.76%, 5.86%) |
2.78% (1.56%, 4.94%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
25.42% (19.60%, 32.28%) |
12.38% (8.58%, 17.56%) |
12.42% (8.22%, 18.36%) |
26.74% (20.02%, 34.76%) |
13.36% (8.52%, 20.38%) |
9.66% (5.38%, 16.72%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
11.18% (8.74%, 14.20%) |
17.66% (13.68%, 22.48%) |
23.62% (18.88%, 29.12%) |
22.20% (18.12%, 26.88%) |
12.06% (9.12%, 15.78%) |
13.28% (9.74%, 17.86%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
20.32% (17.50%, 23.46%) |
52.70% (48.54%, 56.84%) |
13.16% (10.52%, 16.34%) |
8.28% (5.98%, 11.34%) |
3.22% (1.84%, 5.62%) |
2.32% (1.16%, 4.58%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
11.90% (7.60%, 18.20%) |
15.84% (11.40%, 21.56%) |
21.68% (16.06%, 28.60%) |
21.02% (15.12%, 28.42%) |
18.04% (11.82%, 26.56%) |
11.52% (7.24%, 17.88%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
10.22% (7.12%, 14.46%) |
18.16% (14.32%, 22.76%) |
16.06% (12.30%, 20.70%) |
24.12% (19.26%, 29.74%) |
16.26% (12.22%, 21.28%) |
15.20% (11.14%, 20.36%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
21.46% (18.28%, 25.02%) |
48.68% (44.16%, 53.22%) |
14.68% (11.48%, 18.56%) |
9.76% (6.96%, 13.54%) |
2.36% (1.26%, 4.42%) |
3.04% (1.40%, 6.54%) |
Race | ||||||
D - White |
21.14% (19.26%, 23.16%) |
36.08% (33.10%, 39.16%) |
15.34% (13.48%, 17.38%) |
17.18% (14.76%, 19.92%) |
5.72% (4.56%, 7.16%) |
4.54% (3.32%, 6.18%) |
D - Non-white |
19.60% (17.28%, 22.16%) |
20.94% (18.24%, 23.94%) |
18.54% (15.92%, 21.50%) |
19.90% (17.26%, 22.84%) |
11.10% (8.84%, 13.84%) |
9.90% (7.90%, 12.36%) |
R - White |
17.40% (15.88%, 19.04%) |
34.98% (32.76%, 37.26%) |
16.52% (14.96%, 18.20%) |
16.80% (14.86%, 18.94%) |
7.86% (6.58%, 9.40%) |
6.44% (5.20%, 7.94%) |
R - Non-white |
16.36% (12.92%, 20.50%) |
20.44% (16.08%, 25.64%) |
14.46% (10.88%, 18.96%) |
18.46% (14.72%, 22.86%) |
15.08% (11.48%, 19.54%) |
15.20% (10.58%, 21.36%) |
Education | ||||||
D - College Grad |
21.24% (19.28%, 23.34%) |
34.26% (31.52%, 37.14%) |
15.82% (13.96%, 17.88%) |
17.86% (15.50%, 20.48%) |
6.48% (5.16%, 8.10%) |
4.34% (3.04%, 6.14%) |
D - Not college grad |
20.14% (18.14%, 22.30%) |
25.14% (22.54%, 27.92%) |
17.94% (15.84%, 20.24%) |
18.38% (16.34%, 20.62%) |
9.50% (7.52%, 11.96%) |
8.90% (7.22%, 10.90%) |
R - College Grad |
16.66% (14.28%, 19.36%) |
32.08% (28.80%, 35.54%) |
17.18% (14.64%, 20.04%) |
15.80% (13.02%, 19.06%) |
10.86% (8.62%, 13.56%) |
7.44% (5.34%, 10.28%) |
R - Not college grad |
17.48% (15.74%, 19.38%) |
32.78% (30.36%, 35.30%) |
15.74% (13.88%, 17.80%) |
17.44% (15.30%, 19.80%) |
8.40% (6.98%, 10.06%) |
8.18% (6.52%, 10.20%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201508, "Marital status") anes
Married: spouse present | Married: spouse absent {VOL} | Widowed | Divorced | Separated | Never married | |
Vote Intent | ||||||
D |
48.82% (46.62%, 51.04%) |
0.16% (0.06%, 0.40%) |
5.06% (4.30%, 5.94%) |
11.60% (10.42%, 12.90%) |
2.06% (1.52%, 2.82%) |
32.28% (30.10%, 34.54%) |
R |
61.68% (59.50%, 63.84%) |
0.02% (0.00%, 0.18%) |
5.32% (4.48%, 6.28%) |
11.60% (10.22%, 13.14%) |
1.98% (1.48%, 2.64%) |
19.40% (17.42%, 21.54%) |
Gender | ||||||
D - Male |
51.46% (48.06%, 54.86%) |
0.16% (0.04%, 0.72%) |
2.54% (1.80%, 3.56%) |
9.16% (7.88%, 10.62%) |
1.20% (0.74%, 1.94%) |
35.48% (32.14%, 38.98%) |
D - Female |
46.68% (43.96%, 49.42%) |
0.16% (0.06%, 0.52%) |
7.10% (5.88%, 8.56%) |
13.62% (12.02%, 15.40%) |
2.80% (1.92%, 4.06%) |
29.62% (27.02%, 32.36%) |
R - Male |
62.94% (59.80%, 65.98%) |
NA |
3.26% (2.36%, 4.46%) |
9.72% (7.96%, 11.82%) |
1.76% (1.12%, 2.76%) |
22.32% (19.60%, 25.30%) |
R - Female |
60.52% (57.38%, 63.58%) |
0.06% (0.00%, 0.38%) |
7.54% (6.16%, 9.20%) |
13.46% (11.46%, 15.78%) |
2.22% (1.52%, 3.22%) |
16.20% (13.66%, 19.12%) |
Age and Gender | ||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
16.58% (12.96%, 20.98%) |
NA |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.68%) |
0.64% (0.20%, 2.14%) |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.16%) |
82.34% (77.86%, 86.08%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
62.12% (56.74%, 67.22%) |
0.46% (0.10%, 2.10%) |
0.50% (0.16%, 1.52%) |
9.76% (7.36%, 12.84%) |
1.88% (0.94%, 3.74%) |
25.28% (20.74%, 30.44%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
67.86% (63.30%, 72.08%) |
NA |
6.48% (4.48%, 9.26%) |
15.26% (12.34%, 18.70%) |
1.30% (0.64%, 2.58%) |
9.12% (6.54%, 12.60%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
22.80% (18.56%, 27.70%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.90%) |
0.48% (0.06%, 3.40%) |
1.98% (1.00%, 3.88%) |
0.80% (0.34%, 1.84%) |
73.80% (68.92%, 78.14%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
60.88% (56.16%, 65.38%) |
0.32% (0.06%, 1.62%) |
1.04% (0.40%, 2.68%) |
12.18% (9.84%, 15.00%) |
4.46% (2.62%, 7.50%) |
21.12% (17.96%, 24.66%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
50.90% (46.14%, 55.64%) |
0.08% (0.02%, 0.62%) |
16.06% (13.36%, 19.20%) |
22.16% (18.86%, 25.86%) |
2.64% (1.40%, 4.90%) |
8.16% (6.22%, 10.62%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
20.68% (15.74%, 26.64%) |
NA |
0.80% (0.10%, 5.62%) |
3.40% (1.72%, 6.58%) |
3.66% (1.62%, 8.08%) |
71.48% (64.34%, 77.68%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
74.50% (69.88%, 78.64%) |
NA |
0.32% (0.06%, 1.66%) |
9.94% (7.34%, 13.32%) |
1.10% (0.36%, 3.24%) |
14.14% (11.00%, 18.00%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
75.34% (71.46%, 78.84%) |
NA |
6.36% (4.54%, 8.86%) |
12.58% (9.92%, 15.80%) |
0.60% (0.26%, 1.42%) |
5.12% (3.50%, 7.46%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
30.88% (24.54%, 38.04%) |
0.28% (0.04%, 2.06%) |
NA |
5.68% (3.20%, 9.86%) |
2.46% (0.94%, 6.36%) |
60.70% (52.96%, 67.92%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
70.40% (64.80%, 75.44%) |
NA |
1.44% (0.64%, 3.20%) |
14.24% (10.96%, 18.26%) |
3.00% (1.70%, 5.22%) |
10.94% (7.58%, 15.52%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
65.42% (61.46%, 69.20%) |
NA |
14.24% (11.56%, 17.44%) |
16.10% (13.18%, 19.52%) |
1.72% (1.00%, 2.96%) |
2.52% (1.52%, 4.10%) |
Race | ||||||
D - White |
57.56% (54.80%, 60.28%) |
0.12% (0.04%, 0.34%) |
5.40% (4.44%, 6.56%) |
11.58% (10.28%, 13.04%) |
1.24% (0.82%, 1.92%) |
24.08% (21.60%, 26.72%) |
D - Non-white |
38.06% (34.88%, 41.36%) |
0.22% (0.06%, 0.86%) |
4.60% (3.50%, 6.02%) |
11.62% (9.64%, 13.94%) |
3.06% (2.04%, 4.58%) |
42.44% (38.72%, 46.24%) |
R - White |
63.78% (61.32%, 66.18%) |
NA |
6.00% (5.06%, 7.12%) |
11.40% (9.92%, 13.10%) |
1.50% (1.04%, 2.12%) |
17.32% (15.36%, 19.46%) |
R - Non-white |
52.80% (46.82%, 58.70%) |
0.14% (0.02%, 1.00%) |
2.16% (1.12%, 4.14%) |
12.04% (8.78%, 16.30%) |
4.16% (2.42%, 7.04%) |
28.70% (23.18%, 34.94%) |
Education | ||||||
D - College Grad |
60.56% (57.88%, 63.20%) |
0.20% (0.06%, 0.64%) |
3.06% (2.28%, 4.10%) |
10.16% (8.70%, 11.84%) |
1.12% (0.62%, 2.00%) |
24.90% (22.48%, 27.48%) |
D - Not college grad |
39.48% (36.52%, 42.52%) |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.60%) |
6.56% (5.34%, 8.02%) |
12.86% (11.00%, 15.00%) |
2.86% (2.02%, 4.06%) |
38.10% (34.86%, 41.44%) |
R - College Grad |
69.22% (65.54%, 72.66%) |
NA |
4.46% (3.32%, 5.98%) |
10.22% (8.36%, 12.44%) |
0.58% (0.24%, 1.38%) |
15.50% (12.60%, 18.94%) |
R - Not college grad |
58.38% (55.68%, 61.02%) |
0.04% (0.00%, 0.26%) |
5.68% (4.58%, 7.02%) |
12.38% (10.64%, 14.36%) |
2.48% (1.82%, 3.38%) |
21.04% (18.52%, 23.80%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201509, "Domestic partnership status") anes
Yes, living with a partner | No, not living with a partner | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
23.26% (20.54%, 26.20%) |
76.74% (73.80%, 79.46%) |
R |
25.66% (22.02%, 29.68%) |
74.34% (70.32%, 77.98%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
25.16% (21.04%, 29.78%) |
74.84% (70.22%, 78.96%) |
D - Female |
21.94% (18.82%, 25.40%) |
78.06% (74.60%, 81.18%) |
R - Male |
24.44% (19.86%, 29.72%) |
75.56% (70.28%, 80.14%) |
R - Female |
26.60% (21.48%, 32.42%) |
73.40% (67.58%, 78.52%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
20.50% (15.30%, 26.92%) |
79.50% (73.08%, 84.70%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
32.34% (24.78%, 40.94%) |
67.66% (59.06%, 75.22%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
26.04% (18.40%, 35.48%) |
73.96% (64.52%, 81.60%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
26.66% (21.16%, 32.98%) |
73.34% (67.02%, 78.84%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
29.28% (23.00%, 36.46%) |
70.72% (63.54%, 77.00%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
13.08% (9.60%, 17.56%) |
86.92% (82.44%, 90.40%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
21.56% (15.24%, 29.58%) |
78.44% (70.42%, 84.76%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
39.30% (29.32%, 50.26%) |
60.70% (49.74%, 70.68%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
20.50% (13.76%, 29.42%) |
79.50% (70.58%, 86.24%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
33.48% (23.56%, 45.10%) |
66.52% (54.90%, 76.44%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
36.84% (26.84%, 48.10%) |
63.16% (51.90%, 73.16%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
15.44% (10.68%, 21.82%) |
84.56% (78.18%, 89.32%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
23.88% (20.48%, 27.66%) |
76.12% (72.34%, 79.52%) |
D - Non-white |
22.74% (19.02%, 26.94%) |
77.26% (73.06%, 80.98%) |
R - White |
26.80% (22.68%, 31.38%) |
73.20% (68.62%, 77.32%) |
R - Non-white |
21.98% (15.22%, 30.62%) |
78.02% (69.38%, 84.78%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
26.56% (22.24%, 31.38%) |
73.44% (68.62%, 77.76%) |
D - Not college grad |
22.02% (18.56%, 25.92%) |
77.98% (74.08%, 81.44%) |
R - College Grad |
24.88% (18.52%, 32.54%) |
75.12% (67.46%, 81.48%) |
R - Not college grad |
26.32% (22.26%, 30.82%) |
73.68% (69.18%, 77.74%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201514x, "Spouse/partner: Highest Level of Education") anes
Less than high school credential | High school credential | Some post-high school, no bachelor’s degree | Bachelor’s degree | Graduate degree | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
6.38% (5.04%, 8.04%) |
16.34% (14.34%, 18.54%) |
25.24% (23.14%, 27.46%) |
27.56% (25.32%, 29.94%) |
24.50% (22.04%, 27.12%) |
R |
6.46% (5.10%, 8.18%) |
27.26% (25.04%, 29.58%) |
33.16% (30.98%, 35.40%) |
20.60% (18.70%, 22.64%) |
12.52% (10.96%, 14.28%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
5.48% (3.90%, 7.64%) |
15.74% (13.00%, 18.94%) |
24.26% (21.16%, 27.64%) |
28.60% (25.14%, 32.32%) |
25.94% (22.70%, 29.48%) |
D - Female |
7.22% (5.38%, 9.64%) |
16.96% (14.20%, 20.14%) |
25.96% (22.86%, 29.32%) |
26.78% (23.78%, 30.00%) |
23.08% (19.88%, 26.60%) |
R - Male |
4.30% (2.94%, 6.28%) |
25.90% (23.00%, 29.06%) |
35.48% (32.44%, 38.64%) |
21.48% (18.82%, 24.40%) |
12.82% (10.58%, 15.46%) |
R - Female |
8.84% (6.62%, 11.72%) |
28.70% (25.36%, 32.28%) |
30.78% (27.88%, 33.82%) |
19.56% (17.02%, 22.38%) |
12.14% (10.02%, 14.64%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.04% (1.34%, 11.60%) |
14.62% (8.34%, 24.38%) |
22.36% (14.42%, 32.96%) |
37.66% (29.30%, 46.82%) |
21.32% (16.06%, 27.76%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.18% (1.58%, 6.32%) |
12.26% (8.38%, 17.58%) |
23.96% (18.86%, 29.96%) |
32.10% (25.42%, 39.58%) |
28.50% (22.80%, 34.98%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
8.44% (5.66%, 12.40%) |
19.76% (15.22%, 25.24%) |
24.14% (19.80%, 29.06%) |
22.06% (17.76%, 27.08%) |
25.60% (20.50%, 31.46%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
6.20% (2.98%, 12.46%) |
18.28% (12.34%, 26.22%) |
28.76% (21.96%, 36.66%) |
26.12% (19.96%, 33.40%) |
20.64% (15.64%, 26.74%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
6.94% (4.20%, 11.28%) |
16.62% (12.58%, 21.66%) |
26.38% (21.56%, 31.82%) |
26.80% (22.08%, 32.10%) |
23.28% (18.02%, 29.52%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
7.44% (4.62%, 11.78%) |
17.00% (13.14%, 21.70%) |
24.40% (19.64%, 29.88%) |
27.56% (22.68%, 33.06%) |
23.60% (19.38%, 28.42%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
4.50% (1.28%, 14.64%) |
20.90% (14.00%, 30.02%) |
29.96% (21.38%, 40.22%) |
30.06% (21.42%, 40.40%) |
14.58% (7.64%, 26.02%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
3.80% (1.74%, 8.14%) |
18.34% (14.04%, 23.56%) |
39.68% (34.36%, 45.24%) |
25.06% (20.58%, 30.14%) |
13.12% (9.90%, 17.20%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
4.86% (3.20%, 7.30%) |
32.86% (28.10%, 38.00%) |
33.40% (28.86%, 38.26%) |
16.64% (13.36%, 20.52%) |
12.24% (8.70%, 16.96%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
8.30% (4.12%, 16.02%) |
40.24% (31.86%, 49.22%) |
29.10% (21.84%, 37.62%) |
16.64% (11.06%, 24.30%) |
5.72% (2.84%, 11.18%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
7.26% (4.08%, 12.60%) |
28.80% (22.78%, 35.66%) |
31.86% (26.54%, 37.72%) |
20.94% (16.30%, 26.48%) |
11.14% (7.82%, 15.64%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
9.90% (6.90%, 14.04%) |
26.02% (21.06%, 31.68%) |
30.36% (25.56%, 35.64%) |
19.26% (15.82%, 23.24%) |
14.44% (11.12%, 18.56%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
2.92% (1.86%, 4.58%) |
13.86% (11.92%, 16.04%) |
22.88% (20.42%, 25.54%) |
30.48% (27.58%, 33.56%) |
29.84% (26.78%, 33.10%) |
D - Non-white |
11.52% (8.76%, 15.02%) |
19.94% (16.22%, 24.24%) |
29.24% (25.38%, 33.42%) |
22.94% (19.10%, 27.30%) |
16.36% (13.16%, 20.16%) |
R - White |
5.72% (4.40%, 7.42%) |
26.86% (24.46%, 29.38%) |
34.34% (31.88%, 36.90%) |
20.70% (18.64%, 22.94%) |
12.36% (10.64%, 14.32%) |
R - Non-white |
10.08% (6.08%, 16.30%) |
29.12% (22.62%, 36.60%) |
27.40% (21.96%, 33.60%) |
19.92% (15.26%, 25.58%) |
13.48% (9.76%, 18.30%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
1.00% (0.48%, 2.10%) |
5.06% (3.98%, 6.42%) |
16.82% (14.58%, 19.32%) |
39.22% (35.82%, 42.74%) |
37.88% (34.52%, 41.36%) |
D - Not college grad |
12.28% (9.64%, 15.50%) |
28.88% (25.26%, 32.80%) |
34.70% (30.90%, 38.70%) |
14.76% (12.36%, 17.56%) |
9.38% (7.24%, 12.08%) |
R - College Grad |
0.96% (0.44%, 2.10%) |
12.26% (9.54%, 15.60%) |
23.80% (20.56%, 27.36%) |
36.50% (32.40%, 40.82%) |
26.48% (22.84%, 30.46%) |
R - Not college grad |
9.12% (7.16%, 11.52%) |
34.40% (31.52%, 37.38%) |
37.48% (34.56%, 40.48%) |
13.12% (11.26%, 15.22%) |
5.90% (4.64%, 7.50%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201516, "Armed forces active duty") anes
Now serving on active duty | Previously served on active duty but not now on active duty | Have never served on active duty | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
0.92% (0.60%, 1.40%) |
7.30% (6.12%, 8.70%) |
91.78% (90.36%, 93.02%) |
R |
0.72% (0.46%, 1.14%) |
12.22% (10.94%, 13.62%) |
87.06% (85.62%, 88.38%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
0.96% (0.46%, 2.04%) |
13.18% (10.94%, 15.82%) |
85.84% (83.10%, 88.20%) |
D - Female |
0.88% (0.56%, 1.38%) |
2.42% (1.70%, 3.46%) |
96.70% (95.58%, 97.54%) |
R - Male |
0.84% (0.46%, 1.54%) |
20.10% (17.80%, 22.62%) |
79.06% (76.46%, 81.44%) |
R - Female |
0.60% (0.32%, 1.14%) |
3.88% (2.82%, 5.32%) |
95.52% (94.06%, 96.62%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.06% (0.68%, 6.02%) |
0.64% (0.22%, 1.86%) |
97.30% (93.62%, 98.88%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.92% (0.32%, 2.62%) |
9.76% (6.70%, 14.00%) |
89.34% (85.02%, 92.52%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
0.20% (0.04%, 0.86%) |
26.50% (22.20%, 31.28%) |
73.30% (68.52%, 77.60%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
1.34% (0.52%, 3.38%) |
1.40% (0.38%, 4.92%) |
97.26% (93.96%, 98.78%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
0.12% (0.02%, 0.54%) |
2.82% (1.60%, 4.88%) |
97.06% (94.98%, 98.28%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
1.12% (0.60%, 2.08%) |
2.94% (1.94%, 4.40%) |
95.96% (94.28%, 97.14%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
2.28% (0.94%, 5.38%) |
8.48% (5.48%, 12.88%) |
89.26% (84.60%, 92.62%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
0.48% (0.18%, 1.24%) |
11.74% (8.78%, 15.54%) |
87.78% (83.94%, 90.78%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
0.22% (0.08%, 0.72%) |
30.54% (26.80%, 34.58%) |
69.22% (65.16%, 73.00%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
0.18% (0.02%, 1.30%) |
1.58% (0.62%, 4.00%) |
98.24% (95.86%, 99.26%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
1.04% (0.40%, 2.68%) |
3.34% (1.56%, 7.02%) |
95.62% (92.00%, 97.64%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
0.34% (0.14%, 0.84%) |
5.48% (3.84%, 7.76%) |
94.18% (91.92%, 95.84%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
0.42% (0.14%, 1.26%) |
7.26% (5.90%, 8.88%) |
92.32% (90.68%, 93.70%) |
D - Non-white |
1.48% (0.94%, 2.34%) |
7.36% (5.70%, 9.46%) |
91.16% (88.96%, 92.94%) |
R - White |
0.62% (0.38%, 0.98%) |
12.04% (10.72%, 13.52%) |
87.34% (85.86%, 88.68%) |
R - Non-white |
1.24% (0.46%, 3.32%) |
13.10% (9.96%, 17.04%) |
85.66% (81.80%, 88.84%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
0.48% (0.24%, 0.94%) |
6.66% (5.32%, 8.32%) |
92.86% (91.22%, 94.22%) |
D - Not college grad |
1.16% (0.66%, 2.00%) |
7.98% (6.40%, 9.92%) |
90.88% (88.86%, 92.54%) |
R - College Grad |
1.00% (0.58%, 1.70%) |
12.86% (10.92%, 15.08%) |
86.14% (83.88%, 88.14%) |
R - Not college grad |
0.62% (0.32%, 1.18%) |
11.82% (10.48%, 13.30%) |
87.56% (86.00%, 88.96%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201517, "Worked for pay last week") anes
Yes | No, did not work (or retired) | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
57.18% (55.10%, 59.26%) |
42.82% (40.74%, 44.90%) |
R |
56.72% (54.54%, 58.88%) |
43.28% (41.12%, 45.46%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
61.06% (57.62%, 64.38%) |
38.94% (35.62%, 42.38%) |
D - Female |
53.94% (51.32%, 56.52%) |
46.06% (43.48%, 48.68%) |
R - Male |
62.86% (59.84%, 65.78%) |
37.14% (34.22%, 40.16%) |
R - Female |
50.16% (46.80%, 53.52%) |
49.84% (46.48%, 53.20%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
65.54% (57.48%, 72.80%) |
34.46% (27.20%, 42.52%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
80.18% (75.70%, 84.00%) |
19.82% (16.00%, 24.30%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
39.06% (34.36%, 43.96%) |
60.94% (56.04%, 65.64%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
62.80% (57.26%, 68.04%) |
37.20% (31.96%, 42.74%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
72.76% (68.82%, 76.38%) |
27.24% (23.62%, 31.18%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
34.24% (30.18%, 38.54%) |
65.76% (61.46%, 69.82%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
70.84% (61.86%, 78.46%) |
29.16% (21.54%, 38.14%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
84.36% (79.94%, 87.96%) |
15.64% (12.04%, 20.06%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
43.78% (39.44%, 48.20%) |
56.22% (51.80%, 60.56%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
62.28% (53.76%, 70.10%) |
37.72% (29.90%, 46.24%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
68.36% (62.38%, 73.76%) |
31.64% (26.24%, 37.62%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
31.60% (27.64%, 35.84%) |
68.40% (64.16%, 72.36%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
58.42% (55.76%, 61.04%) |
41.58% (38.96%, 44.24%) |
D - Non-white |
55.90% (52.42%, 59.34%) |
44.10% (40.66%, 47.58%) |
R - White |
55.98% (53.64%, 58.32%) |
44.02% (41.68%, 46.36%) |
R - Non-white |
60.54% (54.16%, 66.58%) |
39.46% (33.42%, 45.84%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
69.48% (66.80%, 72.02%) |
30.52% (27.98%, 33.20%) |
D - Not college grad |
48.02% (44.84%, 51.20%) |
51.98% (48.80%, 55.16%) |
R - College Grad |
62.80% (58.98%, 66.48%) |
37.20% (33.52%, 41.02%) |
R - Not college grad |
54.26% (51.60%, 56.90%) |
45.74% (43.10%, 48.40%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201529, "Describe employment") anes
For-profit company or organization | Non-profit organization (including tax-exempt and charitable organizations) | Local government (for example: city or county school district) | State government (including state colleges/universities) | Active duty U.S. Armed Forces or Commissioned Corps | Federal government civilian employee | Owner of non-incorporated business, professional practice, or farm | Owner of incorporated business, professional practice, or farm | Worked without pay in a for-profit family business or farm for 15 hours or mo | |
Vote Intent | |||||||||
D |
53.30% (51.38%, 55.24%) |
12.32% (11.20%, 13.52%) |
10.62% (9.46%, 11.92%) |
5.54% (4.64%, 6.62%) |
0.32% (0.18%, 0.56%) |
4.22% (3.44%, 5.18%) |
7.48% (6.34%, 8.80%) |
4.28% (3.48%, 5.24%) |
1.90% (1.36%, 2.66%) |
R |
56.26% (54.04%, 58.48%) |
8.54% (7.50%, 9.70%) |
8.50% (7.26%, 9.90%) |
3.14% (2.48%, 3.98%) |
0.80% (0.48%, 1.34%) |
4.06% (3.30%, 5.00%) |
8.84% (7.66%, 10.18%) |
7.70% (6.46%, 9.16%) |
2.16% (1.54%, 3.00%) |
Gender | |||||||||
D - Male |
56.96% (53.82%, 60.04%) |
9.50% (7.78%, 11.56%) |
8.58% (6.90%, 10.62%) |
4.62% (3.52%, 6.02%) |
0.40% (0.20%, 0.84%) |
4.70% (3.38%, 6.50%) |
8.76% (7.06%, 10.84%) |
5.08% (3.88%, 6.64%) |
1.38% (0.82%, 2.32%) |
D - Female |
50.36% (47.78%, 52.94%) |
14.62% (13.12%, 16.28%) |
12.32% (10.56%, 14.34%) |
6.26% (4.92%, 7.94%) |
0.18% (0.08%, 0.48%) |
3.84% (3.00%, 4.92%) |
6.42% (5.06%, 8.14%) |
3.62% (2.66%, 4.90%) |
2.34% (1.58%, 3.46%) |
R - Male |
58.52% (55.36%, 61.62%) |
5.98% (4.64%, 7.68%) |
6.64% (5.30%, 8.30%) |
2.68% (1.98%, 3.64%) |
1.20% (0.68%, 2.10%) |
4.46% (3.54%, 5.60%) |
9.92% (8.02%, 12.20%) |
9.34% (7.40%, 11.70%) |
1.26% (0.70%, 2.26%) |
R - Female |
53.72% (50.42%, 56.98%) |
11.26% (9.70%, 13.02%) |
10.56% (8.62%, 12.88%) |
3.66% (2.64%, 5.08%) |
0.38% (0.12%, 1.28%) |
3.64% (2.46%, 5.38%) |
7.68% (6.24%, 9.44%) |
5.96% (4.40%, 8.00%) |
3.14% (2.08%, 4.68%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
61.22% (54.18%, 67.82%) |
10.16% (6.54%, 15.46%) |
9.22% (5.46%, 15.14%) |
2.94% (1.42%, 6.04%) |
0.28% (0.06%, 1.18%) |
3.34% (1.56%, 7.06%) |
6.52% (3.72%, 11.18%) |
4.52% (2.24%, 8.92%) |
1.80% (0.66%, 4.74%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
60.66% (55.44%, 65.62%) |
7.30% (5.22%, 10.14%) |
8.28% (6.02%, 11.30%) |
5.06% (3.32%, 7.64%) |
0.58% (0.18%, 1.78%) |
3.56% (2.04%, 6.12%) |
8.90% (5.96%, 13.10%) |
4.02% (2.54%, 6.30%) |
1.62% (0.70%, 3.74%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
49.96% (45.06%, 54.86%) |
11.64% (8.68%, 15.44%) |
8.40% (5.76%, 12.12%) |
5.26% (3.44%, 8.02%) |
0.36% (0.12%, 1.18%) |
7.16% (4.88%, 10.40%) |
10.00% (7.62%, 13.04%) |
6.32% (4.10%, 9.60%) |
0.88% (0.36%, 2.16%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
57.36% (51.18%, 63.30%) |
11.54% (8.78%, 15.00%) |
9.06% (6.02%, 13.40%) |
5.76% (3.54%, 9.24%) |
0.26% (0.04%, 1.42%) |
3.06% (1.62%, 5.74%) |
6.04% (3.30%, 10.84%) |
3.42% (1.60%, 7.18%) |
3.50% (1.62%, 7.38%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
51.42% (46.46%, 56.36%) |
15.92% (12.94%, 19.46%) |
13.62% (10.52%, 17.46%) |
5.04% (3.58%, 7.04%) |
0.14% (0.04%, 0.64%) |
2.94% (1.82%, 4.72%) |
5.50% (3.42%, 8.72%) |
3.22% (1.86%, 5.56%) |
2.18% (1.22%, 3.84%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
44.50% (40.52%, 48.56%) |
16.04% (13.10%, 19.50%) |
13.08% (10.34%, 16.38%) |
7.80% (5.66%, 10.66%) |
0.18% (0.04%, 0.74%) |
5.32% (3.96%, 7.10%) |
7.56% (5.72%, 9.92%) |
3.96% (2.80%, 5.58%) |
1.56% (0.90%, 2.72%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
63.52% (55.60%, 70.76%) |
7.68% (4.68%, 12.34%) |
5.82% (3.22%, 10.28%) |
1.54% (0.52%, 4.38%) |
4.06% (1.96%, 8.22%) |
2.00% (0.64%, 6.04%) |
9.24% (5.24%, 15.78%) |
5.68% (2.60%, 11.94%) |
0.48% (0.14%, 1.50%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
59.52% (53.46%, 65.32%) |
6.04% (3.64%, 9.84%) |
7.10% (4.76%, 10.44%) |
2.60% (1.44%, 4.62%) |
0.92% (0.38%, 2.28%) |
3.92% (2.54%, 6.02%) |
9.76% (6.84%, 13.72%) |
9.02% (6.22%, 12.90%) |
1.14% (0.36%, 3.44%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
55.94% (51.56%, 60.22%) |
5.30% (3.78%, 7.42%) |
6.48% (4.72%, 8.84%) |
3.28% (2.12%, 5.06%) |
0.02% (0.00%, 0.10%) |
5.30% (3.92%, 7.14%) |
10.76% (8.04%, 14.26%) |
11.64% (8.54%, 15.70%) |
1.28% (0.70%, 2.36%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
56.56% (47.66%, 65.06%) |
9.98% (6.24%, 15.58%) |
3.96% (1.90%, 8.08%) |
5.22% (2.34%, 11.20%) |
1.16% (0.16%, 7.84%) |
4.66% (2.16%, 9.80%) |
6.50% (3.88%, 10.66%) |
6.18% (2.84%, 12.92%) |
5.78% (2.38%, 13.38%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
54.22% (48.38%, 59.94%) |
14.70% (11.12%, 19.20%) |
11.78% (8.48%, 16.14%) |
1.50% (0.78%, 2.88%) |
0.26% (0.06%, 1.34%) |
1.58% (0.80%, 3.08%) |
9.68% (6.66%, 13.88%) |
3.46% (2.06%, 5.76%) |
2.80% (1.56%, 5.02%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
53.60% (48.88%, 58.24%) |
9.08% (7.40%, 11.10%) |
11.50% (8.76%, 14.94%) |
4.52% (2.98%, 6.80%) |
NA |
5.10% (2.98%, 8.64%) |
6.26% (4.62%, 8.44%) |
7.34% (5.20%, 10.24%) |
2.60% (1.46%, 4.62%) |
Race | |||||||||
D - White |
55.80% (53.40%, 58.18%) |
12.22% (10.80%, 13.80%) |
8.90% (7.64%, 10.34%) |
5.70% (4.46%, 7.26%) |
0.32% (0.14%, 0.74%) |
3.22% (2.48%, 4.18%) |
7.68% (6.38%, 9.20%) |
4.48% (3.58%, 5.56%) |
1.70% (1.06%, 2.72%) |
D - Non-white |
50.22% (47.24%, 53.20%) |
12.50% (10.50%, 14.82%) |
12.78% (10.74%, 15.16%) |
5.36% (4.12%, 6.90%) |
0.34% (0.14%, 0.74%) |
5.54% (4.10%, 7.44%) |
7.08% (5.42%, 9.20%) |
4.00% (2.68%, 5.94%) |
2.18% (1.36%, 3.50%) |
R - White |
56.88% (54.16%, 59.54%) |
8.60% (7.46%, 9.88%) |
8.26% (6.94%, 9.78%) |
3.06% (2.36%, 3.94%) |
0.40% (0.20%, 0.74%) |
4.24% (3.28%, 5.44%) |
8.84% (7.52%, 10.34%) |
7.66% (6.28%, 9.30%) |
2.10% (1.46%, 3.02%) |
R - Non-white |
53.54% (46.74%, 60.22%) |
8.38% (6.16%, 11.30%) |
9.56% (6.54%, 13.80%) |
3.58% (2.14%, 5.96%) |
2.72% (1.30%, 5.58%) |
3.38% (1.90%, 5.94%) |
8.32% (5.56%, 12.26%) |
8.10% (5.36%, 12.04%) |
2.42% (1.08%, 5.34%) |
Education | |||||||||
D - College Grad |
49.22% (46.40%, 52.04%) |
15.06% (13.36%, 16.92%) |
12.46% (10.80%, 14.32%) |
7.76% (6.32%, 9.52%) |
0.56% (0.28%, 1.06%) |
4.40% (3.44%, 5.64%) |
6.10% (4.68%, 7.92%) |
4.04% (3.08%, 5.28%) |
0.40% (0.20%, 0.78%) |
D - Not college grad |
56.26% (53.36%, 59.12%) |
10.02% (8.34%, 11.98%) |
9.18% (7.46%, 11.26%) |
3.68% (2.66%, 5.08%) |
0.14% (0.04%, 0.40%) |
4.18% (3.02%, 5.74%) |
8.76% (7.06%, 10.82%) |
4.58% (3.42%, 6.12%) |
3.22% (2.26%, 4.56%) |
R - College Grad |
49.42% (45.74%, 53.10%) |
12.32% (10.14%, 14.90%) |
12.82% (10.46%, 15.62%) |
5.62% (4.02%, 7.82%) |
0.66% (0.32%, 1.34%) |
3.96% (2.84%, 5.48%) |
7.38% (5.68%, 9.54%) |
7.08% (5.40%, 9.26%) |
0.74% (0.32%, 1.64%) |
R - Not college grad |
58.96% (56.18%, 61.68%) |
6.96% (5.82%, 8.30%) |
6.62% (5.46%, 8.04%) |
2.00% (1.40%, 2.82%) |
0.88% (0.46%, 1.68%) |
4.16% (3.16%, 5.44%) |
9.56% (8.00%, 11.36%) |
8.14% (6.58%, 10.00%) |
2.74% (1.92%, 3.92%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201542, "Spouse partner working status") anes
Working now | Temporarily laid off | Unemployed | Retired | Permanently disabled | Homemaker | Student | |
Vote Intent | |||||||
D |
63.82% (61.18%, 66.38%) |
3.36% (2.48%, 4.54%) |
6.02% (4.88%, 7.38%) |
19.30% (17.40%, 21.34%) |
2.24% (1.58%, 3.16%) |
4.58% (3.62%, 5.80%) |
0.70% (0.40%, 1.22%) |
R |
60.36% (57.64%, 63.00%) |
1.92% (1.36%, 2.68%) |
5.26% (4.18%, 6.60%) |
22.88% (20.82%, 25.10%) |
2.68% (1.90%, 3.80%) |
6.54% (5.46%, 7.82%) |
0.36% (0.16%, 0.74%) |
Gender | |||||||
D - Male |
60.24% (56.40%, 63.94%) |
3.98% (2.56%, 6.12%) |
6.78% (4.96%, 9.20%) |
17.18% (14.52%, 20.22%) |
2.96% (1.90%, 4.60%) |
7.96% (6.36%, 9.94%) |
0.90% (0.44%, 1.82%) |
D - Female |
66.92% (63.20%, 70.42%) |
2.82% (1.86%, 4.22%) |
5.36% (3.98%, 7.18%) |
21.26% (18.44%, 24.40%) |
1.58% (0.92%, 2.66%) |
1.54% (0.74%, 3.18%) |
0.52% (0.22%, 1.20%) |
R - Male |
58.00% (54.36%, 61.56%) |
2.12% (1.32%, 3.36%) |
4.58% (3.18%, 6.56%) |
21.32% (18.82%, 24.06%) |
1.86% (1.24%, 2.78%) |
11.60% (9.62%, 13.92%) |
0.52% (0.22%, 1.16%) |
R - Female |
62.72% (58.96%, 66.34%) |
1.70% (0.96%, 3.00%) |
6.02% (4.42%, 8.18%) |
24.68% (21.60%, 28.04%) |
3.58% (2.28%, 5.60%) |
1.10% (0.62%, 1.88%) |
0.18% (0.04%, 0.96%) |
Age and Gender | |||||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
71.92% (62.22%, 79.94%) |
6.16% (2.14%, 16.38%) |
9.82% (5.00%, 18.40%) |
0.70% (0.10%, 4.96%) |
2.04% (0.60%, 6.56%) |
6.14% (3.28%, 11.16%) |
3.22% (1.38%, 7.34%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
74.10% (68.04%, 79.36%) |
4.98% (2.72%, 8.96%) |
7.80% (4.94%, 12.08%) |
0.92% (0.36%, 2.38%) |
1.76% (0.64%, 4.84%) |
9.40% (6.58%, 13.24%) |
1.04% (0.32%, 3.28%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
43.06% (37.32%, 48.98%) |
2.36% (1.20%, 4.56%) |
4.92% (2.72%, 8.68%) |
37.98% (32.74%, 43.52%) |
4.52% (2.50%, 8.04%) |
7.16% (4.88%, 10.42%) |
NA |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
81.08% (74.10%, 86.52%) |
3.26% (1.36%, 7.64%) |
9.56% (5.94%, 15.00%) |
NA |
1.82% (0.42%, 7.44%) |
1.92% (0.70%, 5.18%) |
2.36% (0.96%, 5.70%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
86.26% (81.28%, 90.08%) |
4.18% (2.34%, 7.36%) |
5.72% (3.66%, 8.82%) |
2.10% (0.88%, 4.90%) |
1.12% (0.40%, 3.10%) |
0.46% (0.18%, 1.28%) |
0.16% (0.02%, 1.12%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
40.98% (35.34%, 46.90%) |
1.12% (0.46%, 2.62%) |
3.16% (1.84%, 5.40%) |
50.32% (44.48%, 56.14%) |
1.96% (1.04%, 3.70%) |
2.46% (0.84%, 6.94%) |
NA |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
67.86% (58.12%, 76.26%) |
3.90% (1.08%, 13.04%) |
12.26% (6.40%, 22.22%) |
2.26% (0.32%, 14.46%) |
NA |
11.68% (6.74%, 19.46%) |
2.04% (0.72%, 5.66%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
77.80% (71.80%, 82.82%) |
1.82% (0.94%, 3.52%) |
4.90% (2.66%, 8.82%) |
0.94% (0.24%, 3.72%) |
0.20% (0.02%, 1.44%) |
13.54% (9.82%, 18.40%) |
0.78% (0.26%, 2.30%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
41.76% (36.90%, 46.80%) |
2.04% (1.06%, 3.86%) |
2.86% (1.64%, 4.92%) |
40.26% (35.80%, 44.90%) |
3.38% (2.22%, 5.10%) |
9.70% (7.14%, 13.02%) |
NA |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
77.76% (68.36%, 84.96%) |
5.16% (2.04%, 12.48%) |
11.42% (6.20%, 20.06%) |
1.04% (0.24%, 4.36%) |
1.02% (0.14%, 7.06%) |
2.52% (1.00%, 6.18%) |
1.10% (0.16%, 7.46%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
85.04% (80.06%, 88.96%) |
1.58% (0.60%, 4.02%) |
7.00% (4.26%, 11.28%) |
2.90% (1.52%, 5.48%) |
1.90% (0.88%, 3.98%) |
1.48% (0.52%, 4.14%) |
0.10% (0.02%, 0.66%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
37.38% (32.24%, 42.82%) |
0.92% (0.32%, 2.60%) |
4.20% (2.26%, 7.68%) |
50.86% (44.92%, 56.78%) |
6.18% (3.70%, 10.14%) |
0.46% (0.14%, 1.46%) |
NA |
Race | |||||||
D - White |
63.48% (60.26%, 66.62%) |
2.56% (1.74%, 3.72%) |
4.12% (3.04%, 5.56%) |
23.10% (20.38%, 26.06%) |
1.46% (0.90%, 2.36%) |
4.38% (3.22%, 5.92%) |
0.88% (0.46%, 1.72%) |
D - Non-white |
64.28% (59.88%, 68.44%) |
4.68% (2.92%, 7.44%) |
9.12% (6.80%, 12.10%) |
13.20% (10.56%, 16.38%) |
3.50% (2.14%, 5.66%) |
4.82% (3.38%, 6.84%) |
0.40% (0.16%, 1.10%) |
R - White |
60.06% (57.08%, 62.94%) |
1.50% (1.02%, 2.18%) |
4.08% (3.08%, 5.38%) |
24.48% (22.16%, 26.94%) |
2.96% (2.08%, 4.22%) |
6.68% (5.46%, 8.14%) |
0.24% (0.10%, 0.64%) |
R - Non-white |
61.58% (55.28%, 67.54%) |
4.10% (2.02%, 8.16%) |
11.52% (7.56%, 17.16%) |
14.60% (9.96%, 20.90%) |
1.32% (0.30%, 5.56%) |
5.92% (3.72%, 9.32%) |
0.94% (0.30%, 2.96%) |
Education | |||||||
D - College Grad |
70.54% (67.56%, 73.36%) |
2.68% (1.84%, 3.88%) |
3.38% (2.36%, 4.80%) |
17.88% (15.54%, 20.48%) |
0.62% (0.36%, 1.08%) |
4.04% (3.14%, 5.22%) |
0.86% (0.42%, 1.72%) |
D - Not college grad |
56.62% (52.62%, 60.56%) |
4.12% (2.64%, 6.42%) |
9.00% (7.08%, 11.34%) |
20.62% (17.94%, 23.60%) |
4.02% (2.70%, 5.96%) |
5.06% (3.44%, 7.38%) |
0.54% (0.22%, 1.38%) |
R - College Grad |
65.56% (61.76%, 69.16%) |
1.16% (0.66%, 2.02%) |
4.68% (2.92%, 7.42%) |
19.76% (16.78%, 23.12%) |
0.88% (0.38%, 2.00%) |
7.74% (6.00%, 9.94%) |
0.22% (0.06%, 0.70%) |
R - Not college grad |
58.44% (54.86%, 61.92%) |
2.30% (1.50%, 3.54%) |
5.38% (4.10%, 7.02%) |
23.90% (21.30%, 26.70%) |
3.50% (2.38%, 5.10%) |
6.04% (4.84%, 7.54%) |
0.44% (0.18%, 1.02%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201544, "Anyone in HH belong to labor union") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
16.58% (14.98%, 18.34%) |
83.42% (81.66%, 85.02%) |
R |
13.88% (12.24%, 15.72%) |
86.12% (84.28%, 87.76%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
19.04% (16.42%, 21.98%) |
80.96% (78.02%, 83.58%) |
D - Female |
14.44% (12.40%, 16.76%) |
85.56% (83.24%, 87.60%) |
R - Male |
14.38% (12.14%, 16.94%) |
85.62% (83.06%, 87.86%) |
R - Female |
13.46% (11.00%, 16.38%) |
86.54% (83.62%, 89.00%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
21.80% (16.40%, 28.38%) |
78.20% (71.62%, 83.60%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
18.96% (14.82%, 23.94%) |
81.04% (76.06%, 85.18%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
17.68% (14.10%, 21.92%) |
82.32% (78.08%, 85.90%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.44% (8.92%, 17.10%) |
87.56% (82.90%, 91.08%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
16.42% (13.22%, 20.22%) |
83.58% (79.78%, 86.78%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
14.50% (11.42%, 18.22%) |
85.50% (81.78%, 88.58%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
19.12% (13.14%, 26.98%) |
80.88% (73.02%, 86.86%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
14.90% (11.42%, 19.18%) |
85.10% (80.82%, 88.58%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
11.94% (9.14%, 15.44%) |
88.06% (84.56%, 90.86%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
12.04% (7.14%, 19.64%) |
87.96% (80.36%, 92.86%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
14.98% (10.78%, 20.44%) |
85.02% (79.56%, 89.22%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
10.90% (8.14%, 14.44%) |
89.10% (85.56%, 91.86%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
17.22% (15.28%, 19.36%) |
82.78% (80.64%, 84.72%) |
D - Non-white |
15.92% (13.34%, 18.86%) |
84.08% (81.14%, 86.66%) |
R - White |
13.68% (11.86%, 15.72%) |
86.32% (84.28%, 88.14%) |
R - Non-white |
15.32% (11.16%, 20.68%) |
84.68% (79.32%, 88.84%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
16.26% (14.40%, 18.32%) |
83.74% (81.68%, 85.60%) |
D - Not college grad |
16.72% (14.30%, 19.46%) |
83.28% (80.54%, 85.70%) |
R - College Grad |
14.42% (11.68%, 17.68%) |
85.58% (82.32%, 88.32%) |
R - Not college grad |
13.68% (11.50%, 16.18%) |
86.32% (83.82%, 88.50%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201553, "Native status of parents") anes
Both parents born in the US | One parent born in the US | Both parents born in another country | |
Vote Intent | |||
D |
76.16% (74.16%, 78.06%) |
7.02% (5.96%, 8.24%) |
16.82% (15.16%, 18.60%) |
R |
86.58% (84.88%, 88.12%) |
4.50% (3.58%, 5.62%) |
8.92% (7.68%, 10.32%) |
Gender | |||
D - Male |
75.52% (72.02%, 78.70%) |
6.70% (5.18%, 8.64%) |
17.80% (14.96%, 21.02%) |
D - Female |
76.60% (74.10%, 78.92%) |
7.32% (6.04%, 8.86%) |
16.08% (13.98%, 18.42%) |
R - Male |
85.38% (82.66%, 87.74%) |
4.30% (3.18%, 5.80%) |
10.32% (8.40%, 12.62%) |
R - Female |
87.86% (85.42%, 89.94%) |
4.70% (3.40%, 6.44%) |
7.44% (5.88%, 9.38%) |
Age and Gender | |||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
71.16% (64.38%, 77.12%) |
8.16% (5.08%, 12.84%) |
20.68% (15.40%, 27.20%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
72.62% (66.62%, 77.88%) |
8.50% (5.84%, 12.24%) |
18.88% (14.26%, 24.58%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
82.28% (78.42%, 85.58%) |
3.62% (2.46%, 5.30%) |
14.08% (10.92%, 18.00%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
69.54% (64.38%, 74.26%) |
10.22% (7.28%, 14.16%) |
20.24% (16.12%, 25.10%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
75.76% (70.76%, 80.14%) |
6.70% (4.86%, 9.16%) |
17.54% (13.82%, 22.02%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
81.80% (78.08%, 85.02%) |
6.02% (4.18%, 8.60%) |
12.18% (9.34%, 15.74%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
82.88% (76.12%, 88.04%) |
5.08% (2.44%, 10.24%) |
12.04% (7.80%, 18.12%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
85.40% (81.20%, 88.78%) |
3.64% (2.28%, 5.78%) |
10.96% (7.82%, 15.14%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
87.40% (83.74%, 90.34%) |
3.78% (2.34%, 6.02%) |
8.82% (6.20%, 12.38%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
89.86% (84.04%, 93.72%) |
4.54% (2.36%, 8.58%) |
5.60% (2.72%, 11.16%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
87.64% (83.88%, 90.62%) |
2.66% (1.56%, 4.50%) |
9.70% (7.02%, 13.24%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
87.68% (84.20%, 90.48%) |
6.38% (4.34%, 9.24%) |
5.94% (4.16%, 8.44%) |
Race | |||
D - White |
89.82% (88.04%, 91.36%) |
5.42% (4.34%, 6.76%) |
4.74% (3.68%, 6.10%) |
D - Non-white |
59.26% (55.90%, 62.52%) |
9.00% (7.32%, 11.00%) |
31.76% (28.70%, 34.98%) |
R - White |
93.26% (91.76%, 94.50%) |
3.56% (2.66%, 4.78%) |
3.18% (2.40%, 4.20%) |
R - Non-white |
56.48% (50.98%, 61.80%) |
8.72% (6.34%, 11.86%) |
34.80% (29.58%, 40.42%) |
Education | |||
D - College Grad |
78.34% (75.80%, 80.70%) |
6.94% (5.46%, 8.78%) |
14.72% (12.78%, 16.90%) |
D - Not college grad |
74.76% (71.82%, 77.46%) |
7.08% (5.66%, 8.82%) |
18.18% (15.76%, 20.86%) |
R - College Grad |
83.88% (80.74%, 86.58%) |
5.46% (3.84%, 7.68%) |
10.66% (8.38%, 13.48%) |
R - Not college grad |
87.76% (85.74%, 89.54%) |
4.16% (3.16%, 5.44%) |
8.08% (6.62%, 9.84%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201555, "How many grandparents born outside the US") anes
None | One | Two | Three | All | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
56.88% (54.72%, 59.02%) |
6.44% (5.48%, 7.56%) |
10.24% (9.12%, 11.50%) |
2.54% (1.94%, 3.30%) |
23.88% (21.90%, 25.98%) |
R |
68.20% (66.04%, 70.30%) |
6.56% (5.54%, 7.74%) |
8.32% (7.28%, 9.48%) |
0.88% (0.64%, 1.24%) |
16.04% (14.38%, 17.86%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
57.58% (54.20%, 60.88%) |
5.50% (4.26%, 7.08%) |
10.54% (8.78%, 12.60%) |
2.02% (1.36%, 3.00%) |
24.36% (21.14%, 27.90%) |
D - Female |
56.20% (53.32%, 59.04%) |
7.26% (5.90%, 8.90%) |
10.06% (8.64%, 11.70%) |
2.96% (2.10%, 4.18%) |
23.50% (20.86%, 26.38%) |
R - Male |
67.40% (64.20%, 70.46%) |
6.12% (4.66%, 8.00%) |
7.82% (6.36%, 9.58%) |
0.86% (0.54%, 1.40%) |
17.78% (15.40%, 20.48%) |
R - Female |
68.94% (65.96%, 71.78%) |
7.04% (5.70%, 8.68%) |
8.86% (7.48%, 10.48%) |
0.90% (0.56%, 1.48%) |
14.24% (11.92%, 16.92%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
58.56% (51.76%, 65.04%) |
3.36% (1.94%, 5.70%) |
12.88% (9.02%, 18.08%) |
1.28% (0.30%, 5.34%) |
23.94% (17.74%, 31.44%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
57.92% (51.86%, 63.76%) |
6.94% (4.50%, 10.56%) |
9.20% (6.42%, 13.00%) |
1.18% (0.54%, 2.60%) |
24.76% (19.76%, 30.52%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
56.64% (51.68%, 61.46%) |
6.14% (4.06%, 9.18%) |
9.64% (7.54%, 12.26%) |
3.50% (2.26%, 5.36%) |
24.10% (19.64%, 29.18%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
52.78% (47.18%, 58.30%) |
8.64% (5.70%, 12.90%) |
9.30% (6.52%, 13.10%) |
3.52% (1.72%, 7.08%) |
25.76% (21.00%, 31.16%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
60.62% (55.58%, 65.46%) |
6.30% (4.40%, 8.94%) |
6.78% (5.00%, 9.12%) |
2.70% (1.28%, 5.56%) |
23.60% (19.18%, 28.68%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
54.82% (50.52%, 59.04%) |
7.18% (5.38%, 9.50%) |
13.00% (10.62%, 15.80%) |
2.96% (1.98%, 4.42%) |
22.04% (18.38%, 26.20%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
65.34% (57.72%, 72.26%) |
8.06% (4.64%, 13.64%) |
5.42% (2.86%, 10.02%) |
0.40% (0.08%, 1.86%) |
20.78% (15.72%, 26.96%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
70.36% (64.80%, 75.38%) |
6.36% (3.74%, 10.62%) |
6.18% (4.04%, 9.32%) |
0.64% (0.20%, 2.04%) |
16.44% (12.74%, 20.96%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
66.98% (62.70%, 70.98%) |
5.12% (3.50%, 7.42%) |
9.22% (7.32%, 11.56%) |
1.30% (0.74%, 2.28%) |
17.38% (14.14%, 21.16%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
73.88% (65.98%, 80.48%) |
8.14% (4.94%, 13.14%) |
5.54% (3.04%, 9.88%) |
0.28% (0.06%, 1.18%) |
12.16% (7.04%, 20.16%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
73.72% (68.50%, 78.32%) |
4.44% (2.82%, 6.90%) |
6.04% (4.16%, 8.68%) |
0.90% (0.40%, 2.00%) |
14.92% (11.40%, 19.32%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
65.76% (61.52%, 69.74%) |
8.24% (5.86%, 11.48%) |
11.08% (8.94%, 13.68%) |
1.28% (0.62%, 2.60%) |
13.64% (10.88%, 16.96%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
63.14% (60.52%, 65.70%) |
8.64% (7.24%, 10.26%) |
10.36% (8.96%, 11.94%) |
3.06% (2.26%, 4.14%) |
14.80% (12.76%, 17.10%) |
D - Non-white |
49.28% (45.66%, 52.92%) |
3.68% (2.56%, 5.28%) |
10.14% (8.26%, 12.38%) |
1.92% (1.18%, 3.12%) |
34.96% (31.50%, 38.60%) |
R - White |
73.60% (71.48%, 75.62%) |
6.66% (5.50%, 8.06%) |
7.48% (6.46%, 8.64%) |
0.88% (0.60%, 1.28%) |
11.36% (10.00%, 12.90%) |
R - Non-white |
44.32% (38.12%, 50.72%) |
5.74% (3.70%, 8.78%) |
11.94% (9.08%, 15.54%) |
0.92% (0.40%, 2.08%) |
37.08% (31.12%, 43.46%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
56.42% (53.66%, 59.12%) |
7.40% (5.82%, 9.36%) |
10.00% (8.34%, 11.94%) |
2.24% (1.56%, 3.22%) |
23.94% (21.54%, 26.52%) |
D - Not college grad |
57.88% (54.76%, 60.94%) |
5.64% (4.38%, 7.20%) |
10.30% (8.76%, 12.08%) |
2.72% (1.86%, 3.98%) |
23.46% (20.76%, 26.38%) |
R - College Grad |
62.36% (58.86%, 65.74%) |
7.72% (6.06%, 9.76%) |
10.28% (8.50%, 12.38%) |
1.14% (0.70%, 1.84%) |
18.52% (15.54%, 21.90%) |
R - Not college grad |
70.62% (67.84%, 73.26%) |
6.06% (4.82%, 7.58%) |
7.58% (6.22%, 9.20%) |
0.70% (0.40%, 1.18%) |
15.06% (13.04%, 17.32%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201567, "How many children in HH age 0-17") anes
No children | One child | Two children | Three children | Four or more children | |
Vote Intent | |||||
D |
65.14% (62.74%, 67.48%) |
15.76% (14.22%, 17.44%) |
11.92% (10.42%, 13.62%) |
5.06% (4.18%, 6.08%) |
2.12% (1.58%, 2.82%) |
R |
65.04% (62.42%, 67.56%) |
13.18% (11.54%, 15.00%) |
12.70% (11.14%, 14.46%) |
5.82% (4.94%, 6.88%) |
3.26% (2.44%, 4.36%) |
Gender | |||||
D - Male |
67.24% (63.74%, 70.54%) |
14.68% (12.34%, 17.38%) |
12.94% (10.62%, 15.66%) |
3.86% (2.82%, 5.24%) |
1.30% (0.74%, 2.24%) |
D - Female |
63.26% (60.56%, 65.88%) |
16.76% (14.66%, 19.12%) |
11.14% (9.46%, 13.10%) |
6.08% (4.96%, 7.42%) |
2.74% (1.94%, 3.88%) |
R - Male |
66.12% (62.48%, 69.56%) |
12.86% (10.66%, 15.42%) |
11.76% (9.64%, 14.26%) |
5.64% (4.48%, 7.10%) |
3.64% (2.42%, 5.44%) |
R - Female |
63.84% (60.46%, 67.10%) |
13.46% (11.28%, 15.98%) |
13.76% (11.40%, 16.52%) |
6.06% (4.74%, 7.70%) |
2.88% (1.88%, 4.40%) |
Age and Gender | |||||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
71.04% (64.64%, 76.72%) |
17.14% (12.40%, 23.22%) |
7.32% (4.62%, 11.42%) |
3.16% (1.48%, 6.62%) |
1.32% (0.34%, 4.96%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
47.30% (41.38%, 53.30%) |
18.80% (14.54%, 23.96%) |
25.38% (20.16%, 31.44%) |
6.16% (4.10%, 9.14%) |
2.36% (1.28%, 4.30%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
83.24% (78.68%, 86.98%) |
9.08% (6.42%, 12.66%) |
5.70% (3.50%, 9.16%) |
1.64% (0.86%, 3.10%) |
0.34% (0.10%, 1.10%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
55.08% (49.34%, 60.68%) |
20.50% (15.54%, 26.56%) |
11.24% (8.10%, 15.38%) |
9.46% (6.88%, 12.88%) |
3.74% (2.08%, 6.62%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
38.42% (34.64%, 42.34%) |
25.62% (21.62%, 30.10%) |
23.62% (19.72%, 28.00%) |
9.02% (6.42%, 12.56%) |
3.32% (2.10%, 5.22%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
87.74% (84.28%, 90.54%) |
7.58% (5.44%, 10.48%) |
1.82% (1.16%, 2.84%) |
1.46% (0.58%, 3.64%) |
1.40% (0.52%, 3.68%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
58.70% (50.48%, 66.46%) |
15.98% (10.38%, 23.80%) |
15.12% (10.40%, 21.46%) |
5.88% (3.14%, 10.78%) |
4.32% (1.80%, 9.94%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
39.44% (33.42%, 45.80%) |
20.82% (16.28%, 26.20%) |
21.68% (17.26%, 26.86%) |
12.00% (9.26%, 15.44%) |
6.04% (3.64%, 9.88%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
87.62% (83.46%, 90.84%) |
6.36% (4.10%, 9.76%) |
3.32% (2.00%, 5.42%) |
1.42% (0.68%, 2.98%) |
1.28% (0.42%, 3.94%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
42.66% (34.68%, 51.04%) |
25.44% (19.06%, 33.10%) |
18.54% (13.12%, 25.52%) |
8.20% (4.60%, 14.20%) |
5.16% (3.14%, 8.36%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
39.90% (33.68%, 46.48%) |
18.70% (14.74%, 23.40%) |
25.24% (20.70%, 30.38%) |
11.22% (8.34%, 14.94%) |
4.94% (2.60%, 9.18%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
90.44% (86.66%, 93.24%) |
5.08% (3.12%, 8.12%) |
2.22% (1.32%, 3.74%) |
1.48% (0.52%, 4.10%) |
0.80% (0.22%, 2.78%) |
Race | |||||
D - White |
69.66% (67.02%, 72.18%) |
12.90% (11.10%, 14.98%) |
12.14% (10.48%, 14.02%) |
3.52% (2.72%, 4.56%) |
1.78% (1.18%, 2.70%) |
D - Non-white |
59.44% (55.54%, 63.22%) |
19.22% (16.70%, 22.04%) |
11.78% (9.50%, 14.52%) |
7.00% (5.38%, 9.06%) |
2.54% (1.66%, 3.90%) |
R - White |
67.84% (65.10%, 70.48%) |
12.30% (10.60%, 14.22%) |
11.74% (10.16%, 13.54%) |
5.10% (4.20%, 6.18%) |
3.02% (2.18%, 4.16%) |
R - Non-white |
52.28% (46.40%, 58.10%) |
17.18% (12.76%, 22.76%) |
16.80% (12.80%, 21.72%) |
9.28% (6.44%, 13.18%) |
4.46% (2.38%, 8.20%) |
Education | |||||
D - College Grad |
67.18% (64.02%, 70.20%) |
12.70% (10.98%, 14.66%) |
13.98% (12.02%, 16.22%) |
4.74% (3.52%, 6.32%) |
1.40% (0.92%, 2.10%) |
D - Not college grad |
63.66% (60.60%, 66.64%) |
18.36% (16.10%, 20.88%) |
10.10% (8.14%, 12.46%) |
5.26% (4.20%, 6.56%) |
2.60% (1.76%, 3.84%) |
R - College Grad |
62.72% (58.86%, 66.42%) |
12.44% (10.06%, 15.32%) |
12.74% (10.52%, 15.34%) |
8.38% (6.54%, 10.64%) |
3.72% (2.26%, 6.08%) |
R - Not college grad |
65.88% (62.68%, 68.92%) |
13.70% (11.68%, 16.02%) |
12.86% (11.00%, 14.98%) |
4.58% (3.60%, 5.80%) |
2.98% (2.04%, 4.36%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201569, "Does R use Internet at home") anes
Yes | No | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
96.80% (95.94%, 97.46%) |
3.20% (2.54%, 4.06%) |
R |
96.84% (96.04%, 97.50%) |
3.16% (2.50%, 3.96%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
97.30% (95.92%, 98.22%) |
2.70% (1.78%, 4.08%) |
D - Female |
96.40% (95.14%, 97.34%) |
3.60% (2.66%, 4.86%) |
R - Male |
97.16% (96.10%, 97.96%) |
2.84% (2.04%, 3.90%) |
R - Female |
96.54% (95.12%, 97.56%) |
3.46% (2.44%, 4.88%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
97.50% (92.28%, 99.22%) |
2.50% (0.78%, 7.72%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
98.30% (95.46%, 99.38%) |
1.70% (0.62%, 4.54%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
96.04% (94.18%, 97.32%) |
3.96% (2.68%, 5.82%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
97.22% (92.96%, 98.92%) |
2.78% (1.08%, 7.04%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
98.76% (97.62%, 99.36%) |
1.24% (0.64%, 2.38%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
93.86% (91.62%, 95.52%) |
6.14% (4.48%, 8.38%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
98.50% (96.42%, 99.38%) |
1.50% (0.62%, 3.58%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
98.76% (97.52%, 99.38%) |
1.24% (0.62%, 2.48%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
95.64% (93.64%, 97.04%) |
4.36% (2.96%, 6.36%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
97.64% (93.32%, 99.20%) |
2.36% (0.80%, 6.68%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
95.80% (91.40%, 98.00%) |
4.20% (2.00%, 8.60%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
96.18% (94.16%, 97.52%) |
3.82% (2.48%, 5.84%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
98.08% (97.38%, 98.58%) |
1.92% (1.42%, 2.62%) |
D - Non-white |
95.20% (93.44%, 96.52%) |
4.80% (3.48%, 6.56%) |
R - White |
96.74% (95.80%, 97.48%) |
3.26% (2.52%, 4.20%) |
R - Non-white |
97.68% (95.56%, 98.80%) |
2.32% (1.20%, 4.44%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
99.24% (98.34%, 99.66%) |
0.76% (0.34%, 1.66%) |
D - Not college grad |
94.82% (93.30%, 96.02%) |
5.18% (3.98%, 6.70%) |
R - College Grad |
99.28% (98.54%, 99.64%) |
0.72% (0.36%, 1.46%) |
R - Not college grad |
96.12% (95.02%, 96.98%) |
3.88% (3.02%, 4.98%) |
%>% tabtemplate1(V201590, "Have passport") anes
Have a valid US passport | Do not have one | |
Vote Intent | ||
D |
56.22% (54.18%, 58.22%) |
43.78% (41.78%, 45.82%) |
R |
47.12% (45.06%, 49.22%) |
52.88% (50.78%, 54.94%) |
Gender | ||
D - Male |
58.94% (55.76%, 62.04%) |
41.06% (37.96%, 44.24%) |
D - Female |
53.98% (51.56%, 56.38%) |
46.02% (43.62%, 48.44%) |
R - Male |
49.02% (46.04%, 52.02%) |
50.98% (47.98%, 53.96%) |
R - Female |
45.24% (42.30%, 48.20%) |
54.76% (51.80%, 57.70%) |
Age and Gender | ||
D - Male - 18 to 34 |
53.86% (46.68%, 60.88%) |
46.14% (39.12%, 53.32%) |
D - Male - 35 to 54 |
62.26% (57.30%, 66.98%) |
37.74% (33.02%, 42.70%) |
D - Male - 55+ |
59.60% (54.96%, 64.06%) |
40.40% (35.94%, 45.04%) |
D - Female - 18 to 34 |
51.22% (45.62%, 56.78%) |
48.78% (43.22%, 54.38%) |
D - Female - 35 to 54 |
56.04% (51.26%, 60.70%) |
43.96% (39.30%, 48.74%) |
D - Female - 55+ |
53.14% (49.02%, 57.22%) |
46.86% (42.78%, 50.98%) |
R - Male - 18 to 34 |
47.86% (40.06%, 55.78%) |
52.14% (44.22%, 59.94%) |
R - Male - 35 to 54 |
47.42% (42.28%, 52.60%) |
52.58% (47.40%, 57.72%) |
R - Male - 55+ |
50.78% (46.10%, 55.46%) |
49.22% (44.54%, 53.90%) |
R - Female - 18 to 34 |
41.16% (33.52%, 49.28%) |
58.84% (50.72%, 66.48%) |
R - Female - 35 to 54 |
39.68% (34.16%, 45.46%) |
60.32% (54.54%, 65.84%) |
R - Female - 55+ |
48.22% (44.10%, 52.36%) |
51.78% (47.64%, 55.90%) |
Race | ||
D - White |
62.24% (59.62%, 64.78%) |
37.76% (35.22%, 40.38%) |
D - Non-white |
48.94% (45.48%, 52.42%) |
51.06% (47.58%, 54.52%) |
R - White |
45.74% (43.40%, 48.08%) |
54.26% (51.92%, 56.60%) |
R - Non-white |
53.80% (48.56%, 58.94%) |
46.20% (41.06%, 51.44%) |
Education | ||
D - College Grad |
78.06% (75.84%, 80.14%) |
21.94% (19.86%, 24.16%) |
D - Not college grad |
38.50% (35.60%, 41.50%) |
61.50% (58.50%, 64.40%) |
R - College Grad |
68.72% (65.06%, 72.14%) |
31.28% (27.86%, 34.94%) |
R - Not college grad |
37.88% (35.26%, 40.58%) |
62.12% (59.42%, 64.74%) |
%>% quicktab(V201600, "Gender") anes
%>% quicktab(agegen, "Age and Gender") anes
%>% quicktab(race, "Race") anes
%>% quicktab(collgrad, "College Grad") anes
### ANES 2020 functions
<- "'Source Serif Pro', serif"
fontstack_serif <- "monospace"
<- c("D" = "#15338d", "R" = "#db001f")
polilinecolors <- c("D" = "#00ace5", "R" = "#ff767b")
<- function(x) {
repair_labels str_replace_all(x, "\\d+\\.\\s", "")
<- function(tbl, colnames, title = "", align = NULL) {
<- tbl %>%
t1 mutate(across(where(is.labelled), to_factor)) %>%
mutate(across(where(is.factor), repair_labels))
kbl(t1, col.names = colnames, caption = title,
format.args = list(big.mark = ","),
digits = 0,
align = align,
) kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, html_font = fontstack_mono)
<- function(data, x, wt = V200010a) {
data select(c({{x}}, {{wt}})) %>%
count({{x}}, wt = {{wt}}) %>%
p = n / sum(n),
p = percent(p, accuracy = 0.02)
<- function(tbl, title, colnames = c("", "Count", "Pct")) {
<- tbl %>%
t1 mutate(across(where(is.labelled), to_factor)) %>%
mutate(across(where(is.factor), repair_labels))
kbl(t1, col.names = colnames, caption = title,
format.args = list(big.mark = ","), digits = 0, align = "lrrrrrrrr", escape = FALSE,
) kable_classic(full_width = FALSE, html_font = fontstack_mono)
<- function(data, x, y, wt = V200010a) {
data select(c({{x}}, {{y}}, {{wt}})) %>%
filter(!{{x}}) & !{{y}})) %>%
count({{x}}, {{y}}, wt = {{wt}}) %>%
group_by({{x}}) %>%
mutate(p = n / sum(n)) %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = {{y}}, names_from = {{x}}, values_from = p) %>%
mutate(across(.cols = last_col() + (-1:0), .fns = percent, accuracy = 0.1))
<- function(data, var_name, title) {
<- data %>% wt_freq({{var_name}})
t1 <- freqtable(t1, {{title}})
<- data %>%
tmpdata set_na_range({{var_name}} := c(-9,-1)) %>%
<- tmpdata %>% crosstab(preintent, {{var_name}})
t2 <- freqtable(t2, {{title}}, c("", "D Voters", "R Voters"))
k2 print(twintables(k1, k2))
%>% demotable({{var_name}}, {{title}})
<- function(data, var_name, title) {
<- data %>% wt_freq({{var_name}})
t1 <- freqtable(t1, {{title}})
<- data %>%
tmpdata set_na_range({{var_name}} := c(-9,-1)) %>%
<- tmpdata %>% crosstab(preintent, {{var_name}})
t2 <- freqtable(t2, {{title}}, c("", "D Voters", "R Voters"))
k2 twintables(k1, k2)
<- function(k1, k2) {
twintables kables(
%>% kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "float_left"),
k1 %>% kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "left")
<- function(data, varname, title) {
data filter(! %>%
group_by(preintent, {{varname}}) %>%
summarize(n = sum(V200010a)) %>%
filter(!{{varname}})) %>%
p = n / sum(n),
v = to_factor({{varname}}),
v = repair_labels(v)
) ggplot(aes(x = v, y = p, group = preintent, fill = preintent)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
scale_fill_manual(values=polifillcolors) +
title = paste0("Approval of ", {{title}}),
subtitle = "among likely Democratic vs Republican voters",
x = "", y = "", fill = ""
) theme(
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
<- function(p, lo, hi) {
reportci <- percent(p, accuracy = 0.02)
pctp <- percent(lo, accuracy = 0.02)
pctlo <- percent(hi, accuracy = 0.02)
pcthi paste0(
'<span class="pctp">', pctp, '</span>',
'<br />',
'<span class="pctci">(', pctlo,
', ',
<- function(data, summary_var, group_vars) {
data filter(
if_all({{group_vars}}, ~ !,
) mutate(across(c({{group_vars}}, {{summary_var}}), as_factor)) %>%
group_by(across(c({{group_vars}}, {{summary_var}}))) %>%
summarize(triplet = survey_mean(proportion = TRUE, vartype = "ci", na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
unite("var_label", {{group_vars}}, sep = " - ") %>%
mutate(var_label = repair_labels(var_label))
<- function(data, summary_var, title) {
<- data %>%
t0 set_na_range(V201600 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range({{summary_var}} := c(-9,-1)) %>%
user_na_to_na() %>%
arrange(preintent, V201600, agecat_f, race, collgrad)
<- as_survey_design(
design svydesign(id=~V200010c, strata=~V200010d, weights=~V200010a, data=t0, nest=TRUE)
<- design %>% demochunk(summary_var = {{summary_var}}, group_vars = c(preintent))
t1_overall <- design %>% demochunk(summary_var = {{summary_var}}, group_vars = c(preintent, V201600))
t1_gender <- design %>% demochunk(summary_var = {{summary_var}}, group_vars = c(preintent, V201600, agecat))
t1_agegen <- design %>% demochunk(summary_var = {{summary_var}}, group_vars = c(preintent, race))
t1_race <- design %>% demochunk(summary_var = {{summary_var}}, group_vars = c(preintent, collgrad))
<- t1_overall %>%
t1 bind_rows(t1_gender, t1_agegen, t1_race, t1_collgrad) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = !c(var_label, {{summary_var}}), names_to = "result", values_to = "val") %>%
separate(result, c("triplet", "modif")) %>%
replace_na(list(modif = "p")) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = "modif", values_from = "val") %>%
cell = reportci(p, low, upp)
) select(var_label, {{summary_var}}, cell) %>%
mutate({{summary_var}} := repair_labels({{summary_var}})) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = c({{summary_var}}), values_from = "cell")
kbl(t1, escape = FALSE,
format.args = list(big.mark = ","), digits = 0, align = "lcccccccc",
caption = title,
col.names = c("", names(t1)[-1]),
) kable_classic(full_width = FALSE, html_font = fontstack_mono, fixed_thead = TRUE) %>%
pack_rows("Vote Intent", 1, 2, label_row_css = "background-color: #666; color: #fff;") %>%
pack_rows("Gender", 3, 6, label_row_css = "background-color: #666; color: #fff;") %>%
pack_rows("Age and Gender", 7, 18, label_row_css = "background-color: #666; color: #fff;") %>%
pack_rows("Race", 19, 22, label_row_css = "background-color: #666; color: #fff;") %>%
pack_rows("Education", 23, 26, label_row_css = "background-color: #666; color: #fff;") %>%
row_spec(c(1,3,4,7:12,19,20,23,24), color = "#15338d") %>%
row_spec(c(2,5,6,13:18,21,22,25,26), color = "#db001f")
### ANES 2020 variable recodes
<- function(data) {
data technical_recodes() %>%
eda_recodes() %>%
<- function(data) {
data replace_na(list(V200010b = 0)) %>%
sample_mode_f = case_when(
== 2 ~ 1,
V200003 TRUE ~ 2
),post_complete_f = case_when(
%in% c(-6,-7) ~ 1,
V202001 TRUE ~ 2
),sample_mode = factor(sample_mode_f,
levels = c(1,2),
labels = c("ANES 2016-2020 Panel", "Fresh Cross-Sectional Sample")
),post_complete = factor(post_complete_f,
levels = c(1,2),
labels = c("Complete", "Incomplete")
<- function(data) {
data mutate(
preintent = case_when(
%in% c(10,20,30) ~ "D",
V201075x %in% c(11,21,31) ~ "R",
V201075x TRUE ~ NA_character_
),vip_f = case_when(
%in% c(10,11) ~ 1,
V201075x %in% c(20,21) ~ 2,
V201075x %in% c(30,31) ~ 3
),vip = factor(vip_f,
levels = c(1,2,3),
labels = c("Vote", "Intent", "Preference")
),elec_outcome_f = case_when(
== 1 & V201218 == 2 ~ 1,
V201217 == 1 & V201218 == 1 ~ 2,
V201217 == 2 & V201218 == 1 ~ 3,
V201217 == 2 & V201218 == 2 ~ 4,
V201217 TRUE ~ NA_real_
),elec_outcome = factor(elec_outcome_f,
levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
labels = c("Biden by a lot", "Biden close", "Trump close", "Trump by a lot")
<- function(data) {
data mutate(
agegen_f = case_when(
== 1 & V201507x %in% 18:34 ~ 1,
V201600 == 1 & V201507x %in% 35:54 ~ 2,
V201600 == 1 & V201507x %in% 55:80 ~ 3,
V201600 == 2 & V201507x %in% 18:34 ~ 4,
V201600 == 2 & V201507x %in% 35:54 ~ 5,
V201600 == 2 & V201507x %in% 55:80 ~ 6,
V201600 TRUE ~ NA_real_
),agegen = factor(agegen_f,
levels = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
labels = c("Male 18 to 34", "Male 35 to 54", "Male 55+", "Female 18 to 34", "Female 35 to 54", "Female 55+")
),agecat_f = case_when(
%in% 18:34 ~ 1,
V201507x %in% 35:54 ~ 2,
V201507x %in% 55:80 ~ 3,
V201507x TRUE ~ NA_real_
),agecat = factor(agecat_f,
levels = c(1, 2, 3),
labels = c("18 to 34", "35 to 54", "55+")
),race_f = case_when(
== 1 ~ 1,
V201549x %in% c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6) ~ 2,
V201549x TRUE ~ NA_real_
),race = factor(race_f, levels = c(1, 2), labels = c("White", "Non-white")),
collgrad_f = case_when(
%in% c(4, 5) ~ 1,
V201511x %in% c(1, 2, 3) ~ 2,
V201511x TRUE ~ NA_real_
),collgrad = factor(collgrad_f, levels = c(1, 2), labels = c("College Grad", "Not college grad"))
### exclude from all_recodes
<- function(data) {
data set_na_range(V201115 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201116 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201117 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201118 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201119 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201120 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201121 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201122 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
set_na_range(V201123 = c(-9,-1)) %>%
## R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Big Sur 10.16
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] scales_1.1.1 srvyr_1.0.0 survey_4.0 survival_3.2-10
## [5] Matrix_1.3-2 kableExtra_1.3.4 labelled_2.8.0 haven_2.3.1
## [9] forcats_0.5.1 stringr_1.4.0 dplyr_1.0.5 purrr_0.3.4
## [13] readr_1.4.0 tidyr_1.1.3 tibble_3.1.0 ggplot2_3.3.3
## [17] tidyverse_1.3.0 knitr_1.31
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] Rcpp_1.0.6 svglite_2.0.0 lubridate_1.7.10 lattice_0.20-41
## [5] ps_1.6.0 assertthat_0.2.1 digest_0.6.27 utf8_1.2.1
## [9] R6_2.5.0 cellranger_1.1.0 backports_1.2.1 reprex_1.0.0
## [13] evaluate_0.14 highr_0.8 httr_1.4.2 pillar_1.5.1
## [17] rlang_0.4.10 readxl_1.3.1 rstudioapi_0.13 rmarkdown_2.7
## [21] splines_4.0.5 webshot_0.5.2 munsell_0.5.0 broom_0.7.5
## [25] compiler_4.0.5 modelr_0.1.8 xfun_0.22 pkgconfig_2.0.3
## [29] systemfonts_1.0.1 mitools_2.4 htmltools_0.5.1.1 tidyselect_1.1.0
## [33] fansi_0.4.2 viridisLite_0.3.0 crayon_1.4.1 dbplyr_2.1.0
## [37] withr_2.4.1 jsonlite_1.7.2 gtable_0.3.0 lifecycle_1.0.0
## [41] DBI_1.1.1 magrittr_2.0.1 cli_2.3.1 stringi_1.5.3
## [45] fs_1.5.0 xml2_1.3.2 ellipsis_0.3.1 generics_0.1.0
## [49] vctrs_0.3.6 tools_4.0.5 glue_1.4.2 hms_1.0.0
## [53] yaml_2.2.1 colorspace_2.0-0 rvest_1.0.0
In EDA we must also be careful to avoid value judgments. This is esepcially true with subject matter as highly polarized as this one. Although the topic is political, the analysis must be dispassionate. This is a scientific document, and even though it is about politics, the analysis must remain apolitical. Without the commitment to objectivity that is the hallmark of science, our detractors will have all the evidence they need to discredit us before we can even begin.↩︎
The Pew Research Center, arguably one of the better research organizations, reported a 6% response rate in 2019. Anecdotal evidence from colleagues in market research suggests that in practice most RDD surveys will struggle to reach even 1%.↩︎
In the run-up to the November election, news media want to report what “the latest polls show”. If one survey firm promises a nationally representative probability sample of eligible US voters drawn from the USPS delivery sequence file with multiple attempts at nonresponse follow-up to achieve a 40% response rate, but it would cost several million dollars and not be ready for release for 6 months, whereas another survey firm promises an RDD survey of 1,000 people for $4,000 with a 3 day turnaround, is this even a choice?↩︎
Don’t tell me that data science hasn’t existed for 25 years. And get off my lawn!↩︎
Confidence intervals around point estimates do not take into account the joint probability distribution. For examples of the math, see here and here.↩︎